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‫الَّس َالُم َع َلْي ُك ْم َو َر ْح َم ُة ِهللا َو َبَر َك اُتُه‬

First of all, let’s say thanks to Allah SWT who has give us guidance, happiness,
healthy, and mercy sowe can attend and participate in this special event
without any obstacles. Praise and salutation uponour prophet Muhammad
SAW who had brought us to the path of light from the darkness in this life
The honorable, mr.principal, teachers and staff employees, and all of the
audience, so without further ado, let's start our event today with :
‫ِبْس ِم ِهَّللا الَّرْح َمِن الَّر ِح يم‬
First agenda is reciting holy Quran and its translation who will be recited by
shifwah mafuzhah and rulya safira. To Nur Azizah, stand is yours.
Thank you for shifwah mahfuzhah and rulya safira who has recited the holy
Quran, may Allah always bless us. Aamiin
For the main sesion, we are going to listen to three speeches with different
languages. They are Arabic Speech delivered by Muhammad luthfi, English
Speech delivered by Muhammad Afdhal Yasir and the last, Indonesia speech
deilvered by Dewi elizah muizah. Fot the names that I mention, please do in
turns. And time is yours.
Ladies and gentleman, those are all speeches that we have listened to. May we
have a new knowledge and we can apply it in the daily life.
Next agenda is quiz that will be delivered by gita Aprilia and nafisah nailal
husna for the the stand is yours
Concratulation for the winner, and hope the quiz will motivated us for increase
our insigt
Next is singing that will delivered by, alsiva Mutiara, syaukina maghfrah,
shifwah mafuzhah and zakil fathan for the fourth of you the stand is yours
Thank you for the beutifull voice’s
And for the closing is prayer that will be delivered by arju warahman
With the end of prayer, and that’s will be the end of this ceremony. Thank you
for your attention
‫َو الَّس َالُم َع َلْيُك ْم َو َرْح َم ُة ِهللا َو َبَر َكاُتُه‬

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