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Good morning

The Honorable Mr. Ns. H. Lalu Wirawan Srigede, S.Kep as head of health center
The Honorable Mrs. Ns. Sri Muliati, S.Kep
the honorable all nurse of Gunung Sari Public health center
and all of my friend

Ladies and Gentlemaen. welcome to the desimination about Simple Vapor Inhalation
With Eucalyptus Oil in Patients With Diagnosis Medic Acute Respiratory Infection

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Before we come to the session, let us start this by praying first, so the dessimination
that we will hold on this day will run well without any obstacle at all.

Pray based on individual belief, begins…. done

I would like to read for today’s agenda. The first is speech from Mr. Ns. H. Lalu
Wirawan Srigede, S.Kep , the second is persentation about Simple Vapor Inhalation
With Eucalyptus Oil In Patients With Diagnosis Medic Acute Respiratory Infection dan
the third is question and answer session

the next agenda/first is speech. the speech will be delivered by Ns. H. Lalu Wirawan
Srigede, S.Kep , for Ns. H. Lalu Wirawan Srigede, S.Kep time is yours

thank you ………………. for the speech

the next session is persensation about Simple Vapor Inhalation With Eucalyptus Oil the
Patients With Acute Respiratory Infection

it is now my pleasure to introduce our spaker. She is aulia hamiatul fitri. ladies and
gentleman plase join me in welcoming aulia

would you please welcome aulia hamiyatul fitri, time and place are yours

ladies dan gentlemen, let us give aplaus to our spaker. thank you for the spaker aulia
hamiyatul fitri

the next session is discussion or question session. for the audience who want to ask a
queston are invited, just rising your hand. (in this session we can use indonesian

finally we come to the end of the desiminattion

thank you for coming and we hope that this dissemination will be useful

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