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Source : 1.
2. (Image for data)
Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their
communities. This work is achieved by promoting healthy lifestyles, researching disease and
injury prevention, and detecting, preventing and responding to infectious diseases. Overall,
public health is concerned with protecting the health of entire populations. These populations can
be as small as a local neighborhood, or as big as an entire country or region of the world.

Source : 1.

1) Peer problem
Peer is the second closest person with the teen as they spend most of their time with their friends
except for their family. To be obvious that the influence of the peer is very important to build a
good personality. However, a negative peer problem will causes depression. A negative peer
problem rarely give you a support and it just show your weakness. After that,they will
always play a joke on your weakness. After they sawing you were mad, they were just say it’s
just a joke, why so serious. They do not even know that this kind of joke already hurt their pride .
This will make them become less self-confidence and feel anxiety and depressed. Less
selfconfidence can lead to poor academic performance, distancing from family members and
friend.Left untreated ,this could eventually lead teens to engage in self harm or having suicidal
thought.This is because they think they are useless and feel like it’s not worth investing yourself
again.Besides, if they do not diagnose early and carry out the treatment, they may be carry out
suicide at a serious stage.
2) Social media
• Social media can be a positive thing. Most teen use social media to communicate , and it helps
bring people together, share aspects of themselves and stay in touch with family and friends
• Unfortunately, for teenagers , social media can also give a negative influence such as
cyberbullying ;
• It may be hard to fathom how some words or text on a computer screen can lead to such trauma
• There are no teachers or parents to see what is happening and intervence to put a stop to it
• The child may already be experiencing feeling of depression or anxiety due to the problem at
social media.
• This change of behaviour seems a bit extreme such as thougths of suicide.
• we should know that the relationship between bullying and suicide is a strong one

3.) Academic pressure

• Academic pressure is defined as an experience in which a student is burdened by the demands
of time and energy to achieve specific academic goals
• The stress can come from a variety of potential sources and has a myriad of impacts on
students both emotionally and academically
• We have to bare in mind that academic pressure does not always lead to better grades and
improved test scored. Eventhough you are working hard on it. As the saying goes “work smarter
not harder”.
• If this continues , this will effect an adolescent to experiemce emotional or physical symptoms
of depression
• If we do not not take it seriously , it may harm the student and could lead to suicide
Ways to overcome Depression
Source : 1.
1) Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water
Some people with depression do not feel much like eating. Some may over eat. But what you eat
can affect your mood and energy. So with depression , you need to be sure to eat right. For most
people , that means plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains . Limit simple carbs and foods
with added sugar , such as “ junk” food or desserts. Don’t go for too long without eating. Even if
you don’t feel hungry, eat something light and healthy. And don’t forget to stay hydrated with
lots of water. Avoid sugary and caffeinated drinks when possible.

2) Don’t dwell on problems too much

It is a good thing to talk problems with your trusted person
like family members or a friend. However, it can lead to complain ,blame and rehash problems
too much .This is because we keep focusing on talking about problems too much until it
empowers our personality. We all agree that it's fine to express your feelings , but please talk
about some positive things too so it can heal our heart and mind into more brightest side.

3) Cut back on social media time It is a general knowledge that the increased in using media
social can contribute depression and low self esteem since it can be addicted .However, limiting
social media time can help prevent depression . You can do this by deleting any social apps that
may disturbed your quality time . It is very effective if you could just be part of nature.
Furthermore, you can also set a time limit to the most usage social media apps .

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