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Questions :

Understanding Contract Use:

1. Does your business typically use written contracts for your transactions?
2. If yes, for what types of transactions do you use contracts (e.g., sales of
goods, services rendered, project agreements)?
3. If no, why don't you use written contracts?
4. How does your business typically handle contracts with suppliers or service
5. What is the process for drafting and finalizing contracts within your
6. Are there specific legal or regulatory requirements that your business must
adhere to when entering into contracts?
7. How does your business ensure that contracts are fair and mutually
beneficial for all parties involved?
8. Can you provide an example of a recent contract your business has entered
into and walk me through the negotiation and signing process?
Contract Development:
9. Who typically initiates the contract creation process in your business (e.g.,
sales team, legal department)?
10. Do you have standard contract templates for different types of agreements?
11. How does your business customize these templates for specific agreements?
Negotiation and Approval:
12. What is the negotiation process like for contracts with your business?
13. Who has the authority to approve final contract terms in your company?
14. Do you involve any external parties (e.g., lawyers) in the contract review or
approval process?
Contract Management:
15. How does your business track and manage active contracts?
16. Do you have a system for ensuring compliance with contract terms by both
17. What is the process for handling contract disputes or breaches?

Questions for Customer/Stakeholder Dealings (Project 1.2)

Customer Interactions:
1. How does your business interact with customers on a day-to-day basis?
2. What strategies does your business use to attract and retain customers?
3. How does your business handle customer inquiries, complaints, or feedback?
4. What communication channels do you use to interact with customers (e.g.,
phone, email, online chat)?
5. Can you describe any recent initiatives or campaigns aimed at engaging with
customers or improving customer satisfaction?
6. How does your business collaborate or communicate with other
stakeholders, such as suppliers, partners, or regulatory agencies?
Stakeholder Engagement:
1. Who are the key stakeholders for your business (e.g., investors, suppliers,
2. How does your business maintain communication and relationships with
3. What are some ways your business considers stakeholder interests in its
4. How does your business typically select and qualify suppliers?
5. What are the key factors you consider when negotiating contracts with
suppliers (e.g., price, quality, delivery time, payment terms)?
6. From your experience, what are some common challenges faced by
businesses when contracting with suppliers or stakeholders?

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