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Examples of Dyad questions:

Tell me something you feel in your heart

Tell me something about you that you would like me to know

Tell me something about you that you think others don’t get.

Tell me something that’s important to you.

Tell me about a goal you have for yourself

Tell me something you need/Tell me something you want (ask one question after
another, and only then switch)

Tell me how you want to be loved

Tell me how you want to love

Tell me something you love about me

Tell me something about (our family, relationship, sex, intimacy, work, health, money,
parenting) you would like me to know

Tell me something about you and money that you need me to understand

Tell me something you think we agree on/Tell me something you think we disagree

Tell how how you need to be supported

Tell me something that is very important to our relationship

Tell me what I need to know in order to understand that completely

In Enlightenment Intensive workshop dyads are used to ponder ancient question

(coming from Zen Koans). The goal there is not to come up with a logical answer, but
to experience it directly. (that’s a topic for a different conversation)
Tell me who you are
Tell me what you are
Tell me what another is
Tell me what life is
Tell me what love it

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