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Theme 6, Health and Hygiene

Q1 – What is a disease? State two symptoms of Kwashiorkor.

Ans – Disease definition – Page 64(first 4 lines)
Two symptoms of Kwashiorkor – Page 72
Q2 – Differentiate between Communicable and Non-Communicable
Communicable Diseases Non-Communicable Diseases
a) Diseases spread from one to a)Diseases cannot be transmitted
another person. from one person to another.
b) They are caused by b) They are caused due to
microorganisms such as bacteria, allergies, malnutrition, lifestyle
fungi and protozoa. changes, environmental changes
c)Examples – Common Cold, c) Examples – Diabetes,
Malaria, Tuberculosis etc. Kwashiorkor, Asthma etc.
d) They are highly infectious. d) They are non-infectious.

Q 3 – Write the modes of transmission of diseases. Explain the modes

of direct transmission of diseases.
Ans – Communicable Diseases can be transmitted by various means.
Such as -:
a) Through Air
b) Through Food
c) Through Water
d) Through Insects
e) Through Direct Contact
Some diseases spread from an infected person to a healthy person
through direct contact by using towel, vessels, comb and other
personal things of the infected person. Example – Ringworm,
Conjunctivitis etc.
Q4 – State the causes of Hepatitis and its symptoms.
Ans – Hepatitis is a viral disease of liver. It is caused by Hepatitis
viruses. It can be caused due to intake of certain medicines for a very
long time. Some painkilling drugs and antibiotics. This is also known as
drug induced hepatitis.
Symptoms -:
The initial symptoms are nausea, headache, joint pain, fever, vomiting
and loss of appetite. Slowly, the patient develops yellowing of skin &
eyes and excrete dark yellow urine.
Q5 – Name two hormonal diseases and state their symptoms.
Ans – Diabetes Mellitus and Goitre are two hormonal diseases.
a) Diabetes Mellitus includes symptoms such as high blood sugar level,
presence of sugar in urine, fatigue, loss of weight, excess urination,
feeling of thirst etc.
b) Goitre is a condition that increases the size of thyroid. There is
swelling in the neck in Goitre. Deficiency of Iodine is the main cause of
Exemplar Problems
Q- City Municipal office issue ………………………………….Why is this
needed?Ans- The green coloured dustbins are meant for wet and
biodegradable wastes. Ex – Kitchen Wastes.
The blue coloured dustbins are meant for dry and non-biodegradable
wastes. Ex – Plastic Wrappers.
It is necessary to educate people on separating garbage or waste as it
will help in maintaining public hygiene. Also, segregated biodegradable
wastes can be sent for recycling.
Q – Write the name of the deficiency diseases caused by following
Vitamins.Ans -
Vitamin Deficiency Disease
Vitamin A Xerophthalmia
Vitamin B1 Beriberi
Vitamin B2 Mild Anaemia
Vitamin B3 Pellagra
Vitamin B6 Anaemia
Vitamin B12 Anaemia
Vitamin C Scurvy
Vitamin D Rickets
Vitamin E Vision Problems
Vitamin K Reduced Blood Clotting Power

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