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Project description

Yuzhuo Wang/Zola

In the present moment where the ultimate purpose is to embrace daily life, home is
not a place of comfort and sanctuary anymore. It is a series of numbers on a postcard, It
is a place where two citizens who may be in love)pay taxes together, It is a corner where
you can monitor your kittens with an electronic camera on your mobile phone at any
time. But the belief in the future of intimacy remains, the intimate territory is extending
to the public.

In this project, costumes bring out the intimate characteristics of different characters.
Such as the uniform of a sleeping god, the suits of an unnecessary musician, the gown
dress of a drunk woman, going to her ex´s wedding, the party dress of a homesick patient,
and the robe of the ‘home’ religion…Intimacy is to embrace the complexities.

I have a research background in domestic space and an education background in

environmental design. I want to explore daily, interior material on the body. The method
of this project is to work tight with materiality. Towels are the dominating material of this
project, the skills from this project are paper mache, silk-screen printing, pattern making,
photography, and writing. Towels are a common memorial unit of inconsistent intimacy.
A towel creates a lot of scenes, the combination of towels and other materials enriches
and specifies the scenarios of different characters.

This project consists of costumes, a choreographed performance, textiles, and

photograph work. The performance collaborates with a choreographer Sunniva Moen
Rørvik. From khio choreography MA. A musician, Adrian-Leander Nes, from NMH
classical piano performance MA. Two dancers, Ella Billqvist and Frida Høvik, from khio
dance BA.

The overview of the time plan: 21st-22th Feb, work-in-progress ‘How to fold a towel?’
nd th
in the white box at Khio. 2 -6 of April, exhibition ‘intimacy territory’, at the exhibition
area next to register at Khio. At the end of April, dance performance, ‘intimacy territory’,
at Khio.

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