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Sol—Gel Transition and Elasticity of Starch

Akiko Kawabata, Sayuri Akuzawa, Yasuko Ishii, Toshiaki Yazaki & Yasufumi

To cite this article: Akiko Kawabata, Sayuri Akuzawa, Yasuko Ishii, Toshiaki Yazaki & Yasufumi
Otsubo (1996) Sol—Gel Transition and Elasticity of Starch, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and
Biochemistry, 60:4, 567-570, DOI: 10.1271/bbb.60.567

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Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 60 (4), 567 570, 1996

Sol-Gel Transition and Elasticity of Starch

Akiko KAWABATA, Sayuri AKUZAWA, Yasuko ISHII, Toshiaki YAZAKI,* and Yasufumi OTSUBO**
Department of Nutrition. Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture. 1-1-1 Sakuragaoka, Setagaya-ku. Tokyo
156, Japan
* Eiko Seiki Co .. 2-1--6 Sasa::.uka. Shihuya-ku. Tokyo 151. Japan
** Center of Cooperative Research. Chiba University. 1-33 Yayoi-cllO. Inage-kll. Chiha 263. Japan
Received May 16, 1995

The concentration dependence of the mechanical properties of starch pastes near the sol-gel transition
point was analyzed by the scaling law derived from percolation theory. Since the storage modulus curves
for a starch paste slowly decrease with decreasing frequency, the plateau region at a frequency of 10- 1 S - 1
is shown to represent the elastic modulus that characterizes the network structure. The percolation threshold
can be taken as 1.5 wt% for corn starch and as 1.0 wt% for cassava starch. The storage modulus was
scaled on C-Cc (concentration-critical concentration, the critical exponents being determined as 4.2 and
1.8 for corn starch and cassava starch, respectively. It is suggested from these results that the intermolecular
bonding of corn starch was rigid and that of cassava starch was flexible.

Key words: sol-gel transition; percolation theory; scaling law; dynamic viscoelasticity; critical exponent

Starch gelatinization is a typical example of sol-gel understand the characteristics of the starch gelatinization
transition, and appears commonly in our dialy life and in process.
many industrial processes. As a main food category, starch In this study, dynamic viscoelastic measurements were
is processed in various ways and aggregation often occurs performed to investigate the relationship between the
during processing, giving rise to the shape and texture which molecular structure and macroscopic properties of starch
mainly contribute to the sensory attributes of food products. pastes near the sol-gel transition point. The characteristic
Mechanical properties such as the viscosity of the sol and behavior during the sol-gel transition of starch will be
elasticity of the gel change dramatically near the sol-gel discussed on a molecular basis.
transition point. However, the behavior of the viscosity
and elasticity near the sol-gel transition point has not been
well analyzed. De Gennes I, has suggested that sol-gel Theoretical
transition could be a type of percolation transition, enabling A dilute aqueous solution of starch consists of a collection
scaling concepts to be applied to the dramatic changes in of discrete chains. With increasing concentration, these
physical properties that occur with sol-gel transition. Since chains are crosslinked, forming finite randomly branched
then, experimental studies have been made on synthetic chains. When the concentration is increased beyond a
polymers, and the critical exponents which appear in the critical value, an infinite network is formed that is composed
scaling law have been experimentally evaluated,2 - al- 4, of three-dimensional elements and finite branched chains.
though not much work has been done on natural polymers A collection of finite branched chains is called a sol, and a
like food gels. In addition, a few studies have been conducted system made up of an infinite three-dimensional network
on application of the theory to whey protein 5, and gelatin. 6) is called a gel. The structural changes from discrete chains
There has been considerable research in recent years on to the infinite network in the course of increasing con-
the fundamental mechanical properties of the sol and gel centration can be analyzed as sol-gel transition or per-
of starches to find a relationship between the physical colation transition.
properties and aggregation behavior of these materials. 7 ) The distribution of monomers in branched chains and
Dynamic viscoelastic methods provide an excellent tool for the network formation process are often described by the
studying rheological changes near the sol-gel transition percolation theory. Site percolation deals with the
point. Starch is composed of two polymers with different distribution of cluster size for monomers distributed in an
structures, amylose and amylopectin, and consequently, the infinite lattice composed of sites linked together by bonds.
mechanical properties of starch gels are different from those When sites these occupied at random with probability pS
of pure amylose and pure amylopectin gels. 8) Very few and adjacent occupied sites are inevitably connected, there
dynamic rheological data are available for near the sol-gel exists critical probability p~, above which an infinite
transition point of starch. network is built up. The main task in the percolation
During the gelatinization process, a starch solution is problem is to evaluate the physical properties of the
converted from a viscous liquid to an elastic gel. The process percolating network above critical probability p~. Once the
and mechanical properties of a gel strongly depend on the infinite network has been built up, the system elastically
molecular structure of the starch. However, according to responds to a small deformation. Although the elasticity
the scaling rule, the physical properties near the sol-gel arises only from the deformation of each monomer, the
transition point are independent of many details of the infinite three-dimensional network is essential for elastic
molecular structure, and a scaling analysis enables us to response as an overall effect of the system. Therefore, the

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568 A. KAWABATA I.'t al.

appearance of elasticity in a starch paste is closely related was 0.03 Pa and the resultant strain was in the order of
to the structural change from discrete chains to an infinite I x 10'- 3. These are typical viscoelastic curves for a starch
network. solution in the gel state. The moduli are relatively constant
at low frequencies, indicating a network structure with a
Experimental very long or infinite relaxation time. In a gel, elastic response
Materials. The two starches used were produced in 1993: corn (Zea is predominant, producing values for the storage modulus
mays L.) starch was supplied by Sanwa Starch Industry Co., and cassava more than 10 times those of the loss modulus.
(ManillOt esqulenta CRANTZ) starch was supplied by Thailand Ajinomoto Figure 2 shows the stress dependence of the storage and
Co. The starch samples were purified by washing several times with
demineralized water.
loss moduli and of strain at a frequency of 0.62 s - I for the
2.5 wt% corn starch paste. For all the solutions studied,
Preparation of the starch pastes. Each starch suspension was weighed both moduli were constant at low stress and began to
in a beaker to give a OS-4.0% cent ration (w'w on the basis of the decrease above a critical value. The sharp drop in storage
anhydride), demineralized water being added to bring the total to 100 g.
modulus reflects a breakdown of the structure that has
The starch suspension was allowed to swell for 15 min, stirred by hand
with a glass rod at about 120 rpm while being heated in a thermostatic developed. If the measurements are carried out under a
tank held at 85C and then heated for 20 min at 100"C under saturated cycle of increasing and decreasing stress, the moduli at a
steam conditions in a steam oven (RO-3700: Mitsubishi Denki Co.). The given stress would be different. Therefore, the data under
concentration (w/w) was then adjusted with demineralized water, before low stress, at which structural breakdown would not be
each sample was degassed and stored at 20C for 20 h. Since each starch
significantly induced, are required to assess the rheology
paste was heat-treated under a condition at which complete dispersion
took place, the stable state was attained at the temperatures for sample related to the structure. Since our research interest was
storage and rheological measurements. centered mainly on the elastic properties, only the results
for the storage modulus will be presented here.
Measurement (~l (~vnamic viscoelasticity. Dynamic viscoelasticity G * Figure 3 shows the frequency dependence of the storage
(=G'+iG") was measured in the frequency range of6x 1O- 2 6x lOS-I
by using a Rheo-Stress RS 100 rheometer (Haake Co.). The measurements
modulus for corn starch pastes of different concentrations.
were carried out under conditions of constant stress and a temperature of At 1.5-1.8 wt% concentrations, the storage modulus rapidly
50 C. The diameter of the upper disk was 60 mm, and the gap between and linearly decreases with decreasing frequency on the
the two plates (sample thickness) was I mm. When the bottom disk was log-log plot. More dilute pastes would show no elastic
moved upward for thickness adjustment, a very small amount of the sample response. When the concentration is increased beyond
was trimmed from the edges, although this procedure did not significantly
damage the sample structure. The evaporation of water would a cause
2 wt%, the frequency-dependent curve shows a plateau. In
structural change around the edge of a disk, so each experiment was
completed within 15 min; no significant changes in rheological properties 1
were observed during the measurements.

Scaling analysis. Scaling arguments show a power law dependence of >--

elastic modulus G' on the difference in concentration from critical value C c : 10°
G'=k(C-CY ro
where C is the concentration, and n is the critical exponent. Many 10'1
authors'} - I,}) have analyzed the scaling behavior near the percolation ~
threshold by the use of storage modulus G' at low frequencies. In this
study, the value at a frequency of 10- I S - I was used as the elastic modulus 'c.9
to characterize the network structure. 10- 2
10,2 10,1
10 ° 10 1
Results 5t ress (Pa)
Figure I shows the frequency dependence of storage
Fig. 2. Stress Dependence of Storage Modulus G', Loss Modulus Gil,
modulus G', loss modulus Gil, and the absolute value for and Strain at a Frequency of 0.62 s - I for a 2.5 wt% Corn Starch Paste.
complex viscosity 11]*1 (= 1G* I/ev) for the corn starch paste
at a concentration of 3 wt% by weight. The applied stress 3
2 ro
\I) 10 a..
ro 2
a.. 10
'<-, ~-~
*.c:-- 10 1
G'I \I)

'0 10
1 3 1] 1
a.. 10° ----- G" --- E
1 ~.., 4J
~ 17*1 :).,a 01 10°

Angular frequency w

Fig. l. Frequency Dependence of Storage Modulus G', Loss Modulus

An gular f requ ency w ( S'I )

Gil, and Absolute Value of Complex Viscosity 111* 1(= 1G* liw) for a Corn Fig. 3. Frequency Dependence of Storage Modulus G* for Corn Starch
Starch Paste at a Concentration of 3 wt %. Pastes at Different Concentrations.

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Sol Gel Transition of Starch 569

-; 10

10 1
:J &. 10
E 10°
III 1.5
10- 1
Vi 10- 2 10- 1 10°
Angular frequency
Fig. 4. Frequency Dependence of Storage Modulus G' for Cassava
Starch Pastes at Ditferent Concentrations.

the time scale of experimentation, the concentrated pastes (wt%)

did not have a significant relaxation process. An important
Fig. 5. Critical Behavior of Storage Modulus G' near the Percolation
feature with regard to the concentration dependence of the Threshold for Corn (0) and Cassave (.) Starch Pastes.
storage modulus is the existence of a critical value for the C is the concentration and C, is the critical concentration for a 1.5 wt%, corn starch
appearance of this plateau region. and I wt%, cassava starch.
Figure 4 shows the frequency dependence of the storage
modulus for cassava starch pastes at different concentra- offrequency studied. Such pastes are regarded as percolating
tions. At low concentrations of 1.0-1.4wt%, the pastes do systems. On the other hand, dilute pastes did not respond
not show the plateau on the curve, the storage modulus elastically, even at high frequency, these pastes being
rapidly decreasing with decreasing frequency on the log-log classified as nonpercolating systems. At intermediate con-
plot. More dilute pastes would show no elastic response. centrations, the storage and loss moduli are comparable
Above 1.5 wt%, the cassava starch pastes can be regarded in the high frequency range, although they rapidly decrease
as percolating systems, because the storage modulus is with decreasing frequency. In this study, we have assumed
higher than the loss modulus over the entire range of that the concentration at which the storage modulus was
frequencies. detected in the frequency range of I 0 ~ 1_6 x lOs ~ 1
From the dynamic viscoelastic measurements, as the corresponds to the percolation threshold. By repeating the
concentration was increased, each starch paste changed experiments, the percolation threshold could be taken as
from a viscous fluid to a gel-like paste which showed an being 1.5wt% for corn starch and 1.0wt % for cassava
elastic response at very low frequencies. It is reasonably starch.
accepted that a starch paste at a particular concentration Figure 5 shows the critical behavior of the storage
may be in the critical state between a sol and gel. A sol can modulus near the percolation threshold for the corn starch
be defined as a substance that shows continuous flow with and cassava starch pastes, respectively. For each system,
the application of stress and that gives an infinite strain the plots are closely related by a straight line, the slope
after a long time_ A gel-like solid can be defined as a of which gives the critical exponent. The storage modulus
substance that has a certain shape, the deformation of which was scaled on C-Cc ' and the critical exponents were
reaches equilibrium after a long time under constant stress. determined to be 4.2 and 1.8 for corn starch and cassava,
In respect of the gelation process, a system consisting of respectively.
finite branched polymers is regarded as a sol, and one
conteining a infinite three-dimensional network with Discussion
unbounded polymers is regarded as a gel. As a result, the De Gennes 1) has pointed out that the elastic modulus of
elastic response is considered to be the manifestation of a a polymer gel is analogous to the electrical conductivity,
network structure. because the transmission of force in the network can be
For a polymer system whose molecular weight and modeled by an isotropic force constant. For an electrical
fraction of functional groups are controlled, the relationship network in which the conductor carries a scalar quanity,
of G' = G"( G"/G' = I) can be established irrespective of the the critical exponent is estimated to be 1.8. It has been
frequency at a point where an infinite three-dimensional reported 13) that the value for a polymer gel is 1.9, which is
network has been developed. 20 ) The gelation point can be close to that predicted from scalar elasticity percolation.
experimentally determined by this procedure. However, for The value for the critical exponent of gelatin 6 ) and
a starch paste, ratio G"/G' depends on the frequency, and polyacrylamide 19 ) is about 2, which is also similar to the
hence cross-over does not provide the gelation point. The value predicted by the scalar percolation theory. The elastic
percolation threshold was thus determined from the network for cassava starch can be modeled by an isotropic
frequency-dependent curve for the storage modulus. force constant. The isotropic elasticity may arise from the
When the concentration was increased to a point at which entropy effect of the chains. Since the polymer molecules
the storage modulus reached 10 ~ 1 Pa in the range of are considered to behave as freely jointed chains in solution,
6 x 10 ~ 2-10 s ~ 1, all the pastes studied showed a storage the conformation of a linear polymer can be described by
modulus higher than the loss modulus in the overall range the random walk model. Considering that the high internal

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570 A. KAwARATA e( al.

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