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The problem in this scenario is that Mary is experiencing an unhealthy work environment

characterized by excessive workload, long working hours, and verbal abuse from her supervisor, Mr.

Mary should document her work hours, tasks assigned, and instances of verbal abuse in a work diary.
This detailed record will serve as evidence of her working conditions and the mistreatment she is
facing. Subsequently, she should schedule a meeting with the human resources department to
discuss her concerns and provide the documented evidence.

The first reason for this solution is that a documented record will provide clarity and transparency
regarding the extent of Mary's workload and the inappropriate behavior of her supervisor. This
evidence will facilitate a more informed and objective discussion with the HR department.

Secondly, involving the HR department ensures that there is an independent party to address the
issue. HR professionals are trained to handle workplace conflicts impartially. By reporting the matter
to HR, Mary increases the likelihood of a fair investigation and resolution, minimizing the risk of any
cover-up or biased handling of the situation.

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