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CONSTRUCTEDNESS: When do we say something is constructed?

Name: Princess Su-An N. Ramos Grade & Section: 12- STEM A

Teacher: Mr. Sean Boracan School: St. Mary’s College of Catbalgan

a) Representation

b) Hard-Sell Advertisements
__d___ 1. It is the stories that are extension of soft
news in a sense that the human-interest angle is c) Conventions
played up and presented in a longer and elaborate
format. d) Features

e) Construction

__i___ 2. It is derived from the words f) Codes

“information” and “commercials”, combine the need
g) Semiotics
to inform or educate and the intent to sell a product.
h) Formats

i) Infomercial
__h___ 3. A manner of presentation and style and
provides a structure for media and information texts.
j) Genre

__c___ 4. The established and socially accepted ways

of doing things.

__j___ 5. A system of classification of works of art,

based on established conventions.

__e___ 6. The capacity of the human mind aided by

technology enable the process to construct media and
information messages.

__f___ 7. A system of signs and symbolic meanings

embedded in a media and information text.

__b___ 8. Are mostly commercial in nature and

utilize explicit messages to get the consumers to
purchase a product or patronize a service.
__a___ 9. The ways in which media represents

__g___ 10. The study of signs.


1. What important characteristics you have observed on the commercial videos watched?

After watching the commercials, I noticed that adding emotion creates a connection between the commercial and
the viewers. It gives off more impact making their advertisement memorable or be easily reminded of. I think it is
key to have a subtle yet striking approach with creating and advertising a brand in which from what I’ve watched,
they’ve excecuted it flawlessly. Emotions in commercials engage viewers and create relatability, making the brand
message stick even after the ad ends. This connection influences consumer behavior, builds brand loyalty, and
creates positive associations.

2. How effective the commercial video was in presenting the product that they are advertising?

As I've mentioned, the brands executed their products flawlessly by showing them how their brand or products has
affected the people in their advertisement. They did this in such way where either people or viewers can relate to,
as well as some having a distinctive story which both caught people's attention. This method, combining
relatability and storytelling, not only captures the audience's interest but also strengthens the bond between the
brand and its customers. These unique stories, along with relatable experiences, guarantee that the brand's message
sticks, making the advertising campaign memorable and impactful.

3. How does the commercial video catches you attention as a consumer?

The commercials caught my attention because of the ambiance, setting, and story, as well as engaging visuals,
compelling storytelling, and relevance to my interests or needs. With all these combined it gives off different
moods that I felt settle in and intrigued me to watch even more. Because of the distinctive storylines brought with
emotions I become intrigued and interested. Moreover, the use of effective music, sound design and cinematics in
these commercials significantly contributed to capturing my attention.
The combination of sound and visuals working together enhances the commercial's impact and keeps me interested
as a consumer.

4. How important is story-telling in presenting your ideas and transforming it into a meaningful

I think storytelling is crucial in presenting ideas and transforming them into meaningful information. It is what
makes or break a commercial. It either buys the targetted audience or it becomes an annoying ad they hope to get
over with because of how redundant it is. After watching the advertisement, they utterly executed it smoothly in
ways where they portray a visually appealing and emotionally drawing setting and back story whilst show how
their brand is involved with these stories making an impact to the viewers as well as the consumers. Storytelling is
a powerful tool for communication, turning ideas into compelling narratives that resonate and leave a lasting

5. What important lessons you have captured after watching the commercial videos?

In the views of a consumer and someone learning about advertising, I’ve learned a lot of very distinct storylines
that people actually go through in real life. How brands incorporate these stories to their products, it not only
caught my attention but really impacted me and left a good impression. The different companies and brands
showed much of their inclusivity to the community of consumers and I think that is a very effective way to give
exposure and deliver their name to the media; It's not just about selling a product; it's about sharing relatable
experiences to build authenticity and transparency. Overall, this exposure has heightened my appreciation for the
strategic use of storytelling in advertising.

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