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Anvita Kumar

Batch: C22
Roll No.: 2103097

def dfs(graph, start, goal, visited):
if start not in visited:
print(start, end=' ')
if start == goal:
return True
for neighbor in graph[start]:
if dfs(graph, neighbor, goal, visited):
return True
return False
def create_graph():
graph = {}
vertices = int(input("Enter the number of vertices: "))
for i in range(vertices):
vertex = input(f"Enter vertex {i + 1}: ")
neighbors = input(f"Enter neighbors of {vertex} (comma-separated):
graph[vertex] = [neighbor.strip() for neighbor in neighbors]
return graph
if __name__ == "__main__":
user_graph = create_graph()
start_vertex = input("Enter the starting vertex for DFS: ")
goal_vertex = input("Enter the goal vertex: ")
if start_vertex not in user_graph or goal_vertex not in user_graph:
print("Invalid starting or goal vertex.")
Anvita Kumar
Batch: C22
Roll No.: 2103097

visited_set = set()
print("DFS traversal:")
if not dfs(user_graph, start_vertex, goal_vertex, visited_set):
print("Goal node not reachable from the starting node.")


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