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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
3. Ruby
4. Tank
5. Ruby
6. Tank
7. Ruby
8. Tank
9. Ruby
10. Tank
11. Ruby
12. Tank
13. Ruby
14. Tank
15. Ruby
16. Tank
17. Ruby
18. Tank
19. Ruby
20. Ruby
21. Ruby
22. Tank
23. Ruby
24. Tank
25. Ruby
26. Ruby
27. Tank
28. Ruby
29. Tank
30. Ruby
31. Tank
32. Ruby
33. Tank
34. Ruby
35. Tank
36. Ruby
37. Tony
38. Ruby
39. Ruby
40. Ruby
41. Tank
42. Ruby
43. Tank
44. Ruby
45. Tank
46. Ruby
47. Tank
48. Ruby
49. Tank
50. Ruby
51. Tank
52. Ruby
53. Tank
54. Ruby
55. Tank
56. Ruby
57. Tank
58. Ruby
59. Tank
60. Ruby
Sneak Peek

About the Author

More Special Forces: Operation Alpha World Books
Books by Susan Stoker
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s
imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons living or dead
is entirely coincidental.


No part of this work may be used, stored, reproduced or transmitted without written permission from
the publisher except for brief quotations for review purposes as permitted by law.
This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away
to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an
additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not
purchased for your use only, please purchase your own copy.

Edited by Tracy Damron-Roelle

Proofread by Jo West at Turnthepagesproofreading
Cover design by Regina Wamba
Dear Readers,

Welcome to the Special Forces: Operation Alpha Fan-Fiction world!

If you are new to this amazing world, in a nutshell the author wrote a story
using one or more of my characters in it. Sometimes that character has a
major role in the story, and other times they are only mentioned briefly.
This is perfectly legal and allowable because they are going through Aces
Press to publish the story.
This book is entirely the work of the author who wrote it. While I might
have assisted with brainstorming and other ideas about which of my
characters to use, I didn’t have any part in the process or writing or editing
the story.
I’m proud and excited that so many authors loved my characters enough
that they wanted to write them into their own story. Thank you for
supporting them, and me!

Susan Stoker
Thank you

Thank you so much for allowing me to use your amazing characters in my
stories. I hope I’ve given them justice to the super-cool badasses you’ve
written. I will forever be indebted to you for giving me this opportunity. I
have been truly blessed.

I love you all so much. You support through this crazy journey has been
very appreciated. My children and grandchildren are my biggest fans even
though they often have to give me a few more minutes to finish a paragraph
or a thought before Momma/Nannie can give her undivided attention (it’s
usually undivided, right?). I love each and every one of you from the bottom
of my heart.
Johnny, my husband of 32+ years, you’ve been so supportive financially to
cover costs of getting this into production and for allowing me to take a
leap of faith to do this writing thing full time. It’s kinda what we do for each
other. Yet, I’ll never be able to repay you for it. Thank you for putting up
with my crazy. I know it’s not easy for you, but I’m thankful you put in the
effort. I love you, more than you’ll ever know.
Tracy what can I say but you are a miracle worker with the patience of Job.
Despite dealing with hurricane damage, power outages, and other authors
books to edit you got me to the finish line with time to spare. Thanks a
Thanks to all the men and women who serve in the armed forces and their
families. Your sacrifice is not unnoticed nor unappreciated, at least by
myself and my readers. We owe you so much more than we can ever repay.
Disclaimer: I have NO military background. I will most likely make
mistakes with ranks, titles, and jargon. I mean no disrespect. I’ve tried to
research to get it right, but I’m only human. Please forgive me.

Tucker James “Tank” Evans is a member of an elite unit of Marines Special

Forces known as Raiders. He is living his best life, mostly. From a young
age, he’s dreamed of doing just what he’s doing right now: traveling the
globe, serving his country, and protecting the innocent. He should be the
happiest man alive, but yet he isn’t. He knows there’s more to life than this.
He doesn’t regret his life choices and he wouldn’t change a thing, that is
until he sees her for the first time.

Ruby Cox has been in hiding for six years. She wasn’t given the name Ruby
at birth, but had created the name out of necessity to secure her survival.
The first twenty years of her life had all been a lie, orchestrated and
controlled by her parents. When reality slaps in the face at her mother’s
untimely death. Ruby is forced to make a choice. Live the life that fate has
dealt her by being born into the mob, or escape and live a life on the run. A
life that doesn’t involve organized crime. She chooses the later. She doesn’t
regret that choice until she literally runs into a Tank. From that moment on
she begins to think living a life of self-imposed isolation and celibacy has
been a mistake.

Tank is determined to get Ruby off the streets and into his bed and his life,
but she’s reluctant to put him in danger. Her demons are always one step
behind her, nipping at her heels. Can Tank save Ruby from those demons or
will the demons win in the end? Has destiny made a mistake in throwing
them together? Or will they find the love they both desperately need?

Thank you

Thank you so much for allowing me to use your amazing characters in
my stories. I hope I’ve given them justice to the super-cool characters
you’ve written. I will forever be indebted to you for giving me this
opportunity. I never would have begun this journey without your support
and encouragement. I have been truly blessed.
I love you all so much. You support through this crazy journey has been
very appreciated. My children and grandchildren are my biggest fans even
though they often have to give me a few more minutes to finish a paragraph
or a thought before Momma/Nannie can give her undivided attention (it’s
usually undivided, right?). I love each and every one of you from the
bottom of my heart.
Johnny, my husband of 33+ years, you’ve been so supportive financially
to cover costs of getting this into production and for allowing me to take a
leap of faith to do this writing thing full time. It’s kinda what we do for each
other. Yet, I’ll never be able to repay you for it. Thank you for putting up
with my crazy. I know it’s not easy for you, but I’m thankful you put in the
effort. I love you, more than you’ll ever know.
Tracy you are still a miracle worker with the patience of Job! I thought
I’d die from the shoulder pain, but you encouraged me to keep going. We
are a hot mess! I love our conversations and your friendship means so
much. Thanks a million!
Thanks to all the men and women who serve in the armed forces and
their families. Your sacrifice is not unnoticed nor unappreciated, at least by
myself and my readers. We owe you so much more than we can ever repay.
Disclaimer: I have NO military background. I will most likely make
mistakes with ranks, titles, and jargon. I mean no disrespect. I’ve tried to
research to get it right, but I’m only human. Please forgive me. Also please
remember this is a work of FICTION. My characters don’t always go by the
books or follow the rules.
To my readers: You all do not know how much you mean to me. When I
get a message asking for the next release date or commenting about liking
my stories, it makes me feel so good and makes all the lost sleep so worth
it! You are a big reason I do what I do.
Happy Reading!!!!

Twenty-year-old, Mary Catherine Amato studies herself in the mirror with a

critical eye. Her dark-brown almost black hair falls in waves around her
face and down her back. She’s never considered herself to be beautiful,
even though her mother tells her that she’s the most beautiful girl in the
world, but that’s what a mom is supposed to say, right? Her heart shaped
face is too full in Mary’s opinion. At least compared to the other girls at the
elite forming arts school she’s attending. She’s twenty years old and still a
virgin. How sad is that? Biting her lower lip, she continues to study herself.
Her arched well-manicured eyebrows are a good feature and her lips are
full, but overall, she just looks plain. She turns her face to study her
makeup, ensuring it isn’t too dark or not evenly spread over her skin.
Smoothing her hands down the black sequined gown her mother
insisted she wear for the performance tonight, she frowns at herself again.
She’s entirely too thin, the dress is hanging on her instead of hugging her
curves that are basically non-existent. This concert has caused her to have
an overwhelming bout of nerves, which has left her without an appetite.
The times she’s made herself eat, she’s ended up losing it all in the toilet.
Hearing someone approaching, she glances up into the mirror to see her
brother standing at the door to her room.
“You look fine,” Tony speaks. “Come on, Mom says it’s time to go.”
Mary nods as she watches him walk away. Frowning she thinks about how
their relationship has changed recently. Tony, her big brother used to be her
best friend, despite being four years older, but they hardly speak at all. Tony
was a jock in high school and the most popular guy in his class. Things
began changing when he entered his senior year. Mary had never been a
member of the popular crowd like Tony, but he’d always been her big
brother, her protector. At least he had been when they were younger.
Shrugging she thinks that’s just how it must go as you grow up, but she’s
still sad at the loss of the closeness they used to share.
In the couple of years since he graduated from college, he’s gotten to be
much closer to their father. She supposes that’s to be expected since he’s
begun working at their father’s business. Grabbing up her scattered makeup
on her vanity, she tucks it into her small bag to place in her purse, before
hurrying downstairs where the rest of the family is waiting for her. At the
bottom of the stairs, her mother turns to look at her descending the stairs.
“Mary Catherine, you look absolutely gorgeous,” her mother gushes as
Mary reaches the bottom step. “I knew that dress would be perfect. Look at
her, Antonio isn’t she gorgeous?” Mary looks at her father. His face lights
up with a handsome smile.
“You are stunning, Mary Catherine,” her father utters, placing a kiss on
her cheek. “You’re going to knock them dead.” Warmth floods Mary at her
father’s praise. It isn’t often he pays much attention to her anymore. She’d
been Daddy’s little girl as a child, but as she’s gotten older, he’s been
distant. Not as interested in her or what’s happening in her life. Perhaps,
he’s just been busy with work. He does have to work long hours. She hears
his phone ring late at night, and he will leave to take care of some problem
at the warehouse. Since Tony’s working with him, they both get up and go
“We better go,” Evelyn, Mary’s mother says. “We don’t want the star to
be late.”
“Mom!” Mary protests. “I’m not the star. I’m just another singer.”
“Humph!” Her mother snorts very unladylike. “You’re just the soloist,
and the best singer in the group.”
“You’re only saying that because I’m your daughter,” Mary argues,
shaking her head at her mother’s unrelenting praise.
“Let’s go, superstar,” Tony articulates in a joking tone, as he bumps her
shoulder with his. Mary smiles at him as they head out the door. She’s
pleased that he’s acting more like the old Tony before he became a serious
businessman at the ripe old age of twenty-four.
T he night has gone so much better than Mary had thought it would.
She’d been very nervous about her solo. She’s practiced so hard for so long
and it seems all the long hours have paid off at last. The concert has been a
smashing success. The theater is empty as Mary and her mother make their
way across the stage, heading to the back door leading to the parking lot in
the back.
“Your father and brother had to leave as soon as the concert ended,”
Evelyn informs her as they approach the exit. “Some emergency down at
the warehouse, but they will meet us at Umberto’s for a celebratory dinner.”
“Another emergency?” Mary asks as she pushes open the door to enter
the back parking lot behind the theater. It seems there have been a lot of
emergencies in the warehouse lately. Mary can’t fathom how a building
used to store things could have that many emergencies. She is about to
question her mother further when she notices it’s unusually dark out. The
lights are out in the parking lot. Bright lights suddenly pin her as if in the
spotlight on stage, blinding her as she clears the door. Unable to see she
missteps in her heels. Mary pitches forward, stumbling a few steps before
realizing she can’t stop her fall. She tenses in preparation for hitting the
dirty pavement. Pop! Pop! Pain flares through her as she faceplants onto the
unyielding pavement. The sound of squealing tires confuses Mary as she
picks herself up from her fall.
“Mom, what was that popping?” Mary turns toward the theater.
“Agghh!” A shrill shriek leaves her body as she sees her mother laying on
her back, her arms thrown wide. Her eyes staring, but unseeing toward the
black sky above them. A large dark pool forming under her back and
spreading over the front of her beautifully expensive dress. Falling to her
knees beside the still woman, Mary cries.
“Oh God! Mom! Mom!” Mary can’t process what she’s seeing. The
metallic scent of blood fills the air causing bile to rise in her throat.
Retching over and over until there’s nothing left, Mary remains on her
knees on the filthy pavement until the police and ambulance arrive. Still
sobbing uncontrollably, she’s hoisted to her feet and placed in the back of
an ambulance while emergency personnel survey the scene. This is the
night that Mary’s life changes forever. The night she learns her family isn’t
who she thought they were.

Six years later…

Ruby Cox, born Mary Catherine Amato, hurries across the busy street
after looking both ways. Jacksonville is truly hopping this morning. The
traffic is worse than usual. The sky has clouded up with a slight chill in the
air. She really shouldn’t have slept in the park last night, but she can’t risk
staying in one place too often. She tries to spend a few nights when the
weather is good in one of the local parks. The authorities frown on such
activity, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do. Ruby has to stay in places
where she can’t be tracked, so leasing an apartment or even renting a decent
hotel room is out of the question.
Today has been frustrating to say the least. Ruby has run into one
obstacle after another. The public swimming pool where she can usually get
a shower in their locker rooms is closed due to a water main break. She
walks another ten blocks to get to another facility where she can shower.
She wasn’t planning to hit the YMCA this morning, but since she’s here for
a shower, might as well get her exercise in for the day. Reaching into her
backpack for her wallet, she realizes she never got it out of the storage
locker at the bus depot where she pays a monthly rate to have a place to
store what few valuables she has managed to accumulate. Luckily the bus
depot isn’t very far.
On her way back from getting her wallet, it begins to mist rain, just
adding icing on the cake of a crappy morning. Reaching the YMCA, she
swipes her damp hair out of her eyes before pushing the buzzer to gain
entrance. An attendant is quick to let her inside. The man gives her a hard
look when she enters.
“Are you a member?” he asks skeptically. Ruby has seen the look on his
face many times in the face of others over the years. Distain that a homeless
person would dare to darken the door of a fine upstanding business,
outrageous. Stifling the urge to throat punch him, she smiles ever so
“Yes, I just misplaced my fob,” Ruby replies. She wipes out the id card
she’s managed to procure. It hadn’t been easy to come by, but with plenty of
ingenuity she’d gotten a membership under a fictious name. He gives it a
hard look but allows her to continue inside. She heads to the weight room
and begins her arm routine. She’ll have to make it quick. She doesn’t have
much time before she needs to be somewhere. It’s not like she needs to
workout with the life she leads; she gets plenty of exercise. However, she
does like to keep her muscles as strong as possible. A woman living alone
on the streets has to be able to protect herself. She’s still vulnerable, but at
least she’s not an easy mark. If someone tries to hurt her, she’ll at least
make them remember her afterward.
Once she’s finished her routine, she heads for the showers. She showers,
washing her hair and body in record time. Normally, she lingers in the
shower, enjoying the warm water cascading over her body. Living on the
streets, she doesn’t get to shower daily like she’d been used to before her
world was shattered. She no longer takes anything for granted. She
treasures every moment of the simple pleasures in life.
Ruby doesn’t look like someone you’d expect to be homeless. It isn’t
something she is either ashamed of nor proud of; it’s just the way it has to
be. There’s no way she can risk being found again. It’s entirely too
dangerous trying to rent a place or even get a job where her social security
number is required. Ruby tried using a fake identity, once, but she’d been
found. She’d barely gotten away before being caught. After that fiasco, she
lives in homeless shelters where they don’t ask a lot of questions. She only
takes jobs that pay cash under the table. She’s been blessed to not have to
resort to more illegal activities to survive: stealing or prostitution. She’s had
some really bad times and gone without eating for days at a time, but she’s
managed to survive and learn how to take care of herself.
While growing up in New York City, Ruby had believed she lived in a
typical upper middle-class Italian-American family. Her father, a business
man, loved her mother unconditionally, giving her whatever she wanted or
needed. Her mother, a housewife, was active in local charities and activities
associated with her children’s schools or interests. Ruby was the only
daughter and youngest child of Antonio and Evelyn Amato.
Ruby hadn’t known what her father did for a living or how that would
affect her entire life until her mother’s untimely death. Ruby had been
oblivious to the goings on around her, mostly because her mother had
sheltered her from the reality of their life. She has mixed feelings over the
way her mother chose to handle their life situation. Keeping her in the dark.
Her mother only wanted to protect her, but not knowing anything about
their real life put Ruby at a huge disadvantage when her mother died. She
was suddenly thrust into the unfamiliar, and it was sink or swim time. Ruby
was totally unprepared to swim at the time.
Ruby’s mother, Evelyn, had always wanted to have a singing career but
never had the talent. Ruby, however, had a golden voice from a young age.
Evelyn had encouraged her to grow her talent, and she had. She spent every
waking hour perfecting her talent. She loved to sing, so it wasn’t really a
hardship for her, back then. Ruby spent much of her time at singing lessons,
auditions, and recitals. She took piano lessons and frequently entertained
her family and their guests with her talents. She was active in academic
team and choir in school. She’d had no idea of all the things going on in the
back ground.
Looking back, there were signs that she should have seen. The late-
night visitors showing up at their home. Her father coming and going all
hours of the night. Her ‘uncles’, who she’d always loved, who weren’t
really family but were always hanging around their home, who drove her,
her mother, and brother to wherever they had to go. She should have
realized that wasn’t normal, but others she knew had drivers. She now knew
that was because their family was also in the mob. She never wanted to
think hard about the things that were right under her nose. Her mother had
always had an explanation for everything and she’d trusted her. She was her
mother after all.
Evelyn had made Ruby, well Mary, into a sheltered princess. One who
was happy to not question anything. She’d gone about her life, oblivious to
the terrible things going on around her. The “business deals” her father
made to provide the lifestyle they were accustomed to having. She
understands why Tony had pulled away from her. He knew about the family
business, and at her mother’s request, he’d kept it from her, too. Hell, Tony
works for the family business. He is heavily involved in the innerworkings
of it. Ruby’s heart clinches as she briefly allows herself to think about what
Tony has done for “the family”.
Ruby’s life changed dramatically after Evelyn died. In the beginning,
Ruby had been told Evelyn had been the victim of a random drive-by
shooting. Her father and brother, along with many members of their
extended family, had gathered together at their home on Staten Island to
grieve their loss. Ruby had been in a fog in the days following her mother’s
death. She can hardly remember any details of the funeral or meal
Shortly after Evelyn’s funeral, Ruby’s father had come home one night
to find her sitting on her bed staring at her mother’s picture…

“M ary !” Antonio calls from her bedroom door. Mary lifts her tear-stained
face to look at him. His face set in a hard, stern look. “Stop that crying. It
won’t bring her back. Come down to my office, we need to talk.” He turns
and walks away, expecting her to follow his command. Mary grabs another
tissue from the box sitting beside her on her bed and dabs her eyes. She
obediently gets up and makes her way downstairs to her father’s office. As
she enters his opulent domain, she takes in the large mahogany desk, the
thick plush navy-blue carpeting covering the floor, and the large leather
sofa along the wall on the right side of the room. There are two matching
leather seats placed in front of his desk. Tony is seated in one of them. She
notes the lingering scent of the cigars he loves to smoke when his business
partners stop by for a drink while discussing business. She hadn’t realized
they’d had guests today. She should have taken her mother’s place as
hostess, but she’s been so lost in her grief, she’s hardly managed to bathe
herself and change clothes the last few days.
“Have a seat Mary,” her father commands. “There are things we need
to discuss.” Mary makes her way to the leather chair on the left sitting next
to Tony. She glances at him, but he keeps his eyes averted, not bothering to
spare her a moment’s notice. He seems agitated. One leg bouncing up and
down. Once she’s taken her seat, her father lays it all out to her in shocking
“Mary, it’s time for you to learn about the family,” Antonio begins,
“There’s a lot you don’t know, or if you do, you’ve never let on that you
know.” He gives her a pointed stare. She frowns at him in confusion. What’s
there for her to know? He’s a businessman. Her expression answers his
unasked question. “Your mother didn’t want you to be aware of the finer
details of the family. She felt you were a sensitive soul. An artist. She
wanted you to be focused on your singing and entertaining talents. Being as
she’s…no longer with us, we don’t have the luxury for you to be in denial.
It’s time you understand your role in this family.”
His statement only confuses her even more. Mary looks over at Tony
wondering if he’s as confused as she’s feeling. What does her mother’s
death have to do with her father’s business and Mary’s role in their family?
Had her mother been helping her father with the books or something? She
looks back at her father. His face hardens as he stares at her. A shiver runs
down her spine. Instinct tells her the next words out of his mouth are going
to change her life forever.
Ruby shakes herself out of the memory as the water cools. She isn’t
going to allow herself to go down that rabbit hole. She needs to get going.
She doesn’t want to be late today of all days. Jolene Carter, the manager of
a homeless shelter in Jacksonville has asked Ruby to help her with a
project. Some volunteers are coming together to organize a fundraiser for
the shelter. Ruby has stayed at it frequently over the few years, whenever
she’s in town. Jolene has been so kind to her. She couldn’t say no when
Jolene asked her to join the meeting.
Ruby stays on the go, moving from town to town frequently. She really
shouldn’t even be in Jacksonville again, not so soon, but she’s come to love
Jolene and the staff at the shelter, including Abigail who began working at
the shelter a few months ago. This shelter is one of the nicer places she’s
stayed in over the years.
Ruby shuts off the shower, drying herself and dressing quickly. She
doesn’t bother to use one of the hair dryers provided as the light rain falling
outside will only have her hair soaked in a matter of a few minutes. She
doesn’t want to waste money on a cab, and she’ll be late if she waits on the
city bus. The only option is to walk the eight blocks between the two
Ruby arrives at the shelter “A Place to Call Home” with about ten
minutes to spare before the planning meeting is set to begin. She hasn’t
stayed at the shelter in a while. She wants to be able to enter this meeting as
the rest of the volunteers, not as a resident. Ruby has asked Jolene not to
mention to the volunteers that she is homeless. She isn’t ashamed of her
situation, but she hates it when people look at her with pity or worse,
disdain, just because she stays there. Ruby grasps that many people think
that only drug addicts, unemployed bums, or mentally ill people stay at
homeless shelters. While that is the case for some people, it’s not the case
for everyone. Many of the people in shelters are there because of a string of
bad luck or poor decisions. In many cases, the person has a job but can’t
make enough to cover all their living expenses. She’s seen many single
mothers with small children at the places she’s stayed. They can’t afford to
pay rent, day care, health insurance, and buy food and clothes. They have to
choose which necessity they spend their hard-earned dollars on. Why pay
rent if you can’t keep the lights and water hooked up? Ruby has known a
few mothers who’ve had to choose between buying food to feed their
children instead of paying the electric bill. What many people don’t
understand is life is really hard for the working poor. They make too much
money to qualify for assistance but not enough to cover the basic
necessities of life: food, shelter, and safety. That’s why helping with this
fundraiser is so important to Ruby, not for herself but for those who are
needing it so desperately.
The shelter relies on donations and fundraisers to keep the doors open
so those in need can have a warm, soft bed to sleep in at night. They also
provide two meals a day when funds allow. A meager breakfast on most
days, but they try very hard to have a good meal for supper. It helps the
patrons sleep better when their belly is full. There are full time staffers on
hand, but the patrons are expected to participate in keeping the place clean
and running smoothly. Especially those who stay more than a night or two
in a row. There are a few old timers that stay most every night. They have
jobs in the community and pay a small amount to have their same bed night
after night. The sleeping portion of the shelter is divided into three sections:
women, men, and those with children.
This particular fundraiser is one of their bigger events of the year. Ruby
has heard about past events and is eager to help out. Jolene mentioned
having live entertainment, an auction, a talent show for kids, and a carnival
like set up with rides, booths, and food trucks. All proceeds will help aid in
the funding of the shelter over next year. The cost to run a place like this is
staggering well over a million dollars a year. Most of the funding comes in
the form of private donations, tax write offs for people who have more
money than they know what to do with, but at least they are willing to part
with some. The fundraiser is only a drop in the bucket to meeting the needs
of the shelter, but every dollar counts to make sure someone in need has a
good night’s sleep and food in their stomach.
Ruby enters the shelter and heads to the office to look for Jolene. She
notices Abigail isn’t in her office as she passes by the dark room. When she
knocks on the door, Jolene looks up from her computer and motions Ruby
to come in.
“I’ll just be another minute Ruby.” Jolene turns back to the computer.
Her fingers fly across the keyboard as she types. Ruby wanders around the
office looking at the pictures on the walls while she waits. There are several
of Jolene accepting donations or awards for excellence in service for her
work at the shelter. Ruby notices one picture in particular where Jolene and
a group of very confident looking women are smiling happily at the camera.
They are holding a large cardboard check for $190,000. The notation under
the picture reads, Spring Carnival Fundraiser 2020.
“Good morning, Ruby are you ready for the meeting?” Jolene asks
when she has finished on her computer. Ruby nods in answer. “The
volunteers are here already. I sent them to the cafeteria. We should have
enough room in there for us to discuss the plans for the upcoming year’s
Spring Carnival. This group was so helpful last year. I’m sure we will have
another successful event this time as well.”
Ruby and Jolene leave the small office and head down the hallway to
the large cafeteria on the back side of the building. Jolene opens the door to
the cafeteria, and Ruby follows her inside. A squeal of delight from across
the room causes Ruby to jump in surprise. She looks up to see several
women clustered around one of the tables. One of the women is hurrying
over to them as they enter the room.
“Jolene! It’s so good to see you. I’m sorry I haven’t gotten to come by
much lately,” states a woman with shoulder length, brown, curly hair. She is
about 5’4” and has a curvy figure. Ruby can tell the woman is older than
her own twenty-six years, but she’s still a very beautiful woman. If Ruby
had to guess, she thinks the woman is maybe in her forties. The woman
wraps Jolene in a tight embrace, and the two women begin chatting right
away as they head over to the other women gathered around a table near the
kitchen part of the cafeteria.
“It’s not surprising you don’t have much time with all the little ones at
home, Charlotte,” Jolene is telling the woman as they near the group. Ruby
notices Abigail is among the group, and she’s happy to see her. Abigail
turns to greet her with a smile.
Ruby eyes the group of women. They all seem so happy and enjoying
being with one another. They are all engaged in conversation. Ruby is a
little hesitant to join them. She doesn’t know any of them except Jolene and
Abigail, who she’s only known for the last couple of months. Ruby doesn’t
want to interfere, and she feels like the odd man out for some reason. Jolene
notices that she isn’t joining the group and calls out to her.
“Come on, Ruby. Let me introduce you to everyone.” Jolene is waving
her hand to indicate she wants Ruby to join them. Taking a few deep
breaths to calm her nerves, Ruby heads over to the table. When she arrives,
Jolene begins to make introductions.
“Everyone this is Ruby Cox. She will be helping us with the fundraiser
this year,” Jolene informs the group as she lays her arm across Ruby’s
shoulders. “Ruby, I would like to introduce you to an amazing group of
women. These women and their men helped me last year with this event,
and I know this year will be just as amazing.” Ruby feels nervous and
swallows hard. She hopes she will make a good impression and that these
women will like her.
“Ruby, this is Charlotte Jackson, Elise Vickers, Daisy Gibson, Emma
Weston, and you’ve met Abigail Miller.” A chorus of nice to meet-you and
hello echoes around the room. Ruby is shocked when Charlotte wraps her
arms around her in a tight embrace. Ruby isn’t used to being welcomed so
readily and is a little taken aback. Charlotte seems to sense Ruby’s unease
and pulls back smiling at her.
“Sorry, Ruby. I’m a hugger. I hope you will get used to it as we are
working together. If I make you uncomfortable just tell me. Sometimes I
forget not everyone is as affectionate as I am.” The beautiful brown-haired
woman smiles warmly. Ruby is instantly at ease and returns her smile. “No
problem. I just wasn’t expecting such a heartfelt reception.” The women
chuckle and eye one another knowingly.
“You are in for a rude awakening, my friend,” Daisy comments.
“Charlotte and Emma will have you smothered in hugs and kisses before
you know what is happening.” She looks at the other women, and they all
nod in agreement with big smiles on their faces.
“Charlotte, will Hawk and his men be joining us?” Jolene asks. Leave it
to Jolene to intervene before they veer off topic too much. She turns to
Ruby. “Charlotte’s husband is a commanding officer for a group of men at
the Marine base, Camp Le Jejune. All of these women are the wives or
girlfriend of one of his men.”
“They will be here later after they finish on base,” Charlotte answers.
“Okay let’s get this meeting started,” Jolene starts, “I know you all have
other obligations to attend to as well.” The women all take seats around the
table. They begin by discussing what events were successful last year and
which ones were a flop. This helps them narrow down what they want to do
for this year’s event. They don’t want to do exactly the same events every
year as people will get bored, but there are some things that event goers
expect, like the carnival rides, games for the kids, and live entertainment.
After a couple of hours, they decide to take a few minutes to get some
refreshments. Ruby volunteers to walk down to the coffee shop about three
blocks away and bring back some coffee and snacks. Abigail, Elise, Daisy,
and Emma offer to go with her to help carry everything, as Charlotte
announces that Hawk, her husband, and several of his men will be arriving
soon to help as well.

Tucker James Evans, Tank to his teammates, takes the steps two at a time as
he heads to his bedroom to shower and change out of his fatigues and into
some street clothes. He’s just returned from base after debriefing on a
mission. As a Marine Special Forces operator, he can be called away at any
time with very little notice. That is why at thirty-four years of age, he’s still
single. He lives in a large house with his best friend and fellow Marine
teammate, Robert Ford a.k.a. Straw.
Things have changed in the last few months, and Tank’s not exactly sure
how he feels about it. Straw has been Tank’s closest friend for most of his
life. Recently Straw found the love of his life, Abigail. It took some time
and patience, but Straw’s finally gotten her to move into the house with
them. Tank doesn’t mind that’s she’s moved in with Straw. He likes Abigail
and her daughter, Ellie. The child is precocious but is adorable. The little
girl has Tank wrapped around her little finger, which is fine with Tank. The
little girl is funny and smart. She’s a little tom-boy, but also likes to play
dress up and have tea parties. He doesn’t begrudge Straw’s happiness, but
it’s made him realize just how lonely he feels.
It seems more and more of the men on his team are settling down for the
domestic life, a wife, a home, and children. All things Tank has never
considered wanting for his own, but now seeing it play out in front of him
has him wishing destiny would send a woman his way. He snorts to himself
shaking his head at the thought. Who’s he kidding? Destiny wouldn’t do
that to a poor female. He’s too messed up in the head when it comes to
relationships. He’s never gotten over losing most of his family at a young
age. His thoughts drift back in time. He’d just begun preschool at the time,
but he still remembers that day…

“T ucker !” Tank’s mother calls. Tank is in the backyard playing in the fort
he built with the help of his older sister, Serena. He’s having a blast,
pretending his fort is under attack. He’s been blasting the enemy with shots
from his toy rifle, he’d gotten for his last birthday. He’s had to play alone
this afternoon. Serena, being a few years older than his four years, is at
school. His preschool class is only half a day. He could have stayed inside
to play with his baby sister, Jillian, but she’s been very fussy today. She’s
teething, so his mom said. She’s been crying off and on ever since he’s
returned home from school.
“Coming!” Tank yells, answering his mother, placing his gun on the
little shelf beside the door. He hurries across the yard, leaves crunching
under his feet as he runs to the glass, sliding door. “What you want
Momma?” he asks as he enters.
“You need to wash your face and hands,” his momma states. “Your
daddy will be here in a few minutes to pick us up.” Tank doesn’t want to
wash his face or hands. He’s been having fun outside. Why does Daddy
have to come home this minute?
“Do I have to?” Tank asks. His mother looks over at him with a stern
expression on her face.
“Tucker James Evans don’t be difficult.” His mother’s tone brooks no
argument. “We are going to pick Serena up from school. Then we are going
to Grandma and Grandpa Evans’ house for supper. Now hurry your daddy
will be here any minute. You know he doesn’t like to wait.” Tank heads to
the bathroom in the hall. His mother right behind him. She helps him get
cleaned up and puts a clean set of clothes on him due to some grass stains
on the knees of his jeans. A few minutes later, his daddy arrives.
“Daddy!” Tank runs to jump into his dad’s outstretched arms. The man
sweeps him up into the air causing his belly to drop. A squeak of laughter
escapes him. His father catches him easily then proceeds to tickle his ribs
until Tank can hardly catch his breath. His father finally sets him on his feet
before he plants a kiss on Tank’s mother’s lips. Tank is a little jealous of his
daddy getting his kisses from his momma, so he runs over to them tugging
on his mother’s pant leg. The couple breaks apart to look down at him. His
mother’s face is flushed. His father has an amused expression on his face.
“Looks like someone is turning green.” His father observes, then pulls
his mother in for another kiss. Tank wonders what his father means. He
looks around, but doesn’t see anyone that’s green. His mother is laughing
when they stop kissing at last.
“Stop teasing Tucker, James,” his mother scolds. “He’s a momma’s boy,
and I’m totally fine with it.” Tank’s father snorts.
“You’re going to make him soft,” his father argues. “He’s going to have
to toughen up if he’s going to be a Marine like his old man.” Tank wants to
be just like his daddy. His daddy is tall and so strong. His daddy picks him
up again. “I’ve got this one, Ilene. You get the baby. We’ve got to get over
to the school.” They head out to the car and drive across town to pick up
A couple of hours later, the family is sitting around Tank’s
grandparents’ table. Tank’s belly is full. His grandmother has cooked all his
favorites and even gave him a large helping of ice cream for dessert. Before
long, his mother declares they need to get going. Jillian is crying again, and
his momma wants to get her home and in bed.
“I don’t want to go home.” Serena pouts. Her lower lip jutting out. Tank
is ready to go home. He’s getting sleepy now that his belly is full.
“Serena, you have school in the morning,” Ilene states firmly. “I don’t
want to have to get up early to drive over here and pick you up before
school.” Serena begins to cry, which sets off Jillian again. Tank is looking
around at the crying females, wishing they were tough like him so they
wouldn’t cry about everything. When they cry, it makes his eyes burn, and
he wants to cry too, but daddy says boys don’t cry. Tank rubs at his eyes,
sniffing, doing his best not to cry along with his sisters.
“Ilene, let her stay.” Tank’s grandmother intercedes. “I’m volunteering
at the preschool in the morning anyway. I’ll take her to school. She has a
nice outfit she can wear tomorrow. She left it here the last time she and
Tucker spent the night.”
“Oh, all right.” Ilene relents. “Let’s go Tucker. Daddy has to be at base
early. We need to get home.” The family carries on to their car and heads
toward home. Tank doesn’t remember much after that except for hearing his
mother’s scream. His father’s curse and bright lights just before the world
exploded around him. Glass breaking, metal tearing, and searing pain in
his face, arms, and legs.

T ank pulls himself from his memories of the worst day of his life. Those
are the last memories he has of his mother, father, and baby Jillian. He’d
been in the hospital for weeks following the accident. He’d missed the
funerals due to his injuries. The head on collision had been horrendous,
killing his parents and baby sister on impact. Even all these years later, he
wonders why he’d been spared when precious little Jillian hadn’t. She
hadn’t been in her car seat. She’d been crying so hard she’d thrown up.
Their dad had pulled off onto the shoulder of the road so their mom could
clean her up. That’s when the drunk driver had hit them. Killing everyone in
both vehicles except for Tank.
Over the years since Tank has been careful not to allow himself to care
too much for anyone. The pain of loss is just too great. He doesn’t think he
can endure losing another person he loves. He’s been lucky that his
grandparents have such longevity. They are both in their early eighties but
still going strong.
Tank thinks again about finding a woman but knows not only is he
reluctant to allow someone close, but his appearance is scary to most men
much less women. The accident had left him with not only a reluctance to
get close to people but also left him with facial, arm, and leg scars. Add
those ugly features to his six foot six, over large frame and what you have is
intimidating, especially with all his muscles. His shoulders are nearly as
wide as the average door frame. Topping the scales near three hundred
pounds, he’s bone and muscle. A beast. There’s no fat on his body. He’s not
boasting; it’s just a fact.
In his room, he quickly sheds his clothes, throwing them in the hamper
just outside the door to his en suite bathroom. Entering the opulent
bathroom, he looks around at the expensive garden tub with the awesome
jets, which soothe his aching muscles after some hard training. There’s a
huge walk-in shower with multiple shower heads, two that are detachable.
The counter with his and hers sinks takes up most of one wall. The room is
a place for a couple, not a single man with little hope of finding someone to
share his life with. His loneliness tries to rear its ugly head again, but he
tamps it down.
Instead he decides to think just how lucky he and Straw have been to
get this house. It’d been a foreclosed home, and the bank had been itching
to get rid of it. Both men have been very frugal over the years with their
money. Tank’s grandfather has a close friend who is a financial advisor. The
man has helped Tank and Straw invest their money wisely. The stock
market took a turn for the worse a few years ago, and he let them know
what money to pull out and where it would be the safest. When this house
became available, the man said it was a sound investment, and so they’d
bought it planning to remodel and rent rooms out or sell it when the market
improved. However, once they began working on it, they decided they’d
rather live in it themselves for the time being and decide later what to do
with it.
Tank and Straw had worked on it every spare moment they’d had
between deployments and training sessions. It took a couple of years, but
they’d made it into their dream luxury home. Both men are so invested they
can’t stand the thoughts of letting strangers live in the house they’ve
invested so much time and effort into. So they’d moved in and made a
steadfast rule: no women for sleep overs. They’d decided only once they
were in a serious committed relationship would they bring a female into
their home.
Neither man had brought a woman into their home until Straw found
Abigail. Since she and Ellie are living with Straw, Tank feels like a fifth
wheel. His friend, nor Abigail have done anything to make him feel that
way, it’s just how he feels seeing them forge a relationship and a family.
Tank is more than happy for them, but he just wishes there was someone
out there for him, too. Shaking his head to clear his tangled thoughts, he
throws up a silent prayer. Let me find her…soon. I know she’s out there.
Stepping into the shower under the hot spray of water, he makes quick
work of washing away the dirt and sweat of his day. His muscular body is
sore from the intense training session they’d undergone today. Readying for
the next deployment, he’s pushed himself harder than usual, and he’s paying
for it. He has to admit, he’s not as young as he used to be, and he realizes as
the years pass, it’s going to get more and more difficult to bounce back after
an injury. He wonders how Hawk had managed to keep deploying well into
his forties. It’s something to think about for another time, though. He has
places to be.
An hour later, Tank and his teammates arrive at “A Place to Call Home”
in a couple of large SUVs. They pull into the parking lot behind the shelter.
The men roll out of the vehicles and head toward the shelter. They are a
group of large, muscled, intimidating looking men. They’re take-no-
prisoners, badass Marine Special Operators a.k.a. ‘Raiders’. If you met
them on the street, or worse in a dark alley, you would want to turn and go
the other way. They move as a group, falling into a coordinated pattern,
constantly scanning their surroundings, hyperaware of any threat that might
be lurking it the shadows. Even on American soil, they keep their guard up.
Always prepared. Always watching.
As the men enter the shelter by a back door, Tank looks back over the
parking lot. He has the strangest sensation like something big is just around
the corner. He’s had similar intuition in the past while on missions over
seas. He has learned to pay special attention when he feels this way. Little
things he might not normally notice could be the very thing to save his life
or one of his teammates’ lives. Once inside the shelter, the men enter the
cafeteria, surprising the women waiting on their coffee.
“Where’s Abigail?” Straw asks as Tank and the other men reach the
women sitting at tables near the front of the room.
“Oh, you just missed her. Elise, Daisy, Abigail, and Emma went with
Ruby to get coffee and doughnuts at a bakery just down the street,”
Charlotte answers. “And don’t worry, I told them to get plain black coffee
and plenty of doughnuts for you guys. They just left, so it will be a few
minutes before they get back. Jolene and I are going over some of ideas for
the fundraiser.”
“Who’s Ruby?” Deadeye asks suspiciously. Never one to take his wife’s
safety lightly, Deadeye doesn’t seem to be pleased to learn she has left with
someone they don’t know.
“Ruby is helping with the fundraiser,” Jolene answers. “I’ve known her
a couple of years. She’s a good person, Deadeye. No need for you to be
worried about Ruby harming the women.” Deadeye nods at Jolene, seeming
to accept her answer. The men have known Jolene for several years. She’s
proven to be an astute, capable woman in her own right. The men sit down
around the table waiting for the rest of the group to return. Charlotte and
Jolene fill them in on their preliminary plans. As they happily chat away
about inconsequential things Tank begins to feel restless. He decides he will
go see if he can help the women carry their purchases. An intense feeling is
driving him to get up and do something.
Tank tells Straw of his intention to go help the women and then gets up,
heading across the cafeteria toward the front of the shelter where the
women should be entering the shelter upon their return. He is startled when
the door flings open, and the most beautiful little slip of a woman with ruby
red hair collides into his chest. His hands fly out to catch her before she
falls on her ass. As soon as his hands touch her, an electric shock shoots
through him, traveling up both arms and settling in his chest. Tank’s heard
the other men talk about meeting their women for the first time. The
immediate connection they felt. Instinctively he knows this is his moment.
The woman raises her head to look up at him. Their eyes meet. Shock
invades him. He knows instantaneously she’s his. He’s found her at last, and
he has no intention of letting her go.

The walk to and from the coffee shop is uneventful. Ruby and the women
chat easily about the upcoming charity event. When they arrive back at the
shelter, they are laughing at something Emma has said as they enter the
cafeteria. Looking back over her shoulder at the other women, Ruby isn’t
watching where she’s going. She pushes the cafeteria door open. Turning to
enter the room, Ruby hits a brick wall. A sharp cry of surprise escapes her
lips as strong hands grip her biceps, steadying her on her feet. A jolt of
electricity runs through her from the stranger’s touch. Her body suddenly
electrified as if she’s put her finger in a light socket. Her face is plastered
into a hard wall of muscle.
“Whoa there! You all right?” The deepest, most sensuous male voice
Ruby has ever heard is vibrating in her ear. She raises her head to see with
whom she has collided, but she has to keep looking up and up to finally
meet chocolate brown eyes sparkling with humor. Ruby’s whole body is
promptly attuned to the alpha male holding her to his body. It’s like an
electrical current is running between them, setting her body ablaze. The
man is seriously tall, well over six feet by at least five inches, maybe more.
His dark brown hair is short on the sides, a little longer on top. Enough to
be combed over to one side. His nose is a little crooked, and she wonders
how it'd been broken. Despite multiple little scars scattered across his face,
his sharp chiseled features make her think of a Greek sculpture she’d seen
in a museum with her mother, years ago.
“I asked if you are all right?” he inquires again as Ruby stares up at the
handsome man. Her voice seems to have left her. His question startles her
out of her musings. She attempts to take a step back but is caught tight in
his embrace. He quirks an eyebrow up at her, smiling, and she realizes she
still hasn’t answered his question. She swallows. Her mouth suddenly as
dry as the Mohave desert. She tries licking her lips before responding. His
eyes dart to her lips and dilate with desire at her simple gesture. Her breath
hitches. Her nipples peak, moisture flooding from her lower lady parts.
What the hell?
She really needs to get a hold of herself. She’s never had such an acute
reaction to a member of the opposite sex. Clearing her throat, Ruby finally
finds her voice. “I-I’m fine…Ex-excuse me. I wasn’t watching where I was
going,” she finally manages to stammer. His intense gaze holding her
“No harm done, beautiful. It would take more than a tiny, little thing
like you to take me down.” The man is smiling at her with such warmth, she
is again at a loss for words. Damn he’s devastatingly handsome. How can a
man look so good? It really should be illegal. He looks good enough to eat.
Ruby suddenly realizes she is crushing the bag of muffins between her and
the handsome man. She pulls back, and after what seems to take longer than
it should, he releases her, allowing her to back away.
The other women are oblivious to Ruby’s plight as they hurry across the
room to a group of equally handsome men. Ruby has never had the pleasure
of being around so many super sexy, hot men before. She feels out of place.
Her companions have zeroed in on the men sitting around the tables on the
other side of the room. She watches as each one heads toward one of the
men. Said men, promptly wrap their arms around their woman and kiss her.
Ruby’s faces flushes with embarrassment witnessing such an intimate
moment among practical strangers. While she has spent a couple of hours
with the women and enjoyed their company, she doesn’t know them all that
A large, warm, masculine arm wraps around her shoulders, startling her.
She looks up to see the man, who has set her body on fire, smiling down at
“What’s your name, beautiful?” the man asks. His voice causing her
body to respond once more with a visceral reaction. Closing her eyes briefly
and taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Ruby manages to calm
herself. Although deep breathing is the last thing she needs to be doing. His
masculine scent causes her body to tingle in a very pleasant fashion.
“Ruby…my name is Ruby,” she replies somewhat shakily, hating
herself for the lie, even though she knows it’s necessary. It’s never bothered
her before to give her fake name, but for some unknown reason, she doesn’t
want to lie to this man. Her reactions to him are unsettling to say the least.
Never in her twenty-six years has she experienced such a reaction. Her
mother had been over protective, never allowing Ruby to date as a teenager.
She’d only gone out on a few dates during her time in college before her
mother’s death. Being on the run the last six years hasn’t been conducive to
developing relationships. Certainly not one she would allow herself to be so
vulnerable that she could trust her body and her heart to another.
“Very nice to meet you Ruby,” the man says giving her another panty
melting smile. “My name is Tucker, but everyone calls me Tank. You can
use whichever you like, beautiful.” Ruby is so taken aback that he is again
calling her beautiful she can only nod in response. “How about we go over
and join everyone else?” he asks, glancing over at the other couples across
the room.
“Yeah, we should do that,” she answers, “go join them.” She wants to
smack her forehead and melt into the floor. She sounds like a babbling idiot.
She can’t seem to speak coherently around him for some reason. Smiling at
her as if he knows her thoughts, he begins to lead her across the room to the
table where everyone else is gathered.
“Oh Ruby, I see you’ve met Tank!” Charlotte says to her with a wink as
they reach the other couples. Ruby, feeling overwhelmed from all the
strangers and testosterone in the room, manages to find her voice and reply
to Charlotte’s comment.
“Yeah, I ran into him, literally,” Ruby blurts out, once again feeling
foolish. Everyone has a good laugh. Even Ruby, despite her nerves still
being frazzled and her body on fire, responding to Tank’s closeness. He
doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to release her shoulders from his embrace.
Ruby shifts uncomfortably until Abigail asks her to bring the muffins over
to them. She gracefully ducks out from under his arm and takes the bags to
the other side of the table.
Everyone takes a seat as Ruby is getting the muffins out of the bags,
placing them on the table where they can take their pick. Emma is opening
the large box of donuts they’d got for the men. When Ruby is finished
setting out the tasty treats, she turns around to find the only seat left is next
to Tank. She retrieves her coffee from Daisy and looks around nervously.
Would it look really awkward if she pulls another chair over from across the
room? Where will she put the chair if she does? Her eyes darting around,
she realizes she’ll be making a scene if she does that. It would be way too
obvious. For Heaven’s sake. she is a grown woman. She needs to stop
acting like a teenager with her first crush and sit by the man.
Determined to not let him affect her anymore, Ruby starts back around
the table. Her eyes meet his as she rounds the end of the table. He stands to
pull out the seat next to him. He waggles his eyebrows at her suggestively
with a smirk on his face. Unable to suppress the eye roll, she continues on
and takes the seat he has indicated. The room is filled with chatter as the
women and men are catching up on the events of the morning, so no one
but Ruby hears what Tank whispers in her ear as he takes his seat, scooting
his chair closer to hers.
“You surely didn’t think you could get away that easily did you,
beautiful?” His deep voice causes a shudder of desire to run down her back
and land in her lady parts. Ruby starts to protest when he continues. “I’m
attracted to you, Ruby. I want you, little one, and I always get what I want.
Make no mistake about it, Ruby. You’ll be mine, soon…very soon.” Shock
runs through her. Her eyes widen in surprise as she turns to look at him. He
doesn’t even know her, but he looks sincere. He settles back into his chair
and sips his coffee. A confident look on his face. Seemingly certain that
what he’s said will come to fruition.
Ruby sits in stunned silence as she gawks at him. What does that mean?
Is he actually meaning he’s going to take her to bed? She should be pissed
that he is so presumptuous to think that she’ll just fall into bed with him,
but she isn’t. Ruby finds his words thrilling, and his dominance has gotten
her motor running. She doesn’t want to admit it, but his self-assurance turns
her on all the more. She feels likes she’s landed a starring role in one of the
romance novels she loves to read. You know the ones where the dominant
male takes command of his fated female getting her to submit to his base
desires all the while doling out pleasure beyond her wildest dreams. Yeah,
that’s exactly where Tank’s blunt statement has led Ruby’s thoughts. Images
of him standing over her, while she’s on her knees at his feet, ready and
willing to give him anything he wants. A quiver runs through her body.
Ruby takes a deep breath to settle herself. She must maintain control of
her thoughts and her body. She is definitely attracted to Tank, but she can’t
allow anything to transpire between them. It would be too dangerous for
both of them. She’ll enjoy a few moments of his attention, but that’s all that
can happen. Taking a sip of her coffee, she picks at the large chocolate chip
muffin she has chosen. Her appetite is gone as she forces herself to
remember why she can’t allow anyone to get too close…

S itting in her father’s office, Mary’s stomach begins to churn. Her father’s
words about the family business are evasive but hold a frightening
undertone. She squirms in her seat as she waits for him to continue. Tony’s
gaze remains focused on something behind her father’s head. No matter
how many times she’s glanced at him, he’s not looked her way.
“Your mother felt you were too delicate to handle the full reality of our
lives…” Antonio pauses. His eyes boring into her. “However, the time has
come for you to become acquainted with the business…the family and take
your place among us. That’s not to say you can’t continue to entertain us
with your talents, but there’s a more urgent need I have of you, at the
moment.” Her father looks away from her for a moment as if gathering his
thoughts. Mary studies his face. He’s normally very closed off, but she
catches a brief moment where he allows her to see some of the emotions
running through him: grief, regret, but also determination. It is as this
emotion flares in his eyes that he looks back to her. The look in his eyes
terrifying her. For the first time in her life, she’s afraid of her father and
what he’s about to say to her.

R uby shudders as the memory unfolds. She forces herself out of the
memory. She can’t be thinking about her father. Not here with so many
strangers around her. She needs to remember she can’t risk getting too
friendly with the locals. Anyone who gets close to her will be in danger. If
someone were to be hurt because of her, she’d never forgive herself. Just
another reason she shouldn’t be helping with this event, but she’s already
committed herself.
The chatter around the room begins to settle down after a few minutes,
when Jolene calls them to order to continue their discussions.
“Okay everyone, let’s get back to the topic at hand,” Jolene announces
to the room. “I suppose we should make introductions again, since the men
have arrived. Ruby stand up so they can all see you.” Ruby’s face flushes
with embarrassment, but she complies with Jolene’s request. Standing in
front of the men and women, Ruby feels like she is on display. Merely an
exhibit at the zoo for everyone to gawk at.
“This is Ruby Cox,” Jolene informs the men who arrived while the
women were on the coffee run. “She is going to help this year with the
charity event. Ruby let me introduce you to the men who joined us while
you were out. Gentlemen if you will stand as I call your name so Ruby can
see who you are.” The men all nod at her request. Ruby takes the statement
as her cue to take a seat. As she sits down, Tank adjusts her chair for her
and slips his arm across the back. A little huff of frustration escapes Ruby,
even though she tries to stifle it. She isn’t certain, but she thinks she hears a
chuckle come from the annoying man.

“This is Hawk. He’s married to Charlotte,” Jolene says as Hawk stands next
to Charlotte. He’s a tall man with salt and pepper hair, a trimmed beard and
mustache. He nods in Ruby’s direction. His eyes dart to Tank, giving him a
little smirk and a raised eyebrow. Tank gives a little chin lift in return as he
grins at Hawk. Hawk is a perceptive man. He’s apparently picked up on
Tank’s interest in Ruby. Hawk and the others will likely give Tank shit over
it later, but he’s fine with it. It’s not like he hasn’t gotten a few digs in over
the last few years as the other men found their women.
“Next is Wallace; he is with Emma,” Jolene continues. Wallace is a
dark-brown-headed man with also a trimmed beard and mustache. He’s tall
at about 6’3” and has a muscular build. He has a kind smile and it’s easy to
see he is infatuated with Emma. He too nods at Ruby with a smile as he
takes his seat next to Emma. Tank wonders what Ruby thinks about his
friends. He knows as a group they are very intimidating. The men would
never do anything to hurt a woman, but not knowing the men, Tank could
see how a single woman would be fearful of them.
“Next we have Straw. He is with Abigail.” Straw, Tank’s best friend is a
tall blond-haired man with bright blue eyes. He stands and nods at Ruby. He
gives Tank a chin lift before sitting back down next to Abigail. Ruby smiles
at the man and returns his nod.
“Sitting with Daisy is Ace,” Jolene tells Ruby. Ace rises to his feet with
a nod of acknowledgement at Ruby before he takes his seat next to Daisy.
He leans in and nuzzles Daisy’s neck briefly before placing a kiss on her
temple. Tank glances at Ruby to see her blushing at the couple’s PDA. He
has a sudden desire to give her a good reason to be blushing, but he’ll have
to wait. It’s entirely too soon for him to kiss her senseless in front of
everyone. One day she’ll be his and will want him to devour her with his
mouth. He needs to be patient until that day arrives.
“Elise is with Deadeye,” Jolene continues with the introductions.
Deadeye is a tall man with short black hair and intense hazel eyes. It seems
his face is in a constant scowl, except for when he’s looking at Elise or their
children. Deadeye rises from his seat next to Elise. Like all of the rest of the
men, he nods at Ruby and gives Tank a chin lift.
“Next is Mercury,” Jolene says as Mercury moves to stand. He is a light
brown-headed man only about 5’11” with a clean-shaven face. He has been
sitting beside Tank. He stands then gives Ruby a warm smile. To Tank’s
surprise, Mercury reaches his hand across him as if wanting to shake
Ruby’s hand. She extends her hand out. Mercury takes it in his large hand,
but instead of shaking it, he kisses the back of her hand. Fury at Mercury’s
boldness hits Tank like a sledge hammer. Tank jerks her hand away from
Mercury and pushes him backward. Mercury bursts out laughing while
Tank glares at him. Tank continues to hold Ruby’s hand while wiping
Mercury’s kiss from the back of her hand. Tank can’t believe the asshole
would do such a thing. Straw, yeah before Abigail, he would have done
something like that, but not Mercury. Mercury’s never been one to hit on
women. Some of the guys had even speculated that maybe he wasn’t into
women, but they’ve never seen him show interest in either sex. Mercury
elbows Tank as he takes his seat. Tank is about to throttle the man when he
notices Mercury is grinning at him conspiratorially. Tank frowns at him, but
notices Ruby has drawn closer to him as if seeking Tank’s protection from
Choosing to ignore the alpha men’s antics, Jolene pushes on. “And
you’ve met Tank.” Jolene gives Ruby a knowing smile. Tank still has his
left arm thrown over the back of Ruby’s chair. He tightens his grip on her
shoulder slightly at the mention of his name. Ruby glances at him with a
shy smile. Her face blooming in a deep shade of red. His mind wanders to
an image of her spread out under him on his bed. Her body flushed from
their love making. His dick twitches in response. It seems his little head is
on board with this fantasy. He shifts in his chair wanting desperately to
adjust himself as his dick has become uncomfortably hard in his jeans. He
silently wills his body to behave, but it seems to have little effect. He
attempts to focus on what Jolene is saying, although Ruby is much more
interesting thN planning a fundraiser, no matter how much it will be
beneficial to those in need.
“Then we have Virus,” Jolene continues. Another man on Tank’s team
stands to nod at Ruby. He quickly takes his seat. “Next is Worm.” A not too
tall man with sandy blonde hair stands and gives her a nod. “And last, but
not least we have Bull,” Jolene concludes the introductions. Bull stands and
gives a little wave to Ruby. Bull is the newest member on their team and is
very reserved. He hasn’t made a lot of effort to form bonds with the team
like the rest of them have done. Tank wonders if he’ll even stay on the
team, or maybe the man needs more time to adapt to the team way of life.
As Bull takes his seat, the back door opens again. The whole group turns to
see another couple entering the cafeteria.
Lisa Winters, Charlotte’s best friend from childhood enters the back
door with the last member of Tank’s special forces team, Hack, hot on her
heels. He places his hand on Lisa’s lower back as they enter the room,
leading her toward the tables where the meeting is taking place. She
whispers something heatedly to him, then straightens her spine as if trying
to put distance between them. Her chin tilting up in defiance. Hack rolls his
eyes upward as if asking God for patience. Those two have been acting
strangely ever since the team returned from California several months ago.
Tank has his suspicions that the couple are more than friends, but Lisa
doesn’t seem to want to acknowledge it. Hack on the other hand seems to
want to broadcast it to the world that Lisa is his. Tank can understand where
the man is coming from now that he’s met his Ruby. He almost feels sorry
for Hack that Lisa isn’t willing to give into the obvious attraction they have
to one another. The sexual tension between the couple is palpable whenever
they’re in the same room.
Tank suddenly has a thought. What if Ruby feels the same as Lisa?
What if she tries to deny their attraction to one another? Their connection.
Tank refuses to think that way. He will move heaven and earth to get her to
change her mind if she does try to deny it. He knows deep down in his soul
that Ruby is his destiny. He will get her to see it and want it too. There’s no
other option. He glances back at the couple making their way across the
Hack says something back to Lisa that causes her to stumble to a halt
looking at him with shock, disbelief evident on her face. A blush floods
from her neck up to her face. Hack raises an eyebrow as if silently asking
her to challenge him. She licks her lips, before dropping her head in defeat.
She doesn’t try to pull away from him when he places his arm around her,
and they begin walking again. Virus jumps up and grabs a couple of chairs
from the other side of the room and places then next to Hawk and Charlotte.
The couple takes their seats. Charlotte leans over to whisper to Lisa. They
have a brief, intense whispered conversation that ends abruptly when Jolene
addresses the couple.
“Hello Hack, Lisa,” Jolene says. “I’m so glad you both could join us.
I’d like you to meet Ruby. She’ll be helping us with the fundraiser.” Jolene
points to Ruby. Ruby quickly stands and turns towards the newcomers.
“Nice to meet you,” Ruby murmurs as she smiles at them before taking
her seat once again. Lisa gives a tight smile and a nod in return. Hack gives
the man chin lift. Tank notices Hack has his arm around Lisa’s shoulders
much like Tank has had his on Ruby’s. Perhaps Tank needs to have a chat
with Hack and see if there’s anything he can do the help the man out with
his Lisa problem. Afterall if push comes to shove with Ruby, he’ll want all
hands-on deck to help him. He will have a talk with him after the meeting
breaks up, but for now, he needs to focus on the meeting. If that’s possible
with Ruby at his fingertips. He can’t seem to keep his hands to himself with
her sitting next to him. The desire to let his fingers trail over her arm, to
hold her hand in his, to press his thigh into hers is too strong to resist. So he
doesn’t. He’s hoping she enjoys his attention because he intends to fully
explore her body one day.

Ruby is amazed to be sitting in the room with all these intimidating men
and not be scared out of her mind. If she’d met them under any other
circumstances, such as out on the street or worse in a dark alley, she would
have been freaking out. However, meeting them here at the shelter,
surrounded by these kind compassionate women, she isn’t afraid. She
instinctively knows, somehow, these men can be trusted and would never
intentionally hurt her or any woman.
She’s amused at the way the men greet one another. It’s like an
unspoken language they have and can relate what they are thinking without
using words. She wonders how long this group has known each other. The
men are all buff, and she figures they must be in the military which is not
uncommon here in Jacksonville. With Camp Lejeune nearby, the place is
overrun with military personnel and support staff.
“Today, I would like for us to talk more about some entertainment for
the event…” Jolene begins to outline her plan for some of the members of
the shelter to perform on a stage to provide some entertainment between
events like the talent show for kids, a magician, and a dance group that has
volunteered to perform.
Ruby’s mind begins to wander, because the man sitting next to her is
quite distracting. Tank continues to hold her hand in his right hand while his
left hand that is draped over her chair is caressing her left shoulder. Ruby
can’t concentrate on what is begin said over the desire that is enveloping
her body. It’s been years since Ruby has thought about being with a man. In
college, she had dated a little, but her practices and rehearsals got in the
way of beginning anything serious enough for her to allow a man into her
heart or her pants.
Since mother’s death, she’s been on the streets. Sleeping in a shelter or a
park doesn’t give her an opportunity to take care of her basic needs. She
thought she’s gotten used to ignoring that part of her body, but Tank is
awakening that beast with a vengeance. Ruby can feel her nipples
tightening, moisture damping her panties, and goosebumps erupting all over
her body. She closes her eyes in an effort to get herself under control as she
shifts uncomfortably in her chair. She is called out of her fog of desire to
the sound of her name.
“Ruby?” Jolene is looking at her. Ruby’s face heats with the blush that
is creeping up her face from her neck. Jolene is expecting an answer to a
question that Ruby hasn’t heard because she is lusting after the man
torturing her with his little touches.
“What do you think?” Jolene asks. Ruby stares at her trying frantically
to recall what Jolene had been talking about. At her lack of response, Jolene
asks, “Did you hear me?”
“Um… no I’m sorry, Jolene. I’m not sure where my mind is at. What’s
your question?” The room erupts in chuckles, and Ruby blushes even more,
wishing the floor would open up and swallow her down. Tank’s hand cups
her shoulder with gentle pressure. She glares at him. This is all his fault.
“I was telling them about my idea for some of the patrons like you, Bill,
and Hank, to sing as entertainment between events on the stage while the
props are being changed out. Do you think you can fill in the slots?” Jolene
is looking at Ruby expectantly.
“Well yes, I think we should be able to fill the gaps,” Ruby manages to
make her thoughts clear even has her mind is still distracted by her
traitorous body.
“Do you have some songs in mind?” Jolene asks.
“Oh, we haven’t decided on anything specific, but Hank, Bill, and I
have talked about it a few times at breakfast. We’re thinking of doing some
renditions of some of old folk songs, a Capello style so we won’t need a
band or anything. It will make it easier for us to fill in between other events.
I was thinking maybe the Sound of Silence, Hallelujah, and Learning to fly
would be good choices. They have some meaning that would fit in with the
plight of the homeless.” As Ruby concludes, a strange sensation comes over
her. Everyone is looking at her with concern.
Ruby’s face heats as it dawns on her, Jolene has included Ruby as a
patron of the homeless shelter and she confirmed it by saying the comment
about breakfast. She knows Jolene hasn’t said it on purpose to embarrass
her; it just slipped out. However, it doesn’t change they way the group is
looking at her. She hates the look of pity in their eyes. Her faces heats with
embarrassment. The urge to get up and run from the room riding her hard.
“Those songs sound great!” Charlotte exclaims, breaking the unspoken
tension in the room. “How many singers do you think you will need?”
“I’m not really sure,” Ruby replies. “Harry and Bill are the only two
here regularly who sing. Bill plays guitar, also. I’m not really sure about
anyone else. We can put a sign-up sheet and see who replies.”
“Some of us can help too,” Emma joins the conversation. “Charlotte
sings beautifully.”
“No. I don’t,” Charlotte laughs. “But I do like to sing.”
“You sing beautifully like has Emma said,” Hawk declares, planting a
kiss on her forehead. “She entertains me and the kids every morning as she
showers.” Charlotte smiles at him and leans onto his shoulder. He runs his
hand through her hair. Ruby is surprised at the public displays of affection
these men and women express so easily. It causes her some embarrassment,
but she wishes she could have someone who’d dote on her the same way.
“Ruby has a lovely voice,” Jolene announces. “She has the voice of an
angel. Imagine my surprise when I heard her singing one morning while
cleaning the cafeteria.”
“Um…yeah. I’m not that good, but I do enjoy it,” Ruby replies shyly.
She doesn’t want to draw attention to anything that might link her to her
past. Doing this fundraiser is a really bad idea. She’ll have to figure out
some way to get out of it before it happens. Tank’s hand squeezes her
shoulder gently. She turns to look at him and he smiles at her.
“What?” she whispers to him. He simply shakes his head and turns back
to the conversation, dismissing her. He doesn’t seem to want to share his
thoughts on Jolene’s bomb. Several more ideas are proposed as events to
raise money, like a dunking booth and various carnival games for children.
Jolene pulls out sign-up sheets and lists an event at the top of each page.
She passes them around asking for them to place their name on the event
they want to help in organizing. Ruby notices Tank places his name on the
same two sheets she has placed her name on. She rolls her eyes. The man is
determined to drive her insane. Before long all the slots are filled and the
sheets are given back to Jolene.
“Okay, so, everyone knows what they are responsible for, right?” Jolene
asks as she looks at everyone around the room. Everyone nods in response.
“All right then, we will meet again next month and see where we are on the
planning. Thank you all so much for helping again this year. I know you’re
all busy with jobs and family, but I’m appreciative that you’re willing to
give your time over the next six months, planning this event. I am hoping
we are as successful this year as last year.”

Tank is amazed at the shy, humble woman sitting next to him. He wants to
know more about her. Tank is taken aback when Jolene indicates that Ruby
is a patron at the shelter. Is she really homeless? She doesn’t look the part,
but he knows not to judge a book by its cover. What could have happened
to lead her to be here?
Ruby is awfully thin, but she doesn’t look like she’s drug addicted as
many presume of the homeless. Most likely, she’s not getting enough to eat,
and the stress of living on the streets is enough to make anyone lose their
appetite. His gut clenches, thinking of the tiny woman next to him out on
the streets at the mercy of whomever she meets. He wonders how long she’s
been out there, all on her own.
Tank is internally shaking his head at himself for telling her she is his.
While he does believe it, he’s never been so bold with a woman before.
He’s never really had to be bold. Women are usually readily available in the
bars near base. Finding someone for a night of stress relief has never been a
hardship, but this with Ruby is different. He isn’t looking for simply a night
of sex. He wants more. He wants her. Not for a night but for the long term.
He’s never been infatuated with a woman before, but that’s the only
explanation he has for what’s running through his head. Or could it be
something more? Something much deeper?
Tank is determined to find out more about Ruby. Why is she homeless?
While he has only spent a short amount of time with her, she seems
intelligent, eager to participate in the fundraiser, and he sees no outward
appearance of a disability. Maybe she has a gambling problem or got in
over her head with credit card or student loan debit? No, that doesn’t seem
right to him. Perhaps she’s running from someone? Could she be on the run
from an ex-boyfriend?
Tank decides it doesn’t matter what her story is all about. He will find
out everything he can about her and find a way to help her whether she
wants him to or not. Does that make him a caveman? Absolutely, but he’s
fine with that as long has he ends up with Ruby at the end of the day. He’s
been so lost in his own thoughts he hasn’t realized the meeting is about
over. As the meeting begins to break up, Tank decides to make his move on

“G ive me your phone ,” Tank demands in his rumbling voice. Ruby looks
over at him. An incredulous look on her face. Ruby glances around the
room, trying to find anything to distract him from asking for her phone
again. Everyone has a phone in this modern age. How can she explain that
she doesn’t have one? His large hand on her chin forcing her to look at him
brings her back to reality. “Give me your phone, Ruby.” His demanding
tone, brooking no argument.
“Why would you want my phone?” Ruby asks him quietly, hoping she
can get him to change his mind without having to disclose her lack of
having one.
“I want to put my number in your phone. If you ever need anything, you
call me,” Tank tells her sincerely. “Don’t shut me out, Ruby. I meant what I
said about getting to know you.” Ruby snorts out a humorless laugh.
“You didn’t say anything about getting to know me, Tank,” Ruby
mumbles. “You said, ‘I was yours’ like some caveman.” Ruby wonders
what in the world is making this overwhelmingly handsome man want to
get to know her. Plain Jane, Ruby, a girl who goes out of her way to be
“That’s the point, Ruby. You will be mine, but I know we have to get to
know one another first. If you will cooperate with me, we can remedy that
quickly. Now, give me your phone,” Tank again demands holding out his
“Please, Tank, just let it go,” Ruby whispers. Her eyes begin to sting
with unshed tears of shame. A blush creeping up her face. She shouldn’t
feel ashamed, but she does. How can she explain she can’t risk someone
being able to track her through a phone? His hand comes up to caress her
“You don’t have a phone.” It’s not a question, simply a statement, but
she shakes her head anyway. Tank is looking at her so tenderly. Ruby is lost
in his gaze. He continues to caress her cheek as she stares into his eyes. “I
can fix that. I don’t like you being out alone with no way to call for help.”
“Tank, I can take care of myself. I have been for a long time. I
appreciate you wanting to help me, but I don’t need or want it, okay?” Ruby
straightens her spine and blinks the moisture from her eyes. “If I wanted a
phone, I would have one.” She has found her snarky side by the time she
finishes the sentence. Ruby stands to leave, but Tank grabs her hand in a
tight grip, almost painfully. She glares at him.
“Ruby, don’t walk away from me. Let me help you,” Tank speaks softly
so those around them don’t overhear their conversation.
“Tank, I don’t want your help. Please let me go.” Ruby jerks her hand
from his grasp and heads out the door. Tank watches her go but doesn’t try
to stop her, even though it’s taking everything in him to not follow her. He
can’t figure out what to do to get her to let him help her.
“What’s up with Ruby?” Abigail asks Tank as she and Straw walk up to
him watching Ruby hurrying from the room. Tank runs a hand through his
hair with a heavy sigh.
“I scared her away,” Tank answers honestly. Straw grins at Tank, then
slaps him on the back.
“You’re a scary bastard, Tank. You have to tone down that shit down
around civilians.” Straw laughs and pats Tank’s shoulder in a patronizing
manner. Normally Tank wouldn’t mind his friend teasing him, but at the
moment, he’s not in the mood.
“Fuck off!” Tank snaps at him. “This is serious, Straw. She needs help.
You heard Jolene include her as a patron here. I want to get to know her…to
help her, but she blew me off.”
Straw sobers. “Hey, man. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be an ass. I didn’t
know she is important to you. If you need anything, you know I’ll do
anything to help you and her.” Straw looks at him sincerely. Abigail places
her hand on Tanks arm.
“Give her some time, Tank. She seems scared. A lot like I was not too
long ago. Be patient with her, but persistent. I would still be on the run if
Straw hadn’t been determined to get to know me.” Abigail smiles at Straw
lovingly. “I’m thankful everyday he never gave up, despite how bitchy I
could be.”
“You weren’t bitchy, baby.” Straw runs his hand down the back of her
head. He pulls her into his side and kisses her briefly. Envy rears its ugly
head in Tank’s heart.
“From what little I know about her, she stays on the move,” Abigail
says. “Jolene confided in me she’s a little surprised Ruby agreed to help but
said that she has a good heart. Jolene has been trying to get closer to her
over the couple of years she’s been coming by the shelter. She feels that
there’s more to Ruby than she lets us see. Jolene’s hoping that Ruby helping
with this event will get her to open up and let us help her. She keeps to
herself most of the time. Ruby’s usually only in town a couple days, no
more than a week before she disappears for months, then she’ll turn up
again.” Tank takes in these small pieces of information. They reinforce his
belief that she’s running from something.
“I’ll talk to her next time I see her,” Abigail assures him. “I’ll let her
know you aren’t as scary as you look.” Abigail winks at him. Tank rolls his
eyes but chuckles all the same. Abigail has really warmed up to him. She’s
gotten comfortable giving him shit same as Straw.
“Hang in there, man. It’s definitely worth the time and effort,” Straw
declares sincerely, hugging Abigail a little tighter. Tank nods in response.
He is thankful his teammate is supportive of his need to get to know Ruby.
Even more grateful Straw’s through making fun of him. Tank decides he
will need to wear Ruby down a little at a time. He will make every excuse
to stop by the shelter. He’s made sure he is on the same committees as Ruby
for the fundraiser, which will give him a reason to seek her out. He has a
plan, all he has to do is to put it into motion. Tank stands to leave with a
new determination to win Ruby’s heart.

Outside, Ruby hurries down the street toward the public park where she can
escape from Tank and her desire for more. More she can never have. Ruby
is breathing hard. Her eyes are burning with unshed tears. Her vision blurs
as her emotions overwhelm her. Frustrated with herself, she swipes at her
face as the tears begin to fall. Why did her life have to turn out this way?
Entering the park, she heads toward the pond. She looks back over her
shoulder in the direction of the shelter. No one is behind her. She’s afraid
Tank will follow her, which would be a bad thing. She’s certain at this
moment, she isn’t strong enough to turn him down again. His kindness and
sincerity at wanting to get to know her, to help her is much too hard to
resist. Not to mention he’s freaking gorgeous, in a giant beast kind of way.
All she wants to do is to fall into his arms and let him chase away her
demons, but she can never put him at risk. It is entirely too dangerous, no
matter how much of a badass he might be as a member of the armed forces.
He’d be no match for the demons that are chasing her…

“M ary this family … our family, you, your brother, and myself are part of a
much bigger family,” Antonio informs her. Her face scrunches in confusion
at his vague explanation. “We are a part of the Colombo family.” She still
isn’t following what he’s talking about. She’s never heard any of their
relatives with the last name Colombo. She glances over at Tony to see if he’s
as confused as she is at this weird discussion.
“Fuck Mary!” Tony exclaims suddenly, causing her to flinch at his
harsh tone. “How stupid are you? He’s talking about the mob. We are part
of the Staten Island faction of the Colombo family.” The mob? Like as in
crime families, selling drugs, illegal arms dealing, and murder? Mary
stares at her brother, seeing the truth in his eyes. Mary feels the color drain
from her face. She can’t breathe. This isn’t real. This can’t be, can it? She
looks at her father for confirmation. His face is set in a hard glare at Tony
but looks at her when her head turns. She can see the truth in his eyes, too.
Oh God!
“Since we have that out of the way,” her father speaks as if they haven’t
just dropped a huge bomb in Mary’s lap. “We need to get you up to speed
on how things work and your new role in the family.” Mary, still reeling
from learning her family is in the mob, jerks her head up to look at her
“What do you mean, ‘my role’?” Mary asks, her voice shaky.
“Everyone has a duty to the family, Mary,” Antonio says simply as if
she’s an idiot. “We all have to do our part to ensure things run smoothly.
Your part is to marry Giovanni Russo. He’s a well-respected member of the
family in the Brooklyn faction. He has status in the family. Your marriage
will help…mend some fences between our factions, making life easier for
all of us.” Mary can’t believe what she’s hearing. Her father is insane, or
this is some nightmare she can’t wake up from. She pinches her arm in
desperation praying this is all a dream, but pain flares in her arm. No, this
is real. This is happening, and her whole life has been a lie. A lie construed
by her mother to keep her in the dark about the family and the business they
conduct. Why? Why would her mother do this to her? She had to have
recognized that Mary would find out eventually. Her father would force her
to take her place same as he’s doing now. So why the lifelong ruse?
“Why?” Mary voices her thoughts out loud, startling not only herself,
but her father and brother, too.
“What do you mean, why?” Tony asks. “Father just told you why your
marrying Giovanni, to strengthen family ties.”
“No!” Mary yells, turning her tear-filled gaze on her brother. Tony
flinches at her outburst. “Why did mom lie to me all these years? Why keep
me in the dark if this was my fate all along?” Tony’s gaze shifts to their
father. Mary whips her head to glare at her father, seeking the answers to
her questions. Antonio shifts uncomfortably in his chair, staring at Mary.
“Your mother had dreams for you, Mary,” Antonio informs her. He
clears his throat and looks upward a moment as if the memories are difficult
for him to handle. “She wanted you to focus on your singing and piano
playing. She’d hoped you would become famous, successful, and when you
eventually found out about our life, you would be set in your own career,
free to choose whether or not to be a part of our bigger family.” Mary
stares at her father. Her mother had wanted to give her options. “Evelyn
was a dreamer, Mary. I loved her deeply, so I indulged her as much as I was
able, but she knew, no one gets to choose. You were born into this family,
Mary. You don’t have a choice. None of us have a choice anymore. Once
family, always family.” His words have a finality to them, which brooks no
Mary continues to stare at her father. He gives a moment to process his
words, but it’s only a moment.
“All right, back to your marriage,” Antonio continues, “Giovanni is a
good man. He will provide well for you. He’ll allow you to continue your
singing and entertaining, at least until time for the children to be born…”
Mary tunes out the rest of what he’s saying. Her mind is reeling. Marriage?
Children? Some man she’s never met, doesn’t know at all? Panic, setting in,
Mary begins to hyperventilate. Her chest is hurting. She can’t get enough
air. Her hands begin to tingle and shake. Her father’s droning voice fades
as does the light in the room…
“Mary! Mary, wake up!” Tony is yelling at her, apprehension evident in
his voice. Mary feels strange. She blinks a few times trying to get her eyes
to focus. Tony is kneeling beside her. His brows wrinkled in concern as he
stares down at her. She turns her head to see the dark wooden leg of her
father’s desk. Plush carpet is cool against her back. She’s on the floor of her
father’s office. She turns back to look at Tony to ask why she’s on the floor.
Her father is standing slightly behind Tony. What happened? Then it all
comes flooding back. Her family is in the mob. She is going to marry some
man she’s never met and have his babies. Oh God!
Tony helps her into a sitting position. The world spins as she sits up, but
she manages to remain conscious. Her mind is still reeling with all this new
information and what her life will be in the near future. She’s having a
difficult time coming to grips with all that she’s learned. Getting tired of
waiting, Tony gets her under her arms and hoists her back into her chair in
front of her father’s desk.
“Get her some water, son,” Antonio demands. Tony nods before leaving
the room at a fast clip. Mary stares down at her hands folded in her lap.
What’s she supposed to do? Can she really go along with this insanity? Her
father doesn’t say anything to her while they wait in an uncomfortable
Tony returns in few minutes to place a glass of ice water into her
shaking hands. Tony helps to steady her hands and raise the glass to her
lips. Mary takes a sip of the cold water, feeling it slide down her dry throat.
She gives her brother a grateful smile. He nods then takes his seat next to
her. She sips more water letting it soothe her parched throat. Putting off
dealing with this situation.
“You aren’t expected to marry Giovanni right away,” Antonio informs
her. She jerks in response to the word ‘marry’. “We will be having dinner at
his family’s home in Brooklyn tomorrow night. There’ll be an engagement
announcement this week. Following that, you’ll be busy planning the
wedding. I expect he’ll want the marriage to take place within a couple of
months.” Mary’s eyes fly up to look at her father, wide with shock and fear.
“Mary, I know this is a shock for you.” –Antonio says softly– “but you
must understand, this is our life. It’s your life; you’ve simply not been privy
to the details until now.” His words do nothing to console her. She tries to
suppress the sob that’s threatening to escape, but she’s unsuccessful. Tears
begin flowing in earnest down her face.

S ometime later , Ruby finds herself sitting at edge of the pond. Staring out
at the ducks swimming in the water. Ruby isn’t sure how long she’s been
sitting here watching the ducks and remembering how messed up her life
had been in the days following her mother’s death. As night falls, she heads
back to the shelter. She doesn’t want to sleep outside tonight. The growing
clouds indicate more rain is in the forecast, and a chill is in the air as fall
approaches. It’ll be come more difficult to stay outside in the coming weeks
and months. She really shouldn’t be staying in Jacksonville. She should
head further south to warmer weather, but she’s promised Jolene she’ll help
coordinate the singers. Ruby can’t let her down. Jolene’s been so kind to her
over the years. This is the least Ruby can do to repay her.

Tank leaves the fundraiser meeting determined to learn everything he can

about the mysterious Ruby. Any information he can gather to help him
convince her that he’s worth getting to know will be beneficial. He decides
he needs to start by talking to Jolene. The woman seems to know Ruby the
best. Hopefully she’ll be a good starting point. He sees Straw walking
Abigail out toward her office and decides to follow. He turns toward the
main part of the shelter where Jolene’s and Abigail’s offices are located.
As he exits the cafeteria, he looks down the hallway to see Jolene
entering her office a few feet away. He wastes no time in covering the
distance to her door. He knocks on the doorframe waiting for permission to
enter. Jolene looks up at the sound of his knock, surprise on her face at
seeing him at her door.
“Tank! Come in, come in.” Jolene waves at him to take a seat in the
empty chair in front of her desk which is piled with stacks of papers. She
shuffles a few stacks out of her way before pinning him with her gaze.
“What can I do for you?” she asks as he takes his seat.
“I want to ask you about Ruby,” Tank declares. Jolene’s pleasant
expression falls a little. She shifts in her seat and clears her throat.
“Tank,” Jolene begins in a firm tone, “I won’t betray the trust of my
patrons. It’s imperative they trust that they are safe here. It would be
unethical of me to discuss Ruby with you without her permission.” Tank
closes his eyes in an effort to not blow a gasket. He should’ve known Jolene
wouldn’t be able to tell him anything. He huffs out a breath debating on
whether or not he should push Jolene to give him some little tidbit, but he
respects Jolene too much to manipulate her into bending her ethical rules.
“You’re concerned for her, aren’t you?” Jolene asks in a soft voice. Tank
opens his eyes to see her smiling at him, understanding on her face. Tank
nods his answer.
“I’m worried about her being out on the streets, Jolene,” Tank says, his
fear and frustration clear in his voice. “You know how dangerous it is out
there.” Tank jerks his head toward the street. “Anything could happen to
her. She’s so tiny and vulnerable. She has no way to call for help if she
should need it. I…I just can’t stand the thoughts of something happening to
her, of her being at the mercy of the weather, drug addicts, and the criminals
who roam these streets.”
“Oh Tank, I understand how you feel,” Jolene replies. “I worry about
her, too, but she’s been on the streets for many years from what I’ve
gathered. She’s survived. She’s tougher than she looks.” Tank snorts
derisively at that comment. “I can’t tell you anymore than that. However, I
suggest if you’re looking for a good meal, Angie’s diner on South Marine
Boulevard is an excellent place for dinner most days of the week.” Tank
frowns at the sudden change in topic. He looks at Jolene. Her brows raise
giving him a knowing look. Understanding dawns on him at her meaning.
Ruby will likely be at this diner most evenings. He gives Jolene a nod and a
smile before standing up to leave.
“Thanks, Jolene,” Tank murmurs. “I appreciate the suggestion. I believe
I’ll check it out.”
“See that you do, Tank,” Jolene giggles, which is quite funny coming
from the older woman. “You won’t be disappointed.” He dips his head in
acknowledgement then leaves her office. Straw is backing out of Abigail’s
office, which is right down the hall. His arms are around Abigail while he’s
kissing the hell out of her. The couple breaks apart, Abigail giggling.
“Go on now,” Abigail says a little breathless. “I’ve got work to do. I’ll
see you in a couple hours.” Straw kisses her again before turning Tank’s
way to head for to the back of the building where their vehicle is parked.
“You ready to go?” Straw asks Tank as he approaches. Tank grunts to
the affirmative. “I told Abigail we’d pick Ellie and the twins up from school
this afternoon since Hawk let us off early for the meeting. I hope that’s okay
with you?” Straw glances over at him as they are making their way to
Tank’s truck.
“Sure,” Tank answers, “Are the twins coming to the house, or are we
dropping them off at Hawk’s?”
“Taking them to Hawk’s,” Straw replies. “I’m not up to having those
hellions over again so soon. Little shits destroyed Ellie’s room last
weekend.” Tank laughs as he remembers all the whining the kids had done
when they’d been made to clean up their chaos.
“And Ellie had nothing to do with the messing either, right?” Tank
inquires, a knowing grin on his face. Straw is as wrapped around the little
princess’s finger as Tank is, possibly more. Straw huffs.
“Well of course she did,” Straw grumbles, “but it’s harder to be upset
with her. When her lower lip pooches out, I can’t scold her.” Tank chuckles.
He totally understands how Straw feels. The girl is adorable. He hasn’t been
able to get upset with her either, even when she’d gotten in his room and
colored on his walls with permanent markers.

T ank and S traw pull into the driveway to their house. Straw’s SUV is
already parked in the garage. Tank pulls his vehicle in next to Straw’s,
putting it in park then shutting off the motor. The men roll out of the vehicle
and head into the house. Savory smells are coming from the kitchen as they
enter the home.
Abi, we’re home,” Straw calls out as they head through the dining room
toward the kitchen. Tank notices Ellie’s coloring book and washable
markers are scattered on the dining table as they pass. Abigail exits the
kitchen as the men reach the foyer.
“Hey,” Abigail says softly. Her eyes glued to Straw, so full of love. Tank
has to look away. He peeks around Abi looking for Ellie, but she’s nowhere
to be seen.
“Hey sweetheart,” Straw coos before devouring Abigail in a heated
kiss. A couple of uncomfortable minutes later, Tank clears his throat,
interrupting the love fest. Abigail’s face flushes with embarrassment when
they break apart as she wipes the moisture from her lips. Straw turns to
glare at him. Tank gives him a sheepish smile.
“Where’s Ellie?” Tank asks Abi as he looks around. Abigail frowns.
“She was just in the dining room coloring a few minutes ago. Didn’t you
guys walk right by her?” Abigail asks. Tank shakes his head.
“We saw her coloring stuff, but she wasn’t in the dining room,” Straw
answers. Abigail heads into the living room.
“Ellie?” she calls out but returns seconds later. “She’s not in the living
room either. Maybe she went up to her room.” Abigail starts toward the
“I’ll go check on her,” Tank volunteers. “You’re cooking, and I think
Straw’s hankering for more ‘alone time’.” Abigail flushes again, and Tank
laughs as he heads up the stairs in search of Ellie. At the top of the stairs,
he turns left and takes the few steps to Ellie’s bedroom door. Peering inside
he sees that the child isn’t in there. He goes further into her room, seeing
her bathroom door is open. But Ellie’s not in there either. Exiting he turns
right going down to Straw and Abi’s room after a quick once through, he
still hasn’t found Ellie. He hurries back to the stairs. He’s taken a couple of
steps down when he hears Ellie giggling. It sounds like it’s coming from the
direction of his room. Turning around he heads back up the steps, this time
turning right to reach his room.
He notices his bedroom door is partly open. He’s sure he’d shut his door
this morning when before he left for base. Pushing open the door, he notices
a small brown head bobbing just on the other side of his California king
bed. Ellie is chatting to herself as she often does when playing alone. He
rounds the bed to see that she’s drawing pictures of rabbits on his wall.
“What are you doing?” Tank demands a little more forcefully than he
means to, scaring Ellie. She drops her marker and turns wide-eyed to look
at him.
“Oh Uncle Tank!” Ellie’s face lights up in delight when her eyes land
on him. “Look at the pretty picture I drew for you. Isn’t it so cute?” He
stares at the red and blue scribbles on his cream-colored wall. He looks
down at the red permanent marker bleeding color all over his thick plush
“Fuck,” he mutters, hoping he’s said is softly enough for the innocent
ears to not hear him. Ellie’s happy expression falls. Her little brown eyes
filling with tears.
“You don’t like my picture?” Ellie’s childlike voice quivers with her
“Yeah, sure I do, munchkin.” Tank hurries to assure the child. “But
you’re supposed to color in your coloring book. I don’t think your mama is
going to be happy that you’ve colored on the wall.” Tank wants to shift any
discomfort Ellie’s feeling off him. He’s happy to throw Abigail under the
“It’s okay Uncle Tank.” Ellie perks up again. “Momma got me washing
markers. We can wash this off and momma’ll never know.” Ellie beams up
at him. He hates to turn that smile upside down, but Ellie needs to know
those aren’t ‘washing’ markers. He doesn’t want to have to repaint their
whole house.
“Munchkin, where did you get those markers?” Tank asks her as he
nods to the offensive markers staining his carpet. He moves closer bending
down to pick them up and place the caps on them.
“I found them in the desk downstairs,” Ellie replies innocently. “They
color better than the ones I was using on my color book.” Tank groans.
Ellie’s been in the downstairs office the adults use to pay bills, and Abigail
has been working on posters for the bulletin board at the shelter.
“Little girl, those aren’t washing markers,” Tank tells her sternly.
“Those markers are for grownups. You should have asked your mama
before getting them.” Ellie’s eyes fill up with tears again. He bends down to
scoop the child up in his arms. He can’t keep from trying to comfort her.
“I-I’m sorry, Uncle Tank,” Ellie cries as he carries her from his room
and down the stairs to her mother. “I d-didn’t know.” Ellie buries her head
into the crook of his neck. He rubs his hand down her back, making
soothing sounds trying to calm the little girl. Straw and Abigail come
running at the sound of Ellie’s crying. They meet Tank at the bottom of the
“What’s wrong?” Straw asks with concern. Abigail hurrying ahead of
him reaching for Ellie. The child is plastered to Tank, not wanting to let go.
“I found her drawing pictures for me,” Tank informs the couple, “on my
bedroom walls with these.” Tank holds up the markers. Abigail’s face goes
pale. Straw’s eyes go wide as he takes in the markers for a second, then he
bursts out laughing like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard. Tank glares at
him. He’s no longer upset with Ellie, but Straw finding his walls decorated
in child art is not going to sit well with Tank. “Not funny, man.” Tank
growls at Straw, who only laughs harder.
“Oh Tank, I’m so sorry,” Abigail begins, her eyes are also filling with
tears. “I’ll hire someone to repaint your walls. I can’t believe…Ellie! You
know you’re not supposed to get into my things without asking first.” Ellie
raises her head, her face red, eyes swollen, tears still streaming down her
“I sorry, Momma!” Ellie wails. Her little body jerks with sobs. Tank
again begins to soothe her, and she buries her face in his neck again.
“It’s okay, munchkin.” Tank finds himself cooing to the child. “I’m not
mad. I know you didn’t know it wouldn’t wash off. Don’t cry.” As Ellie
continues to cry, his heart is breaking. “Come on, please stop crying.
You’re going to make Uncle Tank cry. You don’t want me to cry, do you?”
Ellie raises her head, still snubbing, but shakes her head to the negative.
“Okay then, you stop those tears.” Tank wipes her chubby little cheeks and
uses the hem of his t-shirt to wipe away the large amount of snot streaming
from her nose. Once he’s satisfied that Ellie’s no longer crying her eyes out,
Tank looks back at Straw and Abi. Straw is grinning at him like a fool. Abi
on the other hand is staring at him with her mouth hanging open.
Apparently shocked that the beast can be gentle when needed.

N o , he could never stay mad at Ellie. The child is a treasure. One Tank is
very thankful to have gotten to know and have in his life. He actually didn’t
allow Abi to have his walls repainted. Whenever he’s feeling down, he
looks at the little red and blue rabbit family hopping along his wall. They
make him smile every time he sees them.
The men climb into Tank’s truck. He recently purchased the Toyota
Tundra pick-up. Abigail has been driving Straw’s SUV while saving money
for her own vehicle. Tank had been thinking about getting a pickup anyway,
so he made the purchase. Straw has offered he buy Tank’s SUV from him
and Tank has agreed. This way all of them will have a set of wheels if they
need them. The men head toward Ellie’s school to collect the hellions as
Straw calls them. Pulling out of the parking lot, Tank looks around trying to
see if he can catch a glimpse of Ruby. He really wishes she hadn’t run from
him. She might be used to being on the streets fending for herself, but Tank
intends to put that to an end, with any luck, sooner rather than later.

Ruby settles onto a cot pulling the blanket up over her shoulders. It might
be getting cold outside, but Jolene keeps the temperature comfortable inside
the shelter. Ruby sighs as she tries to find sleep, but her mind is racing with
the events of the day. The meeting had been interesting to say the least.
She’d been anxious about meeting all the women– at first, but they’d all
been so kind and friendly. She’d finally gotten comfortable around them
only to come back with coffee to find the room filled with big burly men.
Ruby turns onto her left side, letting out a huge sigh. Tank. The big man
had driven her to distraction during the meeting, causing her to look foolish
when Jolene had asked her a question. Then he had the audacity to demand
she allow him to put his number into her non-existent phone. As if she
would call him for anything. Freaking arrogant man. She doesn’t even
know him. Yet he apparently expects she will fall down at his feet and let
him be her savior. Nope, not happening.
She has to admit the man is a sexy beast, but that’s why he is so
dangerous. She can’t afford to be distracted by his looks, his kindness, or
anything else he tries to throw at her. She has to keep herself to herself.
That way no one gets hurt, physically or otherwise. Ruby flops onto her
right side. Sighing again as sleep continues to elude her.
“Hey, are you okay?” a female voice whispers from the cot next to her.
Ruby peers over at the woman lying on the cot. The woman appears to be
much older than Ruby’s twenty-six years. Her hair is graying, and she has
wrinkles marring her face. Ruby thinks that once up on a time, she was
likely a very lovely woman, but time and living on the streets has faded her
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Ruby answers. It’s not really lying. Physically she’s
fine, but her mental state, that’s a whole different ballgame entirely. She
hasn’t been fine in that department in more than six years, but she’s
attempting to not think about that at the moment. She’s let herself remember
too much about her past today already. She’s not going to allow herself to
waste more of what’s left of the day thinking about it.
“You don’t seem fine,” the woman accuses. “I know it’s tough being in
here, but it can be much worse. You’re young and very pretty. You need to
find yourself a good man to take care of you. Then you won’t have to stay
in places like this any longer. Trust me, when you get to be my age, there
aren’t any men that’ll be interested in taking care of you.” Ruby sniffs at the
woman’s assessment of Ruby’s situation.
“I don’t want nor need a man to take care of me,” Ruby declares. “I can
take care of myself. Good night.” Ruby flips back onto her left side,
dismissing the woman and her assumption that Ruby needs someone to take
care of her.
The next morning after a fitful night of sleep, Ruby leaves the shelter
before dawn. Walking several blocks to the bus station to check on her
meager belongings before she goes to the YMCA to workout, then shower
and change for her shift at the diner. Ruby actually enjoys her job there. The
owner has been very kind to give her a job whenever she’s in the area. He
seems to understand Ruby’s need to move around.
When she’d informed him she’d be leaving the first time, he’d told her
she’d always have a job whenever she needed one. True to his word, he’s
given her shifts whenever she’s been in Jacksonville. He doesn’t seem to
get upset with her no matter how short or long her employment lasts. She’s
worked as few as two days and once as long a month before she felt she
needed to clear out once again. He’s always allowed her to work ‘under the
table’, paying her cash each day for the hours she works. He’s never
questioned her about why she moves around so much, and Ruby’s been
thankful for it.
Ruby finishes her shower and dresses warmly to walk the three miles to
the diner. She’s glad she chose to sleep at the shelter last night. The
temperature this morning is much cooler than yesterday. Slipping on her
worn coat, she places her dirty clothes into her faded backpack. The right
shoulder strap is fraying. She needs to look for a new backpack before the
strap breaks completely. She leaves the women’s locker room and heads out
the front door and into the cold wind.
“Good morning, Beautiful,” Tank’s deep rumbling voice startles Ruby
causing her to jump with fright. She spins to face him.
“What the Hell, Tank? You scared me half to death!” Ruby exclaims.
“You shouldn’t sneak up on people.” Ruby’s heart rate spikes, not only
from her fright, but at seeing the sexy beast again. She is panting hard and
places a hand over her heart. Tank reaches out to clasp her hand that is
resting over her left breast.
“I’m sorry, hon. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Tank’s thumb is gently
caressing the back of her hand. “I was hoping you would have breakfast
with me.”
Ruby snorts. “What a way to ask someone to breakfast. Scaring them
within an inch of their life, but I am hungry, and since you are buying, I’ll
go with you,” Ruby retorts haughtily. Tank smiles broadly as he places his
hand on the small of her back, leading her toward the parking lot. They stop
next to a navy-blue Toyota Tundra 4-door pickup truck with running boards
on the sides. Tank has a truck to match his nickname. The thing is huge. He
walks her to the passenger side of the truck and opens her door. Before she
can register what’s happening, he puts his hands on her waist and hoists her
up into the passenger seat. She is shocked when he takes the seatbelt and
reaches over her to buckle it. He’s much too close, all up in her personal
space. His masculine scent fills her nose as she sucks in a breath. It’s a faint
woodsy smell, perhaps from his soap and a little sweat. She wants to say
something snarky about him treating her like a child, but it is a really sweet
gesture. He glances at her and grins as he backs out of the confined space
before closing her door. Ruby sighs as she watches him round the truck to
climb confidently into the driver’s seat. The man is sex on a stick. Thick
and juicy. Ruby wants nothing more that to dive right in and take a bite, but
she needs to get those thoughts out of her head, quick-like. Thinking along
those lines will do nothing but cause problems for both of them.
Tank drives them to a popular chain restaurant several miles away in the
opposite direction of the diner where she works. The drive is mostly in
silence, but a comfortable one. When they pull into the parking lot of the
Cracker Barrell, Ruby starts to get out of the truck when Tank commands,
“Stay put. I’ll come around.” Ruby forces herself not to roll her eyes but,
instead, stops what she is doing and waits while Tank rounds the truck to
open her door. She swings her legs out the door and shivers when Tank puts
his hands on her waist. He lifts her out before slowly lowering her down to
the ground. Her body sliding down the length of his body. She sucks in a
breath at the contact, which only increases her desire more when his
masculine scent fills her nostrils. When she is on her feet, he remains
holding her close for a moment longer than necessary. When she is about to
protest his familiarity, he steps back and puts his arm around her waist
before leading her to the restaurant.
A hostess informs them it will be a few minutes before their table is
ready. Tank leads her around the gift shop taking in all the neat items they
have for sale while they wait. They have seasonal decorations, old fashion
snacks, travel games and toys for children, and even clothing. Ruby takes in
all the little trinkets, but doesn’t look at them too much. She doesn’t have a
home to decorate nor a car to take on long drives that would require a game
or audio book to pass the time.
A few minutes later, an announcement for Evans party of two blares
over the loud speaker interrupting the country western song that’s playing.
Tank leads her to the hostess station. They follow the hostess to a table near
the windows. Tank insists on sitting beside her with her tucked next to the
window and Tank with a view of all the entrances and exits of the room.
Ruby notices he, too, is scanning the room, clocking the exits, much like
she’s done since they entered. Her time on the streets has taught her to
always be aware of her surroundings. Knowing every exit is essential to
staying alive. You never know when you might need to make a quick
A waitress appears to take their order. Tank orders coffee, orange juice,
Momma’s pancake breakfast, and the Old Timer’s breakfast which basically
has some of everything on the menu. Ruby can’t believe the man is going to
eat all of that food, but when she looks at all his bulging muscles, she
figures he needs to calories to fuel them all. Ruby orders a seasonal
flavored hot coffee, eggs and bacon with biscuits and gravy. Lord she’s
likely going to make herself sick. She doesn’t usually eat like this, but it’s
nice to get a really good meal every now and then.
“So how are you this morning?” Tank inquires of her once the waitress
has brought their drinks. Ruby glances up at him. He gives her his panty
melting smile causing all her lady parts to wake up and take notice.
“I’m good,” Ruby answers honestly. “How are you?” She takes in his
appearance as she awaits his response. Yeah, he’s definitely fine this
morning. His sharp angular lines of his face draw her attention. His slightly
crooked nose doesn’t detract from his handsomeness. He has a smattering
of little scars scattered over his face. She wonders how he got so many but
doesn’t pry. Afterall she isn’t wanting to share anything significant with the
beast of a man. What’s she even doing here? She shouldn’t have given into
her foolish desires to spend a few minutes in his company. Such a seriously
bad idea.
“I’m good, too,” Tank answers glancing over at her. “I have to admit I
was worried about you last night, though.” Ruby frowns over at him. “I
know you’re used to taking care of yourself, but it’s dangerous out there,
Ruby. I worry something bad might happen to you.” His statement is
honest, but also too blunt for her liking.
“Listen Tank, I’ve been taking care of myself for over six years.” Ruby
turns a little to face him. “I won’t sugar coat it. It is dangerous at times,
lonely, sometimes a little scary, but it’s my life. A life I’ve chosen. I don’t
want or need you to be my knight in shining armor. I’m fine.” Tank clamps
his lips together in a tight line but doesn’t comment to Ruby’s dismay.
She’d fully expected him to go all caveman on her, but he keeps his
thoughts to himself.
“Understood.” Tank returns after an uncomfortable silence. “I apologize
if I overstepped.” Tank places a hand on her knee closest to him. Ruby
shivers at his touch. Oh if only she could give in to the desire swirling in
her belly.
“I’ll forgive you.” Ruby smiles over at him. “This time, but don’t let it
happen again.” She wags her finger at him, like a mother scolding a
wayward child, but is giggling all the while. Their food arrives moments
later, ending their lighthearted argument.
Ruby enjoys the meal and the following conversation. Tank keeps
things cheery the rest of the time, not pressing Ruby for anything more than
a meal. The food is delicious; Ruby eats more than she should, her belly
overly full and rumbling in protest. It’s been years since she’s eaten so well.
When they finish their food, Tank takes the check, leaving a nice big tip on
the table. Ruby smiles. The waitress should be thankful. Working as a
waitress herself, Ruby knows how much they depend on tips to supplement
their income. Many restaurants don’t even pay their waitresses the
minimum wage. The thought being they will make up the difference in tips.
Some days are good, but some days aren’t especially when the economy
takes a dip.
Tank leads her to the check out line. After paying, he leads her out to his
over large truck once again opening her door and buckling her in her seat.
He climbs into his, buckling his own belt and starting the engine. Then he
looks over at her, making no move to put the vehicle in gear.
“Thank you for having breakfast with me,” Tank says. Ruby looks over
at him. “I enjoyed the conversation. Can I drop you somewhere?”
“I should be thanking you, Tank,” Ruby replies. She pauses as she
contemplates her next words. “I enjoyed the conversation, too. As to where
to drop me, I really need to get to my job. Angie’s diner on South Marine
Boulevard. I don’t want to be late. The owner has been very kind to me.
The least I can do is show up on time.” Tank nods, putting his truck in gear
and maneuvers them out into the flow of traffic. About fifteen minutes later,
they pull into the parking lot at Angie’s. Tank puts the big rig in park. Ruby
has come to accept she needs to wait and let him open her door. It’s a thing
with him. When he doesn’t make a move to get out, she starts to reach for
her door handle, but his hand on her thigh stops her.
“Ruby, I’d like to see you again, if you’ll allow it.” Tank looks over at
her. Ruby’s eyes widen. He isn’t being all caveman this time. He keeps
changing his tactics, which is making it difficult for her to keep up her
guard. Perhaps that’s his plan all along– keep her guessing while he works
his way under her skin. She needs to be careful with this man. She could
easily lose her heart to him. That wouldn’t work out well for either of them.
“Tank,” she pleads softly. “I’m very flattered by your attention, but this
isn’t a good idea, and we both know it.” She spares him a glance. “You’re a
good man, Tank. I would only bring problems into your life that you don’t
need.” Tank’s face is set in a hard scowl. His jaw ticking in irritation.
“Ruby, I know you’re running from something or someone.” His
statement making her suck in a startled breath. How does he know anything
about her? She starts to protest, but he tightens his hold on her thigh halting
her words. “I think you are worth any complications that might come up.
I’ve lived most of my life not letting anyone get too close.” He pauses to
make eye contact with her. “Straw, one of the guys you met yesterday, is my
closest friend. The other guys on the team are my friends, my brothers and
I’d do anything for them and vice versa, but I’ve worked hard to keep
myself separate…safe. There’s something about you, Ruby that makes me
want to throw that rule out the window, to take a chance.”
Tank’s confession has Ruby reeling. She realizes she can’t put him at
risk, yet she understands where he’s coming from. She’s not allowed
anyone to get too close either since her mother died. Biting her lip she
considers his words, but nothing he’s said changes the fact that she is bad
news, dangerous. She still can’t take the chance he would be hurt by being
associated with her. Tank stares at her, waiting for her response.
“Tank…I just can’t,” Ruby replies regretfully. “I can’t take the risk, not
only for myself, but for you, too. I hope you’ll understand and not make this
any harder than it has to be.” Ruby opens her door and slides out of the tall
truck. She hurries across the parking lot to enter the diner by the back door.

Tank watches Ruby run from him for the second time in as many days. He
blows out a frustrated breath before pulling out of the parking lot and
heading back to base. He doesn’t know what to do. He needs advice. Ruby,
is for some unexplained reason, important to him. She clearly needs help
but is unwilling to allow him to help her. He needs to talk to Straw and
maybe Ace. Both men’s women had been reluctant to allow them into their
lives at first. They should have some insight into Tank’s plight.
He makes the drive without incident. Entering the command offices, he
makes his way to where his team should be gathering for their first session
of the day. As he enters to conference room, Hawk is the only person in the
“Hawk,” Tank says. Hawk looks up from the file he’s reading, giving
Tank a chin lift, then going back to his reading. Tank makes his way around
the table and walks up to take a seat near Hawk. He sits quietly waiting for
Hawk to finish his reading. Tank can’t seem to sit still as he waits. After a
few moments, Hawk raises his head to glare at him. Taking in Tank’s antsy
behavior, Hawk closes the file he’s been reading, straightening his posture
in his chair, he raises an expectant brow.
“Spit it out,” Hawk demands. Tank shifts in his seat, but decides he
needs to lay it all out. After all, he made Straw talk about his issues with
Abigail when they first met, and it had been helpful for Straw to win
Abigail over. He needs to trust his team and seek Hawk’s assistance.
“You remember Ruby from the shelter?” Tank asks. Hawk nods, his
face morphing into a sly grin.
“Yeah, I remember her,” Hawk answers. “She’s a tiny little thing. You
twitterpated?” Tank blinks at Hawk’s blunt question. He almost laughs at
the man’s euphemisms for love, sex, and other things. Tank huffs out a
“Yeah, something like that.” Tank grinds his teeth as he thinks about
what he feels for Ruby. “I’m worried about her being out on the streets, but
she refuses to let me get close enough to her to help.” Hawk studies him
“You understand, you just met her yesterday.” Hawk grins. “Maybe give
her a little time to warm up to your ogreness.” Tank flips him the bird, and
Hawk laughs. “Look, I don’t know what her story is about, but if you’re
concerned about her, talk to Jolene. She seems to know Ruby fairly well.”
“I did,” Tank informs him. “I also caught up with Ruby this morning,
took her to breakfast, then dropped her off at her job.” Hawk’s expression
shows his surprise at Tank’s declaration. “She pretty much told me no when
I asked if I could see her again, but she seemed reluctant to say, no.” Tank
huffs again. “Something she said that confirms my belief that she’s hiding
from something or more likely someone. She said she couldn’t take the risk,
not merely for her, but for me. She’s afraid of something. I’m not sure what
to do now.” Tank pauses and gives Hawk a pointed look. “She needs help,
Hawk. I can’t walk away. What if something bad happens to her? I won’t let
it happen.” Hawk nods and gets a thoughtful expression on his face.
“Let me contact Tex,” Hawk says. “See what he can dig up on Ruby
Cox.” Tank nods. Tex Keagan is a computer guru who can find anything on
anyone. He’s a former Navy SEAL. He’d been medically discharged when
he lost a leg in combat, but he hasn’t let that stop him. He merely enhanced
his computer skills, which he uses to help civilians and the military find
information or even people who have gone missing. Not everything is
always by the book, but the man gets the job done. That’s what’s important.
Tex has helped them several times in the past few years. When
Charlotte had been missing, when Elise had been kidnapped, and when
Daisy and another woman had been held hostage by terrorists. He even
helped them get information on Emma’s attacker and Abigail’s insane ex. In
each incident, Tex had given them good information that helped bring the
women home safe. Tank knows if anyone can find the reason Ruby seems
to be hiding, it’s Tex. While he feels bad to invade Ruby’s privacy, he’ll do
anything to keep her safe. If he can help keep her out of trouble, it’ll be
worth it. He’ll beg forgiveness later.
“Thanks, Hawk,” Tank says. “I appreciate it.” Mercury, Virus, and
Worm enter the conference room about that time and focus moves to their
job for the next few hours. They go over intelligence about drugs and guns
being smuggled into major U.S. cities through shipping containers. These
drugs, mainly heroin and methamphetamine which are laced with fentanyl,
a lethal drug by itself in small doses, are sold on the streets causing an
increase in drug overdoses and deaths.
Several of the guns have been used by members of gangs that are
believed to be tied to the American mob. A surge in crime and deaths in
these cities has the politicians in an uproar. A senator from New York state
had a nephew to die as a result of drug use. The Senator has made it his
mission to put an end to the flow of drugs and guns flooding the state. Early
intelligence is pointing to New York City as the entrance for much of the
contraband, but they are still in the gathering stages. It could be months
before they are able to narrow it down for certain, but the Senator, a former
special ops Marine, wants the best to be briefed on the intelligence as it
unfolds. He’s demanded his brothers in arms be kept up to date, so when it’s
time to move, they’ll be ready.
As the meeting breaks up Tank stands to stretch his aching back. Sitting
in those old chairs for so long has his muscles sore and stiff. Straw whacks
him on his back mid-stretch, causing the air to whoosh from his lungs.
“Let’s get going,” Straw says. “Abigail is cooking her lasagna tonight,
and I’m starving. All this talk about illegal drugs and guns has given me a
big appetite. I’m especially looking forward to dessert.” Straw waggles his
eyebrows. Tank shakes his head. Abigail would knock him senseless if she
knew he was hinting at their sex life to Tank. Abigail blushes at the slightest
hint of sexual innuendo. Tank returns Straw’s back slap rather forcefully
causing the man to stumble a couple of steps. Tank grins at his friend as
they make their way to Tank’s truck.
Abigail is driving Straw’s SUV for the time being. She sold her old
Nissan before moving here, and they haven’t gotten her a new one yet. The
stubborn woman won’t allow Straw to buy her a vehicle. Heck, Tank even
tried to let her take his SUV when he decided to get the truck he’s currently
driving, but she refused. She’s “saving” her money, and when she’s ready
she’ll get something she can afford. The woman needs to get over it.
Straw’s not going to let her get another small car like she had before. Those
things can be death traps in an accident. Tank knows Straw too well. He’ll
insist she has a large SUV, built sturdy so that if she’s ever in an accident
she’ll be protected as much as possible.
After a few minutes’ drive, the men arrive at their large ranch style
home in a nice suburban neighborhood. Tank pulls in the garage, parking
his truck next to Straw’s SUV. The delicious smell of garlic, tomatoes, and
cheese hits them as they enter the house. Damn! It sure is nice to come
home to a home cooked meal after being bogged down in the mire of their
job all day. Tank glances over at Straw, feeling envious the man has a
woman waiting for him. What would it be like to have Ruby here waiting
for him?
At that thought, Abigail comes out of the kitchen, carrying a stack of
plates for the dining room table. Little Ellie right behind her carrying the
placemats and napkins. Her sweet little face lighting up when she catches
sight of him and Straw entering the dining room from the other side.
“Robert! Uncle Tank!” Ellie exclaims happily throwing her bundle onto
the table and running at the men. She throws an arm around one leg on each
man hugging them tightly.
“Hey there munchkin.” Straw rubs a hand down Ellie’s hair as he leans
in for a kiss from Abigail, who is blushing profusely. Tank leans down
picking Ellie up and swinging her high into the air. She shrieks in delight at
their usual greeting.
“Uncle Tank you got my belly,” Ellie gushes, her face lit with
happiness. Tank presses a kiss to the top of her head before sitting her back
on her feet. He walks over to the table with her and begins helping her put
the placemats and napkins down. Straw follows Abigail into the kitchen.
Tank knows there’ll be some not so PG PDAs going on in the kitchen, and
he’s going to keep Ellie occupied while the couple has a proper greeting.
A few minutes later, Straw emerges from the kitchen with silverware in
hand to finish out the place settings. Tank notices his lips are reddened, and
he has that look in his eyes again. The couple is clearly in love. Tank is
happy for his friends but longing for the same makes him feel sad.
Tank looks at the table, wishing there was another place. His mind
drifting to Ruby. He wonders how her day has been. He hopes she got a lot
of tips today and that she’ll have a good meal tonight. More importantly, he
hopes she has safe place to sleep. Worry presses on him. He decides after
they’ve had supper, he’ll go out to see if he can find her. Just to make sure
she gets from the diner to the shelter safely, and he can take her some of
Abigail’s delicious lasagna, ensuring she has a good meal.
Abigail enters the dining room with a large salad bowl loaded with fresh
veggies. Straw brings the lasagna and garlic bread. They all sit down to a
wonderful meal. Ellie keeps them entertained with chatter about her day.
Abigail has taken on the task of finding a venue for the fundraiser. She tells
them about some places she’s looking into for it and her likes and dislikes
of the different locations. Once they’ve finished eating, Tank begins to clear
the table, carrying the dishes into the kitchen. Abigail and Straw follow
bringing in the leftover food.
“Here, Tank.” Abigail comes over to the sink. “Let me do that, you guys
have been working all day.” She tries to nudge him out from the sink to take
over rinsing the dishes. Tank doesn’t budge.
“I’ve got this, Abigail,” Tank rumbles. “You worked today, too, and you
cooked. Least I can do is clean up the kitchen. Would you mind if I take
some of the leftovers to Ruby?” Abigail’s face softens into a sheepish grin.
“Not at all, Tank,” Abigail answers. “Take all you want. I’ll pack it up
while you’re loading the dishwasher.” Tank gives her a nod and gets to
working on the dishes. He can’t wait to see Ruby again. He mentally shakes
his head. He’s got it bad. It’s only been a few hours since he saw her last,
yet he feels like it has been an eternity. Smiling at the thoughts of seeing her
again, he hurries to get the kitchen cleaned before heading to the diner. He
should get there about the time her shift will be over.

Ruby’s day has been strange to say the least. Beginning with the sexy beast
taking her to breakfast then driving her to work. The diner has been busier
than usual today, and she’s beginning to get tired. Her feet and legs
protesting at the long hours. One of the other waitresses didn’t show up for
her shift, so Ruby and the other ladies have had to take on more tables,
making for a long day.
Ruby loads dirty dishes onto her tray before wiping down the table. She
pockets the five dollar tip the customer left her, smiling to herself as she
remembers the older couple. They’d been so cute together. The man had
held the woman’s chair out for her, making sure she was comfortable before
taking his seat next to her. He’d waited patiently while the woman decided
what she wanted to order. It was the first time they’d eaten at the diner,
according to the woman. She’d said they were in town to visit their
grandson who’s stationed at Camp Lejeune.
Ruby couldn’t keep herself from smiling at the gentle interaction of the
couple. The way they’d looked at the other made it easy to see the love they
had for one another. Ruby had chatted with them when bringing their food
and refilling their drinks. She’d learned they’ve been married for twenty
years. A second marriage for them both and they have seven children
between them and fifteen grandchildren so far. The oldest grandson is
returning from a tour overseas this afternoon. They’d driven here from
Arkansas to greet him. His parents should be arriving later. The couple is
looking forward to their family being together for a little while.
Ruby hurries to the kitchen to put the dirty dishes near the sink. The
busboy is on his break. Ruby didn’t want to poor kid to come back to a
room full of dirty tables. She notices the coffee is getting low. She quickly
washes her hands and dries them then proceeds to prepare the industrial
coffee maker to brew another batch of regular and then sets the
decaffeinated pot to going as well. Realizing she’s been in the kitchen for
nearly ten minutes, she hurries out to check on her remaining customers.
Making notes of what drinks she needs to bring out to tables after
making her rounds, checking on everyone, she heads back into the kitchen.
The bell above the front door jingles as another customer enters. Ruby
meets Debbie coming out of the kitchen as she is entering.
“Hey, I heard someone entering, but I’ve got drinks to fill,” Ruby
informs her. “Seat them at one of my empty tables, and I’ll be with them in
a minute.”
“Oh Ruby, I can take them if you want,” Debbie replies half-heartedly.
It is her turn to take the next customer, but she’s rattled on all day about her
date tonight. Ruby sees she’s anxious to get out of here so she can get ready
for her date. Ruby doesn’t have anywhere to go but the shelter, so she
doesn’t mind taking on the extra work.
“No need, Debbie.” Ruby smiles. “I know you’re wanting to get out of
here early. I really don’t mind. Besides maybe they’ll be a good tipper.” The
women laugh, and Debbie heads out to seat the customer while Ruby fills
glasses with sodas and gets the freshly brewed coffee. She meets Debbie
coming back into the kitchen as she’s about to leave.
“Damn Ruby!” Debbie says dramatically as they pass one another. “You
have all the luck.”
“What?” Ruby asks confused as to what’s brought on that train of
thought from her co-worker. Debbie smiles and winks at her.
“Total hottie, in a badass, scary way, is sitting at table four.” Debbie
sighs wistfully. “I’d have stolen him back for my table if Derrick wasn’t in
my life.” Ruby rolls her eyes. Debbie is a hopeless romantic always sure
that the next guy she dates will be her prince charming. Ruby leaves the
kitchen, heading toward a table waiting for drink refills. She has to pass
table four to get there. Her steps faulter when she sees who’s sitting at the
table. Tank. Her heart skitters in her chest and belly drops. The man is
absolutely gorgeous.
“Tank, what are you doing here?” Ruby asks, pausing at his side. He
looks up at her to give her a sultry smile. Ruby can’t control her body’s
reaction to seeing him, being this close to him. Desire floods her, stirring
her lady bits. She’s thankful for the extra material of the apron she’s
wearing. Otherwise, her hardened nipples would be on display under the
white button up shirt that is part of their uniform. Her bra has seen better
days. The padding was thin to begin with and is nearly non-existent.
“I thought you might like a lift back to the shelter after your shift.”
Tank’s deep rumbling voice igniting her growing desire even more,
damping her panties while goosebumps erupt over her skin causing her
nipples to further harden almost painfully. “And I brought you some of
Abigail’s outstanding lasagna for supper. She’s a fantastic cook.” The
fortress around her heart weakens a little. He’s being too kind, too
thoughtful. How’s she supposed to keep him at arm’s length when he’s
doing everything in his power to work himself under her armor.
“Miss?” A customer calls. Ruby glances up at them and nods
acknowledgement of their request. She turns back to Tank.
“I’ll be with you in a minute.” Ruby dips her head at her laden tray. “Let
me drop these drinks off and see what that customer needs.”
“Take your time, beautiful,” Tank murmurs. “I can see you’re working.
I don’t want to disturb you. I’ll have some coffee until you’re finished.”
Ruby sighs and heads over to see what the customer is needing. She notices
Debbie bring Tank a cup and motions for her to fill his cup since she has the
pot on her tray. After ensuring her customers are taken care of, she walks
back to Tank’s table.
“You want creamer?” Ruby asks as she fills the cup, glancing over at his
handsome face. He shakes his head.
“No, black,” Tank replies. “Got used to drinking it that way in basic.”
Ruby nods as if she understands what he means. She doesn’t have much
experience with what members of service go through during basic training,
but what little she’s heard, she knows it’s a tough, grueling experience. She
worked at a bar near Paris Island, South Carolina a few years ago. All
Marine recruits on the eastern side of country complete their training there.
She’d heard a few stories from patrons at the bar. She couldn’t imagine
doing something like what they described. Not only men are trained there,
women too. Ruby met some truly badass women while working there. She
admired the women and their strength.
Looking at Tank, she can see how he would have flown through basic
without difficulty. He’s tall and has muscles on his muscles. His shirt is
stretched tight over his biceps, which look to be as big around as her thigh.
His shoulders are broad and taut. She wants to run her hands over them and
down his back while he hovers over her. Kissing her, making love to her.
Stop! You can’t think about him like that.
Lord he’s a beast, but when he looks at her, she doesn’t see a beast. She
sees a man with kindness and compassion. She appreciates he can be tough,
vicious even, when the situation warrants. He wouldn’t be a Marine if he
weren’t. Yet when it comes to interacting with her, he’s all soft and tender.
His hardened features soften when their eyes meet, which makes him all the
more attractive.
Ruby carries the near empty pot of coffee back into the kitchen to brew
another pot. Debbie is standing near the coffee maker. Her face lit with
“Giirrrl!” Debbie draws the word out. “That hottie is checking you out!”
Debbie squeals clapping her hands together. “You should give him your
number.” Ruby rolls her eyes at Debbie’s enthusiasm, but that won’t be
happening for several reasons. The main one Ruby doesn’t have a number,
but Debbie doesn’t know that bit of information. Ruby has worked hard to
keep a polite distance between herself and the other waitresses. She
willingly fills in for them if they need a day off, but they have to ask her
ahead of time. Even the owner knows Ruby will be there when she’s on the
schedule but calling her in at the last minute can’t happen as they have no
way of contacting her. She’s considered getting a prepaid phone, but many
of them you have to create an account online, and Ruby doesn’t want to
take the chance it could be linked to her, even if she used an alias.
“Oh stop, Debbie,” Ruby chides. “He’s not checking me out. Besides
I’m a dwarf next to him.” Debbie frowns.
“How would you know?” Debbie inquires. “He’s sitting down. You
didn’t see him when he was standing.” Ruby scrambles to think of an
explanation that doesn’t involve disclosing she familiar with the sexy man
as more than a customer.
“He brought her to work this morning.” Jose jumps into the
conversation. Ruby’s face heats, and she closes her eyes. The last thing she
needs is for them to start making a big deal out of her and Tank. There is no
her and Tank. There can’t be.
“What?” Debbie screeches. “You know him, know him? My God,
Ruby! Where have you been hiding him? He hasn’t been here before, has
he? Because I would remember if I’d seen him before. He’s smoking hot.”
Debbie fans herself. “Seriously, are you two a couple?” Ruby can’t get an
answer out for the rapid-fire questions Debbie is shooting at her.
“It’s not a big deal,” Ruby replies calmly. “I met him yesterday at a
fundraising meeting for “A Place to Call Home”, the homeless shelter that
Jolene Carter runs. We are on the same committees, and he wanted to
discuss it some more.” Debbie gives her a ‘don’t shit me’ look. Ruby
occupies herself with making more coffee. Debbie watches her for a few
minutes, but then checks her watch. She hurries back out to the dining room
to check on her customers.
She returns a few minutes later carrying a tray full of dishes. She
deposits them into the sink before turning to Ruby.
“Are you sure you don’t mind finishing my last table?” Debbie asks.
When Ruby confirms her agreement, the woman throws her arms around
Ruby’s neck, startling her. “Thank you, thank you a million times. You’re
the best! I really think Derrick is the one.” Debbie whips off her apron and
grabs her purse as she checks her watch again. “I should have just enough
time to make myself beautiful before he gets to my apartment.” Ruby waves
farewell to Debbie, then goes out to the counter, checking on the dessert
Most of the slices of pie are gone, as are the brownies. She makes a note
of what’s left. She’ll need to add to the list of pies for the baker. They only
have a couple slices of apple left. She looks up to see Tank sipping his
coffee, seeming content to wait for her shift to end. Hmm, what’s coffee
without some pie to go with it. She reaches into the dessert cabinet to snag
him a big slice of apple pie. Taking it into the back she warms it up in the
microwave, getting some vanilla ice cream from the freezer while it heats.
When it’s heated, she places a large scoop of ice cream on top of the pie.
“I thought you might like some dessert with your coffee,” Ruby says as
she sits the dessert in front of him. “I hope you like apple.” She looks over
at him. The look he’s giving her is so intense, but she can’t look away. Not
even if her life depended on it.
“Thank you, beautiful.” Tank smiles at her. “I do like apple.” He cuts
into the pie getting a bit of the ice cream with it. He puts the confection in
his mouth. His eyes close, and he gives a quiet moan. Ruby’s body goes
into overdrive at the sound. He really shouldn’t be making sounds like that
in public. It’s putting very inappropriate thoughts in Ruby’s head. “Mmm,
that’s really good.” Ruby swallows and nods. She hurries away to check on
Debbie’s table.
A couple of hours later, Ruby’s finally ready to leave for the night. Her
feet and legs are killing her. She knows that letting Tank drive her to the
shelter is a bad idea, but at present, she’s not going to worry about it. Her
feet will thank her later. She comes out of the kitchen, slipping off her apron
to see him waiting for her near the front door.
“You ready, beautiful?” Tank asks when he see her.
“Yes.” Ruby stares up into his handsome face. “I really appreciate you
giving me a lift. My feet are killing me. It’s been a long day.” Tank slides
his hand down her back, letting it rest near the base of her spine. He leads
her out the door, Jose locking it behind them.
Once again, he opens the door for her and lifts her up into his big truck,
buckling her belt. They make the drive to the shelter with ease. When they
arrive, he parks in the back shutting off the truck. He reaches into the back
seat pulling a bag out to place on the console between them.
“I’m sure it’s cold by now,” Tank says as he pulls a glass container with
a plastic lid from the bag. She can see a large helping of cheesy goodness
inside. Her eyes flick up to his face to see he’s smiling broadly at her. “I
take it by the expression on your face that you like lasagna.” Ruby nods
eagerly. She doesn’t care if it’s cold or not. It’ll still be delicious. Tank
places it back into the bag. Then he pulls a Ziplock bag filled with buttery
looking rolls. Her eyes widen, and he chuckles as if delighted by her
response. “I also brought you a salad to go with your meal. Maybe you can
warm the lasagna up in the cafeteria?”
“Yes, I can.” Ruby reaches for the bag. She’s actually starving. The
breakfast they’d shared this morning has long since left her. She could’ve
eaten at the diner, but they’d been so busy today she hadn’t taken time to
eat anything. When she’d taken her breaks. all she’d wanted to do was prop
her feet up and rest her legs a few minutes. Food was the last thing on her
mind. “Thank you for being so thoughtful. I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome, beautiful,” Tank replies. “Hang on. I’ll come around
and walk you in.” Ruby waits for him to open her door and help her down.
He walks with her to the door but doesn’t try to follow her inside. “Do you
work tomorrow?” he asks as she starts to open the door.
“Um…yeah,” Ruby answers. “I have the late shift again.”
“I’ll come the diner tomorrow night,” Tank declares. “Give you a lift.
You’ll be exhausted after being on your feet for so long.” Ruby tries to
protest, but he continues, “I remember you said you didn’t want to go out
with me, but I hope you’ll reconsider. You don’t have to decide this minute.
Take some time and think about it. That’s all I ask. In the meantime, we can
be friends, right?”
Shoot! How can she say no to him when he’s being so kind and sweet?
She presses her lips together to stop the automatic no she should say.
Instead, she takes a deep breath and nods. “All right, Tank, I’ll think about.”
She doesn’t finish the sentence, though. The part where she has to tell him
the answer will still have to be the same. She won’t put him at risk from the
demons chasing her.

Tank wakes early the next morning hopeful Ruby will decide to give him a
chance. He showers and readies for PT on base. He meets Straw at the top
of the stairs, who is leaving Ellie’s room. Straw checks in on her every
morning before they leave. It’s like he just needs to look at her to be sure
she’s still in her bed. Tank wants to do the same, but Straw has already
closed her door. He doesn’t want to wake her this early in the morning.
She’d never go back to sleep, and Abigail would Tank’s hide for waking her
up so early.
“She all right this morning?” Tank jerks his head in Ellie’s direction.
“Yeah,” Straw replies. “Sleeping like a baby.” Both men smile, thinking
of the little firecracker. She’s been such a breath of fresh air to both men.
The things they see and do on missions are the average citizen’s worst
nightmare. Hell, Tank even has nightmares from time to time over that shit,
but Ellie has helped to soothe that in them, at least a little. Giving them a
glimpse of the world through her eyes that aren’t tainted with death and
They arrive on base to see other members of their team assembling to
begin their day. Every morning the team meets early for physical training to
keep themselves in top condition. Tank enjoys working his muscles,
keeping himself fit. Many guys complain about the long runs and hikes they
do, but Tank thrives on them. It gives him time to let his mind work through
any problems he is having in his life. He’d planned out much of the remodel
on the house he and Straw have while running. During runs, his body
knows what to do on instinct. This frees his mind to work out also. Working
through his problems.
As he runs the last mile for the day, he’s hoping that Hawk will have
heard from Tex. He needs to find out what Ruby is so afraid of so he can
eliminate the threat, clearing the way for them to be together. He senses she
wants to get to know him better but whatever she’s running from prevents
her from giving in to her desires. He slows to jog the last few yards before
walking to cool down. The team heads to the gym to finish up before their
first meeting of the day.
After completing his workout, Tank showers again and changes into his
uniform in record time. He wants to catch Hawk alone to ask about Tex. He
enters the conference room after checking Hawk’s office and finding it
empty. He isn’t disappointed. Hawk is again sitting at the conference table
going over some intel. He looks up as Tank enter the room.
“Good morning, Tank,” Hawk says, closing the file he’s been reading
through. “Tex sent a text this morning. He hasn’t been able to gather
anything on Ruby Cox.” Hawk pauses giving a pointed look. “It’s as if she
doesn’t exist.” Tank stares back at his C.O. This isn’t really news. He’s
suspected that she doesn’t want to be found, so likely Ruby isn’t her real
name. Feeling defeated, he drops into a chair. He’s going to have to
convince her to trust him enough to tell him about herself and what she’s
hiding from. “Stop looking like your dog died,” Hawk commands. “He’s
still looking into it. He said if you can get a picture of her, he’ll run some
facial recognition software, looking through multiple databases including
social media sites. Maybe he can find something.”
“Sure, I’ll see what I can do,” Tank replies. He’s planning on catching
up with her again today under the guise of working on the fundraiser. He’s
downloaded some of the songs she’d mentioned at the meeting the other
day. He found some Pentatonix renditions of a couple of the songs and two
versions of Learning to Fly; one being the classic Tom Petty version and
another by a couple of folk artists, Colin and Caroline. He’s hoping to coax
Ruby into singing for him.
Other members of the team begin filing in the room, and they get started
on their day. Another briefing on the drugs and guns flooding New York
state but still no solid intel. This op will have to wait until they have better
information. A knock on the door interrupts the meeting. An ensign with
the Navy enters when Hawk barks, “enter”. The young woman takes in the
men in the room and swallows hard. She lifts her chin, straightening her
back and walks to the front of the room. After saluting her superior officer,
she leans in to whisper something to Hawk. She hands him a zip drive and
with another curt salute, exits the room.
“Hang on a second guys,” Hawk says as he attaches the zip drive to his
laptop. “It seems we have a new, more pressing matter on our hands.” He
loads up a file that contains pictures of a small compound in the Columbian
jungle. Hawk’s jaw begins to twitch as the images appear on the screen.
Tank suspects Hawk is remembering the place where they’d found
Charlotte several years ago. She’d been held hostage for months by some
really nasty people. Those people were associated with the cartel running
guns, drugs, and sex trafficking operations. Their team along with a SEAL
team from San Diego had been tasked with intercepting a large shipment of
weapons before they could reach U.S. soil.
When they raided a compound, the men holding Charlotte had fled in
jeeps taking her with them. In an effort to escape, they’d thrown her from
their moving vehicle onto the jungle path right in front of the Humvee
Hawk and several members of their team were riding in. They’d managed
to stop right before running her over. Though not part of their mission,
Hawk had taken her back to their encampment and made arrangements to
get her out of the country, clear of harm’s way. In the long run, Hawk saved
Charlotte, and the two fell in love. They have a beautiful blended family
with a total of six children, three adults and three little ones. The twins,
Jessie and Joshua are about to begin kindergarten with Ellie, and Lilly is in
preschool. Tank feels for Hawk as they stare at the screen. He can feel the
rage at what Charlotte had gone through in that hellhole radiating off Hawk.
The whole team, at least the ones who’d been there, feel the same. She’d
been beaten, starved, then thrown out like trash. None of them would ever
treat a woman in such a way. It’s deplorable. Tank wishes they could kill the
asshole again. He’s brought out of his memories when Hawk clears his
throat before giving them the low down.
“So, looks like the cartel we helped take down several years ago has
managed to reorganize under new leadership.” Hawk hits a button, and the
picture of a tall Hispanic man with straight black shoulder length hair, a
trim mustache, and goatee appears on the screen. “This is Arturo Guerrero
or as his men call him “Bear Warrior”. The man is ruthless, killing his way
to the top in less than three years. Since taking over the group two years
ago, he’s made connections throughout South America and even North
America. His latest plans include a trip to Mexico City where he’ll be
meeting with Jesus Cano a member of the Sinaloa Cartel a.k.a. “The
It’s believed Guerrero is trying to make an alliance with the Federation,
giving them more territory in Columbia. The Federation has been taking
over many of the smaller cartels with ease. They’ve aligned themselves
with high-ranking members of the Mexican government by giving intel on
the small operations. Once the Mexican government shuts the small
operation down, the Federation moves in and takes over the area. The
Mexican government gives the appearance of making headway in the war
on drugs but isn’t in a blood bath with the wealthy, well-armed cartel.”
Tank ponders. What are they supposed to do with this information? It’s
not like there’s anything to be done about the large cartel when they’re
supported in part by the Mexican government. Hawk turns to give the team
a hard look.
“If Guerrero is successful in gaining the support of the Federation, it
will mean another increase in drugs and weapons flooding across our
borders. We have credible intel he has a large shipment of drugs ready to be
delivered to the Federation for distribution in the U.S.” Hawk pauses for a
deep breath before continuing, “Another complication in all of this is
Guerrero was in the U.S. last month, meeting with well-known members of
the Colombo crime family in Brooklyn, New York. An informant inside
their organization has reported that Guerrero is working on connections to
get his drugs and guns on the streets of New York City, Buffalo, and into
Canada through the local mob affiliations. He supposedly met with several
factions, but the Brooklyn meeting is the only one that has any credible
insider information. There are rumors that Guerrero has promised to help
Giovanni Russo locate a missing person, but it’s all speculation, at present.
Informants are keeping their eyes and ears open and will report information
as it becomes available.”
“That’s all very interesting, but what’s all this have to do with us?”
Worm asks. Many of the team members also look curious.
“I’m getting to that,” Hawk grumbles. “It means that we are going to
Columbia to stop a shipment of drugs from reaching the Mexican border.
We do not want Guerrero making friendly with the Federation. We need to
shut this shit down, and hopefully the Federation will take out Guerrero for
fucking up the delivery. We’ll be taking two teams, Deadeye, your team is
tasked with seizing the drugs. Ranger’s team will be working to eliminate
their manufacturing facility, while a SEAL team is going in to extract a
believed hostage.”
“Fuck!” Ace exclaims. “This is going to be a major undertaking.
There’s so much going on it has disaster written all over it. When is this
supposed to happen? Please tell me we’re not being sent without proper
recon first?”
“Calm your ass down, Ace.” Hawk glares at him. “The shipment isn’t
supposed to be ready for about a month. We will be sending both Team 1
and Team 2 to Columbia for recon. Part of you will scope out the compound
while the rest will divide into two groups gathering intel on the route the
shipment is supposed to take and to see if you can get eyes or any
information on the hostage.”
“What information do we have about the hostage?” Virus asks. “How
long have they been held?”
“The niece of highly influential businessman disappeared one week ago
while on a college associated archeological exploration trip to Columbia.
The group had plans to visit several different sites on their month-long
tour,” Hawk briefs them. “The girl was taken six days after they arrived in
country. It’s believed that her kidnappers somehow knew the group’s
itinerary and picked a time and location where she could easily be taken.
There were other students around her at the time of her abduction, but she
was the only one taken. She was obviously targeted, although no specific
demands have been made to date. Her uncle, who is making a bid for a
senate seat, has the ear of several politicians who know the right people in
brass to get this rolling sooner rather than later. Once we’ve gathered the
intel, the SEALs will go in to extract her. At least this is the plan, at the
moment. I can’t say what chain will decide before it’s all said and done.”
“When do we roll out?” Straw asks. His tone dreadful. Tank can tell
since Straw has Abigail and Ellie waiting at home, he’s not nearly as eager
to head off to parts unknown for missions. Not that Tank can blame him. He
isn’t feeling too eager himself. He’s worried about Ruby being out there all
alone while he’s not around.
“We’re wheels up, in thirty minutes. Sorry boys, it’s not much notice,
but we all know how this goes,” Hawk tells them. “I knew this mission was
coming, but I thought we’d have more time. Some new intel came in an
hour ago, which links the girl’s abduction to the drug cartel. It’s stepped up
our time line. The politicians are breathing down brass’s necks to get the
girl out ASAP. So, gear up. Time to light some fires, boys. Dismissed.”
The teams proceed to their locker room where they each keep a “go”
bag for situations such as this. Tank’s stomach drops. He has no way to get
in touch with Ruby to tell her he’ll be gone and no idea when he might get
back. Fuck! He hasn’t explained his job to her, not wanting to scare her off
any more than he’s already scaring her. He jerks open his locker to
assemble his gear. Worry for her safety in his absence heavy on his mind.
“Who pissed in your Cheerios?” Virus asks, stopping outside Tank’s
space. Tank glares up at him from his seated position where he’s checking
his rifle, pistol, and ammunition. Virus holds up his hands. “Sorry, dude just
noticed you seem upset or something. Not trying to pry.” Tank huffs out a
“I’m sorry, Virus,” Tank answers. “It’s nothing serious, just wasn’t
expecting this, but I’ll deal.” He gives Virus a smile. “We always do, don’t
we?” Virus nods his agreement and heads on down to his locker area to
begin his preparations. Tank looks up to see Straw heading his way.
“Hey, I’m going to step out and call Abi. Let her know we won’t be
home for diner…anytime in the near future,” Straw informs him. Straw’s
face marred with disappointment and concern. An idea comes to Tank;
Straw will help him out.
“Would you do me a favor?” Tank asks. Straw quirks a brow so Tank
hurries to tell him, “Would you ask Abigail to…you know keep an eye on
Ruby, make sure she’s doing okay, has food and stuff.” Tank feels like a
bumbling idiot. Realistically he appreciates that Ruby’s been taking care of
herself for a long time, but now that she’s on his radar, he can’t not worry
about her. Straw gives him a goofy grin.
“Sure,” Straw answers. “I’ll tell her. You want Abi to tell her we are out
of town for a while?” Tank thinks on this for a moment.
“No. I don’t want Abigail to have to try to explain what we do,” Tank
begins. “I wanted to tell her myself, but we’ve run out of time before our
first mission. Hell, she’s tried her best to avoid me for the most part. I want
her to get to know me before I dump what we do for a living on her. I’ll
catch up with her when we get back.” Straw frowns at him but signals his
understanding before heading out the door to make his call.
Tank busies himself readying his gear, but his mind is on the red-haired
beauty who’s been on his mind since the moment he met her. Ruby is
gorgeous in Tank’s mind although she’s underweight. Despite being on the
thin side he couldn’t help notice the size of her breasts, the gentle curves of
her hips, or the shape of her calves. Her thin, tiny frame is dwarfed next to
him, but she’s just right for him. He hopes she’ll have enough to eat while
he’s gone and that she’ll sleep at the shelter and not in a park or on the
streets. He should have told her what he does for a living, maybe even
offered to let her stay in their guest room at the house. He isn’t sure she
would have accepted the invitation not knowing them all that well, but at
least he’d have tried. If she had agreed, Abigail would make sure she has a
good meal every night. More importantly he’d know she has a warm safe
place to sleep. Fuck! He has dropped the ball. He simply needs to make
sure he makes it back from this op so he can take care of her and continue
the relationship he’s been trying to forge with her.

Ruby enters the shelter after Tank has walked her to the door. Her mind
racing with thoughts of the handsome beast. She collects sheets, a pillow,
and a blanket before heading to the women’s room. She hopes she can find
an empty cot and not have to sleep on the floor or in the family room. Ruby
doesn’t have anything against children, but the family room is noisier than
the women’s room. Babies waking in the night crying doesn’t make for a
good night’s sleep.
She’s in luck as there are several empty cots still available. She makes
her bed, claiming her spot. Then she heads to the cafeteria and warms up
the food Tank gave her. The delicious smell of garlic and tomato sauce
making her stomach rumble as the dish warms in the microwave. She eats
quickly but savors the food. The richness of the lasagna fills her belly and
causes her to get sleepy. The long day and a full belly drag at her.
She makes her way back to the women’s room and her cot. She settles
in for the night. She’s so tired after the long day she’s had and the emotional
turmoil over dealing with Tank’s insistence of getting to know her. Damn
she wishes she could allow him to be in her life, but she won’t put him at
risk. It’s bad enough she has to worry about her own safety. She’d never be
able to forgive herself if Tank got hurt because of her. Her mind drifts back
in time as sleep takes her...
“A ren ’ t you ready yet ?” Tony asks as he enters her bedroom. Mary is
sitting at her vanity, staring at nothing as memories of her mother laying in
a puddle of blood, her eyes vacant, repeat in her mind over and over. She’s
thought of the moments right before everything went crazy, her mother
bragging on her performance. Her excitement for the family to meet at
Umberto’s for dinner. Mary shudders. If she hadn’t tripped and fallen,
would she be dead, too? At Tony’s question, she raises her eyes to meet his
in the mirror. His face set in hard lines. “What are you doing, Mary? Father
is waiting. You know how he gets when you make him wait.” Mary can’t
keep her thoughts to herself anymore. She needs someone to talk to, to tell
them what she’d seen that night. Her throat tight and eyes leaking tears
down her face.
“I can’t get married, Tony. Not after losing Mom like that.” Mary’s
voice hitches on a sob. “You weren’t there. You didn’t see her like I did. Her
eyes staring up at the sky. And the blood, so much blood. I can’t get it out of
my head!” Suddenly Tony grips her shoulders, pulling her to her feet and
turning her to face him before wrapping his arms around her. Mary sobs,
deep anguished wails coming from her. Finally releasing all the fear, grief,
and anger that’s been plaguing her since that horrible night.
“Shush,” Tony murmurs, holding her close. His voice also thick with
emotion. “I’m so sorry you saw all that, Mary. I never wanted you to see
something like that.” Mary continues to cry for several long minutes, Tony
holding her, murmuring comforting words to her. She’s beginning to calm
down, when she hears footsteps in the hallway. Opening her eyes, she sees
her father standing in her open doorway. His face contorted in grief. His
eyes shiny with unshed tears. Not stepping into her room, he merely stands
in the doorway watching her and Tony trying to comfort each other.
After a couple of minutes, he clears his throat. “We need to get going,
Mary. Dry those tears and finish getting ready. We leave in five minutes.”
Her father turns and walks away. Mary can’t believe that he’s still planning
on marrying her off to a complete stranger. She raises her head to look at
Tony. Her heart clenches at what she sees. Tony’s face has hardened much
like their father’s. He stares back at her for a beat, then he pulls away.
“You heard him, Mary. Get ready and don’t make us wait on you,”
Tony’s voice is as hard and unforgiving as is the expression on his face. He,
too, turns away from her and leaves her standing there alone in her grief,
wondering what in the hell has happened to her family.
Mary turns back to her vanity dropping back into her seat. With her
hands shaking so hard she can barely hold onto the brushes, she finally
manages to make herself look presentable. She makes her way downstairs
without falling to her death, even though her legs are like wet noodles. She
allows them to lead her out to the waiting car in the driveway and a fate she
can’t imagine.

R uby wakes to a dismal rainy morning. Thunder rumbles, indicating her

walking to the diner is not a good idea. She’s going to need to take the bus
or risk getting soaking wet and freezing cold. She made some really good
tips last night, so she could take a taxi, but she doesn’t like spending so
much money. She has to keep a good stash on hand in case she has to bail
and it takes a while to find work.
She takes the sheets and blankets from her cot and places them in the
receptacle for dirty linen. Since she’s planning on staying in the area a
while for the fundraiser, she should discuss getting a long-term cot so they
don’t have to wash her linens every day, but Ruby’s never had one before. If
they want more information than a name, she can’t risk it. Sighing, she
decides she will ask what information is needed when Abigail comes in this
morning. Her decision made, she finishes clearing her space before going to
the cafeteria for coffee and breakfast.
After getting her tray, she notices Harry sitting at one of the tables. He’s
been staying at this shelter off and on for many years. He’s a Marine
veteran. He suffers from PTSD and has an alcohol problem, but he’s a
really nice man when he’s not hitting the bottle. Ruby takes in his
appearance. He looks pretty good this morning so she decides to sit with
him and see if she can get his thoughts on performing at the fundraiser.
“Good morning, Harry,” Ruby greets him as she takes a seat. The older
man looks up with his sad tired light blue eyes.
“Good morning, Ruby girl.” Harry smiles at her as she sits down.
“Rainy morning, going to make for a messy day.”
“Yes, it is,” she replies. “How have you been?” She recognizes the man
has a drinking problem that can get him into trouble from time to time.
“Oh, about the same,” Harry answers. “I am making a go of AA again.
It’s been two weeks since my last drink, making progress.”
“Hank that’s great,” Ruby tells him. “I know you can beat this
addiction. Keep taking it one day at a time.”
“Thank you for the encouragement.” Harry looks a little sheepish. “I’m
trying. Seems like every time I get to doing good, I fall off the wagon again,
but I’ve gotten a good sponsor this time. He’s working hard to keep me on
the straight and narrow.”
“Good, I’m glad you have someone to help you,” Ruby says sincerely.
“You deserve to have a good life, Harry. I realize you’ve been unhappy with
the way things have been going, but I have a feeling, things are going to get
better for you.” He gives her another smile.
“So, what are you up to these days?” Harry asks “You been, okay? I
worry about you when you disappear for months at a time.”
“Good grief! Don’t you be worrying about me, Harry,” Ruby grumbles.
“You sound like Tank. I can take care of myself and you well know it.”
“Tank?” Harry asks, quirking a brow. “You ain’t talkin’ ‘bout the big
guy who works with Hawk and his team are you?”
“Yeah, he was at the meeting for the spring fundraiser the other day,”
Ruby tells him. “He’s decided I need saving for some reason. He had the
nerve to show up at the diner last night, to make sure I made it here safe.”
Ruby makes air quotes around “made it here safe”. Harry barks out a laugh,
humor lighting his eyes like Ruby’s never seen in him before.
“Ruby girl, I don’t blame him,” Harry declares “If I was thirty years
younger and not a drunk, I’d have been at the diner, too.” He winks at her,
causing her to blush profusely.
“Harry, stop it!” Ruby scolds him. “You know I’m not looking for a
relationship and I’ve been taking care of myself for years. Time to change
the subject. Have you spoken to Jolene about the spring fundraiser? She
mentioned wanting some of us to sing between sets on the main stage.”
“She mentioned it to me,” Harry answers. “I’m willing to help as long
as I get to sing with you. Also depending on if I can stay sober.” He lowers
his eyes, getting lost in his memories, which have contributed to his
drinking habit.
“Don’t go there, Harry,” Ruby reprimands him. “You can do this. I
know you can.”
“Thanks, Ruby girl. I’m really trying,” he tells her. They finish their
breakfasts discussing various songs they can sing A Cappello or with a
guitar for accompaniment. Bill joins them after a few minutes and agrees to
help as well. Once they’ve finished their breakfasts, Ruby clears their trays
while the men continue sipping their coffee and shoot the shit. She waves
goodbye to the two men as she heads toward the offices near the back. She
wants to see if Abigail has gotten here, yet so she can ask her about a long-
term cot. No sense in wasting good resources when she could reuse her
linens. She knows with winter approaching, she’ll need to stay here more
often than not. She can’t stand the cold. That’s why in years past, she’s gone
further south like Georgia or Florida. Ruby has agreed to help, and she’s not
one to go back on her word.
Entering the hall to the offices she sees Abigail coming from a back
door. A large to go cup in one hand and her cell phone to her ear in the
other. Ruby slowly makes her way toward Abigail’s office not wanting to
intrude on her just getting to work and while she’s on a call. Abigail looks
up making eye contact with Ruby. Abigail smiles and waves at her to come
on into her office. Abigail hurries around her desk depositing her large tote
bag onto the floor and dropping her keys onto its glossy top.
“Hang on a second, Charlotte,” Abigail says into the phone before
turning to Ruby. “Have a seat, Ruby. I’ll be with you in a second. I’m
finishing a call.” Ruby takes a step inside but stops.
“I don’t want to intrude on your call. I can come back in a few
minutes,” Ruby offers. Abigail shakes her head.
“No! Don’t be silly. I’m only talking to Charlotte,” Abigail says as she
lays her phone down on her desk putting it on speaker. “You remember her
from the meeting?” Ruby nods. “We’re discussing venues for the fundraiser.
Charlotte, I’ve put you on speaker. Ruby is here, too.”
“Hi, Ruby!” Charlotte calls over the line. “How are you, this morning?”
“Hello, Charlotte. I’m fine, thanks for asking,” Ruby replies. She shifts
on her feet uncomfortably, but takes a seat at Abigail’s urging.
“So, tell me about these places you’re planning on looking at,”
Charlotte says to Abigail.
“I’ve been looking to see what places might be large enough for the
event,” Abigail replies. “I have started a list. Jacksonville Commons,
Jacksonville Country Club, Jacksonville Conference Center, and Lejeune
Memorial Gardens are a few that I’ve got on my list. I still have to contact
them and make an appointment to discuss it with manager, but at least I’ve
gotten my list started.” Abigail laughs.
“Yes! At least you’ve started your list,” Charlotte answers. “I’ve not
gotten started on looking for sponsors or checking into caterers. I had plans
to do so yesterday, but Lilly wasn’t feeling well. She had a low-grade
temperature, so I kept her home from preschool. I don’t think she’s really
sick, but Hawk acted like the world was coming to an end, because his little
princess had a temperature.” Charlotte laughs. “He’s going to ruin our
daughter. The boys get sick and he’s like, ‘Man up you have to be tough’,”
Charlotte says deepening her voice in dramatic fashion. “But Lilly can have
the sniffles and he’s ready to whisk her off the pediatric ward at the
children’s hospital. I’ve tried to tell him she’s as tough as the boys. In some
ways tougher, she hardly ever cries over a skinned knee. Lilly is not at all
like my Sarah. She cried about everything. Hawk would be a total wreck if
Lilly was like Sarah had been.”
“I hope Lilly is feeling better today,” Abigail interjects when Charlotte
pauses a moment.
“Yes, she’s up bright eyed and ready to go this morning, much to her
Daddy’s relief.” Charlotte sighs. “We didn’t get hardly any sleep for Hawk
getting up every hour to check on her. Poor man, he’s going to have a long
“It sure sounds like it,” Abigail says. “Well, I better get off here,
Charlotte. I’ve got a ton of things to get done this morning.”
“Sure thing, Abi. I’ll talk to you later.” Charlotte ends the call. Ruby
stares at the phone for a second. She didn’t even give Abigail a chance to
say goodbye. Ruby looks up at Abigail to see her smiling as if she can read
her mind.
“She never says goodbye,” Abigail says with a shrug. “I’ve gotten used
to it. I think it’s because none of the guys ever say goodbye or wait for
whomever they’re talking to, to say it either.” Ruby shakes her head,
smiling. So much of these women’s lives seem to revolve around those
alpha men. “What can I do for you, Ruby?”
“I have been thinking that since I’m going to be staying in Jacksonville
for the next few months while we get the fundraiser organized, I might as
well see about getting a long-term cot. I know if you stay more than a
couple of nights, Jolene wants you to get a set space, and I hate the thought
of wasting resources on washing linens that could be used longer before
washing.” Ruby looks over at Abigail. “I wasn’t sure what all it involves…
I’ve never gotten one before.” Abigail nods her understanding while
reaching for a file folder on the shelf behind her desk.
“I’ll need to assign you a cot and make a tag for you to put on the foot
so no one gets your spot,” Abigail says, pulling a sheet from the folder and
getting a large black permanent marker and some card stock paper from a
drawer in her desk. She writes on the paper with the marker and looks over
the sheet of paper and scribbles something on the grid. She looks up at
Ruby. “All done! You can put your tag on cot 16 in the women’s room.”
Abigail hands her the sign.
“Thanks, Abigail.” Ruby takes the sign and then remembers she has
Abigail’s dishes in her backpack. “Oh, I just remembered. I have your dish.
The lasagna was delicious. I really appreciated it last night after my shift at
the diner. I was starving when I got here. It really hit the spot.”
“You’re welcome,” Abigail answers warmly. “I’m glad you liked it. I’d
love for you to come to the house for dinner sometime. Tank would love it,
too.” Abigail grins at her causing Ruby’s face to flush.
“Um, thanks but I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Ruby says, causing
the grin to fall from Abigail’s face. “It’s nothing against any of you…I
simply can’t. I hope you can understand.” Abigail’s lips pinch into a tight
line, but she nods her understanding.
“Sure, I understand.” Abigail gives her a sad smile. “But if you change
your mind, the invitation stands, any time, okay?” Ruby smiles back at her,
deciding she likes Abigail. She’s kind and thoughtful but respectful of
Ruby’s boundaries.
“I better get going. Thanks, Abigail.” Ruby hands over the dish and
leaves the office. She makes her way to the bus stop. Time to get her day
Many hours later after working another long shift at the diner, again
shorthanded, Ruby is dead on her feet. Jose follows her to the front door to
lock it behind her as she exits. Ruby is hoping to see Tank’s truck in the
parking lot. She’s watched for him to enter the diner all evening, but he’d
never shown up. She glances around the parking lot, but there’s no sign of
the sexy beast or his huge pickup truck. Disappointment slams her much
harder than she’d have expected. He’d said he’d be here, but he isn’t.
While she hasn’t known him long, he’s been a man of his word.
Knowing what she does of Abigail and Charlotte’s men, they are all
honorable men. He wouldn’t tell her he’d be here then not show up, right?
Maybe something happened to him? She dismisses that thought. He’s huge
and full of life. She can’t imagine anything getting him down. No, he’s just
decided she’s too much effort. It’s the only explanation that comes to mind.
Her eyes and nose burn with unexpected tears. She swallows her emotions.
It’s for the best, nothing could come of seeing him again anyway. Exhaling
she begins to make her way to the bus stop at a fast clip. Ready to put this
day and the sexy beast behind her.

Tank’s team makes their way through dense jungle terrain on silent feet, the
thick undergrowth making the trek difficult. The air is humid. The smell of
rotting vegetation and decaying animal fills the air. The flight to the
Columbian jungle had taken forever, getting on Tank’s last nerve, which is
unlike him. Tank is hoping his team can get this over with sooner rather
than later. He’s still plagued with the knowledge he’d told Ruby he would
pick her up after her shift at the diner, and he wasn’t there when she’d
gotten off. He’s kicking himself for not thinking to ask Abigail to tell her,
since he wouldn’t be able to make it.
They’re hiking their way to the compound to gather the needed intel.
His senses are on high alert. His eyes scanning the jungle in all directions,
watching for anything which looks out of place. This antsy feeling like
something bad is about to happen is riding him hard. His intuition hasn’t
ever let him down, which means the shit is going to hit the fan. The team
has fanned out, but close enough to see one another.
Looking to his right, Tank sees Straw moving up beside him. Their eyes
meet. Tank can tell Straw is feeling the same anxiety he’s feeling. With a
slight nod of his head, Tank begins to move again ducking under a vine.
Movement to his right up ahead catches his attention. He holds up a fist
signaling those around him to stop in their tracks. Tank crouches down
noticing his team members follow suit. He studies the jungle, looking for
whatever had caught his eye, but nothing moves. He continues to wait,
something or someone is waiting just up ahead.
Time drags on. About the time he’s beginning to doubt himself, Straw
moves slightly. Tank slowly turns his head. Straw makes almost
imperceptible hand movements indicating he’s picked up what’s hiding a
few meters ahead. After some quick relay of information among the team,
they begin to converge on the offending target.
Virus and Worm, being on the outer left end of their line, slip quickly
ahead of the team as does Bull and Mercury on the outer right end of their
line. The rest of the team begins to fill in the gaps essentially creating a
human net to capture what’s lurking up ahead. The closer they move toward
their target, the stronger Tank’s sense of unease grows. This could be a trap
intended to take them all out. He keeps his head on a slow swivel as they
creep ever closer. Tension building like an oppressive weight.
In minutes, Tank hears a click in his ear piece signaling Virus, Worm,
Bull, and Mercury are in place and ready for the shitshow to begin. Tank
holds his position, waiting for the signal to forge ahead. Seconds later,
Deadeye whispers into their comms, “Go! Go! Go!”.
The jungle erupts into a cacophony of sounds as the team moves,
weapons up at the ready. Tank’s Mk18 is held tightly to his shoulder as he
moves toward the target. Alert and ready for whatever comes his way, he
moves on light feet despite his size. The first bangs of gunfire explode
signaling the start of what will become an hour long standoff.
Tank hunkers down behind a tree bark flying as bullets pepper his
location. Glancing around he can see his teammates are also taking cover in
similar fashion. They exchange gunfire with the unknown enemy for
several minutes, but they’re unable to eliminate the target. Deadeye’s voice
comes over the comms calling to base command.
“Knight 1 to Coruscant,” Deadeye whispers softly into the comm. His
voice calm and controlled, despite the bullets flying around the team.
“Coruscant, go ahead Knight 1,” comes Hawk’s reply. Tank smiles to
himself thinking about the argument that had ensued when Wallace had
come up with the call signs for this mission. Wallace is a huge Star Wars
fan. Therefore when the task of naming the mission is up to Wallace it’s
going to have something to do with the famous movie chain. Deadeye had
been so annoyed he’d threatened to go AWOL. Not that he would’ve, but
he’d at least tried to get these ridiculous names changed.
“We’re taking fire from unfriendlies,” Deadeye relates calmly. Another
volley of gunfire erupts, sending a barrage of bullets flying around them.
“You got eyes on what we’re dealing with?”
“Stand-by Knight 1,” Hawk responds. “Sat images are coming up now.
We lost visual briefly.” Moments later they hear their C.O. let out a series of
creatively strung together curses. “Knight 1 large contingent of storm
troopers headed your way, including several walkers. Exploring escape
routes…” Hawk’s voice fades out. Tank knows the term storm troopers is
referring to cartel members and walkers indicate vehicles, likely jeeps or
big trucks. Hawk is back on air a few seconds later. “Head south west for 5
clicks should get you in the clear. Falcon incoming to handle the troopers.”
The Falcon is an aircraft, either a chopper or jet, to provide them with cover
fire or likely some small rockets to eliminate these assholes. With the last
statement, Deadeye signals for them to move. The team moves in waves.
Part of the team providing cover fire while the rest move toward their
destination. They take turns firing, then moving until they are all mostly
away from the group of unfriendlies.
Fuck! Tank thinks to himself as he takes position to provide cover for
his team. They haven’t even gotten close to their intended target, and
already they’re taking heavy fire. This isn’t looking like it’s going to be an
easy mission. Tank takes careful aim, watching as his next shot hits its
target. Once his teammates are clear, Tank gets to his feet and follows while
other are providing him cover. The roar of the approaching aircraft has Tank
picking up his pace. He isn’t about to be taken out by friendly fire. The craft
soars overhead, and moments later, the jungle explodes in fire and flying
debris. Branches, dirt, and leaves sail through the air and beat against his
back as he runs. The heat from the blast almost too much, but he doesn’t
slow down. He kicks in a burst of speed, putting as much distance as he can
between himself and the destruction left by the bombs the aircraft have
dropped. The team continues at a fast clip until they reach a well-worn path.
Deadeye holds up a fist. The team stops, each designated man taking their
predetermined lookout post while Deadeye and the others regroup and
decide their next move.
“Knight 1 to Coruscant,” Deadeye calls, pausing to await HQ’s
“Coruscant here,” Hawk responds, “go ahead.”
“Knights have reached Hoth, awaiting intel on Devaron,” Deadeye
relates. Hoth being the name given to any meeting location which is chosen
on the fly during the mission. Devaron is a jungle planet, so the compound
site has been named Devaron.
“Devaron remains quiet. Normal levels of storm troopers,” Hawk
returns. “No new activity on sat feed. Proceed as planned.”
“Confirm, Coruscant,” Deadeye replies, “Knights on the move. Out”
“Confirmed, Knights,” Hawk answers. “May the force be with you.
Out.” Tank chuckles to himself. Hawk might have halfheartedly protested at
the use of Star Wars lingo, but he’s obviously gotten on board with it. The
team moves out, once again, pushing closer to their target, but the location
is still several clicks away. It seems the disturbance they encountered hasn’t
drawn any more enemy their way.
Once they reach their destination, they’ll have to wait for the cover of
darkness to sneak inside the place to find out as much as possible including
numbers of troops, weapons, and any surveillance. The next day will be
filled waiting, as they will have to monitor the site a few days working out
patterns in guard changes, watch routes, and to see who’s coming and
Tank is overwhelmed with thoughts of Ruby and not getting to tell her
he would be gone for a while. Abigail will keep an eye out for her. She has
a good heart and can relate to Ruby’s current life situation much better than
Straw likes. The man gets all growly when anything is mentioned about
how Abigail had lived while on the run. The poor woman thought she’d
killed her ex. It was in self-defense, but she’d been afraid no one would
believe her. She’d been living hand to mouth for over four years when
Straw found her and brought her out of that life.
The teams continue to make their way through the thick undergrowth,
the air thick with humidity. The heat oppressive with all their gear weighing
them down. Sweat trickles down Tank’s back, leaking into creases he
doesn’t want to mention, his neck stinging with insect bites. Damn he hates
the jungle. His thoughts drifting to another mission a few years ago when
they’d teamed up with a SEAL team to take on this very group. After that
mission, he’d hoped to not have to return here ever again, but here they are
trekking through this godforsaken place once again.
Hours later, they reach their target. Each man fanning out taking up
positions to begin the job of gathering the intel they need. There are five
buildings in total. A large warehouse looking building is located in the
center of the set up with the smaller buildings setting around it in a semi-
circle. Tank and Straw set up in a clump of trees on eastern side of the
compound, settling in to monitor the comings and goings of the residents.
Tank notices a couple of men patrolling the perimeter of the clearing.
The men are armed with Galil ACE rifles. The rifles are an Israeli made
weapon but have recently started being produced in Columbia. Tank
wonders if this is the type of weapon they’re trying to smuggle into the U.S.
The patrol guards also have handguns holstered to their belts along with a
couple of knife sheaths. These men are well armed but hopefully not well
trained. This isn’t the team’s first run-in with Columbian drug lords and
likely won’t be the last. The last time they dealt with this group, the men
had been disorganized and sloppy. They’d easily sent the group fleeing
when they raided the compound but on the first pass hadn’t been able to
shut them down. That came months later, but it seems the group has
managed to revive with this new leader. It’s a sad truth Tanks come to learn
during his years as a special forces operator. When there’s money and
power to be had, there’s always another asshole waiting to take the place of
the ones they remove from power.
The men get as comfortable as possible sitting in the muggy jungle.
Each man monitoring a different direction, taking stock of the activity of
the compound. After a several long minutes, Straw breaks the silence.
“You solid?” Straw asks. “We took some heavy fire there for a while.”
“Yeah, I’m good. You?” Tanks glances over at his friend, noticing
Straw’s pained expression.
“I took a graze to my side.” Straw digs in his pack fishing out his med
kit. “Right below my flak vest.” Tank reaches over to take the kit from him.
Straw lifts his vest to reveal an ugly gash on his left side. Tank pulls some
gauze from the bag and begins to clean the wound. Straw scans the area
around them, making sure no unfriendlies are near, before glancing back
down at his wound. “Don’t look as bad as it feels.”
Tank grunts his agreement. The wound isn’t deep, but in this
environment, infection is a real concern especially as they are likely to be
out in this environment for days. Tank applies antibiotic ointment and
covers the wound, securing the dressing with a generous amount of tape.
Straw probably won’t appreciate it later when he’s taking it off, but at least
it shouldn’t come off before he’s ready for it to. “Thanks,” Straw says as he
lowers his flak vest. Tank gives him a non-committal mumble. They settle
back to monitoring the compound.
Several hours later as night approaches, Tank is more than over this op
but understands they’ve only just begun. Straw shifts his position, taking a
break from their monitoring. Tank will watch the last fifteen minutes of
their assigned time to monitor the compound. As the task moves to Mercury
and Bull, Tank also changes position to settle back against the trunk of a
tree. Ruby still weighing on his mind.
“You think Abigail and Ellie are okay?” Tank asks, looking over at
Straw. Straw nods, picking up a leaf from the floor of the jungle twirling it
in his hands.
“Charlotte will check in on them,” Straw replies thoughtfully. “Emma,
Elise, and Daisy will too. You know those women are tight and will make
sure they have what they need until we can get home.” Tank jerks his chin
in agreement. Straw is right about the women looking after one another. His
gut twists. Ruby doesn’t have that. He sighs quietly.
“Hey,” Straw says softly. “Abigail will look after Ruby same as the
others will be looking in on her.” Tank nods. He really hopes that Ruby will
allow Abigail to help her. Ruby is very stubborn and likely won’t let anyone
help her.
“I told her I’d pick her up after her shift at the diner, tonight,” Tanks
says quietly. “I asked her to consider spending some time with me, and she
said she’d think about it. She’s going to believe I ghosted her.” Tank sighs
again. Ruby is already reluctant to give him a chance, and after this she’ll
likely avoid him all together. Fuck! As soon has they’re back, he’s going to
explain everything to her and beg her to forgive him. He really hopes she’s
the forgiving type.

Ruby goes about her normal routine over the next few days. Her heart
aching more than she wants to admit over Tank’s disappearing act. She
scolds herself for allowing him to get under her skin so quickly. It’s too
dangerous to allow herself to develop attachments. Attachments lead to
distraction. Distraction leads to destruction. She can’t afford to have the
indulgence of getting distracted.
Feeling angry and frustrated at herself, she jerks the shelter door open a
little more forcefully than she needs. Hurrying inside, she collides with
Abigail. “Umph!” Papers fly up into the air before fluttering slowly to
scatter across the floor.
“Oh, my goodness!” Abigail exclaims. “I’m sorry Ruby. I wasn’t paying
attention. My mind is a million miles away these days.” Ruby gives her a
tight smile. Abigail bends down and begins picking up the scattered papers.
“I wasn’t watching where I was going either,” Ruby assures Abigail.
“Here let me help.” Ruby kneels down to gather more of the papers. The
women make quick work of picking up the mess. Ruby shuffles the papers
aligning them into a neat stack. “Here you are.” Ruby hands the stack to
Abigail. Ruby looks closer at the woman in front of her and notices she
looks tired and stressed. “Is everything okay, Abigail?”
“Yes…No…it’s complicated?” Abigail gives Ruby a forlorn smile.
“Robert’s out of town, and I don’t sleep well when he’s not at home. I’ll be
okay, but I’ll be much better when he gets back.” Ruby returns the smile
and wonders who Robert is, but doesn’t ask. The last thing she needs is to
get closer to another person. She’s broken the no friends rule too much in
the last few days. First agreeing to help Jolene, then letting herself get too
close to Tank. Nope she can’t allow herself to get drawn into another
“Well, I better get going,” Abigail says. “I have to pick up my daughter
from school.” Ruby watches the woman head down the hall toward her
office. Ruby makes her way to her cot. She’s exhausted and merely wants to
go to sleep. Most importantly, to stop thinking about the beast who’s taken
up residence in her thoughts and dreams. She needs to turn off her mind for
a few hours.
She lays down on her cot thankful not many patrons have arrived yet as
it’s so early in the evening. She tries to get comfortable, but sleep eludes
her. As she lays there staring at the ceiling all the reasons why she has
found herself sleeping in a shelter and can’t allow anyone to get too close
races through her mind. In the days following her father’s confession to her
about the family business and his intention for her to marry a complete
stranger, Mary had lived in a haze of grief and disbelief. Still reeling from
everything that’d happened, she’d made to have dinner with Mr. Russo. Just
remembering that night gives her chills…

T he ride to the restaurant is tense. Mary doesn’t speak or make eye contact
with either man sharing the back seat with her. They’d sandwiched her
between them as if they were afraid she’d bolt from the moving vehicle at
the first opportunity. Mary thinks they were wise to do so, because she
thought of doing just that. Where she’d go, she had no idea, but anywhere
would be better than where they were headed. Her father and brother carry
on a conversation, but Mary tunes then out. She’s too nervous about what’s
about to take place. She’s going to meet her future husband.
They arrive at the restaurant, the car stopping in front of the main
entrance. Tony opens the door and steps out. Mary notices he looks around
in all directions before he leans down and reaches back for her. His large
hand grips her smaller one as he helps her from the back seat. Their driver
has opened her father’s door. Her father steps out of the vehicle, and he too
scans the area around them before buttoning his suit coat and making his
way around the back of the car to meet up with her and Tony on the
Once they’re all together, her father takes the lead, placing his hand on
the small of her back leading her inside. There are two very large men
dressed in dark suits standing on either side of the door. The man on the
right nods at her father as they pass. Mary swallows hard. She never
thought much about the places they’d been before or that there always
seemed to be men in suits standing around as if watching over everything.
She’d always thought the restaurants were just careful about security and
protecting their patrons. She realizes why those places needed guards,
because of their association with or ownership by the mob.
Once inside, they are greeted by a beautiful woman in a glittering silver
dress, which clings to her generous curves. Mary looks at the woman
closely, noticing she is eyeing her father with hungry eyes. Anger burns hot
in Mary’s veins. Her mother hasn’t been in the ground two whole days yet.
She glances at her father grateful, that he isn’t encouraging the woman. He
barely looks at her when she tells them to follow her to their table.
They approach a large round table in a dimly lit corner near the back of
the restaurant. A tall man with black hair, a clean-shaven handsome face,
and lean body stands to greet them. Several other muscled men with dark
glasses are standing around the table looking scary, in Mary’s opinion.
Another man, an older version of the first also stands up. Mary notices
there are two women sitting at the table as well. Tony and her father shake
hands with the men.
“Ah, Antonio,” the older man greets her father. “So good to see you.”
He pats her father on his shoulder as he’s shaking his other hand. “And
Tony, such a good boy.” The man briefly shakes Tony’s hand and pats him
on his cheek before he turns his eyes on Mary. Her heart skitters in her
chest when her eyes meet the man’s. His eyes are black as coal. There’s no
warmth in them at all. He looks her over from top to bottom and back
again. It’s revolting how his eyes linger over her hips and breasts. She can’t
keep from shivering at the unnerving sensation of having his eyes on her is
causing. “And this must be, Mary.” The man glances at her father. “You
didn’t do her beauty justice, Antonio. She’s even lovelier than Evelyn was,
God rest her soul.” Mary flinches at the mention of her mother.
“Giovanni,” her father says to the man, and Mary’s heart drops. Surely
this can’t be the man her father intends for her to marry. He looks older
than her father. “I’d like you meet my daughter, Mary Catherine.” Her
father places a firm hand on her lower back as if reminding her of her
manners. “Mary Catherine, Giovanni Russo, Sr.” Mary swallows around
the lump in her throat.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Russo.” She manages to say without her voice
wavering, holding out her hand in greeting. The older man takes her hand
in his placing a kiss to the back of her hand. She wants to jerk her hand
away but manages to keep her composure.
“Mary Catherine,” Mr. Russo, Sr. says. “Such a good strong Catholic
name. You’re very lovely, my dear. My son is an exceptionally lucky man
indeed.” Mary shivers again at the disgusting, lustful look the man is giving
her. His eyes roam her body from head to toe and back again. His eyes
lingering on her curves once again. He turns to the younger version of
himself. “Mary Catherine, I’d like to introduce you to my son, Giovanni, Jr.,
your future husband.” Mary Catherine glances over at the younger man.
His eyes are taking her in, roving over her form as if assessing a horse, he’s
planning to buy. He steps closer to her, taking her hand from his father’s
“Mary Catherine,” Giovanni, Jr.’s voice is deep and rumbling. “So nice
to finally meet you. You’re even more beautiful than your father described.”
He also kisses the back of her hand, but he doesn’t let it go. He takes
command of her, placing his other hand at the small of her back. He leads
her around the table. He pulls out an empty chair next to where he’d been
seated when they’d arrived.
Once she’s seated, he takes his seat beside her. She’s then introduced to
the women sitting at the table. The first is Julianna Russo. Senior Russo’s
current wife, who looks to be no more than a few years older than Mary.
The woman is dressed in a black sequenced gown with a deep V-neck,
which shows off more than a little of her ample cleavage. Mary thinks the
woman has had breast augmentation. Her chest doesn’t match the rest of
her frame. The woman glares at Mary when she thinks no one else is
noticing. Mary sees the way the woman is looking at the man next to her.
Julianna is jealous of Mary sitting next to her step-son. How gross!
The other woman at the table is Gianna Russo. Senior Russo’s daughter.
She’s a raven-haired beauty with a full face and fuller figure to match. She
smiles at Mary when they are introduced, and Mary notices she’s the only
person she’s met so far, whose smile reaches her eyes. The girl seems kind
and genuine but is obviously timid. She keeps her head down, only speaks
when spoken to, and avoids eye contact with her father and brother. Mary
wonders about the girl and what’s she has gone through to make her behave
in that way. Mary is jerked from her thoughts when she feels a hand on her
thigh. She glances over at Giovanni, Jr. startled at his boldness. They’ve
only just met for God’s sake.
“Mary Catherine, would you like a glass of wine,” he asks her when
their eyes meet. She’s never really drank wine that much. Not being of legal
age, yet, she’s only had a few sips from time to time when her mother
allowed it at dinner. Not sure how to respond, her father jumps in and
answers for her.
“She’ll have water,” Antonio says, his voice firm. Junior looks up at
him, his jaw ticking, but nods. Mary can feel tension thick in the air. She
begins to understand, despite the planned marriage of their children, the
two older men at the table don’t necessarily get along.
“Antonio,” Senior Russo begins. Tell us how business is doing these
days?” Mary tunes out the older men’s conversation as Junior turns to her,
drawing her attention.
“Tell me about yourself, Mary Catherine,” Junior asks. Mary studies
his face. He is a handsome man with thick, black hair with just a slight
wave to it. It’s well styled, parted on the side, not a hair out of place. His
eyes are dark, almost black as if they’re all pupil. She doesn’t see any light
in his eyes, which causes fear to run through her. His features are stark with
well-defined cheekbones, a hard jawline, and a prominent nose. The only
feature that isn’t perfect like the rest of him. It’s crooked, which only adds to
the scary vibes that radiate from both Russo men.
“What would you like to know?” Mary asks, taking a sip of her water.
He studies her for a moment.
“What are you studying? Your father mentioned you were in school,”
Junior says. Mary wets her lips. She really doesn’t want to discuss her
singing with this man. Her singing and performing is something she shared
with her mother. Her eyes stinging with memories from the last time she
performed, she clears her throat.
“Music vocals,” she answers. His face frowns as he takes in her words.
“I’m attending a performing arts college. I sing and play piano; well, I
did.” She pauses as again the memories try to overwhelm her. Junior looks
at her thoughtfully as if he’s trying to figure out what she means by her
statement. She decides she might as well explain things to him. He is to be
her husband after all. “My mother encouraged me to sing and perform,”
Mary explains. “I always loved it, but now it’s tainted with what happened
to her.” Mary blinks several times, willing her tears not to fall. A hand on
her right arm draws her attention. Gianna is giving her a sympathetic look.
“I’m very sorry about your mother,” Junior murmurs, drawing her
attention back to him. She studies him. His expression and eyes don’t match
his words. She has the sinking feeling he doesn’t care about her mother
being murder right in front of her but is trying to say the right things to
make this farce of a marriage seem like a good thing.
A waiter arrives at the table bringing bread and sauce for dipping.
Gianna reaches for the basket piling two large pieces on her plates and
adding a generous amount of sauce. Mary isn’t at all hungry but politely
takes a piece of bread when Gianna hands her the basket. She turns and
offers it to Junior. He takes the basket. Mary turns her attention back to
Gianna who is diving right in to warm fluffy bread. Mary picks at her piece
to at least give the appearance of eating. The older men draw Junior into
their conversation, so Mary is spared having to divulge anything else to
him. After Gianna has finished her bread, making quick work of it, she turns
to Mary.
“Let’s go freshen up,” Gianna says to her. Mary glances to her father
who gives her a nod. The women rise, startling Junior as if he hadn’t heard
his sister’s comment. He grabs Mary’s hand firmly, almost too tightly. She
looks down at him and swallows hard. His gaze is hard.
“Where are you going?” he demands of her. Mary is so caught off
guard by his harsh tone and demanding grip she can’t form words. Gianna
comes to her rescue.
“We are going to freshen up,” Gianna says softly. “We will be right
back.” Junior glances at his sister then back at Mary.
“Don’t be gone long. The food will be here soon,” he informs them.
Mary nods. Gianna grabs her other hand, dragging her away from the table
and across the restaurant to the other side where the restrooms are located.
When they enter the opulent wash room, Gianna quickly checks every stall
ensuring they are alone.
“I’m sorry about my brother’s behavior,” Gianna says when she’s
satisfied they are alone. “He’s been well trained to be an ass by our father.”
Mary sucks in a startled breath, in shock the woman would speak about her
brother in such a way with a virtual stranger. “What?” Gianna questions
Mary’s shock at her statement. “He was being an ass and don’t act like you
don’t agree.”
“I don’t disagree,” Mary confirms, “I just didn’t expect you to speak so
frankly with me. You don’t really know me after all.”
“That’s true, but I get the feeling all this is a shock for you,” Gianna
replies softly. “I’m truly sorry about your mother.” Mary can see the truth
of the woman’s statement in her eyes. Mary gives her a sad look. She turns
to the mirrors, touching up her eye makeup. She’s warred with her tears all
evening. She’s thankful her mascara isn’t running down her face.
“It is a shock,” Mary says after a few moments of silence. “I just lost
my mother in a violent way, right in front of me. We’d only just buried her
when father told me I’d be marrying your brother.” Mary looks over at
Gianna. “I’d never even heard of him before yesterday. Now I’m expected
to marry him?” She huffs out a breath. How has this become her life?
“You’d never heard of our family?” Gianna asks incredulously. Mary
shakes her head in confirmation. “How can that be? Our families have
been associates for years.” Mary studies the girl in front of her wondering
just how much she could trust Gianna. With her mother gone, Mary doesn’t
have anyone else and so far, Gianna has been the only one to seem genuine
with her.
“My mother kept me sheltered from all this,” Mary waves her hand
around. “Until yesterday, I had no idea what kind of “business” –she made
air quotes with her hands– “my father did. I thought we were just a typical
middle-class family.” Gianna looks at her in shock for a moment before she
reaches out to take her hand. Her lips tighten into a hard line. The women
stare at one another for a few moments. Mary doesn’t know what else to
say. She still really doesn’t understand everything about their family or the
life they’ve been leading.
“Shit, Mary!” Gianna exclaims. “I can’t imagine how difficult all this
has been for you. I’ve known all my life what our family does for a living
and some days I can’t stand the thoughts of it. You must be freaking out.”
Mary nods, tears again threatening to fall. Gianna gives her a hard look.
“Listen, you’ve got to toughen up and in a hurry,” Gianna says. “My
father and brother will eat you alive if they sense weakness of any sort.
They can and will be brutal.” Gianna shivers. “Not only them, but that
bitch Julianna. She’s a gold-digging whore. She was after Junior, but father
decided he wanted her for himself. Whatever father wants, father gets.
Julianna better watch herself, because my father doesn’t take any shit, and
if he catches her trying to cause trouble between you and Junior, father will
shut her down, permanently.” Mary’s eyes widen in fear. Surely she isn’t
talking about her father killing his own wife. At her shocked expression,
Gianna elaborates. “She isn’t father’s first wife or even third. Father gets
bored easily, and he’s very paranoid. If he thinks anyone is trying to mess
with him, his family, or his business, he deals with it swiftly. It doesn’t
matter who the offender is. Family or not, he will hand out justice as he
sees fit.” Mary swallows hard. Her mouth dry. Her heart is thudding in her
chest. This can’t be happening to her. She wishes this was all just a dream,
but she knows that it isn’t. This is currently her life. “Come on,” Gianna
says, “we need to get back out there before they send in a search party.”
Mary follows her back out to their table.
The women take their seats just as their meals are arriving. Mary tries
to pretend everything is fine, but inside she’s a trembling mess. She can’t
marry this man. She won’t. She’ll have to set her father down and explain to
him she isn’t on board with this craziness. He’ll understand. He’s her father
after all. He can be tough, demanding at times, but he’s still the man who’s
always shown her love and kindness. He just has to see reason. The rest of
the evening passes in a blur. Mary does her best to smile and make
conversation, but the longer she spends with her intended, the more she’s
determined to get out of the arrangement.
When the meal is over, the men discuss more business for a bit. Then
finally it’s time for them all to leave and go their separate ways. The Russo
men escort them out the door to their waiting vehicle. Her father and
brother stroll confidently toward the car. A large hand on Mary’s bicep
prevents her from following them. She turns her eyes on Russo Junior.
“Mary Catherine.” inwardly she cringes at the sound of her name on
his tongue. “I’ll be by tomorrow morning around ten to pick you up. Be
ready when I arrive. I don’t like waiting.” Mary glares at him. How dare
he? He thinks he can tell what to do, when to do, and how to do it? She
starts to protest, but the look he gives her stills her voice. “Wear some
clothes fitting our station.” His eyes rove over her once more. “I’ll have
Gianna take you shopping soon. Get you some appropriate clothes.” Mary
bites back the retort on her tongue. No need to argue with the arrogant
asshole. She won’t be seeing him again. Mary pulls her arm from his grasp.
She straightens her spine and walks to where her brother is waiting for her.
She climbs into the backseat as her father and brother take their seats as
Once the car is in motion, Mary takes a deep breath, preparing herself
to have the much-needed conversation with her father, but he beats her to
the punch.
“That went rather well,” her father says. Tony gives a grunt beside her.
Mary’s head swings in her father’s direction. Was he serious?
“You’re kidding, right?” Mary asks, her voice rising in pitch. “In what
universe did that dinner go well?” Tony lays his hand on her knee giving
her a squeeze. Mary isn’t sure if he’s trying to reign her in or give her
encouragement. Her father’s face flashes in and out of light as the car
moves along the street.
“Mary Catherine,” her father’s voice chastising “You’re just not used to
the way these things go. You’ll come to understand in time.” Mary stares as
him like he’s grown an extra head.
“You’re right. I don’t understand,” Mary replies the sarcasm thick in
her tone. “And I don’t want to understand. How dare you think you can
force me to marry some random crime boss! I won’t do it, father. I won’t.”
Mary is thankful her voice didn’t break. She’s so angry she’s on the verge of
tears. Her father’s face contorts into a scowl. His rage barely contained.
“Don’t you talk back to me,” her father growls at her. “You will do as
you are told.”
“No!” Mary yells. “I won’t do it. You can’t make me.” Mary knows she
sounds like at petulant child, but she’s deadly serious about this. She refuses
to marry a stranger and definitely not a member of the mob. Her father’s
hand connects with her face in the blink of an eye. Mary is stunned. Her
father’s never hit her before, not even a slap on the behind for misbehaving
as a child. Her face stinging from the blow.
“I realize you’re dealing with a lot,” her father says calmly as if he
hadn’t just struck her. “Losing your mother, learning of our life, and your
pending marriage, so I’ll let you off with only that, but don’t think to speak
to me in such a way ever again.” His tone is hard, unrelenting. “You will do
as I say, Mary until you are wed. Then you will do as your husband says.
The sooner you learn your place, the easier life will be for you.” Mary
turns to look at Tony, but he’s turned his head to stare out the window not
offering her any support. Mary sits in silence the rest of the way home.
Silent tears fall down from her eyes staining her evening gown. What’s she
going to do?”

R uby wakes with a start . She’s apparently fallen asleep while

remembering her past. Her cheeks are damp with her tears. She swipes
them from her face and checks her watch. It’s only one in the morning. She
turns onto her side, pulling her blanket up around her, attempting to get
comfortable enough to get a little more sleep. She’s hoping she can keep
any further memories from surfacing tonight. Those last few days with her
family were a nightmare she isn’t ready to deal with presently. Not when
her heart is still bruised from Tank’s disappearance.

A couple of days later, Tank is still monitoring their target. He’s more than
over this op and getting sicker of the jungle the longer it drags on. Night has
fallen. The compound is shrouded in darkness. There are still guards
patrolling the perimeter, but as the night has worn on, the place has gotten
quiet. It seems most of the workers have gone to bed for the night. Tank and
Straw get the signal from Deadeye to begin their reconnaissance. The men
have been studying the patterns of the guards for days and have their
routine down to the minute. They will have a small window in which they
can slip into the compound unseen. They’ll need to be just as cautious
slipping back out, but Tank isn’t worried. They’ve done the work needed to
ensure their safety in infiltrating the compound.
Mercury and Bull will be joining them, scoping out the large building.
The men ease out of their hiding spot ever alert for anything that might get
them caught. Making their way to the rendezvous spot, Tank and Straw
don’t make a sound as they move through the dense jungle around the
compound. Once they meet up with Mercury and Bull, the four of them dart
across the clearing on the opposite side from the patrolling guards, taking
shelter behind some crates that are stacked behind the large building.
“We need to get inside this building,” Straw says as they catch their
breath. “We need intel on what they have going on here.” All the men bob
their heads indicating their understanding. They split up and begin to scour
the back side of the building. Tank hears a click in his ear piece before
Mercury whispers over the comm. “Door located southwest corner.” Tank
makes his way in that direction, meeting up with the others in a matter of
seconds. Time is ticking. They need to get moving before the patrolling
guards make their way back around. They try the door, but it’s locked.
Mercury reaches into his pocket, extracting some tools. In seconds, he’s
picked the lock, easing the door open. Tank takes point, entering the
building, gun raised and at the ready.
Inside the building it’s very dark. There are no windows to let in any
light. The men are equipped with night vision goggles, making it easier for
them to move around the building. Tank scans the room. The walls on either
side of the door they’ve entered are lined with shelves. The shelves are
filled with boxes and crates. He eases to the end of the shelves looking right
and left, not seeing anyone or any movement in the remainder of the
building. He gives the all clear for them to move further into the building.
Bull remains by the door as watchman while Tank, Straw, and Mercury
scout out the contents of the building.
Clusters of crates are sitting near the center of the room. Tank and
Mercury make their way to the nearest cluster. Tank pries to top off the first
crate. It’s filled with guns. Specifically, Galil ACEs. Crate after crate is
opened. Each one is filled with the weapons. Some crates have M16s. A
few others have boxes of ammunition, but many are filled with the Israeli
designed weapon. This is a huge stock pile. These weapons could do a lot
of damage in the wrong hands. Tank knows they will need to stop these
guns from getting into the U.S. if at all possible. They snap pictures of what
they’ve found, documenting their evidence. They need all the intel they can
get for the higher ups to make a decision on what to do about this. The last
couple of crates they open have a stash of rocket propelled grenades and an
RPG launcher. They quickly snap a few more pictures. They hear voices
just outside the building. Knowing it’s the guards making their rounds, the
men make their way back to the door where Bull is keeping watch.
Once they’ve assembled at the door, Bull peeks out checking for any
movement. Checking their watches, they should be in the clear as the
guards will be on the other side of the building. On Tank’s mark, the four
men quickly leave the building, running for the safety of the dense jungle
surrounding the compound. Reaching the edge of the jungle the men blend
in with the foliage becoming invisible once more.
Once they’re far enough away to not be detected by the guards, the men
slow their pace. Tank checks the time. They have an hour to reach their
designated location to meet up with the rest of the team. Other groups were
checking some of the smaller buildings and Ranger’s team is scouring a
portion of the route the cartel will transport the weapons. Tank is hoping
they will find a weak spot in the route where they’ll be able to ambush it
confiscating the weapons and putting an end even if temporarily to the flow
of weapons into the U.S.
“Did you guys find what we needed?” Bull asks when they take a
moment to rest and hydrate before pushing on to the meeting point.
“Yeah,” Tank answers. “We got pictures of crate after crate of weapons.
We didn’t find any drugs, but they’re definitely stockpiling guns and
ammunition. There was one crate full of RPGs and a launcher.” Bull nods
and his face pinches into a frown.
“Fuck!” Bull exclaims as he looks through the pictures the men have
taken of the contraband. “These guys aren’t playing. They mean business.”
Tank has to agree. He’d hoped brass had gotten it wrong. He’d hoped these
assholes weren’t as advanced as they are. It’ll make it difficult to secure the
shipment and rescue the hostage. Tank hopes one of the other groups has
been able to get some information on the poor girl. He knows she’s likely
being treated very badly and he hates to think of what all she’s enduring.
Charlotte had been beaten frequently and nearly starved to death when
she’d been held by this same cartel albeit different leadership. She had been
fortunate enough to escape being raped, but just barely. He hopes this
young girl will be as lucky, if you can call getting your ass beat everyday
“Let’s go, we need to keep moving,” Tank replaces his canteen before
placing his backpack on his back. Raising his rifle to the ready, the men
continue their trek through the jungle to meet up with their other teammates
and Ranger’s team. Tank stays alert and focused as they move. He can’t
wait until they can finish this mission so he can return to Ruby. He needs to
lay eyes on her, see that she’s okay.
He can’t believe he’s allowed himself to become so enamored with the
red-haired beauty in such a short amount of time. After losing his family at
such a young age, he’s been determined to never allow anyone to get so
close to him again. Somehow Ruby is the exception to the rule. From the
first moment he touched her when she plowed into him at the shelter, he’s
wanted more. More touching, more time, more of everything Ruby. He
forces himself to focus on his surroundings to get his mind off Ruby as
much as he possibly can, but he isn’t completely successful.
After several hours, they meet up with the others. Once the perimeter is
secured, they settle in to share information and formulate their next moves.
Tank relates what they’d found in the larger building. He shows the other
team members the photos he’d taken. Virus gives his report, next, on the
two smaller buildings on the North side of the compound.
“Those buildings are bunk houses,” Virus informs them. “We counted as
many as twelve men per building. They have a lot of men on site.” Tank
takes in this information. It’ll make taking the compound more difficult.
He’s thinking intercepting the shipment, once it’s on the move, will be
easier, but that decision is up to brass not him. His attention is drawn back
to the conversation. Hack relates his group’s information.
“We scoped out the other two buildings on the property,” Hack informs
them. “One is a kitchen/dining hall, and the other building is a
gym/workout building.” Thankfully no more bunk houses that could hold
more men.
“We need to contact Hawk,” Deadeye says after everyone has reported
on their surveillances. Ranger’s team is still out and likely won’t meet up
with them for another day or two. Deadeye radios in to command, alerting
them to the information they have on the cartel.
“Information received,” Hawk replies after Deadeye’s report. “I’ll relay
this information up the chain of command and get back with you as soon as
I can. In the meantime, hang tight until we have a decision.” The men set up
a makeshift camp. Deadeye assigns them shifts to take watch along the
perimeter of the camp. The jungle, while remote, is teaming with cartel,
rebel insurgents, and native people as well. Any of these groups can cause
havoc if they stumble upon the team’s camp. It’s imperative they remain
observant to keep from alerting the cartel of their presence. The element of
surprise will be their greatest asset when the time comes to take them down.
Tank is on third watch, so he makes a makeshift bed near the base of a
tree, intent on getting some sleep before his shift. Straw comes over to
make his bed next to him. They’ve been on many missions over the years
and have learned to sleep anywhere, anytime. Tank shifts trying to get
somewhat comfortable, noticing Straw is doing the same.
“You think they’ll want us to take out those weapons?” Straw asks once
they’ve gotten settled. Tank takes a moment to think about his answer.
“I’m not certain,” Tank answers. “They will want to prevent them from
crossing the border, but the intel tells us they aren’t planning to move the
shipment for another month. Perhaps, the cartel is in the process of
stockpiling the shipment. If that’s the case, brass may want to wait until
closer to time for the shipment to be moved so we can confiscate as many
of the illegal weapons as possible. Additionally it doesn’t sound like we’ve
gotten anything significant on the would be senator’s niece. I don’t think
they’ll want to piss off the cartel before we can get the girl out. We don’t
negotiate with terrorists, but we also don’t want to intentionally set them off
to kill her either.”
“Yeah,” Straw replies. “That’s all true. I hadn’t thought about that. I’m
just ready to get home.” Straw sighs heavily. Tank looks over at his friend
and smiles.
“I bet you are,” Tank chuckles. “Abigail has you tied in knots, but I can
see you’re loving it. I understand how you feel. I’m ready to get home,
too.” Straw lifts up to look over at him, his brows raised in question. Tank
is torn. How much should he share about what he’s feeling for a woman he
hardly knows, but, yet feels like he needs to discern everything about her.
Straw seems to sense his hesitation, but doesn’t push him. Straw remains
silent, giving Tank time to form his thoughts into words. “How did you
know, Abigail was the one?” Tank questions instead of divulging his secret.
From the look on Straw’s face, Tank’s question has thrown him for a loop.
“I’m not sure, really. I just knew,” Straw answers. “When I saw her, I
instantly wanted her. Not just sexually, but I wanted everything. Her time,
her attention. When she smiled at the group of us walking up to that hotel
counter, I wanted her to be smiling at me. Not a customer, but me, Straw,
the man.” He pauses, seeming to gather his thoughts. Tank smiles because
his friend is babbling and sounding like a love sick teen. Although, in
reality, that’s what Straw is, not a teen but a love sick man. Even knowing
Tank will likely give him shit for it, Straw doesn’t seem to care. It’s because
Abigail makes Straw happy. “She makes me feel like I’m truly living for
the first time in my life.” Straw looks over at Tank. He appears to be
surprised by Tank’s expression.
“I get it.” Tank’s short reply causes Straw’s face to morph in surprise.
Normally Tank would have teased Straw about being pussy whipped but not
today. Tank is completely serious. He understands why Straw had been so
determined to get Abigail to give their relationship a chance.
“You want to share something with me?” Straw asks. His voice is
deeply serious. The men have known each other a long time. They’ve rarely
shared feelings and shit, but Straw seems to sense Tank is dealing with
something heavy. Something that is weighing on his mind. Straw is offering
to be there for him, just as Tank has always supported Straw in his times of
need. Tank gives a heavy sigh. Concern crosses Straw’s face. Straw’s never
seen Tank melancholy. However, that’s the only word that fits the Tank’s
“No, nothing to share,” Tank semi-lies to his friend. He just isn’t ready
to share whatever he’s feeling for Ruby, at least not yet. “I can see how
contented Abigail and Ellie have made you. I’m really happy for you. You
deserve to have happiness.” Straw eyes him. Tank can see the speculation in
Straw’s gaze, but thankfully Straw doesn’t push him for more. Later. Tank
vows to himself. He’ll confess everything to his friend when he has
everything worked out in his own mind, but for today, he’s going to keep
his confused feelings to himself. Shifting his pack under his head and
pulling a stick out from under his left hip, Tank closes his eyes as he
attempts to get a few hours’ sleep before his turn at watch.
Tank’s internal clock wakes him about fifteen minutes before his
watch’s alarm. He sits up and scans the camp. Everything is quiet. Straw is
sleeping a few feet away. Tank gets up taking a short walk into the
surrounding jungle to relieve himself. When he’s back at the tree where he
and Straw have slept, he readies his gear for his turn at watch. Straw wakes
with a start, looking around quickly.
“What’d I miss?” Straw asks. His voice raspy from sleep. He sits up
quickly and begins gathering his gear. Tank grins at him. Straw is a good
operator, but at the moment, he’s acting like this is their first op.
“Nothing yet,” Tank answers him. “What’s got you all geared up?”
Straw pauses in his haste to get his gear ready. He huffs out a sigh before
“Was having a dream,” Straw answers. “I was just a little disoriented for
a second.” Tank nods. It’s dangerous but understandable. They’ve had very
little restful sleep since leaving home, three days ago. Straw has always
been one to have very vivid dreams. Before he found Abigail, the man had
been dreaming of her for months, causing him to get very little sleep. Now,
he sleeps like a rock when he’s not keeping Abigail awake with other
activities. Tank winces. He doesn’t like thinking about his friend’s sex life,
but when you live in the same house sometimes it’s hard to miss.
Thankfully Tank’s room is on the opposite side of the house from Straw’s,
but he’s still heard more than he’ll ever admit.
“I’ll be back in a second,” Straw tells him as he heads off into the
surrounding foliage. Moments later, he’s back, slinging his pack onto his
back and checking his rifle. The men are ready for their turn at watch.
Together they make their way to relive Hack and Worm of their duty so the
men can get a little sleep.
Just as they meet up with Hack and Worm, Deadeye emerges from his
resting spot. His hand to his ear. He must be getting word back from
command. The team doesn’t have long to wait before Deadeye comes over
the comms unit.
“Knights round up,” Deadeye says. “We are headed to Corellia.”
Corellia is in reference to the secret rebel base in Star Wars. They are going
home! Thank fuck! Tank thinks to himself. He’s more than ready to get
back home. The team rounds up and readies to head out.

“Order up!” Jose calls from the kitchen. Ruby is spooning coffee into the
coffee maker, readying another batch. She finishes her task, hitting the start
button before turning to grab the order for table six. She glances at the
clock. About time for her break. She loads the order onto her tray and heads
out into the dining area. She reaches the table and begins to unload her tray.
She hears the bell jingling as another customer enters the diner. She may
not get her break after all.
“Are we missing anything?” Ruby asks the customers at table six. She
has the order correct, but sometimes people think of something else they
want after the order is placed, or they will want a sauce or something they
haven’t asked for yet. The woman looks over the table and shakes her head.
“No, I think we are set.” The woman smiles at her. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Ruby smiles back. “I’ll be by and check on you
again in a little bit, but if you need something before then, just let me
know.” The customers all nod. The doorbell jingles again alerting the
arrival of more customers. As Ruby begins to turn away, a humming
sensation floods her body. An awareness of someone nearby watching her
causes her to turn. He’s here. Tank. Her body responds instantly. Desire
floods her system; her nipples harden, and goosebumps erupt on her skin.
It’s been six long days since she saw him last, but damn if he isn’t just
as gorgeous as ever. His broad shoulders filling out every inch of his green
fatigues. Her eyes are drawn to his huge biceps and forearms before trailing
over the rest of his god-like form, his trim waist, muscled thighs, and long,
long legs. He’s strolling through the diner like he owns the place. A sexy
grin on his beautiful face. Their eyes meet, and for a moment, she gets the
impression he’s tired. Like maybe he hasn’t gotten much sleep lately.
Jealousy shoots through her as thoughts of what might have kept him from
sleeping runs through her mind.
Stop! She chastises herself. He’s not yours to be jealous over, and he
never can be, so shut that shit down. She watches him stroll to the back of
the diner, taking a seat near the door to the kitchen. Fury runs through her.
He didn’t even wait to be seated. Arrogant asshole. What’s he even doing
here? Ruby’s face sets in determination. Time to put Mr. Sexy Beast in his
place. She stomps over toward him.
“What are you doing?” Ruby demands as soon as he takes his seat. It’s
where the workers take their breaks. It is almost like he knows when she’ll
be getting her lunch break. How dare he show up to ruin her lunch after
ghosting her for days?
“I’m here to eat lunch with my girl.” Tank smirks at her. Damn if he
isn’t sexy even as he’s smirking at her. Ruby’s heart skips a beat. Does he
mean her or some bimbo who’s caught his attention? Ruby’s shocked at the
intense wave of jealousy hitting her at the thought of him with another
“Well, you will have to meet “your girl” at another booth, because this
is where employees sit to take their breaks.” Ruby smirks back at him.
She’s determined to not let him get to her. He, however, has other things in
mind. He has the nerve to simply grin at her, then his hand snakes out to
grab hers. He pulls her into the booth with him.
“You are my girl, Ruby. I told you, before, you’re mine.” Tank is talking
right into her ear, and his deep gruff voice is lighting her body on fire. She
can feel her panties dampen with need. Tank holds her tight against his
body, and she is quivering in his embrace.
“Tank, I…I can’t be your girl. You are totally out of my league.” Ruby’s
voice is soft and breathy. She mentally rolls her eyes at herself for blurting
out what she’s thinking. She is tense and straining against his hold. She can
hardly think of a protest when he is holding her so close. Her mind is mush.
Tank leans in closer. His nose is nuzzling her ear as he whispers into it.
“Ruby, you are my girl! You are out of my league, hon, but I’m not
going to let it stop me from pursuing you. I want you, Ruby. You are mine.”
Tank’s words melt Ruby’s resolve to push him away. She relaxes into his
arms and stops trying to fight him. His big muscled arms around her feel so
good. Him holding her close. For a just a few seconds, she feels safe as if
nothing bad could ever hurt her. She lets him hold her, for a moment, before
her senses return.
“Wait!” Ruby jerks out of his grasp and stands to put some distance
between them. “I haven’t seen or heard from you for days, and you’re just
going to show up and once again declare I’m your girl?” Ruby’s voice gets
higher and louder the longer she speaks. Movement out of the corner of her
eye draws her attention. Jose is at the door to the kitchen. He’s glaring at
Tank. Jose has been asking Ruby about her mood over the last week. He’d
finally asked her if Tank had done something to her, but she’d refused to
admit Tank was the cause of her moodiness.
“Everything all right, Ruby?” Jose asks as he exits the kitchen. He’s
holding a butcher knife in his hand. Ruby suppresses a giggle. The man
wouldn’t weigh more than one hundred pounds if he was soaking wet with
all his clothes on, but he’s ready to take on Tank with a butcher knife. Poor
man wouldn’t stand a chance against Tank, but he doesn’t seem to be
concerned about that. He’s only trying to protect Ruby from being hurt.
“Yeah, Jose.” Ruby smiles to ease his fears. “I’m just explaining to the
gentleman this booth is off limits.” Ruby turns her glare back to Tank, who
at least looks apologetic for avoiding Ruby for days. He starts to say
something but clamps his lips together. His gaze sliding to Jose and then
Becky, a waitress who’s come to see what all the fuss is about.
“Ruby, could we speak?” Tank pauses and looks pointedly at Jose and
Becky. “Privately?” His gaze comes back to hers, and they stare at one
another for a long moment, no one saying a word. Ruby wars with herself.
She should tell him to get lost and never show his face in the diner again,
but she can’t bring herself to say the words. She relents, finally, turning to
her co-workers.
“It’s fine, guys.” Ruby gives them a tight smile. “Go on back to work.
There’s nothing to see here.” Jose glares at Tank but turns back to the
kitchen. Becky eyes Tank a little too long for Ruby’s liking. Ruby can see
the interest in the girl’s gaze as she takes in Tank’s enormous body. Ruby
can’t blame her for admiring the man, but she’s not going to stand there
while the she eye fucks him. “Becky!” Ruby exclaims sharply. Becky
jumps, her gaze drawn from Tank to Ruby. She flushes as if she realizes
what she is doing and quickly turns to scamper back to counter. Ruby turns
back to face Tank.
“I’m sorry about disappearing,” Tank says. His voice and expression
seeming to back up his regret. “I promise, if you’ll give me a chance, I’ll
explain everything. Have lunch with me?” His eyes are pleading with her.
Ruby bites her lower lip in indecision. She has to admit she’d been hurt
when he hadn’t shown up that first night, but as the days had worn on, she
told herself it is for the best. She can’t allow him to get close to her, for his
“Tank, it’s busy in here today,” Ruby glances around at the diner. It’s
true the place is hopping, but they aren’t shorthanded today. “I…I just
can’t.” Tank’s face drops momentarily before filling with determination.
“Ruby.” Tank’s voice is firm, demanding when he says her name. “It
might be busy, but you still have to take lunch. Please, let me explain what
happened.” Ruby rolls her eyes and sighs. The man isn’t going to give it up
so she might as well get it over with. Better to give in rather than cause
another scene.
“Fine,” Ruby concedes. “Let me check my tables. I’ll be back in a few
minutes.” He nods. A sensual grin breaking out on his conceited face. Ruby
huffs, shaking her head. She must be insane, but she can’t stop herself.
Ruby heads into the kitchen, nearly colliding with Jose and Becky who
have been creeping at the saloon type doors, as they eavesdrop on the
conversation she’s been having with Tank.
“Oh Lord!” Ruby exclaims, drawing up short before knocking Becky
down. She glares at the pair, but there’s no heat in it. She knows they are
just trying to look out for her. “You two should be ashamed. Spying on me.
I told you everything is fine.” Jose looks a little sheepish, but Becky has no
“Be mad if you want,” Becky replies, “but we are just looking out for
you. That guy is totally hot, but if he’s trying to do you wrong, we aren’t
going to stand for it.” Becky cocks her hip to the side, placing her hand
firmly on it. Ruby grins at the girl who’s barely old enough to work at the
diner. Becky just turned seventeen. She’s a homeschool student who works
on weekends and evenings. She’s very intelligent and driven. She’s already
finished high school and is in her second semester of college. Ruby likes
the girl and her spunk, but she doesn’t have time for her antics. She has a
sexy beast to slay.
“I’m not mad.” Ruby grins at them. “Thank you for looking out for me.
Jose, will you fix me a couple of bacon double cheese burgers, two orders
of fries, a grilled chicken sandwich and another order of fries?” Jose nods
and turns toward the grill. Ruby scribbles the order down before adding it to
the order list. She grabs the freshly made pot of coffee and heads out to
check on her customers.
Ruby is in the dining room for some time checking on her tables making
sure they have everything they need. She clears some tables of dirty plates
and drinks. Once she’s finished refilling drinks and taking out orders, she
goes in search of Becky. Her order should be about ready. Ruby finds
Becky loading down a tray with an order.
“Hey Becky, I’m going to take my lunch break,” Ruby informs her.
“Will you watch my tables?”
“Sure, no problem.” Becky heads out into the dining room while Ruby
gathers the food she ordered. With her tray loaded down with the food and a
couple of sodas, she heads back to confront Tank. Her stomach in knots.
She’s nervous about the conversation she’s about to have with Tank. She
has a feeling he’s going to have a really good explanation for his
disappearance, and she won’t be able to stay upset with him. Just seeing
him has her body on fire and her mind a muddled mess. She recognizes
deep down Tank isn’t the kind of man to toy with her affections. He’s been
straightforward from the moment she met him, but she must stay strong.
She just can’t allow him into her heart, any more than he is already. She
blows out a breath. Straightening her spine, she carries the tray over to
where Tank has been patiently waiting for her.
“Hey,” she says nervously as she sets the tray down. Tank eyes the food
appreciatively. “I got you a couple of bacon double cheese burgers and 2
orders of fries. I hope that’s okay.” Ruby glances at him as she unloads the
food in front of him. He flashes her another panty melting smile.
“It’s more than okay, beautiful,” Tank replies. “Thank you.” He takes
her hand and tugs her down into the booth to sit beside him. Settling in,
they both dive into their food, savoring the delicious flavors. Ruby is
starving. She only ate a few bites of her sausage biscuit this morning before
the diner had gotten busy. She hasn’t taken time to eat anything since. She
moans as she bites into the grilled chicken sandwich. Jose has out done
himself. It’s so good. She notices Tank has stopped moving. His burger half
way to his mouth. He’s staring at her. His mouth hanging open.
“What?” Ruby asks, confusion on her face. Tank blinks and shakes his
“You need to stop making those sounds.” Tank’s voice is husky with
desire. Ruby’s eyes enlarge as he looks at him. She swallows hard, nearly
choking on her food. She reaches for her soda to take a sip. “You’re making
me think of things I shouldn’t while we are in public.” Ruby chokes on her
soda, making a snorting sound, soda running out her nose and mouth. She
grabs a napkin, flushing with embarrassment. “You okay, there, beautiful?”
Tank asks patting her on the back.
“Um…no.” Ruby coughs again. She dabs her mouth with the napkin.
“You shouldn’t say things like that, Tank.” Ruby glances over at him. His
face is lit with delight at her discomfort with the topic.
“You started it,” he replies as he takes a sip of his drink. “You shouldn’t
be moaning like that in public. Save that for my bed.” Ruby’s face is beet
red and so hot. She’s certain she’s about to spontaneously combust. It takes
a few moments to get herself under control and to come up with a
“Pretty full of yourself, aren’t you?” Ruby asks. “So arrogant.” Tank
grins at her causing a wave of desire to flood her once more.
“You’ll be the one full, beautiful.” Tanks leans in close to her nuzzling
her neck as he speaks. Ruby shivers. Lord what this man does to her. She
leans into his touch, forgetting for the time being she’s unhappy with him
for ghosting her.
“Tank,” she says his name on a whisper. He wraps his arm around her
shoulders, pulling her closer. He places a kiss to the side of her neck.
“Mmmm.” She hums, relishing in his touch. He pulls back startling her. She
opens her eyes to gaze at him, confused about why he stopped.
“This is not the time or place for this activity,” Tank says softly. Ruby
blinks, then looks around remembering where they are and she pulls back
from him. Shifting in her seat, fumbling with the napkin on her lap, she
takes a deep breath, willing her body to behave itself. Tank clears his throat
and turns back to his food. Ruby tries to focus on eating and not the intense
desire running through her.
“I need to explain myself to you,” Tank says after a few minutes of
tense silence where they’ve both been focused on their food. “I didn’t want
to stand you up last week, but it was beyond my control.” Ruby’s head
snaps to the side to look at him. She sees nothing but sincerity in his
handsome face. “I was sent out for work with very little notice.” She frowns
at him. He’s in the Marines, but she’s never heard of them being sent out for
such a short time. She thought that deployments were for months at a time,
and most of the time, the troops normally have a few days to weeks’ notice.
She’s heard them talking in the diner before.
“I’m in special forces, Ruby,” Tank tells her. “We do tasks normal
troops don’t do. Most of it is top secret. I’m not allowed to discuss it
outside of my team. There are times we have very little notice before we are
sent out. I wanted to tell you, but I had no way to contact you.” Ruby’s face
falls, another reminder of her life situation, one that she can’t change no
matter how much she might want to do so.
“I understand, Tank,” Ruby replies. She does understand why he
couldn’t tell her he had to leave. “When did you get back?” Curiosity eating
at her. She has a thousand questions, but that’s the one that pops out. He
glances at the large watch on his magnificent wrist.
“About three hours ago,” Tank replies. “I came here as soon as I got out
of debrief.”
“Oh Tank!” Ruby exclaims. “You must be exhausted.” He gives her a
sheepish grin.
“Nah,” Tank says. “I’m okay. Slept on the plane.” Ruby looks at him,
but she can see the fatigue on his face. Ruby shakes her head. “I needed to
see you.”
“You need to eat.” She motions to his half-eaten burgers and fries as she
digs back in to her food. Her break will be over soon, and she really is
starving. After learning why he’s been missing for a week, the hurt that has
been riding her for the last week recedes. They finish eating. Tank cleans
his plate. Ruby can’t keep from smiling. The man can pack away some food
in a short amount of time.
“So, am I forgiven for disappearing?” Tank glances over at her. His eyes
boring into her with their intensity. Ruby can’t be upset with him for doing
his job.
“Of course,” Ruby replies. His smile is devastating. He leans toward
her. Ruby’s breath hitches as she licks her lips. His eyes are on her lips, but
as he gets closer, his gaze meets hers. He pauses as if giving her time to pull
away, but just this once, Ruby wants to throw caution to the wind. She
wants him to kiss her. His lips are feather soft on hers. His kiss is tender as
his lips move on hers. His tongue sweeps across her lips, and she opens for
him. His tongue slides inside her mouth, gentle, coaxing. His hand comes to
the back of her head. He tilts her head as he deepens the kiss. Ruby is lost
on a wave of desire as they explore one another’s mouth. He breaks the
kiss, after a moment, dropping his forehead to rest on hers.
Ruby tries to catch her breath. She’s shared a few kisses with boys in
the past, but nothing comes close to the way Tank has kissed her. He holds
her to him for a moment longer as if they are the only two people on the
“Better than I imagined,” Tank says after his breathing has slowed.
Ruby raises her head to look at him. His eyes are heated with desire. Ruby’s
mouth is dry, and she can’t form a thought to respond to his declaration.
“Please Ruby, give me a chance? Give us a chance. I promise it’ll be worth
it.” His words slay her because she can’t allow him to get close to her. She
looks away at the honesty and hope she sees in his eyes. She’s already
allowed this to go too far, but she can’t seem to stop herself.
“Tank, you are more than worth it. I’m the one that isn’t worth the
trouble I would cause you,” Ruby’s voice is soft and broken. Tank turns her
so he can look into her eyes. She keeps her head down and refuses to meet
his gaze. Tank takes his hand and places it gently under her chin, raising her
head. She continues to keep her eyes averted.
“Look at me, beautiful,” Tank demands. Unable to refuse his command,
Ruby looks into his eyes. “You are more than worth any trouble being with
you could cause me. Please stop arguing and say you’re willing to see me
again.” His radiant confident smile is just too much. Ruby has to look away
again. She can’t deny him when he’s looking at her that way.
“Tank, I just don’t think it’s a good idea.” Ruby steels herself to make
him understand. Biting her lip, she tries to formulate a reasonable protest
without revealing her real reason for keeping him at bay. “I move around
often, and you could be called away at any time. It just wouldn’t work. I
think you know what I’m saying is true.”
“No, I don’t think it’s true, Ruby.” Tank takes her hand in his much
larger one. “This.” He tightens his hold on her. “This. Being here with you
is worth more to me, than anything I’ve ever owned. I can’t explain why
I’m so attracted to you, but I am, babe. I’ve never in all my thirty-six years
ever wanted someone as much as I want you. Not just for a night, Ruby. I
want it all. Long talks about our day, what music you like, books you read,
your favorite movies, color, flower. I want to know everything I can about
you, and I want you to know me. Then when you’re ready, we will move
things along. Something has you afraid, and you aren’t ready to share it
with me. You don’t trust me yet to take care of you, but I promise if you’ll
give me the chance, I’ll show you I can and will protect you from anything
or anyone who might try to hurt you.”
Ruby is again at a loss for words. She’s never met anyone as determined
as Tank is to take care of her. Not since she lost her mother six years ago.
God does she ever want to take the chance! She’s so tired of running,
hiding, and trying to stay a step ahead of the demons chasing her. She can
tell Tank is a beast, but even beasts can be taken down by a bullet. She
closes her eyes as she wars with her decision. She doesn’t have to answer
him, though as he abruptly changes the subject.
“I got something for you.” Tank places a gift-wrapped box in front of
her. Ruby’s eyes fly open, and she looks at him in shock. Has he really
gotten something for her? He barely knows her. She looks at the box and
back again at Tank. He chuckles and pushes the box closer to her.
“Go on open it, babe.” Tank grins at her. Ruby unties the bow gracing
the box with shaking hands and proceeds to open it. Inside is a brand-new
iPhone. He got her a phone. Seriously? Ruby’s eyes are wide when she
looks at Tank. An item like this is not cheap. She can’t accept such a gift.
She begins to shake her head.
“Oh Tank, no it’s too much. You can’t give me such a gift.” Ruby’s
vision blurs, tears falling down her face. It’s been so long since anyone has
looked out for her or given her a gift. She pushes the box back toward Tank.
“Ruby, please don’t push it away,” Tank pleads with her. “I want you to
be able to call me and text me when we are apart. I can’t stand the thoughts
of you out on the streets of this city at night without someway to call me if
you need help. I have been worried sick about you. If you have this, I can
check in with you and know that you are okay. Please, beautiful. Take it for
“But it’s so expensive,” she argues. “I can’t have something like that on
the streets. Besides I don’t want someone to be able to track me.” Ruby
realizes she has said too much at the surprise on Tank’s face. He quickly
moves to assure her, wiping her tears from her cheeks with his thumbs.
“Ruby, I have no intention of tracking you,” he says, his brow furrowing
with concern. “I wouldn’t do that to you. I’m not a creepy stalker. I just
want to be able to communicate with you when we are apart, and I want
you to have a way to call for help should you need it. Whether from me or
911 if you aren’t comfortable with calling me for help.” Ruby continues to
look at the lovely piece of technology at her finger tips. It’s been a very
long time since she’s had a cell phone. Looking at Tank she realizes he’s
concerned about her opinion of him.
“I don’t think you’re a stalker or that you would ever hurt me.” Ruby
pauses gathering her courage to say enough to get him to understand, but in
a way to not reveal too much. “It’s just…I don’t want to be found or
followed. I’m not making sense. I just can’t take the risk, too much is at
stake, for both of us.” His face morphs as if he’s suddenly understood her
“The phone is in my name. No one will know you have it unless you
want them to.” Tank explains which helps to assure her. “There’s no way
anyone can link you to this device unless you tell them you have it. I
programed my number and the numbers of my teammates and their women
in the phone so you could stay in touch with them during the planning of
the charity event. I haven’t told anyone I got it for you. You can decide who
you tell that you have a phone and when. You are in control, Ruby. I just
want you to have a way to communicate with us…with me.” Ruby stares at
the phone, half expecting it to jump out of the box and attack her. She
shakes her head at the absurdity of the thought. She glances back at him.
He’s looking so hopeful. She doesn’t want to disappoint him. Ruby takes
the phone out of the box finally relenting to his request and accepts it.

Relief floods Tank as Ruby timidly takes the phone from its box. She looks
at the phone as if it’s the most precious thing she’s ever seen, handling it as
if it will shatter if she touches it too hard. He chose a black phone but has
gotten a purple protective case to cover it. He ordered the phone just before
he boarded the plane to Columbia. It had arrived while they were gone on
the mission. Abigail brought the package to him this morning at base. Straw
had called her as soon as they landed giving her an estimated time when
he’d be ready to leave base. She came by and picked him up. Tank knew
there’d be a lot of making up for lost time going on at their house, so he’s
planning to keep himself scarce around the house today.
He’d stopped by a store that sold cell phone accessories on his way to
the diner, choosing the purple case. The salesman at the store has assured
him women love purple and pink cases. He watches Ruby as she turns the
phone over in her hand. He wonders if she’s ever had a cell phone before.
His question is soon answered as she activates the phone, watching in
wonder as it lights up. She looks over at him.
“I still think this is too much.” Ruby’s voice is thick with emotion. She
swallows hard and clears her throat before continuing. Tank can see her
eyes filling with unshed tears, her lashes fluttering in her attempt to keep
them from falling. “But thank you.”
“You’re welcome, babe.” Tank feels the walls he erected around his
heart so many years ago shattering as he takes in Ruby’s wonder at his gift.
He reaches over and touches the settings button on the home screen. “Let
me help you set it up.” She smiles at him.
They spend the next few minutes getting her facial recognition set up on
the phone. He has her to change her password and shows her how to
remove his access to her phone, but to his surprise she declines.
“No, don’t delete your information. I might need your help with this
piece of technology.” She smiles at him. “It’s been a really long time since
I’ve used a cell phone.”
“Thank you for trusting me, Ruby.” Tank does his best to keep his
emotions out of his voice. “I will never invade your privacy.”
“I didn’t think you would,” Ruby answers. “It has been a very long time
since I’ve felt like I could trust someone, but I do trust you. I just hope you
don’t come to regret investing so much of your time and resources in me.”
Tank frowns at her statement. He can’t imagine ever regretting spending
time with Ruby or taking care of her. She’s making him feel things he didn’t
think he ever would, but since he is, he wouldn’t change it for anything.
Ruby is kind, intelligent, beautiful, and a mystery he can’t wait to unravel.
It’s time to begin the unraveling. He needs to build on the trust she’s giving
“Ruby…” Tank begins pausing to formulate his thoughts. He will need
to tread carefully, but at the same time if he doesn’t push, she’ll never open
up and let him fully in her heart. “I can tell something really awful
happened to you in the past. I have no idea what it was, but it’s the reason
you are living on the streets and are so reluctant to allow anyone to get too
close.” Her body tensing beside him, he sees her beginning to shut down.
Her face goes blank. Her lips pinched tightly in a thin line. He isn’t going to
let her shut him out. She needs help, and he will be the one to give it to her
no matter how long it takes. He wants all of Ruby, the good with the bad.
When she begins to protest, he takes her hand in his to kiss her palm. She
freezes looking at him. Whatever she was about to say is lost on her lips.
“I’m not demanding you confide in me, babe. I’m asking you to trust me
enough to share your secrets and fears. No matter what it is, I’ll help you,
no strings attached. I just want to make sure you are safe, Ruby, and I can
tell by the way you’ve been acting you aren’t entirely safe currently. And
not all of it has to do with you being on the streets. Please, Ruby let me be
there for you.”
“Tank.” Ruby bites her lower lip. Her eyes darting around at everything,
but him. “I…I just can’t talk about it. Maybe at some point I’ll be ready to
share, but I just need some time to process all this. You, your help, and my
feelings for you. Please understand.”
“I understand,” Tank tells her. “I’ll let it go for the time being. I just
want you to believe you can share anything with me. There’ll be no
judgement. Let’s just take some time to get to know each other and work on
this fundraiser.” He gives her a smile and a squeeze of her hand. His heart is
pounding in his chest with concern she will withdraw from him, send him
away, and never let him help her. He is pleasantly surprised when Ruby
smiles back. A breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding escapes him at
her next statement.
“Okay.” Ruby says with a smile. “Thank you for understanding I need
more time. I shouldn’t, but I do want to spend time with you. I have to
admit my feelings were a little hurt when you didn’t show last week. It
actually shocked me at how much I was looking forward to seeing you.”
Ruby’s face flushes with her confession. Tank is feeling pretty pleased with
himself at her confession.
“I was very disappointed I couldn’t see you, also,” Tank confesses his
feelings, too. “I just kept kicking myself for not telling you what I did for a
living. I knew you would think I just ghosted you. I should have asked
Abigail to tell you where I was, but I didn’t want her to have to explain
what Straw and I do. After we were out of country, I had second thoughts
and really wished I had asked her to tell you.” Ruby stares at him with
surprise on her face. She looks thoughtful as if she’s working something out
in her mind.
“I didn’t put it together,” Ruby says. Tank frowns not understanding
what she’s talking about. “I had a conversation with Abigail the next
morning. She said she doesn’t sleep well when Robert is out of town, but I
didn’t understand who she was referencing. She was talking about Straw,
“Yeah, Straw’s his nickname,” Tank explains. Ruby grins at him.
“Like yours is Tank?” Her face alight with amusement.
“Yeah, babe,” Tank replies. “My given name is Tucker, but everyone
calls me Tank. Well, everyone except for my Grammy. She refuses to call
me Tank.” Ruby laughs and it’s the best sound Tank’s ever heard.
“Grammy is a stickler for your real name,” Ruby says normally. “I like
it. She treats you as her grandson, not the badass Marine.” Tank nods with a
smile, because Ruby has hit the nail on the head. His Grammy definitely
keeps him grounded in his roots. She doesn’t let him forget he’s her
grandson first, Marine special operator second.
“I need to get back to work,” Ruby says. “My lunch break is over.”
Tank leans in to place a kiss on her cheek.
“Don’t work too hard, beautiful.” Tank has his arm around her
shoulders and gives a gentle squeeze. “I have some errands to run, but when
I’m done, I’d like to come back here. Will it be all right if I hang out here
until your shift is over? I don’t want to go home until much later.” Ruby
frowns, and Tank grins. “Straw and I share a house. He and Abigail will
be…indisposed until time for Ellie, Abigail’s daughter to get out of school.
I don’t relish hearing their reunion.” Ruby’s face flushes a cute shade of
red. She licks her lips and swallows uncomfortably.
“Yeah,” Ruby whispers. “It’ll be fine. But, I have to go.” Ruby stands,
loading their empty plates and trash onto her tray. “If you need something
else, just let me know.” Tank nods and smiles at her. He watches her head
off into the kitchen. His mind drifts back to their conversation about his
Tank sometimes wishes Grammy wasn’t such a stickler about using his
given name and her insistence on keeping the family together. Mostly he
doesn’t like it, because she doesn’t let him hide his continued grief over
losing his family. She makes him interact with his older sister Serena. If his
grandmother hadn’t insisted that they stay in touch, Tank would have
allowed his relationship with Serena to fade away after he joined the
Tank understands it isn’t Serena’s fault their parents died like they did,
but part of him resents her for not being in the car with them, even
recognizing she might’ve died also. If they hadn’t stayed at their
grandparent’s house as long as they had that night arguing with Serena
about spending the night, they might not have gotten into the accident. They
would’ve already been at home when the drunk driver was out on the road.
Tank had come to this conclusion in his teen years. After all, he’d only been
a child at the time of the accident. He’d been injured badly in the accident.
He’d spent weeks in the hospital and had undergone intensive physical
therapy for months.
For a long time, he hadn’t had any memory of the accident or even of
several days before it. The worse part during those years had been his
survivor’s guilt. Why was he the only survivor? Why hadn’t Jillian’s car
seat kept her safe? The stress from worrying over those questions has led
him to make some bad decisions. He’d become reckless in his teen years.
He’d drank too much, gotten into fights at school, and pretty much given
his poor grandparents hell, but they never gave up on him. Neither had
Straw. If it hadn’t been for Straw, Tank might not have survived that time in
his life. He kept Tank from going too far with his reckless behavior.
Tank’s grandparents had taken him to a therapist and a psychiatrist
when he’d begun acting out. During those sessions, all the repressed
memories he had of the accident had been brought to the surface and with
the memories came his anger. As a result, he blamed Serena for his parents’
and Jillian’s deaths. He isn’t proud of how he’d handled it nor how he’d
treated Serena during that time. It had taken years of therapy to work
through all his issues and even after all these years, he still has times when
he’s angry over their deaths and at Serena and her perceived role, at least in
his mind, in their deaths.
Rationally he comprehends Serena isn’t to blame. The drunk driver who
caused the accident is to blame. His choice to get behind the wheel after
drinking too much is what changed all those lives so many years ago. Tank
is coming to learn things happen the way they’re supposed to. If he’s
learned anything over the last few years as he’s watched his closest friends
find love, it’s that destiny has a way of putting people in the right place at
the right time. As hard as it’s been to accept, Tank feels his life has been
preparing him for this time in his life. The time when he would find Ruby
and be the man she needs to take care of her.
Tank downs the rest of his soda. He sees Becky coming out of the
kitchen and waves her over. “Will you bring me the check for mine and
Ruby’s lunch?” he asks when Becky stops at the table. She nods and walks
over to the counter counting up the tab. Ruby exits the kitchen just as Becky
is bring him the check.
“What’s going on?” Ruby asks glancing back and forth between Tank
and Becky.
“He’s paying for your lunch,” Becky replies, laying the paper down on
the table. Ruby reaches for it, but Tank is faster, just barely snatching it out
of Ruby’s grasp. She glares at him, but Tank isn’t deterred. Ruby works
hard at this diner. He isn’t going to let her pay for their meal even if the
owner would have given her a discount. It’s just not in his nature to allow it.
He slides out of the booth, towering over a miffed Ruby.
“Get that scowl off your beautiful face,” Tank demands, but he isn’t
really upset with her. If anything, she’s turning him on. He likes it when her
claws come out, and she argues with him. He can’t wait until they are a real
couple, and he can piss her off just to have some great make up sex. He
shakes his head. It isn’t the time to be thinking about make up sex with
Ruby. He has to get past the walls she’s built around herself before he can
contemplate sex of any sort with the lovely Ruby. “I’ve never let a woman
pay for my meal, and I’m not starting now.” Ruby rolls her eyes at him and
huffs but then gives him a smile.
“Fine,” Ruby grumbles. “Knock yourself out big guy, I won’t stop you.”
He grabs her around the waist and pulls her into his side. He holds her close
for a moment, kissing her temple.
“I’ll be back in a little while.” She glances up at him. Tank can tell she’s
remembering him saying the same to her last week, but this time, nothing
will stop him from returning, barring his death. “I promise I’ll be back. We
have the weekend off, so I don’t have to worry about getting called up…
unless there’s some major world disaster, but you have your phone so I can
let you call or text you if something like that happens.” She nods. She has
wrapped her arms around his waist as he held her. She gives him a tight
squeeze before releasing him.
“Be safe out on the road.” Ruby’s voice is soft. “I’ll be here when you
get back.” She turns and heads out into the dining room, checking on her
tables. Tank hands Becky the money for their food, and he drops a nice tip
on the table for Ruby before he heads out to complete his errands for the

A couple of weeks later, on a Friday afternoon, Ruby can’t keep the smile
off her face. Tank has become a fixture in her life over the last two weeks.
He texts her every morning and every night before he goes to sleep.
They’ve spent several evenings together sharing a meal, going to the
movies, and even enjoying a walk through the Lejeune Memorial Gardens.
Tank had shared how the team had helped Ace propose to his wife, Daisy
there. It was a really romantic story.
Today she’s working at the diner. Tank texts to tell her he’ll be by in a
few minutes to see her. Ruby can’t wait to see him. She knows she
shouldn’t be getting attached to him, but he’s making it impossible for her
to keep from falling for him. A jingle from the door draws her attention.
He’s here. The sexy beast in all his camouflaged glory. His friend Straw is
with him. Straw is handsome, too, but not nearly as handsome as Tank and
definitely can’t match Tank’s size.
Ruby watches as he scans the room looking for her. Their eyes meet,
and she can feel the heat between them. It’s like an electrical connection
drawing them toward each other. She is mesmerized as he stalks across the
room in her direction. His large strides eat up the distance between them.
His thigh muscles flexing as he moves. He’s filling out his clothes nicely
today. His t-shirt straining from his huge pectoral muscles. Ruby’s mouth
dries. Her pulse spikes, and she can feel her nipples tighten as desire hits
her. Even though they’ve been spending quite a bit of time together, he’s not
taking things any further than holding hands. It’s beginning to get
frustrating, but at the same time, she loves that he’s willing to take things
slow. She needs to be extra careful. She can feel herself falling in love with
“Hi beautiful.” Tank’s voice is husky, and Ruby wonders if he’s having
similar thoughts to hers. “I’ve finished for the day at base. Ellie will be
getting out of school any minute now, so Straw and I are going to pick her
up. I’m going to head home for a little bit. I need to shower and spend some
time with the little munchkin, but I’ll be back. What time will you be
finished with work?”
“I should be ready by six,” Ruby tells him. “I’m working an earlier shift
today, so I don’t have to close up.”
“Do you work this weekend?” Tank asks with his brow raised. Ruby
shakes her head to the negative. His face lights up in a sensual smile. “What
do you say we continue working on the getting to know each other?”
“Wh-what do you have in mind?” Ruby’s voice breaks as wicked
thoughts of naked bodies tangled together flashes in her mind. It would be a
sure-fire way to get to know each other very, very well. Tank stares at her a
beat before answering, like he can read her dirty thoughts. Once more that
wicked smile breaks across his face.
“I was thinking we could go away for the weekend,” Tank begins. “And
before you think I’m just trying to get in your pants, there’ll be no sex. Just
two friends getting to know each other on neutral territory. Take in some
sights, eat good food, and just relax a few days. What do you say?” Ruby
thinks about it. She really shouldn’t, but it would allow her to get away
from Jacksonville. Being on the go is what has managed to keep her safe all
these years, so it’s not a bad idea to leave town for a few days. A few weeks
would be better, but since she’s needed for the fundraiser, a few days will
have to do.
“Okay.” Ruby swallows hard, barely believing she’s agreeing to this.
“I’ll go with you…Tucker.” His eyes widen, and she laughs at the look he
gives her. Ruby can’t bring herself to call him Tank any longer, not after
learning about his “Grammy”.
“Good, we’ll leave as soon as your shift is over. I’ll see you in a few
hours, you little imp.” Tank chuckles. “I can see you’re going to keep me
grounded when Grammy isn’t around.” Ruby laughs again, unable to
contain her delight. She hasn’t felt this carefree in a very long time. The
feeling has her acting a bit reckless. She goes up on her toes and kisses his
“I sure plan to.” Tank’s eyes widen again, but then the happiest
expression crosses his handsome face. His hands grip her waist for a
moment. Then he nods and heads out of the diner with Straw in tow. Ruby
has shocked herself being so bold, but she secretly loves it. The time she’s
spent with Tucker over the last couple of weeks has made her feel safe and
secure for the first time in a long, long time. She’s allowing herself to be
and act like her true self before she had to become a drifter, never able to
put down roots. A person on the run from an evil she hates to remember.
The door of the diner jingling brings Ruby back to the reality of her job.
Becky is chatting away with an older couple at a table nearby, so Ruby goes
to seat the newcomers. Her face beginning to hurt from all the smiling she’s
doing, but she isn’t going to complain. She hasn’t felt this happy in more
than six years. She’s going to savor it as long as possible.
The rest of the afternoon goes by quickly. Ruby counts it as a blessing.
She’s been so busy she hasn’t had time to fret over her impending trip with
the sexy beast who’s just walked in the door of the diner fifteen minutes
before the end of her shift. He stalks across the diner and takes a seat in the
booth where they’ve shared several meals recently. Becky approaches him
as Ruby is taking an order at another table. Ruby sees Becky nod and head
into the kitchen. She returns with a steaming cup of coffee in hand and
places it on the table in front of Tucker.
When Ruby is finished taking her customer’s order, she hurries to drop
it off in the kitchen. She gives Becky and Linda a rundown of her remaining
customers. Normally she would wait until her tables were empty, but she’s
planning on leaving as soon as the last table’s order is delivered.
“What are you in such a hurry about today, Ruby?” Linda asks. Her
curiosity clear in her voice. Ruby doesn’t get a chance to answer before
Becky pipes up.
“Did you not see that beast of a man who just came in?” Becky asks
Linda who shakes her head to the negative. Becky grabs Linda’s upper arm
and drags her to the double swinging doors. Cracking the doors slightly,
Becky points in Tucker’s direction. Linda sucks in a breath.
“Daaammm!” Linda drawls out. “That’s one hell of a scary beast. Who
is he?”
“Tank. He’s Ruby’s man,” Becky states. Linda jerks back from the crack
in the doors to look at Becky.
“For real?” Linda asks. “You’re not pulling my leg, are you?”
“Nope!” Becky replies. “Serious as a heart attack. He’s been coming
around here for a couple of weeks whenever Ruby’s working. Sometimes
he brings her to work, and almost every night, he picks her up.” The two
women continue to gawk at Tucker and make comments. Ruby has finally
had enough of their antics. Time to break up the gossip fest.
“All right, you two,” Ruby grumps. “That’s enough drooling over
Tucker. I’m going to take table ten’s order out as soon as it’s ready, then I’m
out. You think you all can handle it?” Becky rolls her eyes dramatically.
“Don’t get your knickers in a wad,” Becky replies in a poor British
accent. “We can ‘andle it.” Ruby laughs. Becky has been watching a new
series on Netflix, well at least it’s new to Becky. She’s taken to speaking in
a British accent from time to time. The poor girl is obsessed with the show
and has aspirations to go to London and find her a ‘sexy Brit’ to shag.
Linda chimes in.
“Ruby, you didn’t say why you’re in such a hurry?” Linda quirks a
brow. “Going somewhere special?” Ruby chokes on her soda she’s sipping
while waiting for ten’s order. Becky is all too happy to answer for her.
“She’s going to shag that big beast, you daft idiot.” Becky still speaking
in her accented voice. “I doubt she’ll be able to walk come Monday.” Becky
laughs like a loon.
“Oh my God!” Ruby exclaims. “I’m not “shagging” him. You two need
to get your minds out of the gutter. Especially you, Becky. You’re too
young to be talking about shagging men.” Becky’s mouth falls open.
“I am not!” Becky replies heatedly. “I’ve been shagging since I was
sixteen years old.” Suddenly it’s Ruby’s turn to be shocked. She knew girls
in her high school had talked about having sex, but Ruby had assumed they
were just trying to sound experienced. She hadn’t believed them at the time,
but she’s learning she’s likely the exception and not the rule. Her mother
had been so strict with her not wanting her to have sex before she was
married, not that Mary hadn’t just because of her mother’s wishes but more
because she’s never had the opportunity with someone she wanted to have
sex with. However, Tucker is someone she more than wants to have sex
with. Since they’ve been seeing each other, she’s had some very vivid
dreams about amorous activities between them. Ruby huffs out a breath just
as she hears Jose calling to her.
“Order up, Ruby, table ten,” Jose calls across the divide between the
kitchen and the counter out front. Ruby turns and loads up her tray.
“Okay, that’s enough discussing my non-existent sex life,” Ruby tells
the women. “I’m out of here when this tray is empty.” She flashes them a
smile and hurries out to table ten. She drops off the table’s food and then
grabs her jacket from the back. After placing her apron in the laundry, she
waves goodbye to Becky, Linda, and Jose. Tucker rises from his seat
throwing money down on the table before coming to meet her.
“Ready to go?” Tucker asks her. Ruby’s belly is a mess of butterflies in
a wind storm, but she’s more than ready to go wherever Tucker wants to
take her.
“Yes, I’m ready,” Ruby replies. Tucker places his hand at the small of
her back, leading her out to his truck. He helps her into the passenger seat
and makes sure she’s buckled in before walking around to driver’s side. He
takes his seat, buckles his belt, and starts the truck pulling out of the
parking lot, heading for the interstate.
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going? Ruby asks after they have
driven for a few minutes. Tucker glances over at her, giving her one of his
panty-melting smiles.
“Savannah, Georgia,” Tucker says. “I’ve rented a small house for the
weekend. Do you need to go pick up clothes?” Ruby’s heart clinches. She
doesn’t have much in the way of clothes. Other than her uniforms for the
diner, she only has about three changes of clothes, just what she can carry in
her back pack. She shakes her head and lifts her pack.
“I’ve got everything right here.” She tries to sound cheery, but she can’t
help feel embarrassed about her situation. Turning her head toward the
window, she stares out into the dark. The lights flashing back at her as they
drive. She really shouldn’t be letting him in her life, but he makes her feel
safe. For the first time in over six years, she isn’t in constant fear of being
found, of worrying about being dragged back into a marriage she never

M ary C atherine is being driven to meet with her future husband and his
family once again. Her father and Russo, Sr. have planned an engagement
party for the couple. Mary feels sick. She is still in shock this is happening.
This morning, two days after she was forced to meet Giovanni, the night her
father struck her, she was informed of the party, which would be taking
place tonight. Her father gave her a new dress to wear. He told her it’s a
gift from her fiancé. Mary looks down at red, glittering, and very revealing
dress. The dress has a deep V-neck which shows off too much of her
cleavage and a split on one side that reaches her upper thigh.
The car rolls to a stop. Mary is again wedged between her father and
brother. She is helped from the car by her brother and led into the
restaurant. Many of the same people are here tonight, but there are a lot of
Mary’s family and friends also. She looks around dismayed. How have they
managed to arrange a party like this so quickly.
“Mary Catherine, you’re looking stunning this evening,” Gianna says
as they approach the Russo family gathered near the middle of the
restaurant. The place has been closed for the night to host the party. Mary
shivers in disgust as both Russo men take in her appearance from head to
toe. She can see lust in both men’s gazes.
“Thank you, Gianna,” Mary replies. “You’re looking gorgeous
tonight.” Gianna is dressed in form fitting black evening gown. The sequins
glitter as she moves. It also has a deep V showing off her ample cleavage.
Gianna moves to give her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. Movement
catches Mary’s gaze. Julianna moves out from behind Russo, Jr. Mary
notices her hand trails over his ass as she passes. He makes no indication
that he’s felt her touch. Mary can see these two have gotten very good at
hiding their relationship, but Mary is certain it’s more than step-mother and
step-son. Bile rises in her throat. She can’t marry this man. No way.
Russo, Jr. comes to greet her as well. He pulls Mary to him in a hug
with a kiss to her cheek. She tries her best to smile, but she only feels
disgust. She has to admit he would be a handsome man if he weren’t so evil.
She can feel it radiating off him and even worse from his father.
“Mary Catherine,” Junior whispers into her ear. “You look gorgeous. I
can’t wait until we are married and I can get you out of that dress.” Mary
swallows hard doing her best not to throw up at the image his words have
put in her head. Tears prick her eyes, she can’t fathom giving her most
precious gift, her virginity, to this man. In this moment, she begins to
ponder a way to get out of this marriage. She’s come to understand in the
last few days she’ll get no help from her father or her brother, but she might
have help from the detective who called her down to the station yesterday to
question her about the night her mother died.
Junior pulls back from whispering in her ear to take in her appearance.
He frowns as if she isn’t looking like he expected. Perhaps he thought he
would see desire in her eyes. Mary isn’t sure what he expected, but she
hasn’t given it to him. His grip on her biceps tightens. Her eyes fly to his.
His gaze his hard. His jaw ticking in irritation. He pulls her roughly
through the crowd of gathered guest and into a back office where they will
have some privacy. He slams the door shut behind them. He flicks a lock
into place before he turns back to her.
“What’s wrong with you?” he demands the moment they are alone.
Mary’s eyes are wide with fear. She can tell he’s angry. She doesn’t know
him or what he’ll do if she says the wrong thing.
“I…I don’t comprehend what you mean,” Mary stammers in her fear.
He glares at her for a moment, still holding her upper arms too tightly.
Suddenly his lips are crushing hers in a brutal kiss. He forces his tongue
into her mouth, taking what he wants. Mary is shocked, and she can’t bring
herself to kiss him back. After several sickening moments, he breaks the kiss
with a growl, shoving her away from him. She stumbles as her heel catches
on a throw rug. She falls backward landing on a couch that’s sitting against
the wall.
She doesn’t have time to register what’s happening before he is on her
again. Kissing her, groping her breasts through her gown. Mary is terrified.
Is he going to rape her? He grinds his pelvis against her. She lays perfectly
still. She doesn’t fight him. He’s too strong. She can’t fight him off and
fighting will only make it worse. He suddenly stops. His breathing is harsh.
His weight crushing her body into the soft leather of the couch.
“Damn you’re a cold fish,” he says after he has his breathing under
control. Mary stares at him. How can he expect her to respond to being
attacked? His next words are chilling. “Going to make our wedding night
difficult, but we will be consummating this marriage, Mary Catherine, so
you need to get used to the idea. What’s the problem? Don’t you like men?”
He looks down at her. He no longer seems angry, just curious.
Mary swallows not sure if she’ll be able to speak after everything that’s
happened. Taking a deep breath, she tests her voice. “You startled me,” she
says softly. “I…I don’t have any experience with this.” She motions between
them. His brows furrow.
“What are you saying, Mary Catherine?” Junior questions. He stares at
her a few seconds, then understanding dawns on his face. “You’re a
virgin?” he questions incredulously. Mary nods and looks away. She isn’t
sure why she feels ashamed to admit this to him but feels unsure of herself
in the moment. He huffs out a breath, which fans the hair around her face.
“Fuck!” he exclaims. He pulls back, taking her hand he pulls her into a
seated position. “I never thought you’d be a virgin. I just assumed…You’re
what twenty?”
“Yes,” Mary replies softly. “My mother was very protective. I haven’t
dated much. I’ve spent most of time at singing lessons and rehearsing for
concerts. There just hasn’t been time to build relationships.” He glances
over at her then. Something is working in his mind. His hand comes up to
caress the side of her face. His touch is gentle, but it does nothing to make
Mary feel anything other than fear from him.
“I understand, Mary Catherine.” His voice has thickened with desire.
“I’m pleased you’ve never been with a man. You’ll truly be mine and mine
alone.” Fear shoots through her at his words. He leans in and kisses her
again. This time it’s a gentle kiss. He coaxes her lips apart. Mary tries to
relax and kiss him back, but she doesn’t feel any desire at all. He ends the
kiss to look into her eyes. “Soon, you’ll be mine. I’ll have you begging for
my touch, for my cock to be buried deep inside you. You’ll beg me to fuck
you.” Mary gulps at his crass words. She can hardly breath from her fear.
She’s afraid to move or speak. She doesn’t want to set him off again, but
he’s looking as if he’s expecting an answer, so she nods her agreement. He
smiles then and it actually reaches his eyes. It transforms his face and she
thinks he is handsome, but she will never let him take her virginity. She
manages to give him a tight smile.
Junior stands and pulls her to her feet. He places a quick kiss to her
lips. Then he leads her out of the office and back to the engagement party.
The rest of the night, Mary plans how she can get away from prying eyes
long enough to call the detective who had slipped his card into her purse
when she’d been interviewed at the police station. Since her mother’s death,
she hasn’t been allowed to go anywhere without an escort. If not her father
or brother with her, then one of their goons as she’s come to think of them.
They watch her every move. Even during her police interview, she’d been
accompanied by her father’s lawyer who censored her answers. She’d been
surprised when she’d gotten home from the interview to find the detective’s
card in her purse.
Mary didn’t appreciate it at the time, but Gianna would be the key to
getting away from the nightmare that had become her life.

“H ey !” Tucker’s voice and the touch of his hand startles her out of her
memories. “Where’d you go?” Ruby shakes her head clearing the remainder
of her memories. How can she tell him about her former life? What will he
think about it? About her? Would he realize she isn’t worth the trouble
being with her will cause him? She’s afraid that’s the conclusion he will
come to, and she isn’t ready just yet to lose this connection she has with

Tank studies Ruby’s profile as she stares out the window at the passing
night. They have a long drive ahead of them. It’s over five hours to
Savannah, but he felt the change of scenery might help her to open up to
him. Additionally, at least for the next few days, she has a warm safe place
to sleep, and he intends to make sure she has three good meals a day and
plenty of snacks.
She’s gone quiet after he’d mentioned her belongings. He hasn’t given
much thought to it until this second. She can’t have many clothes or
belongings of any sort. She only has what she can carry in her backpack. He
grits his teeth. It’s just not right. This beautiful woman should have a home,
food, clothing, and safety. As he glances over at her once more before
focusing on the road, he determines he is going to make sure she has all of
those things and more. She deserves closets full of clothes, not just a couple
of changes in a damn backpack.
Tank has planned a loose itinerary for their trip, but he adds shopping
for some clothes, toiletries, and trinkets to his list of things they must do.
He will work on getting her to think about staying with him at his house
once they are back from their trip. There’s a guest room, which is nicely
furnished. He’ll just have to make sure this weekend goes well and then
convince her to let him help her. Tank glances over at Ruby again. Her face
is drawn into a scowl. He wonders what’s she’s fretting over. He doesn’t
like seeing that look on her face. He reaches out to take her hand.
“Hey!” he says. “Where’d you go?” She startles at his question. She
shakes her head and looks at him intently for a moment. She swallows and
licks her lips. He can’t keep from staring at her freshly moistened full lips.
God how he would love to kiss them. Desire hits him. He wishes they
weren’t driving down the road at seventy miles an hour. Even more he
wishes they were at a place in their relationship where he could expect to
kiss those lips and more once they are stopped.
“Nowhere.” Is her is soft reply. “I’m just looking forward to the trip.”
She gives him a smile, but it doesn’t reach her eyes like it normally does.
She’s not giving him the full truth. He can sense it. She might not be
outright lying, but she’s not telling him what she’s really thinking either.
Disappointment hits him. His lips tighten into a hard line. He wishes she
trusted him more, but that’s the point of this trip. He isn’t going to give up
or let his disappointment deter him in getting Ruby to trust him. He needs to
be patient, show her he’s a man of his word, and give her time to trust him.
“Have you ever been to Savannah?” Tank asks, wanting to change the
“Yes, I’ve been there a few times,” Ruby answers still giving off
nervous vibes. He needs to get her to relax. He decides honesty is the best
policy, and he needs her to understand he won’t judge her for her past. “It’s
a nice town,” Ruby continues her thought, “It’s full of history and
architecture. Not only that, but it’s usually a little warmer there this time of
year.” She gives him a real smile this time. He smiles back at her.
“You don’t like winter?” he asks, not thinking about how the weather
affects her lifestyle.
“I used to love winter,” Ruby replies, her eyes going to somewhere far
away. “I loved wearing sweaters and a heavy coat. Walking through the
snow in my boots.” A bright happy smile lights her face. “I remember one
winter we got several feet of snow. Tony and I were so bored being stuck in
the house for days. We had been fighting, picking at each other. Poor Mom
finally had enough. When Dad finished his work in his office, mom made
all of us, the whole family go outside for an hour.”
Ruby looks over at him smiling so big. “It’s one of my happiest
memories of my family. We had such a fun time before it got too dark to
see. We made a snowman. It was huge. Dad and Tony rolled and rolled the
snow to make the biggest snowman I’d ever seen. Dad could hardly lift the
head into place.” She laughs at her memories. “Mom told him to be careful
or he’d get a hernia.” She laughs some more. “That prompted Dad to make
a snowball and throw it at Mom. She looked so shocked at first, then it was
on! The boys against the girls.” Ruby’s giggling makes Tank so happy.
She’s sharing with him. She’s so lost in her memories she doesn’t realize
she sharing a part of her past. “We won of course.” She grins at him.
“Of course,” Tank agrees, smiling back at her. He loves seeing her like
this. Smiling, no worry on her face.
“Mom was a snowball making master. She made them, and I threw
them.” Ruby continues her story. Tank enjoys listening to her, so he just
nods from time to time as she speaks. “Dad and Tony didn’t stand a chance.
Tony wanted a rematch, but we were all soaked from the snow, and it was
getting dark, so we went inside. Mom made us hot chocolate. She always
had fresh baked cookies on hand, and she fixed a huge bowl of popcorn.
Dad put the movie Christmas Vacation on the television, the one with
Chevy Chase. We had such a good night, eating our treats and laughing at
the movie.” Ruby gets a wistful look on her face. God she’s beautiful.
“Sounds like a great night,” Tank replies even as he hears the sadness in
his voice. He has a few memories like the one she’s described. His mom
and dad on the couch with his baby sister tucked between them while he
and Serena sat in the floor in front of them watching a movie together. His
mom loved to bake, too. She was always baking cookies, brownies, or pies.
Tank loved coming into the house after playing outside for hours, working
up an appetite. The house always smelled so delicious; chocolate,
cinnamon, or apples. Their home had always been warm and inviting. His
mother was often singing to Jillian. Her soothing voice would calm Jillian
down most of the time when she was upset over something. His heart aches
remembering happier times. He hasn’t thought about those memories in so
His grief rises to the surface. He blinks as his eyes sting. Fuck! He
hasn’t cried about his parents in years. He rubs his hand down his face.
Why now? He glances at Ruby again. She’s part of the reason. She makes
him feel more than he’s felt in many years. He’d began getting the “feels”
when Ellie barged into his life. The sweet bubbly child cracked his walls.
With Ruby’s here, they’ve broken wide open. He looks at her again, and his
mood lightens. He smiles. Ruby might be making him feel more than he’d
like sometimes, but he doesn’t want it end.
“So, you have a brother?” Tank asks to get his mind off his memories
not thinking about how Ruby will react to his question. He glances over at
her as he asks the question. He sees her face shut down. Dammit he
shouldn’t have asked about her family. He shakes his head at his
foolishness. He lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer. I don’t
mean to pry. I just enjoy hearing you talk about your family.”
“It’s okay, Tucker,” Ruby answers with a sigh. “I don’t talk about my
life before…six years ago. At least I haven’t in a very long time. It’s just…
talking about the past is painful, but for some reason, it’s easier talking to
you about it.” She gives him one of her cute smiles. His heart warms at the
look she’s giving him. He is building the trust he wants. In time, with
patience, he’s sure she’ll confide in him, tell him all her secrets.
“I understand how talking about your family can be painful,” Tank tells
her. He hasn’t told anyone other than Straw about how his parents and
Jillian died. He hasn’t ever wanted to talk about it, but he suddenly needs to
tell Ruby about them. “I lost my parents and little sister when I was a
child.” Ruby sucks in a breath.
“Oh Tucker! I’m so sorry.” Ruby reaches over to place her hand on his
thigh. He takes one hand off the steering wheel and lays it over hers. He
focuses on the road but gently squeezes her hand. He leaves his hand laying
over hers and she doesn’t withdraw hers.
“I haven’t talked about them in a long time.” His voice cracks a little.
Swallowing hard, he does his best to continue with a steady voice. Ruby
turns her hand over and laces her fingers with his. He spares her a glance.
She gives him a sad smile. “We had been to my grandparents house for
dinner. My older sister, Serena didn’t want to come home that night. She
kept arguing with Mom about staying all night with our grandparents. My
grandmother talked my mom into letting Serena stay. If she hadn’t, I might
have lost her, too, that night. We were hit by a drunk driver. I was the only
survivor of the crash. My parents and my little sister, Jillian died as did the
drunk driver and his passenger.”
“Tucker.” Ruby’s strained statement of just his name hits him. She has
such compassion for him and what he’d endured. Normally he wouldn’t be
able to talk about that night, but with Ruby’s support, he manages to tell her
about his injuries and recovery. As they drive, he tells her about his
behavior in his teen years and how he’d resented Serena and blamed her for
a long time. Throughout it all, Ruby is a pillar of strength, giving him her
support and understanding.
When he’s finished his sad tale, he feels immensely better. Sharing the
worst time in his life with Ruby has loosened something in his heart. He
feels lighter than he can ever remember feeling. It’s like the weight of the
world has lifted off him. Ruby has held his hand throughout his long story,
offering him comfort, something he hasn’t taken from anyone since losing
his parents so long ago.
“Thank you,” he tells her. Ruby smiles at him.
“I didn’t do anything,” she shyly replies. Tank can see, she doesn’t
realize just how amazing she is to him. Her quiet strength and kindness
mean so much in this moment.
“You don’t see it, but I do,” Tank tells her. “You made it easy for me to
share something with you that I’ve only told one other person before. Straw
is like a brother to me. He’s the only person I’ve told everything I just told
you and it’s been years since he and I have talked about it. I hadn’t realized
how much losing them still weighs on me.”
“I understand how you feel,” Ruby says softly. “I…I lost my mom six
years ago. It seems like yesterday in some ways and a hundred years in
others, but I feel her loss every single day.” She sucks in a breath. He can
feel the tremble in her hand. He gives her a gentle squeeze. “I never talk
about her, not since I left home shortly after her death. I haven’t had anyone
I wanted to talk to about her or my family.”
“I’m sorry about your mom,” Tank says sincerely. He feels Ruby’s pain
like his own. Losing her mom must be so hard for her being a woman. Once
he made amends with his older sister, she talked about how her wedding
day wouldn’t ever be what she’d dreamed of as a young girl. Mom wouldn’t
be there to help her get ready, and Dad wouldn’t be there to walk her down
the aisle.
Tank misses both of his parents so very much and thinks of them every
day, but he’s tried to not let himself dwell on it. Being as he’s opened the
vault he’s been keeping them in, all his emotions come shooting out like a
volcano. He misses his dad’s advice when things get tough. His dad had
been a Marine, too. As a boy, he would sit around listening to his dad and
his friends talk about their time in service. He’d been too young to
understand most of it at the time, but he can still remember some of their
stories. Important milestones have been the hardest for Tank: graduating
high school, boot camp, special forces training, moving into the house he
and Straw have remodeled. His parents would be proud of the man he’s
become. He has tried very hard to honor their memory through his actions.
The GPS on his truck alerts him their exit is coming up drawing him out
of his thoughts. He glances at Ruby who’s staring out into the night, still
lost in her memories. Tank takes their exit. Ruby’s stomach rumbles. She
clutches her stomach and looks over at him. Her face reddens.
“Sounds like it’s time we stop for some supper.” Tank smiles at her, and
she nods. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. It’s been a long time
since I ate a couple of Abigail’s cookies before I left the house.”
“Abigail takes good care of you and Straw,” Ruby states. “She seems
like a really good person. I haven’t known her long, but she’s been kind and
friendly to me.”
“She is a really good person,” Tank answers. “She had a really hard life
before she and Straw got together. Straw is determined to make up for it.
They have the house to themselves tonight.” Tank grins at Ruby, waggling
his eyebrows. She laughs at his antics. “I’m very glad to not be home
“Where’s Abigail’s daughter?” Ruby asks.
“Ellie is spending the night for the first time with her grandparents,”
Tank replies. He chuckles as he remembers the conversation that had taken
place when Admiral Jenkins had come by the house to pick Ellie up for
their weekend adventure. The precocious child had told her mother to have
Straw put a baby in her so her mother wouldn’t be lonely while Ellie was at
her grandparent’s house. Tank proceeds to tell Ruby about Ellie and her
“Oh my God!” Ruby exclaims, her face flushing a pretty shade of red.
“Poor Abigail must have been mortified.” Tank nods.
“She was definitely embarrassed,” Tank replies. “Ellie is rambunctious
and says whatever pops into her head. We’re learning you have to filter
what you say around her, even when you think she isn’t paying attention.
Straw and I thought she was asleep when he was talking about having
children with Abigail.” Ruby laughs.
“A lesson learned?” she questions. Her face alight with amusement.
“Hopefully,” Tank answers honestly, “but we, the guys, tend to forget
ourselves sometimes when talking about work and stuff. Our C.O.’s wife,
Charlotte has her hands full with her twin boys. They’re always hanging
around with us when we are hanging out at their house. The boys are
normally loud and crazy, but when they want to be they can be very quiet
and sneaky. They are small, so sometimes we don’t notice them.”
“Those boys want to be a part of the team, huh?” Ruby enquires.
“Yeah, and they pick up stuff we say, which can cause an uproar at
times,” Tank laughs as another memory comes to him. “Not too long ago,
Charlotte, called Hawk while we were on base running drills. She was
royally pissed. The school had called because the boys and Ellie had gotten
into a scuffle at school with some older kids. The older kids had been
picking on a little boy in their class so the three of them decided to teach the
bullies a lesson. They’d gotten some other children to work with them to
shut the bullies down. They got the little boy who’s being picked on to use
himself as bait. When the bullies, approached him, the other kids had leaped
into action. It was actually impressive to watch. It was all caught on a
security camera. They took the older kids down. The twins zip-tied the
bullies up. It was awesome, but the school frowned on it. Needless to say,
the bullies haven’t pick on the kids anymore and I doubt the twins or any of
their friends will get bullied again, but we had to have a talk with them
about not taking zip ties to school.”
“My goodness.” Ruby laughs. Tank loves to hear her laugh and see her
relaxed. “Poor Charlotte and Abigail. I can’t imagine how they explained
that to the school.”
“Oh, Charlotte made Hawk go with her.” Tank laughs again. “He said
the principle and older kids’ parents were really upset at first, but when
Hawk demanded they watch the footage of the incident, he pointed out how
the older children were shoving the little boy. The twins had piped up and
said it wasn’t the first time this has happened and the little boy being bullied
confirmed it. His parents even thanked Hawk for teaching his boys to
defend those who can’t defend themselves. When it was all said and done,
the twins and Ellie were given a lecture about not taking things into their
own hands but to notify a teacher if someone is being bullied. They had to
do extra chores at home and make a poster about reporting bullying for the
school. By the end of the parent conference, even the older children’s
parents were remorseful about their children’s behavior.”
“Having kids really makes life interesting I suppose,” Ruby replies
thoughtfully. Then she surprises Tank with her next question. “Do you want
to have children?”
Tank glances at her before turning back to watch the traffic in front of
them. He’s been watching for signs to indicate a good place to stop for their
supper. He thinks about her question. He’d never really thought much about
having a family until recently, but he realizes he does want a family,
children. He wants it all with Ruby, if she’ll have him.

Ruby is mentally smacking her head. She can’t believe she asked him if he
wanted children. She won’t ever be free to have any herself. Hearing him
talk about the kids, she can tell he’s very fond of them. An image of Tucker
holding a little version of himself flashes into her mind, a cute little boy
with dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes that match his daddy’s
bedroom eyes. A faceless woman is with him, smiling at the pair. Jealousy
hits her hard. Tank’s reply brings her out of her murderous thoughts.
“Yes.” Tucker glances at her again. “With the right woman, I definitely
want kids.” Ruby nods, swallowing hard. Her heart aches knowing she isn’t
the right woman. She has a black cloud hanging over her head. One she is
sure she’ll never be able to escape no matter how much she wants to be
free. Jealousy hits her as she thinks of Tucker having children with some
faceless woman. Ruby hates this imaginary woman already.
“You?” Tucker asks her. Ruby takes a breath thinking on how she can
honestly answer him.
“No,” Ruby says sadly. Tank frowns at her like he knows she isn’t being
truthful. “Well, if things were different, I’d want to have children, but I
can’t allow myself to want things I’ll never be able to have. I’m sorry,
Tucker. I shouldn’t have agreed to this trip.” His head whips in her
“Babe,” Tucker begins, “don’t do this. We are going to have a nice
relaxing weekend and talk. I know you’re running from something or
someone. I’m not going to force you to talk about it, but know if you’ll give
me the chance, I’ll do everything I can to fix it for you, make you safe so
you can have everything you want and need.” Ruby feels her eyes burning
with unshed tears once more. Man, this is going to be a long weekend.
They’ve only been on the road a few hours, and he’s already had her in near
tears twice, talking about her family and has her thinking about having cute
little brown-headed babies with Tucker.
Ruby lets out a breath. She doesn’t have anything say to his declaration
he can keep her safe. It isn’t only her safety she’s worried about. It’s his and
anyone he’s close too, which includes Straw, Abigail, and Ellie. He flicks
the turn signal on and they exit the interstate they’ve been traveling on.
“Where are we?” she asks. Thankful for a change in topic.
“Florence, South Carolina,” Tucker answers her. “There are several
places to eat close to the interstate according to the GPS.” She nods and
looks out to see what might catch her eye. As they exit, both she and Tucker
are checking out various places. He pulls into a gas station. He grabs his
phone from is vent clip holder and steps out to pump gas into this
monstrous vehicle. She’s scared to look and see how much this is going to
cost him. When he’s finished, he slides back into the driver’s seat. “How
about Julia Bells’? It says here it’s American food with southern flare. I’ve
been scrolling through the menu, and the food looks good. It has almost five
stars in reviews. Want to give it a try?” He asks, as he hands her his phone
for her to look over the menu.
“Sure, Tucker,” Ruby says as she’s scrolling over the menu on his
phone. “Oh, wow! This all looks so good.” Her stomach takes that moment
to growl loudly again. Tucker laughs.
“I think your stomach agrees.” He gives her a wink and starts the truck.
He chooses the restaurant on his map app and waits for it to calculate then
he pulls out into traffic. In a few short minutes, they are seated in the
restaurant. A waitress appears at their table. She hands them a couple of
menus to look over.
“What you like to drink?” she asks, leaning closer to Tucker. The
woman looks to be in her late thirties with bleach blonde hair. Her uniform
is tight across her ample breasts. She’s left one too many buttons open at the
top. Ruby is certain the woman’s boobs will fall out if she leans over much
“I’ll have a sweet tea,” Tucker says, as he glances over at Ruby. His
deep voice never fails to make Ruby shiver with desire. The waitress is full-
on ogling Tucker. Her gaze looks him over from head toes and back again.
Ruby can see lust in the woman’s eyes. Ruby frowns and pinches her lips
together in an angry line. Tucker is a fine specimen of a man, but that’s no
excuse to drool over him so blatantly. Does the woman have any shame?
Ruby clears her throat loudly, drawing the woman’s attention.
“I’ll have a lemonade,” Ruby smirks at the woman. Tucker’s hand on
her thigh draws her attention to him. He then puts his arm around her
shoulders and leans in to place a kiss on her temple in the sweetest gesture.
He’s letting this hussy know that he’s with Ruby. Ruby looks over at him
and smiles. The waitress is still standing there, but at least she looks contrite
as she watches them.
“Would you like an appetizer?” she asks, looking at them expectantly.
Tucker picks up the menu and looks it over holding it open in a way to
share with Ruby.
“Mmm how about fried green tomatoes?” he asks her. She wrinkles her
nose. Ruby isn’t a huge fan of all things southern, but she’s willing to give
it a chance.
“I’ve never eaten them, but I’ll give them a try,” Ruby says. He grins at
her in his sexy way.
“You’re going to love them,” Tucker assures her. He looks back at the
waitress. “We’ll have 2 orders of the fried green tomatoes.” The woman
scribbles on her note pad, then turns on her heel and heads into the kitchen.
Ruby hopes the woman doesn’t spit in her food or drop it on the floor
before bringing it out to her. She’s heard stories from some of the waitresses
she’s worked with over the years of them getting revenge on a customer.
Those waitresses didn’t last long. The owner of Angie’s diner doesn’t
tolerate his staff being disrespectful to his customers or their fellow staff.
He tries to accommodate the customer, if at all possible, but he doesn’t
tolerate customers being abusive to his staff either.
“What looks good to you?” Tucker asks her. He’s still looking over the
menu. Ruby turns her attention to her menu. There are so many choices:
BBQ, hamburgers, chicken tenders, and daily specials. Tucker settles on the
Fried shrimp dinner, which comes with coleslaw. He chooses macaroni and
cheese as his other side, then adds an order of sweet potato fries. Ruby isn’t
sure what she wants. After a few moments of debate, she picks the chicken
fried chicken with redskin mashed potatoes and gravy and seasoned green
The waitress returns with their drinks. This time she keeps her eyes to
herself. Tucker with his arm still around her shoulders, orders both of their
meals. The woman takes down the order and heads back to the kitchen. She
returns in a few minutes with their fried green tomatoes.
Tucker digs right in placing several of the round crispy treats on his
plate. Ruby is still a little skeptical, but they do smell really good. Tucker
glances at her before he places a single round tomato on her plate.
“Come on, try it.” He grins at her. “You’ll like it. Trust me.” Ruby
smiles back.
“I trust you, Tucker,” Ruby says. “I’m not sure I trust this food.” He
laughs out loud at her statement. She doesn’t want to disappoint him, so she
cuts a small portion off and places it in her mouth. A moan escapes her as
the delicious salty flavor hits her palette. Tucker sucks in a breath and
tenses next to her. She spares him a glance, but she’s already cutting off
another bite of her new favorite food. She’s very hungry. It’s been hours
since she ate a few bites of lunch earlier today. Not even the desire she sees
swirling in his eyes is enough to keep her from eating more of the tomato.
“Damn Ruby.” Tucker’s voice is husky. “I’ve told you not to be making
sounds like that in public. You don’t know what you’re doing to me.”
Ruby’s eyes widen as she takes in his appearance. He shifts uncomfortably
in his seat. Ruby wonders if she’s really affected him as much as he’s
“Sorry,” Ruby mutters around a mouthful of hot tomato. “It’s really
tasty.” He smiles at her and turns back to his plate.
“Yes, they are really good.” He agrees with her as he gets another bite
for himself. They eat in companionable silence for several minutes. Ruby’s
hunger eases after eating a couple of the rounds. She wipes her mouth with
her napkin and takes a sip of her lemonade. They’ve been on the road a
long time. Nature is calling.
“I’m going to the ladies’ room,” she tells Tucker. “I’ll be back in a
minute.” He stands, helping her from her chair. He looks around seeing the
sign over a hallway toward the back of the restaurant. He places a hand on
her lower back leading her in the right direction. “I can go by myself,” she
huffs, rolling her eyes at his over protectiveness.
“I’m aware,” Tucker murmurs, “But this hallway isn’t well lit. As they
enter the little hallway, she notices he’s taking in every detail. “See there’s a
back door. Anyone could be dragged out the door, and no one would be the
wiser. I’ll feel better waiting out here for you.” Ruby smiles. It seems
Tucker is a little over protective, but in Ruby’s case that’s not a bad thing.
She hurries into the room marked for women and takes care of her full
When she’s finished, she exits the stall to wash her hands. Another stall
door opens. Ruby looks up into the mirror over the sink see their waitress
heading to the sink next to Ruby’s. Ruby looks back down at her hands
rinsing them off and shutting off the water. The waitress begins washing her
hands, but gives Ruby a smile she as passes on her way to the paper towel
“You’re a lucky girl,” the woman says. Ruby looks over her shoulder at
the woman with a questioning look. The waitress is smoothing dark red
lipstick over her full lips. “Your boyfriend is smoking hot, and he didn’t
even give me a passing glance. He only has eyes for you.” She looks over at
Ruby with a jealous grin on her face, closing her lipstick. “I’ve been a
waitress a long time. A lot of men with gorgeous women on their arms are
all too happy to ogle the waitress, cop a feel if they get a chance, but I could
have been a man for all your boyfriend took notice. I hope I find a man to
look at me that way some day.” She sighs wistfully and heads for the door.
Ruby follows her out to see Tucker waiting for her. The waitress eyes him
again but then turns to Ruby.
“See what I mean?” She winks at Ruby and heads out into the dining
area. Tucker frowns at the woman’s back before turning to Ruby.
“Everything okay?” he asks. Ruby nods with a smile on her face. The
woman is totally correct. Tucker didn’t give her a second look. “What was
she talking about?” Ruby laughs as Tucker puts his arm around her waist
leading her back to their table.
“Girl talk,” Ruby replies cagily. Tucker stares at her a moment then
shakes his head. He holds out her chair. A few minutes later, the waitress is
back with their entrees. Tucker dives into his food. The man can really eat.
Ruby having learned to get by with very little sustenance over the years
can’t even eat half of her food. When Tucker has cleaned his plate, he looks
over at her plate. His face distorts into a grimace.
“Wasn’t it good?” he asks her, worry evident on his face.
“It was delicious,” Ruby assures him. “But I’m stuffed.” He’s frowning
“You eat like a bird,” he grumbles. “You’re too thin, beautiful. You need
to eat more.” Ruby gives him an exasperated look. “Don’t give me that
look. I’m serious babe.” Ruby shakes her head.
“I eat what I want,” Ruby answers. “I don’t get hungry when I’m
working. Sometimes I forget to eat until I lay down to sleep, and by then,
I’m too tired to go find something.”
“Your stomach has shrunk.” Tank almost sounds angry. “You aren’t
eating regularly. We are going to remedy that.”
“What?” Ruby questions. “Are you planning on following me around
making sure I eat on your schedule?” Her voice has risen in octave, and
even she can hear the sarcasm in her voice. Tank scowls back at her.
“No, but I will be text reminding you to eat,” he declares before taking a
sip of his tea. Ruby snorts and shakes her head at his audacity. “Huff all you
want, beautiful. Your health and wellbeing are my priority. I don’t care if
you get miffed at me about it.”
“Tucker, I’m a grown woman.” Ruby takes a deep breath, attempting to
calm herself and taking some of the grumpiness out of her tone. “I’ve been
taking care of myself for a good long while. I think I know when I need to
eat, and I make sure to eat at least twice a day.” He grunts as if he doesn’t
really believe her. Ruby reaches over to place her hand on his arm. “Thank
you for being concerned about me, but I promise I’m fine. I’m not starving
myself.” He looks her in the eyes, staring her down. He must see what he’s
looking for because after a beat he nods.
“I apologize going all caveman on you.” Tucker’s tone is sincere. “It’s
that I worry about you. I can’t imagine how difficult it is for you living on
the streets.” Ruby sucks in a breath. Her homeless situation has been sort of
an “elephant in the room” kind of thing between them. Neither of them
bringing it up until now. Ruby doesn’t know what to say. She starts to say
something then clamps her mouth shut. She tries again, but Tucker saves
her from saying anything at all. “You don’t have to talk about it right now.
And if you never get to a point where you feel like you can talk to me about
it, I’ll try to understand, but I’m putting you on notice today. I fully intend
to earn your trust or wear you down so you will let me help you off the
streets. It’s not safe. I know you know this better than I do, but what you
don’t understand is I don’t judge you for your situation, nor do I look down
on you for it. I just want to keep you safe and hope that someday you’ll let
me into your heart and trust me to take care of you, even though you can
more than take care of yourself.”
Ruby can’t stop the tears from falling. They run freely down her face.
Damn this man! He’s making it impossible for her to keep him at arm’s
length. He’s already wormed under her skin and buried deep. She’s in
serious trouble. She’s falling for Tucker hard.

Tank looks at Ruby’s tear- stained face. His heart breaking for her. He pulls
her into his arms holding her to his chest. He rests his cheek on the top of
her head. “Shhh, don’t cry baby. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
He kisses the top of her head. He would never do anything to cause her
tears. She wraps her arms around him, gripping his shirt tightly. She cries
softly for several minutes. Tank continues to offer words of comfort. The
waitress comes by the table, but Tank waves her away.
Ruby raises her head after a few moments. She stares at him. He can see
a lot working in her mind, but he can’t read her thoughts as much as he
wishes he could. He wipes her tears from her cheeks. “I’m sorry, Ruby. I
never intended to make you cry.”
“I…I know,” comes her stuttering reply. “It’s just been so l-long since
I’ve had someone who’s care this much about me.” Tank’s face softens. He
wants to be the one to change her life situation for her if she’ll only let him.
“I want to let you help me. I do, but I already care enough about you to not
want to put you in danger.”
“Beautiful there’s no danger that would make me not want to be with
you.” Tank reaches up to wipe a stray hair out of her eyes. “You are worth
any trouble which could come my way. I mean every word. I know we
haven’t known each other long, but I care for you, Ruby. My heart has been
closed since losing my parents and sister. I haven’t let anyone other than
Straw, my older sister, and my grandparents get too close. I’m friends with
my teammates and their women, but I don’t let myself care too much. I
didn’t want to take the chance of being hurt by losing someone I love, but
there’s something about you that makes me want to take the risk. Even if
it’s only a day, a week, a year, whatever time I can have with you will be
worth the pain that will come if I lose you. Please, babe give me the chance
to show you I will take care of you. I won’t ever let anything or anyone hurt
you. I’m a Marine in special forces. I can and will protect you.” Ruby’s eye
fill with fresh tears.
“Oh Tucker.” Ruby sighs. “I’m so scared.” Tank wraps her in his arms,
holding her close. “I’m scared for you. You don’t know what kind of evil
I’m running from.” Ruby’s words fill him with dread, not for himself but
for her. He refuses to allow anyone or anything to hurt her.
“I’m not afraid, Ruby,” Tank pulls back to look her in the eyes. He
wants her to see and understand he means every word. “I’ve dealt with all
kinds of evil during my years in service. Both here in America and on
foreign soil. I can handle it. I promise you. You only have to trust me with
your secrets.”
“I’ll think about it, Tucker,” Ruby replies, her voice barely a whisper.
“If something happened to you because of me, I couldn’t live with that. I’d
never be able to forgive myself.”
“Nothing is going to happen to me,” Tank assures her. Ruby shakes her
head and begins to say something, but he puts he places a finger over her
lips. “Let’s give this topic a rest for now and try to enjoy the rest of our
weekend, okay?” Ruby gives him a wobbly smile.
“Okay, Tucker. I can do that.” Her smile gets a little bigger. Tank isn’t
sure this is the time for a kiss, but he can’t stop himself. He leans toward
her, pausing to give her time to pull away, but she doesn’t. Her eyes flick to
his. He smiles at her then closes the distance. His lips touch hers in a soft
gentle kiss. He has every intention of keeping it soft and sweet, but her taste
drives him over the edge. His tongue swipes out. To his delight, Ruby opens
for him. His tongue explores her mouth and dances with hers. She lets out a
soft moan, which fuels his desire even more. He tilts her head to deepen the
kiss, forgetting for a moment they’re in the middle of a public place. The
clearing of a throat draws him out of the moment. He pulls back from Ruby
and looks over his shoulder. The waitress is there smiling at them.
“Sorry to interrupt,” she says. “I just wanted to see if you all need
anything else? Dessert or to go boxes?”
“Um, yeah we need a to go box and 2 slices of apple pie, please,” Tank
tells the woman. She nods and scribbles on her notepad.
“I’ll be right back.” The woman gives them a big smile. Tank turns back
to look at Ruby who’s blushing profusely. Tank puts his hand on the side of
her face, caressing her cheek with his thumb. She glances at him shyly.
“You’re absolutely gorgeous when you’re embarrassed.” Tank chuckles
as she blushes even more. He leans in and gives her a quick peck on the
lips. He would love to kiss the hell out of her and more, but now isn’t the
time. Within a few minutes, the waitress returns with their pie and an empty
box for them to take the rest of Ruby’s food with them. He intends to get
her to eat a little more later. He knows how to help her stretch her stomach
so she can eat a normal amount and help her gain a little weight. She might
not think she’s starving herself, but he’s felt her waist. He could easily feel
her hip bones. To him that’s not healthy.
Once he’s paid for the meal and left a nice tip for the waitress, he leads
Ruby out to his truck. He lifts her up into the passenger seat and hands her
their take-out bag. He waits while she buckles her seatbelt. Then he rounds
the truck and climbs into the driver’s seat. They’ve barely gotten started
back down the road when his phone rings. He glances at the screen. It’s
Hawk. Fuck! He’s supposed to have the weekend off.
“Evans,” Tank answers after hitting the answer button on his steering
wheel. Hawk’s voice comes over the speakers of his truck.
“Tank, Straw didn’t want me to call you, but I knew you’d want to
know,” Hawk begins. Dread skitters through Tank. He instantly knows it
has something to do with Abigail’s ex-asshole getting out of prison earlier
this week. “Todd showed up at the house and caused a scene.”
“What the fuck? Are Abigail and Ellie all right?” Tank asks, fearful of
the answer.
“Yeah, they’re both okay. Straw and the guys on the team subdued him.
Lynnville came and took him back to the halfway house where he’s
supposed to be staying. Abigail is shaken up of course,” Hawks says. “And
Straw’s in the dog house for not telling her about Todd getting out. Ellie
doesn’t know anything about it. She’s a little sad about missing their movie,
but Charlotte and I took the twins over to Lynnville’s and helped watch over
her and Marla until Lynnville got back from taking care of Todd.”
“Fuck!” Tank exclaims. “You and I both told Straw not to lie to her. He
should have listened.”
“We did, and he should have, but Lynnville told him not to tell her,”
Hawk continues, “Straw didn’t technically lie to her. However he didn’t tell
her everything he knew, so a lie by omission, but to her still a lie. She’ll
make him squirm a while, but that woman loves him, so she’ll eventually
forgive him.”
“Yeah, but he’s going to have to do some serious groveling.” Tank
chuckles but then sobers as a thought occurs to him. “Should I come back?”
Worry for his friends hits him suddenly. He needs to be there to ensure
Abigail and Ellie are safe. He wants to help keep an eye on the bastard
who’s trying to hurt his friends, too.
“No, we have everything under control,” Hawk replies. “Straw will
want to kick my ass for calling you in the first place. He didn’t want to spoil
your time off, but I knew you’d want to know. If anything changes, I’ll call
you back. Enjoy your weekend.” The call ends. Hawk has said what he
wanted to say so he’s ended the call.
“My goodness,” Ruby says softly. “I’m glad Abigail is okay.”
“Yeah, me too,” Tank replies. He puffs out a sigh. He can’t keep from
worrying about his friends and what they’re going through. Not being there
to help is tough, but his need to be with Ruby drives him to keep the truck
headed south. He knows Hawk wouldn’t lie to him. If the team couldn’t
handle the situation and needed Tank there, Hawk would have asked him to
come back.
“Do you want to go back?” Ruby questions after a bit of silence. He
glances over catching glimpses of her in the passing lights. He shakes his
“No, the team has everything under control,” Tank assures her. “They’ll
call if they need me. Hawk is correct about Straw not wanting him to call
me. We’ve been close friends since we were in elementary school. I haven’t
taken any time off on my own in years. It would have to be life or death
before he’d want to call me back.” Ruby gives him a smile. “Not that I
don’t want to be there for him, but it might make things worse, making him
feel guilty about ruining my time off.”
“If at any time you want to head back”–Ruby pauses– “I understand. I
would want to be there for my friend if the situation were reversed.”
“Okay and thank you for your understanding.” Tank takes her hand in
his, enjoying the feel of her small hand in his larger one. She peeks at him
through her lashes, seeming shy, which is in contradiction to the way she
kissed him at the diner.
“Poor Abigail,” Ruby says after a few moments. “What do you think
her ex was doing at their house? Would he try to hurt her again?”
“I don’t know,” Tank answers as he too has been wondering the same
thing. “Abigail’s ex, Todd, is the father of her daughter, Ellie. The man is a
fucking nut job. He abused her and tried to kill her before she got away
from him.” Ruby sucks in a startled breath. “She actually thought she’d
killed him the day she left. Todd had come home early and caught her
packing to leave him. She’d decided to get out because of the abuse, and
he’d threatened Ellie the day before all this happened.” Tank grips the
steering wheel in his anger just thinking of what they’d learned about that
day. He’d seen the videos Todd had recorded. Even of the incident when
Abigail left. Tank is amazed Abigail had been able to survive as badly as
she’d been injured and treated. “Ellie was only a few months old at the
time, and he threatened to kill her because she was crying. Abigail wanted
to protect Ellie from the monster. She didn’t know he had cameras set up in
their apartment. He monitored and recorded everything. He saw her packing
when he checked the camera on his phone. He came home and attacked her,
so while trying to defend herself, she knocked him out, but thought he was
dead. She called emergency services, but fled the scene, thinking they
wouldn’t believe her.”
“Why did she think no one would believe her?” Ruby questions.
“Surely he left evidence of the abuse on her, bruises or cuts.”
“He did, but Todd was in the Navy at the time,” Tank explains. “Abigail
had been raised in a rough environment and had gotten into some trouble as
a juvenile. She had some minor criminal offenses as a teen. She didn’t think
the police would believe it was self-defense. So she took Ellie and ended up
in California.”
“My God!” Ruby says. “I can’t imagine how hard that must have been
for her, having a small baby and being all alone.” Tank notices the worry on
Ruby’s face. He would love to take all her worries away.
“Yeah, she had some rough times,” Tank responds. “She told us about
them living in her car, shelters, and some really seedy apartment buildings
over the years, but she eventually got a good job at a hotel in San Diego.
Their apartment still wasn’t great, but it was livable. That’s where she and
Straw got together.”
“Really?” Ruby asks. “They met in California?” Tank nods.
“Yeah, we had gone out there for a two-week training session,” Tank
tells her. “It was practically love at first sight for those two.” Tank proceeds
to tell her how the team had helped Abigail and Straw during the trip to
California and then afterward when Abigail and Ellie moved to North
Carolina to be close to Straw and the Admiral, Ellies’ grandpa.
“And she and Straw are happy together, now?” Ruby asks when he’s
finished the story. “Even though her ex is still causing them trouble?”
“Yeah,” Tank replies. “Straw loves Abigail, and she loves him. They
would do anything for each other. I’m pretty sure Straw is proposing this
weekend. At least he’d been planning on asking her tonight. I’m not sure if
he got the chance since Todd’s showed up causing trouble. I hate it the
dickhead has ruined their night at home alone.” He glances at Ruby. He can
see something working in her mind as she ponders his words. He sure
wishes he could read minds.

Ruby keeps running Tucker’s words over in her mind. Straw and Abigail
have been able to find their happiness, despite her ex causing them trouble,
but Ruby’s situation is much worse. She might have an ex, but it isn’t only
him. It’s the whole “family” who she’s hiding from. How can she take the
chance of letting Tucker into her heart, her life, when she’s running from a
very powerful organization?
Ruby sighs, turning her head toward the passenger side window. She
stares out into the passing night, her heart aching with the pain of what
could have been if she weren’t on the run. Tucker is a good man. He’s kind,
caring, and while he can be bossy and very straightforward when he wants
something, he cares for her. She hasn’t had anyone who’s cared for her
since her mother died. Well, that’s not entirely true. Gianna had cared
enough for her to help her escape…

M ary is getting desperate . Her planned nuptials are rapidly approaching,

only days away and she’s no closer to figuring out a way to get out of them.
Her father has kept a guard with her at all times. She rarely has a moment
alone. She managed to call the detective on her mother’s case this morning.
He wants her to meet with him this afternoon, but how can she get there
without her guard who will report everything back to her father?
Mary’s phone rings indicating an incoming call. She picks it up to see a
number she doesn’t know, but she answers the call, thinking it could be the
“Hello?” Mary answers questioningly. She can’t imagine who’d be
calling her. The voice on the other end of the line astonishes her.
“Mary?” a woman’s voice asks. The voice is familiar, but Mary can’t
place it right away. “This is Gianna Russo. Can you speak freely?”
“Um, yes,” Mary answers. “I’m in my bedroom, alone.” A snort comes
over the line.
“That doesn’t mean you can speak freely,” Gianna says. “Your room
could and likely is bugged.” Gianna sighs loudly before continuing. “I
forget you aren’t used to all this. Would you be able to get free to do a little
shopping this afternoon?”
“I don’t know,” Mary replies worry evident in her tone. “My father has
been acting strangely. I’m not allowed to go anywhere without an escort.”
“Leave it to me,” Gianna says after a beat. “I’ll make it happen. You be
ready.” The connection clicks off. Mary looks at her phone in disbelief.
What was that all about? She doesn’t know what Gianna is wanting, but
Mary hurries to change into some comfortable jeans and a cable knit
sweater. Thirty minutes later, there’s a knock at her door.
“Come in,” Mary calls softly. The door opens to reveal her brother,
Tony in the doorway.
“Gianna Russo is wanting to take you shopping,” Tony says tersely.
Mary looks at him closely for the first time in a long, long time. Despite his
young age, Tony’s face is marred with worry lines. His jaw is set in a hard
line, a muscle ticking as he grits his teeth. “She said something about
getting you some things for your honeymoon.” Mary’s face flushes a deep
shade of red, knowing what Gianna has hinted at to her brother.
“Oh!” Mary replies, not faking the shock in her voice. She never
imagined Gianna would come up with such a clever ruse. “When would she
like to go?” Mary does her best to act casual, knowing if her brother or
father suspect anything they’ll not allow her to go with Gianna.
“Her car will be here in twenty minutes to pick you up,” Tony replies.
Mary nods her understanding before turning to her vanity. She’ll spend that
time touching up her makeup and hair.
“I’ll be ready,” Mary replies as she sits at the vanity, picking up her
hair brush. She glances at Tony in the mirror. He dips his chin in
acknowledgment before turning away, closing her door behind him. Mary
brushes her hair and reapplies her lipstick. She makes sure she looks
presentable then stands to head downstairs to wait for Gianna.
As she starts to turn away from her vanity, a picture of her and her
mother from a couple of months ago catches her eye. Mary has the picture
tucked into the frame around the mirror. She snatches the picture down and
stows it in her back pocket. She opens her bedroom door to leave, instinct
making her turn and look over her childhood room one more time. For
some reason, she has the feeling she’ll never see it again.
Twenty minutes later, she’s in the back seat of a Russo car being driven
to an unknown destination. She’d been shocked when she got into the
backseat, and Gianna wasn’t in the car. Before she can ask where Gianna
is, the driver is pulling away from her home.
“Where’s Gianna?” Mary asks the driver, fear clear in her voice. Is the
Russo family planning to do something to her, using a shopping trip with
Gianna as a way to get her away from the protection of her father and
brother? She’s felt like she could trust Gianna, but she doesn’t really know
this woman. She could be as bad and as creepy as the rest of the Russo
“Ms. Russo said she had some errands to attend to before meeting
you,” the driver replies. The man is another over large goon-looking man.
Broad shoulders, scarred face, and piercing dark eyes. Mary shrinks back
into her seat when their eyes meet in the rearview mirror. He looks scary at
first glance, but he smiles then, and his face transforms and softens. “She’ll
be waiting for you at Bergdorf’s, Ms. Amato.”
Mary returns his smile and relaxes into the seat for the drive into the
city. Her mind wondering to what has prompted this impromptu shopping
trip by Gianna, who had seemed anxious when she’d called Mary. Over the
last couple of weeks since learning of her planned marriage to Junior,
Gianna has become a friend to Mary, trying to catch her up on their
families and the activities of the families. Mary can’t lie; it has been a rude
awakening to learn about the criminal activity of her family and the family
she’s expected to marry into in a few short weeks.
The car pulls to a stop bringing her out of her musings. Mary looks out
at the large building and all the people hurrying down the sidewalk. Her
driver comes around and opens her door, taking her hand to help her from
the car. “I’ll be waiting right here for you and Ms. Russo,” he tells her
when she’s out of the car. She takes a moment to look at him again. His face
is scarred, but his eyes are kind. Mary wonders how he’d been injured, but
more importantly how a kind man could end up working for the mob.
“Thank you,” Mary answers him. He walks her to the door where a
doorman opens the door for her. She enters to opulent stone building. She
pauses to take a look around at the tall ceilings with the sparkling
chandeliers. Expensive, glittering items lining the shelves merely waiting
for someone to purchase them. Mary looks for Gianna but doesn’t see her
anywhere. Her phone chimes with an incoming text.
Gianna: Meet me at the shoe display.
Mary makes her way through the store and its shoppers, passing
displays of high-priced famous designer clothes, trinkets, and purses. It
doesn’t take her long to find the shoes. She gazes at the beautiful heels on
display. She lets her hand drift over a gorgeous pair of lavender Jimmy
Choo heels. They cost a small mint, but a girl can dream.
As she moves on to the next display, someone grab her arm, frightening
her within an inch of her life.
“Ohhh!” Mary screams, drawing the attention of several nearby
customers. Gianna grabs her hand and drags her through the store.
“Gianna what are you doing?”
“Getting you out of here,” Gianna says as they hurry through the store.
They weave in and out of displays. Gianna keeps glancing over her
shoulder from time to time. Mary wonders what or who Gianna is trying to
“Gianna”– Mary grabs the woman’s arm pulling her to a stop– “what’s
going on?” Gianna is breathing hard as they’ve been plowing through the
store like they’re running a marathon. “You’re beginning to scare me,”
Mary tells her honestly.
“Mary, we don’t have time,” Gianna says as she scans their
surroundings nervously. “I overheard my father talking to some of his
goons. He knows you’ve been in communication with the police. I don’t
know what you’ve told them, but my father believes you will sell out the
families to the cops. He won’t allow you to live, Mary. We have to get you
out of here.” Fear like Mary’s never felt before hits her as well as disbelief.
Her unknown survival instincts kick in, and she hurries through the store
with Gianna.
“Gianna, I’ve done no such a thing!” Mary exclaims as they charge
through a group of teenagers. “Why would he think that? I’ve only spoke
with the detective once, and my father’s lawyer was with me the entire
time.” Gianna shakes her head, again looking over her shoulder. Mary
looks over hers as well, but doesn’t see anything suspicious. Just the teens,
giving her and Gianna the finger.
“I don’t know, Mary, but we have to go.” Gianna takes her hand again,
hurrying through the store. After a few minutes, they reach the other side of
the store. Gianna drags her out the back door and into an alley. Mary looks
up to see the car and driver who’d brought her here waiting for them in the
alley. Gianna drags her toward him. He opens the back door of the car.
Gianna climbs in pulling Mary in behind her. As soon as they are in, the
driver shuts the door and hurries to the driver’s seat. He puts the car in
gear and speeds down the alley.
“Where are we going?” Mary asks as the car merges into traffic.
Gianna looks back like she thinks someone might be following them. Mary
looks, too, but has no idea what she expects to see.
“I’m getting you out of the city and to a bus station,” Gianna finally
says. She pulls her purse into her lap and unzips it. “We don’t have much
time, Mary. I overheard my father discuss the need to eliminate you before
you cause too many problems.” Mary sucks in a startled breath. This can’t
be happening.
Gianna continues, “Here take this.” Gianna hands her a backpack she’s
pulled from a shopping bag she’d been carrying when she dragged Mary
through the store. Mary looks at the bag uncertainly. “I have a couple
changes of clothes, some cash, and a fake driver’s license and identity.
You’re going to have to get familiar with this cover as you travel. It was
done hastily, but it should get you away from the city and perhaps even the
state before they realize you’re gone.” Gianna pauses. She looks at Mary
with worry evident on her face. Mary can feel the tears beginning to fall.
Gianna is deadly serious. This isn’t a joke. Mary briefly wonders if
Gianna’s done this before. Well she surely has, or she wouldn’t have been
this organized.
“I don’t understand, Gianna. I haven’t told the police anything. I don’t
know anything to tell them,” Mary cries, her voice pleading with Gianna to
believe her. Gianna’s face softens. She takes Mary’s hand.
“I believe you, Mary, but my father will not.” Gianna gives her a sad
smile. “My father is ruthless. He won’t take the risk of giving you the
benefit of the doubt. I have my suspicions on how all this got started, but I
don’t have proof, not yet, but I’ll do my best to clear your name with my
father. In the meantime, we have to get you to a safe place where he can’t
carry out his plan to have you eliminated. Honestly, you were supposed to
die when your mother died, but something went wrong.”
Shock hits Mary at Gianna’s casual attitude when speaking about her
death. God this can’t be her real life. This is like something out of a movie.
Mary stares at Gianna, trying to get the words to make sense. Mary can feel
her heart thumping in her chest. She can’t breathe. Her chest is tight and
hurting so badly. Her hands are going numb. She’s dying, and Gianna is
just sitting there, staring at her. Gianna suddenly slaps her, startling Mary.
“Get a hold of yourself,” Gianna demands. “This is not the time to have
a panic attack, although I can understand why you’re having one. We don’t
have time for this. We’ll be at the bus station soon.” Mary takes a few deep
breaths, trying desperately to calm herself. After a few seconds, she nods,
pinching her lips together in a determined line. She can do this. Her life
depends on it.
“Give me your cell phone,” Gianna demands. Mary hands over her
device. Before she can process what’s happening, Gianna hits the window
button on the door of the car. As the window drops, Gianna tosses her
phone from the moving vehicle.
“What the hell?” Mary exclaims. Gianna doesn’t give her a chance to
say anything else. “Now here is a burner cell phone.” Gianna hands her a
small black phone. “I have my number in there, but only call me as a last
resort. I’ve programmed the number in my phone, too. When I’m free to
talk, I’ll call and check on you.” Mary is reeling from the shock of what
Gianna has told her. She’s still having a hard time processing all of this.
“There’s a ticket in your backpack for the bus. It’ll take you to
Philadelphia. You chose where to go from there. Whatever you do, don’t tell
me where you’re going. If father finds out I’ve helped you, I don’t want him
to be able to get it out of me.”
Their driver steps on the gas once they have a clear stretch of traffic.
Mary looks out at the passing city streets. Is she really going to leave this
place? The only place she’s ever known? What is she going to do when she
leaves? What about her brother and father? What’ll happen to them? Will
they even care that she’s gone? Gianna draws her attention again.
“Mary, pay attention!” Gianna snaps. “Your life depends on it. This is
not a drill, sister. This is real life. You need to be formulating a plan of
where you’re going after Philly.”
“This is crazy, Gianna.” Mary is suddenly angry. “I can’t just go to
Philly! I’ve never been on my own. I mean I know I’m twenty years old, and
I should be able to live on my own, and I’m sure I could, but I don’t want to
go to Philly. Why is all this happening to me?” Mary’s voice breaks on a
sob. Gianna gives her a sympathetic look.
“I’m sorry, Mary,” Gianna is in near tears as well, her beautiful green
eyes glittering with unshed tears. “I don’t know why this is happening, but it
truly is happening and I need to get you to safety. I’ve seen too many people
leave this world too soon. Your mother being one of them. I don’t want to
see that happen to you.” Gianna takes Mary’s hand, giving her the most
intense look. “Mary, the life of our families is dangerous. It’s dirty, and I
hate it. Someday, soon I too will be leaving this life behind, but until then,
I’m going to do my best to keep good, decent people like you from being
murdered by my father.” Mary squeezes Gianna’s hand, grateful for the
woman’s help. The women hold onto each other for a moment before
Gianna gets back to business.
“Now, the last bit of advice I can give you before we drop you at the bus
station” –Gianna’s voice is serious and intense– “change your appearance
as soon as you possibly can do so. Also do not contact anyone you knew
before. If you are contacted by someone from your past, it means they’re on
to me and have taken your new number from my phone. Don’t answer any
calls on that phone except from me. I’ll be in touch as soon as I can, but it
could be a day or two before I can reach out.” The car slows to a stop. The
driver exits the car. “Be safe, Mary.” Gianna shoves the backpack into her
hands as she pulls Mary’s purse out of her hands. The driver opens the door
of the back seat and reaches inside taking her hand. Mary exits the car. The
driver gives her a sympathetic look and leads her toward the entrance to
the bus station.
“Take care, Ms. Amato,” the driver says. “Ms. Russo is right in what
she’s doing for you. You need to get as far away from here as you can and
don’t speak to anyone from here ever again.” He turns to heads back to car,
climbs inside, then the car pulls away. Mary stares after the car for several
moments before a passerby crashes into her. She looks down at the
backpack clutched tightly in her hands. She heads inside to the station and
finds a seat where people are awaiting their bus departure. She opens the
backpack and rifles through it. She finds the ticket and checks the time. Her
bus leaves in fifteen minutes. She rises and makes her way through the
terminal to find where to board her bus.
Hours later, she is staring out at the sight of Philadelphia just up ahead.
The bus ride has been long and uncomfortable. Mary has been sitting
between two families with small children, who haven’t enjoyed their bus
ride any more than Mary has. The wailing infant in front of her has given
the toddler behind a run for their money on being the most annoying
traveling companion. Mary’s head hurts. Her back and buttocks are aching
from sitting for so long in the hard uncomfortable seats. She’s relieved when
the driver announces they can depart the bus.
Stepping off the bus, she looks around at the dirty, musty smelling
terminal. People are heading toward the bus station entrance, and Mary
allows herself to be dragged along with the tide of bodies for a bit. She
works her way through the throngs of people until she reaches a ticket
booth. She looks over her options of her next destination. She considers
heading west, but then notices a bus heading south with her final
destination Nashville, TN. The bus won’t leave for several hours, and Mary
thinks maybe she should pick the next bus leaving but has another thought.
If somehow Russo, Sr. finds out she made it to Philly, he would expect her to
take the very next bus out and would track her to that location, too. Mary
decides to take a risk and hang out in Philly until early morning, taking a
different bus. She purchases her ticket, then she leaves the station in search
of food. She’ll come back to the station just before time for her bus to
It’s almost three in the morning. Mary is dead on her feet as she makes
her way be to the bus terminal to board her bus heading south. She’d
stopped by a small department store and purchased a bottle of hair dye and
spent several hours lightening then coloring her hair in the bathroom at the
bus station. People coming and going had complained about the smells
from the chemicals, but Mary is taking Gianna’s advice to heart and is
changing her appearance. She didn’t have anything else to fill the hours
waiting for her bus to depart. She’s even taken care to dye her eyebrows to
match her new ruby red hair color. She’s taken a few inches off her long
dark hair as well with a pair of scissors. She nearly broke down when she
saw her new appearance in the mirror, but she forced herself to keep it
together. She doesn’t have anyone to depend on any longer, just herself.
Staring into her wounded hazel eyes, she vows to keep herself alive and to
find a way to clear herself of the mob, once and for all. She’d copied files
from her father’s computer over the last couple of days before Gianna had
reached out to help save her. Mary had been trying to get evidence on the
Russo family. She wanted to turn them in and stop her unwanted wedding,
but she hadn’t seen a lot that could help. She’s just hoping something in the
emails, spread sheets, and shipping invoices from the warehouse will give
the detective what he needs to bring them down. She fingers the zip drive
with all the information on it in her pocket. She mailed its twin just a few
minutes ago. She’s kept a copy for herself, too afraid to not keep a copy of
all the evidence she’s collected. She needs something as leverage if her
father or Russo, Sr. catch her.
Mary walks toward the bus, getting into line with the other passengers.
Movement to her left catches her eye. She glances in the direction of a
disturbance just as she’s about to board the bus. Several large men in suits
are jogging through the near empty terminal. In their haste, they’ve collided
with a bag lady as she exits the restrooms. Her belongings fly up into the
air. Her scream of shock echoes in throughout the station, drawing the
attention of the patrons. The hair on the back of Mary’s neck rises as she
recognizes a couple of the men. Giovanni Russo, Jr. and her own brother,
Tony are arguing with the woman who’s screaming at them for scattering
her belongings. Mary looks back at the line in front of her noticing the path
is clear for her to get on the bus. Indecision hits her. Once she’s on the bus
she’ll be trapped, but where will she go if she doesn’t. Looking back, she
sees her brother and Junior are still distracted trying to get away from the
irate bag lady. Decision made she hurries onto the bus, heading for a seat
near the back door, just encase she needs to make a quick getaway.
Time moves slowly as she waits for the bus to depart. Her right leg is
bobbing up and down as her nervous energy demands an outlet. She’s slunk
into her seat but keeps an eye on the front of the bus. Suddenly Tony jogs up
the steps of the bus. His eyes scanning over the passengers. His gaze locks
with Mary’s. Her heart stops beating as recognition flares in his eyes.
Junior comes up the steps behind him.
“You see her anywhere?” Junior demands as he pushes Tony further
onto the bus. Mary pleads with her eyes to her brother. She doesn’t know
what he’ll do, but she’s praying to mother Mary for her protection.
“No, she’s not here,” Tony says as he turns to Russo, and they exit the
bus. A few moments later, the driver boards the bus, closing the door. Mary
hears the whoosh of air as the air brakes release. The bus rocks side to side
as it pulls out of the terminal. Mary risks peeking out of the window as the
bus turns onto the street. Russo Jr. and several of his goons are stalking
about searching every nook and cranny of the terminal. Tony walks out of
the shadows staring at her bus as it pulls away. Mary lets out shaky breath
as the bus picks up speed, and no one appears to be chasing after it.

R uby jerks awake feeling the truck slow and turn. For a moment, she’s
still on the bus six years ago. Her heart hammering in her chest, she sits up,
remembering she’s in Tucker’s truck headed for Savannah, Georgia. She
looks over at him. His handsome face in profile flashes as the lights of a
passing car hit it. He is truly handsome. Her inexperienced body has more
than taken notice of him. She wants so much more than she can allow
herself to have. Why is she even here? Tucker glances at her as he makes
the turn into the Walmart parking lot. Ruby briefly wonders where they are
as she looks around.
“Hey beautiful.” Tucker’s sexy smile makes her body shiver. “Did you
sleep well?” Ruby quickly wipes at her mouth hoping against hope she
hasn’t drooled all over herself in her sleep. Thankfully her hand comes
away dry.
“Um, yeah,” Ruby answers, with a little white lie. She doesn’t feel
rested at all. The dreams of her past still fresh in her mind. Tucker pulls into
a parking spot close to the grocery entrance of the large retail department
store. “Where are we?”
“Just outside of Savannah,” Tucker answers. Ruby can’t believe she’s
slept for hours as they’ve traveled south on I-95. “I thought we’d go ahead
and get some groceries before we go the house I’ve rented.” Ruby moves to
open her door when Tucker starts getting out on his side. “Babe.” She looks
back at him immediately understanding his unspoken demand. She stills her
movements and waits for him to come around to her side. She smiles as he
helps her down from the truck. The man can’t help himself. He needs to be
her caretaker. She shakes her head in amusement as they start into the store.
This late at night, there are few customers around. Ruby looks at her phone,
seeing it’s well after midnight. Tucker gets a cart at the door, and they head
into the store.

Tank studies Ruby when she’s not paying him any attention. The woman
has stolen his heart in such a short amount of time. In the past when he’d
thought about finding ‘his woman’, as his teammates refer to it, he’d been
sure he’d be freaked out by the feelings, but he isn’t. Since his childhood
had ended abruptly with the loss of three-fifths of his immediate family,
he’s been determined to never love anyone else like he’d loved his parents
and his sister. He’d never again wanted to feel the soul crushing loss of
someone he loved so deeply.
However, Ruby is worth taking the risk. She’s kind, intelligent, and
brave. She’s also gorgeous and a damn good kisser. His lips are itching to
kiss her again. She’d been a little hesitant at first, but then she came alive
and met his tongue stroke for stroke. His cock hardens just thinking about
it, but this weekend isn’t about them moving their relationship to the next
level. It’s about getting her to open up and let him help her. That starts with
getting them some food and whatever supplies Ruby needs.
“So do you have a list?” Ruby questions. “Or are we just going in willy
nilly grabbing whatever looks good?” Tanks grins at her. She must assume
since he’s a guy he’s not used to grocery shopping.
“I have a list,” Tank informs her. “But I didn’t know what you might
like, want, or need, so it’s a list in progress.” Ruby laughs, her face breaking
into a wide smile, making her eyes sparkle.
“I’m impressed,” she counters. “The beast can grocery shop.”
“Hell, yeah I can,” Tank assures her. “I’ll admit I don’t do as much as I
did before Abigail moved in with us, but Straw and I were bachelors a long
time. We can both cook, shop, and keep a clean house.” Ruby widens her
eyes. Her eyebrows shooting up.
“Well, well, you are a man of many talents,” Ruby counters. Wicked
thoughts run through Tank’s dirty mind at her words. His mouth between
her thin thighs, on her breasts, and his cock burying deep into her warmth.
He swallows hard as he feels his cock straining against his jeans.
“You have no idea”– his voice is husky, full of desire and promise– “at
least not yet, but someday, hopefully soon, you’ll let me show you just how
talented I am.” Ruby’s face flushes a deep shade of red as she sucks in a
breath. Then she swallows before licking her lips. His eyes are drawn to
those luscious lips, which a few hours ago, he’d kissed so thoroughly.
“So, grocery list?” Ruby questions obviously eager to change the
subject. Tank smiles to himself. She might act like she doesn’t want there to
be anything between them, but her body tells a different story. Her pupils
are dilated with desire. He can see her pulse in her neck, has increased its
rate and her breathing has become short and shallow. She might not want to
let him take care of her, but she desires him, and that is something he can
work with over time.
Tank whips out his phone and pulls up the Notes app on his phone. He
hands it over to her, revealing his list of essential items he thought they
might need this weekend. She looks over his list, her gaze intent as she
reads through the mundane list: bacon, eggs, biscuits, milk, bread, lunch
meat, cheese, disposable salt and pepper shakers, fresh fruit, vegetables,
beer, and beef jerky. A smile breaks out over her face as she comes to the
next few items on the list: whatever Ruby likes to eat, women’s shit, and
bikini for the hot tub.
“You want to see me in a bikini?” Her eyes meet his in amusement.
“Yeah, babe.” Tank grins at her, knowing he’s about to make her blush
again. “I want to see you in nothing at all, but the bikini will have to do…
for now.” He winks at her as her face flushes with redness, just as he’d
predicted. “Come on, let’s get to shopping.” She follows him through the
store. He guides her to the health and beauty section first.
As they start down an aisle with shampoos, he glances at her. He is
trying to figure out a way to get her to get the things she needs without
making it awkward. He knows she works at the diner, but has no idea what
her financial status is like, not that he’ll let her pay for anything she gets
anyway. He stops in front of shampoo display.
“What kind of shampoo do you want?” he asks her. She looks over at
him. She looks over the display before choosing the smallest bottle of the
store brand shampoo. He watches as she looks longingly at the conditioner
next to it. “Babe.” Her gaze jerks to his. “Get whatever kind you want.
Don’t worry about the cost.” Her lips pinch into a hard line. He can feel her
unease radiating off her. He braces for her prickly attitude. The one she
gives him every time he tries to buy her something to eat.
“Tucker, I don’t see the point in paying more for a brand name,” Ruby
says. “This is fine.” Tank grits his teeth. It might be fine, and he can see
how being smart with how you spend your money is wise, but damn it, he
wants her to get what she wants not what’s cheap.
“It might be fine, babe, but I know if you had the choice, it’s not what
you would get.” Tank’s voice is just as hard and determined as Ruby’s.
“Now do you want to stand here and argue half the night or just get the
brand, scent, and all the stuff you would get if you had endless means and
space to keep it?” Her jaw is tight, and her lips are pursed. She stares him
down, but he’s not going to budge. They can stand right here until they have
to get back on the road for him to report for duty on time Monday morning.
Finally, with a huff, she puts the generic shampoo back on the shelf. She
looks over the various brand names before choosing a shampoo for color
treated hair. She also gets the matching conditioner. Once she’s placed them
in the cart, he continues down the aisle. He stops along the way and gets her
to choose hair spray, a new hair brush, body wash, razors, and shaving
cream. He grabs a few things for himself as well.
Then they move on through the store. He glances at her. She’s been very
quiet since she relented to getting the shampoo. He worries he’s pushed too
hard, but his need to provide for her is driving him hard. He can’t seem to
keep from doing his very best to make sure she has what she wants and
needs. He knows the next items he wants to get her won’t go over any better
than the shampoo, probably even worse. Still he presses on; he’s too far in
to stop now. He leads her to the women’s clothing section of the store. He’d
much rather buy her clothes from a nice shopping mall, but she’d definitely
freak out on him if he tried to buy her expensive brand name clothes.
Instead, he’ll settle for getting her some good practical clothes.
When he stops to look over the racks of womens’ shirts, she looks at
him in confusion. He can see the wheels turning in her mind. He can see the
moment understanding dawns on her. She’s pissed. He starts to try and
placate her, but she’s not having it.
“Look Tucker, I’m not some charity case,” Ruby says angrily. “I don’t
have lots of clothes, because it isn’t practical not because I can’t afford
them.” Tank sighs. This is so not going how he’d played it out in his mind.
“Ruby, I don’t see you as a charity case,” Tank replies, doing his best to
remain calm. “I know why you don’t have loads of clothes, but there’s no
reason we can’t get you a few things to have while we are here.” She glares
back at him and blows out a frustrated breath.
“What am I supposed to do with them when we get back, hmm?” Ruby
is really not happy with him. “It’s wasteful to spend money on something
I’m only going to wear once. I haven’t done that in more than six years.”
She suddenly clamps her mouth shut and pales a little. She just let out a
little of her past. He’s suspected she hadn’t been raised on the streets. She’s
too well-mannered and seems to be refined in ways he can’t imagine. He’s
even more curious now than ever why she’s on the street. She seems
stunned she’s told him so much. She turns away from him and feigning to
take interest in the nearest shirt. He ponders how he can remedy this
disaster of a beginning to their weekend. He needs to touch her. His hands
are itching to reach out to her. He decides to go on his instincts, which have
never let him down. He walks over to her, putting his hands on her
shoulders. She tenses under his touch.
“Ruby, I’m sorry if I’ve upset you,” Tank tells her. “It wasn’t my
intention. I just wanted you to have everything you need.” He kneads her
shoulders. He leans down to press a kiss to her temple. “Forgive me?” Ruby
relaxes under his touch. She turns to face him. She’s biting her lower lip.
He’d love to be the one biting her lip.
“You’re forgiven.” She looks up at him shyly. “I know you mean well.
I’m sorry to be sensitive about this. It’s just you scramble my brain when
I’m around you. I shouldn’t have agreed to this trip, but I couldn’t say no.”
He pulls her into his arms and lowers his lips to hers. His need to hold her,
touch her consumes him. He kisses her long and deep in the women’s
clothing section of a Walmart at one o’clock in the morning. She moans and
presses into him. She feels so damn good in his arms.
Giggling brings him back to reality. He pulls back and looks up to see a
couple of teenage girls coming around the clothing rack. They are pointing
at him and Ruby. He realizes this isn’t the time or place to be devouring his
woman. He steps away from her. She turns back to the clothes. She looks
through the various choices. She surprises him when she chooses a couple
of shirts, pants, and some sleepwear. They make their way to the swimsuits.
The selection is small as fall is rapidly approaching, but as this is a tourist
town with plenty of hotels and the beach nearby, they manage to find her a
swimsuit she’s comfortable getting. It isn’t the bikini he wanted, but he
knows it’s going to look wonderful on her. It’s a bright blue one-piece.
They head to the food section and gather the things on his list. She
seems to have gotten over being put out with him. They chat easily as they
shop, and before long, they have everything on his list in addition to several
other things Ruby picked out. She has an assortment of chocolate items:
creamer for their coffee, candy bars, ice cream, and brownies. The woman
loves her chocolate. They head to the check out. She unloads the cart while
he scans their items at the self-check out station. Soon they’ve loaded
everything back into the cart and are on their way to his truck.
When they’ve loaded their purchases into the back seat of his truck, he
helps her into the passenger seat. He takes their empty cart to the shopping
cart return station and strolls back to get into the driver’s seat. He’s feeling
confident, despite the rocky start to their weekend. It’s going to be a good
one. They make the short drive to the house he’s rented and carry
everything inside. Once the cold groceries are stored in the fridge, he
encourages her to head on up to bed. He puts her new clothes into the
washing machine while he finishes putting the other things away. Once the
clothes have ran through a quick wash cycle, he puts them into the dryer
and heads up the steps to the bedrooms.
Fatigue weighing heavily on him, Tank passes the closed bedroom door
where he assumes Ruby has selected as her room for the weekend. Placing
his bag on the bed in the other bedroom, he pulls out a pair of sleep pants
and fresh boxers before heading into the bathroom to shower. He’s pushing
being awake twenty-four hours. He’s used to being awake long hours on
missions, but coupled with the emotional rollercoaster he’s had today, he’s
more than ready for some sleep.
He showers quickly, stepping out of the shower he dries off and dresses
quickly in a pair of sleep pants. It’s warm in the house so he doesn’t bother
getting a t-shirt. He opens the door of the bathroom and heads to the king
bed. Flipping back the cover he falls into bed and is asleep in mere seconds.
His body well trained to sleep when the opportunity arises.

Ruby showers after helping Tucker put away the cold groceries they
purchased before coming to the rental house. She dresses in a t-shirt and
shorts. She sighs as she sinks into the soft bed. It’s been so long since she’s
slept on a comfortable bed. It feels like heaven, but she can’t really enjoy
the wonderful sensations. The memories that have surfaced in her mind
today are still swirling around in her head. She doubts she’ll be able to sleep
at all. However, sleep overtakes her within minutes.

M ary C atherine is no more . She has now become Ruby Cox. In an effort
to conceal her identity, she’s changed her appearance by changing her hair
from its deep, rich brown to a deep red. Ruby has been on the move for
days, riding one bus after another slowly making her way further and
further from New York and the men chasing her. She still can’t believe this
has become her new normal. Leaving on a bus, constantly looking over her
shoulder. The bus she’s riding rocks as it turns into the bus station. Just the
next stop on the line.
Sighing she rises from her seat, making her way off the bus, getting
bumped by other passengers in a hurry to get off the foul-smelling vehicle.
No matter how many she’s been on, they all smell the same. Body odor,
sweat, and gasoline permeates the air. She’s gotten so used to them she
hardly notices anymore. Ruby decides she can’t take another day riding on
an uncomfortable bus. She hurries through the bus station and out onto the
street. She walks several blocks before finding a decent hotel. She pauses
outside its door, checking her supplies. Gianna had thought of nearly
everything she could possibly need. There was a prepay card with a few
thousand dollars on it.
Ruby enters the lobby and approaches the counter. A weary appearing
clerk is sitting behind the counter looking half-asleep. He startles at the
sound of the lobby door. He straightens up in his chair, then stands to greet
“Welcome to the Holiday Inn. My name is Jerry. May I help you?” The
man looks to be around Ruby’s age barely twenty years old.
“I’d like a room, please,” Ruby replies. She glances over her shoulder
toward the door, but no one is there. Her nerves are well and truly frayed.
She looks back at the clerk to see his response to her request. He’s typing
away furiously on his computer.
“Give me a second to wake this thing up,” Jerry says. “This thing is
older than dirt, and it takes it awhile to get going. I’m sorry you’re having
to wait.” Ruby gives him a weak smile. Several minutes later, Ruby has her
room key in hand. She enters the elevator, pressing the button for her floor.
Entering her room, she engages every lock possible. The first thing she
does is shower. She’s been on a bus for days, washing off in bus station
bathrooms. She revels in the hot water sluicing over her body, releasing
some of tension in her muscles. She washes her hair noting a red tinge in
the water once again. The cheap box color won’t last long. She’ll likely
need to color it again soon. She’d struggled with using the color, having
never used one before.
Once she’s washed herself head to toe a couple of times, she stands
under the warm water a few minutes longer until it runs cold. She exits the
shower and dries herself off, thankful for the clothing Gianna had packed
for her. She quickly dresses in a pair of pajamas then pulls the burner
phone out of the back pack. She powers it on as she plugs it into the
charging cord. She checks the locks on the door before she lays down on the
lumpy hotel bed with its flat pillows.
How long she slept, she isn’t sure. She wakes with a start. The burner
phone is ringing. Sunlight is streaming in through a crack in the curtains. It
must be mid-day by now. She snatches the phone off the bedside table.
Gianna’s name is on the screen.
“Hello?” Ruby answers the phone hesitantly. This could be a trap.
Perhaps, Russo Sr. has found out about Gianna helping her, but she’s been
so frightened and alone for so long. She just wants to hear a familiar voice.
“Mary Catherine are you all right?” Gianna’s voice comes across the
line. Ruby can hear the relief in her friend’s voice.
“Yes, I’m all right,” Ruby answers. “Tell me what’s happening back
home. Are you safe? They haven’t found out what you did have they?”
“No, they haven’t at least not yet,” Gianna tells her. “Father and Junior
are furious and more paranoid than ever. I’m sorry it has taken me so long
to contact you, but I couldn’t risk them catching me. Listen I just wanted to
make sure you’re safe. Junior has been out on the road hunting for you.
Your brother is with him.”
“I know,” Ruby sighs. “I saw them in Philadelphia. I was sure I’d been
caught. Tony looked right at me, but then he turned and told Junior I wasn’t
there. I’m not certain if he truly didn’t see me or if he was protecting me.”
“I chose to believe it was the latter,” Gianna says. “Your brother is a
better man than my father and brother. We can’t speak long, but I just
wanted to check in with you. Stay safe, Mary Catherine. I’ll do all I can to
keep you safe. When money gets low on the prepaid card let me know. I’ll
try to load more onto it. It’ll make you more vulnerable, but it’s the best I
can do. Wiring you money would give your exact location away.”
“I understand,” Ruby answers. “Thank you again, Gianna.” The call
ends abruptly. Ruby powers off the phone. She lays back on the bed. While
she’s slept a few hours, she’s still exhausted. She sleeps a few more hours
before waking with a stretch. She’d booked the room until tomorrow, so
she’s in no hurry to do anything more than rest and relax. She’ll be back on
that god awful bus again soon. She dresses and decides to head out for
some much-needed food.
As she walks back to the hotel from the restaurant, her belly full of some
great diner food, she gets a strange sensation. The hair on her neck begins
to rise. She looks over her shoulder searching the darkening night for
familiar faces, but nothing looks out of place. She continues walking,
convincing herself she’s just being paranoid. Entering the hotel, she glances
at the clerk. A woman is at the counter now. Ruby does a double take. The
woman looks worried, but when she sees Ruby looking at her, she
straightens in her seat and gives her a smile. Ruby returns the gesture and
heads for the elevator. She has her backpack on her shoulder and some
leftovers in a bag from the diner.
She reaches her room and keys the door. Once inside she turns to close
and lock it, but something isn’t right. That fight or flight sensation hits her
hard. Before she can take a moment to look around, someone grabs her
from behind, wrapping a hand over her mouth, and around her waist. SHIT!
She’s been found.
She fights with her captor as he drags her toward the hotel bed. How on
earth was he able to get into her room? Ruby fights as hard as she can to
escape, but it’s futile. The man holding her is much stronger than she. She
hasn’t seen his face yet. Is this Russo or a random bad guy? The man
throws her onto the bed. She instantly tries to scramble away, but he grabs
her ankle and drags her back toward him. She looks over her shoulder and
fear shoots through her. It’s Russo, Jr! He’s found her at last.
“NO!” Ruby screams. “Please don’t.” Junior grabs at her clothes,
attempting to remove her pants. She kicks and swings her fists at him as
hard as she can but doesn’t make contact. He whips out a gun and points it
at her head.
“I’ve got you now, Mary Catherine,” Russo accuses. “You’ve made me
look like a fool, but that stops now. I’m going to fuck you well and good in
this rundown shithole. It’s fitting seeing as how you’re nothing more than a
low-class whore anyway. When I’m finished with you, we’ll return to New
York, and the wedding will proceed as planned. No one defaults on a deal
with the Russo family. Your father promised you as the final payment for his
mistakes. If I were you, I’d cooperate. You might not want to be married to
me, but it beats the alternative. You could be in the ground next to your
“No!” she screams again, realization dawning that Russo was to blame
for her mother’s death. Hands are on her shoulders shaking her. She tries
desperately to fight him off, but he’s too strong. He shakes her again.

T ank wakes with a start . He blinks and looks around the dark room.
What woke him? A scream breaks the silence. Tank bounds from the bed,
grabbing his 9mm side arm from the night stand, then jerking the door open
to his room. Another shriek spears the night. Tank runs to the closed
bedroom door, gun in hand. Flinging the door open, his gun in his hand
with his finger on the trigger, he scans the room looking for an intruder, but
only sees Ruby fighting the covers in the throes of a nightmare. He crosses
the room, placing his weapon on her night stand. He gently shakes her
shoulder with his hand.
“Hey beautiful,” Tank says softly, not wanting to frighten her more.
“Wake up sweetheart, you’re having a nightmare.” Ruby’s head flops side
to side. She cries out. “No!” her arms swinging wildly. Tank leans down
closer to her and speaks softly in her ear.
“Wake up, Ruby,” Tank demands, taking both of her shoulders in his
hands, giving a gentle shake and speaking a little louder. “You’re safe.” He
tries to take her in his arms as her eyes fly open, but he can tell she isn’t
awake yet. She swings a fist at him, as she wriggles away from him. Her
eyes are darting around in fear.
“It’s me Tucker. You’re okay, beautiful,” Tank assures her. Ruby blinks
several times. Her posture stiff, but as reality comes back to her, she crawls
into his lap and relaxes against him, shuddering in fear.
“Tucker.” His name a breathless whisper on her tongue. She snuggles
into his embrace. Her body trembling. She wraps her arms around his waist.
Tank strokes his hand over her messy hair. Her tears dampen his chest, but
he doesn’t care. She can cry on him all she wants or needs. He enjoys the
feel of her in his arms. He’s pleased that she is allowing him to comfort her.
After several minutes, she calms, her tears slow, and she takes a shuddering
breath. She pulls back and swipes at her tear-stained face.
“You okay now?” Tank asks. His eyes rove over her face and body,
ensuring himself that she’s physically unharmed. Ruby nods her head.
“I’m sorry,” Ruby whispers. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s all right,” Tank assures her. “I’ve had my share of nightmares over
the years. Nothing to be sorry about.” She sniffs, and her breath stutters as
she tries to take a deeper breath. She swallows, and her eyes widen as she
stares at his bare chest. The look in her eyes is full of desire as she studies
his body. Tank’s never taken much notice when women have ogled him at
bars. He knows he has a nice body, but most of the time, people find him to
be too large, too tall, and hulkish. Oftentimes women have shied away from
him because of his size, but his Ruby doesn’t look afraid at all. She’s liking
what she sees and it’s turning him on. He can feel his cock hardening under
her intense stare.

Ruby’s heart is pounding in her chest, partly from the nightmare that
brought Tucker to her bed, but mostly from the half-naked man holding her.
When she first woke, she’d been so frightened, still inside her dream. She’d
thought Tucker was Russo, Jr. for a moment. She’d tried to fight him off,
but when she realized it was Tucker all she’d felt was relief. He’d wrapped
her in his arms, and she’s never felt safer in her life.
However, now that she’s calmed down, she can’t tear her eyes away
from Tucker’s bare muscled chest. It’s streaked with her tears. Her
trembling hands reach out to wipe them away. He sucks in a breath as her
hand skims over his flesh. Desire like she’s never known shoots through
her. She wants this man so badly, but her dream just serves to remind her
why she can’t have him. There’s no way she can put him in that kind of
danger. Just being with him this weekend could possibly have placed him in
danger. If Russo Jr. or any of his thugs find her while she’s with Tucker, she
has no doubt they would kill both of them without any remorse whatsoever.
Ruby jerks her hand away as she glances up at Tucker. Her heart breaking
at the thought of him being hurt because of her.
“I’m sorry to have soaked you.” Ruby tries to put a teasing tone to her
voice, but it falls flat with all the fear and desire raging in her body.
Tucker’s eyes are glued to her. She can see his need for her is as great as
hers for him. She drops her gaze in an effort to break the intense emotions
flooding her, but that is an epic mistake. Tucker’s pajama pants are tented
from his erection. Ruby gasps at the sight. He follows her eyes. Then shifts
in an effort to hide it, but it’s not possible. The man is huge. Ruby’s mouth
waters just thinking about what he would look like without those pants
blocking her view.
“Sorry about him.” Tucker dips his head toward his crotch. “I can’t get
him to behave when I’m around you. Especially when you look at me like
you want me as much as I want you.” Ruby is shocked he’s talking about
his dick as if it’s a separate entity. It suddenly strikes her as funny, and she
laughs. Tucker frowns at her.
“I’m not seeing the humor in this,” Tucker grumbles again shifting his
position on the edge of the bed. Ruby laughs even harder at his grumpy
tone. It takes her a minute to get herself under control.
“I just found it funny you’re talking about your…you know, like it’s a
person.” Ruby blushes. She never imagined she’d be talking to Tucker
about his anatomy. He grins at her in his sexy way. She can see the wheels
turning in his mind and knows he’s about to embarrass her even more than
she is already.
“My what, Ruby?” Tucker stares at her. She feels her face heating once
more. He inches toward her. “Are you talking about my cock?” He quirks
an eyebrow at her in question. She bites her lower lip, then nods a yes.
“Hearing you talk about him isn’t going to help his situation. He wants your
attention as badly as I do, maybe even more so.” Tucker’s face is so close to
hers. She wonders if he’s going to kiss her again. God, does she want him to
kiss her. She licks her lips in anticipation, feeling her desire ramping up
once more. Her embarrassment over discussing his cock forgotten.
Tucker closes the last few inches between them, pressing his lips to
hers. Ruby eagerly opens to him. His tongue surges into her mouth and
thoroughly explores every bit of her. His kiss is warm and sweet, not the
heated kind they’ve shared before. Tucker seems to understand she’s still a
little shaken from her dream. He’s truly the most thoughtful man she’s ever
known. He’s making her feel things for him she shouldn’t, but she can’t
help herself. As he ends their kiss, he leans his forehead against hers as they
catch their breath. Ruby realizes, in this moment, she is falling in love with
Tucker. If only she wasn’t on the run from the mob. She pulls away from
him, knowing getting closer is only going to make it worse when she has to
leave. She can’t settle down. Russo is always on her trail. Staying on the
move is the only way to keep him from catching her. She doesn’t want to
think about what he’ll do when he does catch her.
“You want to talk about your dream?” Tucker asks her after a few
moments of silence. Ruby looks up at him. She wishes she could share her
fears with him, but she won’t. She knows he will want to make her safe.
She loves that about him, but she refuses to put him at risk. So instead of
seeking solace in voicing her fears, she just shakes her head to the negative.
Tucker frowns. His jaw ticking in irritation. He studies her a minute then
sighs and gives her a nod. He moves to get up, but she grabs his hand. He
stills his movement, half standing. His eyes find hers in the dim light of the
“Will you…will you stay with me?” Ruby asks quietly. Her heart is
pounding in her chest. She doesn’t want to be alone not after she dreamed
of Russo catching her. Tucker’s expression softens.
“Yes, I’ll stay if that’s what you want,” Tucker replies. Ruby scoots over
making room for his massive frame in the bed with her. Tucker slides under
the covers and reaches for her. Ruby has a moment of fear and excitement
when his hands clasp her, pulling her body flush with his. He tucks her
body into the curve of his with her back to his front. He surrounds her
completely. Her head is cradled on the pillow with his arm under her neck.
His other arm is thrown across her abdomen. They are touching from top to
bottom, and it feels so very good. She feels safe and warm. She wiggles a
little getting more comfortable in their position. Tucker grunts a little. She
can feel his erection pressing into her ass. She moves again, letting out a cry
of surprise when Tucker smacks her right buttock with his massive hand. It
doesn’t hurt, but she raises up to glance at him over her shoulder.
“Be still and go to sleep,” Tucker’s voice sounds strained. “I’m only
human, beautiful. I can only take so much torture.” Ruby giggles and settles
her head on the pillow once more. She’s certain she’ll never get back to
sleep with Tucker so close, but soon sleep over takes her. This time when
she dreams, it isn’t about running from the mob, Russo, or her brother. This
time she dreams of Tucker and the life she wishes they could have together.
Hours later Ruby wakes warm and toasty wrapped up in Tucker’s arms.
She eases out from him a little turning so she can look at his handsome
face. She’s never gotten to see him this close without worrying about him
seeing her staring. His face has multiple little scars scattered all over. Some
might say it takes away from his beauty but not to Ruby. Her eyes trail
down the arm he has draped over her noting other scars here and there. She
wants to know how he got them. Every one of them. She needs to know
everything about him. She continues to let her eyes rove over his muscled
“You enjoying the view?” Tucker’s husky voice startles her. She jerks
her eyes up to meet his, but they’re still closed. She shifts a little, but he
holds her tight in his embrace.
“What makes you think I’m taking in the view?” Ruby asks, trying to
deflect the attention from her perusal. He smiles and chuckles before
opening one eye to peer at her.
“I feel your eyes on me, beautiful,” Tucker responds. “As surely as if
you are touching me with your delicate hands.” He scoots closer to her
letting her feel his erection brush against her thigh. She shivers as
goosebumps erupt over her skin, and an intense heat builds between her
legs. She bites the inside of her lower lip. Oh, how she would love to rub
herself against him, have him kiss her and bring her all the pleasure she
knows he would freely give her. Damn her life! If she hadn’t been born into
the mob, she could explore all of this, but if she hadn’t been, she might have
never met Tucker. She sighs and relaxes into his embrace. For a moment
she’s going to allow herself to pretend. Pretend she isn’t on the run. Pretend
they are just a couple on vacation enjoying each other’s company.

Tank wakes to the feel of a warm female body snuggled up to his. He

breaths deeply, taking in Ruby’s scent. He can feel her eyes on him. He
opens an eye to see her looking over his body. She’s inched a little bit away
from him, just enough she can look over his chest and abdomen. The look
in her eyes makes his blood heat and his cock get even harder than it
normally is in the morning. He closes his eye back, letting her look him
over a little longer before he calls her out. He knows she’ll be blushing at
being caught checking him out.
He wonders once more about her past and what could have led her to
live on the streets. From what he’d learned yesterday, she has a family, a
brother and a father even though her mother has passed. He wishes she
could trust him enough to share her fear and what she’s running from, but
she doesn’t yet. She holds herself at arm’s length, never fully trusting him
with her secrets. He decides to call her out and just has he knew she would,
her face blooms with color when he brings attention to her staring at his
chest. She resists and argues at first, but then something changes in her
Ruby suddenly sinks into his embrace, burying her face in his chest. He
tightens his arms around her, holding her close. He can feel she needs the
reassurance of safety and security. They lay in each other’s arms for a
while, but nature calls. Ruby pulls back to look up at him. It’s the most
beautiful sight he’s ever seen. Her auburn hair spread out on the white
pillow is in stark contrast to one another. Her hazel eyes are full of wonder
as she studies his face.
“I’ll be right back,” Ruby says as she moves to get out of bed. Tank
watches her all the way to the bathroom door. The latch clicks softly as the
door closes. Tank throws his arms up behind his head as he blows out a
breath. He’s here with Ruby. They’ve shared a bed. Not in the way he’d like
to share one, but it’s a start. He needs to remain patient, keep showing her
she can trust him with her secrets, her life, and her body.
Ruby exits the bathroom, a few moments later, and Tank takes his turn.
Emptying his bladder, he wills his wayward cock to soften. Just thinking
about Ruby out there waiting for him has it stiffening again. She isn’t ready
for him to make love to her, not yet anyway. Make love. Tank has never
thought of sex that way, but with Ruby he knows it’ll be so much more than
sex. He washes his hands and face before exiting the bathroom.
Ruby is sitting on the edge of the bed looking out the window. He
stands a moment, studying her beautiful profile. She turns toward him. Her
face lights with a shy smile. He heads over to sit next to her on the large
bed. She shifts as if suddenly uncomfortable at their closeness in this
intimate setting. Surely she knows he would never try to take advantage of
her. He just slept in the same bed with her for a few hours. If he was going
to make a move, it would have been then.
“So, what would you like to do today?” Tank asks. He has a few things
in mind, but as she’s been here before, she might have something in
particular she wants to do. She looks up at him. A slight smile tugging at
her lips.
“First I want some coffee and breakfast,” Ruby says. “After we eat, we
can do whatever you’d like, but I’ve got to have some fuel before we head
out.” Tank smiles at her. A woman after his own heart. He, too, would like
some coffee and a big breakfast.
“Sounds good to me,” Tank replies. “I’ll run down and get the clothes
out of the dryer. You can shower and get ready while I whip us up some
breakfast.” Ruby grins at him.
“Okay, Tucker,” her voice soft and full of wonder. “Thank you for
taking care of me. I’m glad you can cook. I have to admit I’m not much of a
chef. Mom was an excellent cook, but she rarely allowed me in the kitchen.
She wanted me to be practicing my singing or piano lessons instead. She’d
say, ‘There’ll be time for cooking lessons once you’re a smashing success.”
“Your mom wanted you to be a star?” Tanks asks. He hopes asking
questions won’t shut her down again. How else can they get to know one
another if they don’t ask questions? She nods her answer before, to his
delight, continuing her story.
“Oh, yes!” Ruby answers. “Mom had dreamed of becoming a famous
singer herself, but she said she had to give up her dream when she met and
married my father. She said being a star didn’t compare to being a wife and
mother, nor would she have had the time to devote herself to her family and
a career the way she wanted to, so she chose family. She was the best mom.
She listened to me. Some people thought she pushed me too much, but I
love singing and playing the piano. At least, I used to love those things.” A
sadness comes into her eyes. Tank wants to erase the sadness from them,
but he knows it’s going to take time. First, he needs to feed his woman.
“You will be able to enjoy them again,” Tank vows. Ruby looks up at
him, doubt clear in her eyes. “I promise you, someday soon you’ll be free to
do whatever you want without fear.” Ruby’s expression softens. He can tell
she still doesn’t believe him, but she appreciates his attempt to comfort her.
“I hope so, Tucker,” Ruby responds. “I really do.” He leans in to kiss
her lovely, full lips. He can’t resist getting a taste of her, and he wants to
convey to her the sincerity of his words. Somehow, he will make her life
safe and free. She’ll no longer need to keep herself away from everyone,
living like a vagabond. He’ll make it so she’s safe, and hopefully she’ll
want to stick around and see how this attraction between them can grow
into a long, happy life together. With that thought, he stands to make his
way down stairs so he can begin making both their dreams come true.
After running Ruby’s new clothes up to her, Tank busies himself in the
kitchen cooking up bacon, eggs, and toast. It’s nothing fancy, but it’ll fill
their bellies. He didn’t want to waste too much time cooking as it’s nearly
ten a.m. already. Having gotten here so late last night and Ruby’s
subsequent nightmare, he’s surprised they’ve woken this early, but he
doesn’t want to sleep their time together away. He wants to make the most
of the time they have together. Hearing her footsteps, he turns to see her
entering the kitchen. His heart beats a little faster as it always does when he
sees her.
“It smells delicious in here,” Ruby comments. “Can I help with
“Sure,” Tank answers. “You want to get us some plates and set the
table?” Ruby opens cabinet doors and drawers, gathering what they need to
eat their meal. While he finishes scrambling their eggs, she gets the table
ready. In no time at all, she has placemats, glasses, and silverware arranged
neatly on the small table in the breakfast nook. She pours them both a glass
of orange juice as he dishes up the eggs onto the plates she’d placed near
the stove for him. He loads his plate with bacon, eggs, and toast. He makes
Ruby a plate as well. He wants to pile hers up too but knows she’s less
likely to eat if he puts too much on her plate, so he restrains himself, putting
on her plate what he would for little Ellie. He carries their plates to the table
placing Ruby’s in front of her, where she’s seated at the table, before taking
his seat across from her.
“Dig in,” he tells her as he starts to eat. Ruby looks down at the food
with appreciation in her eyes. He knows she loves bacon from all the times
they’ve eaten breakfast together over the last few weeks. He loves bacon
too. He grins when he sees her begin to devour the food he has cooked for
“Mmmm, thank you Tucker,” Ruby says after a few bites. “This
breakfast is so good.” His cock rises at her moan of pleasure from the food.
He wishes she were moaning for a different reason entirely, but now isn’t
the time. He scolds his cock for misbehaving, but it doesn’t listen to him.
He chuckles to himself. He never thought he could be turned on watching a
woman eat, but everything Ruby does turns him on. He huffs out a breath.
It’s going to be a long weekend.
Hours later, Tank is amazed at how much Ruby has been smiling and
laughing with him today. They’ve spent the day exploring some of the
history in and around Savannah. They’ve walked through Forsyth Park,
taking in centuries of history. They rode the trolly, taking in the sights of the
city. Through it all, they’ve spent the time in a happy little bubble. Holding
hands, stealing a few kisses, and just enjoying one another’s company. Tank
can feel their connection growing throughout the day. Tank’s beginning to
get hungry. He spies the famous Leopold’s Ice Cream.
“How about we stop for a bite to eat?” Tank asks Ruby as they exit the
trolly. They have seen many of the city’s most historical sites. The city is
nearly three centuries old. Tank has enjoyed listening to Ruby tell him
about the various styles of architecture they’ve seen today. Spending the
day with her has confirmed his suspicions she’s much more cultured than
you would expect. This has only made his curiosity grow even more.
“You’re hungry?” Ruby’s eyebrows shoot up. He grins at her shocked
expression. “We just ate breakfast.”
“Yes, I’m hungry. That was hours ago; we ate breakfast,” Tank argues.
Ruby shakes her head a grin spreading across her face. He loves to see her
smile. He’ll die a happy man as long as he can keep her smiling for the rest
of their lives.
“I don’t know how you can stay so fit eating like you do,” Ruby says as
they walk down the street toward the establishment. Tank takes her hand in
his as they walk.
“I get plenty of exercise,” Tank says. “I’m a big guy. I burn a lot of
calories just walking around.” Ruby laughs at his statement.
“I’m sure you do.” Ruby looks over at him, appraising his form. He can
see her interest and desire as her eyes roam over his chest and down his
body. He lets her take her time. He takes the opportunity to indulge his
desire to look her over, too. She’s actually put on a little bit of weight since
he met her. Her collarbones aren’t hardly as prominent, but she’s still too
thin. They reach the ice cream parlor. He opens the door, waiting for her
enter first.
Once inside, they find an empty booth. Tank ushers Ruby in next to the
window as he sits by her. They look over the menu. Tank decides on a large
bowl of soup and a sandwich. Ruby choses a bowl of soup as well. After the
waitress leaves them alone, Tank turns to Ruby.
“Are you enjoying the day so far?” Tank asks. Ruby’s face lights up.
“Yes.” She smiles at him. “This has been a really good day. I don’t
remember the last time I’ve enjoyed myself so much.” Her beaming smile
has Tank itching to kiss her. Not wanting to deny himself any longer, he
leans closer to her.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying the day,” Tank tells her. Ruby, seeming to
sense where his thoughts are going, leans toward him, too. His kisses her
full lips, relishing her sweet taste. No matter how many times, he kisses her,
he gets a rush of emotion every time. He’s never dreamed he’d be having
such sappy thoughts and feelings, but he wouldn’t change anything as long
as he can be with Ruby. He pulls back to look at her. Her eyes are still
closed. She has the most contented look on her face. Her eyes open slowly a
huge smile spreading over her face. Tank returns her smile. “I love seeing
you smile.”
“I love your smile, too,” Ruby answers. “You know you’re a handsome
man, but when you smile. Whew, it takes my breath.” Tank smiles even
bigger at Ruby’s confession. He’s never considered himself handsome. He
doesn’t think he’s ugly, but he feels he’s just average looking other than his
size. Hearing Ruby tell him he’s handsome fills him with warmth and pride.
His woman thinks he’s handsome. He feels like Rudolph when Clarice tells
him he’s cute. He wants to jump around and fly. He shakes his head. He
really is getting sappy now. The waitress arrives with their food, breaking
the spell of the moment.
They eat their meal in a contented silence. Once they’ve finished their
food, they sit talking about their plans for the rest of evening. Tank suggests
they take a ghost tour. Ruby cringes when he mentions it, so he offers
another suggestion. The city has several theaters with shows nightly. He’s
pulled them up on his phone, and they scroll through the list.
“How about we just go back to the house,” Ruby suggests. Tank looks
up in confusion. “There’s no need to spend so much money on theater
tickets.” Tank frowns. He doesn’t want her to be worrying about money.
“Ruby, honey, I’ve got this,” Tank declares. “I have plenty of money.
Don’t worry about it.” Ruby pinches her lips together.
“I’m sorry, Tucker.” He takes in her expression. He can tell she’s
considering her words carefully. “It’s not that I think you don’t have the
money. I…I just enjoy talking with you, and if we’re in a theater, we won’t
be able to talk. I hope you understand.” Tank knows there is something
more to her statement than just wanting to be able to talk to him, but this
trip is about Ruby. So if she wants to stay in, tonight that’s exactly what
they’ll do.
“Yeah, I understand,” Tank leans in to kiss her sweet lips once more.
“We’ll do whatever makes you happy, sweetheart. I just want you to relax
and enjoy yourself.” Ruby gives him one of her megawatt smiles. Oh, yeah!
He’s wrapped around another female’s finger, but he couldn’t care in the
least. He motions to the waitress. She hurries over to their table.
“Give us two servings of your best chocolate ice cream,” Tank tells the
woman. She nods scribbling on her notepad before hurrying off to the
“Good Lord, Tucker!” Ruby exclaims. “You’re going to make me fat.”
Tank looks over at her not sure if she’s seriously worried about her weight
or if she’s joking. He sees she just teasing him and he’s relieved. He knows
some women get hung up on their weight, and he can understand why to
some degree. The world seems to idolize super-thin models and actresses,
but Tank would rather a woman have a few curves and be healthy than to be
skin and bones.
“Nothing wrong with some curves,” Tank tells her honestly. “I want you
healthy and happy. I don’t care about your weight.” Ruby gives him a hard
“You really mean that, don’t you?” she asks, her tone full of surprise.
“Most men expect women to look like those super skinny models. I’ve
never been overweight, but I could never compete with those women. I
always lost weight before a concert not because I was worried about my
weight. I would get so nervous and obsessed with practice I’d forget to eat.
Mom would have to remind me. Even when I did eat, I’d sometimes lose
my meal due to my fears.”
“What were you afraid of?” Tank questions. He wonders if someone
was hurting her if she didn’t perform as well as they expected her to do.
He’s relieved when she replies.
“I get stage fright,” Ruby says in a whisper as if it’s a terrible secret. “I
would worry about making a mistake, forgetting the words, or tripping and
falling in front of everyone. I don’t know why I had it so bad. I’ve never
had any of those things happen, but I still worried about them.”
“I’m looking forward to hearing you sing,” Tank tells her. He’s certain
Jolene is correct, and Ruby has the voice of an angel. She looks like an
angel in his eyes. Ruby flushes a light pink.
“Thank you,” she says sweetly. “I love singing, but I don’t feel like I’m
anything special. There are so many others much more talented.”
“Don’t sell yourself short,” Tank scolds her lightly. “You’re too quick to
dismiss your talents.” Ruby looks over at him. He can see the wheels
turning in her mind. She wants to say something but is debating if she
should share with him or not. Tank waits patiently while she’s working it
out in her mind. She surprises him by revealing another little tidbit.
“I’ve never been a confident person,” Ruby confesses to him. “My mom
was always bragging about my singing abilities, but it made me
uncomfortable. I know mom was just trying to be encouraging, and I know
she was proud of me. I had a concert that night.” Ruby stops speaking, her
eyes growing misty. Tank takes her hand in his, lending her his strength.
She glances up at him. Her smile tight. Her lips pinching together before
continuing. “The concert went great. I had a solo. I sang the best I ever had.
I was so lost in the moment.” Ruby’s voice softening at her memories. Her
face suddenly drops. Her happiness replaced with a deep sadness. “That’s
the night mom died.” Ruby looks up at him. The pain reflected in her eyes
is the same pain he’s seen in his own eyes many times before when he
remembers his parents and Jillian.
“I’m so sorry, beautiful.” Tank can feel her pain as if it were his own.
He takes her into his arms. Holding her close, letting her weep on his
shoulder. The waitress brings their ice cream, after a few minutes. Ruby
wipes her tears. “Feel better?” Tank asks her. Sometimes letting all the pain
and frustration out over losing a loved one can be very cathartic.
“Yes, thank you again for letting me cry on your shoulder.” Ruby gives
him a watery smile, tears still leaking from her eyes. “I haven’t spoken
about that night in a very long time. I shouldn’t be sharing all this with you,
Tucker.” She holds up a hand to stop his protest. “I know you want to help
me, and I’m very thankful to you for wanting to help, but you don’t
understand just how dangerous being with me could be.” Ruby’s face is so
serious. She truly believes he will be in danger. He needs to convince her he
can handle whatever or whomever she’s running away from.
“I hear what you’re saying, Ruby,” Tank commences. “I really do, but
you don’t seem to understand what I’m capable of handling. In time, I hope
you will come to understand I can and will protect you, no matter the cost,
but for now, let’s enjoy our ice cream before it melts.” Ruby studies him a
moment then gives him a little smile and turns to begin eating her bowl of
chocolatey ice cream goodness.

Ruby glances over at Tucker as he consumes his ice cream in record time.
How he doesn’t have brain freeze is beyond her. They’ve had some serious
conversations on this trip. She’s divulged more than she’d planned, but she
actually feels better after talking to him. She’s been fighting her desire to let
him get close to her over the last few weeks. She knows he wants more
from her, and if she’s honest, she wants to give him more. He wants to
know her demons so he can slay them, and she loves him for it. Wait!
Love? She thinks on this for a moment. Yes, it’s true. She loves Tucker.
Now what to do about it? Nothing she can do, for now, except enjoy the
time they have together. She knows her demons are still looking for her.
They’ll never stop looking for her, but for just a little while, she’s going to
pretend they aren’t. She’s going to enjoy Tucker’s company and this trip
he’s planned for them. She’ll worry about everything else later. She turns
back to her ice cream with a smile. Her acceptance of her feelings for him
lifts another weight from her shoulders. She happily eats the tasty treat
Tucker has ordered for her.
Once they finish their dessert, Tucker pays the tab with a generous tip.
He stands, holding out his hand to help her exit the booth they’ve shared.
Still holding her hand in his, he leads her out onto the street. They walk
down to where he left his truck before they boarded the trolley for a tour of
Savannah. Ruby is looking around at the various shops as they stroll.
“If you see something you want to look at just say the word, and we’ll
stop and look. We can go in as many stores as you want,” Tucker tells her.
She looks over at him and shakes her head. The man is completely serious.
Her father nor her brother ever enjoyed shopping. They hardly ever
accompanied her and her mom, but when they did, it was under extreme
protest. Ruby frowns as she thinks back on her past. One of her ‘uncles’
almost always went with them on shopping trips. How did she not realize
her ‘uncles’ were really bodyguards? Muscle for their mob family.

“H urry up , M ary C atherine ,” Tony grumbles as she picks up another

blouse from the display counter, holding it up to get a better look at it. “I’m
hungry and bored out of my mind. Just pick something so we can go!” Mary
Catherine looks over at her brother as he rolls his eyes dramatically when
she places the blouse back down and picks up another one.
“It’s not that simple, Tony,” Mary argues. “Guys don’t have to worry
about what they’re wearing, but girls can and will be mean if you don’t
dress appropriately. I have to find just the right look for the Spring formal.”
“You’re supposed to wear a dress to the formal,” Tony informs her. His
tone indicating she’s an idiot for looking at blouses instead of dresses. Mary
shakes her head as she places another poor choice back on the counter.
“I know!” she exclaims. “I have my dress picked out. I’m trying to
decide what to wear to the after-party Margret Stone is having.” Mary
continues to look around the store while Tony whines, but she can’t find
what she wants. His huffing and puffing is wearing on her nerves. When he
looks at his watch for the millionth time, she’s had enough. “Just go on
home, Tony. I can shop by myself. I’ll get a cab to bring me home.” Tony
whips around to face her. His face marred with his fury.
“I can’t leave you here by yourself.” Tony grips her upper arms as he
whisper-shouts at her. “You’re so clueless. Dad would kill me if I left you
here on your own. Now, pick a damn shirt, and let’s get out of here, or you
will have to wear something from home. I’m done with this shopping trip.”
Mary is stunned at Tony’s outburst. He’s never been so harsh with her
before. Tony has really changed since he’s come home from college and
began working for their father at the warehouse.
“R uby , what ’ s that look about ?” Tucker asks, pulling them to halt in
the middle of the sidewalk. Startled out of her thoughts, she’s momentarily
“Wh-What?” Ruby frowns at him as she tries to figure out what he’s
talking about. “What look?”
“You’re staring off at nothing with a scowl on your face,” Tucker tells
her. “What’s caused it?”
“It’s nothing.” Ruby blows off his question. Ruby can’t tell him what
she’s been thinking about. No, that’s not really true. It’s more like she won’t
tell him why she’s frowning. It’s not that she doesn’t trust Tucker to tell him
she’s on the run from the real-life American mob. It’s the fact he would
want to eliminate the threat against her. She’s come to care for him too
much to risk him getting hurt in the process.
“I call bullshit,” Tucker states as he stares her down. “Something has
you worried, but you aren’t willing to share. I know I’ve said it before, but
I’m going to say it again. I’m here for you, Ruby. All you have to do is let
me in. I will take care of you.” Ruby just stares back at him. What can she
say? He’s right. She isn’t ready to share and likely never will be ready. He
just doesn’t understand. Maybe you are the one who doesn’t understand.
She thinks to herself. Tucker is in the Marines on a Special forces team. He
likely has experience with things far worse than the demons you are
running from. Although Ruby can’t imagine anything worse than the
psycho family who’s been after her. Ruby bites her lower lip. She needs to
trust him with more than just her heart, but she can’t. If something
happened to Tucker because of her or her demons, she would never survive
“I know you believe what you’re saying, Tucker,” Ruby sighs. “I do
believe you will do everything in your power to keep me safe.”
“But?” Tucker asks when she doesn’t continue her thought.
“But you don’t know who’s after me,” Ruby confesses. Tucker looks
shocked she’s shared this much. “Please, Tucker if you care for me at all,
don’t push me to talk about this anymore. At least not now.” Tucker just
stands there, watching her. His jaw ticking in anger. Ruby is certain he’s
going to demand she tell him more, to but her dismay, he looks away for a
moment before taking a few deep breaths.
“All right, beautiful.” Tucker looks back at her with a sad smile on his
face. “No more questioning for the rest of the weekend.” Ruby lets out the
breath she’s been holding. As she stood there waiting for his response, her
worst fear is him realizing she’s not worth all the aggravation. He still could
come to that conclusion, but for now, he’s still willing to invest his time and
energy into her. This makes her love him all the more. Tucker takes her
hand, once more, leading her to his truck.
The drive back to their rented home for the weekend passes in a strained
silence. Both Ruby and Tucker seemingly lost in their own thoughts. Once
they arrive, however, Tucker is back to his usual self, acting as if their brief
argument on the sidewalk never happened.
“You want to watch some television?” Tucker asks when they’re back in
the rental home.
“Sure,” Ruby complies, thankful he doesn’t seem upset with her any
longer. He gets the remote and turns on the large flat screen television in the
living room. He flips through the channels.
“If you see something that catches your interest, let me know.” Tucker
continues to click through the multitude of channels. “I don’t watch a lot of
television and lately most of what I do watch is cartoons.” Ruby giggles as
she imagines Tucker watching cartoons. He grins at her reaction to his
confession. “Don’t laugh at me. P.J. Masks is pretty cool.” Ruby frowns at
his statement. She has no idea what show he’s referring to. It’s been a very
long time since Ruby has actually watched anything on a television. The
Sound of Music flashes on the screen as he’s scrolling through.
“Oh!” Ruby exclaims before she realizes she’s spoken. Tucker turns to
look at her with a grin.
“I should have known you’d want to watch a musical,” Tucker says as
he lays the remote down after turning up the volume so they can hear Julie
Andrews sing the famous opening song. Tucker reaches over pulling Ruby
to his side of the couch. She snuggles into his embrace, resting her head on
his chest while they watch the classic movie.

Tank settles on the couch with Ruby tucked into his side. He’s never been a
big fan of musicals, but for the woman in his arms, he’d do anything to
make her happy. He knows he’s pushed her hard this weekend, but she’s
opened up more than he ever expected. His need to know who’s after her
and why is clawing at him, but he told her no more questions for the rest of
the weekend, and he’s a man of his word. He won’t push her any further
this weekend, but he hopes with a little more time, she’ll open up even
Tank wakes when he feels Ruby sit up. He runs his hand down his face,
scrubbing the sleep from his eyes. He must have dozed off. He looks at the
television seeing the credits are running. He’s missed the ending of the
movie. Ruby is grinning at him, and he briefly wonders if he was snoring.
“Did you sleep well?” she asks. Tank shrugs his shoulders before
“Pretty good, actually,” he tells her. “I seem to sleep really well when
I’m holding you.” Ruby blushes a little. Tank looks at his watch. It’s nearly
mid-night. He intended to check in with Hawk to make sure Straw and
Abigail are still okay, before it got this late, but he knows Hawk is most
likely still awake. He shoots off a quick text to him. Tank stands and
stretches out his arm muscles. “You ready to head up to bed?” His question
has Ruby’s face a bright red once more, but she nods her agreement. Damn,
she’s cute. He holds out his hand to her. They walk upstairs. Tank stops
outside her door. She turns to face him.
“Thank you for this amazing day,” Ruby says to him. “I’ve had such a
good time, and thank you for sort of watching the movie with me.” She
grins up at him briefly, but then her face gets a serious look. “I’m sorry
about earlier on the sidewalk, Tucker. I’m just trying to protect you.” She
bites her lower lip as if she’s expecting Tank to be angry with her again.
“Thank you for wanting to protect me, beautiful.” Tank takes her in his
arms. “I don’t need protecting, but I love that you want to keep me safe. I’d
love it even more if you’d allow me to keep you safe, but I’ll try to be
patient until you’re ready to let me.” He leans down pressing a gentle kiss
to her lips. “Good night sweetheart. If you need me, I’m just down the
hall.” Ruby looks up at him with an expression on her face he can’t quite
read. It looks an awful lot like the look Abigail gives Straw when he says
something really sweet to her, but Tank decides he’s just wishful thinking.
“Good night, Tucker.” Ruby turns away entering her room. Tank strolls
on down the hall to his room for the night. He wishes Ruby would have
invited him to sleep next to her again. It had been amazing to wake up with
her in his arms this morning. He wants more mornings with her in his arms.
He changes out of his jeans and into his sleep pants. He climbs into bed, but
sleep eludes him as he thinks of the beautiful red head just down the hall.
He thinks over the tidbits of information she’s given him in the last couple
of days. She’s basically confirmed she’s running from someone. She’s
indicated she left home shortly after her mother died. While she hasn’t said
how or why her mother died, Tank’s gotten the impression her death was
unexpected. His fist pounds the mattress next him. It’s just not enough
information for him piece it all together. A ding from his phone pulls him
from his thoughts. He grabs it from the nightstand where it’s charging. He
opens the message app to see Hawk has replied to his text.
Hawk: Everything remains quiet. Ellie is back at home with Straw and
Abigail. Keeping eyes on the ex. Will update you if things change.
Tank: Glad things are good. I’ll be back tomorrow evening late.
Hawk: Drive safe, see you then.
Tank place his phone back on the night stand. A soft knock at his door
draws his attention. Before he can get out of bed the door eases open. Ruby
peeks around the door. When she sees him sitting up in bed, she opens the
door wider and walks inside.
“Is something wrong?” Tank asks immediately, swinging his legs over
the side of the bed ready to go to her. She shakes her head.
“No, nothing is wrong.” Ruby pauses. Her eyes darting around
nervously. “I…I was just wondering if you’d mind…mind me sleeping in
here with you? Like we did last night in my room?” Tank relaxes his tense
posture. He throws the cover back has he holds out he arm, beckoning her
to join him. Ruby hurries across the room, scrambling over his legs on all
fours as she climbs into the bed, settling down next to him, snuggling into
his side. Tank lays back on the pillow with his left arm around Ruby’s upper
back. She rests her head on his chest with a sigh. He notices she’s careful
not to let their lower bodies touch. He places his right hand over her arm
which is draped across his abdomen. Neither one of them says a word. In
minutes, Ruby’s breathing has evened out in sleep. Tank tightens his hold
on her for a moment relishing the feel of her in his arms. He’s asleep a few
minutes later.
The next morning Tank wakes to the warm feeling of Ruby plastered
into his side. She’s thrown one of her legs over his in her sleep and he’s
turned more toward her so they are touching from chin to toes. He blinks a
couple of times getting his eyes to adjust to the light streaming in the
window. He looks down to see Ruby’s still fast asleep. He rests his head
back on the pillow closing his eyes as he memorizes the feeling of her in his
arms. He dips his head to inhale the coconut scent of her shampoo as he
places a kiss on the top of her head. He can’t ever remember feeling this
Ruby stirs from sleep. Her eyes flutter before flying open. She pulls
back, blushing as she seems to realize her limbs are tangled with Tank’s. He
doesn’t let her get too far away, though.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Tank murmurs. “Did you sleep okay?” She
smiles up a him.
“Good morning, Tucker. I did sleep really well. Not one nightmare.” He
squeezes her shoulders in silent support. “I was afraid I would have another
one after our conversations yesterday. That’s why I came in here last night.
Thank you for letting me sleep next to you.”
“You don’t have to thank me, beautiful,” Tank tells her. “I love having
you in my bed, in my arms. I’ve slept better in the last two nights than I
have in a long, long time.” Ruby beams up at him. It bolsters his courage to
broach something he’s been wanting to propose to her since he first met her.
“I want you to think about something for me.” Ruby looks at him her
curiosity plain to see. “I’d like for you to consider staying with me when we
get back to Jacksonville.” Ruby’s sharp intake of breath has him
reconsidering his decision to bring it up at this point in time. He hurries to
clarify his statement. “Straw and I have a large house with four bedrooms.
So you’d have your own room, your own space, but you’d be in my home.
If you need me, I’d be right there, just one door away.” Ruby turns away
from him and lets her go. He won’t force her to do anything she doesn’t
want to do. “I’m not expecting you to answer right away. You need to time
to think it over. I get that. I just want you to know it’s an option if you’re
interested.” Ruby glances back at him and nods but gets out of the bed.
“I’m going to get dressed” –she bites her lower lip before continuing–
“what did you have planned for today? I wasn’t sure what I should wear.”
Tank is surprised. She’s acting as if he hasn’t just asked her to move in with
him after only knowing him for a couple of weeks.
“I thought we could go to the beach for a few hours if you’d like?” Tank
sits up on the side of the bed.
“Yeah, that will be nice.” Ruby looks at the window. “Looks like it’s
going to be a sunny day.” She turns and leaves his room. He stares after her
feeling like something has changed between them. He doesn’t like this
feeling at all. Cursing to himself, he grabs clothes from his duffle. He
shouldn’t have asked her to consider staying with him, but damn it all, he
needs her to be close to him.
A few minutes later, he’s dressed in swimming trunks and a t-shirt. He
slips on a pair of water shoes before heading downstairs. As he nears the
bottom of the staircase, the smell of bacon and coffee brewing hits him. In
the kitchen, he finds Ruby at the stove. She’s begun making their breakfast.
He walks up behind her to peer over her shoulder to get a look at what she’s
preparing. She jumps in fright.
“Tucker!” she exclaims, throwing a hand up to her chest. “Good lord,
you frightened me. I didn’t hear you come down.” Tank wraps his arms
around her waist pulling her back to his front. He holds her a couple of
moments before he speaks.
“I’m sorry, beautiful. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He kisses her temple
and feels relieved when she leans into his kiss. He wants to her to talk to
him. Give him some indication on what she’s thinking about his proposal,
but he doesn’t want to ruin the moment. After all, he just promised her
yesterday no more prying questions on this trip. He settles for asking about
their breakfast. “Can I help with something?”
“Sure.” Ruby motions to a bowl on the counter. “Would you mind
handing me that bowl and getting the loaf of bread? I’ve got the bacon done
and thought I’d make us some scrambled eggs and toast too.” Tank retrieves
the bowl. Looking into it he sees she’s already whipped the eggs and added
some salt and pepper too them. He gets the loaf of bread from the counter
and puts slices in the toaster while she’s cooking up the eggs.
In a few short minutes, Tank is setting the table while Ruby places the
finished food in the center. She’s fixed them both large cups of coffee. Tank
holds Ruby’s chair out for her as they take their seats at the table. The
domestic feeling of the moment hits him hard, squeezing his chest. While
he’s eating, something occurs to him. This right here is what he wants with
Ruby for the rest of his life. The thought slams into him, startling him. His
fork loaded with eggs, pausing halfway to his mouth. He’s been attracted to
Ruby from the moment he met her. A deep-seated need to protect her has
been driving him, but imagining eating breakfast with her until his dying
day? Man, that’s a feeling he wasn’t entirely expecting, but one he’s happy
to keep feeling. If only he can get her on the same page.

After breakfast they quickly tidy up the kitchen and pack up their
belongings. They head to the beach spending some time walking along the
shore before placing some towels down to do a little sunbathing. The water
is a little too cool to swim, but the sun is out and Ruby enjoys laying on the
beach with Tucker next to her. She is allowing herself to have this time with
him. The conversations they’ve had this weekend have been a double-edged
sword. She loves him all the more after they’ve shared so much, but at the
same time, it only makes her want to keep her past from him even more.
Tucker is such a good, kind man. She just can’t imagine him not being
in her life, but can she let him take the risk of being with her? She’s still
reeling from him asking her to basically move in with him. They’ve only
shared a few kisses and known one another a matter of weeks. Yet he cares
enough to want her in his life, near him and those he holds dear to him:
Straw, Abigail, and Ellie. He said there’s a spare bedroom, but when, no, if
she ever moves in with him, she doesn’t want to be his guest. She wants
more. It hits her then. More than anything she wants to be…his, in every
way possible.
Ruby doesn’t confess this to Tucker while they’re lying on the beach.
Nor does she tell him on the drive back to Jacksonville. She keeps all of her
thoughts and feelings to herself, waiting for just the right moment to tell
him, but it never seems to come. Tucker pulls his truck into the parking lot
behind the shelter. He parks in a space and shuts off the engine. Ruby
reaches for her door handle but stops when he reaches across the console to
take her hand.
“Thank you for letting me take you away for the weekend,” Tucker
states. Ruby glances over at him. His face is unreadable. She presses her
lips together and braces for his next words. “I know I’ve pushed you for
more than you wanted to share, but I’m not sorry for it. Ruby, I care for you
very much. I only want what’s best for you. I hope you know and believe
“I do, Tucker,” Ruby agrees, “I care for you too. I know you are only
trying to look out for me and I’m…I’m so grateful, but there’s so much
about me, my past…my family that you don’t know.” Tucker starts to
speak, but she cuts him off. “Information that if you knew could endanger
your life. If something ever happened to you because of me, I couldn’t live
with it. I’d never survive. I care for you too much to allow my secrets to
cause you harm.”
Tucker doesn’t say a word in response. He just slides out of the driver’s
seat and round the hood of his truck, coming to her side and opening her
door. Once she’s on her feet, he opens the back passenger side door and
collects her backpack and the bag he purchased to put her things in over the
weekend. Taking her hand, he leads her to the door of the shelter. Opening
it, he holds it open for her as she enters. He walks her down the hall to the
women’s room. They stop outside the door as men aren’t allowed inside.
“Good night, beautiful.” Tucker’s deep voice resonates through her. He
leans down and kisses her deeply for several long moments. Ruby gets lost
in his kiss. Her arms snake up to wrap around his neck. With a groan, he
drops her bags and pulls he flush with his body, deepening the kiss. Their
tongues dancing and swirling. He breaks the kiss and pulls back to look
down at her. “Sleep well Ruby. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” She nods her
agreement. With a final quick brush of his lips over hers, he waits while she
gathers her bags and slips inside the women’s room. She hears his footsteps
retreating down the hall.
Ruby leans against the door, trying to collect herself. The man gets her
body humming with desire every time he kisses her. He’s becoming an
addiction she can’t live without. Shaking her head to clear her lust addled
brain, she makes her way to her cot. Settling down on the lumpy mattress,
she lets out a deep sigh. After two nights on a well-made mattress, it’s
going to take some time getting used to this old cot again. More than the
mattress, after sleeping in Tucker’s arms for two nights it’s going to be hard
sleeping alone. Ruby tosses and turns, her mind running over all the pros
and cons of telling Tucker about her past. Hours later exhausted from the
turmoil in her mind, she finally manages to grab a couple of hours of
restless sleep.
The next morning Ruby heads off to the diner to work another long,
busy day. Which is a little odd. Mondays are usually slower than the rest of
the week but not today. She hardly has time to talk to Tucker when he stops
by briefly in the early afternoon. He tells her he’ll try to come back and
pick her up after her shift, but there are more problems with Abigail’s ex
and he isn’t sure what might happen. He’s headed over to Ellie’s school to
make sure she’s safe. Ruby worries about the little girl all afternoon and
what might happen to her. Hours later, she gets a text from Tucker asking
her to call him when she has a free moment.
Ruby asks Becky to keep an eye on her tables for a few minutes. Becky
agrees and Ruby slips out the back door of the diner. The phone rings twice
before she hears Tucker’s deep voice.
“Evans,” he answers.
“Um, Tucker?” Ruby stammers. She hasn’t ever called him before.
“Hey beautiful,” Tucker replies. “I didn’t look to see who was calling
when I answered. How’s your day going?”
“Busy but it’s beginning to slow down,” Ruby answers, wondering why
Tucker wanted her to call him. It’s an unusual request. Sure, they text from
time to time, but he usually just comes to her when he wants to talk.
“That’s good,” he says almost distractedly. There’s a rustling sound and
muffled words spoken before the line clears. “I’m sorry, Ruby. The nurse
was just in here checking on Ellie…”
“What??” Ruby exclaims. “You’re at the hospital?”
“Yes, that’s why I asked you to call,” Tucker explains. “Abigail and
Ellie were in an accident this afternoon. Ellie is fine, but Abigail…she’s
been taken to another facility. Hold on a moment.” She can hear the rustling
of Tucker speaking to someone in the background. “I’m going to step out
into the hall for just a moment, but I’ll be right back munchkin. Mr. Hawk
and Mrs. Charlotte are here with you. I won’t be long.” Ruby hears a sweet
little voice reply, “Okay, Uncle Tank. I’ll be right here when you get back.”
Ruby smiles at the sound of the little girl’s voice and her obvious
affection for Uncle Tank. A few moments later, Tucker is again speaking to
“Abigail’s in surgery,” Tucker informs her and Ruby can hear the fear
and anxiety in his voice. “She’s hurt badly. Straw is at the other hospital
with her. I’m staying with Ellie until she’s released. I don’t think I’ll make it
to the diner in time to pick you up when you shift is over, but if you’ll let
me, I’ll have one of the guys come pick you up and bring you to the house.
I’ll have to watch over Ellie until Abigail is out of the hospital. I think I can
handle it, but I’d feel better if you were there with me taking care of her. I
know it’s a lot to ask, but I could use your help.”
“I’ll be happy to help Tucker, but I don’t know anything about kids.”
Ruby can feel her heart beating faster just thinking about being responsible
for another person. Tucker will be with her though, so she wouldn’t be
totally responsible. Tucker’s humorless laugh comes over the line.
“That makes two of us, beautiful,” Tucker replies. “I’ll have Hawk and
Charlotte on speed dial. They have three small children. If we don’t know
what to do, they’ll be able to answer any questions we have. So you’ll
come?” Ruby knows she should just say no, but how can she leave Tucker
to handle the small little girl on his own?
“Yes, I’ll come help you,” Ruby tells him. “I’ll need to go to the shelter
and get my things, so have your friend pick me up around eight.”
“What time is your shift over?” Tucker asks. “I’ll have Worm pick you
up at the diner, drive you to the shelter, then meet up with me where ever
I’m at when you’re ready.”
“I get off at six,” Ruby answers. “But I don’t want to put him out having
to drive me all over the place.”
“You won’t be putting him out,” Tucker says firmly. “Worm’s a good
guy. He won’t mind at all. He’ll be at the diner by six. I have to go the
doctor is going into Ellie’s room. See you soon, beautiful.”
“Bye, Tucker, see you soon.” Ruby hears the three beeps indicating the
call has ended. She places her phone back into the apron pocket of her
uniform and hurries back inside the diner. The rest of the evening flies by
and before long she’s exiting the back of the diner. Tucker had sent her a
text indicating Worm would be in a black SUV. She looks around the
parking lot, noticing a black SUV pulling into the lot. The vehicle comes to
stop right in front of her, but the windows are tinted and she can’t see the
driver. For a brief moment, fear hits her. What if this isn’t Worm? What if
it’s Russo or one of his goons? She’s just about to turn back toward the
diner when the driver’s door opens and a sandy haired man heads in her
“Ruby?” the man asks.
“Yes, I’m Ruby.” The man smiles at her and she returns it. She can tell
he’s a nice guy from the way his smile reaches his eyes.
“I’m Worm. Russell’s my given name, but the guys on the team call me
Worm.” Ruby holds out her hand to shake his. He quickly shakes her hand
then opens the passenger side door, helping her inside. Once she’s seated,
he rounds the back of the SUV and climbs inside the driver’s seat. He looks
over at her as she’s buckling her seat belt. Once she’s secured and his belt is
also buckled, he puts the vehicle in motion and drives toward the exit.
“Tank said you need to stop by the shelter?” Worm asks once they are
turned out onto the street.
“Yes, please,” Ruby answers. “I’m sorry you’re having to drive me
around. I told Tucker I could take the bus and just have you pick me up
there, but he insisted you pick me up here.”
“It’s not a problem, Ruby,” Worm says to her. “It’s been a rough day for
the team. I know Tank will feel better knowing you are with me instead of
on the city bus.” Ruby nods her agreement, knowing he’s right in his
assessment. She knows Tucker worries about her when she’s out on the
streets, and she can understand his concern. There have been a few
incidences where she was very afraid, but she’s learned to deal with her fear
of the streets for the most part. Her fear of Giovanni Russo, Jr. and Sr. is
much stronger than her fear of the street life. She’d much rather take her
chances on the streets than be found by the Russo family.
A short time later, Ruby has gathered what clothes she needs for the
next few days. Worm calls Tank and learns Ellie has been released from the
hospital. Tank has taken Ellie to be with Straw and the rest of the team at
the hospital where Abigail has had surgery. She hasn’t woken up yet and the
whole team is there waiting with Straw. Worm points the SUV in that
direction, and they make their way through traffic toward the Navel
hospital’s trauma center. When they arrive, Worm leads her inside. He
checks with an attendant to get directions to the surgery waiting room,
where they meet up with Tucker and the rest of the team. As soon as Tucker
sees her stepping off the elevator, he heads toward her carrying a little girl
in his arms.
“Hey beautiful.” Tucker puts his arm, the one not holding Ellie, around
her, pulling her into his side. He kisses her temple, lingering a long
moment. He seems to need to hold her.
“Who are you?” Ellie peers down at Ruby. Her sweet face scrunches up
in a frown.
“Ellie, this is Ruby,” Tucker says. “Ruby, Ellie.”
“Hi, Ellie.” Ruby smiles up at the little girl. “I’m very happy to meet
you.” Ellie eyes Ruby for a moment as if she’s trying to decide whether or
not to like her.
“Hi,” Ellie eventually answers. “Uncle Tank kisses your head like he
does mine sometimes.” Tucker smiles and shakes his head. Ruby can’t keep
from smiling at the little girl. “But you’re a growed-up. Does he kiss you
like Robert does mommy?” Ruby’s eyes widen, and the room erupts in
“That’s enough questions for the night, little girl,” Tucker declares.
“You’re too nosey for your own good.” Ellie wiggles then for Tucker to let
her down. He sits her down near a coloring book and crayons, before
turning back to Ruby.
“Thank you for coming,” Tucker says. “After everything that has
happened today, I really wanted to see you, know you’re safe.” He reaches
for her, pulling her into his arms holding her close. She can feel his body
trembling and she realizes he’s been holding himself together for those
around him, but this accident has affected him more than he wants to admit.
“No need to thank me, Tucker,” Ruby declares. “I’m happy to be here
for you.” Tucker tightens his hold on her briefly. He pulls back to look
down at her. She can see his eyes are glassy, but he refuses to let any tears
fall. She places her hand on the side of his face, wanting to comfort him in
some way. He closes his eyes and leans into her touch. A moment later, his
eyes fly open, and he looks down. Ruby follows his gaze to see Ellie
tugging on his pant leg.
“Uncle Tank?” Ellie looks up at him and whispers, “Do you think Ruby
will like this picture?” Tucker takes in the page the little girl is holding up.
Ruby looks too. The child has colored a scene of forest animals. They are
all colors of the rainbow, but she’s done a pretty good job at staying inside
the lines, especially for her age.
“She’ll love it!” Tucker whispers back enthusiastically. Ellie’s face light
up as she turns to Ruby.
“Here, I made this for you.” Ellie holds out the picture. Ruby holds it
reverently, smiling down at the child.
“Thank you, Ellie,” Ruby replies warmly. “It so colorful, and you’ve
done a fantastic job coloring this. I’ll keep it always.” Ellie is beaming with
pride. She skips back over to her coloring book and begins coloring another

Tank is reeling from the chaotic day he’s had. From witnessing Abigail’s
SUV rolling over and over, knowing she and Ellie were inside, to waiting
for clearance to take Ellie to see her mother he’s done his level best to keep
his cool, despite the fear of losing one of these precious females. He’s
managed to keep it together until he saw Ruby walking toward him. Just
having her in his arms is a relief. He has transferred all his fear and worry
onto Ruby, knowing she’s on the run from something or someone. He’s not
been able to shake the feeling something bad is going to happen to her, too.
He can’t shake the fear that is riding him so hard.
Hours later after Ellie has gotten to see her mother for a few minutes,
Tank leaves the hospital with Ruby and Ellie. The drive home doesn’t take
too long as this late at night traffic is light. Ellie is asleep before the truck
even leaves the hospital parking lot. Once they pull into the garage, Tank
glances over at Ruby. Her eyes are wide taking everything in.
“Wow,” Ruby had said when they turned into the driveway. Now, as he
helps her down from the truck, he wonders what she’s thinking about his
home. He opens the back door of his truck and extracts a sleeping Ellie
from her car seat. They make their way into the house through the
laundry/mudroom at the back of the house. Tank enters the code for the
alarm system upon entering the house.
“Here do you mind to taking her for a minute?” Tank asks Ruby when
he’s gotten the alarm reset to the outside doors. Ruby holds her arms open,
taking Ellie to cradle her to her chest. It’s a sight that has Tank’s heart doing
a little flipflop. He can just imagine Ruby holding a mini version of herself
in the same way. He is suddenly filled with a desire to make it a reality so
strong he nearly stumbles. “I need to clear the house. You wait right here.
I’ll be back soon.”
“What do you mean ‘clear the house’?’” Ruby asks, concern filling her
voice. Her eyes dart toward the door leading into the rest of the house. “You
think someone could be in here? Even with the security system?” Now she
sounds frightened. He notices she clinches Ellie a little closer to her as she
steps closer to the door leading back out to the garage.
“Honestly, no I don’t think anyone is in here,” Tank answers her
truthfully. “However, I’m not willing to take a chance with you or Ellie,
especially after the events of today. So please wait here while I make sure
the house is empty. Here are the keys to my truck. If someone were to be in
here, get in the truck with Ellie and leave. Going out the door will set off
the alarm system which will notify the police, Hawk, and other members of
my team. You drive back to the shelter, and I’ll come find you when
everything is over. Can you do that for me?” Ruby’s eyes are widened with
fear. She shakes her head.
“I…I can’t drive,” Ruby blurts out. “Oh God! Please, Tucker if you
think it’s not safe, let’s just leave.” Tears are forming in her eyes and she’s
beginning to shake. Fuck! Tank is kicking himself for not handling this very
“Ruby, calm down,” Tank tries to assure her, placing his hands on each
of her shoulders. “I don’t really think anyone is in here. We have an
excellent security system. It would have alerted us if someone had breached
the house. I’m just being cautious. Now, take a couple deep breaths. Inhale
and exhale slowly. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you or Ellie.”
Ruby stares into his eyes as she follows his commands to slow her
breathing and calm her fears.
“I know you’ll protect us, Tucker,” Ruby says after a minute. “But
who’s going to protect you?” Tank’s big hard heart melts a little more at her
words. She’s afraid for him. He pulls her into his arms as best he can while
she’s got Ellie plastered to her.
“Oh, beautiful.” Tank’s voice is thick with emotion. “Don’t you be
worrying about me. I’ll be fine. Now wait right here, and IF something
should happen, get in the truck and lock the doors. Wait for my guys to
arrive, okay?” Ruby pulls back from enough to look up at him and nods.
Tank steps back then, pulling his personal weapon, a Sig 9mm, from his
waistband. Ensuring a round is in the chamber, safety off, Tank moves into
the house, with his gun up, clearing it room by room. Fifteen minutes later,
he returns to find Ruby and Ellie right where he left them.
“House is secure,” Tank informs a relieved looking Ruby. Her shoulders
sag with relief when she sees him approaching her. “Here let me take her.
I’ll go put her to bed.” Ruby hands over the sleeping child and follows him
through the house to the staircase leading up to the second floor. Once he’s
deposited the child in her bed after removing her shoes, he makes sure she’s
covered up, has Mr. Snugglebutt tucked to her side and her night lights are
on in her bedroom and bathroom. He turns to leave. Ruby is standing in the
doorway. Light from the hallway casts her body in silhouette. His mind
again imagining him putting their child to bed while she watches him. Need
for her and to make this situation a reality for them hits him like a ton of
bricks. He heads toward her, not thinking about anything other than his
need to hold her, kiss her.
When he reaches her, he can see his emotions reflected in her eyes. He
takes her in his arms and kisses her. He can’t keep it soft and sweet, no, he
deepens the kiss, taking her sweet essence like it is air and he’s been
holding his breath for days. He backs her into the hallway out of sight just
in case Ellie were to awaken. His hands begin to move, one holding onto
back of her head, keeping her close. The other slides down to cup one firm,
round buttock, squeezing and kneading the flesh. He breaks the kiss to trail
more along the side of her face, down the column of her neck. Ruby moans
as he licks out his tongue to leave a trail along her collarbone. My God
she’s delicious; he thinks to himself as he continues to devour her.
Ruby’s hands are exploring him too. She runs her hands up his arms to
his neck, into his hair, then down across his broad back. It seems she can’t
touch him enough either. When her hands pull on his shirt in an attempt to
free it from the waistband of his pants, he quickly moves to help her. Once
it’s free her hands begin to explore his abdomen, chest, and then his back.
Her fingertips leave a scorching trail over his bare skin. He wants more. He
needs more. He backs her into the wall. Lifting her up, she wraps her legs
around his waist, locking her ankles together helping to hold her to him. His
cock is throbbing, begging to be let free to enter her warm body. Just
thinking about doing just that has Tank gritting his teeth to hold back
shooting off in his pants. His need for her is overwhelming. He’s never in
his entire life wanted a woman like he wants this one. He takes her mouth
once more. The kiss is wet and heated with passion. He carries her toward
his bedroom, never breaking their kiss. He enters his room, pushing the
door closed behind him. Ruby clings to him as he fumbles with the lock.
His brain is foggy with lust and passion, but not so much so that he’s
forgotten the sleeping child just down the hall. The last thing he wants is for
Ellie to walk in on him and Ruby in bed.
He carries Ruby to his bed, laying her down gently. She’s an absolute
vision laying back on his bedspread her auburn hair flaring out from her
head across the Navy-blue material. He reaches for the hem of her blouse.
She lifts her arms over her head helping him to remove the garment. He
makes quick work of unclasping her front closure bra, her breasts popping
free from their confines. His breath catches at the sight of her half-naked
before him.
“So beautiful,” he declares as he stares down at her. Her creamy white
breasts with the rose-colored tips, her nipples hardened with her desire. He
leans down to take one into his mouth. He lets out a groan as Ruby gives a
throaty moan at his touch. He sucks the mound into his mouth, flicking her
nipple with his tongue. His teeth graze the tender flesh before he licks and
sucks some more. Ruby presses her chest up toward him, begging for more.
He kisses his way down the curve of her ample breast, across the valley
between them to the other taut peak.
“Oh, Tucker,” Ruby pleads as he continues to feast on her. He takes his
time, licking, sucking, and nipping the skin of her gorgeous breasts. He
could spend hours feasting on them, but he wants to taste more of her. He
trails kisses down her torso. Ruby’s hands are roaming over his arms,
shoulders, and back. Tank’s cock is hard as steel and is begging to be
released from his pants, but he’s determined to take his time and enjoy
induldging her. His release can wait for now.
Just as he snaps open the button on her pants, Tank hears a cry. Ruby
stills under him. Tank lifts and turns his head, listening for the sound again.
“Momma!” Ellie’s cry puts him into action. He leaps up off the bed,
thankful he’s still dressed.
“Sorry, beautiful,” Tank utters regretfully as he heads for the door. He
glances back at her as he unlocks the door.
“Go, it’s fine. I understand,” Ruby replies as she’s quickly donning her
clothing. Tank hurries out of his room and down the hall to Ellie’s door. The
little girl is sitting up in bed, tears streaming down her face. She screams
out for her mother again just as Tank enters her room.
“Uncle Tank!” Ellie scrambles from her bed, running toward him. He
scoops her up into his arms. Her little face buries into his neck. “The car
was rolling over and over. It was so loud. I want my momma!” Ellie’s cry
breaks Tank’s heart. He runs his hand down the back of her head through
her thick locks of hair.
“Shhh,” Tank coos. “You’re okay, baby girl. I think you’ve had a bad
dream about the accident today, but you’re okay. Your momma is okay.
Remember she’s staying at the hospital so the doctors and nurses can help
her get better faster.” Ellie lifts her head and nods. Her little nose is running
along with her tears. He turns to carry her into the bathroom for a tissue. He
notices Ruby standing at the door watching them. After drying Ellie’s tears
and wiping her nose, Tank comes back out into the bed room.
“Can I sleep with you Uncle Tank?” Ellie asks. “Momma and Robert let
me sleep with them if I have a bad dream. Please?” He could never deny
her especially after the day she’s had with the accident and her father trying
to kidnap her from the vehicle once it stopped rolling down the interstate.
He glances at Ruby who gives him a smile.
“Yeah, munchkin.” Tank smiles at the child. “You can sleep with me.”
Tank heads toward the door. Ellie spies Ruby waiting for them. Her little
arms reach out for Ruby, shocking both adults. Ruby quickly takes the child
into her arms.
“Ruby, will you sleep with us, too?” Ellis asks. “Then it’ll be like I have
Momma and Robert with me.” Ellie’s face beams at Ruby. Tank shakes his
head. The child is too cute and sweet for her own good. He can see Ruby’s
heart melting for the little girl.
“I…uh, I suppose,” Ruby stutters. “I mean if it’s all right with Uncle
Tank.” Ruby looks at him questioningly.
“Of course, it’s all right with me.” Tank grins at his girls. “I’ll have my
two best girls with me.” Ellie grins and hugs Ruby’s neck before she names
off all the toys she wants to take with her. Her bed looks like a stuff animal
factory exploded on it. “Just one toy, little one. We have to have room for
all of us to sleep.” Ellie’s lower lip pouts out. Tank walks over to her bed
retrieving Mr. Snugglebutt from the covers. “Come on, let’s get in bed.”
Tank and Ruby’s eyes meet over the child’s head. Tank’s body is still
thrumming with desire, but it looks like he and Ruby will have to delay
taking things any further. Ruby turns to walk back to his room. Tank shakes
his head. He’s been cock blocked by a six-year-old. He adjusts his straining
cock in his pants before following his girls to his room.
Ruby turns down the king bed and places Ellie in the middle. She gets
her backpack and heads into his bathroom. Tank sits on the bed next to Ellie
while Ruby’s getting ready for bed.
“Uncle Tank, I want my favorite dolly, too,” Ellie whines. Her lower lip
still jutting out. Tank wants to roll his eyes, but if it will get the child to go
to sleep, then he supposes he’ll just have to get used to sleeping with a
bunch of stuff in the bed. He gets up to go grab her doll, but before he gets
to the door, she asks a question. “Will you read me a story?”
“Yeah, I’ll get a book from you room while I get your doll,” he tells the
child. “One story, though, then we have to get some sleep. You have school
in the morning.” Ellie’s face had been happy until he mentions school. Her
face falls with sadness. “What’s wrong? I thought you liked school.”
“Momma won’t be here to get me ready,” Ellie whimpers. Tears begin
dripping down her face again. “Wh-what if those men try to get me again?”
Ellie cries. Tank hurries back scooping her up in his arms.
“I will NOT let any one hurt you, munchkin,” Tank assures her. “I
promised your momma and Straw I’d protect you with my life; everything I
have, you don’t have to be afraid, Ellie. I’ll not let anyone get to you.”
Ruby exits the bathroom in a tank top and shorts sleep set. Tank
appreciates her tiny body as she approaches him and Ellie sitting on the
edge of the bed. God the woman is a vision, but now isn’t the time or place
for him to bemoan their missed opportunity of deepening their relationship.
Ellie needs him and he’ll do what he can to comfort the child.
“Oh, Ellie, why are you crying, sweet girl?” Ruby asks, as she
approaches them. Ellie lifts her head. Her little body jerking as she snubs
trying to catch her breath. Ruby runs her hand over Ellie’s hair, so tenderly.
Tank can see the concern in Ruby’s eyes for this child she barely knows.
“I…I miss my m-m-momma,” Ellie wails and reaches for Ruby, who
quickly scoops her up out of Tank’s arms before sitting down next to him
on the bed. Ruby is murmuring comforting words to the child as she
continues to stroke her hair. Tank wraps an arm around Ruby feeling the
need to touch her keeping his girls close.
“I’m so sorry, Ellie.” Ruby soothes the child. “I know how much you
miss her, but we will take you to see her at the hospital again after school
tomorrow. I bet your momma will be out of the hospital in no time. Now,
don’t cry. Your momma wouldn’t want you to be upset, would she?” Ellie
shakes her head no as she swipes at her face. Tank stands up, and Ruby’s
eyes fly to him.
“I’ll go get your pajamas, doll, and book, munchkin,” Tank informs
both females. “Ruby can help you get into them while I get ready for bed
too. Then we’re reading one story and going to sleep.” Ellie nods her
agreement and lays her head on Ruby’s shoulder. Tank hurries to get Ellie’s
things. He places them on the bed next to Ruby before getting his sleep
pants and heading into the bathroom. He takes a quick shower and dons his
pajama bottoms.
Once his teeth are brushed and his hair combed to look presentable, he
exits the bathroom, and the sight of the girls cozied up in his bed warms his
heart. Ruby has already begun to read Ellie’s book to her. Their heads are
close together as they look at the book. Ruby’s voice is soft and low as she
reads the story book to Ellie. It’s a book about a little girl who has a big red
dog. Tank stands in the doorway of the bathroom, watching them. Ruby
looks up and smiles at him after a few minutes. He moves on into the room
and joins them in the bed.
Five stories, a trip to the bathroom, and a cup of water later, Ellie is
finally asleep once more. Tank is worn out, and apparently Ruby is too. She
looks at him over Ellie’s brown head and smiles sleepily.
“Good night, Tucker,” Ruby mumbles. Her eyes closing in sleep. She’s
laying on her side facing him with Ellie between them.
“Good night, beautiful,” Tank replies laying his head back on the pillow.
Well this isn’t how he pictured his first night with Ruby in home and his
bed going, but it’s not a bad start. He shifts onto his side so he can look over
the two girls who have stolen his hard heart after breaking down the walls
he’s put up around them. For a long time, he watches them sleep, both
looking like angels send from above.

Ruby wakes to the feel of someone rubbing her face. Her eyes fly open to
see Ellie leaning over her with her little hand on Ruby’s face.
“Good morning,” Ruby croaks. Her throat is dry from sleep. Ellie’s face
lights up as she smiles at her.
“Good morning,” Ellie whispers. “Uncle Tank is still sleeping. Can we
go down and make him breakfast?” Ruby glances toward the window
noticing it’s still quite dark outside. She gets her phone off the nightstand on
her side to see it’s three forty-five a.m. Why is this child awake this early?
They hadn’t gotten to bed and asleep before midnight. Good lord! She’s
always wanted children before she had to run from the mob, but now she’s
seriously reconsidering becoming a mother.
“It’s still very early, little one,” Ruby whispers back. “Maybe we should
try to go back to sleep.” Ellie’s lip sticks out in a pout. Ruby thinks the
child is used to getting her way by doing a little pouting. Ruby can
understand why. She so adorable and serious looking Ruby has to bite her
lip to keep from laughing.
“Uncle Tank and Robert get up when it’s dark to go PT at base,” Ellie
informs her, much louder than she whispered before. “Sometimes they
come back to take me to school and eat breakfast that momma’s cooked, but
momma can’t cook breakfast today.” Ruby’s heart breaks for the child.
Ruby was twenty years old when her mother had been killed and while
Abigail is going to recover from her injuries, Ellie is feeling the loss of her
mother being active in her life as much as she had been.
“Go back to sleep, munchkin.” Tank’s gravelly voice startles both
females. Ellie squeals in fright before turning to climb over on the half-
sleeping giant.
“But I wanted me and uh, your girl…” Ellie can’t seem to remember
Ruby’s name. Ruby’s heart clenches a little when the child calls her
Tucker’s girl. Ruby realizes it’s a title she could very easily get used to
“Ruby,” Tank informs Ellie.
“Yeah, Ruby, I wanted her to help me make you breakfast,” Ellie
whines. Tucker opens an eye to look at the child. When Ellie sees Tucker’s
eyes are open the little imp pouts her bottom lip. Ruby can see the humor in
his expression as he holds back the urge to laugh, but he’s obviously not
going to encourage the little heartbreaker. Ruby can tell she’s spoiled rotten
all ready, but Ruby knows Tucker would never say it of the child. She can
tell he loves Ellie just as she is, precocious, mischievous, and lively.
“I don’t eat before going to PT,” Tucker informs her. “If I eat before
going to exercise, I might get sick, but besides that, Hawk has cancelled PT
for today after your mom’s accident. Now you need to go back to sleep or
you won’t be able to stay awake at school.” Ellie flops down onto the bed
between the two adults, huffing her annoyance. She folds her little arms
across her chest with her lower lip sticking out so far Ruby does a double
take. She can’t believe Ellie can get it out that far.
“You better pull that lip back in before you step on it,” Tucker says,
humor lacing his voice. Ellie whips her head to look at him. She sucks in
her lower lip in a little bit but not all the way. It’s still sticking out due to
her being upset.
“I can’t step on my lip, Uncle Tank,” Ellie replies stubbornly. “We’ve
talked about this before. I tried, but I can’t reach it.” Ruby giggles and it
makes Tucker smile, too. Ruby thinks the child is too much, but she can tell
Tucker wouldn’t have her any other way.
Tucker rises up suddenly. He tickles the child under her arms and along
her ribs. Her squeals of delight have all three of them laughing, Ruby joins
in helping Ellie fend him off. Before long, the girls have managed to get
Tucker on his back. Ruby and Ellie have a blast torturing the poor man.
He’s very ticklish. Hmmm, Ruby thinks it’s his one weakness, because Lord
knows the man doesn’t have any others. She appreciates his masculine
beauty as they tickle him mercilessly. She loves hearing him laugh. She
wants to hear him laugh every day for the rest of her life. The realization
hitting her just as Tucker calls for a truce.
“I give! I give!” Tucker huffs out between fits of laughter.
“We win, Uncle Tank!” Ellie exclaims. The child leaps to her feet,
jumping up and down on the bed. Whooping and hollering her victory.
Tucker sees his opportunity, grabbing Ellie tickling her again. The child
screeches in delight. After a few more minutes of fun, they finally settle
“I guess we might as well get up and cook breakfast,” Tucker says. “No
way we are going back to sleep now.”
“See, Uncle Tank,” Ellie sasses. “That’s what I said before you started
the tickle fight.” Ruby sees Tucker roll his eyes as if to say, ‘Lord this child
is sassy’. Ruby giggles again at the motion. She’s used to women rolling
their eyes but seeing Tucker do it is hilarious.
“Come on, munchkin,” Tucker says. “Let’s get to making breakfast.”
The three of them get up and after bladders are emptied, they head
downstairs to cook up a quick breakfast of oatmeal, scrambled eggs, and
toast. After they’ve eaten, they head into the living area and watch cartoons
until time for Ellie to get ready for school. She begs Ruby to help her get
ready. Ruby takes Ellie by the hand leading her upstairs. They leave Tucker
to take care of the cleanup in the kitchen.
“You’ll have to show me where your clothes are kept,” Ruby tells Ellie
as they enter her room. Ellie nods and hurries to her closet, flinging the
doors wide.
“Here’s a lot of my clothes, but my socks, panties, and shirts are over
there.” Ellie turns to a dresser sitting nearby. The child opens first one
drawer then another. “This dresser is so nice. When we lived in the
apartment, all my clothes were in the closet. Momma had boxes stacked on
the floor for my under clothes.” Ruby looks down at the child, who doesn’t
seem upset about the move from her previous home. Remembering the
things Tucker has told her, she supposes the child is used to moving from
place to place. Ruby had been an adult when she began living this type of
life always on the run. It breaks her heart to think of Abigail and Ellie living
as she’s had to do over the last six years.
“I suppose you should take a bath before school,” Ruby says. “You were
asleep when we got home last night.” Ellies nods her little head.
“I usually get to play in the tub with bubbles, but if I take one before
school Momma has me take a shower,” Ellie says so adult-like. “It’s faster.
Get in, wash, get out,” she says in a very mature voice. Ruby grins at the
child mocking her mother’s voice.
“Well then, we better get to it,” Ruby helps Ellie gather her clothes,
before leading the child into the bathroom. Ruby starts the water of the
shower. Ellie unashamedly strips her clothes off and climbs into the shower.
“Do you need help?” Ruby isn’t sure how much a six-year-old can do on
her own.
“No, well maybe with my hair,” Ellie tells her. Ruby reaches around the
shower curtain and helps Ellie wash and rinse her thick head of hair. After
making sure she has a washcloth, Ruby waits in the bathroom until Ellie
declares she’s done. Shutting off the water for her, Ruby wraps Ellie in a
big fluffy towel as she steps out of the shower. “I washed behind my ears,
my feet, and I made sure I washed my stinky parts really good.” Ruby barks
out an uncomfortable laugh. She’s never been around children much, not
since she was a child herself. The little girl is definitely going to keep Ruby
on her toes.
Ruby dries Ellie off with the towel and helps her into the clothing
they’ve chosen for her to wear to school today. Ellie has a school uniform
made up of a crisp white button up the front blouse, a navy-blue vest and
matching skirt. Helping her with her navy-blue knee socks, Ruby smiles as
Ellie chatters on and on about first one thing then another. School, the
‘twins,’ and her parents. Ruby nearly strangles on her own saliva at Ellie’s
next comment.
“Robert is going to put a baby brother or sister in Momma’s belly so
they’ll have someone to take care of now that I’m a big girl.” Ellie’s tone so
matter-of-fact. She can feel her face flushing with embarrassment.
“Momma gets lonely when I’m not here.”
“I’m sure she does,” Ruby comments. “You’re very entertaining.” Ruby
can’t keep the grin off her face. Ellie beams a mega-watt smile at her.
“I know,” Ellie says. “Momma sometime says I’m rotted, but Uncle
Tank and Papa says I’m not. They’re big smart men, so I believe them.
Momma just wants to keep me from being too wild.” Ruby laughs out loud
at that little statement.
“I think your momma has her hands full,” Ruby informs the little girl.
Not missing a beat, Ellie has a quick come back.
“Oh, she does,” Ellie says proudly. “Robert says it take a village,
whatever that means.” Ruby’s face is hurting from all the smiling she’s
done while spending time with the little girl. Her traitorous mind sends her
an image of a little girl with Tucker’s eyes and Ruby’s hair. She secretly
wonders if their little girl would be as rambunctious. Wait! She shouldn’t be
thinking about having children with the sexy beast of a man, but oh would
she love to be free to do just that very thing. Ruby’s mind drifts to the man
downstairs. He’s the kindest, most thoughtful man she’s ever known. She
could do much worse in the man department. As a matter of fact, she has
the worst searching for her even now all these years later. What’s it going to
take to be free? She isn’t sure, but now more than ever, she wants to find
out, to be free to seek a life with Tucker.

Tank smiles to himself while he works to clean up the kitchen, loading

dishes into the dishwasher and wiping down the stove and counters. He
thinks about the three of them working together in the kitchen preparing
their meal. Ellie had helped Ruby crack the eggs into a bowl while he set
water on the stove to boil for their oatmeal. When they made the toast, Ellie
insisted on putting the bread in the four-slot toaster. When it was ready,
Tank had removed the hot bread placing it on a plate while Ellie and Ruby
spread butter on it. Another domestic moment with his woman. He just
needs to get her fully on board to being his woman.
They made a lot of progress over the weekend, but he knows she’s still
afraid for him and that has him even more worried for her. If she’s running
from someone bad enough she thinks a Special Forces Marine can’t handle
them, they must be very bad. Just as this is running through his mind, he
gets a text.
Tex: Hey, Tank. I have some information for you. Hawk sent me some
information and the picture you gave him. I’ve gotten a hit. Will you have
time to talk today?
Tank: Yes, I’ll make time. How does 1000 hours sound?
Tex: That works for me.
Tank pockets his phone wondering what information Tex has managed
to dig up on the red-haired beauty who is currently upstairs getting Ellie
ready for school. He’s dying to know, but he’ll have to wait until ten a.m.
He’ll take Ellie to school and then see what Ruby has planned for the day.
He doesn’t have to be at base until 0800. They’ll be a man down with Straw
at the hospital with Abigail. Speaking of which, he pulls his phone out
again, shooting a text off to Straw checking to see how Abigail made it
through the night.
Tank: How’s Abigail this morning?
Straw: Strong as hell! I swear she’s made of steel. They got her up to
walk, and I know she’s in serious pain, but she never made a peep. I’ve had
to insist she take something for the pain.
Tank: Glad to hear she’s doing so well. Anything you need me to bring
you when I come by later?
Straw: A couple changes of clothes for me. Abigail will need clothes to
wear home, but I’ll come get those when it’s time. How’s Ellie?
Tank: She’s good. She had a nightmare, so I let her sleep with me and
Straw: Ruby?
Tank: Yeah, you remember her from the shelter? It’s a long story. We’ll
talk later.
Straw: Damn right we will. Seems you been holding out on me.
Tank: Nah, not really…well maybe. See you later.
Straw: Later
Tank, once again, pockets his phone as he hears footsteps approaching.
Ellie comes bounding into the kitchen with Ruby hot on her heels. Ruby’s
face is lit with happiness as the two enter the room. Ellie is chattering away
as usual, their interlocked hands swinging between them as they walk.
“And Josh said he’s the best fighter, but Jessie said he’s the best,” Ellie
says. “I told them they’re both wrong.”
“Oh, you did?” Ruby asks. Ellie nods solemnly. “Who’s the best?”
“I am,” Ellie declares, “I get more kills than any of them.” Ruby’s eyes
widen, obviously shocked at the child’s bold statement.
“Kills?” Ruby’s eyes fly to Tank’s. “What kind of game are you
playing?” Tank can hear the blatant concern in her voice.
“They play war with laser tag vests,” Tank informs her. “All the kids of
the team play when they all get together. Not to brag, but Ellie is really
good.” He shakes his head, remembering the last time they’d all gotten
together and played. Ellie was taking out grown men with ease. She could
hide and do a sneak attack. She’d have your vest lighting up before you
even knew she was around. “She can even out do the adults.” Ruby looks
down at the girl with admiration before turning back to him.
“She seems awfully young to be playing such a violent sounding game.”
Tank is a little concerned Ruby will think poorly of them for allowing the
children to play in such a way, but this is the life they live. All of the guys
and their wives are on board with teaching the children gun safety from a
young age. While many people think civilians shouldn’t have guns, Tank
knows from his time in service good people with guns aren’t a danger to
society. It’s the criminals who are the danger. Taking guns from responsible
gun owners only makes it easier for the criminals to do their evil deeds.
Worse than that, it allows corrupt governments to rule the way they want
without regard for their people. It’s the very reason the Second Amendment
is in the Constitution. Tank believes in the constitution and the rights
bestowed therein, and he’ll defend them to his dying day. However, he
respects Ruby’s thoughts and opinions on the matter. He’ll just have to
explain it to her and see how she feels about it. He fully intends, when they
have children, he will teach them gun safety and how to defend themselves.
He just needs Ruby to be in agreement with him.
“I suppose it does sound violent.” Tank begins forming his argument in
his mind as he speaks. “We, meaning the guys on the team, wanted to teach
the boys gun safety. So we bought a bunch of laser tag vests and guns. The
kids all understand when you’re hit, you ‘die’, you’re out of the game. We
show them how easy it is to accidentally shoot someone by mistake and to
never aim a gun at someone or something you don’t intend to kill. If they
point or handle their weapon in an unsafe manner, they are taken out of the
game and made to watch while everyone else has fun. Guns are a huge part
of our lives on the team. We all have our own personal protection and never
leave home without it. We all keep our weapons secured, but it’s best the
kids respect and understand how to safely handle them. Guns don’t kill
people. People kill people. It’s our responsibility to teach children how to
safely handle them.” Before Ruby can respond, Ellie pipes up.
“Yeah, Robert and Uncle Tank taught me if I ever find a gun laying
around don’t touch it. Call a growed-up for help.” Ellie looks pleased with
herself for remembering her lesson.
“That’s right Ellie.” Tank smiles down at the girl. “What do you do if
one of your friends tries to play with a real gun?”
“Run away and get a growed-up!” Ellie declares. “Now I’m ready to go
to school.” Ruby still looks thoughtful about the whole thing, but she
doesn’t look totally freaked out or disgusted. He hopes she’ll be accepting
to his way of thinking, but now isn’t the time to ask her how she wants to
raise their future children.
“Okay let’s get your lunch made.” Tank gets the loaf of bread, peanut
butter, and jelly out to make Ellie her favorite sandwich. “Ruby, will you
help Ellie put some baby carrots in a Ziplock bag?” She moves to the fridge
extracting the bag from the vegetable drawer. Ellie drags a chair over to the
counter and climbs up to get two Ziplock sandwich bags for her lunch.
They all work together getting her lunch ready. Tank’s phone begins to ring
about the time they’re finishing up packing Ellie’s lunch bag. He drops her
bottle of water into the bag before pulling his phone from his back pocket.
Checking the screen, he sees Charlotte is calling.
“Evans,” Tank answers before putting the phone on speaker.
“Good morning, Tank.” Charlotte’s voice comes over the line. “Do you
need me to come by and get Ellie ready for school?” Ellie chimes in before
Tank can get a word out.
“I’m ready, Mrs. Charlotte,” Ellie yells from across the kitchen. “Ruby
got me ready. She put my hair up in a ponytail as good as Momma does.”
“Ohh, really?” Tank rolls his eyes. The cat’s out of the bag. Charlotte
will be all over them now. He grins as he remembers how she plotted and
schemed getting Straw and Abigail some “alone” time when they were in
California. Charlotte has a big heart, and she’s taken it upon herself to be
the mother hen of their growing group. It’s her mission in life to get all of
the men on the team married off for a happily ever after, just as she and
Hawk are. He used to find it a little annoying, but if she helps him get Ruby,
he’ll be nothing but grateful. “Ruby is there? Right now?”
“Yes, I’m here Charlotte,” Ruby replies her face a pretty shade of pink.
“I heard about Abigail’s accident, and I thought Tucker might need help
with Ellie.” Charlotte lets out a little squeal. The phone line is muffed as she
speaking to someone in the back ground before coming back on the phone.
“I’m so glad you are there to help them, Ruby,” Charlotte says. “I can
still come by and pick her up if you want…Tucker.” Tank rolls his eyes,
well shit. Now Charlotte is going to call him by his given name, which
means all the rest of the women will follow suit. He smiles. He isn’t really
that upset about it. He’s happy to have these women in his life and soon
Ruby will be just as integral a part as the rest of them.
“That’s okay, Charlotte,” Tank replies. “Ruby and I will take her, but we
can get the boys for you if you’d like.”
“No that’s okay. I’m volunteering at the school today,” Charlotte replies.
“How about Ellie comes over tonight for a sleepover?”
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Ellie shrieks in delight as she begins jumping up and
down. “Please, Uncle Tank? Please?”
“I’ll have to ask Straw, but if he says it’s okay, and I’m sure he will,
then yeah, you can go.” Ellie continues to bounce around the kitchen while
Tank finishes his conversation with Charlotte. When he is finished, he
shoots Straw a text getting a green light reply. “Let’s go up and get your
clothes to spend the night at Hawk’s.” Tank pockets his phone once more.
He looks up to see Ellie dragging Ruby out of the kitchen and toward the
stairs. Shaking his head, he follows the pair up the stairs to Ellie’s room. He
gets her overnight bag out while the girls are getting her clothes,
toothbrush, and Mr. Snugglebutt ready to go. When they finally have
everything packed, he makes sure they have Ellie’s backpack, lunch bag,
and her overnight bag as they head out to the garage and get into this truck.
Forty-five minutes later, he’s pulling out of the school parking lot after
dropping Ellie off and meeting up with Charlotte to give her Ellie’s
overnight bag. He glances over at Ruby before focusing on the road. She’s
such a trooper. Charlotte had been enthusiastic when meeting Ruby again
but thankfully didn’t ask as many nosey questions as Tank had expected.
“So, what do you have planned for today?” Tank asks as they approach
a red light. He pulls the truck to a stop and looks over at the beautiful
woman sitting in the passenger seat.
“Hank, Bill, and I are planning to get together to practice some songs,”
Ruby replies looking over at him. “We thought we’d start rehearsing for the
fundraiser. I know it’s a little early, but I wasn’t sure how much rehearsal
time we will get, so, as they say, ‘no time like the present’.”
“Yeah, my grandpa always says, ‘make hay while the sun shines’.” Tank
smiles to himself thinking about his grandparents. He makes a mental note
to himself to call Grammy later today to see when he can bring Ruby to
meet them. Grammy and Pa will be so happy for him. Grammy’s always
complaining she’s going to die before he can make her a great-grandma. He
glances back at Ruby to see she’s smiling at him.
“You have a good relationship with your grandparents, don’t you?” Her
eyes look sad. Perhaps she’s thinking of her own grandparents. He wonders
why she hadn’t turned to them when whatever happened all those years ago
occurred and sent her on the run.
“I do,” Tank answers. “They are close to Straw, too. My grandparents
took him in when his grandmother, who was raising him, passed away from
cancer. We drove them crazy before we both joined the service. I’d love for
you to meet them. I know they’re going to love you.”

Ruby feels her face heating. Tucker has just said he wants her to meet his
grandparents, which is basically his parents since they raised him after his
parents died in a car accident when he was just a little boy. God, she really
wants to meet them. The people who helped to mold Tucker into the
exceptional man he is today. More and more, Ruby is feeling like she needs
to let go of her fear. She needs to trust Tucker to be able to handle her past
and her family’s business.
“I’d like to meet them, too,” Ruby blurts out before she allows herself to
change her mind.
“Great!” Tucker replies. “I’ll call Grammy today and see when a good
time for them would be.” Ruby nods. It’s more than time to stop hiding and
start living, but she’s still afraid. Afraid of the Russos, her father, and the
mess he got her into by basically selling her off to the Russo family. “I have
to head to base. You want me to take you back to my house or can I drop
you where you’ll be rehearsing?”
“Just drop me at the shelter. I’ll be able to catch the guys there, and
we’ll decide where to rehearse,” Ruby says as Tucker makes the turn to take
them to the shelter. A few minutes later, he’s turning into the parking lot.
When he’s parked, he gets out to come around and help her down. He walks
her to the back door of the shelter.
“Have a good day, beautiful.” Tucker takes her in his arms. Ruby looks
up, licking her lips in anticipation of another incredible kiss. Images of the
things they’d done before Ellie woke fresh in her mind. Tucker’s eyes are
glowing with the same desire she can feel thrumming through her body. He
must be remembering last night, too. He lowers his head and takes her
mouth in a scorching kiss. He holds her close as if she’s the most precious
thing in the world. They’re both breathless when they finally break apart.
“Text me when you’re finished, and I’ll come pick you up.”
“Okay, Tucker.” Ruby can hardly speak. Her desire and emotions all
over the place. “I’ll let you know where and when we will be.” He gives her
another brush of his lips before opening the door for her, watching until
she’s safe inside. Ruby can’t keep the smile of her face as she walks down
the back hall of the shelter toward the cafeteria where she’s hoping to catch
up with Hank and Bill. Hearing a noise, Ruby looks back over her shoulder
to see Jolene entering through the back door.
“Good morning, Ruby,” Jolene calls out to her. “I saw Tank leaving as I
pulled in. I didn’t see you here last night before I left?” Jolene ending her
statement as an unspoken question. Ruby’s face heats at what Jolene must
be thinking. Jolene’s smile widens.
“It’s not what you’re thinking.” Ruby hurries to halt the woman’s train
of thought. “Abigail was injured yesterday, and I went to help Tucker with
Ellie.” Jolene’s smile falls away as concern fills her gaze.
“I heard about the accident.” Jolene’s voice full of worry. “I haven’t
spoken with Straw this morning. I trust she’s still doing well?”
“Yes, Tucker spoke to Straw this morning,” Ruby informs her. Jolene’s
face morphs again into a knowing grin.
“Tucker?” Jolene laughs at Ruby’s deepening blush. “Don’t be
embarrassed, Ruby. Trust me if I were many, many years younger, I’d do
my best to get with one of the single men on that team. They’re all very
good men. I’m happy for you.” Ruby isn’t sure what to say. While
unofficially she and Tucker have started something between them, she can’t
really call him her boyfriend. However, Tucker has said on more than one
occasion she’s his. Ruby smiles back at Jolene.
“They are very good men,” Ruby answers. Then giving Jolene a wave,
she heads off to find Harry and Bill. The men are in the cafeteria sitting at a
table sharing their morning coffee.
“Ruby girl!” Harry calls out when he sees her entering the room.
“Where you been keeping yourself? I was beginning to think you’d skipped
town again.” Ruby walks to the table where there’s always fresh coffee
waiting. She fixes herself a cup before she makes her way over to the two
“I’m still here,” Ruby assures him as she takes a seat. “Tucker took me
to Savannah for the weekend and then his roommate’s girlfriend was in an
accident so I stayed at Tucker’s last night to help him with the couple’s little
“Who’s Tucker?” Bill asks, concern on the old man’s face.
“Well Harry knows him as Tank,” Ruby offers. “He’s a roommate to
Straw, Abigail’s boyfriend.” Bill is nodding his head in understanding.
“Tucker, huh?” Harry winks at her. “I knew you two were going to get
together when you mentioned him the other day.” Ruby blushes and begins
to protest.
“We aren’t together, together,” Ruby denies. “I mean, yeah, I like him,
and he’s made it clear he wants more, but I don’t know if I should give in.”
“What’s holding you back?” Harry questions. “You’re a pretty girl, and
he’s a very good man. Why wouldn’t you want to give in?” Ruby can tell
there’s no judgement in Harry’s questions, just genuine curiosity.
“Well, I’ve been on the streets a long time, Harry.” Ruby tries to
formulate a plausible explanation without giving too much away. “I won’t
go into details, but there’s a reason I keep to myself, staying in parks and
shelters that don’t ask for too much information.” Harry’s face softens as he
studies her. “I’m afraid, afraid something bad will happen to Tucker if I let
him get too close. It might already be too late.”
“Ruby, I can’t tell you what to do,” Bill begins. “But life is too damn
short to live in fear. I don’t know what or who you’re running from, but I
will tell you, I know Hawk and his men. If Tank cares for you, and I suspect
he does, because I’ve never known any of those men to trifle with a
woman’s affections. He’ll do everything in his power to make it so you
never have to worry about anything ever again. You just have to trust him. I
know living on the streets you learn to not trust anyone, but you can trust
Tank and his friends. They are some of best people I’ve ever met. Take it
from this old man who’s been around the block more times than I care to
count, don’t let him get away.” Ruby swallows hard, trying to keep the
emotion clogging her throat from escaping.
“Bill’s right, Ruby girl,” Harry chimes in. “Take a chance. You need to
really live, not just exist. You’re a young pretty girl, much too good to be
living on the run, hiding all your beauty and your talent.” Ruby’s eyes grow
misty with unshed tears. These men are speaking from wisdom. She knows
both of them have been through tough times themselves, battling addictions
and demons she can’t imagine. Her mother has always instilled in her to
listen to her elders and to be respectful of them. She takes to heart the men’s
words of wisdom, breaking even more of resolve.
“Thank you both,” Ruby tells the men. “I hear what you’re saying, and
although I’m still afraid not only for me but those of you around me. I’ll
think really hard on talking to Tucker about my problems. I appreciate you
caring enough to give me advice.” Harry and Bill nod their heads and give
her a smile.
“That’s enough heavy for today,” Harry declares. “What about this
rehearsal? When are you wanting us to do this, and where are we going to
do it?”
“I was thinking we could use the outdoor amphitheater in the park down
the street, at least to practice until Abigail has a chance to find the actual
location of the fundraiser, but in the meantime, we can use the park. I
checked with the manager. They don’t have anything scheduled until the
end of next month.”
“Sounds good, Ruby girl,” Harry says. “So, when do you want to
“How about Tuesdays and Thursdays?” Ruby looks to each man to gage
his reaction.
“Works for me,” Bill says. “What about you, Harry?”
“I have my AA meetings on Thursdays but not until eight in the
evening, so I think that’ll be fine.” Harry nods, looking down at his coffee.
His mind seeming to drift for a moment. He looks up at Ruby and Bill.
“Yep, that’ll work just fine.” Ruby gives both men the rundown on songs
she’s thought about them singing together and asked if either of them want
to do a solo. They spend a several hours talking and planning out their
portion of the fundraiser event. Jolene comes by and adds to the
conversation. Harry and Bill decide they need to do other things the rest of
the afternoon, leaving Ruby alone for the remainder of the day. She finds
herself in the cafeteria all alone, so she decides to help out and get an early
start on the cleaning. She sings while she’s working, helping to pass the
time. She text Tucker earlier, letting him know she’ll be ready whenever
he’s finished on base and that they won’t be rehearsing until tomorrow, but
she hasn’t gotten a reply yet. An hour later, her phone chimes startling her.
She pulls the device from her pocket to see Tucker has responded.
Tucker: Hey beautiful, sorry it’s taken me so long. I’ve been in a
meeting all day.
Ruby: It’s all right. I understand.
Tucker: I’ll be by to pick you up in about thirty minutes. I thought we
could go by the hospital and check on Abigail, then grab some dinner. Will
that be, okay?”
Ruby: Sounds great! See you soon
Ruby slips the phone back into her pocket and hurries to finish up the
cafeteria. When she’s finished, she stows the cleaning supplies back in the
closet before washing her hands. She wanders through the empty shelter.
Most everyone vacates the place during the day so the cleaning crews and
volunteers can do their tasks to make sure the place runs smoothly. With
Abigail out, Jolene and Ruby are the only two in here this afternoon. Ruby
checks the time, knowing Tucker should be here soon. She gives Jolene at
quick good-bye before exiting the back door to wait for Tucker.
Once she’s outside, the hairs begin to prickle on the back of her neck.
An uneasy feeling washes over her. Nervously she scans her surroundings
but doesn’t notice anything out of place. Deciding she’s being paranoid, she
ventures on out into the parking lot. She tries unsuccessfully to convince
herself it’s just her imagination making her feel like she’s being watched.
She looks over the area once more and notices a black sedan parked across
the street. The windows are tinted making it difficult see the occupants, but
she’s almost certain she saw the flash of a lens when she first saw the car. Is
someone watching her from that car? Do they have some kind of binoculars
or telephoto lens? Ruby walks backward toward the safety of the shelter,
keeping her eyes on the car. She’s about to turn and make a run for it when
she hears the car’s motor flare to life. Just at that moment, Tucker’s big
truck rounds the corner and pulls into the parking lot. Ruby lets out a huge
sigh of relief at the sight. She watches as the sedan pulls away from the
curb. It drives by slowly. For a brief moment, Ruby fears she’ll see a gun
come out the passenger side window as it passes, but the car gradually
makes its way on down the street. Tucker exits his truck coming toward her.
Ruby hurries toward him and throws herself into his arms. When they wrap
around her, all she can feel is incredible relief.

Tank had felt great when he dropped Ruby off this morning at the shelter.
He’d called Grammy and Pa as he made his way to base, and they were
thrilled to know he is planning to bring a woman to visit. He’s never done
that before, even when he was in high school. He never had girls over to
their home. Just a few hours later when he got the call from Tex, his mood
took a drastic turn.
“Tank, I matched the picture of Ruby to a missing woman from New
York’s Staten Island,” Tex began the call. “She’s been missing for six years,
but the hair color and style are different.” Tank pinches his lips together,
dread curling in his belly at Tex’s next words. “I looked into her family.
There were several news articles about them in the weeks before she went
missing. Her family has ties to the mob. Her mother was murdered in a mob
“Damn!” Tank exclaims. “She told me about her mother dying, but I
didn’t know there was a mob connection.”
“There’s more,” Tex says ominously. Tank dreads the next words, not
knowing how bad they’re going to be. “There is an engagement
announcement of her to a Giovanni Russo, Jr. His family is well known in
the Colombo crime family in Brooklyn. I’ll keep digging, see what else I can
turn up.”
“Thanks, Tex,” Tank replies. “I appreciate it so much.”
Now Tank is on his way to pick Ruby up from the shelter before they
visit Abigail and Straw at the hospital. He is going to need to have a talk
with her, but he isn’t going to push just yet. He needs her to want him, trust
him more. He pulls into the parking lot of the shelter.
Tank is shocked when Ruby throws herself at him when he arrives to
pick her up. He wraps her up in his arms, holding her close. Her body is
trembling so hard. His senses go on high alert. Ruby is frightened, and he
wants to know why.
“What’s wrong, beautiful?” Tank pulls back from her a little so he can
look at her. Ruby is instantly shaking her head. He’s expecting her to deny
anything is wrong but is pleasantly surprised when she admits her fear.
“I…I saw a car a-across the street,” Ruby stammers, her eyes rimmed in
moisture. Her are breaths are coming short and fast. “I thought I saw a flash
in the window, but maybe it’s just my imagination. I don’t know, but I just
had this really bad feeling, and I got so scared.” Ruby buries her face in his
chest once more. Tank’s chest tightens, thinking about her out here alone
and afraid.
“Shh,” he coos. “You’re safe. I’m here.” Ruby squeezes him tighter for
a moment. He holds her, feeling her begin to calm. Her body no longer
shaking violently.
“I’m sorry, Tucker.” Ruby lifts her head to peer up at him. “I’m over
reacting; I’m sure. It’s just…I thought for a moment…no, I’m being
ridiculous.” Ruby puffs out her cheeks as she blows out a deep breath.
“You’re not being ridiculous,” Tank says firmly. “Now tell me what you
thought you saw. I can’t help you if I don’t know what the problem is. You
know that, right?” Ruby nods her head. She bites her lower lip. Her breaths
are still a little short and shallow. He can see she’s thinking over her next
words. He waits patiently letting her work through everything. Eventually
she takes a deep breath, then lets it out slowly. She looks up at him. He’s
struck with the trust he sees in her eyes.
“The night my mom died” –Ruby swallows hard– “we were leaving my
concert out the back door of the opera house where it had been held. Mom
and I were some of the last to leave. When we went out the door, the
parking lot was so dark, which was odd. We’d been there plenty of nights
rehearsing. The parking lot was always well lit, but that night, every light
was out. I had looked over my shoulder at mom as I went out. When I
turned to the parking lot, a car started up on the other side of the lot. The
lights from the car came on so bright. I couldn’t see anything. I tripped and
fell. As I went down, I heard…I heard a popping sound, then the car speed
away. As I was trying to get up, I saw the car pulling out of the lot. It was a
dark sedan with tinted windows. Once I got up, I saw mom. She’d been sh-
shot in the chest.” A sob leaves Ruby, tears streaming down her face. Tank
pulls her to him, his heart breaking for her. He’s angry at whoever shot her
mother in cold blood, leaving Ruby all alone in the nameless parking lot
with her mother’s body. He can’t do anything about it at the moment. He
needs to focus on comforting Ruby, but someday, he hopes he’ll get the
opportunity to find the son of a bitch and put him behind bars if possible,
and if not, then a bullet between his eyes will be even better.
“I’m sure it’s not possible, but when I saw that car sitting across the
street…” Ruby looks up at him. “I thought it was the same car. I was so
afraid they were going to shoot me, and then you arrived. I was relieved to
see you, knowing you’d take care of me, but I was also afraid they’d try to
shoot you.”
“Oh, baby.” Tank leans down to kiss her forehead before holding her
tightly again. “I’m so, so sorry you had to go through that all alone. I’m
here now, and I’ll take care of you.” Ruby lifts her head and says something
he’s been wanting to hear.
“I know you will, Tucker.” Ruby’s voice is thick with emotion. “I trust
you to take care of me. I just hope you aren’t hurt in the process. If that was
the same car, it’s really bad news, Tucker. The people who killed my mom
are very, very bad people. They’re ruthless and don’t care who they hurt as
long as they are getting what they want.”
“Don’t you worry about me, beautiful.” Tank takes her face in his
hands, getting her to look him in the eyes. “I promise you I won’t let
anything happen to you and I’ll keep myself safe, too. You can count on it.
Now dry those tears.” He wipes her tear-stained cheeks with his thumbs.
“That’s better. Come on, let’s get in my truck.” Tank leads Ruby over to his
truck helping her inside. Once she’s settled, he walks around the tailgate to
the driver’s side. Keeping his head on a swivel, he checks their
surroundings, looking for the dark sedan, but it’s nowhere to be seen. He
climbs into the truck and makes quick work of getting them out of the area.
Once they are out and away from the shelter, he reaches over to take Ruby’s
hand and gives it a squeeze. “Feeling better now?”
“Yes,” Ruby replies. “I’m sorry I freaked out on you.” Tank frowns at
“Nothing to be sorry for, beautiful,” Tank explains, glancing at her from
time to time but keeping his eyes on the road as he speaks. “I told you the
first day we met you are mine. I meant it, Ruby. You are mine to care for
and to protect. I just knew the moment we crashed into each other we are
meant to be, and I take very good care of what’s mine. I’ll be here for you
no matter what you need. A shoulder to cry on, a knight to slay your
demons, someone to hold you when you’re scared, and someone to make
you laugh. Whatever you need, I’ll do my very best to provide it.” He can
feel Ruby’s gaze on him. She’s staring him down as if she can’t believe the
words he’s just spoken, but she needs to believe them because he means
every word.
“God, Tucker,” Ruby breaths out the words. “You’re a better man than I
could have ever imagined finding. I want to be here for you, too. When you
need someone, I want to be here for you, to take care of you. After what
happened to Abigail, I know life can be short, taken from you before you’ve
had time to live. I’m still afraid for you, but I don’t want to live in fear the
rest of my life, however long that might be. I want more than living on the
run, Tucker. I’m so very tired of being afraid and alone.”
“You aren’t alone anymore, beautiful,” Tank tells her. “I’ll always be
here for you, and I know the men on my team and their women feel the
same. We may not have known you long, but we know you’re a good
person, Ruby. You mean a lot to me, and my team takes care of its own.
You belong to me, so you belong to all of them. Never forget it. If you ever
need something and I’m not here to provide it, one of them will, just as I
would for their women.” Tank can see acceptance dawning in Ruby’s eyes
as she takes in his words. Tank is beginning to feel very proud of himself.
He is breaking Ruby down. He has chipped away at the wall of iron she has
erected around herself. The walls are collapsing and soon he’ll be able to
make her his in ever sense of the word. All mine!
Tank keeps an eye out for the dark sedan as they make their way
through traffic to the hospital where Abigail is recovering from her surgery.
Ruby remains quiet and thoughtful on the trip. Tank decides now isn’t the
time to push her for more details. Being patient seems to be the best policy
with her, and he doesn’t want to derail the progress they’ve made. She’s
really beginning to open up to him. He’s still reeling from learning her
mother was murdered right in front of her. He still doesn’t know why or
who did it, but Ruby does, and that’s why she’s afraid.
They make it to the hospital and visit for a while. There’s no sign of the
dark sedan or anyone following them. Tank takes Ruby back home with
him, knowing they’ll have the house to themselves. They work together
cooking a simple meal of hamburgers and fries. Once they’ve eaten, they
settle onto the couch to watch television. Neither of them watches T. V.
much, so it takes them a little while to find something.
“You really don’t watch television?” Ruby asks as Tank is flipping
through the channels. She assumes most people have T. V. shows they like
to watch on a regular basis. She hadn’t gotten to watch a lot when she was
growing up, but even with her busy schedule she still had a couple of
programs she liked to watch every week. Even if she couldn’t watch when
they aired, she recorded them.
“No,” Tucker answers. “I used to watch a couple of shows, but since
Ellie’s moved in, we mostly watch kid’s shows. Besides, I never know
when we are going to be sent off somewhere or how long we might be
gone. It’s kind of hard to keep up with a series when you miss several
weeks of episodes. However, with all the streaming apps now, when I do
find something interesting, I can watch whenever I have time.”
“What do you like to watch?” Ruby asks, suddenly very curious about
what interests Tucker.
“Mostly I’ve watched documentaries on the military, events in history,
sporting events, or classic cars,” Tank grins at her rather boyishly. “I’m a
typical guy.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Since Abigail and Ellie have moved
in though, I’ve widened my horizons.”
“Really? Do tell.” Ruby grins back at him. Tank chuckles, because he
knows she’s going to laugh at him, but he doesn’t care if she does. He just
loves seeing her smiling and laughing, relaxed.
“Yeah, um, Ellie of course loves cartoons,” Tank begins. “I have to
admit I like watching some of them with her. I’ve become of a fan of Paw
Patrol, PJ Masks, and…if you ever tell anyone I’ll deny it, because I’d have
to hand in my man card…Alice’s Wonderland Bakery.” Ruby erupts with
laughter just as he knew she would. “Hey! Don’t laugh. It has a really
catchy tune to the theme song.” He begins to hum a few bars, but he can’t
remember the words. In no time, they’re both laughing until their sides hurt.
Tank can’t remember a time he’s felt more relaxed and happier than he is in
this moment.

The next morning Ruby is at rehearsal for the fundraiser. The performers of
the entertainment between events are meeting at the outdoor theater near the
shelter to practice their songs. The rehearsal is going well. Ruby is up for
her solo. She pours her heart into the words of the song, singing about how
love has only taught her heartache. Ruby is so into the song. Her eyes are
closed, lost in the moment. When she opens her eyes and gazes out across
the stands, her eyes fall on Tucker’s. He is boring a hole into her with his
stare. Her voice faulters, but she manages to continue. This man has
wormed his way into her life. She has come to crave his presence. Hearing
his voice over the phone in the late hours at night, while she lays in the park
or on her bunk at the shelter, has brought her a sense of peace. She’d been
annoyed with him the first week or so for him showing up to make her eat
breakfast or forcing her to have dinner with him. But he has worn her down
with his persistence and now she knows it will break her when she has to
pick up and move again. She will miss him terribly. She knows it’s wrong
to let him get close, to let him care about her, but there is something about
him that draws her to him. Almost like a force she can’t resist.
Tucker is not only tall, handsome, and more than capable of protecting
her if she needed it. He is kind and thoughtful. He really seems to be
interested in her. He is always asking her questions about her likes and
dislikes. The amazing thing is he remembers what she’s said. She had told
him weeks ago that she didn’t like mayonnaise or dill pickles. Yesterday
when he brought her a ham and cheese sandwich from a local sub shop that
is known for putting dill pickle spears in with their sandwiches, there was
no mayo or pickles on her sandwich. It’s a little thing, but it has endeared
him to her all the more. Just knowing he’d paid attention when she spoke
made him more desirable in her mind.
One day while they were walking in the park, she had mentioned in
passing how much she loved daisies. He had made it a point to bring her a
daisy to breakfast every morning thereafter. Ruby is falling in love with the
man, and she can’t seem to stop herself. She has been alone and afraid for
too long. When she is with Tucker, she isn’t looking over her shoulder in
fear. With him, she can forget about her brother, her father, and the mobster
who’s looking for her, at least for a little while. Ruby knows it can’t last,
but she is going to enjoy the ride, for the time being. She has made up her
mind that when the fundraiser event is over, it will be time to move on
again. She has stayed here much too long. A couple of months is the longest
she has allowed herself to stay in one place. She has already been here for
three months and it’s still several weeks until the charity event. It will break
her to leave, but she knows it’s for the best for everyone involved. Her
family is ruthless, and she doesn’t want them to know anything about Tank
or his close group of friends to whom Ruby has become very attached.
When the rehearsal is winding down, Ruby sees Tucker moving toward
the stage. Something catches her eye over his shoulder. What she sees stills
her heart. A man standing at the top of seating section of the theater is
watching her and those around her. He seems out of place. He is about 6-
foot-tall with short black hair and a black mustache. He has on a suit, no tie.
He is scanning the activity going on in front of him much like she’d seen
her father, brother, and their friends do in the past. Fear races through her
not only for herself but for her friends. She wants to turn and run, but she
doesn’t want to alert the man to the fact she has seen him. Her eyes dart
around and notice a couple of thug-looking men hanging out in the seats,
watching the performances. She watches the men meet near a side exit and
leave the outdoor theater.
Tucker reaches her and takes her into his arms, pulling her close to his
body. He whispers into her ear. “You are amazing, beautiful. You have been
holding out on me. I didn’t know you had a voice like an angel.” Normally
Tucker’s voice would have shivers of desire running through her body, but
she can’t think about that now. She is shivering for another reason: fear. She
has to get away before Russo, Jr. can get to her. She has no doubt he sent
those men to find her. Will he try to take her here in front of everyone? Or
will he try to be discreet and take her when no one is around? Ruby is
praying that it’s the latter. It will give her a chance to get away before he
can act, but more importantly, it will keep Tank from trying to save her. Her
greatest fear has become him getting hurt because of her. She couldn’t live
with herself if something happened to him.
“Thanks, Tucker. Listen I need to cancel on dinner tonight. Something
has come up.” Ruby prays he won’t press her. She doesn’t want to lie to
him, but she can’t let him know about her past. It is too dangerous for him
and her new friends. Yesterday she’d been all in for trusting Tucker to keep
them all safe, but now seeing those men hanging around has given her
second thoughts. Call her fickle if you want, but they’ll kill Tucker and not
think twice about if he gets in their way. Tucker pulls back to look at her.
He frowns down at her. She sees disappointment in his gaze. It hurts her
heart to know she has disappointed him. She keeps her eyes downcast not
making eye contact with him.
“What’s wrong, Ruby? You are shaking like a leaf and pale as if you
have seen a ghost. Has something else happened?” Tucker’s voice is soft
and tender. The concern on his face makes Ruby want to confide in him, but
she just can’t risk his life. When she shakes her head, he gives her another
frown. “Ruby, talk to me. Something is wrong, I can tell. Please, let me in.
Let me help you.”
“Tucker, I can’t. Please don’t push me. I just have something I need to
do.” Ruby pulls out of his arms and moves to leave. He takes her by the
upper arm to stop her from leaving.
“Ruby, you know that I am always here. Anything you need, just call
me, okay?” Ruby nods in reply and before she thinks about the
consequences, she leans into him, tilting her face up to him. She wants to
taste him just once more before she leaves him forever. Tucker wastes no
time closing the distance between them and captures her mouth in a carnal
kiss. She readily opens her mouth to give him entrance. He deepens the
kiss, sweeping his tongue over hers in a dance of lovers. He places his
hands on either side of her face and turns her head to give him better access
to her mouth. He explores her mouth sucking on her tongue and lower lip.
Then one of his hands slides into her hair and the other down to her lower
back, holding her to him. Ruby’s hands grip his biceps tightly. Ruby is lost
in the moment. She pours all her love and regret into the kiss. Tucker is too
perceptive as his next words tell her.
“God, woman. You undo me every time. What an amazing kiss,” Tucker
whispers in Ruby’s ear. “But why does it feel like it was good-bye?” Ruby
has tears in her eyes, but she wills them not to fall. She looks away from
him and clears the emotion from her throat before answering.
“I have to go, Tucker. Thank you for everything.” Ruby pulls herself out
of his embrace and hurries away before he can stop her. She knows that he
let her go. There is no way she could get away from him if he didn’t want to
let her go. As she exits the stage, she looks around the park. She doesn’t see
any sign of her brother or his goons. She has to get her meager belongings
from the shelter and get out of town before they catch up with her.
Ruby knows the men have followed her to the shelter. She is more than
thankful she has planned for just such a situation. She’d scoped out all the
possible exits from the shelter the first week she stayed here. She has a plan
B, C, and D for getting out of the shelter when she can’t use the front or
back door. She can get up to the roof from a stairwell in the back of the
building. Ruby has placed some planks on the roof she can use as a gang
plank to go from one building to the next. She has made a couple of
practice runs over the time she’s been here. She knows it will work.
After gathering her belongings into her backpack, she makes her escape.
Once on the roof, she looks over the side to the street. She sees the men
gathered across the street. Another man has joined them. It’s her brother,
Tony. She hurriedly moves her plank into position. She carefully wobbles
her way over the planks to the next building, hoping they don’t look up and
see her crossing. Reaching the other side, she pulls the plank toward her.
She carries the plank to the other side of the building and makes her way to
the next. She continues this pattern until she reaches the end of the block.
Using the fire escape on the last building, Ruby finally reaches the ground.
She hails a taxi and has them take her to the bus station.
She enters the Greyhound bus station and makes her way to the ticket
counter. Ruby buys a ticket to Raleigh from there she will figure out where
to head too next. She is in luck. The bus is leaving in only thirty minutes.
She prays that Tony or his goons don’t find her before she can get out of
town. Her heart is hurting. No, it’s breaking clean in two. She doesn’t want
to leave Jacksonville. She has made real friends here for the first time in six
years, but more than that, she has found Tank. She feels in her heart he is
the man she is meant to spend her life with, but she cares for him too much
to put him at risk. She’d never be able to live with herself if he is hurt or
killed at the hands of her mob family.
Ruby boards her bus. She looks around nervously but doesn’t see
anyone suspicious lurking. As the bus heads further away, Ruby stares out
the window. The tears she’s been holding since walking away from Tucker
begin to fall. She hates the way her life has turned out. It’s all so unfair, but
she doesn’t really have a choice. She can’t risk telling anyone about her
family and what she knows. Her father’s and her fiancé’s influences reach
too far. She isn’t sure she can ever move far enough away to ever be free.
She should have headed for the west coast, but it is hard to get enough
money for a trip like that. Ruby thinks about her next move as she travels
through the night. She knows she needs to head as far away from the east
coast as she can to ever feel safe.

Tony Amato arrives at a homeless shelter. It’s the same one he suspects his
sister has been holding up in for a while. He confers with his henchmen. All
of them, but one, are men he trusts with his life. The new guy came along
out of necessity as the man who would normally be here is in the hospital.
He has vetted the guy as best he can but hasn’t known him long enough to
be sure he wouldn’t betray him. After having an intense conversation with
them, he decides to send one of the men inside to see if he can find his
sister, Mary. If at all possible, they want to bring her in discreetly. The last
thing they want is to draw attention to themselves. Antonio, his and Mary’s
father will be furious if they make the news. Tony has felt his father’s wrath
one to many times over Mary’s disappearance. He will bring her in if it’s
the last thing he ever does. He promised his mother before her death he’d
always look after Mary. He’s failed her for too long. He can’t let anyone
know what he has planned, even the men he trusts.
“Mickie, get in there and find her, now! Johnny, Markus go to the back
in case she tries to sneak out that way. I am sick of this shit. Knock her out
if you have to. I just want to get her and get the fuck home,” Tony growls at
his men. “She has been a pain in my ass for too damn long. She is going to
regret running off and making me look bad.”


Tank keeps a safe distance as he tails Ruby. Close enough to keep an
eye on her but far enough away to not let her know he is following her. He
knows something is terribly wrong with her. He doesn’t want to invade her
privacy, but he can feel it in his bones. Ruby is in serious trouble and it is
up to Tank to keep her safe. Tank notices a menacing looking man
following her every move. Ruby is constantly looking around like she
knows that someone is following her. Tank has noticed her doing that when
he first met her, but over the time they’ve spent together, she’s relaxed.
Whenever she is with him, she isn’t on edge every minute.
Tank watches as Ruby enters the homeless shelter. He should have
pushed her to tell him her secrets, but he didn’t want her to run from him.
He’s kicking himself for it now. He takes up watch outside the shelter. He
calls Hawk while he watches the door.
“Tank, what’s up?” Hawk’s baritone voice comes across the line. Tank
sighs in relief that he has he commanding officer and friend on the line. He
knows that his friends will do all they can to help him take care of Ruby.
“Hawk, I have a situation. Something is going on with Ruby. I don’t
have anything concrete, but she is acting strange. I followed her back to the
shelter after rehearsal to make sure she made it here safely and I caught a
rough looking man following her.” Tank pauses catching a breath. “Two
more have shown up. They seem to be setting up a perimeter around the
“Damn, Tank. I’ll call the guys and we will be down there in fifteen.
Hold tight, we will be there as soon as we can.” The call ends abruptly.
Tank isn’t surprised. Hawk isn’t one for goodbyes, at least with his
teammates. Tank wonders if he should text Ruby and tell her about the
danger waiting outside the shelter but decides against it. He is sure she
knows. It’s the reason she broke their dinner date. He doesn’t want to spook
her even more. Tank continues to watch the men lurking around the door to
the shelter. If they make a move to enter the shelter Tank knows he can’t
wait for his teammates. He’ll have to act on his own and pray he can keep
her safe. Reaching into his glove box, he checks his 9mm, shucking a round
into the chamber. Tucking it into the waistband of his pants, he quickly
checks his ankle holster and ensures his K-bar knife is securely in its
sheath, and strapped securely to his thigh.
Tank notices another man arriving. He gives off the vibe of being the
boss. The men huddle together conversing intensely for several minutes.
The newcomer, very animated, pointing toward the shelter as if he’s giving
them commands on where to go and what he wants them to do. Tank is
getting ready to intervene even without back up if they make a move toward
the shelter.
Tank, seeing the men make their move, begins to move toward the
shelter. He has watched the shelter doors closely, but he hasn’t seen any
sign of Ruby. Hawk and his teammates arrive about the time Tank sees one
of the men entering the front door of the shelter. Tank is on the move
heading toward the front door and Ruby. Hawk, Ace, Mercury, and
Deadeye are at his side in the blink of an eye. Tank notices the others,
Straw, Wallace, Hack, Virus and Worm heading toward the back of the
“What’s going on, Tank?” Hawk asks as soon as they catch up to him.
Tank points toward the man he’d seen arrive a few minutes ago.
“That man just sent a guy inside the shelter. I’m sure they are after
Ruby. He sent another couple of guys around back. I have to get to her
before they do. I don’t know what they want with her, but it can’t be good.”
Tank has reached the sidewalk in front of the shelter. Hawk, Deadeye, and
Mercury move toward the man who’s directing the men after Ruby while
Tank and Ace head inside the shelter.
As they enter the shelter, Jolene is walking down the hall from her
office. Her face lights up when she sees the men entering the lobby. “What
are you guys doing here this evening?” Jolene asks.
“Where’s Ruby?” Tank demands in a gruff voice. Jolene’s face falls and
pales a little at his harsh tone of voice.
“I don’t know, Tank. Why? Is something wrong?” Worry lines cross
Jolene’s face as she waits for a reply.
“We don’t know for sure, Jolene,” Ace answers. “Tank is just worried
about her. He didn’t mean to be an ass,” Ace replies in a soothing tone to
assure Jolene everything is all right. A loud bang and a scream from the
rooms where the residents stay have the men and Jolene on the move. They
enter the women’s section of the shelter to see a man being beaten by
several of the women residents of the shelter. Many of the other women and
children are huddled next to the walls on either side of the room.
“What is going on in here?” Jolene shouts, and all activity stops. The
man tries to get up to escape, but Ace and Tank are on him before he can
move. They haul him up by his arms and drag him toward the door of the
women’s room.
“That man is demanding we tell him where Ruby is hiding. He claims to
be her boyfriend, but I know for a fact that the only man Ruby has been
seeing is that brute over there,” Shelia, one of the regulars at the shelter, is
pointing toward Tank. “He thought he could force me to tell him where she
is, but we got the better of him. Dumbass. He should know that no woman
staying in a shelter is going to tell a man where another woman is hiding.”
Jolene looks around the room. “Where is Ruby, Shelia? I saw her come
in a little while ago.”
Shelia shrugs her shoulders. “She left out the back way about twenty
minutes ago.”
Tank leaves Ace to handle the man and hurries for the back of the
shelter. He looks out the back door and sees Straw and Hack hauling one of
the other men toward the front of the shelter. Tank scans the back lot but
doesn’t see any sign of Ruby. As he turns back inside the shelter, he notices
another door to his left. He opens the door to see a set of stairs heading
upward. He follows them up a couple of flights to another door that opens
onto the roof. Tank looks for any sign that Ruby has been here. He sees a
plank laying off to his right. He walks over to the side of the roof and
notices scrape marks on the edge of the roof. He kneels to get a closer look.
Hearing the door to the roof open, he looks over his shoulder to see Hawk,
Wallace, and Worm stalking over to him.
“What did you find, Tank?” Worm asks as they approach him.
“I’m not sure. I saw this plank and see these scrape marks on the edge
of the ledge,” Tank stands and peers over at the next building. “Do you
think she could have used a plank to get over to the next building?”
“It’s possible. It would make sense. How she just disappeared from the
shelter without a trace,” Hawk muses as they continue to scan their
surroundings. Fear races through Tank. Where is she? Has one of those men
already found her? Tank feels sick thinking about her being out there all
“Hawk were you able to detain the lead man?” Tank asks. Those men
are the key to finding out who is after Ruby and why. He needs to know
these things in order to keep her safe.
“Yes,” Hawk replies. “We have four of them in custody. Ace, Straw and
some of the others are holding them downstairs.” When Hawk finishes,
Tank turns and heads for the door. He has to find Ruby before someone else
“Where are you going, Tank?” Hawk enquires after him.
“To get some answers so I can find my woman. Come on, we are going
to need some extra help with this.” Tank opens the door and heads back
down into the shelter. When Tank reaches the bottom floor, he heads to the
cafeteria where his companions are holding the men who were chasing
Ruby. He is ready to question them. He wants to know why they are after
her and what they want with her. Maybe they will be able to give him a clue
as to where she has disappeared. His need to know she’s safe is riding him
hard. He won’t rest until he can see her and hold her once more.
Hours later Tank is beyond angry. They moved the men from the shelter
to Hack’s basement. They have been at this for hours; the men have been
unwilling to cooperate. Tank wants nothing more than to beat it out of them,
but Hawk has refused to let him. He knows that it would cost him his
career, but Ruby is much more important than his career, than anything.
“Tell me where she is!” Tank growls at the men. He is fast losing his
ability to contain his anger.
“We don’t know where she is you, dumb fuck. If we knew that we
wouldn’t be here. We would have been long gone, before you got here,” the
lead man barks back. Tank is ready to beat him to a bloody pulp. Hawk
moves before Tank can react. He grabs the man by his shirt front and raises
him off the floor.
“You will tell us everything you know about Ruby Cox,” Hawk yells at
the man. The look on his face would make any grown man piss his pants.
Hawk is through playing the good cop.
“Ruby Cox? You don’t even know her real name.” The man laughs
cruelly. “You all are so defensive of her and she hasn’t even been honest
with you. You have no idea what the bitch…” His words are cut off by
Tank’s fist colliding with his face. Tank longs to hit him again, but Hawk
has hauled the bastard away from Tank.
“Tank you need to leave. We will sort this out. Go and see what Worm
and Hack have found out,” Hawk commands. Tank stalks from the room in
search of his companions. As Tank enters the next room, Hack looks up to
see him coming their way.
“There you are, Tank,” Hack calls to him. “Hawk put a call in to Tex. If
anyone can track her it’s him.” Tex the former Navy SEAL was medically
discharged after losing a leg on a mission. He is an expert with computers
and electronics. He can get information no one else can seem to find with a
speed that is scary. While everything he does isn’t always legal, he is relied
on by many current members in service. He has dedicated his skills to
helping those in need. Hacks phone begins to ring. Hack put is on speaker
so they can all hear. “Hey, Tex. What have you got for me?”
“I was able to access the street and security cameras around the shelter.
It appears she was able to move across the roof tops. She exited via a fire
escape at a building down at the end of the block.” Tex’s voice echoes in the
quiet room. “She is very smart to have figured out an alternate escape route
from the shelter.”
“Was anyone with her?” Tank asks. He is worried that one of the
assholes tailing her has gotten a hold of her.
“No, she was alone,” Tex answers. Tank is getting frustrated.
“Then where is she?” he demands. He’s tried calling her multiple times,
but she hasn’t answered
“I have tracked her to the Greyhound bus station. She is on a bus to
Raleigh. It should be arriving soon. I will keep an eye on the cameras at the
Raleigh station and will send you updates. She hasn’t turned her phone off,
so you can still communicate with her,” Tex informs the men.
“I could if she would answer me,” Tank grumbles. He is on the move
before Tex has finished giving his report. Hack is calling for Hawk and the
others to follow. Hawk catches Tank before he can pull away. “Tank we
can’t hold these men. They haven’t actually broken any laws. I have to let
them go.”
“I know, Hawk. I hate it, but right now I need to find Ruby. She is on
the run. I need to get her before she disappears for good. I’ll be back as
soon as I can,” Hawk nods and gives Tank his blessing. He will take care of
covering his leave. He has plenty of time saved up.

The bus pulling into the station at Raleigh wakes Ruby from a restless
sleep. She is surprised she was even able to sleep, but she is emotionally
and physically exhausted. As she disembarks from the bus, her phone dings.
She’d almost forgotten she had it on her. She takes her phone out of her
backpack and sees a message from Tank.
Tank- Hey, beautiful. Please tell me you’re, okay?
Ruby- I’m okay. I’m sorry I had to skip out on you tonight.
Tank- I know that something is going on with you. I wish you felt you
could trust me enough to make it better for you. You know I would do
anything for you.
Ruby- I know you would do anything for me, Tucker. I have never
doubted it. It’s not that I don’t trust you; I do. It’s just I care about you too
much to let my twisted past bring harm to you or the others.
Tank- Tell me where you are. I’ll come get you and we will figure this
out together. Please, beautiful.
Ruby- I can’t take the risk. You mean too much to me. You made me
care, Tucker. I never thought I would feel this way about anyone. It’s
because I care that we can’t be together.
Tank- Don’t shut me out. I can’t let you go, not after I got a taste of you.
I care about you, deeply. Please, baby, just tell me where you are.
Ruby-I’m so sorry. I should never have let this go on this long. I knew it
couldn't last, but I was selfish. I had hoped we could have a little longer, but
my past has come back to haunt me. I will never forget you, Tucker.
Ruby shuts the phone off. She can’t handle his pleas. She wants nothing
more than to tell him where she is and let him come get her. She wants to be
selfish and grab on to her heart’s desire, but she can’t if she truly loves him.
He is more important than her needs. Ruby knows her father and brother
will never stop until she is brought back into the fold. They want the
evidence they believe she has against them and will stop at nothing to get it.
Getting off the bus, Ruby heads to the ticket counter. She needs to get on
another bus and keep moving.
At the ticket counter, she discovers that there aren’t any more buses
leaving the station tonight. It will be six a.m. before the next bus leaves the
station and it is headed back the way she came. She decides to find
somewhere to spend the night. She will come back in the morning and get a
ticket heading west. Ruby leaves the station. She turns the phone back on
long enough to use the map app to find a local park. Once she knows where
she is headed, she turns it back off. She feels guilty using the phone Tank
got her, but it is very handy. It’s better she knows where she is going instead
of wondering around like a tourist. It’s a sure way to get robbed.
Ruby finds the park she had seen on the map. She walks around the park
looking for a safe place to try and catch some sleep. She finds a bench in a
secluded part of the park. Using her backpack for a pillow, Ruby lays down
on the bench and closes her eyes. She cries softly as she thinks about
Tucker, Ellie, Jolene, Abigail, and everyone she has to leave behind. She
hopes they will understand, but how can they? She left without any
explanation. After a long while she finally cries herself to sleep.
Waking with a start, Ruby’s first thought is she’s so cold. A light rain
has fallen while she’s been sleeping. Her next thought is she’s in serious
trouble. Rough hands have pulled her from the bench and shoved her to the
ground. Several men are around her. They have her hands behind her back
before she is aware of what is happening. She struggles to get her hands
free so she can get to the can of mace she always carries with her, but the
men are too strong. She can’t get free. Her mind is racing, trying to think of
anything that will keep the men from raping her as they’ve not tried to hide
the fact that’s what they intend to do. One of the men kicks her, knocking
the breath out of her. Then suddenly the weight on her back is gone. The
men around her scattering like roaches when the lights come on.

Tank has driven like a madman from Jacksonville to Raleigh. He is
thankful to his teammates that have readily followed him. Tex has assured
him that Ruby is still in the city. There aren’t any buses that will leave
Raleigh before six a.m. He’d pushed his luck when texting her. Trying to
get her to tell him where she’s at, but he had to know if she is okay and let
her know he will take care of her. He didn’t tell her he was coming for her.
He knew she would bolt if she knew he was coming to get her. He knows
her fear isn’t of him but of harm coming to him or their friends because of
her connection to the mob.
Tex had reported he had seen her on a security camera, entering a city
park. Tank heads straight for the park as he enters the city. He parks along
the street near where Tex reports Ruby entered the park. His teammates pull
in behind him. The men roll out of their vehicles. They split up and begin to
search the park for her. As they move deeper into the park, Tank hears
raised voices up ahead. He motions to Straw, Ace, and Hack. They fan out
to surround the voices they hear coming from just up ahead.
“Come on girl. Don’t be that way. I promise I’ll make it good for you.”
A male voice carries across the quite night. “You’re new here. You have to
pay to sleep in our park, baby.”
“Look, asshole. I’m not paying you anything. Now fuck off, before I
have to hurt you.” Ruby’s voice carries in the night air. Tank picks up the
pace. If they have laid a finger on her, they are dead men walking. Tank
rounds a corner, and his heart drops at the sight before him.
Ruby is on the ground next to a bench. Several large males are standing
over her while another male is kneeling next to her. Ruby is struggling to
get out of the man’s tight grip. He has her arms hauled up behind her back.
He motions at one of the men to his right. Before Tank can react, the man
has kicked Ruby in the side.
“Hold her down, dammit. I can’t hold her and fuck her,” The man on the
ground with her yells at his friends. “You will all get a turn, but I go first.
Now help me.” The man begins to fumble with the waistband of his pants
as a couple of the other men hold Ruby’s arms. A whistle from behind them
stops all the men’s movements. It’s a signal from Straw. He’s in position.
Tank answers the call as the other men also answer. Everyone is in position.
As a unit, they move in to overpower the men and secure Ruby.
Tank grabs the dickhead trying to rape his woman by his hair and the
seat of his pants, jerking him back, and throwing him to the ground. Then
with two quick punches to his face, the man is out. Tank would like to keep
beating him, but he needs to get to his woman. Straw, Ace, and Hack have
taken care of the other punks. Hurrying to her, Tank lifts her in his arms.
“Hey, beautiful. Are you hurt?” Tank runs his hands over her body,
checking for injuries. She clings to him as if he is a dream she doesn’t want
to wake up from. She buries her face into his shirt and breathes deeply. He
growls liking that she’s taking in his scent.
“You are really here?” Ruby whispers as she places her hands on his
face. “How did you find me?”
“Yeah, beautiful. I’m here,” Tank tells her. “I’ll always come for you
whenever you need me.” He can’t resist adding his next statement. “You
didn’t think you would get away from me that easily, did you?” She sucks
in a breath at his statement, causing him to chuckle. He said those same
words to her the first time they met. She stares at him in awe with her
mouth agape. Tank leans down and kisses her. He makes love to her mouth.
He has been so afraid he’d never see her again. He just has to reassure
himself she is here, in his arms, safe and sound.
Tank stands, lifting Ruby into his arms. He moves back through the
park toward his truck. He needs to get her warm and dry. She is soaking wet
and shivering. His team moves to follow him. Tank glances back over his
shoulder to see the men who had been attacking Ruby lying scattered on the
ground. Good enough for them. Maybe they will think twice before they try
to rape another woman. Hack is on his phone likely alerting the authorities
about the incident and ensuring the men are arrested.
Straw hurries past them and opens the truck door. Tank climbs into the
passenger side of the back seat, handing Straw his keys before settling Ruby
on his lap. Straw climbs in the driver’s side. He starts the truck and cranks
up the heat. Straw drove them expertly through town and onto the interstate.
He connected a call to Hawk letting their team leader know Ruby is safe
and they’re on their way home. Ruby lifts her head to look around sleepily a
couple of times but falls back to sleep in minutes. Tank holds her over on
his shoulder. He got her into the middle seat in the back and buckled her in
before they left the park. He wanted to hold her in his arms the whole trip,
but he’s a stickler for seatbelts given his past.

“Shhh, beautiful. I’ve got you. I won’t let anyone hurt you again,” Tucker
murmurs in her ear when Ruby wakes with a start after a bad dream. They
are still in the truck headed back to Jacksonville. She should argue with
him, demand he put her out on the side of the road to protect him and their
friends, but she’s too exhausted to put up much of a fight. She lays her head
back onto his shoulder and allows sleep take her.
Ruby awakens when the truck slows to a stop. She raises her head to
look around. Straw is getting out of the driver’s side. Tucker unbuckles her
belt and pulls her on his lap. He opens the door and slides out easily. He
carries her in the back door of the house and hurries to the stairs. He climbs
the staircase two steps at a time. Reaching the top, he takes her to his room
and into his amazing bathroom.
Ruby’s clothes are still damp from her time in the rain. Tucker sits her
on the counter near the double sinks. He turns the water on and plugs the
tub. Once he seems satisfied with the water temperature, he turns back to
her. “Raise your arms, beautiful.” He grabs the hem of her damp t-shirt and
begins to raise it off her body.
“Tucker! What are you doing?” Ruby’s eyes are wide. Her breathing has
sped up, her pulse hammering in her throat. Her face heats as he removes
her shirt. The look he’s giving her is setting her blood on fire. She’s no
longer feeling very cold.
“I’m taking care of you. Now let’s get these wet clothes off,” Tucker
states calmly. Ruby is so overwhelmed she complies without arguing. She
allows him to strip the clothes from her body. He reaches behind her,
making quick work of the clasps on her bra. He slides it off and drops it to
the floor with her shirt. Ruby sees his eyes full of desire, and his breath
hitches as he takes in the sight of her ample breasts with hard peaked
nipples from a combination of desire and the cold.
Tucker puts his hands on her hips and slides her off the counter. He
quickly unbuttons her jeans. He hooks his fingers in the waistband and
slides both her jeans and panties down her legs in one fell swoop. He taps
each foot for her to step out of each leg after he has removed her tennis
shoes. Standing naked before him, Ruby watches in awe as Tucker begins
to remove his own clothes.
He sweeps his t-shirt over his head. Her eyes feast on his incredible
physique. His body is nothing but rippling, flexing muscles. She wants to
put her hands on him, to lick every perfect inch of him. The way his
pectorals move, draws her attention. She watches as he unbuttons his pants.
She reaches out and hooks her fingers in the waistband. She slowly lowers
his pants, making sure she takes his boxers with them. She swallows hard as
her face passes by his very erect cock. He has already removed his boots,
and he quickly steps out of his pants. He turns to the tub to shut off the
Tucker lifts her into his arms and steps into the tub. He lowers them
down into the warm water. Ruby moans as the warmth envelops them. She
hasn’t realized how much she’s been trembling until the warm water covers
her body. Tank pulls her body close to his, as he settles her between his
legs. She shivers more from desire than being cold. She’s never been in
such an intimate position before.
“Relax, beautiful. Let me take care of you.” Ruby nods in response to
his request. She allows him to pull her against his chest. She lets her head
fall back onto his shoulder and closes her eyes. Tank wets her hair with
warm water and then massages shampoo into her hair. It feels so good for
someone to be washing her hair. Not someone, Tucker. Taking a washcloth
he soaps her body, slowly and tenderly. Keeping her eyes closed, Ruby gets
lost in his hands on her body. Tucker washes her entire body. Ruby’s breath
hitches when he washes her breasts and again when he washes her lady
parts. She parts her legs wider to give him access. He takes the invitation,
and once he is satisfied she is clean, he runs his fingers up her folds.
She jerks in surprise. He stills his movements. “May I?” he softly asks.
She nods. He holds her still against him with his left arm across her chest.
His right hand finds her clit. He strokes it slowly, gently at first, learning
what she likes. As she squirms in his arms, he increases the speed and
pressure of his actions. Tucker uses his left hand to squeeze and pinch her
nipples. A low moan escapes Ruby’s lips. Her head rolls against his hard-
muscular chest. Ruby’s hips seem to have a mind of their own, bucking to
meet his fingers. He slides a finger inside while using his thumb to keep up
the assault on her clit. The sensations are so new to her, so much more than
she’s ever given herself. He adds a second finger, driving her ever closer.
“That’s it, beautiful. Move your hips, fuck yourself on my fingers. You
like it, don’t you? You are so hot, so amazing. You are the most beautiful
woman I have ever seen. Let me see you come, baby. Go on fall over the
edge.” Tucker’s gruff voice rumbling against her back as his fingers fuck in
and out of her push her over the brink. Her body shudders violently in his
arms. He continues to work her dragging out her orgasm. When she begins
to whimper with discomfort, he pulls his hand back and gently massages
her mound.
“God, woman! That was the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed.
Thank you for letting me pleasure you.” Tucker kisses the back of her head.
His arms are wrapped tightly around her waist. Ruby laughs softly.
“I think I’m supposed to thank you, Tucker. If you can do that with just
your hand, I am in serious trouble if you use your cock.” Ruby can feel his
hard length pressed into her lower back.
“Oh, I’m going to use my cock, beautiful. As soon as you are ready. I
won’t push you for more than you are ready to give, though.” His words do
something to her. She wants him more than she has ever wanted anything
before. Not caring about the consequences, she quickly turns around to face
him and straddles his groin. Undulating against him, she sees the desire in
his eyes. She reaches down between them, positions his cock at her
entrance and begins to slide down on his length. She pauses a moment
when she feels the resistance of her hymen. He bucks his hips up to meet
her gaining them another inch or so breaking through the barrier. She cries
out as her pussy burns from the pain and stretching of her walls, but she
wants this pain. She wants Tucker. Ruby has never felt so full or so good.
“Damn, your tight beautiful. Am I hurting you?” Tank asks with
concern, stilling his movements.
“No, it’s good, Tucker, really good.” Ruby rolls her hips before she
raises herself up until just the tip of his cock is still inside her before she
slides back down on him. Her movements uncoordinated and awkward at
first. Tank moans with her as he bottoms out inside her. With his hands on
her hips assisting her, she rises and falls again and again on his hard shaft.
The water sloshing in the tub and their moans echo in the tiled room. The
sounds they are making are pornographic worthy as she rides him, hard and
“I’m not going to last long, beautiful. It’s been a long time for me, and
I’ve had blue balls since the day I met you. I’ve dreamed about our first
time, and this is far exceeding anything I ever imagined.” Tank grunts out
the words as he uses his hands on her hips to help her move up and down on
his hard cock. “Touch yourself, baby. Make yourself come again. Come on
my cock you’re riding.”
Ruby blushes at his words, but she immediately moves her hand to her
clit and begins to work it franticly. It is so erotic to feel and hear the water
sloshing around their joined bodies. Ruby can’t keep from moaning at the
sensations Tucker is making her feel. As she feels her orgasm build, closer
and closer to release, Tucker’s movements increase.
“Come for me, beautiful,” Tucker roars out. “I need you to come for
me!” At his command, Ruby feels her orgasm break. She clings to his
shoulders as he fucks her even faster and harder until he comes inside her.
She lays over on his chest, heaving from exertion. She couldn’t speak if she
tried. There are no words for what she’s just experienced for the first time in
her life. He doesn’t speak either as they hold one another. When his
breathing has evened out and the water is becoming chilled, he eases her up
letting his cock slip from her channel. She stands so they can exit the tub.
“What the fuck, Ruby?” Tucker exclaims. His eyes focused between her
legs. She glances down where his gaze is lingering between her legs, seeing
the blood mixed with their combined release. She flushes with
embarrassment. She hadn’t told him she was a virgin. Perhaps she should
have, he doesn’t look pleased. “You said I wasn’t hurting you,” he accuses.
His eyes raise to meet hers. His concern for her clear as day.
“You didn’t Tucker, not really, honestly.” Ruby tries to keep her voice
even, but her eyes are stinging with unshed tears. “No more than I expected
it too.” The most glorious moment of her life is being ruined. It’s more than
she can take. His eyes flash with her statement. He looks at her intently. His
eyes widen as he realizes what just happened. He stands then taking her in
his arms, holding her close.
“You should have told me you were a virgin, beautiful,” Tank murmurs
into her hair. “I would have been gentler with you.” His voice no longer
harsh, but the soft, sweet voice he’s always uses to speak to her. This only
causes her tears to break free and trail down her cheeks, her body shaking
with emotion. “No, baby, please don’t cry. Please, what we just shared is
precious, priceless. Don’t regret it.”
Ruby pulls back to look up and the gorgeous man holding her. “I don’t
regret it, Tucker, not for a second. Are upset with me for not telling you I
was a virgin?” Ruby asks him.
“I’m not upset with you, beautiful.” Tank cups her face in his hands.
“I’m upset that I might have hurt you. I’m a big man, not that I’m bragging.
It’s just a fact and you are so tiny and delicate. I would never forgive myself
if I hurt you.” He kisses her then tilting her head to his liking as he devours
her mouth. After he kisses her silly, beyond all rational thought, he washes
them both off and lifts her from the tub, setting her feet on the rug. The heat
lamp from above keeping her warm while he gets them a couple of bath
sheets to dry their bodies. When he’s dried her head to toes and allowed her
to dry him in return, he carries her back into the large bedroom. Carefully
cradling her in his arms, he turns back the navy-blue bedspread and
matching sheets to place her on his California King bed. Then he slides in
beside her, pulling her body flush with his.

“Thank you, beautiful,” Tucker says after a few moments of holding her
close. They’re snuggled up in his bed.
“For what?” Ruby asks curiously.
“For letting me be the first.” Tucker’s voice is thick with emotion which
only makes Ruby love him all the more. Just thinking this larger-than-life
beast of a man could feel such emotion for her is overwhelming. She wants
more than anything to lay in his arms for the rest of her life, no matter how
long that might be. They lie in silence, just holding each other, enjoying the
feel of their skin touching. It isn’t long before he breaks the silence.
“You’re in so much trouble, little one,” Tucker murmurs in her ear
before nuzzling her neck, placing feather light kisses along the column of
her neck. She struggles to focus on his words as his lips and tongue trail
over her flesh. As his words begin to register, she wonders how he’s come
to know about her troubles, but quickly realizes they aren’t talking about
the same trouble. “You ran from me again instead of toward me. I’ve told
you plenty of times I can and will keep you safe, so why did you run?”
Ruby closes her eyes and tries to think of a way to explain her insane
life situation to him in a way that will get him to back off, but her mind is
mush. Just putty in his hands, which are also roaming her body. How is she
supposed to answer his question? Rolling her onto her back, he hovers over
“Uh, well…I…” Ruby can’t make a coherent sentence while he’s
sweetly torturing her. He chuckles before sucking a nipple into his mouth,
flicking it with his tongue several times before biting down on the tender
flesh. She moans at the sensations flooding her body. Her hands begin to
explore his hard muscular body, roaming over his back. She loves the feel
of his flesh under her hands, but more than that she loves the feel of his
body over hers. She needs him again. She might be new to sex, but her
body knows what it wants. It wants him inside her again. She parts her legs,
allowing him to slide between her thighs.
His cock is hard again. It presses against her pussy. Like a wanton hussy
she arches her hips upward to rub against him over and over, creating just
the right friction on her clit, but it’s not enough. She needs his cock inside
her, hitting all the sensitive spots, stretching her almost beyond what’s
“So eager,” Tanks murmurs against her breast before devouring it again.
“My little one wants more?
His eyes flick to hers. He grins when she silently nods. He turns his
attention back to her breasts, sucking, licking, nipping the tender bubs.
She’s so lost in the sensation she doesn’t realize what’s happening until he
pushes her thighs wider, settling his broad shoulders between them. With
wide eyes she peers down at him, embarrassment flooding her face as he
stares at her pussy before leaning closer to inhale deeply. A deep guttural
groan escapes him.
“Fuck, beautiful, you smell divine,” Tank rumbles, “and I’ll bet you
taste even better.” Not giving her time to respond, he lowers his head to
slowly lick her from bottom to top. His thumbs open her pussy lips, and he
dives in, making sure to dip inside, flicking his tongue to gather the
moisture that is leaking from her core. His tongue trails up to loop around
her clit before tonguing it several times. Ruby can’t keep from moaning, her
hands going into his short hair, holding his head where she needs it.
Fuck! Ruby’s read about a man eating a woman’s pussy but never
experienced it personally. My God! How has she lived this long without
experiencing this? His tongue is exploring her depths with such skill she’s
jealous thinking about the other women on whom he has practiced. He
loops her clit again then sucks on it. Intense pleasure draws a long low
moan from her. She feels him smile against her pussy before he latches onto
her clit once more, sucking, licking, and teasing her closer and closer to her
Tucker is going to ruin her. He’s making her feel so damn good, much
better than she’s ever imagined or been able to do to herself. He’s paying
attention to her reactions, too. He seems to zero in on what makes her
moan, hips buck against his face, and what causes her thighs to tremble. He
repeats his actions until she flies apart, screaming his name over and over.
Her hips moving against his mouth chasing the exquisite feelings he’s
giving her. Eventually when it begins to feel uncomfortable, he slows his
attentions, seeming reluctant to stop tasting her. He raises his head, and
their eyes meet. He places feather light kisses on her mound and then each
thigh before he moves up her body, taking his time exploring as he goes.
Ruby can do nothing but watch as he worships her body, so reverent and
tender. He comes to hover over her, staring into her eyes before dropping
his head to kiss her lips. Sweet, loving, closed-mouth kisses at first which
only cause her to get feelings she shouldn’t be having. His groin has settled
in the space between her legs, which are still spread wide, just how he’d
positioned them when he’d been eating her. He pumps his hips, letting his
erection glide through her wet folds. He smiles down at her when she is
again moaning her pleasure at the perfect friction he’s creating on her clit.
Ruby wraps her legs around his hips, digging her heels in his ass,
attempting to encourage him to slide inside. Silently begging him to give
her what she needs.
“Are you sure, beautiful?” Tank’s deep, gravelly voice causing her need
to ramp up. “You’re likely to be sore. We can wait a few days until you’re
healed.” He lowers his head to kiss her again. Wanting more than the
teasing kisses he’s just given her. Ruby opens her mouth, swiping her
tongue against his lips. He opens for her, and they spend some time
exploring one another. Their tongues dancing at first, before they begin to
battle for dominance. He breaks the kiss, coming up for air. They’re both
breathing heavily.
“Tucker, please,” Ruby begs. “I don’t care about being sore, or healing,
or anything other than having you inside me. I need to feel you.” He stares
down at her, searching her eyes before he reaches between them. He rubs
the head of his cock through her folds, moistening it thoroughly before
notching it at her entrance. He pushes inside a couple of inches before
backing out to slide inside again. He takes his time, working himself deeper
on each thrust. Ruby is a little tender in her nether region, but she won’t tell
him that, because it hurts so damn good. Tucker is being a little too
considerate. He’s taking entirely too long to seat himself, so she lifts her
hips to meet him, forcing him a little deeper. On his next thrust, with her
combined effort, he hits home, and a groan escapes her. Tank groans too,
much deeper sounding more like a growl.
“Fuck!” Tucker exclaims. “Am I hurting you?” He searches her eyes as
she shakes her head. She pushes her hips up to encourage him to get on
with it. She wants him to fuck her well and good, but he doesn’t move.
“Beautiful?” Her eyes fly to his. He has a tortured look on his face. “Are
you going to run from me again?” She shakes her head. No, she’ll never be
able to leave him not after this. “Good, because I can’t let you go, not ever
again. You’re mine, Ruby. All mine.”
His possessive words warm her heart even more. Her hands run up his
arms, which are plastered on either side of her head, holding his weight off
her tinier frame. She lifts, pumping her hips. Her movements spur him into
action. Slowly he slides out to the tip, then slides back inside. He takes his
time. Tortuously slow, he slides in and out keeping his eyes locked on hers.
“God, beautiful, you feel so good.”
A slow, tingling, burn begins to build between her thighs. Ruby moans
as she thrusts her hips up to meet his. Her hands roam over as much of the
expanse of his back as she can reach.
“Please, Tucker,” she begs. “I need to come. I need more.” Tucker
increases his pace. He moves his left arm under her right thigh, hitching her
leg higher, throwing it over his shoulder, which changes the angle of his
thrusts. The new position has him driving even deeper, hitting just the right
spot. The tingling between her thighs increases, and she eagerly lifts to
meet his thrusts. Tucker uses his right hand to rub her clit, faster and faster
until she falls over the edge. Her pussy clenches as she comes on his cock.
“Tucker!” Ruby screams his name as her release washes over her. Wave
after wave of pleasure shoots through her as Tucker continues to pound into
her. Her orgasm triggers Tucker’s, his thrusts becoming harder and faster. A
few strokes later, he comes, filling her with his seed.
“Oh beautiful!” Tucker exclaims as he comes. He shudders, giving a
few slow jerky thrusts, emptying the rest of his release inside her. Tucker
lowers himself down over her. Enveloping her body with his. He keeps the
bulk of his weight on his hands, being careful not to crush her. He’s so
thoughtful, she thinks. She holds him to her a few beats, until his softened
cock slips from her channel in a wet sloppy mess. He rolls onto his side but
pulls her to him, holding her close as they recover. Ruby can hardly catch
her breath from the explosive moment they’ve shared.
“Second best sex of my life,” Tank whispers in her ear, before planting a
kiss to her hair. His words causing a pang to shoot through her. Who was
the best? She wonders before he continues, “The first being in the tub
earlier. For you to have been a virgin, you are very skilled in driving me
crazy, babe.” A smug smile forms on Ruby’s face. She knows she isn’t
Tucker’s first lover, but damn she hopes she’s his last. It’s a dangerous
thought for both of them. Her mob family will never stop hunting her, and
she has a feeling Tucker isn’t ever going to let her go. Not that she wants
him to, but how can she keep him safe? By telling him the truth. All of it.
It’s time to come clean.
“Tucker, I-I need to tell you…” Ruby pauses, not wanting to ruin the
moment, but needing to tell him all the same. Her fear for Tucker
momentarily stealing her voice. Will he see her differently after she
confesses her family’s involvement with the mob?
“Tell me what, beautiful?” Tucker’s question draws her out of her fear
induced haze. “No matter what’s troubling you or whoever is after you,
nothing is going to change the fact you are mine, Ruby. I’ve lied to myself
most of my adult life. I told myself I didn’t want to love anyone, because I
didn’t want to hurt like I have over losing my parents and little sister, but
Ruby, you’ve changed my mind. I love you Ruby, more than I’ve ever
imagined I could love someone. I can’t; I won’t live without you. Just trust
me with your secrets, please?” Ruby steels herself mentally before
beginning her tale.
“Do you remember me telling you about the night my mother died?”
Ruby asks. Tucker nods, so she continues, “I didn’t know at the time, but
my mother’s death was a mob hit.” Ruby swallows the tears that always
threaten anytime she remembers that awful night. “I was supposed to die,
too, but I fell. They missed me. A few short days after her death, my father
informed me about the family business. I’d been sheltered all my life. Mom
made sure I never knew anything about our family and the criminal activity
they were involved in. Oh, I should have known, but I never questioned the
odd things. My father being called away for emergencies at his warehouse
in the middle of the night or the ‘uncles’ who drove us around. One of them
was always with us, at home, shopping, they drove Tony and I to and from
school, but I didn’t question any of it. Many of my cousins and friends had
drivers, too. Anyway, after telling me about our family’s involvement in
organized crime, father said it was time for me to do my part in the family
business.” Ruby takes a deep calming breath as she remembers her shock
and fear during those days.
“Go on, baby.” Tucker tightens his hold on her before kissing her
temple. “I’m right here, and I’ll never let them hurt you.” Ruby nods and
finishes her awful tale.
“I was told I was going to marry Giovanni Russo, Jr.,” Ruby says with a
shaky voice. “He’s heir to one of the more vicious factions of the Colombo
Crime family in New York City. I didn’t want to get married to a stranger
and certainly not to one in the mob. My brother, Tony, just sat there, not
saying a word. He knew about the family business. He always had. He’s a
part of it, too, going to work with our father after he finished college.
Today, at the rehearsal, I saw men who I’m certain are part of the family.
Whether they are with my father’s or Russo’s, I don’t know, but it doesn’t
matter. They are here to get me and drag me back to my family and the
messed-up shit they’re in up to their eyeballs or kill me so I can’t reveal
their secrets. Either way I’m dead eventually.” Ruby looks up at Tucker.
“They’re never going to stop Tucker. They won’t hesitate to kill you or
anyone else who gets in their way. They aren’t above hurting women,
children, taking hostages to get what they want. I have to get away, Tucker
and I have to go alone. I…I love you, too, Tucker, and I can’t stand the
thought they would hurt you or your friends to get to me.” When he starts to
protest, she holds up a hand. “Think about Ellie, Tucker. What if they took
her? Please, it’s just too dangerous.”

Tank is reeling from Ruby’s revelation. Fuck! This is bad, but he’s not
going to let it stop him from keeping her safe, making her free to be with
him for the rest of their lives. He needs to update Tex with the information
Ruby has confided to him. He’ll also need to request a leave so he can take
Ruby somewhere safe until he can eliminate the threat against her. There’s
no fucking way he’s going to allow her family or Russo to get their hands
on her. She belongs to him. He’s not going to allow anyone to harm one hair
on her head, much less force her into a loveless marriage.
Tank lays in his bed, holding Ruby to him. He needs to get up and get a
cloth to wash her up. They’ve made a wet mess in his bed. Shit! They
haven’t used protection. He’s been so lost in Ruby, the feel of her incredible
body taking his. He didn’t think. He didn’t protect her. He’s clean. He’s
always used protection every single time he’s ever had sex in the past not
wanting to inadvertently create a child with some random woman he took to
bed for the night, but with Ruby it hadn’t even crossed his mind. He doubts
she’s on birth control, having been a virgin and living on the streets. He
doesn’t care at all if they’ve created a child tonight, but he’s angry with
himself for not thinking of her wants and needs. He doesn’t want to ruin the
comfortable silence they’ve been basking in since her confession, but he
needs to broach the subject with her.
“Hey, beautiful?” Tank looks down to see Ruby is fast asleep. He smiles
at her serene face so relaxed in sleep. He places a kiss to her forehead
pulling her a little closer to him. He closes his eyes, relishing the feel of her
body pressed to his. He sighs contentedly. In the morning, he’ll deal with
the heavy stuff, but for now, he’s going to hold his woman. Sleep takes him
in no time at all.
Hours later, Tank wakes with a start. Ruby is still wrapped in his arms.
He relaxes a little but still wondering what woke him. A telltale dinging
from his cell phone draws his attention. He eases out from under a sleeping
Ruby to grab his phone from the charger on his night stand. He’s gotten a
text from Hawk.
Hawk: Call me. We need to talk about these assholes we have in
Tank slips out of bed and into the bathroom. After taking care of
nature’s call, he calls Hawk. The man answers on the second ring.
“Jackson,” Hawk barks into the phone. Tank grimaces to himself. Boss
man sounds grumpy.
“Evans here, Sir,” Tank replies, choosing to be formal in hopes of
appeasing Hawk’s mood.
“Look, I still have those bastards holed up in the basement at Hack’s
place.” Hawk doesn’t bother with pleasantries. “I understand from Straw
you found your woman, and she’s unharmed. I hate to rain on your reunion,
but we need to decide what to do with these assholes. I haven’t been able to
get anything else out of them. What do you want to do? Has Ruby given
you any indication who these men are or what they want with her?”
“Yeah,” Tank answers. “She came clean about everything. I was
planning to call you, but it was late…then I feel asleep.” Tank sighs wearily.
Hawk’s chuckle catches Tank off guard.
“Nothing like a good woman in your arms to make you sleep like a
baby, huh?” Hawk asks. “Especially when you’ve had some amazing sex
first.” Tank can hear Charlotte chastising Hawk in the background. Hawk’s
deep laugh comes through the line. “Love, we both know Tank and Ruby
did the deed when he got her home last night.” Tank shakes his head. He
isn’t about to discuss his sex life with his C.O.
“So…” Tank tries to steer the conversation back in the right direction. “I
was planning on calling you this morning so the team could meet up. I need
to send Tex the information Ruby gave me, see what he can dig up, and get
Hack on it as well. I was thinking Hack and Tex could team up and get us
what we need to end this for Ruby once and for all.”
“Sounds good,” Hawk answers. “See you in an hour at Hack’s. Don’t be
late.” Hawk’s chuckle lets Tank know the man is smirking at him through
the phone. Tank shakes his head as he exits the bathroom. He looks up to
see Ruby sitting up in his bed, clutching the covers to her chest. When their
eyes meet her face flushes a lovely shade of pink. Images of their time
together last night no doubt running through her mind as it is his. He loved
every moment they’d spent together pleasuring one another. He wishes they
had time for a repeat, but they have places to be soon.
“Good morning,” Ruby says as he walks toward her.
“Yes, it is, beautiful.” Tank crawls back onto the bed taking her mouth
in a carnal kiss. Ruby moans. Tank knows they don’t have much time, but
damn he needs to taste her again. Tank urges her to slide back down onto
the mattress. She complies as he continues to feast on her mouth. Damn
she’s so responsive, meeting his kiss with an eagerness to match his own.
Tank begins to kiss his way down her neck, moving rapidly to her bare
breasts. He suckles on her ample breasts with the rose-colored nipples.
Ruby’s moans and whimpers feeds his need even more. His cock is
impossibly hard. He came hard twice last night, and yet he’s fully ready to
go again. This woman under him drives his body crazy, and he loves it. He
never dreamed he would be comfortable needing someone as much as he
needs her. He’d thought Hawk, Deadeye, and Ace were insane, losing their
edge when they’d hooked up with their women, but now he completely
understands. He doesn’t see Ruby as a weakness at all. She completes him.
She’s his everything.
Making his way to the apex of her thighs, he breathes in her scent. He
takes a moment to memorize it, the feel of her skin under his hands, and the
intoxicating sounds she makes as he worships her body. He opens her folds
and begins to feast on her, licking and sucking her clit. She responds
readily, lifting her hips to fuck his face. In a few moments, she’s getting
close. He can feel her thighs begin to tremble. Tank thrusts two fingers
inside her causing her to cry out with her climax. He works his fingers in
and out of her, dragging out her pleasure.
“Tucker,” Ruby moans out his name. He loves hearing her say his name,
especially in the throes of ecstasy. He can tell when she’s had enough as she
begins to pull away from his touch. He kisses his way back up her body.
Ruby reaches for him, pulling him to her for a deep kiss of tongues and
teeth. “Please Tucker, I need you inside me.” Never wanting to deny her
anything, Tank notches his cock at her entrance after coating the tip in her
essence. He begins to slide inside but notices her wince. He quickly
withdraws from her, realizing she’s sore from last night. Ruby’s eyes fly
open. “Wh-what’s wrong?”
“I’m hurting you,” Tank starts to pull away, but Ruby grips his
“Please,” Ruby begs. “I’m just a little sore, Tucker, but it’s nothing I
can’t handle. I feel so hollow. I need you.” Damn she’s undoing him. He
can’t stand the thoughts of hurting her, but he doesn’t want to disappoint her
“Baby” –Tank tries to reason with her– “your body isn’t used to this.
You need to give yourself time to heal.” Ruby takes his face in her hands
and smiles at him.
“You’re always thinking about me and what I need,” Ruby says as her
eyes fill with moisture. “It’s one of the many reasons I love you, Tucker.
You have always put my needs above your own, from the first moment we
met. I know I’m not experienced in sex, but I know what I want. What I
need. Now, are you going to give me what I need? Or do I need to give you
some persuasion?” Tank stares done at the feisty woman who’s stolen his
“Persuasion?” Tank can’t help, but ask. Ruby smiles wickedly and
pushes on his shoulders, urging him to roll onto his back. Ruby climbs over
him, pressing kisses to his chest, abdomen, and lower. He barely has time to
register what she has in mind before she sucks his cock into her mouth,
moaning around his girth.
“Fuuucck!” Tank roars out as Ruby takes him deep. He can’t keep his
hips still as she swallows down his cock. Slowly she slides him out of her
mouth to the tip, sucking him hard all the way. She licks the precum from
the tip. Her eyes flicking up to his. She smiles when he groans, then takes
him all the way to back of her throat once more. She sets an impressive
pace, bobbing up and down on his length. He can feel her trying to swallow
him down each time his head hits the back of her throat. Damn her mouth is
hot, and her tongue is stroking his cock as she sucks him in and out. In a
few short minutes, he feels his balls draw up. “I’m going to come! You need
to stop if you don’t want me shooting down your throat.” Ruby doesn’t let
up. If anything, she works him harder, faster. His climax hits him and his
come erupts from the end of his cock. Ruby swallows over and over as he
comes in her mouth. When she’s sucked every last drop from him, she
releases his cock with a pop. He shudders from the intense sensations she’s
drawn from him. She licks his shaft clean before crawling back up his
massive frame.
“Damn, beautiful! You made me see stars.” Ruby grins down at him. He
takes her head in his hands and kisses her long and deep. His cock
lengthening once more. He feels like a teenager again. He isn’t getting any
younger, and while he knows his cock won’t be able to respond like this
forever, he going to enjoy it while it lasts. He rolls her over. She spreads her
legs, letting him slide between them. “You sure you want to do this?” He
needs to be certain she’s still wanting him inside. Ruby nods.
“Yes, please, Tucker,” her soft plea making his heart surge for her all the
more. “I want you to take me. Make me yours, again.” Tank kisses her
before notching his cock and sliding inside. It doesn’t take either of them
long to reach their climax again. In the aftermath, he remembers he meant
to talk to her about them using protection.
“Ruby, I…I didn’t use protection,” Tank begins. He’s never had such a
difficult time having this conversation with a female before. Hell, he’s
never taken a woman bare before Ruby. His grandfather had sat him and
Straw down when they’d become teenagers and had given them the ‘talk’.
His grandfather, not being one to be shy about anything, laid it all out in
graphic detail for the boys and instilled in them it was their responsibility to
protect not only themselves but any woman who let them in her bed. He has
always heeded that advice. At least until Ruby. She made him forget
everything except how good she made him feel and how much he loved her.
He looks down at her to see her reaction to his words. Her brow creases as
she takes in his words. “I’m clean. I don’t have any kind of diseases. We get
tested regularly as part of our requirement on the team, and I haven’t been
with anyone in a year or more, but I wasn’t sure about birth control. I’m
assuming you aren’t on it right?”
“Um, no,” Ruby answers. “I’ve never even considered it for a variety of
reasons. One being I’ve never needed it before now. Mom sheltered me so
much. She preached constantly about waiting for marriage…I just didn’t
think.” Ruby’s expression morphs as something occurs to her. “I’m sorry. I
understand. You’re worried I could have gotten pregnant.” Ruby tries to
move out from under him, but he holds her tight. She’s looking everywhere
but at him.
“Beautiful,” Tank says, but she still refuses to look at him. “Look at
me,” he commands. She hesitates, but then raises her eyes to meet his. “I
would be pleased as all fuck if we created a baby with our love making, but
I wasn’t sure how you would feel about it.” Ruby’s eyes widen in shock.
“Now, if you aren’t comfortable with taking our chances and let nature take
its course, then I’ll go to a pharmacy and get you the morning after pill.”
“I…I’m catholic, well, I was raised catholic,” Ruby begins. “We don’t
believe in birth control of any sort.” Tank grins at her. He leans down to
kiss her deeply. Looks like they are taking their chances, which is more than
fine with him. He’s getting older, if they’re going to have kids, there’s no
time like the present to get started in his mind. When he breaks the kiss, she
looks up at him. “Wait! What’s this mean? You’re just willing to let me get
pregnant? I have some really bad people after me, or have you forgotten?”
“I haven’t forgotten, babe,” Tank tells her. “I plan on taking care of
them ,and yeah, I won’t mind if you’re pregnant. I’m not getting any
younger. If we are going to have a big family we need to get started.”
Ruby’s face is utter shock.
“You…you want to have a family with me?” she asks incredulously. His
smile widens at her question.
“Yeah, beautiful. I want to have a family with you, a big one.” He kisses
her again. “And I’d love to work on starting it a while longer, but we have
places to be.” He lifts himself off her. Ruby shifts to sit up, too. He can’t
keep from looking over her naked form. Ruby blushes at his appraisal.
“You’re gorgeous.” He kisses both breasts but then forces himself to slide
out of bed.
“Wh-where are we going?” Tank reaches down to take Ruby’s hand
helping her up. He takes her hand in his as he leads her to the bathroom.
“We’ll have to be quick,” Tank tells her as he turns on the water for the
shower. “We are going to Hack’s place. The men who were hunting you
yesterday are in his basement.” Ruby sucks in a breath. Her face paling in
“Oh, God! What have you done?” Ruby demands. Tank can feel her
fear. She’s shaking from head to toes.
“Calm down, beautiful. It’s fine. I promise. We have everything under
control,” Tank assures her, but she doesn’t look convinced.
“Tucker, you don’t understand.” Ruby’s voice is high pitched with
anxiety. “These are powerful, evil men. They have the police on the take,
even higher levels of government. They will be after you, Hack, Straw, the
whole team. Oh, Tucker!” Ruby begins to hyperventilate. Her fear taking
control. Tank takes her by the shoulders and gives her a gentle shake.
“Stop!” he commands, loudly, bending down to look into her eyes. “I
promise you; we have this in hand. Now calm down and let’s get a shower
and get dressed. Hawk and the team are waiting.” Ruby mindlessly nods
and allows him to guide her into the shower stall. He washes her hair and
body much as he’d done last night, enjoying the feel of her in his hands.
Ruby remains quiet, lost in her thoughts and fears. He can’t do anything to
dampen her fears, so he just makes sure to take care of her body. When
she’s clean, he quickly washes himself, rinsing them both before shutting
off the water. He grabs a couple of towels from the rack and dries them off,
wrapping a towel around Ruby’s body then one around his waist. He herds
her into the bedroom, grabbing her backpack from where he’d dropped it
the night before. He hands it to her. She looks up at him startled but then
nods and begins to get clothes out. A knock at his door has her eyes flying
to the door then to his gaze.
“It’s probably Straw.” Tank attempts to relieve the fear he can see in her.
“Get dressed in the bathroom while I talk to him.” Ruby nods. She enters
the bathroom. Her eyes meet his before she shuts the door. A louder knock
at the door draws his attention.
“Tank!” Straw’s voice booms through the closed door. “You up?” Tank
jerks the door open. Straw looks him up and down, taking in his state of
undress. A huge grin spreads across his face. “I would ask if you’re good,
but I can tell by looking you are more than good.” Tank flips him the bird
but returns the smile. He glances over his shoulder toward the bathroom
door. As he looks back, Straw’s expression turns serious. “How’s Ruby?
She okay after yesterday?” Tank nods.
“Yeah, she’s physically okay, but she’s scared as hell.” Tank’s hands
curl into fists involuntarily. “Hawk wants us to meet at Hack’s to deal with
those assholes.”
“I know,” Straw responds. “I was going to see if you’re planning on
leaving Ruby here with Abigail? I can have Charlotte and the rest of the
women come sit with them while we take care of the threat. You don’t think
she’ll run again, do you?” Tank doesn’t get the chance to answer Straw’s
question. Ruby’s voice draws both men’s gaze in her direction.
“I’m not staying here.” Ruby’s voice is no longer filled with the anxiety
it had been before. It is ringing with determination. “I’m going with you.”
Tank wants to argue, but he can see from her demeanor she’s made up her
“Um, well, I’m glad to see you’re okay, Ruby,” Straw begins. “I’ll see
you two downstairs.” Straw looks over at Tank. “Good luck, my friend.”
Straw chuckles as he starts to turn away. Tank flips him off again before
closing his bedroom door. Tank turns to Ruby. She lifts her chin defiantly.
Let the battle begin.

As Tank turns to look at her, Ruby steels her spine. She knows she’s in for
one more argument with the man. He doesn’t want her to be exposed to the
men who tried to take her yesterday, but she isn’t going to let him go there
without her. She needs to be a part of ending the men who’ve stalked her
for years, to finally be free to love Tucker without fear of him being
murdered for his association with her.
“I’m not staying here,” Ruby says again. Tank stares at her a beat before
moving in her direction. Ruby feels the urge to retreat, but she stands her
ground. She has to show him she can handle whatever is thrown their way.
He reaches her still holding her gaze. His expression unreadable. Ruby
swallows and licks her lips prepared to argue with him.
“You’re right, beautiful,” Tucker says, surprising her. “You’re not
staying here. I don’t really want you to go, but I know this is something you
need to do.” He reaches up to place his hand on the side of her face. “Just
promise me you’ll do as I say. If I ask you to leave, then you leave. If I tell
you to run, get in my truck and come back here, then that’s what you’ll do.
“Tucker,” Ruby begins to protest. “Please don’t ask me to leave you if
things get dangerous. You would never leave me to deal with a threat alone,
so how can you expect me to leave you?”
“Because I’m a trained, skilled fighter, Ruby,” Tucker argues. “I love
that you would want to protect me if shit goes sideways, but I would be
better able to focus on the fight if I know you are safe. You are the most
important person in the world to me, beautiful. Keeping you safe is the most
important task I have.”
“I feel the same, Tucker.” Ruby holds his gaze, unwilling to back down.
Suddenly a grin spread across his face. He takes her in his arms and kisses
the hell out of her before pulling back to look down at her.
“You are going to keep me on my toes, aren’t you?” Tucker asks,
smiling at her. He sighs. “I wouldn’t have you any other way. Let me get
dressed, and we’ll go. He drops a quick kiss to her lips before releasing her.
He whips off the towel around his waist as he strolls across the room to his
chest of drawers. Ruby gets an excellent view of his fine, tight ass. She
swallows hard remembering just how good his ass felt in her hands when he
was fucking her senseless last night and this morning. A shiver runs through
her body at the memories of their love making. Tucker makes quick work of
getting dressed while Ruby enjoys the show. She could watch him move all
day long and never be bored. The way his muscles ripple with the slightest
of actions. Once he’s dressed, he comes back to her side.
“We better get going,” Tucker takes her by the hand heading for the
door. “Hawk will rib me and embarrass you if we’re late. Luckily Hack’s
place isn’t far from here.” Ruby follows him out of his bedroom down the
short hall to the staircase. Once they have reached the ground floor, Straw
and Abigail appear coming out of the living room.
“Let’s roll,” Straw says as they clear the last step. He turns to Abigail,
kissing her gently. “We’ll be back soon, sweetheart. Take it easy, today,
doctor’s orders.” She nods in response.
“Be careful,” Abigail whispers softly, “and come back to me.”
“Always,” Straw replies and kisses her again. Ruby wonders how
Abigail is doing but knows they don’t have the time to get into it right now.
Once this nightmare is over, Ruby wants to have a sit down with the
woman. Abigail has been so kind to her, and Ruby wants to return the favor.
Poor Abigail has been through so much with her ex trying to take their
daughter, their car accident, and her subsequent hospital stay. She’s still
recovering from her injuries. Ruby admires Abigail so much after learning
about her past. Ruby can’t imagine how much harder her life would have
been to have a child along while on the run all these years. Abigail had
managed to take care of not only herself but her infant daughter, too. Tank,
pulling on her hand, draws Ruby out of her thoughts.
They exit the house through the garage. Tucker, Ruby, and Straw climb
into Tucker’s truck and make the short drive to Hack’s home. They pull into
the driveway and circle around to the back of the house. Several vehicles
are already parked in the back yard. Tucker walks around to help Ruby
down from the large truck. Straw leads the way as they take some concrete
stairs downward to a basement door. Straw knocks firmly on the door. It
opens in no time.
“About time y’all showed up,” Virus says as he opens the door. The
man looks over the three of them. His eyes zeroing in on Tucker’s hand
clasped in Ruby’s. His eyes widen, then a knowing smirk spreads across his
face. “I figured it was Straw holding things up with Abigail, but I see
another man’s down. Oh, how the hard the mighty does fall.” Virus laughs
at his joke.
“Fuck you,” Tucker says as he flips the man off. “You’re just jealous
you didn’t have anyone to make you late. Are you just going stand there
blocking the door or get the hell out of the way so we can come in?” Virus
laughs even harder but moves out of the way, sweeps his hand out and bows
as they pass. Ruby looks around as they enter expecting to see a dark, dank
space, but the place is completely finished with dry wall and laminate
flooring. They walk through a room with a bar along one wall, the shelf
behind it loaded with various bottles of alcohol. It’s a shelf that could
clearly rival any local bar or tavern. The remainder of the room is decked
out with couches, chairs, a coffee table, and a huge state of the art viewing
screen. The thing is entirely too large to be call a television. Ruby is
mesmerized by the room as she allows Tucker to lead her through the room
and into the next.
The next room is tech lovers wet dream. Computer monitors, hard
drives, modems, and many other gadgets, Ruby has no idea what they are
called, are set up in an organized chaos on a large table in the middle of the
room. She notices one particularly large monitor has a multi-split screen
with video feeds in each window. Hack has some serious security cameras.
One window shows all the vehicles parked in Hack’s backyard. Another is
showing a view of the front of his home. Another window catches Ruby’s
eye, and she sucks in a breath. Tony!
Tucker turns to her then follows her gaze seeing all the monitors on the
wall. He pulls her into his arms. She goes woodenly. Her mind racing with
the realization she’s going to be face to face with her brother after all these
“Don’t be afraid, beautiful.” Tucker’s voice is a deep rumble in her ear,
which is pressed to his broad chest. “I won’t let these men hurt you in
anyway.” Ruby tightens her arms around his waist, drawing strength from
him. She takes a moment to gather herself. Time to face her past.
They enter the next room, which is a startling contrast to the rooms
they’ve just walked through. This part is unfinished. The stark, bare
concrete walls and floors a bit of a jolt to the system after the very modern,
finished part of the basement. Ruby sees a large punching bag hanging from
the ceiling in one corner. A weight bench and bar along with a large rack of
weights are nearby. Ruby begins to wonder just how big this basement is
because Tucker keeps leading her on to another door. Virus and Straw enter,
but Tucker stops her before they enter.
“Ruby, you don’t have to come in here,” Tucker tells her. “But if you
want to, I’ll be right beside you the whole time. I won’t let them harm you,
“I need to do this, Tucker.” Ruby tries to sound confident, but even she
can hear the fear in her voice. “I…I saw one of the men you’re holding on
the monitor in the other room.” She pauses, and Tucker takes her by her
waist, holding her to him. She looks up at him. “He’s my brother, Tony.”
Tucker’s eyes widen as he takes in her words. Ruby can’t believe it herself
in some ways. Not since the day after she’d run away has she seen her
brother. She knows he let her get away in Philadelphia so why is he here
now? Why track her down after all these years? Her mind racing with all
the possibilities. Father is ill or perhaps demanded, Tony find her and bring
her back to end the tension between the families. More than likely though,
Russo, Jr. is behind it all. He’s finally going to make good on his threats
from six years ago and force her to marry him. She shudders at the thought.
She’ll never let that asshole touch her. She’d rather die than to be married to
the creep, especially after the love she’s shared with Tucker.
“Your brother?” Tucker’s voice is incredulous. He blows out a breath.
He hugs her tightly to him, kissing the top of her head. “It’s going to be
okay, beautiful. Let’s just go talk to him and see what he has to say.” Ruby
nods and releases her hold on Tucker. They walk into the dank room.
Looking around, Ruby realizes this room looks so much older than the
rest of the rooms they’ve been in so far. The concrete has turned a dark gray
in color over the years. Cracks can be seen in places along the walls and
floors. A single bare light bulb hangs from the ceiling in the middle of the
room. Five men are sitting in straight back chairs under the light. The men’s
arms are tied behind their backs and their feet are tied to the front legs of
the chairs. Ruby allows her eyes to roam over each man’s face. A part of
her had hoped she’d been mistaken about seeing Tony, but as her eyes land
on the man sitting front and center in the middle of the captive men, she
knows she isn’t wrong.
“Mary Catherine?” Tony asks when he sees her. Ruby can’t believe the
relief she sees wash over Tony’s face when he sees her. He stares at her. His
eyes roaming up and down her form. Ruby can tell he’s trying to reconcile
the woman in front of him to the sister of his past. So much as changed over
the years not just her hair color. She’d been so clueless and weak in the
past, but now after living on the streets for the last six plus years, she’s
gotten tougher and more confident. She refuses to cower at his glare. Ruby
notices all the men in the room have turned to look at her. They all know
her as Ruby, not Mary Catherine, all of them except Tucker. She’d told him
everything last night, holding nothing back.
“Tony.” Ruby lifts her chin and straightens her spine. She’s determined
to not let him see any weakness in her. Tucker pulls her into his side and
slightly behind him. She’s sure he isn’t even fully aware of what he’s doing.
His instinct to protect her has him on autopilot. Putting himself between her
and any perceived danger.
“God, Mary Catherine,” Tony breaths out. “I’ve been trying to find you
for years. I…I still can’t believe you are here. You’ve changed so much.”
Ruby looks Tony over. He’s changed too. He looks gaunt and tired, his eyes
no longer bright like they used to be, and he’s gotten a lot of wrinkles and
worry lines on his face. She even sees he’s beginning to get some gray in
his dark brown hair. Being a mobster must be a very stressful job indeed.
Ruby pinches her lips together. Tony made his choice years ago, and she’s
not going to feel sorry for him now.
“Well, you’ve found me,” Ruby says, unable to keep the anger from her
voice. “What were you planning to do, hand me over the Russo as soon as
you got me back to New York?” Tony’s face frowns and he begins to shake
his head side to side.
“God! No!” Tony exclaims. “Mary Catherine, you have to listen to me. I
never wanted father to agree to the marriage, but the Russos were out for
blood for what father was planning to do. They’d already killed mom, and
father had feared if you weren’t married into the family, you’d be next, just
to teach him a lesson. I couldn’t say anything at the time. I was just getting
started in the organization myself–“
“I don’t want to hear it,” Ruby cuts him off. “You could have said
something, tried to stop the madness going on around us, but you didn’t. I’d
just lost mom and found out our family is heavily involved in organized
crime. I was mentally a mess, no one was on my side. I was all alone.”
Ruby’s voice cracks, and the tears she’s been fighting begin to stream down
her face. Tucker pulls her to his chest, holding her while she sobs, finally
beginning to let go of her fear and grief from that time. Tony’s jaw
clenches, and he glares at Tucker, clearly not liking the familiarity between
“Please, Mary Catherine, just listen to me, hear me out,” Tony implores.
“There’s so much you don’t know.”
“You’re right. I don’t know, and I don’t want to know,” Ruby replies
heatedly. Tony flinches at her sharp remark.
“Father was trying to get out!” Tony blurts out suddenly. Ruby’s head
jerks up from Tucker’s chest and whips in Tony’s direction. When he sees
he’s gotten her attention, Tony continues speaking. “Mom hated being in
the family. She wanted to get the whole family out. It’s why she tried to
keep you away from it as long as she did. Dad had been trying to go legit,
but the other factions of the family weren’t having it. They kept causing
trouble for our legal businesses. Father was approached by the FBI to turn
state’s evidence against the others in exchange for immunity for his crimes.
They knew he was trying to go legit and thought they could use him to
bring down the whole family. He wasn’t going to agree, but a mole in the
FBI leaked it to the other bosses that father had been contacted. That’s why
they killed mom and attempted to kill you, too. Father managed to convince
Russo, Sr. it was all a big misunderstanding after mom’s funeral. Sr. said
father could prove it by marrying you off to Jr., so father agreed. He didn’t
really want to do it, Mary Catherine, but they were going to kill all of us. Sr.
promised father you would be well taken care of if you agreed to the
marriage and did your part as the doting wife. It would solidify the two
factions of the family and prevent an all-out war. Gianna came to me and
told me her father was planning to kill you after the wedding because he
heard you were talking to the police.”
“I was contacted by them, but I never told them anything,” Ruby cries.
“I didn’t know anything to tell them!”
“I know you didn’t,” Tony replies sadly. “I was the one giving
information to the police. It’s my fault mom died.” Ruby stares at him not
believing what she’s hearing. “Listen, I can’t change what happened. The
Russos have people in their pockets from the local police, to judges,
congressmen, and even in the FBI. I didn’t know I was trusting the wrong
man until it was too late. None of that matters now, though. What matters is
getting you somewhere safe, before the Russos find out we have double
crossed them. Father’s been gathering evidence for years. He’s ready to turn
it all over, but we needed to find you and get you under the witness
protection program, too.”
“No,” Tucker’s voice is a low gravelly rumble. “Ruby stays with me.”
Tony looks at Tucker. His face a sneer as he looks Tucker up and down.
“Just who the fuck do you think you are?” Tony asks. “Mary
Catherine–” he emphasizes her old name– “is my sister, and I’ll decide
what happens to her.” Tucker looks down at Ruby. He takes a deep breath
before speaking.
“Ruby, I want you with me,” Tucker tells her, ignoring her brother and
his goons for now. “But it’s your choice, your decision to make. I know
you’ve thought all along your father was selling you off and that your
brother didn’t care, but they obviously do, and in their own fucked up way
were trying to protect you.” Ruby looks up at Tucker. She hopes he can see
the love in her eyes. This man, who declared she was his on the first day
they met, is giving her the choice, not trying to tell her what to do as her
father and brother have always tried to do. They’ve treated her like a child
who doesn’t know what’s best for herself or how to take care of herself, but
she’s done just that for the last six years. Tucker sees her inner strength and
respects it. She knows he wants to protect her from all evils, but he’s letting
her make the choice. Her heart swells with more love than she could ever
imagine. And here she thought she’d loved him as much as possible, but
now it’s even more.
“Thank you, Tucker.” Ruby smiles at him. “I want to stay with you, too,
but we need to make sure the Russos don’t come after you or any of your
“Our friends,” Tucker corrects her. “I will make you safe, beautiful.
Whatever it takes.”
“I hate to interrupt the love fest here.” Hawk joins the conversation.
“But I may have some insight into this situation, but we can’t discuss it
here.” Tucker looks over at Hawk a multitude of questions on his face.
“Later, Tank. Classified.” Tucker nods as understanding comes over his
features. Ruby isn’t sure what all of that means, but if Hawk can somehow
make it so she can stay with Tucker and not be in fear of the mob showing
up on their door, she’ll be very grateful.
“Mary Catherine?” Tony draws her attention once more, “Who are these
people, and what are you doing with them?” Tony does look genuinely
concerned. Ruby looks back at Tucker, not sure how she should answer his

Tank knows they can’t tell Tony who they really are especially with his mob
involvement, but he doesn’t have to come up with an answer as Hawk takes
command of the situation.
“We are your worst nightmare if you do anything to cause harm to come
to Ruby.” Hawk’s voice is deadly. His anger at this situation is easy to hear.
“Ruby belongs to Tank and by extension all of us. We will protect her with
our lives and that includes protection from well-meaning but misguided
family members. Now, you guys hang tight here a moment while we
discuss these developments.” Hawk leads the team out of the room, leaving
Tony and his men tied to their chairs. Tank guides Ruby from the room and
to the finished room with a bar and lounging area.
The guys begin taking seats. Hawk motions to Hack who whips out a
laptop. His fingers begin to fly over the keyboard. Soon images begin to
appear on the large screen in the room. Tank narrows his gaze on the
images. It’s the Columbian jungle compound they recently raided as well as
the big players in the cartel. What does all this have to do with Ruby’s
“Ruby” –Hawk pins her with his gaze– “what we are about to discuss
does not leave this room, you got me?” Ruby nods instantly, stark fear on
her face as if she expects Hawk to threaten her with death if she tells what
they’re going to discuss. A picture flashes on the screen. All the color
leaves Ruby’s face, and she begins to tremble. Tank pulls her onto his lap to
comfort her. He doesn’t care if the guys will rib him about it later. Taking
care of Ruby comes first. She leans into him, laying her head on his
“Giovanni Russo, Jr.” Hawk states. Another picture comes up beside the
first. This man is an older version of the first. “Giovanni Russo, Sr.” Hawk
continues, “These men are the contact for Guerrera, who, if you remember
was and still is our target in the Columbian jungle mission. The feds have
been working for years to get enough information on these guys to take
them down. It seems Mr. Amato, in the next room, may just be the key the
feds have been looking for, but we’ll have to tread carefully. We don’t want
this information getting out to the wrong hands, especially if it’s like Amato
says, and there are dirty agents. I’ll have Tex run a deep dive on this and
any agents in the New York City area as well as here locally. We need to be
certain the agent Amato gives his information to is not on the take, nor any
of that agent’s superiors.”
“Wait!” Ruby sits up, looking at Hawk in confusion. “Why would the
military be concerned about the mob? I thought you guys took out terrorists
not mobsters.” Hawk gives her one of his famous smiles. You know the one
where women are swooning all over the place. Tank almost growls at the
man even though he knows Hawk has no interest in Ruby. The man only
has eyes for Charlotte.
“We do take out terrorists of all sorts,” Hawk informs her. “Foreign and
domestic. These mobsters are working to smuggle illegal guns, drugs, and
are possibly involved in human trafficking. They are some of the worst
kinds of terrorists. They do their deeds for financial gain or revenge. At
least the Taliban although delusional, are doing what they do based on their
deep-seated belief in a higher calling. Most of what our teams do, Ruby, is
highly classified. No one ever hears about our missions or makes movies or
television shows about us, and that’s fine with us. The less that’s known
about us, the better. Makes it harder for our enemies to gain intel on us. So
it’s vitally important you don’t share anything you’ve heard here today with
anyone, understand?”
“Yes,” Ruby replies. “I would never betray your trust in the first place,
but I don’t have anyone to talk to at any rate. I’ve kept to myself the last six
years in an effort to keep myself safe.” Hawk seems satisfied with her
answer. Tank feels relief that Hawk has included her in their discussions
just as he did with Charlotte when she was in danger.
“We’ll reconvene when I hear back from Tex,” Hawk tells the room.
“Don’t go too far. I don’t think it’ll take too long as the government has
already had him doing some work on this case for them.”
“I’ll get us some food,” Hack says. “Just hang around down here. I’ll be
right back.” Hack heads toward a set of stairs, in the back corner of the
room, that lead up to the main part of his house. The rest of the guys begin
talking among themselves as Hawk and Straw head toward Tank and Ruby.
Hawk has his ear to his phone, deep in conversation.
“Thanks, Tex,” Hawk says as he stops next to where Tank and Ruby are
sitting. “I look forward to hearing back from you.” He ends the call and
pockets his phone before turning to Tank. “Thought I told you not to be
late?” Hawk glares down at him with an unreadable expression on his face.
Tank looks up at his superior officer unable to tell if he’s joking or if he’s
“Well, uh…” Tank is scrambling to come up with some explanation of
why they were late that doesn’t involve him disclosing his sex life with
Ruby. Hawk throws his head back and gives a big belly laugh. Tank frowns
up at him not at all seeing the humor in the situation.
“Just messing with you.” Hawk slaps him on the shoulder. “I knew
you’d be late when I told you not to be.” Hawk waggles his eyebrows at
Tank before turning to look at Ruby. “You all good?” Hawk asks her. “That
was a lot to take on this morning. I’m sure all of that was a bit of a shock.”
“Yes, it was, but I’m fine, Hawk,” Ruby replies. “Thank you for asking,
but more importantly, thank you for trying to help me out of the mob.”
Hawk nods and gives her a smile.
“We will do our best,” Hawk tells her. “I meant what I said to your
brother. You are one of us now, and we take family very seriously. You
won’t ever be alone again. If you’ll let them, my wife Charlotte and the rest
of the women will be your best friends. They might get in your business and
drive you crazy, but they mean well.” Ruby grins back at Hawk, nodding
her head. Tank wants Ruby to be a part of the team’s tribe of women. He
wants her to have all the love and support she’s been missing the last six
years. Straw takes a seat near them whipping out his phone and calling
Abigail. When he’s ended his call, he looks over at Tank and Ruby a happy
smile on his face.
“Abigail, okay?” Tank asks. He knows Straw is worried, leaving her
home alone while they are taking care of Ruby’s situation. He’s going to tell
Straw to go on back home after he answers.
“Yes, she’s good.” Straw grins. “A little pissed, but she’s good.” Tank
frowns at his closest friend wondering why Abigail is pissed. Straw
continues, “Charlotte, Daisy, Elise, and Emma are over there doting on her.
She’s frustrated with them not letting her do everything on her own. You
can’t keep her down. She’s entirely too feisty. She’s doesn’t like depending
on someone else for anything.” Tank smiles. He can believe it. Abigail is a
highly independent woman as is his Ruby. He tightens his hold on her for a
“I hope y’all are hungry,” Hack announces as he descends the stairs
with a large tray in hand. It is loaded down with submarine sandwiches. The
men crowd around him grabbing sandwiches off the tray as he passes by
them on his way to the center of the room.
“Fuck, Hack!” Worm exclaims after taking his first bite. “I didn’t know
you could cook.” Everyone begins to chuckle at Worm’s inane statement.
“There’s no cooking involved in making sandwiches you, dumbass.”
Virus rolls his eyes. “Seriously, I thought you were smarter than that.” Virus
snatches a sandwich off the tray and bites into it. His eyes roll up, and a
look of utter bliss comes over his face. “Well shit, maybe I’m the dumbass,”
he says around a mouthful of food.
Tank takes a couple of the sandwiches off the tray as Hack strolls by. He
lifts the top bun to see what kind of sandwiches Hack has made. Roasted
chicken is on one of the sandwiches and shredded BBQ pork is on another.
He offers one to Ruby. She eyes the large sandwiches finally choosing the
roasted chicken. Tank and Ruby bite into their sandwiches at the same time.
Ruby moans, provoking potent memories from last night and this morning
into his mind. Flavor explodes on Tank’s tongue as he begins to chew. Hack
has outdone himself and Tank wonders where Hack got his cooking skills.
Last Tank knew the man lived off microwave meals and take out.
Hearing footsteps on the stairs, Tank glances over to see Lisa coming
down the steps carrying another tray of sandwiches. Tank smacks Straw on
the knee. When their gazes meet, he throws his chin toward the stairs. Straw
looks in the direction Tank has indicated. His eyes go wide the flying back
to Tank’s. “I knew there was something going on with those two when we
were in California,” Straw leans over to whisper to Tank. Ruby looks to see
what the men are talking about. She frowns.
“I thought they were a couple,” Ruby says. “They’re always together
when I see them, although they seem to argue a lot.”
“We aren’t sure what’s going on with those two,” Straw says. Straw and
Tank share a grin before filling Ruby in on the things they’d witnessed
firsthand while they were in California last year. Tank figures it’s only a
matter of time before the couple make their relationship public, or it blows
all to hell, making team gatherings highly uncomfortable. When everyone
has a sandwich, Lisa makes her way over to join them.
“Hi, Ruby,” Lisa says. “I’m Lisa Winters, a close friend of Charlotte’s.
She wanted to be here today, but she’s looking after Abigail, so I told her
I’d come help out with food and make sure these men don’t overwhelm
you.” Ruby smiles up at her and takes Lisa’s proffered hand to shake.
“Hi Lisa,” Ruby responds. “I remember seeing you at the fundraiser
planning meeting.” Lisa nods, her face getting a dark look as she glances
over at Hack. She blows out a breath and turns back to them. She takes a
seat before saying anything else to Ruby.
“Yeah,” Lisa begins, seeming to look for the right words to say. “That
was a bit of a rough day for me. I’m sorry I wasn’t more sociable.” Lisa
gives her a sad smile. “We aren’t here to talk about me, though. Is there
anything I can do for you?” Ruby looks taken aback at Lisa’s question. “I
just know these guys can be intense when they’re trying to work on a
problem. I just wanted you to know I’m here to listen if you need a friend.”
“Thanks, Lisa,” Ruby replies, her voice getting thick with emotion. “I’d
like that. I haven’t had any friends in a very long time and even before then
I never really had anyone close. My mom…she sheltered me a lot, so it was
hard to make close friends.” Lisa nods as if she understands. Tank wonders
about Lisa’s background. Charlotte has been tight lipped about Lisa’s past,
only disclosing the two women have been friends since they were children.
Tank knows Lisa is divorced and has some children from that marriage, but
he’s never met her children. He gets the impression the ex-husband isn’t a
nice guy, but he doesn’t have anything firm to base his conclusion on. It’s
more just a feeling.
Hawk’s phone begins to ring. He quickly answers it, going into the
weight room to take the call. Tank is itching to hear what Tex has found out,
but he knows Hawk will share with them in time. If that is Tex on the line.
It could be someone else entirely, including Charlotte updating him on
Abigail or the kids. Tank can feel the tension in Ruby. He reaches over to
take her hand in his. She smiles at him, seeming to take comfort in the small
gesture. Lisa’s gaze zeroes in on their clasped hands. A look of longing and
regret are all over her face. She blinks a couple of times before looking
around the room. Her eyes landing on Hack. As if he can feel her eyes on
him, Hack looks over at her. Tank is a little shocked at the look he sees on
the man’s face. It’s the same look Tank has when he looks at Ruby. He
glances at Lisa to see her expression and is sad to see the same look of
longing and regret. Tank shakes his head. The woman is clearly denying the
connection she and Hack obviously have. It’s not his place to interfere. Still
they are a team, a family, and they look after one another. Tank decides it’s
time he, Straw, and probably Hawk need to sit Hack down and see what
they can do to help him. It will have to wait for now, though. Hawk is
entering the room, and the look on his face says it’s time to take care of
Ruby’s problem, then they’ll work on Hack’s and Lisa’s problems.

As Hawk comes back into the room, Ruby tenses. She can tell Hawk has
gotten information from his friend. She just hopes it’s the information they
need to put an end to her six-year-long nightmare. Tucker squeezes her
hand gently. She looks over at him, and the look he gives her melts her
heart. He leans over and whispers in her ear, “Don’t worry, beautiful, this’ll
all be over soon. I promise.” She nods in answer, but it’s hard for her to
believe it. She’s run for so long. It’s hard to trust in the hope anything good
will happen, but Tucker looks so confident. She wants to believe him.
“That was Tex,” Hawk informs them unnecessarily. “He has a lot of
information on the cartel, the Russo family, as well as the Amatos. It seems
Ruby is tied up in things related to our most recent out of country mission.
The asset we were searching for was abducted by Guerrero’s men because
he believes she is the woman the Russo family has been searching for, and
he wants to be the one to deliver her to them. I suppose he is hoping to get
some brownie points or something, to help seal the deal on their illegal
goods. However, if Guerrero finds out that girl is not who he thinks she is…
she’ll likely be in worse danger. If they’ve kept her from seeing their faces,
it’s possible they’ll let her go, if not…” Hawk trails off. Ruby shivers as she
can infer what Hawk isn’t saying. The girl will be murdered. Guilt, fear for
the girl, and shame that she’s caused this poor girl to be kidnapped
overwhelm her. A sob escapes her throat. She wasn’t even conscious she is
Tucker pulls her into his arms, settling her on his lap. “Shh, beautiful,”
Tucker soothes. “We will get her back.”
“This is my f-fault,” Ruby stammers out around her tears. “They were
trying to get m-me and that p-p-poor girl.” Fresh, raw tears fall down her
face. She buries her face in Tucker’s neck and weeps as all of the bad things
that have likely happened to the girl run through her mind. Tucker does his
best to comfort her as she cries.
“Ruby!” Hawk’s booming voice draws her attention. She turns her head
to look at the man but stays folded in Tucker’s embrace. “Don’t take those
asshole’s guilt on yourself. You did not cause any of this. Those men made
the decision to do bad things. It has nothing to do with you. You got me?”
Ruby nods as she takes his words to heart. Hawk is right. She didn’t ask to
be born into the mob, nor did she want to be married off to a mob boss
stranger. All of those things we out of her control. None of this is her fault,
even if someone is injured as they try to free her from Russo.
“Hawk is right, Ruby,” Tucker says. “You can’t blame yourself for other
people’s mistakes.” His arms around her are so comforting. She soaks up
his love and attention.
“I know, Tucker.” Ruby looks up into his eyes, seeing his love and
sincerity in them. “I just feel so bad for whomever has gotten caught up in
this awful mess. I’m so tired of being afraid. I want it to be over so I can be
free. Free to be with you.” His face softens even more as he leans close to
kiss her.
“You are with me, beautiful,” Tucker declares. “I’m not letting you go,
not now, not ever. You’re mine, remember?” Ruby grins at him. Oh yeah,
she remembers. He said those very words to her the first day they met, and
she knows he’d meant them. He’s done everything in his power to make
those words come true over the last few months they’ve known each other.
“So we need to decide if we are going to let Amato in there go free,”
Hawk continues. “Once that’s settled, I need to get this information up the
chain of command. Tex thinks he has an idea where they’re keeping the
missing girl. If we can get in there before they realize who they have isn’t
who Russo wants, then we have a shot at getting her out alive.”
“What about the FBI agents?” Tucker asks. “Did Tex find out anything
about who might be on the take? We need to know before Tony tries going
to them. The last thing we want is for the FBI to tip off Russo and his men.”
“He did indeed find a mole in the FBI,” Hawk answers. His face is
grim, disgust evident on his face. “Tex has some close friends high up in the
bureau. Men who can be trusted. He’s sending them the information as we
speak. It may take a couple of days for them to verify his information and
issue warrants, but those turncoats will be punished. Now we need to go
deal with Amato and his men.”
Hawk, Tank, Straw, and Ruby go back into the room where Tony and
his men are being held. Ruby is still a bundle of nerves, seeing her brother
after fearing him for so long. She’s still trying to process everything her
brother has said about their father and the events leading up to her mother’s
death. Does their father really want to be rid of the mob life for good? She
hopes that’s the case, but it likely won’t change anything. Her father and
brother will go into witness protection. Ruby will never see them again
unless she goes with them, but she can’t leave Tucker. Not after all they’ve
shared especially after last night. She shivers just remembering how good
he made her feel, not just the physical pleasure, but he made her feel
special, treasured, and loved. She never wants to be separated from him
Tony looks up as they enter. His eyes flick from Hawk to Tucker, to her
and back. He’s trying to get a feel for whatever they’re going to tell him.
His arms still stretched tight around the straight back chair, Ruby feels
some measure of sympathy for him, knowing he must be terribly
uncomfortable. She wants to ask Tucker to release him, but she knows
Tucker and Hawk will do so when they see fit. Once they’re sure Tony and
his men aren’t a threat to them any longer.
“So, Amato,” Hawk begins. “Your story checks out. My tech friend
found information on a couple of moles in the FBI in the New York City
office. He’s sending the information to people he can trust. People who will
make sure those dirty agents are locked up. Once we know that’s been taken
care of, you’ll be free to turn over your evidence.” Tony nods, seemingly
relieved. “I’ll let you and your men go with the understanding you stay
away from Ruby and any of the men you’ve seen here today. If you break
my trust, it’ll be the worst mistake you’ve ever made, including agreeing to
work for the “family” business.”
“No way,” Tony argues. “Mary Catherine is my sister. I can’t just turn
my back on her.”
“You did before,” Tucker accuses. “You were going to let that asshole
Russo marry her knowing what kind of man he is, the things he’s done.”
“I felt like I didn’t have a choice,” Tony replies, but he sounds defeated.
“Father made all the decisions. We’d just lost Mom. Mary Catherine knew
nothing about the family business, and I couldn’t tell her what really
happened to Mom. I…I did the best I could. As soon as I heard they were
planning to hurt her, I made it possible for her to get away. I’m sorry, Mary
Catherine. I never wanted you to be hurt.”
“Tony, I can understand you were grieving over Mom, too,” Ruby
begins. “I realize you were in a difficult position, but you knew how
sheltered I was. If the marriage to Russo had happened…”– Tucker growls
next to her at the mere mention of her marrying the asshole– “I would have
been traumatized beyond belief, Tony. I wasn’t ready to be married to
anyone, much less a ruthless mob boss. You and father should have done
everything in your power to prevent that marriage. Even if it resulted in all
our deaths. I would rather have died than been tied to Russo.” Tony flinches
at my words. Guilt and shame wash over his expression. He hangs his head
for a moment. When he looks up at me, I can see the pain and regret in his
“You’re right.” Tony’s voice is thick with emotion. He clears it before
continuing, “I failed you just like I did Mom. That night when dad got the
call that took us away from your performance early, I had a bad feeling
about it. I should have listened to my instincts. I should have stayed with
you and Mom. Maybe…maybe I could have kept her from being shot. I
don’t know, and I’ll never know, because I blindly followed orders, not
wanting to rock the boat. I was a coward, and I’m sorry. Sorry I didn’t do a
better job of protecting you and Mom.” The anguish in Tony’s demeanor
tears at Ruby’s heart. Despite everything that’s happened she still loves her
brother and her father. She doesn’t want any harm to come to them, but as
far as having them in her life, she isn’t sure she wants that either.
“I forgive you, Tony,” Ruby says softly. “You aren’t to blame for Mom’s
death. The Russo’s and their hit men are to blame for her death. It’s like a
wise man said to me, ‘Don’t take on someone else’s guilt’.” Hawk snorts at
Ruby’s statement. She smiles over at him before she finishes saying her
peace to her brother. “While I forgive you, I don’t think things can ever be
what they once were, Tony. I’m not the girl who ran away six years ago.
I’ve learned to take care of myself, by myself. I’ve survived on the streets
one day at a time, but now I’ve found someone who loves me and respects
me for who I am. I’m not willing to give him up to go into the witness
protection program with you and dad. Please let dad know that I do love
him, and I’ll always miss you both, but my life is here with Tucker.” Tony
stares at Ruby as if making sure what she’s saying is true and that she’s not
being forced into it by Tucker and his friends. Finally with his lips pinched
together in a tight line, he nods his understanding.
Hawk and Straw move to untie Tony and the men. Once they’re free,
Tony walks over to Ruby. He tentatively reaches for her, and she allows him
to take her in his arms, hugging her tightly. Ruby hugs him back as tears
stream down her face. Tears for the family they’d once been, even if it was
all a lie. Tears for the brother she used to love so much who broke her heart
when he pulled away from her and let her down in the end. When they pull
apart, Ruby feels as if a weight has lifted. She’s nearly free to have
everything she’s always wanted and been dreaming of more and more since
she met Tucker.
“Goodbye, Mary Catherine.” Tony’s voice is strained. Ruby can see his
eyes are moist, but Tony’s doing his best not to let any tears fall. He looks at
Tucker long and hard before holding out his hand. “Take care of her. She
deserves to have a happy life, free from the life we were born into.” Tucker
shakes his hand.
“I will take care of her,” Tucker declares, confidence radiating in his
voice. “She’ll be well loved and provided for; of that, you have my word.”
Tony nods solemnly. Then he and his men allow Hawk to lead them out of
the basement. “Are you okay, beautiful?” Tucker asks her when the room
has emptied. He pulls her to him holding her close.
“Yes, Tucker.” Ruby smiles up at him. “I’m better than okay. I have you
and that’s all I need.”

Tank’s heart stutters in his chest as he looks down at Ruby’s smiling face.
She’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, and she’s all his. He’d
known it the moment he met her, but now she’s accepting his love and
attention. He knows she isn’t out of danger, but with the help of his team,
he’s going to make her safe and build them a long, happy future.
The door opening draws Tank’s attention. Hawk strides across the room.
His commanding presence seems to suck the air from the room. Tank can
tell from Hawk’s posture and body language shit is about to get serious.
Tank steps in front of Ruby as if to shelter her from what is to come, even
though he knows he can’t. He isn’t trying to shelter her from Hawk. The
man would never hurt a female. No, he wants to keep her from the mobster
searching for her and what it’s going to take to make him stop.
“Tank, we need to talk,” Hawk says as he approaches. His gaze flicks to
Ruby. “Brass has made a decision about our current mission and how to
proceed.” Tank grits his teeth. He knew this was coming, but he’s just
gotten past Ruby’s walls. He isn’t ready to be sent off to parts unknown,
yet. Especially since the threat against her is still at large.
“I’ll leave you two to talk,” Ruby says quietly. She starts to walk around
the men, but Tank isn’t ready to let her go. He reaches out to snake her hand
as she passes.
“Wait.” Tank pinches his lips together. He isn’t sure what he’s going to
say, but he doesn’t want her to go very far. Ruby looks up at him. “I won’t
be long.” Tank glances at Hawk for confirmation, who gives him a quick
nod, confirming his words. “Just wait out in the living area with Lisa?” He
ends his request as a question. Ruby smiles up at him.
“Of course. I’ll be here when you’re finished,” Ruby leans in to place a
quick kiss on his lips. “Don’t worry,” she whispers. “I’m not going
anywhere, Tucker. I’m yours. I don’t want to be anywhere you aren’t.” A
wave of love floods him. He pulls her flush to his body, burying his face in
her neck, breathing in her scent. He doesn’t care Hawk is standing right
here. He needs to let her know just how much her words mean to him.
“You are mine, beautiful.” Tank pulls back to see his love reflected in
Ruby’s eyes. He kisses her deeply before letting her go. “And I’m yours.
I’ll be out soon.” Looking a little dazed, Ruby nods as she turns to leave the
dank room where they’d held her brother and his goons. Hawk gives Tank a
grin but waits until Ruby’s out of earshot to rib him about his PDA. Tank
could care less what his C.O. has to say about it. He’s seen plenty of PDA
between Hawk and Charlotte. He has to admit any ribbing he gets will be
well deserved because he’s dished out his fair share to the other guys as
they’ve all found their women. It’s just what they do to each other.
“Twitterpated,” Hawk states with a smirk. “I knew you’d fallen the day
you met her at the fundraising meeting.” Tank’s eyebrows shoot up. Hawk
continues, “I saw the look in your eyes when you looked at her. Same look I
had, hell, I still have, when I look at Charlotte. I knew the first time I saw
her she was meant to be mine.” Hawk trails off as he’s obviously
remembering their meeting. Hawk looks up at him. “We met at the airport
in San Diego, the day we arrived to begin prepping for the Columbian
mission where we found her. Did you know that?” Tank shakes his head,
trying to remember the day. “She’s the woman who came to our table and
thanked us for our service.” Recognition floods Tank’s face.
“Yes!” Tank says suddenly. “I’d forgotten about that. She looked so
different when we found her in the jungle. I didn’t put it together.”
“Yeah.” Hawk’s face is marred with anger. “Being beaten and starved
for months, changes you.” Charlotte had been held for over two months
when the Humvee the team was in nearly ran her over on a narrow jungle
path. “Fuck! I can’t stand thinking about how badly she was treated by
those men. I know the lead man is dead and gone. Charlotte made sure of it,
but I want to dig his ass up and kill him all over again. What pisses me off
more than anything is we are once again having to stop this cartel from
doing the same shit. They are like the fucking Hydra. You cut one head off
and two more come back in its place.” Hawk’s gaze meets Tank’s. “We will
make Ruby safe, Tank. I promise you that. We’ll end these assholes soon.
Brass is ready for us to move. They’ve gotten intel on the woman who was
taken, thinking she was Ruby, well Mary Catherine. They’ve got a man on
the inside who was finally able to get word out where she’s being held.
We’ll be sent out soon but not right away.” Hawk’s mood changes suddenly,
and he grins at Tank. “You’ll have a few nights with your woman before we
go.” Hawk waggles his eyebrows. Tank grins, shaking his head. The man
might be in his fifties, but he still acts like a teenage boy sometimes. Tank
figures Charlotte keeps him feeling and being young. “Come on, I’m calling
a team meeting.” Hawk slaps him on the shoulder, and the two start out to
join the others.
Tank finds Ruby just where she said she’d be, waiting in the living area
talking with Lisa. The women seem to be deep in conversation. Tank is
surprised, but happy to see it. More than anything, he wants Ruby to have
everything she could ever want and need, which includes friends, family,
and most of all safety. She’s basically written off her actual family, so Tank
wants to replace them with his family. His team family and his
grandparents. He can’t wait for Ruby to meet Grammy and Pop. And he’s
sure Ruby and Abigail will be like sisters now that Ruby’s willing to allow
them all into her life. She’s lived so alone for six years to keep herself safe,
but Tank knows that’s not how she wanted to live. She’s a kind, loving
person. He saw it when she helped him care for Ellie while Abigail was
hospitalized. She deserves happiness.
“Guys!” Hawk calls out. “I hate to break up the party, but we need to
have a meeting. Lisa can you and Ruby head upstairs for a bit? I’ll send
Hack up to get you when we are finished.”
“Yes, of course,” Lisa replies as she and Ruby stand up and begin
making their way to the stairs. Tank hurries to speak to Ruby before they’re
“You okay, beautiful?” Tank asks, reaching for her when he draws near.
“Yeah, I’m good,” Ruby answers, melting into his arms. She tilts her
head back. Tank can tell she’s as eager for a kiss as he is to give her one.
Their tongues tangle as he holds her close, enjoying the feel of her in his
arms. The guys will definitely give him shit, but he has no fucks to give.
The ones without a woman are just jealous. The ones with a woman will
just be giving him payback for the shit he’s doled out to them over the
“This, hopefully, won’t take long,” Tank tells her when they break apart.
“It’s fine, Tucker. I understand. Lisa and I are enjoying getting to know
one another. Don’t worry about me.” Ruby’s expression is happy and
relaxed. He can tell she’s telling the truth. She’s the most relaxed he’s ever
seen her, and he loves it. He wants to see her this way every day, and in
time, he will.
“Time to wrap it up Tank. We’ll need to get to base soon. Brass has
called a meeting at 1300 hours,” Hawk calls across the room, drawing
everyone’s attention.
“Are we going wheels up?” Hack asks, his gaze flicking to Lisa.
“No, not just yet,” Hawk answers. “But likely in the next few days.”
Hack gives a single stiff nod. His lips pinching together, and his jaw ticks.
He looks over at Lisa once more. Tank can see some silent conversation
going on between them. Hack is hovering near Lisa, but the looks she’s
giving the poor man is saying stay the fuck back. Tank feels bad for his
friend. He can see the tension in his posture and body language. The man is
begging for Lisa to let him in, but she’s being stubborn. Although, Tank can
see a longing in her eyes when she looks at Hack. Tank wonders why she’s
fighting her attraction to Hack so hard. The man is obviously smitten with
her. Women. A man can never figure them out but will gladly die trying.
Tank chuckles as he thinks this to himself. He wonders once again what’s
happening between them, but he needs to focus on getting Ruby secured
before he has to leave the country, again.
“What’s funny?” Ruby asks him. She’s still clinging to him, and he’s
loving it, but he knows he needs to let her and Lisa get upstairs.
“I’ll tell you later,” Tanks says, giving her another quick kiss. “Head on
up. I’ll be up as soon as we’re done.”
“Okay, Tucker.” Ruby turns, meeting Lisa’s gaze. The women head up
the stairs with Hack and Tank standing at the bottom watching them go.
“Boys!” Hawk calls drawing Tank’s and Hack’s attentions. “You can
ogle your women later. Right now, we have shit to discuss.” Both men nod
and head over to take a seat to hear what their C.O. has to say.

“You want something to drink?” Lisa asks when they reach the kitchen.
“Yes, a glass of water will be good,” Ruby answers. Lisa heads straight
to a cabinet, pulling a glass down before going to the refrigerator to fill it
with ice and filtered water from the freezer door of the very nice modern
appliance. Curiosity floods Ruby. Lisa seems to be very familiar with
Hack’s kitchen, yet she tries to distance herself from him when others are
around. Ruby can’t keep her curiosity to herself. “So…what’s up with you
and Hack?”
Lisa spins around nearly spilling the water from the glass. “What do you
mean?” Her face is pale, and her hand trembles as she extends the glass to
“It just seems like there’s some tension between you two.” Ruby takes a
sip of her water, looking at Lisa over the rim of her glass as she drinks.
Lisa’s posture stiffens. Her mouth pinched into a grim line, she stares off
toward the living area. “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business,” Ruby
apologizes. Lisa looks over at her.
“You’re right,” Lisa begins. “It’s not any of your business.” Ruby
tenses. She didn’t mean to make an enemy of Lisa. She’s been hoping to
make friends with her since Ruby’s decided to throw caution to the wind
and accept that she and Tucker are just meant to be. Ruby drops her gaze
trying to come up with something else to say to lessen the tension in the
room. Lisa surprises her when she lets out a heavy sigh. “I’m the one who
should apologize.” Ruby’s eyes fly to Lisa’s. Her eyebrows raising in
question. “Let’s go sit in the living room.” Ruby nods, taking her glass of
water with her. They enter a formal living area with a plush couch and
matching loveseat. Ruby takes a seat on the couch and Lisa sits across from
her on the loveseat.
“Look, I don’t mean to be a bitch,” Lisa begins. Ruby starts to protest,
but Lisa holds up a hand. “You don’t have to argue. I know I’m being a
bitch.” She sighs again. Her eyes beginning to fill with unshed tears. “I’m
just so tired.” She looks over at Ruby and gives her a sad smile. “I don’t
know how this became my life; you know?” Ruby nods with a humorless
“Yeah, I sure do,” Ruby answers the rhetorical question, though no
answer is required. “I have asked myself that a million times over the last
six years.” Lisa sucks in a breath.
“Six years?” Lisa asks, curiosity burning in her gaze. Her own troubles
seemingly forgotten. Ruby decides if she shares her own story, maybe it
will help Lisa to open up about her own troubles.
“Yes, I’ve been living on the streets, basically trying to hide in plain
sight, for the last six years.” Ruby begins to let the awful memories of her
past flood her. “Ever since my mother was murdered right in front of me.”
“Oh God, Ruby!” Lisa exclaims. “I’m so sorry. I-I can’t imagine how
awful it has been for you.”
“I’m not going to lie.” Ruby gives a rueful smile. “It’s been pretty bad
sometimes and scary especially in the beginning. I’d been so sheltered all
my life. Suddenly at twenty years old, I see my mother murdered right
before my eyes. Days later, I find out my father and brother are active in the
mob and I’m expected to marry another mob boss to smooth over tensions
between the two factions.” Lisa’s eyes are wide as she takes in Ruby’s tale.
“You can’t make this shit up. I was in shock, grieving my mother, and at a
total loss as to what to do. I had some really bad days. The sister of the man
I was supposed to marry actually helped me escape,” Ruby confides.
“Really?” Lisa is fully engaged now. She seems to have forgotten her
own troubles for the time being.
“Yeah,” Ruby confirms. “Gianna knew her father and brother weren’t
good people, and she could tell how clueless I was to everything that our
families were involved in. Hell, I was a virgin. Sorry if that’s TMI.”
“Not at all.” Lisa laughs. “Lord I wished I’d still been a virgin at twenty.
You know the saying hindsight is twenty-twenty. So many mistakes.” She
gives Ruby a remorseful look. “I got married young. Charlotte and I both
“You’ve known Charlotte a long time?” Ruby asks.
“Yeah.” Lisa gives a genuine smile. “We’ve been friends since first
grade. Thick as thieves. We were bridesmaids in each other’s weddings. I
got married the summer before our Senior year. I was pregnant with my
oldest son. I thought I was in love. I guess I was, as much as any seventeen-
year-old girl can be, but it wasn’t a true love. Not like what Charlotte has
with Hawk.” Lisa sighs wistfully. She looks up at Ruby. “Not like what you
have with Tank.” Ruby’s cheeks heat. “I see how he looks at you.”
“Hack looks at you the same way,” Ruby blurts out before thinking
better of it. “Shit I shouldn’t have said that.” She gives Lisa an apologic
“it’s okay.” Lisa blows out a breath. “It’s not like I don’t know how
Hack feels. Hell, he’s made it his mission to tell and show me at every
opportunity. I know everyone else can see it, too.”
“I don’t mean to overstep our new friendship,” Ruby says. “But what’s
holding you back? I’ve seen you looking at him, too. Don’t take this the
wrong way, because no one other than Tucker will ever do it for me, but
he’s a handsome guy. The men on the team are all honorable, and he’s
totally head over heels for you. I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t be
all over him.”
“It’s complicated?” Lisa laughs out the question before shaking her
head. “Charlotte has asked me the same question a thousand and one times.
I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. At first and for the most part, it’s the
age difference.”
“Age difference?” Ruby’s face shifts in surprise. “It can’t be much.
You’re what thirty-nine or forty?” Lisa gives a laugh at that.
“I knew I liked you,” Lisa declares with a smile. “I’m forty-seven. Hack
is thirty-three. My mom will say I’m robbing the cradle and call me a
cougar. Fuck, my oldest son is only a few years younger than him. People
will think poorly of me.”
“If I cared for him, I wouldn’t let that stop me,” Ruby tells her. “Age is
just a number, and if you both are okay with it then who cares what anyone
else thinks. If they don’t like it, fuck ‘em.” Lisa roars with laughter, and
Ruby joins in. It takes them a while to get themselves under control.
“Good Lord!” Lisa says after a few minutes. “I sure needed that. I
appreciate you being so understanding. Charlotte is my very best friend, and
she feels the same, but I guess we’ve known each other so long I just
figured she would agree with it because she wants me to be happy after
everything…” Lisa trails off, an emotion crossing her face Ruby can’t quite
put a name to. An uncomfortable silence descends, and Ruby racks her
brain for something to say to ease the tension.
“I’m sorry,” Lisa says after a few minutes. “I wasn’t always like this.”
“Like what?” Ruby asks curiosity blooming.
“Bitchy, moody, melancholy.” Lisa shakes her head. “However, I’ve
been this way longer than I was the free, fun-loving person of my youth, so
maybe it’s who I am now, and I won’t be able to find that person again.”
Her eyes well with tears again. Ruby’s heart breaks for the woman. She’s
obviously under tremendous stress, and the war she’s battling in her head
must be exhausting.
“Is there anything I can do?” Ruby asks not knowing what else to say
without probing for more information.
“No, but thanks for asking. I…I just wish things were different.” Lisa
swipes the tears from her face. “But they aren’t so no use crying over
spilled milk.”
“I know I’m considered to be young, but I’ve lived a lifetime in the last
six years,” Ruby tells Lisa. “One thing I’ve learned is life is short. The last
thing you want is to have a mountain of regrets on your death bed. I know
we don’t really know each other, but don’t let your fears keep you from
happiness, Lisa. I didn’t want to let Tucker in. I liked him from the moment
we met, but I was afraid. Afraid of getting my heart broken when I had to
leave him behind. Afraid of Russo, Jr. or of my brother finding me and
hurting Tucker to get to me. I know it’s ridiculous. He’s a larger than life,
beast of a man, and a badass Marine. He can take care of himself. But I was
worried for him. Honestly, I’m still worried for him. I won’t survive if
something happens to him. It’ll be worse if he’s hurt because of his
connection to me.”
“I can relate,” Lisa says. “Oh Lord, can I relate!” Ruby can hear the
truth in her statement. Lisa does understand how Ruby feels.
“Are you running from someone, too?” Ruby asks softly. Lisa’s startled
gaze hits her.
“Yes.” Lisa breaths out, the fear plain on her face, but a second later
she’s schooled it away. “Wait, no, forget I said that. I shouldn’t have said
that. I don’t know why I said it.”
“Hey, calm down.” Ruby tries to soothe her. “I won’t say anything to
anyone, but you need to trust Hack. I don’t know him, but if he’s anything
like Tucker, he’ll move heaven and earth to make sure you’re safe.”
“I know he will,” Lisa’s voice barely a whisper. “That’s why I’m afraid.
I don’t want him getting hurt for me or doing something to cost him his
career. He’s worked so hard to get where he is now.” She shakes her head.
“He’s crazy enough to get himself in serious trouble. I don’t want him to
risk going to jail, again either.”
“Again?” Ruby is shocked. How is he in service if he’s a criminal.
Perhaps she should reconsider her trust in the men on the team. She’d
thought they’re all kind and thoughtful, but deadly when needed, just like
“I probably shouldn’t have said that.” Lisa grimaces. “He was just a kid,
and he wasn’t convicted of anything. He’s seriously good with computers
and super intelligent. He could and still can hack into any system. One of
his high school classmates was jealous of him and wanted to embarrass
him. He dared Elijah, Hack as you know him, to hack into an FBI database.
He didn’t think Elijah could do it, and he could humiliate him for failing.”
“Let me guess. He was successful?” Ruby questions.
“Yes, but he got caught,” Lisa answers. “The FBI showed up at his
home and took him into custody. They gave him a choice, show them how
he did it and join the bureau or go to jail. Hack refused to join the FBI but
countered with joining the Marines and the officials agreed as long as he
didn’t hack any more sensitive databases…unless they wanted him to do
“Oh man! That must have been scary for a young man?” Lisa nods as
Ruby continues, “I guess that’s how he got his nickname, too?” Ruby
enquires. Lisa nods.
“Yeah, his drill instructor was aware of his history,” Lisa begins. “The
man made a comment about his hacking skills not being useful on the
obstacle course. Some of the other recruits over heard the comment, and it
spread like wildfire. The name just stuck.” The women continue to talk for
a while. Lisa informing Ruby about the other women in the tight knit group
of Hawk’s teams. Ruby is shocked to learn so many of the women have
experienced trauma much like she is dealing with now. Kidnappings, rape,
torture, hiding from the police, but they’d still managed to find their happily
ever after, or so it seems, they have. She just hopes she and Tucker will find
their happy ending.
While they haven’t known each other long, Ruby wants Lisa to be
happy, too. Lisa is a nice person, and she deserves to be happy, the same as
anyone. It doesn’t matter if Hack is younger than her, if her son is a mere
few years younger than Hack, or what demons are chasing her. Ruby
decides to try again to get Lisa to rethink her method of handling her
relationship with Hack.
“You can tell me to butt out if you want. I will still be your friend,
because I do get where you’re coming from in regards to Hack.” Lisa glares
at her, but Ruby isn’t deterred. “However, you deserve to be happy and so
does he.” Lisa’s eyes widen as if she hasn’t thought about his happiness. “If
you continue to push him away, he’s going to be sad and lost. I don’t know
you or him. I understand that, but I’ve been around Straw and Abigail. I’ve
seen first-hand how he is with her, and I know how Tucker is with me.
Charlotte with Hawk, and the other men with their women. I know if Hack
cares for you like Tank cares for me and Straw cares for Abigail, he isn’t
just going to forget about you and move on.” Lisa stares at her. The poor
woman’s eyes are wide in shock. “Just think about it, okay?” Lisa nods
stiffly, her eyes unfocused as she’s thinking about everything they’ve talked
about. They continue in a comfortable silence, both lost in their own
Before long, they hear footsteps on the stairs. The women look toward
the stairs to see Tank walking toward them. Looks like the men are finished
with their meeting. What happens now? Ruby wonders to herself as he
approaches her. Hack is not far behind.

Tank is itching for this informal team meeting to be over. Hawk is

commanding their attention, and while what he’s saying is important, Tank
can’t keep his mind on Hawk. His mind is on the red-haired beauty upstairs
and the filthy things he’d love to be doing to her. He blows out a breath.
She’s likely going to be sore and having his cock in her may not be an
option for a few days, but there are other ways he can have her. He loves
the taste of her and enjoys hearing her moans and the breathy way she calls
his name when she comes. Yeah, he can’t wait to get her home.
“We have word the asset is in fair condition,” Hawk says. “The
informant said she’s being held in Guerrero’s compound about one hundred
clicks west of the place you scoped out. At this point, she still alive. The
informant said, Guerrero’s planning on moving her next week. He’s
supposed to fly to New York mid-week to meet with Russo, Sr. and Jr. to
finalize the arms deal. Brass wants us to get her out before they realize who
she is or better yet, who she isn’t. We will have to get in and get out quickly
without alerting them we are there until it’s too late. The girl’s life depends
on it.”
“How is it they haven’t figured out she isn’t Ruby?” Worm asks. “I’m
sure she’s tried to tell them her name isn’t Mary Catherine Amato.” Hawk’s
face is stoic, grim even.
“According to the informant, she tried, but Guerrero didn’t believe her,”
Hawk replies. “Which for her sake should be a good thing as he’d likely kill
her if he knew the truth about who she really is, because he’s a brutal
asshole. She put up a good fight, but all it got her was a beating for denying
being Mary Catherine. The informant has been assigned as her guard
several times. He’s done his best to lessen her discomfort and shield her as
much as possible without blowing his cover. He recommends getting her
out when they move her. Guerrero will be taking her by truck to an airstrip
roughly five clicks north of his compound. Satellite images show a two mile
stretch of a wooded area along the road to the airstrip. I think this will be
the best place to ambush the convoy. It won’t be easy. He usually has
several guards everywhere he goes. He’s a very intelligent man and plans
for possible scenarios. We just have to hope he isn’t prepared for us to show
up to rescue the girl.”
“Time frame on departure?” Hack again asks. Hawk shoots him a hard
look, as if trying to fetter out Hack’s obsession with when the team will be
heading out. Hack’s jaw ticks as he bears Hawk’s scrutiny.
“No,” Hawk finally answers “Nothing definite, but I’d expect in three to
four days which will give us a couple days to prep and get into position
prior to her being moved.” Hack gives a chin lift indicating his
understanding. Hawk looks around the room. His unspoken question
understood by all in attendance “if there’s a question voice it now”. No one
else speaks up, and Tank is thankful as fuck. He’s beyond ready to get to
Ruby and take her home. “All right, if there are no further questions, you’re
dismissed until 1300 hours. We’ll meet in conference room H. Travel safe
Tank is on his feet as soon as Hawk finishes speaking. He sees Hack
jump to his feet, too. However, Hawk calls out to Hack before he can take a
step. His shoulders hunch. His posture stiff as he turns. Tank is sure the man
is going to break a tooth. His jaws are clenched so tightly. His irritation is
plain as day, but he walks over to Hawk who leans in and begins a tense,
yet brief conversation with him. Tank proceeds to the stairs. He’s about
three-fourths of the way up the stairs when he clocks Hack hitting the first
step. Tank clears the last step and catches a glimpse of Ruby and Lisa to his
left in the living area.
Ruby looks up at him, smiling when she sees him entering the living
room. Tank lifts her up out of her seat. She squeals in shock. Tank takes her
seat and settles her on his lap. A warm, loving feeling washes over him
when she wraps an arm around his neck and settles her head on his
shoulder, with a contented sigh. He tightens his hold briefly. God how he
loves the feel of her in his arms.
Hack has followed Tank up the stairs. He comes to sit beside Lisa on the
loveseat. He throws an arm across the back. Lisa straightens stiffly as if
she’s uncomfortable at the familiarity Hack is exuding. Ruby looks over at
Lisa and gives the woman a big smile. They seem to share an unspoken
secret between them. Lisa finally relaxes back into her seat. Tank doesn’t
make a big deal out of it, but he notices Hack’s hand slip down to caress her
right shoulder.
“What did Hawk have to say?” Lisa asks when they’ve all gotten
settled. Tank and Hack share a look. “I’m not asking for classified
information,” she snaps, glaring at Hack “I just wondered if you were
getting sent out?” His face softens.
“Not today,” he replies softly. Lisa nods, her gaze dropping to her hands
clasped in her lap, her knuckles turning white she’s gripping them so hard.
Hack seems to notice. He brings his arm out from behind her, reaching over
to take her left hand in his right one. She raises her head to look at him.
More silent communication passing between them. Tank begins to feel like
he and Ruby are intruding on a private moment between the couple. He
glances at Ruby when she squeezes his shoulder.
“Are you ready to go home?” Ruby asks. Her question shocking him for
a brief moment, but it makes him a very happy man. He wants her to think
of his home as her home, because if he has anything to say about it, she’ll
never leave it again. Unless they buy their own place someday in the future.
While they all get along well and he and Straw have a large home, he
doesn’t feel like there’ll be enough room for all of them once both couples
begin having children.
“Yes, I’m ready,” Tank answers. “Straw and I will have to go to the
meeting on base, this afternoon. I’d like for you to stay with Abigail while
we are gone.” He isn’t sure if she’ll argue about it or not, but he’s ready to
argue until the cows come home if needed to keep Ruby safe. If Tony was
able to find Ruby, it stands to reason Russo, Jr. could easily find her, too.
“Okay, Tucker,” Ruby answers. His heart continues to fill with more
love for this woman. She’s constantly surprising him. She’s definitely going
to keep him on his toes, which is fine with him. He’s going to love trying to
keep up with her. She climbs out of his lap, allowing Tank to stand. Lisa
and Hack both stand as well. Ruby holds her arms out to Lisa who Tank has
always viewed as standoffish, but Lisa steps into Ruby’s hug. The women
share a few whispered words before breaking apart with a shared look. Lisa
nods, and Ruby smiles before she turns to Tank.
“Let’s go home, Tucker.” Ruby’s quiet request stealing Tank’s heart. He
takes her hand before leading her out to his truck, where they meet Straw
who seems as anxious to get home as Tank. He lifts her into the passenger
side of his truck and buckles her belt. The drive home passes in silence.
Tank is full of curiosity about the exchange between Ruby and Lisa, but he
isn’t going to push. He knows Ruby will fill him in when the time is right.
He’s looking forward to getting Ruby home. They won’t have a lot of time,
but he’s going to make it quality time.
However, Tank’s plans would have to wait. The driveway is full. Cars
sitting everywhere. Well, fuck! The women are here. He’d forgotten they
were all here looking after Abigail while they were dealing with Tony. Tank
huffs out a growl unconsciously when he sees all the vehicles in the
driveway. Straw’s chuckle from the backseat prompts him to look up into
the rearview mirror and flip his friend the bird. Straw laughs harder.
“What’s wrong Tucker?” Ruby asks from the passenger seat. “Where
did all these vehicles come from?”
“It’s the women,” Tank mutters grumpily.
“The women?” Ruby looks over at him in question.
“Yeah, beautiful,” Tank replies. “You met them at the first fundraiser
meeting. Charlotte, Elise, Emma, and Daisy. They came by to look after
Abigail while we were at Hack’s. Straw didn’t want her here alone while we
were gone not knowing how long it might take. They came over to spoil her
and Ellie. And undoubtedly, they’ve gotten wind about you staying here last
night, and they’ll want to bombard you with questions and spoil you, too.”
“Me?” Ruby asks excitedly. “They don’t know me why would they
want to spoil me? I haven’t been injured like Abigail.” Tank smiles,
thinking the women didn’t need an excuse. It’s just who they are, kind,
thoughtful, and loving.
“Babe, they don’t need an excuse other than you are important to me, so
you’re important to them,” Tank tells her. “And even if we weren’t together,
if they knew you were in need of anything even just a friend to talk to, they
would be there for you. It’s just the kind of women they are, fiercely loyal,
giving, and full of love for all.” Tank’s heart melts a little more seeing the
tears forming in Ruby’s eyes. “Now don’t cry. It kills me to see you cry,
beautiful.” She gives him a wobbly smile and swipes the tears from her
“Guys, we better head inside,” Straw says from the backseat. Tank had
forgotten his friend is still back there. “I saw Daisy peeking out the window.
She’s surely told the other women, and they’ll be…yep here they come.”
Tank looks toward the front door, and sure enough Charlotte, Emma, Elise,
Abigail, and Daisy are coming out the front door.
“Brace yourself for lots of hugs and nosey questions,” Tank says to
Ruby as he opens his door and hurries around to help Ruby out of his truck.
He’s barely gotten her feet on the ground when the women descend on
“Ruby, are you okay?” Charlotte asks. “Abigail said some men were
chasing you. They didn’t hurt you, did they?” Charlotte looks Ruby over
from head to toe before she pulls her into a tight embrace.
“I’m okay, Charlotte,” Ruby answers. She hugs Charlotte back, and the
other women take their turns hugging her, too. Tank has always known the
women are welcoming and loving. He’s so thankful Ruby has them on her
side. They will help her get her feet under her once more. She’s been on her
own for too long with no one but herself to depend on, but that stops now.
Tank, his brothers, and their women will forever more be Ruby’s family. He
knows if God should call him home tomorrow, Ruby will always have these
people to love her and keep her safe. It helps to settle the unease he’s felt
for her since the day they first met and soothes his irritation at not having
her to himself this afternoon.
“Okay, okay, ladies,” Tank begins to shoo them away. “Let me at least
get her in the house before you start flooding her with questions.” Tank
does his best to force himself between Ruby and Charlotte putting his hand
to Ruby’s lower back to guide her toward the house. Charlotte rolls her eyes
before she waves her hand at him in an effort to dismiss him and his words.
Daisy and Emma laugh when he growls at Charlotte while Elise just smiles
and shakes her head at the antics.
“Did you seriously just growl at my woman?” Hawk’s voice comes
from behind them. Tank turns to see the rest of the team has decided to stop
by as well. Hawk strolls up taking Charlotte into his arms bending her
backward and kissing her deeply. Tank shakes his head and again attempts
to move the crowd toward the front porch, but it’s like trying to herd a litter
of puppies. A squeal draws his attention as the kids come running out the
front door.
“Ruby!” Ellie shouts as she jumps off the top step. Straw lunges
forward to catch her in fear she’ll break a leg.
“Whoa munchkin,” Straw says as he catches her. The child’s face is
alight with happiness. “You’re going to hurt herself jumping off the porch
like that,” Straw admonishes, but it doesn’t seem to make much impact on
her. Ellie’s eyes are locked on Ruby.
“Hey, there Ellie.” Ruby takes the child who is reaching for her. “You
should listen to Straw. You could’ve broken a leg.” Ellie looks contrite
when she answers, Ruby.
“Okay, Ruby I’ll not do that anymore.” Ruby smiles at Ellie, which only
makes Ellie smile bigger. She wraps her little arms around Ruby’s neck and
squeezes tightly. “I’m so happy to see you. I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you, too,” Ruby tells the child hugging her back. “Have you
beaten the boys at war anymore?” Ruby has asked the right question. Ellie
begins to chatter away about her latest exploits playing with the other
children. Jessie and Josh are hanging around and join in on the
conversation. The children argue a little over who’s the best.
“Please people, can we get inside?” Tank calls out of the din of chatter
going on around them. “Good lord, the neighbors are going to call in a
noise complaint,” he grumps, but no one seems to be listening to him. Straw
slaps him on the back.
“If you recall this is the greeting we received when I brought Abi home
from the hospital,” Straw reminds him. Tank recalls that day. He can
remember Straw being pretty grumpy, too, when everyone was crowding
him while he attempted to carry Abigail into the house.
“I remember,” Tank replies. “So I would think you’d help a fellow out.”
Straw nods before clapping his hands together loudly then whistling at a
high pitch.
“Clear a damn path!” Straw calls out. “Y’all can gab all day once we’re
out of the front yard.” The crowd begins to move toward the porch. Ruby is
still carrying Ellie even though the child is too old to be carried around like
a toddler, but Ruby doesn’t seem to mind. She’s listening intently to the
children sharing their adventures with her.
Once they finally make it inside, the kids head up to Ellie’s room to
play. The women head off to the kitchen to put out the food they’ve either
brought with them or made in the kitchen after they arrived. Hawk and the
other men head into the living room. Tank catches Ruby before she’s
dragged off to the kitchen.
“Are you okay with this, beautiful?” Tank scans her face for any signs
of distress. “The women mean well, but they can be a lot to deal with. Don’t
let them overwhelm you.”
“It’s fine, Tucker.” Ruby smiles shyly. “It’s been a long time since I’ve
had girl friends to hang out with. It’s kind of nice, you know?” Tank nods
and smiles.
“Good, but if they get to be too much, come get me. I’ll just be in the
living room with the guys,” Tank informs her. “It appears we are going to
eat lunch before heading off to base for the meeting.”
“Okay, Tucker,” Ruby replies. “I’m sure I’ll be fine, but if not, I’ll come
find you.” With that, she follows the rest of the women to the kitchen. Tank
heads into the living area where Hawk and the others, minus Hack, are in
deep conversation.

Ruby enters the kitchen with all the other women. She’s enjoying all the
chatter around her. It’s been ages since she’s spent time with anyone. She’s
kept to herself over the last six years, or she had until she met Tucker and
his group of friends. He has made it his mission to spend as much time with
her as possible. She has gotten so used to being alone she hadn’t realized
just how lonely she’s truly been, until now.
“So, Ruby are you really, okay?” Emma asks when they all begin to
settle down. Charlotte and Elise are getting dishes out of the refrigerator,
placing casseroles into the oven and other dishes in the microwave. The
kitchen is filling with delicious smells and warmth. “I know we can be a bit
much sometimes, but we really do want to make sure you aren’t hurt or
need anything.”
“Thanks, Emma, but I really am okay, at least physically,” Ruby
answers honestly. “I’m still frightened not knowing what the future holds.
I’m worried for Tucker and the other guys on the team, but I know I have to
trust he knows what he’s doing and just pray for their protection. I’m
hoping God wouldn’t send Tucker into my life just to take him away. At
least, I have to believe it.”
“I know what you mean,” Emma says sympathetically. “These guys
have a dangerous job, and while we can never know the future, I too chose
to believe God wouldn’t have put Curtis in my life only to rip him away
before we can get married and begin our lives together.”
“Speaking of getting married,” Daisy begins. “When is the big day?
Have you found a venue yet?”
“Yeah, we found a beautiful place in Chattanooga, Tennessee,” Emma
informs them. “There’s this beautiful mountain top venue at a hotel. We’ve
booked a whole floor of rooms. You should be getting your “save the date”
cards in the mail this week. Susie Beth insisted on making them up and
mailing them out. She’s also sending all of you an invitation to a party at
her house to plan” –Emma makes quotation marks at the word plan– “the
bachelorette party. The girl has gone crazy.” Emma giggles.
“Oh Ruby,” Charlotte says. “You’ve got to meet Susie Beth. She’s
Emma’s best friend and is hilarious. She’s a lot of fun to be around but be
forewarned if she takes you shopping be sure to wear good shoes. She will
literally shop until you drop, but she can sniff out bargains like no other.
She always saves me a ton of money.”
Ruby enjoys listening to the women converse about every day topics.
She begins to realize now that she’s agreed to stay with Tucker, this will be
her new life. No longer hiding in parks or shelters. No showering at the
YMCA or sleeping in a large room with a bunch of strangers. Tears begin to
silently leak down her face, yet she’s smiling so big her face hurts. The
women chatter on a few minutes no one seems to notice Ruby’s mini
breakdown, at least not for a bit.
“Ruby?” Elise’s soft voice says beside her. She has come up to Ruby’s
side. Ruby quickly swipes her tears away.
“Yeah?” Ruby turns to look over at the dark-haired woman. Ruby notes
she’s very beautiful and looks about Ruby’s age.
“Is there anything I can do?” Elise asks quietly. “You seem to be upset.
Are we overwhelming you?” Ruby smiles over at her new friend.
“No, thank you, though,” Ruby replies. “I just realized I don’t have to
be alone anymore, and…it got to me.” Elise smiles with understanding and
compassion shining in her eyes. She puts her arm around Ruby’s shoulders
and gives her a side hug. “It’s been a long, long time since I’ve had friends,
and it’s just really nice.”
“I understand,” Elise replies. “I’ve found these women to be the best of
friends. Now, we have you, too. I’m so happy for Tank as well. He’s always
been kind, but kind of reserved, never gets too close to anyone. He’s a good
man, and he deserves to have a good woman in his life.”
“I don’t know if I meet the standard, but I’m sure going to try,” Ruby
replies as she watches the other women cooking.
“Oh, I didn’t mean to imply you weren’t.” Elise hurries to clarify. “The
opposite actually. You’ve been good for him. I’ve noticed he’s been more
relaxed in the last few weeks, smiling, actually looking happy.”
“I know you weren’t putting me down,” Ruby assures her. “It’s just with
the problems in my life, I worry for Tucker’s safety, but I just can’t walk
away from him. I tried. I really did, but I’d rather die than live my life
without him. It’s crazy to feel this way so soon after meeting him, but it’s
how I feel. I think deep down I knew the moment I met him he was going to
change my life for the better. I fought it because of who I’m running from
and not wanting him to get tangled up in it. However, he’s constantly on my
mind. In some ways, it feels like I’ve known him forever, like he’s the other
half of me.” Elise’s face morphs into a knowing smile.
“I completely understand,” Elise replies. “Warren was the one who tried
to resist our connection.”
“Really? Why would he do that?” Ruby asks. She’d noticed he’s a
rather quiet, reserved kind of man, but he seems totally smitten with Elise.
“You’re beautiful, and I can see how much he loves you when he looks at
“Well, several reasons, one being he’s fifteen years older than I am,”
Elise begins. “He felt like he was too old for me, that he’d be robbing the
cradle. For another, he was concerned I was hero worshipping him. He’s the
one who cut my bindings and carried me out of the hellhole I’d been kept in
for weeks. I tried to convince him that wasn’t the case, but he needed to be
sure. I went to therapy for quite a long time before he agreed to see me
again. Another reason being we come from such different backgrounds. My
parents come from old money. I’m not bragging; it’s just my reality. Warren
was raised in foster care and doesn’t have any blood relations. His only
family is the guys on the team. He felt like he wasn’t good enough, but to
me, he is perfect. He’s my other half. I’ve always been what my mom calls
an old soul. I had cancer as a child, maybe that’s why I was more interested
in older things. My brother is ten years old than I am. I did my best to keep
up with him and his friends when we were growing up so that likely has
something to do with it, too.”
“Well, I’m glad he gave in,” Ruby tells her. “You seem like an ideal
couple.” Elise chuckles.
“I don’t know about being ideal, but he’s the one for me and our
children,” Elise gets a wistful look. “We adopted them. Their older sister,
Lakia, had been held captive with me in Syria.” Elise shudders. Ruby’s
heart breaks for the woman. She can’t imagine the trauma she must have
endured at the hands of terrorists. Elise takes a deep breath before
continuing, “She was murdered right in front of me by my captors. Warren
found out about her younger siblings. They were sent to an orphanage not
long after I was rescued. Their grandparents who’d been caring for them
were in failing health and could no longer provide for them. Lakia had
helped care for them and worked to feed them. With her gone, there wasn’t
anyone else to provide for them. So Warren and I adopted them. They’ve
grown so much since we first took them in, not just physically, but socially
and emotionally, too. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to give birth to a child
after all the chemo I took during my two bouts with cancer, but those
children are ours.”
“I’m sorry about the things that happened to you.” Ruby begins
understanding how Elise feels witnessing the child’s death. Having witness
her own mother’s violent death, she can empathize with Elise. “I’ve come
to learn things happen the way they do for a reason. We rarely understand it
at the time, and it might take years for us to understand the why, but I
believe everything happens like it’s supposed to. I would never have met
Tucker if not for my family’s involvement in the mob and me having to flee
that life. The last six years have been hell, but now I’ve found heaven on
earth with Tucker. Just knowing him the short amount of time I have is
worth all the fear, pain, sleepless nights, and days without food. I hope we
have many years, together, but if not, I’ll always be thankful for the time
we’ve had.”
The women have the food ready in no time at all. They load down the
dining table, placing a large stack of paper plates at one end. The guys all
line up and fill their plates. Tucker tries to herd Ruby into line, but she
declines. “You guys go on. You need to eat before you have to leave for
base. The girls and I have all afternoon to eat. I promise I’m not going to
starve by waiting a few minutes.” The look he gives her steals another piece
of her heart.
“Okay, beautiful,” Tucker replies. “I want to have a few minutes alone
with you before we head out, though. So, eat quickly.” He gives her a wink,
and Ruby’s heart flutters in her chest at his words. Images of their bodies
tangled together cause her face to heat. Tucker grins full on as if he can read
her mind. He leans in to place a quick kiss on her lips. “We may not have a
much time, but I intend to make it memorable.” Ruby sucks in a breath with
wide eyes. “That’s a promise,” Tucker says in a gravelly whisper. Ruby
shivers. She’s more than ready for everyone to hurry up, eat, and get out of
the house so she can have Tucker all to herself. She licks her lips in
An hour later, Tucker appears at her side in the kitchen where she’s been
helping the women clean up after the meal.
“Excuse us ladies,” Tucker says as he takes her by the hand and tugs her
toward the door. “I need to see Ruby for a few minutes. Y’all can have her
this afternoon while we are on base.” Ruby throws a wave over her
shoulder as they exit the room. She tries not to blush when she hears the
women hooting and whistling as they exit the room. He leads her straight to
the stairs and up. When they reach his room, he shuts and quickly locks the
door before he whips her around with her back to the door. His mouth
crashes into hers. Both of them eagerly grasping at the other.
“Tucker!” Ruby’s breathless plea seems to push him over the edge. He
lifts her off her feet and into his arms, carrying her bride style to the bed. He
drops her with a bounce before he pounces on her. She reaches for the hem
of his t-shirt, eager to get her hands on his skin. She’s been craving his
touch and to touch him. As soon as the material is out of her way, her lips
move to press kisses to his pecs and abdomen. He sucks in a breath at her
touch. Ruby looks up to meet his heated gaze.

Fuck! Ruby’s touch and the look in her eyes has him undone. Ruby might
be new to sex, but she knows what she wants and never fails to take his
breath away. She gives him a sultry smile as she reaches for the buckle of
his belt.
“Beautiful,” Tank croaks out. “I know you’re sore. Let me make you
feel good.” Her face falls and gives him a full-on pout to rival Ellie when
she’s been told no. Undeterred, Ruby continues to work his belt before
quickly unbuttoning his pants.
“Please, Tucker,” Ruby whispers. “I need to feel you. Skin to skin.” Her
eyes lock onto his. No way he can deny her anything she wants. This should
scare him, the fact she has so much control over him, but it doesn’t. He will
gladly give her anything. Any. Thing. She is HIS. His to love, to protect,
and to spoil positively rotten.
“Whatever you need, beautiful,” Tank rasps, rising to shed his pants and
boxers in one fell swoop. He bends to untie and remove his boots and
socks. As he turns back to the bed, he finds Ruby completely naked laying
in the middle of his bed. The most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. Damn
she’s gorgeous! The thought is on replay in his head as he makes his way
onto the bed with her. Ruby bites her lower lip as if in anticipation of the
pleasure she knows he’s about to give her. He can’t take as much time as
he’d like with the 1300 hours meeting looming, but he will make it good for
her. He’ll always make sure she gets everything she needs.
He hovers over her perfect form and admires the view. Her breasts seem
to be reaching for him as her nipples harden, begging for his mouth to
devour them. He lets his gaze drift down over her ribs, and the flat plane of
her stomach, and down to the nest of dark curls between her thighs. There is
his goal, but he’s going to take the long route to get there, beginning with
her mouth.
“You’re gorgeous, beautiful.” Tank gives her his thoughts as he studies
her body. “It’s not just your body, babe. It’s your bravery, your kindness, the
way you interact with Ellie and the other women. You are everything I
didn’t know I needed until I met you.”
“Tucker.” Ruby’s eyes are so full of love, it takes his breath. Tank
lowers his head. Her eyes slowly close in preparation for his kiss. He hovers
just above her mouth, letting their breaths mingle. When he doesn’t kiss her,
her eyes fly open. He smiles at her.
“Keep your eyes open, beautiful,” Tank whispers. “I want you to take in
every kiss, every touch. I want to make memories with you that will last a
lifetime. Ones you can hold onto when I’m gone on missions. Something to
look forward to when I return to you.” Ruby’s eyes are wide with wonder at
his request, but as always, she gives him what he needs, too.
“Yes, Tucker.” Ruby breaths out. “Whatever you need.” She’s killing
him by repeating his words back to him. No more time to waste. It’s time to
show his woman just how much she means to him, while he can. He closes
the minimal distance between them and presses his lips to hers. She opens
her mouth to accept him in without hesitation. Their tongues swirl and
dance. Both taking what they need and giving back two-fold. She moans as
he breaks the kiss to trail down her jawline to her ear. He sucks the lobe into
his mouth flicking it with his tongue, then trailing a lick down the side of
her neck. She shivers, goosebumps erupt on her skin. He smiles against her
skin, loving how his touch affects her.
He places kisses along the top of her shoulder then back along her
collarbone, pausing mid-way to suck and nip the skin, marking her, laying
his claim on her.
“Mmm, yes” –Ruby moans as he marks her– “Please Tucker,” she begs.
“What do you want, beautiful?” He lifts his head to peer at her. Her big
brown eyes are half-closed, hazy with desire. “You, Tucker. I want you,
inside me, filling me up, stretching me.”
“Patience, we’ll get there.” Tank growls. He wants to be inside her, too,
but first he has to make sure she’s ready, soaking wet, and throbbing with
need. He lowers his head to her left breast, sucking the tight nipple into his
mouth, sucking and tonguing the bud. He scrapes his teeth over the
sensitive skin pulling another long, guttural moan from Ruby. He sucks
again causing her back to arch as she thrusts her chest toward his mouth. Oh
yeah! She’s liking this. He moves to give the right side the same attention.
He wonders if he could make her come from this alone, but he doesn’t have
time for it right now, but later, now that will be a different story. Time is
ticking. He needs to get on with it.
Releasing her breast with a pop, he trails his tongue over the swell of
her breast and down the valley between them. He moves lower over the
expanse of her ribcage, down her stomach, circling her navel, before
placing a kiss to each hip bone. He makes eye contact with her again then
lowers his head. Placing kisses on the inside of each thigh as he pushes
them further apart. He inhales her scent, committing it to memory. He opens
her folds with his fingers, and she jumps at his touch. With his forearms
resting on each thigh to keep her open like he wants, he gives her a long
slow lick from bottom to top.
“Ooohhh!” Ruby groans. He smiles. He flicks his tongue over the nub at
the apex of her sex feeling it firm and throb under his attention. “More,
Tucker. I need more!” Ruby demands. Since he can’t deny her, he sucks her
clit hard, drawing more moans and whimpers from her. He continues to
lick, suck, and flick her clit until she’s breathless and begging him for even
more. Sliding a finger into her wet heat he marvels at how tight she is, yet
she takes his cock without complaint. Tank is a big man in all ways. He’s
not bragging it’s just a fact. He’s tall, muscular, and well blessed in his man
parts. It’s just another confirmation in his mind Ruby is made for him. He
works his finger in and out a few times, before adding a second one,
stretching her as he curls his fingers up to hit the sweet spot that makes her
hips lift rhythmically as she begins to fuck his mouth. Oh yeah! He’s got
her going now. Her breaths are coming short and fast. Her whimpering is
increasing in frequency. He can feel her walls begin to flutter, so he sucks
her clit into his mouth, pulsing the pressure. A low keening sound tears
from Ruby’s throat as she comes flooding his mouth with her essence. He
laps it up, enjoying every drop. He licks and sucks for another minute or so
as she continues to buck against him. When she drops her hips to the
mattress and goes slack, he knows her climax is waning. He lifts his head to
meet her gaze. She’s staring down at him with in wonder in her eyes.
“Tucker.” Ruby’s voice is raspy and rough. He loves hearing her say his
name when she’s lust drunk. “That was out of this world, but I still need
you inside me.” He grins at her. His beautiful is greedy, and he’s more than
happy to oblige her. Rising to his knees, he takes his cock in his hand,
stoking it a few times. Her gaze falls to watch his movements before
coming back to look him in the eyes. “Please.”
Her soft plea spurs him into action. He rubs the head of his cock
through her wet folds, coating his cock to ease its passage into her depths.
He notches the head in her opening. With his hands planted on either side of
her head, he pushes inside, gently, easing out then back inside a little more.
He does this several times until he’s fully seated inside her. She tilts her
hips, and his cock slides deeper like a key sliding into a lock. A perfect fit.
Home. Where he belongs. Always. Something snaps in him as those
thoughts hit him. He draws back and slams home, then begins to pound into
her hard, fast, brutal. He’s like a beast, taking what he wants, what he
“Yes! Yes!” Ruby cries. Tank knows he’s out of control. His need for
her driving him to take her so hard she’ll never forget she’s his, that her
pussy belongs to him and him alone. He’s afraid he might hurt her, but her
cries urge him to keep going. He pounds into her thrust after thrust, their
flesh slapping together. She’s matching his frenzied pace, lifting her hips to
take him deeper. It doesn’t take him long to feel his release coming.
Balancing his weight onto his left hand, he thumbs her clit with his right
hand, working it hard to bring her to climax again. Just when he thinks he’s
going to blow before he can get her there, she cries out his name and
clamps down on his cock, milking him and forcing his release out of him.
He pumps a few more times, before burying deep, filling her with his seed.
He’s breathing hard. He lowers his head to hers. Their frantic breathing
syncs, and he loves that they’re so attuned to one another. It takes a few
minutes before he can speak.
“Thank you, beautiful.” Tank kisses her stealing whatever she was about
to say. “I didn’t realize how much I needed you until I found you. I know
you’re still scared, and you’re worried for my safety. Know this, I will do
everything in my power to always come home to you. I will have to leave
for missions, some will be a few days, some could be for months. It won’t
be an easy life but know you are the only woman for me, now and always.
I’ll love you until my dying breath and should I go before you I’ll watch
over you until you are in my arms again.”
“Tucker.” It’s the only thing she can say before her voice cracks, and
her eyes well up. Ruby raises her head and kisses him long and deep.
They’re both breathless again when they break apart. Ruby’s arms are
around his neck, and she holds him to her. He makes sure to rest his weight
on his left arm and hip as he holds her to him. His cock slips out of her, as
he rolls onto his back taking her with him. They hold one another for
several minutes until a knock on his door pulls them out of the spell they’re
“What?” Tank calls out, frustrated they’re being interrupted.
“About time to roll,” Straw calls. Tank glances at his watch and swears.
Why did they have to have a meeting right now? He knows the answer. A
young woman is being held against her will, and evil people want to flood
America with guns and drugs. Just because those are good reasons, it
doesn’t mean he likes it or wants to leave Ruby or his bed.
“I’ll be down in a few,” Tank answers back. He hears Straws steps
retreating. He turns to Ruby, but she beats him to the punch.
“I understand you have to go,” Ruby says softly. Her hand drawing
circles on his chest. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be here when you’re
finished. I know you have a job to do, and I’m so proud of you and the
work you do. Now go to your meeting so you can come back, and we can
do that again.” She smiles up at him and steals another piece of his heart
when he thought she already had it all.
“I love you,” he says simply. What else can he say? Those three words
seem inadequate to convey everything he feels for her, but they are the best
he’s got.
“I love you, too.” Ruby leans down to kiss him before rolling off him,
urging him to get up. He hurries into the bathroom to wash off. He’s wetting
a cloth for her, but she’s followed him into the bathroom. He gently washes
his seed out from between her legs and off her thighs, then quickly washes
himself off, too. He kisses her before leaving her to use the bathroom while
he gets dressed. When she exits the bathroom just as he’s pulling on his
boots, he’s once again cursing the fact he has to leave. She looks so
tempting strolling over to him, gloriously naked, her face still a little
flushed from their activities, and her hair a tangled mess.
“I’ll be back soon, beautiful.” He pulls her onto his lap for a quick kiss.
He stands and lays her back on the bed after pulling the covers down. He
goes to his dresser and grabs a t-shirt from a drawer. He slips it over her
head. She lifts her hips, helping him get it on her. He can’t leave her
undressed as he’d like because Ellie is home and could wander in to see
what Ruby is doing.
Pulling the covers up over her, he tucks her in, pressing a kiss to her
forehead. “Take a nap and rest up. I need you to be ready for another round
when I get home.” Her wide smile lets him know she’s more than down
with his request.
“Okay, Tucker,” Ruby raises up to press a kiss to his lips. “I’ll see you
soon.” Yeah, she would. He hurries from the room but makes sure to close
the door behind him. He descends the stairs to find everyone is still hanging
out in the living room. He mentally rolls his eyes because he knows he’s
about to get ribbed, but more importantly, he doesn’t want anyone to
embarrass Ruby when she comes down later. It seems no one has noticed
he’s come down yet. He’s about to tell them to keep their thoughts to
themselves when he belatedly he sees the kids are spread out in front to the
T.V. watching Surviving the Cut. Tank shakes his head, hearing the twins
arguing with Ellie who they think is going to “wimp” out.
“Is that really first grade appropriate?” Tank asks as he enters the room.
All eyes swing to him. Charlotte’s eyes light up, and he can see the
multitude of questions swirling in her head. Before she can begin to spout
them out, Hawk speaks up.
“Highly appropriate,” Hawk comments. “They’re learning what not to
“They’re six,” Tank states.
“You’re point?” Hawk asks. Tank looks to Straw and Abigail for back
up. The couple are snuggled together in a recliner. Tank cocks an eyebrow
at Straw who shrugs.
“I just don’t think they should be watching guys nearly drown trying to
pass the trials,” Tank informs them. “Or getting shot at with live rounds.
They’ll have nightmares, not to mention the language. They hear enough of
that when we’re playing ball with them.”
“They bleep all the ugly words, Uncle Tank,” Ellie pipes up from her
spot on the floor between the boys. She’s looking back over her shoulder.
Her knees are bent, and her feet are swing in the air with her ankles crossed,
her upper body resting on her forearms. The boys are sitting crisscross on
either side of her.
“When Ruby pops out your kid, you can ban it from watching the
docuseries.” Hawk smirks. “I’m assuming you’ve been working on that the
last hour?” Ellie jumps up to a sitting position.
“Ruby’s having a baby?” Ellie inquires before shooting an accusing
look at her mother and Straw. “You’re supposed to be having me a baby
brother! Now Uncle Tank’s going to have a baby before we do!” Ellie
crosses her little arms over her chest, and her lower lip protrudes in a pout.
“Jesus!” Straw and Tank both exclaim at the same time. The room
erupts in laughter, which only makes Ellie pout more.
“You’re gonna step on that lip, munchkin.” Tank grins at her. She sticks
her tongue out at him, making him laugh harder. He walks over and scoops
her up. “Ruby’s not having a baby. Mr. Hawk is being a…” Tank trails off.
He can’t say what he’s thinking to a six-year-old. Charlotte starts to say
something, but Hawk shoots her a look, and she closes her mouth.
“I was just teasing your Uncle Tank,” Hawk tells Ellie. “It’s fun to get
him riled up.” Ellie grins at this. She throws her arms around Tank’s neck
planting a wet, slopping kiss on his cheek.
“I know,” Ellie says in a tone full of wisdom beyond her years. “You
should’ve seen him when I made him a picture on his wall. His face turned
red and everything.” At that she wiggles to get down. Tank sits her back on
the floor between the boys. Emir and Derifa, Deadeye and Elise’s kids are
sitting nearby as is Maddox, Ace’s and Daisy’s son. Derifa is holding
Maddox while he’s chewing on a teething ring, drool stinging down in a
gooey mess. Emir is engrossed in the show along with the twins. Tank has a
moment where he imagines a mini version of Ruby sitting among the
children. He pauses in thought, maybe two mini-Rubys would be better. He
smiles when that thought hits him.
“Time to go, lover boy,” Hawk declares rising to his feet. He tugs
Charlotte’s hand, pulling her up, too. He kisses the hell out of her before he
turns to the room again. “Let’s roll, boys. Places to go, people to see.” The
men all rise to their feet and begin making their way to the door.
“Tank,” Charlotte calls. Tank stops, knowing he isn’t going to get out of
the house without the woman drilling him for information.
“Yeah?” Tank turns to face Charlotte, Elise, and Emma. All three
women with expectant looks.
“Is Ruby doing okay?” Charlotte asks. “She seemed all right earlier, but
she doesn’t know us that well. Is there anything she needs?” There it is. The
reason these women have come to mean so much to him. He’s fooled
himself for a long time thinking he hasn’t let anyone close, but these
women are just as important to him as his brothers-in-arms. They mean
something to his brothers, and therefore they mean something to him, too.
“She’s doing good,” Tank begins. “It may take a while for her to
become comfortable with all of us. We are a lot to take in.” The women
laugh because they all know they’re a hand full. “She’s been on the streets
so long, but she’s ready. She’s tired of running and being afraid. She can’t
ever return to her life before. Her father has made sure of that.”
“Weellll,” Charlotte drags out the word. “It’s not like you’d let her go
anyway.” She grins a big knowing smile as do the other women.
“Not without me,” Tank replies. Hawk yelling from the front door
catches their attention.
“Love, the man’s got to get to work,” Hawk calls. “You can grill him
later.” She waves him off as if he isn’t Tank’s boss.
“So, where is she?” Charlotte asks, following Tank through the house
and toward the garage.
“She’s taking a nap,” Tank tells her. “Leave her be, until she comes
down.” Charlotte gets a contemplative look. “I’m serious, woman. Don’t go
bothering her. She needs her rest.” Charlotte’s face explodes.
“I bet she does.” Charlotte laughs. Tank glares at her for a moment, but
he isn’t really angry. He shakes his head as he heads into the garage. Straw
is waiting in the passenger seat of his truck.
“You know it’s pointless to argue with Charlotte, right?” Straw asks as
Tank settles into the driver’s seat. “She’s more than likely already on her
way up the stairs. Tank just nods. There’s nothing else to say. Tank puts the
truck in reverse and backs out of the drive.

Ruby didn’t think she’d be able to sleep after Tucker left, but she wakes
sometime later to a soft knock on the bedroom door. Ruby throws the
covers back and slips out of the bed. Tucker’s shirt is huge on her much
smaller frame. It swamps her, hanging down to her knees. She catches a
glimpse of herself as she passes the mirror on his dresser. Lord she looks
like a hot mess.
Ruby turns the lock and peeks out through a crack in the door. At first,
she doesn’t see anyone. She opens the door a little wider and glances down.
Ellie is standing in the hallway with several other children.
“Ruby! You’re awake!” Ellie claps her hands together. “These are my
friends. Jessie, Josh, Emir, and Derfia.” Ellie points to each child. Ruby
smiles and nods at the children. She can tell the twin boys must belong to
Hawk and Charlotte. She can see the family resemblance. Poor Charlotte is
going to be outnumbered and swamped in testosterone in a few short years
when those boys reach puberty. “The babies are downstairs,” Ellie adds.
“Babies?” Ruby asks.
“Yeah, Lilly and Maddox,” Jessie or is it Josh speaks up. “They’re too
little to play with us. Mommy says we’re too rough.”
“But Daddy says you got to be tough,” the other boy adds. “You can’t
be a pansy.” The boys begin wrestling much to Ruby’s dismay. Footsteps on
the stairs draws her attention. She feels like she needs to intervene in the
boys wrestling match before they hurt one another, but she doesn’t have a
chance. Daisy, Elise, and Abigail appear in the hallway.
“Boys!” Abigail calls out. They stop and turn to look at her while still
holding onto one another. “That’s enough. Your mom is looking for you.
She’s ready to go.” The hall fills with groans and complaints.
“Momma, can’t they all stay longer?” Ellie begs. “We were going to
show Ruby how we play war.”
“Not today, baby,” Abigail tells her. “Ruby can watch you play war
another day.” Ellie’s lip is again sticking out.
“But she might not be here,” Ellie argues.
“She’ll be here,” Abigail assures her. “She’s going to be staying with
Uncle Tank.” Ellie’s eyes widen.
“Really?” Ellie asks a little breathlessly. “You’re going to live here with
us?” Ruby smiles down at the little girl and nods. “Woohoo! I’m getting
an…an…what do you call it Momma?”
“An aunt?” Abigail asks. Ellie nods vigorously.
“Yeah, that’s it,” Ellie declares. “Aunt Ruby!” She begins to dance
around, too and the other join in singing Aunt Ruby and Uncle Tank sitting
in a tree and so on. Abigail and Ruby laugh as the children head off toward
the stairs.
“Ellie,” Abigail calls out to her. The child turns to look back at them.
“Mrs. Charlotte said you could spend the night with them if you want.”
“Yes!” Ellie gives a fist pump and scurries off to her room, presumably
to pack a bag.
“I’m sorry if they woke you,” Abigail apologizes as she turns back to
Ruby. “I tried to keep an eye on them, but I dozed off to sleep. I’m not fully
back to myself after the accident.”
“I needed to get up anyway,” Ruby giggles. “I’m not used to napping. I
won’t be able to sleep tonight.”
“Um, I think that’s why Tank wanted you to take a nap.” Abigail
waggles her eyes. “He’s planning on keeping you up tonight.” Ruby feels
her face heat. She wasn’t expecting her sex life to be common knowledge.
“Don’t be embarrassed. I’m happy for you and glad our rooms are on
opposite ends of the house. At least, hopefully we won’t hear each other.”
Abigail laughs, too and Ruby can’t keep from laughing with her. She’s
always wanted a sister, just maybe she has one, now.
“Do you need to rest?” Ruby asks Abigail. “I can do whatever you need
me to do. Cook, clean, just let me know.”
“No, I feel better after my short nap,” Abigail replies. “Emma and the
other ladies have cleaned, and we have enough food in the fridge for several
days. We just have to heat and serve. I came to get the kids and to make
sure you didn’t need anything.”
“No,” Ruby replies. “Tucker got me a bunch of stuff when we went out
of town, so I’m good.”
“Well, just so you know, all of us girls are always looking for an excuse
to go shopping.” Abigail leans closer to her as if what she’s saying is a
secret, even though there’s no one else around. “If you want to redecorate
Tank’s room, or need clothes, shoes, toiletries just ask. We l-o-o-o-ve
shopping.” Ruby chuckles at Abigail’s dramatic actions when she says love.
Her hands come up, and she bends backwards as she rolls her eyes.
“Noted,” Ruby replies. “It’s been ages since I’ve gone shopping with a
“I call dibs!” Daisy calls from the top of the stairs. The other women
have come up to join Abigail and Ruby in hall just outside Tank’s bedroom.
“No, fair!” Elise, Emma, and Charlotte say simultaneously.
“She’s about to be my sister-in-law…sort of,” Abigail complains back.
“I get dibs.” Ruby’s eyes dart from one woman to the next. She can’t keep
up as they argue over her! Her heart warms. This is going to be her life
from here on out. Friends, family, and love. How did she get so lucky? It
wasn’t too long ago she wondered how her life had gotten so screwed up,
but now it’s better than it’s ever been. The arguing is still going on around
“Hey!” Ruby calls out, startling the women into silence. All eyes turn to
her. “There’s enough Ruby to go around. She’s been starved of friendship
and family for six years. We’ll all go together.” The women all break into
big smiles and giggles.
“Talking about yourself in third person?” Elise asks teasingly. “That’s a
sign of some mental disorder, but I can’t think of it right now.”
“Are you saying I’m crazy?” Ruby asks, feigning hurt feelings.
“Crazy in love?” Elise asks, timidly. Ruby laughs.
“Absolutely!” The women gather around her and dole out hugs. “Let me
get a shower and get dressed. I might stink.” Ruby lifts her arm to do a sniff
“You smell like sex, you lucky dog,” Charlotte pipes up. “Afternoon
sex.” She says with a sigh. “I remember that, good times. Enjoy it while
you can. You have to get creative when the kids come along. Lord I hope
those kids go to sleep early tonight. I need to hide Harry Potter’s wand in
the chamber of secrets.”
“You need to hide what? Where?” Ruby asks incredulously, not sure she
heard her correctly. “What does that mean?”
“It’s Charlotte and Hawk’s euphuism for sex,” Abigail answers. “Those
poor boys searched their house top to bottom once after hearing Hawk say it
to Charlotte. They just knew they were going to be the ones to find it.” The
women erupt again in laughter. “Okay, let’s all go down and give Ruby
some privacy to get showered and dressed. We can talk sex when the kids
are gone.”
“No!” Charlotte, Elise, and Daisy all say at the same time.
“We won’t be here,” Charlotte complains. “We are taking the kids with
us. We can talk sex on our girls’ night out or on our day out shopping trip.”
“Oh!” Daisy says. “Let’s make it a weekend. Leave the guys with the
kids. It’ll be so fun.” The women continue to scheme and plan as they all
head to toward the stairs.
“If you need anything, let me know,” Abigail says before following the
rest of them. Ruby heads back into Tucker’s bedroom, being sure to lock
the door back, just in case Ellie decides to wander in. Thirty minutes later,
she’s showered and dressed in a fresh pair of jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt.
She’s dried her hair, noting her roots are beginning to show again. She
studies herself for a moment. If Tucker is successful in eliminating the
threat against her, she will no longer need to color her hair. She briefly
wonders if Tucker will like her dark brown, nearly black hair, or if he
prefers her to be a redhead. In her heart, she knows he will love her no
matter her hair color.

Tank looks around the room at his teammates as they take their seats.
Ranger’s team is here as well. They have gone over the intel the informant
has sent. It seems fairly straight forward, but Tank knows nothing is ever
easy. Every time they are sent out could be their last. He’s always known
this, but now, for the first time in his life, he’s rethinking his job. His
profession. He can’t stand the thoughts of leaving Ruby behind.
They’ve taken a short break and are sitting back down to go over the
extraction plan for the woman who was taken nearly a month ago. Tank
worries for the woman and what kind of treatment she’s been going
through. He hopes the informant has been able to shelter her from the worst
of it, but hell, just being held against your will is bad enough.
“Now,” Hawk begins. “It’s time to talk strategy. The senator is
demanding a SEAL team be involved in bring his niece home. Not that I
care either way. The team they’ve chosen is one of the best. We’ve worked
with them before. Wolf’s team will be taking lead on getting the girl. I
know they’ll take good care of her. We are support, making sure the
extraction goes smoothly and to provide them with cover fire if needed. The
senator’s been planning news conferences and television appearances on the
down low. While it hasn’t been made public, yet, he’s anticipating it will get
out. The man is more concerned about spinning this to boost his image in
the press than making sure the girl is safe. He’s up for re-election and is
hoping to get some sympathy votes from the incident.”
Bastard! Tank thinks as Hawk continues to fill them in on the latest
details. How can a man be more concerned about his career when his niece
is being held by a drug cartel? People never cease to amaze. Greed and
power have corrupted the man’s mind, pushing out the important things.
Family and his niece’s well-being. Tank just hopes they can get to her
before she’s been too badly harmed. Tank is jerked out of his thoughts when
Straw elbows him. Tank looks around. Hawk is still talking.
“The SEALs will be here at 0600,” Hawk informs them. “We can’t
finalize any plans until they’re here and up to speed. So, go home, rest.”
Hawk looks at Tank with a pointed look and a smirk. “Be here and ready to
get to work at six. I anticipate you’ll be wheels up day after tomorrow, but
you all know shit can change in a heartbeat so keep your go bag ready.
Dismissed.” The men rise and begin to filter out of the room. Straw is at
Tank’s elbow.
“You ready?” Straw asks as they hit the door.
“More than.” Tank’s long strides eat the distance to the truck up. In a
matter of minutes, they are in the truck and headed home. Ruby will be
there waiting for him. It’s only been a few hours since he held her last, yet it
feels like an eternity. He’s drumming his fingers on the steering wheel while
they’re stopped at a light.
“What’s got you so antsy?” Straw asks from the passenger seat. Tank
glances over at his friend to see the grinning smirk on his face.
“Just ready to be home,” Tank answers honestly. “Don’t act like you
aren’t ready to get home, too.”
“Oh, I’m very ready to be home,” Straw answers. “Abigail is healing
nicely. She had a nap this afternoon and…” Tank looks over one more time
waiting to see if Straw is going to answer. “Ellie is staying at Hawk’s
tonight.” Straw grins at Tank. “No munchkin to worry about interrupting
bed aerobics.”
Tank busts out a laugh at that one. Seriously? Where in the world did
his teammates and their women come up with so many different sayings for
sex? “Bed aerobics?” Tank couldn’t help but ask.
“Yeah,” Straw answers, and if Tank wasn’t mistaken, his friend’s cheeks
flushed a little. “Ellie nearly caught us one morning. When she asked what
we were doing with the door locked and the bed squeaking, Abigail said the
first thing she thought of, bed aerobics. So that’s what we call it now.” Tank
and Straw are both laughing as they pull into the garage. The driveway is
blessedly empty, this time, which means bed aerobics indeed.
T wo days later , Tank and his team are loaded up on their MV-22 Osprey
headed to South America. He has had three nights of Ruby sleeping curled
into him after he wore her out with multiple orgasms. She’s given him
plenty in return. Now more than ever, he loves her deeply. He’s anxious to
get this mission over and done with so he can get home to Ruby. He’s got a
nagging feeling in his gut. It’s never been wrong before, and when he’s
listened to it, it’s never let him down.
Straw is sitting next to him on the bench that’s serving as their seats on
this flight. Tank can tell Straw is feeling the same way. Straw’s right leg is
nervously jarring up and down.
“What’s got you agitated?” Tank asks once everyone is loaded, and the
plane has begun its taxi down the runway. Straw looks over at him, shaking
his head.
“I’m not sure,” Straw replies. “Just got a bad feeling, like maybe we
shouldn’t be leaving.” Yeah, Tank has the same feeling, but they don’t have
a choice. It’s their duty. Fuck if it didn’t suck. Tank has never before not
wanted to uphold his duty to his country and his team, but his gut is
churning. His deep-seated need to protect Ruby is making him nearly ill,
and Straw being agitated isn’t helping the situation. Tank feels the plane lift
into the air. He huffs out a breath and prays this trip doesn’t end in disaster.
Two days later, the team is back on the plane headed home. Tank still
has an uneasy feeling, but he doesn’t know why. The mission has been a
complete success. The SEALs recovered the girl without any injuries. Tank
and his team backed them up. It’s one of the easiest missions they’ve had in
a long while.
“Well, that was a letdown,” Virus comments once the plane is in the air.
“I was expecting a full-on fight to the death, but it almost seemed like the
cartel let us get the girl back.” Tank has been thinking along the same lines.
He glances over at the girl who’s sitting between Wolf and Mozart, two
of the Navy SEALs who helped rescue her. She looks a little worse for
wear, and Tank knows she’ll have to be debriefed once they land in San
Antonio. The SEAL team mentions feeling like it was too easy as well.
Once they’ve reached cruising altitude, Wolf turns to the young woman.
“I know you’ve been through a lot, but I need to ask some questions,”
Wolf begins. The woman takes a deep breath before meeting his gaze. A
slight nod is the only indication she’s willing to cooperate. “Did you
overhear anything from your captors? Can you give us any information as
to why it seems like they gave you to us? I’m sure it didn’t feel that way to
you, but we’ve done this many times, what gun fire was exchanged was
insignificant at best. I’m just trying to figure out if we missed anything.”
“At first, the leader, Guerrero kept insisting I was Mary Catherine
Amato,” she answers. “I kept trying to tell him, that’s not my name, but
every time I denied it, I was beaten. One of the guards told me to keep my
mouth shut and just agree with the man. He said I wouldn’t be beaten if I
agreed, so…I did.” She lifts her chin defiantly as if daring one of the men to
point the blame at her for the lie.
“We understand,” Wolf replies kindly. “Go on. What else happened?”
“Well, I knew they were about to send me to someone called Russo in
New York,” the woman shivers. “I speak fluent Spanish, though I don’t
think they knew that. Anyway, a couple of days ago, Guerrero got a phone
call when he was checking on me. He came a few times a day, never at the
same time, to just look at me. It was like he was checking up on his men,
making sure they were really guarding me.”
“We had gotten intel that he’s very paranoid,” Wolf informs them. “He
never keeps the same schedule, which is what makes taking him out so
difficult. It’s what’s allowed him to achieve so much in such a short amount
of time.”
“He is very paranoid,” the girl continues. “He was constantly
questioning the guards. He’d ask the same thing several times, but in a
different way like he was trying to catch them in a lie. I could tell most of
the guards were afraid of him.”
“So about this phone call.” Deadeye tries to steer the conversation back
to what the girl might know.
“Yeah, so he began arguing with whomever was on the other end,” the
girl says. “At first, I was only getting his side of the conversation, but there
was a pause, I guess whoever was on the other end was getting someone
else for him to talk to, and Guerrero got impatient holding the phone to his
ear. He put it on speaker and laid it on a table in the room where they were
holding me. There was only silence or the sounds of ruffling like someone
was holding their hand over the speaker. Then a deep voice came on the
line. I later deduced it was the Russo guy who they were planning to give
me to. Guerrero told the man he had Mary Catherine, meaning me, and he
was prepared to deliver me to Russo in a couple of days. He looked so
proud of himself, kind of smug, you know. He was staring right at me.
When Russo laughed, his face fell. Russo told Guerrero he’s an idiot,
because Russo knew for a fact Mary Catherine is in North Carolina living
under an assumed name.” Tank jumps to his feet although there’s nowhere
for him to go. He now knows why his intuition has been riding him hard not
to leave Ruby alone. Everyone turns to look at him. Straw is on his feet as
“Calm down,” Straw says, placing a hand on his shoulder. “We don’t
know for sure if he really knows her location or if he just has a lead.”
“Don’t fucking tell me to calm down!” Tank yells. “You weren’t calm
when Todd was after Abigail.” Tank regrets his words as soon as they leave
his mouth. He clenches his jaw. Straw is his friend and brother. “I’m sorry. I
shouldn’t have said that, but Ruby is out there unprotected. That fucking
asshole may have her already. I can’t lose her.”
“I know,” Straw replies. “I was freaking crazy when Todd was after
Abigail, and you were with me every step. I’ll be with you, too, but we
can’t do anything until we get back. I know you won’t be able to but try to
hang tight until we have more intel.” Tank nods, but he can’t calm down.
He paces the cargo hold. The woman they rescued is eyeing him like he’s
going to attack her. He knows he needs to reign in his emotions, but he
can’t get past the fact Russo knows Ruby’s whereabouts. He could have his
hands on her at this moment. Images of Ruby smiling and happy come to
the forefront of his mind, rapidly followed by those of her the day she ran
when her brother had tried to take her from the shelter. He never wants her
to be afraid like that again. He promised he’d take care of her. If Russo has
gotten her, has harmed her, Tank will burn New York to the ground, if
needed, to get her back. God forbid, he’s hurt her. The man will wish he’d
never been born. Hell will be an upgrade for the man after Tank is done
with him.
“What’s going on?” Wolf asks, rising to his feet. “Who is Ruby, and
what does she have to do with Russo?” Deadeye stands as well.
“Ruby is the real Mary Catherine,” Deadeye informs the SEAL team.
“She’s Tank’s woman. She’s been on the run for six years, hiding from
Russo and his goons. She changed her name to keep him from finding her,
but if what this woman is telling us is correct, then Ruby is likely in a lot of
Tank stops pacing when he’s in front of the woman. She looks up, fear
evident in her face.
“What else did Russo say?” Tank asks doing his best to not growl or
yell at the woman. “Please I need to know everything you remember.” She
swallows and licks her lips with a nod.
“Russo was angry at Guerrero for delaying him leaving to get Mary
Catherine,” the woman continues. “Guerrero tried to argue with Russo, but
he was having none of it. He said he has an informant who gave him
reliable information on her location.”
“Did he say who his informant is?” Tank asks.
“No,” she answers. “But he said the informant had laid eyes on her, that
the informant had witnessed her having a conversation with her brother
Tony. Russo said he’d be dealing with Tony and his father once Mary
Catherine was back where she belonged.” Tank spins around taking a few
steps before punching the wall of the plane. He draws back to hit it again
when Straw and Deadeye appear at his side, holding him back. He struggles
with them a moment but gives in and allows Straw to guide him back to his
“Tank, I know you’re upset, furious even.” Deadeye sits across from
him, holding his gaze as he speaks. “You know we have your back. If she’s
been taken, we’ll get her back no matter what it takes. We’ll find her and
bring her home to you.” Tank nods. He does know his brothers on the team
will back him one hundred percent, but he can’t think past how frightened
Ruby will be if Russo gets his hands on her.

Ruby is missing Tucker something fierce. He’s managed to worm his way
under her skin in such a short amount of time. Having been alone for the
last six years, it’s a strange feeling to want to be around another person.
She’s worked so hard to blend in and keep her distance from anyone, but
Tucker has refused to let her continue to hide. Her life has changed so much
in the last couple of months. She’s gone from being a loner to having
friends and the love of her life.
The day Tucker, Straw, and the team headed out on their latest mission,
Ruby had been welcomed into the fold of the other women with open arms.
Ruby loves how the women are so welcoming and kind to her. Abigail has
made her feel completely at home. She’s felt a little strange at first,
especially when Tucker left. She considered going back to the shelter, but
Abigail asked her stay. Abigail is still recovering from her surgery after the
auto accident when her ex was hunting her. Ruby hasn’t worked at the diner
in several days. She’s supposed to return to work today. Abigail is better,
but Ruby still worries about leaving her here alone. She’s dressed and walks
down the hall to Abigail and Straw’s bedroom. She knocks on the door.
“Come in,” Abigail calls from inside. Ruby opens to the door to see
Abigail exiting her bathroom. She’s wearing a cute cotton long sleeve dress.
“Hi Ruby. I’m sorry it’s taking me so long to get ready. I’ve been trying to
decide what to wear. My incision is mostly healed, but I can’t wear
anything that might rub against it.”
“I’m not in a hurry,” Ruby answers. “I still have a couple hours before
my shift starts. I’ve been thinking about it. I hate to leave you here alone.
Maybe I should call off?”
“Don’t be silly,” Abigail replies. “Daisy is coming over to stay with me,
even though I don’t need a babysitter. I know Straw asked them all to keep
an eye on me, but I promise I’m fine. I’ve been cleared to drive, but Straw
still has Charlotte coming to pick up Ellie for school.” Abigail rolls her
eyes. “You have an accident and nearly bleed to death before they can get
you to surgery, and you never hear the end of it.” Abigail laughs as she’s
trying to be lighthearted about what happened.
“Oh Abi, you know Straw loves you,” Ruby replies. “He just worries
about you when he’s not home.”
“I know,” Abigail smiles, a wistful look on her face. “He’s the best.
Before I met him, I’d resigned myself to being alone the rest of my life, or
at least until Ellie is an adult. I hadn’t made very good choices when it came
to men.” Abigail gives Ruby a tight smile. “Every guy I’d dated or had
relationships with were too much like my father. Alcoholics, drug addicts,
and/or abusive. After Todd, I decided I couldn’t pick a good one to save my
life, literally, so I just stopped dating. I fought Robert when he began to
pursue me. I came up with every excuse in the book to turn him down, but
he patiently countered me at every turn. I couldn’t deny he was very
different from any guy I’d been with before.” Ruby nods. She can
understand where Abigail’s coming from. Tucker is unlike anyone she’s
ever met.
“I can see it,” Ruby tells her. “All of those guys seem to be cut from a
different cloth than most men.”
“Yes, it’s true,” Abigail says. “Which reminds me, by the way, Tank is
totally into you. I’ve never seen him show interest in a woman before, and
though Straw and I have only been together about a year, Charlotte said
she’s never known him to date anyone either. You’re something special
Ruby.” Ruby flushes. She knows she isn’t special, but Tucker makes her
feel special.
“I’m not special,” Ruby argues, “but Tucker makes me feel special.”
Abigail laughs.
“I love how you call him Tucker,” Abigail says. “His face lights up
whenever you say his name.” They chat a few more minutes before the
doorbell rings. “There’s Daisy, my sitter,” Abigail mutters as both women
head toward the stairs to answer the door. Abigail opens the front door, and
Daisy enters along with Lisa and Emma. “Welcome, ladies,” Abigail greets
them. They all hurry inside.
“Charlotte is coming by in a little while,” Daisy informs them. “Elise is
volunteering at school today, so she won’t be by until after school is out.
She’s picking up all the children since she’s already there.”
“Ruby, I can drop you off at the diner,” Lisa says. “I’m going that
direction anyway. I have a job interview at an urgent clinic up that way.”
“Okay, thanks, Lisa.” Ruby gets her jacket out, and the two women say
their goodbyes to everyone else before heading out to Lisa’s car parked out
front. Once inside Lisa’s Nissan Sentra, Ruby buckles her belt. Lisa pulls
out of the driveway, and they set off down the street. The women chat about
Lisa’s upcoming interview. Neither of them notices a black SUV that starts
up just down the street and pulls out to follow.
Lisa suddenly falls silent. Ruby notices her tense posture, and that she
keeps glancing into her mirrors much more often than she had been when
they first pulled out. Ruby is beginning to feel anxious, too.
“What’s wrong?” Ruby asks when she can no longer take the tense
feeling in the car. Lisa glances at her, worry evident on her face. She looks
at her mirrors again, before answering.
“I’m not sure.” Lisa blows out a breath. “I may be over reacting, but I
think we’re being followed.” Ruby turns around to look over her shoulder.
A large black SUV is behind them but not too close. Lisa turns on her
signal. “I hope your boss doesn’t freak if you’re late because I’m taking the
scenic route. If I’m over reacting that SUV will go on by when we turn.”
Ruby nods, too afraid of who is in the SUV to comment.
Lisa makes the turn then presses down on the accelerator. The SUV
follows, and it too increases its speed. Fear begins to shoot through Ruby.
Instinctively she knows Russo Jr. is in that SUV. This can’t be happening.
Lisa is in danger because of her. Lisa is thankfully a really good driver.
She’s picked up speed and is weaving in and out of traffic like a
professional race car driver.
“Um, Lisa?” Ruby says uncertainly. Lisa glances at her briefly but
doesn’t verbally respond. “I think I know who’s after us.” Lisa glances at
her again.
“What? How do you know him?” Lisa asks.
“He’s been hunting me for six years,” Ruby confesses. Lisa glances at
her with a confused look.
“I think you’re mistaken.” Lisa grits her teeth. “It’s my ex tailing us.”
Ruby’s eyes widen.
“Are you sure?” Ruby asks. “Because I thought it was my fiancé…well,
sort of but not really.” Lisa’s eyes widen as she looks at her again.
“I’m going to need more details, Ruby,” Lisa says through gritted teeth
as she narrowly weaves between a semi-truck and a tour bus. “Because if
we don’t get off this road soon, we’re going to end up like Abigail…or
worse.” Lisa jerks the wheel again and takes the next exit. They speed down
the off ramp. Thankfully there aren’t any cars coming. Lisa makes a sharp
right turn. Ruby looks back to see, they’ve lost the SUV. At least for the
moment. “Details!” Lisa exclaims as she checks her mirrors.
“I’m running from the mob,” Ruby blurts out. “I didn’t know my family
was part of the Colombo crime family until my mother was murdered. Mom
made sure I was kept far away from all of it. After she died, my father
planned to marry me off to another faction of the family to appease them for
some deal my father had made, which didn’t go well. I didn’t want to get
married, and I couldn’t imagine being involved in their life of crime, so I
ran. It’s a long, complicated story, but that’s the gist of it.” Lisa nods as she
continues to speed down side streets.
“So, those are mobsters in the SUV,” Lisa states, her mouth set into a
thin, grim line. “You’re going to think I’m crazy, but I’m actually relieved.”
Ruby’s head whips to the side to look at Lisa to see if she’s being real or
“What?” Ruby asks incredulously. “What is worse than the mob?” Ruby
thinks Lisa has surely lost her ever living mind. Russo is ruthless and will
think nothing of killing both of them if he catches them.
“My ex,” Lisa replies, grimly. “He’s a police officer and a narcistic
psychopath. Those mobsters might kill us if they catch us, but my ex? He’ll
torture us for days, weeks, or months before he kills us. It won’t matter to
him that you have nothing to do with anything between him and me. He
gets off on hurting people. He’s only gotten worse in recent years. He’s a
damn good actor, too. So good, his co-workers never believed me when I
reported his abuse. He’s part of the reason I moved here from Kentucky.”
While Ruby could appreciate Lisa being afraid of an abusive ex, she can’t
imagine anything worse than the Russo family and their goons.
They continue to take different streets for several minutes, but they
don’t see the SUV again. Lisa finally makes the decision it’s safe to either
go back to Abigail’s or continue on their way. Ruby doesn’t want to go back
to the house for fear if it is Russo he might hurt Abigail or one of the other
women just to get to her, so she tells Lisa to take her to the diner. Once Lisa
has dropped her off at the diner, Ruby calls Abigail.
“Hello?” Abigail answers on the second ring.
“Hi Abigail, it’s Ruby. Lisa and I were followed by a black SUV.”
Abigail’s gasp causes Ruby to pause. “It may have been nothing, but after
Tony finding me, I can’t help, but worry that Russo might have found me. I
just wanted to warn you to be cautious. Don’t open the door for anyone you
don’t know, even deliveries. Just tell them to leave it at the door, and if
anyone looks suspicious call the police right away.”
“I’ll be careful Ruby, I promise,” Abigail assures her. “You need to be
careful, too. Where are you right now?”
“We lost our tail, and I had Lisa to bring me to the diner,” Ruby tells
her. “If I see anything of concern, I’ll get out of here right away or call the
police if I don’t feel it’s safe to run.”
“Ruby, please be careful,” Abigail says softly. “I know you haven’t
known me long, but you’re my friend, and I’m hoping we’ll be like the
sister neither of us has ever had before.” Ruby has always liked Abigail, but
a new appreciation and affection blooms in her at Abigail’s words.
“I’ll be careful,” Ruby promises. “I know what to watch for. I’ve
managed to evade him this long, I’m sure everything will be fine. I better
get to work before Becky and Jose send out a search party.”
“Okay, but text me from time to time so I know you’re safe,” Abigail
“I will.” Ruby ends the call and hurries into the diner. The place isn’t
too busy. Ruby dons her apron. She gets a few customers over the next
hour. With it not being so busy, she and Becky roll up silverware in napkins,
making sure they’ll have plenty made up before the dinner rush. Once that
task is complete and she checks on her remaining table, she decides to head
into the back to see if there’s anything else that needs doing before it begins
to get busy again. She’s kept in contact with Abigail and Lisa over the last
few hours. Neither woman has encountered anything out of the ordinary.
Ruby is almost convinced she and Lisa had panicked for nothing earlier.
She decides with both of them trying to hide from someone it has made
them overly paranoid.
Ruby enters the back store room. Several bags of garbage have been left
by the back door. The new busboy is lazy. They are constantly having to
hunt him down to get him to do his job. Many times, she’s found him just
outside the back door smoking a cigarette. She suspects this is the case
again. She debates between going to find him and just taking out the trash
herself. She peeks out the back door but doesn’t see him out there. Instead
of hunting him down, she decides to take it out herself. It won’t take long.
Lifting up a large bag in each hand, Ruby heads out the back door to
cross the parking lot to the large dumpsters in the corner. Just as she’s
throwing the second bag up and over the high door, she’s grabbed from
behind. Despite the smell from the rotting trash in the dumpster, she catches
a whiff of cologne. She’d know that nauseating scent anywhere. Russo, Jr.
has found her. She fights against his hold. A sharp pain in her neck causes
more fear. He’s stuck her with something. Within seconds her limbs grow
heavy. She sags into his hold. As darkness closes in around her, he lifts her
off her feet and begins to carry her toward a black SUV. Thoughts of Tucker
and what they could’ve shared flash briefly in her mind just before she
completely loses consciousness.

The rest of the flight after speaking with the girl passes in a strained silence
with the occasional whispered words between some of the team members.
Tank broods. His gut getting tighter by the minute. Once the plane lands in
San Antonio for a refuel, Tank grabs his cell out of his pack and turns it on.
He notices the other guys doing the same. As they begin to depart, a chorus
of chimes and alerts sound from several of their phones. Tank looks to see
he’s gotten several texts from Ruby.
Ruby: I miss you already, and you’ve only just left. Be safe and come
home to me. Good night
Ruby: Good Morning. Another day without you here. I miss and love
you. Can’t wait until you’re back.
Ruby: Abi, Ellie, and I are doing good. We’re planning a special meal
for you and Straw good night, Love you!
Ruby: Good morning, Tucker! Really hope today is the day you return.
Tank smiles as he reads the messages Ruby sent while he’s been gone.
Seeing them relieves some of the fear he’s felt after hearing the woman’s
information. He shoots her a text to tell her they are back in country and
will be home in a few hours as soon as they debrief.
Deadeye and Wolf are deep in conversation as they enter the hanger.
The rest of the team is hanging around talking among themselves or on their
phones checking messages. The girl they rescued is being given some food
and drink by Mozart and Abe. Tank checks his phone, but there’s no
response from Ruby. He sends another text, thinking she could just be busy
at the diner and didn’t hear his first one. He looks around the room. Straw is
on his phone. He turns to look at Tank. His face has a tortured look. When
their eyes meet Tank stumbles as understanding hits him. Russo has her.
“No!” he roars, falling to his knees. Tears are in blurring his vision. His
worst fear being realized. Straw, Hack, and Mercury appear at his side,
lending him their support.
“We’ll get her back,” Straw kneels in front of him, holding his gaze.
“She’s smart and strong. She knows you’ll come for her. She’ll hold on
until you can get to her.” Tank wants to believe Straw, but he knows Russo
is a ruthless bastard. He fears what the man may have done and may be
doing to her. She needs him. He has to pull it together. Swiping at his face.
With Straw’s help, he stands.
“We have to get to New York,” Tank demands. Straw nods and glances
at Deadeye, whose jaw is clenched tight, a muscle ticking rapidly in his jaw.
He has his phone to his ear. He says something into the phone, but Tank
can’t hear what’s being said. A roaring sound has filled his ears as his fear
for Ruby and his anger at Russo floods his body.
“Keep your shit together,” Hack says. “She’s going to need you to be
strong for her. We will get her back.” Deadeye approaches.
“That was Hawk on the phone,” Deadeye gives Tank a hard look.
“Hawk’s had Tex reviewing camera footage from the diner. It was definitely
Russo who took her. Hawk’s working to get us out of here as soon as
possible. I’m sorry she’s been taken Tank, but like Hack and Straw said,
she’s tough, and we will get her back.”
Wolf and his team have joined them on the tarmac. “Is there anything
we can do to help?” Wolf asks.
“No, not unless you can teleport us to New York,” Deadeye replies.
“Our priority is getting to Ruby and bringing her home to Tank.” The
SEALs express their concerns for Ruby and give Tank advice on keeping
his cool. Wolf pulls out his phone, checking in with his team’s C.O.
Before long, they are back in the air. The trip back to North Carolina is
taking too damn long. Every member of the team has been working every
angle possible to find out where Ruby’s been taken. All of them calling in
favors from contacts outside their normal circle. Tank doesn’t want to admit
it, but he’s a complete wreck. Just thinking of what could be happening to
her, thinking he might never see her again. No! He can’t go there. He won’t
let that happen…if it hasn’t already. He blows out a breath. He’s finding it
difficult to sit still. Straw is next to him.
“Tex is on the case,” Straw says turning toward him. “And Daisy’s
brothers are headed to New York as we speak. They’ll have her location by
the time we are back on the ground. I’m sure of it.” Tank nods. He knows
Straw is trying to keep him calm, and he appreciates the effort. He’s trying
to hold onto hope, but he can’t keep his mind from going to the worst-case
scenario. He lowers his head into his hands, closing his eyes. He can see her
smiling face, her laid out on his bed, eyes full of love and desire for him. He
needs her like he needs his next breath. If she’s gone, he won’t survive it.
They’ll have to bury him alongside her because life will be meaningless
without her.
As soon as the plane hits the tarmac in North Carolina, everyone begins
to gather their belongings. They are lined up at the door as soon as it’s
opened. Tank, Straw, Hawk, and Deadeye are the first to disembark the
plane. They stride toward the hanger where they’ll stow their gear and
debrief. Hawk already has his phone to his ear making arrangements for
their transportation to New York.
A group of reporters are gathered near the hanger door. As they
approach, a man in a business suit steps forward to greet Hawk and Wolf.
“Thank you, gentlemen, for bringing my niece home safely,” the senator
says loudly, turning toward the bay of cameras and reporters, making sure
they get his good side. “You don’t know how much my family and I
appreciate what you’ve done.” Another couple is standing behind him. Tank
notices they are going up on their tiptoes trying to get a glimpse of their
daughter. The senator hasn’t even attempted to see what she looks like or
anything. Tank grits his teeth to keep from growling at the grandstanding
asshole. They’re wasting precious time he could be using to find Ruby.
Dude and Cookie bring the girl forward. Flashes from cameras flicker
causing a blinding strobe-like effect. The girl cowers, ducking her head.
Tank is pissed this senator is more concerned about making a good
impression on the news than how all this media attention is going to affect
his niece, who’s been through a traumatic experience. The team moves to
surround the girl and keep the media off her. They allow her parents into the
ring but tactfully keep the senator out of the loop. The family reunion is
touching. Both parents and child are sobbing, holding onto one another. The
team herds them into the waiting hanger and out of the prying eyes of the
“Who’s fucking idea was it for the media to be here?” Straw murmurs to
Tank once they’re inside the hanger. The girl’s father apparently overhears
and turns to them.
“My brother-in-law’s. The senator” He hitches his thumb over his
shoulder. “He’s more worried about his appearance to his constituents than
he is about our daughter and her welfare.” The man’s voice holds a bitter
tone. His wife turns and gives them a sad, tight smile.
“I’m sorry about my brother,” the woman says. “I asked him not to have
a circus. That’s his version of a small media presence.” She shakes her head
and tightens the arm she has around her daughter’s shoulders. “We just
wanted our daughter home and safe. Thank you, all of you for bringing her
“Let’s head to a conference room. It’ll be more secure,” Hawk suggests
and begins leading the group to the other side of the hanger. Several large
Humvees are waiting to take the teams over to the meeting rooms. An SUV
is waiting to take the rescued girl and her parents over. A limousine is
waiting for the Senator, who is apparently still speaking with the media.
An hour later, Tank knows if someone takes his blood pressure at this
moment, they’d declare him a stroke risk. They’ve been in this debriefing
entirely too long. It’s killing him to sit through the meeting. He can’t focus
on what’s being said as his mind is on Ruby. He needs to find her sooner
not later.
“General?” Hawk injects during a pause in the meeting. “I’d like to
dismiss my team if that’s all right with you.” Hawk doesn’t bother to
elaborate as to the reason for letting them go early. The general and admiral
who are sitting in on the meeting both give him a long, hard look. Admiral
Jenkins leans over to speak privately with the general for a moment. The
man nods and then addresses the room at large.
“Gentleman, thank you for your input and doing your jobs well,” the
general begins. “It’s been brought to my attention you have a personal
issue, which needs attending to immediately. Hawk.” the general turns to
face Hawk. “Your men are dismissed. However, I’d like to have a follow up
meeting in say a week?” Hawk nods his agreement. “We’ll take a brief
recess while your men clear out.”
They all get up and head out the door. The rescued girl comes over to
them. Tank is impatient, but he can’t be rude to her. She’s already suffered
so much. Her parents join her as they are hovering around her.
“Thank you for rescuing me,” the young woman begins. “I hope you
can find the woman you’re looking for and that she’s unharmed.” She
reaches out to hug Tank, and he allows her, wishing Ruby was the one in his
arms instead.
“No need to thank us, ma’am,” Tank tells her. “We’re just glad you’re
home safe.” The woman gives him a grateful smile before turning to
express her gratitude to the other members of the team. Tank is thankful this
woman is home safe, but he needs to bring his woman home safe, too.

Awareness comes to Ruby slowly. Her head is pounding and the vibrations
under her head aren’t helping. There’s a rocking motion and hum in her
ears. As she becomes more aware of her surroundings, she realizes she’s in
a moving vehicle. She tries to lift her head, but nausea hits her hard. She
must have moaned, because a man’s voice startles her.
“No need to think you’re getting away, Mary Catherine,” Russo, Jr. tells
her from just in front of and above her. Her vision is clearing. She’s lying in
the back of the SUV. She lifts her eyes to look at him. He has a sinister
smile on his face as he glares down at her from the back seat. “Not this
time. You and your family have caused me enough trouble.”
Ruby can feel his hatred radiating off him. She tries to sit up, but her
hands and feet are bound. She has a gag in her mouth, which is very dry.
She wonders just how long she’s been unconscious. She can tell night has
fallen. Lights from passing cars flash in the windows as they travel. Where
is he taking her?
“Wh-where are you t-taking me?” she asks around the gag, but she isn’t
sure he can understand her. He turns to glare at her once more.
“It doesn’t matter where we are going,” he growls. “You can’t do
anything about it anyway. You’ve been a thorn in my side from the day
father demanded I marry you. When he got word you were sharing
information with the police, I thought sure he’d call the wedding off, but
no! He still wanted the wedding to proceed. He was convinced we could
control you better if you were living in my home and sleeping in my bed.”
Ruby shivers just thinking about the fate she’d narrowly escaped.
“Which reminds me.” Russo turns his body toward her as if he’s making
himself comfortable to carry on an extended conversation. “I don’t suppose
you’re still a virgin, are you?” Ruby isn’t going to give him the satisfaction
of acknowledging his question. “You know that was the only perk I could
see to our union…taking your virginity, but you ran and managed to hide
from me for six fucking years!” He turns back to face the front, leaving her
to her own thoughts for a long while. He has a few conversations on his
phone, but she can only hear his side of them. Nothing he says means much
to her in the first couple of calls. He seems to be conducting business over
the phone, discussing shipments of produce to the restaurant his family
owns on the first call, and he’s placing a liquor order on the second call.
However, the next call gets her attention.
“Russo,” he answers his ringing phone. He listens for a moment before
responding, “Yes, I’ve got her. No, no one saw me take her. Honestly, do
you take me for a fool? This isn’t my first time out of the gate. I have
everything under control.” Another pause as he’s listening to the other
caller. “No, I haven’t told father I’ve found her.” More silence. “You need
to calm down, Julianna. Father has no idea about us. I have this well in
hand. Once we get back to New York, I’ll let him know I’ve found her. I’m
taking her to the hunting cabin. I’ll ask father to come up to the cabin. We
will find out what Mary Catherine’s brother has told the authorities, and
then I’ll dispose of them.”
Ruby’s mind is racing. Who is he planning to eliminate beside her? Has
he found Tony? Or is he talking about disposing of his own father? She
doesn’t have long to wonder as he continues his conversation with his
“You made this mess we’re in, Julianna, but I’m going to fix it,” Russo
says. He must be getting sick of holding his phone, because Ruby sees him
lower it, pressing a button on the screen, as he continues to speak.
“I made this mess!” a female voice screeches from the speaker, the
sound causing Ruby to wince. “Typical man. You were there, too, as I
recall, in full participation. It’s not my fault the condom broke.”
“I know,” Jr. sighs. “I didn’t mean to blame you; it’s just I panicked a
little when you told me. It’s past time for father to step down and let me
take the reins, but you and I both know he’s never going to let that happen
until he’s partying with the devil. I’d planned to wait another couple of
years, until I had more of the men on my side in case some of his faithful
try to stop me, but your pregnancy has caused me to have to speed things
“I thought you were happy about the baby?” Julianna’s voice sounding
uncertain, fearful. “You know I didn’t intend for this to happen. Please
believe me.”
“Don’t be dramatic, Julianna. You know I’m thrilled,” Jr. continues.
“But father can’t know about any of this until I’m ready to make my move.
He’ll never believe his vasectomy failed. It’s not worth taking a chance with
your and the baby’s lives. He’d kill you in a New York minute. He despises
disloyalty above all else. Which is ironic considering he fucked every
woman he could find behind my mother’s back before she died. I can’t wait
to see the look on his face when he finds out I’ve been fucking his wife all
these years, right under his nose.” He laughs. “He’ll probably stroke but
being as I’m going to end him it, won’t matter.”
Ruby is shocked to hear Jr. speaking so callously about killing his own
father. She shouldn’t be shocked. She quickly learned six years ago just
how brutal the mob world really can be. She needs to figure out how she’s
going to get away. Her mind drifts to Tucker once more. She’s only just
found him. She wants so much more time with him. She focuses on his
face, his sexy smile, the way he makes her feel when he tells her she’s his.
No! She isn’t going to let Russo take more from her. He’s taken six years of
her life. He can’t have her time with Tucker, too. Russo’s voice calls her
back to the here and now.
“Speaking of the devil, the old man is calling. I have to go, baby.
Remain calm, this will all be over soon.” There’s a pause then. “Father,”
Russo drawls.
“Where the hell are you?” Russo Sr. demands. “I have been looking for
you everywhere. No one has seen you.”
“I had some business to attend to out of state,” Jr. says calmly, despite
how agitated his father sounds. “I’m on my way back as we speak.” The
vehicle begins to slow, and Ruby wonders where they might be located.
“What business?” Giovanni growls. “I haven’t been informed of any out
of state issues. What are you up to, son?”
“I’m not up to anything, Father,” Jr. replies, his tone sounding bored.
“We’re just arriving at the airport. I’ll be in touch once we’ve landed.”
“Where are you?” Sr. demands, obviously growing impatient with his
son’s evasiveness. “We don’t have time for you to be running after some
whore you’ve fucked and grown attached to. We have more important
situations to deal with at the moment. Now, for the last time, where are
you? I demand to know what the hell you’re doing!” Jr. sighs as if he’s
tiring of dealing with his father.
“I found Mary Catherine,” Jr. replies calmly. “I’ve collected her and I’m
bringing her home as motivation to get her brother and father to cooperate
in taking out the FBI agent they’ve been blabbing to. I’ve told you I have
the situation well in hand, but as always, you under estimate me. Soon you
won’t be underestimating me anymore. Not after I remove the threat against
our family.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you’d found her?” Sr. sounds suspicious all of
a sudden. “I should have been notified the moment you had the first clue as
to her whereabouts.”
“You never listen to me,” Jr. begins, his anger completely unmasked.
“I’m dealing with this issue my way. If you’d allowed me to handle this
without your interference from the beginning, we’d never have been in this
situation. I never trusted Amato from the start and his son even less. My
man would have taken out both the mother and the daughter that night at
the theater. There would have been no need to come up with the ruse of a
marriage between Mary Catherine and me.”
“Son, marriages between the factions have been a long-standing
tradition to forge alliances and keep the families strong,” Sr. replies as if
speaking to a simpleton. “You’ve always resisted the old ways, but they are
what has kept us at the top for so many generations.”
“Times are changing father. The old ways will no longer maintain the
status quo.” Jr. growls into the phone. “I’m not arguing with you about this
right now. I have a plane to board. Meet me at the hunting cabin at eight
tomorrow morning. We can continue our discussion after we’ve dealt with
the Amatos.” Junior ends the call and pockets his phone. “Get us as close to
the jet as you can, Alberto.”
“Yes, sir,” Alberto replies. When the SUV stops, Junior exits the vehicle
when another man in the front jumps out and opens his door. Once Junior is
out of the vehicle, Ruby begins to wonder what’s going to happen now. The
back of the SUV is opened, cold air streaming in causing her to shiver.
She’s only in her thin waitress uniform. She hadn’t bother to put on her coat
to take out the trash. She’s regretting that decision. If she’s cold here in
North Carolina, she’ll freeze to death when they reach New York. Rough
hands grab her ankle and drag her across the vinyl mat of the cargo hold of
the SUV.
“I’ll get her for you, Carlo,” Alberto says as she’s jerked to an upright
position. Nausea hitting her hard, she heaves several times vomiting all over
the front of her uniform. “You don’t want to smell of vomit while helping
the boss with is plans.”
Carlo, another Junior’s henchmen, gives Alberto a stern look. “Why are
you being so helpful?” Apparently every one of these men are suspicious of
one another, but what can you expect when they’re constantly backstabbing
each other.
“I’m doing my duty to the family,” Alberto replies, angrily. “I don’t
appreciate you insinuating otherwise. I back, Junior. I’m merely trying to
help him by keeping him from having to smell you the whole trip. I brought
extra clothes to change into, did you?” Carlo grunts, which Ruby takes is a
negative because he walks away, leaving her alone with Alberto. “Here let
me help you to stand.” Alberto gently helps her up, wrapping an arm around
her waist to support her as he leads her toward a plane a few feet away. Her
legs are weak, but with Alberto’s help, she manages to climb the steep stairs
to the plane. She doesn’t want to cooperate, but she’s entirely too weak to
fight off three men.
They enter the cabin of the plane. Junior wrinkles his nose and grimaces
when he catches site of her. “What the hell?” he demands. “I can’t smell
that the whole flight.” Disgust evident in his every word and action.
“I’ll take her in the back and clean her up, Sir, if that’s all right with
you,” Alberto says. “I have extra clothes with me. They’ll be big on her, but
at least they won’t smell.” Junior nods his agreement, and Alberto leads her
to another section in the back of the private jet, closing the door behind
them. It’s like a bedroom, and Ruby shivers as she imagines the nasty things
that have gone on in the bed, which takes up most of the room. Alberto
steers her toward a door to the side. It’s a small bathroom with a sink,
commode, and shower.
Once inside the small space, he closes this door, and fear skitters over
Ruby. Is he planning to assault her and doesn’t want the boss to hear? Not
that she thinks Russo would care, especially now she isn’t a virgin anymore.
Alberto begins to remove the bindings holding her wrists together.
“I can only take these off while we’re back here,” Alberto informs her.
“Russo won’t allow you to be free on the flight, but I’ll try to not make
them as tight when I put them back on you. Carlo tied them before.” Ruby
frowns. Alberto is being unusually kind to her for a mobster. He turns on
the sink before he leans closer. She stiffens. He was only trying to gain her
trust before he violated her. “We don’t have much time,” he whispers. “The
whole place is bugged, but the running water should cover whispered
voices.” Then he increases his volume suddenly. “Here, wash yourself.” He
hands her a washcloth, and she begins to wipe at the front of her uniform.
He shakes his head, taking the washcloth from her.
“Take off your clothes.” Again, in the loud voice. Her eyes widen, and
he whispers. “I’m sorry, but necessary. I’ll turn my head while you change.”
He lays some clothes out on the lid of the commode before turning his back
on her. She quickly removes the stained, foul-smelling clothes. She washes
as best she can before she dons the over large cream long sleeved t-shirt and
puts on the pair of gray jogging pants, pulling the drawstring as tightly as
possible. When she’s dressed, she taps him on the shoulder. He turns giving
her a slight smile. He leans closer once more. “I don’t want to hurt you. I
know you’re scared, but I need you to cooperate, make my job a little
easier. You just need to play along until help arrives. You catch my
meaning?” Ruby nods her understanding some of her fear receding as his
words sink in. He’s letting her know Tucker is coming for her. Why this
man is helping and how he knows Tucker, she has no clue, but she’s going
to believe he’s speaking the truth.
“Give me your hands,” he demands gruffly in a loud voice. He’s playing
his part. He binds her wrists but not as tight as before. She smiles gratefully.
He nods and leads her out of the bathroom and bedroom and back into the
cabin. He shoves her into a seat before buckling her seatbelt. He then sits
next to her and buckles his own belt. She’s still afraid of what Russo has
planned, but at least she isn’t completely alone. Deep down she knows
Tucker will come for her once he’s back in the country. She just hopes he
isn’t gone too long.

Hawk leads the team down to a different conference room. Once they enter,
Hawk is on his phone connecting with Tex. Ace is on the phone with
Daisy’s brother, Luke at Invictus Security and Protection Agency. Ace
moves to the front of the room while Hawk is pulling up the whiteboard.
“Hawk, I’m putting Luke on speaker,” Ace says, connecting his phone
via Bluetooth to a speaker in the center of the table. Hawk nods his
agreement while he’s pulling up images to the whiteboard. Tank’s gut
tightens when he sees a picture of Ruby’s lifeless body being dragged
toward a black SUV behind the diner where she works. He slams his fist
down on the table, unable to tear his eyes away from the frozen image.
Hack and Straw take him by the shoulders and lower him into a chair. His
heart is pounding, a roar filling his ears. The need to kill the man holding
her is pulsing through him. “Luke you’re on speaker.” Ace sits down near
the head of the table, sympathy in his eyes as he looks at Tank.
“Tank.” Luke’s deep voice booms across the line. “I’m sorry your
woman was taken. I’ve been working with Tex. Hawk is loading up the
security camera footage of her abduction.” The video jumps and begins to
play showing Ruby exiting the back of the diner carrying two large bags of
trash. She disposes of them in the dumpster, and man approaches her from
behind. He grabs her injecting something into her neck. Within seconds, she
goes limp, the man carries her to an SUV, unceremoniously pitching her
into the back. He bends over her. His actions obscured from view. Then he
hurries around to the passenger’s side, climbing inside. The vehicle speeds
“We tracked them to the airport,” Luke continues. “They took a private
jet to Elmira Regional Airport in western New York state. They left in
another SUV, but we lost them shortly after leaving the airport. I’ve traced
the plane and the SUVs to a dummy corporation that leads back to the
Russo family. I’m searching properties they may have in the area. I’ll get
back with you as soon I have more information. Tank, she looked good
when they got her out at the second airport. I don’t think they’ve hurt her.”
“Thank you, Luke.” Tank manages to croak out. “I appreciate you
helping us.”
“Anytime.” Luke ends the call, and the room falls silent. Hawk is deep
in conversation on his phone. Tank is ready to get on the move. They need
to get to this airport in western New York state. From looking at the map,
the area is rural with several lakes around it. They could be anywhere, and
without more intel, it’ll be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Hawk turns to the room and lowers his phone as he’s punching on the
screen. “Tex, you’re now on speaker.” Hawk lays his phone on the table.
Tex’s voice comes across the speaker.
“So, as I was telling Hawk,” Tex informs the rest of the team, “Luke
and I are searching for any properties that are owned by the dummy
corporation that owns the plane and SUVs or any other corporations which
are associated with the Russo family. I’ve reached out to friends of mine in
the FBI as well. Ones I know can be trusted and got some very interesting,
good news.” Tapping can be heard coming across the line, but Tex doesn’t
continue right away,
“What news?” Tank demands. He’s about to lose his cool for the second
time today.
“The FBI has an inside man who’s gotten very close to Russo, Jr.,” Tex
informs him. “I ran facial recognition and noted he’s one of the men who
took Ruby. We can rest assured he’ll protect her as best he can, but he won’t
blow his cover. He’s been on this case for almost six years. The bureau has
spent too much time and money on taking them down for him to disclose
his identity to save one woman, but my contact assures me he’ll do his best
to keep her unharmed until we can recover her.”
Tank’s momentary elation at hearing the FBI had an inside man is
quickly squelched at hearing he won’t blow his cover to save her. This
means it’s imperative they find her sooner rather than later. Ace’s phone
rings, and after some fancy tech magic by Hack, Tex and Luke are on the
speaker together.
“What have you got, Luke?” Hawk asks when the connections are
established. “Another corporation?”
“Well, no new corporations, but I found a hunting cabin belonging to
Junior’s deceased mother,” Luke says, the sound of a keyboard clicking can
be heard through the speakers. Obviously, Luke and Tex are still hard at
work, looking for more information. “I believe this is where they’ve taken
Ruby. Another private jet is scheduled to land at the same airport in about
an hour. This one carrying Russo, Sr. and several of his henchmen.”
“Additionally my contact at the bureau says that Tony has gone dark for
the last thirty-six hours,” Tex breaks into the conversation. “He’s been
faithful to check in on time, but nothing in the last day and a half. They
think Russo may have gotten him. Something big is about to go down. The
bureau’s man, who was seen with Ruby, reported Russo, Jr. is about to
make an attempt to usurp his father’s authority and take over the family
business.” Tank doesn’t care about the mob’s business or their in-fighting.
He just wants to get to Ruby, sooner not later.
“Thanks for the updates,” Hawk says into the phone. “Now we need to
get to that cabin.”
“I think I can help you with that.” Tex comes across the line. “I have a
couple of experimental, top-secret aircraft landing as we speak at your
location. It goes without saying, you can’t disclose any information about
these crafts. Head out to the tarmac gentlemen. There is additional gear
onboard you might find useful as well.”
“Thanks, Tex.” Tank is already on his feet. “But we won’t make it there
before the other plane arrives.”
“Yeah, you will.” Tex chuckles. “Like I said, experimental and top-
secret. You’re estimated flight time is thirty minutes.” Fuck me! Tank thinks
as he follows the rest of them out the door. Aircraft like this will be a game
changer in the future if it can transport troops that fast.
Once outside, they load up in the Humvees to head across base back to
the airport. Tank’s eyes nearly bug out of his head when he sees the
experimental crafts sitting on the tarmac. They’re sleek, black metal with
large twin engines which can rotate to permit vertical landings, similar to
the team’s MV-22s, but he can tell this new craft is different. The team files
out of the Humvee and heads toward the crafts. Two U.S. Airforce pilots are
waiting nearby. They approach as the arrives. Tank notices one of them is a
female, which isn’t as surprising as it would have been a few years ago.
“Capt. Jackson,” the female pilot greets Hawk as they near the crafts.
“Welcome aboard. I’m sure you’ve been briefed to keep this to your team
only?” Hawk nods his agreement. “Very well, then climb aboard. You’ll
find flight suits and helmets inside. We were in a hurry, but I think we have
everyone’s size chosen appropriately based on each man’s last physical.
You can dress while we run pre-flight check lists. We’ll be wheels up in
They enter the futurist looking aircraft. Flight suits are a hanging from a
bar. Tank wonders how in the world they were able to get all these together
so quickly. The suits are labeled with their last names. Hawk begins
handing them out. “Evans!” Hawk barks and flings a suit at him. He quickly
dons the form fitting suit. Tank also briefly wonders why they need to wear
them. He can tell the suits are made from some type of compression
material. Perhaps the speed with which the craft moves is the reason.
They’ve barely gotten settled into their seats with their helmets on when the
pilot comes over the speaker.
“Buckle up, boys,” she drawls as the engine fires up. Tank is more than
ready for them to be in the air. The craft lifts slowly then more advice from
the pilot, “Hold on to your balls, first time out can be rough.” The craft
shoots forward flinging them back in their seats. Tank is breathing hard
from the force of acceleration, but he’s damn glad Tex was able to get them
this state-of-the-art transportation. Hang on beautiful, I’m coming to get

A cold wind is blowing as Ruby is lead down from the plane. She looks
around but can’t tell where they’ve landed. This isn’t New York’s
LaGuardia for sure. Carlo has her by her bound hands and is dragging her
along. She’s doing her best not to stumble as they descend the stairs. Once
they reach the tarmac, he shoves her toward a waiting SUV with tinted
windows. She’s forced into the back seat this time, thankfully not thrown
into the cargo hold like trash. Jr slides into the seat beside her. She
straightens her spine. She’s not going to let him know he scares her.
“Well, Mary Catherine,” he says as he closes his door, turning to look at
her. “I have to say the red hair is quite becoming on you, but this hobo
working class look is beneath you.” Ruby doesn’t reply she just keeps her
eyes forward and head held high, which seems to piss him off. “You’re
going to pay for feeding information to the feds.” She turns to glare at him.
“I didn’t feed information to the feds, the police, or anyone else,” Ruby
says vehemently. “I didn’t know anything to tell them! I wish I did know
something to tell them so I could bring you and your father to justice for all
the evil things you’ve done. My mother was a good, loving, wonderful
woman and you took her from me, you asshole! I hope you rot in hell.” Jr.
raises his hand as if he’s going to hit her but stops, making a fist and gritting
his teeth.
“You surprise me, Mary Catherine,” Jr. says after a moment, “I thought
you were a little timid mousey thing, but it seems you’ve gotten some claws
during your time on the run. Perhaps I won’t need to kill you after all.” He
stares at her for several long moments. “Yes, I believe we can still make this
marriage thing work. Once I’ve eliminated your father and brother, his men
will follow me especially if you’re my wife…yes, yes I think it’s an
excellent idea.” Ruby stares at him horrified. The man is insane if he thinks
she’s going to cooperate with him. She’d rather die than let him touch her.
She isn’t going to tell him this just yet, though. She’s still holding out hope
Tucker and his team will come for her. She needs to bide her time, keep
Russo happy as long as possible.
“What will Julianna have to say about you marrying me?” Ruby asks.
Part of her is curious as to where he stands with the woman. He looks over
at her.
“You heard?” Jr. asks in return. Ruby just nods, then looks down at her
hands as if embarrassed she listened in on the conversation. “It doesn’t
matter what Julianna says about anything. She’s just been a means to an
end.” Ruby can’t believe he’s being so callous, but then again, she can
believe it. She needs to play the part to keep him talking. She hopes her
next comment doesn’t anger him.
“She’s carrying your child. She’s surely expecting you to marry her
when your father is no longer…around.” Ruby swallows, allowing her fear
to show. She wants him to think she’s still mostly timid as before.
“She might expect it, but it’s not going to happen,” Jr. answers casually.
“I’m not the father anyway. She thinks she’s clever, but I know I’m not the
only man she’s been screwing behind my father’s back. I’m very careful to
not put my dick ungloved into any female. In fact, I always use two
condoms to prevent a broken one resulting in an unwanted child. I’m
playing her little game, for now, because the intel she gives me is valuable,
and she’s a fun fuck.” He looks out the window at the passing scenery.
Ruby doesn’t know what to say to that, so she refrains from saying anything
at all. After a while, he startles her with his next words. “I’m actually
looking forward to seeing the look on her face when I ask for a DNA test.”
He chuckles. “I can just see the color drain from her face. Stupid bitch. She
knows I loathe disloyalty, yet she sought me out, flirted, and made it
obvious she wanted a sexual relationship with me, her husband’s son. I used
her to my advantage. She’s been more than willing to spy on my father for
me. I know that if the opportunity arose, she would do the same to me, so I
hold no loyalty to her.” He turns to look at Ruby. “What about you, Mary
Catherine? Would you have spied on me for your father had the wedding
taken place? Or better yet, would you have spied on him for me?”
“No,” Ruby states. He raises an eyebrow. “First of all, no one asked me
what I wanted. I didn’t know you, still don’t know you, so I wouldn’t have
betrayed my father for you even if I’d been forced to marry you.
Additionally I didn’t know anything about my father’s business before my
mother died, and even after, I had no knowledge about the inner workings
of his business. I wouldn’t have helped him spy on you either. His business”
–She spits out the word business like it’s a dirty word– “is what got my
mother killed. I would never help promote it.” She pauses a moment before
adding, “I know you and your father believe I was giving information to the
authorities, but I didn’t. My only concerns had been my singing and
performances, until that was all taken from me.” She turns away as tears
sting her eyes when memories of her mother’s lifeless gaze flash in front of
her. Jr. doesn’t say anything further. He leaves her to her memories for the
rest of the trip.
Sometime later, the vehicle slows, turning onto a side road. Snow has
fallen, and Ruby can hear the gravel crunching under the weight of the tires.
The road doesn’t seem to have had much traffic on it, recently. She peers
over the driver’s shoulder to see the tracks have been partially filled in from
the recent snow fall. The drive is slow going. She hears Alberto tell Carlo to
put it in four-wheel drive. Shortly after she feels the vehicle slide on the icy,
snowy road.
“Fuck, Carlo,” Alberto yells. “Slow down. You’re driving like a maniac.
We want to reach the cabin in one piece.” Their arguing and the jerky
motions of the vehicle cause Russo to lean forward.
“Yes, Carlo, slow down,” Jr. demands. “I don’t plan to die in this
godforsaken place, nor do I want to walk the half-mile to the cabin.” The
vehicle slows.
“Yes, boss,” Carlo complies. “I just wanted us to get there in plenty of
time, before your father arrives.”
“We have time,” Jr. says confidently. “Father won’t be here for another
couple of hours, which gives us plenty of time to grill Tony for information.
I’m sure having his sister present will be plenty of motivation.” Ruby’s eyes
widen as she turns to stare at Russo. He has Tony? She wonders. He must
notice her turn her head, because he looks over at her and grins a most evil
grin. “I just bet your brother will sing like a canary, but if not, dear old dad
surely will.” Ruby’s heart is pounding. Russo has her father and her brother,
and he’s going to use her to get information out of them. “Your family as
proven much more stubborn than I would have imagined. I haven’t been
able to get either one of them to turn on the other, but I have a feeling when
they see you, that will all change. One of them will give to prevent you
from being harmed.” The look in Russo’s eyes lets her know he won’t
hesitate to hurt her to get what he wants. Please Tucker, hurry. Ruby pleads
in her head.
They make it to the cabin without sliding off the road. Russo exits the
vehicle, leaving her in the back seat. Carlo follows his boss inside while
Alberto comes to help her from the back seat. He leans in close. “I’ll do my
best to keep them from hurting you.” Ruby nods.
“Thank you,” she whispers. “I know you have to maintain cover. I’ll
understand if you can’t protect me.”
Ruby holds her head high as she’s led into a large cabin, tucked back in
the woods. The air is much colder here, and she’s thankful to be out of the
wind. The cabin is warm, and a fire is burning in the fireplace in the living
area to the left of the door. A large, overstuffed leather couch sets in front of
the fireplace. Carlo has made himself comfortable, but Russo is nowhere to
be seen. A kitchen/dining area is near the back of the room. The cabin has
an open floor plan, and if she weren’t here under duress, she’d find the
place quaint. It’s obviously a hunting cabin meant for men as the color
scheme is all browns, and the walls and floors are a rustic, deep walnut
A large beam spans the vaulted ceiling. There’s a staircase to the right
of the front door, which leads up to a loft. As she’s lead further into the
room, she spies a hallway to the right behind the stairs. Alberto leads her to
the dining table and pulls out a chair.
“Sit,” he says gruffly. Ruby complies, her head on swivel as she takes in
her surroundings. Russo reappears a few minutes later from the hallway. A
malicious grin on his face. He strides toward her. It takes all her willpower
not to cower as he approaches. She can see his malevolent thoughts swirling
in his mind.
“Come, Mary Catherine,” Russo says. “It’s time for a family reunion.”
He grips her right upper arm tightly enough she’s sure to be bruised later,
pulling her to her feet. He drags her down the hallway to a closed door. He
swings the door open before shoving her inside. She stumbles from the
rough treatment but manages to catch herself before face planting into the
floor. There’s a sickening metallic scent in the room, which is shrouded in
darkness. Russo walks to the center of the room. She hears a click, and a
bare light bulb floods the room with light. A gasp escapes her as she sees
her father and her brother tied to chairs, both of them bloodied, bruised, and
“My God!” Ruby exclaims. Her father raises his head. His left eye is
completely swollen shut. His lips are busted. He attempts to say something,
but no sound comes out. He only manages to cause his lower lip to bleed.
“Dad!” Ruby starts toward him, but Russo holds her firmly in his grasp.
Tony’s head is drooped, and he makes no effort to move. Is he already
dead? She wonders as she looks for signs he’s breathing.
“No, Mary Catherine,” Russo says. “No touching the prisoners. I don’t
want you getting all bloody…at least not yet. If your father and brother
cooperate, you won’t be bloody at all, but if they choose to remain
stubbornly silent, I can’t be held responsible for what happens.” Ruby
glares at the man who is acting like him beating her to a bloody pulp would
be her father and brother’s faults. Her distain for the man is rapidly growing
to hatred. She’d been taught in school and by her mother to never hate
anyone, but to love all souls, only hating evil deeds. However, she’s finding
it harder and harder to find any love in her heart for Russo’s ugly soul.
Russo walks over to kick her brother’s chair, nearly knocking him over.
She winces as he stirs. A noise behind her causes her to look over her
shoulder. Alberto and Carlo have entered the room. Alberto hangs near the
door, but Carlo heads over to help his boss out. Ruby will come to learn
Carlo loves his job and is eager to please his boss.
“Antonio,” Russo leans down in front of her father’s face. “Tell me
what I want to know, or I’ll let Carlo have another go at you.” Her father
licks his lips, but even from her position across the room, Ruby can see his
mouth is dry. She wonders how long he and Tony have been kept here. How
long they’ve been alone as she hasn’t seen anyone else around since they
arrived. Her father says something, but it’s only a whisper, and Ruby can’t
hear him. “Speak up,” Russo demands. “I can’t hear you.”
“Fuck you,” Antonio manages to say before spitting blood at Russo and
Carlo. Russo jumps back with a curse. Carlo punches her father so hard, his
chair falls backward and lands with a thud. Ruby takes a step toward the
gruesome scene, but a hand stops her. She looks to see Alberto holding her
back. He glances at the other two men. When he sees they’re occupied with
picking up Antonio, he shakes his head, telling her to remain still. She bites
her lip as tears fill her eyes. For so long, she’s been angry with her father
for even considering marrying her off to Russo, for being involved in mob
activity to begin with, and for not protecting her mother when things began
to go badly. Even after all that, she doesn’t want to see him hurt.
“Beating his ass isn’t working,” Carlo says to his boss. He glances at
Ruby. “Neither was beating his son within an inch of his life. I think he
needs better motivation.” Carlo strolls toward her. Alberto takes a step
toward her. Carlo raises an eyebrow at Alberto as if to question his move.
Ruby’s heart is pounding in her chest. She can see the evil working in
Carlo’s mind. She glances at Russo to see his reaction, but he’s too busy
checking his clothes and shoes for blood to notice Carlo’s actions.
Carlo grabs her upper arm, dragging her forward. A gasp escapes her,
and Russo looks up to frown. Carlo shoves her in front of her father. “Look
old man,” Carlo sneers. “You tell us what we want to know, and I won’t
give your daughter the beat down, you’ve gotten, but if you don’t start
cooperating, I’m going to beat the hell out of her.” Ruby swallows hard,
trying to keep the whimper that’s crawling up her throat from escaping.
“Carlo,” Alberto steps forward. He glances at Russo. “I don’t think
that’s necessary.” Carlo turns to glare at him.
“You’re a fucking pussy,” Carlo spits out. “Get out if you can’t handle
the dirty work. I’m beginning to think you aren’t cut out for this job. You’re
too damn soft.” Alberto clenches his jaw. Ruby can see a muscle working in
it. He’s warring with his need to maintain cover and to keep an innocent
woman from being beaten. Ruby makes eye contact with him and hopes she
conveys to him she understands his position. He can’t protect her and not
reveal who he is, and she wants him to know she understands.
Carlo turns back to her father. “Tell us who you’ve been giving
information to and what you’ve told him!” Carlo yells, causing Ruby to
jump at his sharp demands. Her father lifts his head. He meets her gaze with
the one eye that isn’t swollen shut.
“I…I call a number I was given years ago,” her father’s voice sounds
weak, defeated. “I leave voice mails. I rarely speak to anyone in person.”
Carlo punches her father in the stomach, apparently not getting the answer
he wanted.
“What information have you left on these voice mails?” Carlo asks.
Antonio’s doubled over as much as he can be with the way he’s tied to the
chair. He groans in pain. The sound breaking Ruby’s heart. For once, she’s
glad her mother isn’t here to witness what’s happening. Her mother’d loved
her father dearly. She would be devastated to have to witness this.
“Names of associates,” her father answers. He tries to swallow, but his
mouth is so dry the action seems painful. “Locations of deals going down,
weapons storages, the inner workings of the family business.” Carlo lands
another hard blow to her father’s abdomen. Ruby can’t take anymore. She
rushes forward to stop the next blow from landing on her father. She grabs
Carlo’s right arm that he has drawn back to hit her father again. She hasn’t
thought about where her actions will lead. She just wants to protect her
father. Carlo back hands her, knocking her to the floor. Pain flares through
her face. A grunt escapes her as she’s hit and another as she hits the floor,
hard. She blinks, trying to clear the dizziness from her head from the blow.
Alberto is at her side immediately. A curse falling from his lips before
he pinches his mouth into a tight line. Ruby knows he’s walking a tight
rope. She doesn’t want to make his walk any more difficult. He pulls her to
her feet, keeping a hold on her when she sways from the dizziness the blow
has caused.
“Enough!” Russo yells. “Carlo refrain from hitting my fiancée.” Russo
practically spits the word out. He comes over to Ruby, grabbing her upper
arm and jerking her from Alberto’s grasp. “If anyone is going to dole out
punishment to her, it’ll be me.” Ruby’s eyes widen at the look on his face.
Pure evil.

Touching down in a clearing not too far from the cabin where Russo has
taken Ruby, Tank is anxious to disembark from the futuristic aircraft
they’ve been blessed to have transport them. Tank checks his gear one more
time. His rifle is secure in its sling. His knives, grenades, and pistols are in
place with guns locked and loaded. He stands and glances over at his
teammates. They’ve shared many missions together, but for Tank, this is the
most crucial one he has ever been on.
“Straw? Wallace?” Both men meet his gaze. “You have all the med shit
you need?” Tank swallows, wishing he did not have to voice his next
words. “You’re prepared for whatever we find?” Tank feels the sting in his
eyes at the thought of losing his beautiful woman, but he pushes them back.
He’ll save them for later if his worst nightmare becomes his reality. For
now, he’s determined to remain focused until he knows for certain. He’s
holding on to hope she’s alive. That’s all that matters. They can sort through
and overcome anything else no matter how long it takes. She just has to be
alive when they get there.
“We’re ready, Tank,” Wallace replies gripping Tank’s right shoulder.
“We will find your woman and bring her home. I believe it, and you have to
believe it, too.” Tank nods, unable to speak around the growing knot in his
throat. Once they’ve exited the craft, he takes another survey of his
brothers, his family. Even Hawk, who no longer goes into the field with
them is loaded up with gear and weapons.
“All right men,” Hawk says as Ranger’s team joins the rest of them.
“We know Ruby’s being held about two clicks north. Thankfully the cabin
is surrounded by thick wooded areas of evergreens. So despite the snow, we
shouldn’t be too obvious as we move in. Ranger?”
“Yes, Sir,” The older leader of team two steps forward. Ranger is in his
late forties, which isn’t old for the average person, but he’s practically
ancient in the special forces’ unit. He’s just over 6’2” and still just as
muscular and fit as the rest of the team. He’s getting some salt in his dark
brown hair especially along his temples and throughout his trimmed beard.
“Once we reach the cabin, circle your men behind the cabin. No one
escapes. Got me?” Hawk’s jaw is set in a hard line. His anger over what
Ruby’s going through warms Tank’s heart. His brothers feel almost as angry
about Ruby’s abduction as Tank does. He knows they’ll do everything they
can to bring her home just as he’s backed many of them in their times of
need with their women.
“Yes, Sir!” Ranger’s voice rings with determination. He turns to Tank.
“I’m sorry about your woman. We’ll make sure not one of those fuckers get
out of this. Either in custody or greeting the Devil himself, these assholes
will meet their fate today.” He gives Tank a firm clasp on his shoulder
meeting Tank’s eyes, conveying his determination to help Tank rescue Ruby
at all costs. Tank nods, letting the man know he gets his meaning. Ranger
isn’t worried about the consequences of their actions on American soil,
today. His only concern is that of Tank’s, securing Ruby and bringing her
home. The rest of Ranger’s team gives him pats on the back or a shoulder
clasp as they move out ahead of Deadeye’s team. Without words, they each
send him the same message. Tank has never been more grateful to have his
band of brothers than he is in this moment. He watches as Ranger leads
L.A, Jasper, Frog, Slick, Badger, Cage, Casper, Merlin, and Spock off into
the snow-covered forest.
“Let’s roll out,” Hawk calls to the rest of them. They make the mile
long trek through deep snow over uneven ground. They cover the distance
in near record time. As the cabin comes into view, Tank is ready to rush the
front door, but he knows they need to execute this perfectly to prevent
Russo from murdering her before they can reach her.
The team converges in the trees on the south side of the cabin. From
their vantage point they can see the area in front of and the south side of the
larger than expected cabin. A large SUV is parked in front. Lights are
streaming from the windows and light gray smoke is coming from the
chimney. Hawk motions them to cluster up.
“Mercury, Worm see what intel you can get from this side of the cabin.”
Both men acknowledge the order with a chin lift. Rising to their feet, they
move through the trees until they are as close to the structure as possible
before sprinting across a snowy patch of ground between the trees and the
cabin. “Virus, Hack,” Hawk continues, “get drones up in the air. See what’s
on the other side of the cabin and monitor the road leading in. I don’t want
any surprises.” Virus and Hack slip off their packs, pulling the equipment
they need, readying two drones to head out into the waning light. “Ranger,
get your men in place. Relay any information you find.” Another chin lift is
Ranger’s only acknowledgement of Hawk’s command. His team rises as
one. They move out on silent feet, like ghosts sweeping across the terrain.
Tank adjusts the comm unit in his ear, willing each one of these men to
hurry and get the information they need. Every moment that passes is
torture for him. His need to see and hold Ruby close is riding him. The
nagging fear that he’s too late growing with every second.
Just when Tank is ready to say, fuck it, and go in after his woman with
guns blazing like Rambo on steroids, the comm crackles.
“Eyes on target,” Mercury’s voice barely a whisper. Tank moves from
his squatting position in the snow, onto the balls of his feet, ready to move.
Straw’s arm on his shoulder keeps him from rising and charging toward the
cabin. “Last room on southside of cabin.” Tank’s eyes swing to the light
coming from the window on that section of the cabin. “Informant is
hovering near target. Tango has target’s brother and father, too. Both men
look rough, but she seems relatively unharmed.”
Relatively? What the fuck does that mean? Tank rises despite Straw’s
attempt to hold him back. Hawk cuts Tank a look that stops him in his
tracks. The look says hold; we need to know more. Tank grits his teeth,
staring at his longtime friend and leader. Mercury’s quiet voice draws his
attention once more. “I’m counting three tangos including the informant.”
Relief floods him. They only need to eliminate two assholes to get to Ruby.
Everyone around him rises to their feet, readying to move forward, but a
new voice on the comm has Tank’s gut twisting with an acidic burn.
“Incoming tangos,” Hack says from nearby. Tank shifts so he can see
the screen Hack has in front of him. Another large black SUV is coming up
the road to the cabin. Tank looks back to Hawk, begging with his eyes for
them to make their move. The more tangos on site, the more difficult it’ll be
to secure Ruby. A slight shake of his head dashes Tank’s hopes in an
instant. Logically he understands, the SUV has already stopped in front of
the cabin. Whoever is inside will be in the house before they can reach and
breech the room. Several men exit the vehicle and head inside. Moments
later, Mercury speaks softly into the mic once more.
“Seven tangos now. Russo’s father along with three of his goons have
arrived.” Tank knows they have these men severely outnumbered with both
teams in play, but seven men in the room with Ruby is frightening, even
more so knowing what these men do to those who cross them. Can they
safely eliminate all of them before one of them has a chance to hurt her?
Hawk’s frown tells Tank he’s thinking along the same lines. FUCK! His
hands make fists at his sides. The need to punch something is
overwhelming, but he can’t afford to bust his hands up beating the shit out
of a tree, so he elects to hold off until his can bust his hands on Russo Jr.’s
face. Tank turns to Hawk.
“Now what? We need to get in there!” Tank is shaking fiercely. Russo
will regret the day he was born if Ruby’s hurt when Tank gets to her. Tank
will make his death slow and painful. The man will beg for death by the
time Tank is finished with him. Tank has seen a lot of fucked up shit in his
years of service. Every one of them in stark detail. He’ll give Russo a taste
of each and every one of them. His tight control is breaking. He rarely loses
control. Only a couple of times in his youth did he go off and do something
totally stupid. Thankfully Straw and his grandparents had been there to
reign him back in, but he isn’t sure anything will stop him, this time,
especially if Ruby is killed before they can get to her. He’d rather die than
live one day without her. God help anyone, whether friend or foe, who
might be in his path if that happens.
“Fucking hell!” Mercury exclaims over the comm. Tank tenses, looking
back to the window where his world is just on the other side. He begins to
move in that direction before Mercury gets out his next words. “There’s
another woman in the room. Unknown: her role in all of this.” Tank knows
the woman could be an innocent, or she too could be a threat to Ruby.
Tank’s never hit a woman or considered doing so, but she tries to harm
Ruby, all bets are off.
Hawk, Deadeye, Ace, Bull, Straw, and Wallace are at his side as he
hurries toward the cabin. When they are fifty yards from their destination,
Deadeye, Bull, and Ace break off heading to the front of the cabin, leaving
Tank, Hawk, Straw, and Wallace to join Mercury and Worm near the door to
the room where Ruby is being held. Virus has confirmed there are no exits
on the north side of the cabin, and Ranger’s team has the back covered.
Tank hurries across the snow in a crouch. When they reach Mercury,
he’s alone. Tank scans their surroundings, but Worm is nowhere to be
found. “Where’s Worm?” Hawk demands. Mercury motions up and to the
their right. Tank catches a glimpse of Worm’s boots as he clears the roof.
“Worm is readying to breech the upstairs, come down from the top
when we breech the bottom,” Mercury replies. “Thermal scanning doesn’t
indicate anyone upstairs.” Hawk dips his head in understanding. It’s a good
plan. Tank looks to Hawk, begging for permission to set this plan in motion.
Hawk brings his hand to his right ear activating his microphone.
“Worm, let me know when you’re inside.” They sit with bated breath
waiting for a response.
“I’m in,” comes a whispered reply. “Making my way to first floor.” A
long pause as they wait, listening to hear Worm say he has made it to the
door of the room where Ruby is being held. Tank rises up to peer into the
room through the window. Hawk’s hand on his shoulder is no deterrent.
Tank knows Hawk is afraid once Tank sees her, he’ll go in Rambo style like
he’s been wanting to do since the moment the cabin came into view through
the trees, but Tank will do what is necessary to keep Ruby alive. He just
needs to see her.
The room is large. Russo has his back to the window Tank is looking
through. Ruby’s father and brother are to Russo’s right in chairs. Tony’s
head is bowed. Puddles of blood stain the floor around both chairs.
Antonio’s chair is turned slightly so Tank can see his face. Damn the man
looks bad. Eyes swollen shut, lips busted and swollen, everything bruised
deep shades of purple. A man approaches Antonio a knife in his hand.
“No! Please!” Ruby cries out. Tank’s head whips in the direction of the
sound. She’s on the other side of Russo near the door to the room. A man
Tank recognizes as the undercover FBI agent is next to her. He’s holding
Ruby back, preventing her from running to intervene on her father’s behalf.
There are others in the room, but Tank can’t see them from his angle.
Tank takes in the sight of Ruby. She’s in bulky gray sweat pants and a
cream-colored long sleeve t-shirt. Drops of red blood are scattered down the
front. She looks frightened and tired. Her face is bruising on the right side.
Dried blood trails along that side of her jaw from a split in her right lower
lip. The growl that escapes him is deep and low. Hawk jerks him down
before he gives their position away. Thankfully the glass in these windows
is thick enough to prevent any one inside from hearing his freak out.
“I’m at ground level down the hall from the room where the target is
located,” Worm whispers. The rest of the house has been cleared.” Tank is
relieved they won’t have to worry about more assholes rushing them when
they breech.
“Worm, I want you to deploy two flash grenades on my mark,” Hawk
commands him. “Then secure the unknown female once you’re in the room.
“Got it,” Worm replies.
“We’ll be breeching on my mark,” Hawk informs all members at once.
Hawk flips off his microphone and turns to face Tank and the rest who are
huddled under the window. “Wallace, you take out the man with the knife.
Straw, you and I will get the newcomers.” Meaning they’ll each take out
two if no one else gets to them first. “Mercury you get Russo or anyone else
who gets in our way.” Mercury grunts. Always being a man of few words,
Tank expects nothing else. “Tank, your concern is getting to Ruby.” Tank
snorts, as if Hawk needed to tell him that. Hawk flips his mic on, “It’s go-
time, boys! Three, two, one! Breach! Breach! Breach!”

Ruby watches in horror as Carlo moves toward her father with his knife in
hand. Tony still hasn’t regained consciousness. She has seen his shoulders
rise slightly, letting her know he’s still breathing, but for how long? Russo,
Sr. and his goons arrived moments ago along with the bitch Julianna. Sr. is
angry, Jr. hasn’t gotten all the information they’ve wanted from her father
and brother.
Carlo seems eager to move up in the ranks. It’s either that or he just
enjoys hurting people. The moment Sr. demanded answers, Carlo began to
taunt her father with more painful encouragement to spill his guts. Alberto
is holding her gently by the upper arms to keep her from rushing forward
and getting hit again, or worse, a knife wound. Her anger and frustration
have surpassed any fear she’s felt. These people have taken her mother from
her, caused her many lost nights of sleep, and too many tears to count. She
hates them and wishes she could do something to help her father and
“Answer the damn questions!” Carlo demands, holding the long knife in
front of her father’s eye, which can still open although only about half way.
“Give us what we want…or I’ll use this on your daughter.” Her father turns
his head to Russo, Jr. who makes no moves to say or do anything. Carlo
spins, stalks a few steps, and grabs Ruby from Alberto’s grasp before
dragging her closer to her father. Russo Jr. moves toward them.
“Carlo,” Jr. growls. Carlo pauses, then glances over his shoulder at Sr.
Whatever response he gets, he brings the knife up to Ruby’s face, pressing
the blade to her left jaw. She feels nothing at first as he begins to draw the
blade across her skin. Then a sharp stinging, burn sets in as she feels
warmth flowing down her neck. Oh God! Has he slit her throat? Another
burn comes as Carlo drags the knife across her upper chest. The horrified
look on her father’s face is too much.
Closing her eyes, Tank’s handsome face with his beastly grin flits
through her mind. He’s the last image she wants to see before she leaves
this harsh world behind. Regret flows through her at all the things they’ll
never get to experience. More walks along the beach, holding their first-
born child, growing old and gray together. How can destiny be so cruel to
give her a taste of true love and happiness only to have it snatched away
before she can savor it? At least she had a taste.
Bang! Bang!
Even with her eyes closed, Ruby can see the suddenly blinding light
filling the room as the explosions rock the room. Her eyes fly open, but she
can barely make anything out through the smoke and neon blobs floating in
front of her vision. Her ears are ringing. She can make out images of bodies
moving, but she can’t hear anything. Carlo drops his hold on her. She
crumples to the floor in shock.

T ank follows Hawk through the back door. His rifle up sweeping back
and forth as he searches for targets. The flash grenades have left a cloud of
smoke in the room. It’s dissipating quickly as air flows out the door they’ve
just busted through. Tank passes between Ruby’s father and brother still tied
to their chairs. His concern isn’t for them. He needs to find Ruby.
A figure emerges from the smoke, the man with the knife rushes at him.
Tank drops the man with a bullet to the center of his forehead. Tank steps
over the body, tripping on his next step. Looking down, he sees long red
hair and the slender outline of Ruby’s body. Dropping his hold on his rifle,
knowing the sling will keep it to his body, he drops to his knees, scooping
her up into his arms.
“Beautiful.” His voice is harsh, broken sounding. There’s no response.
He sweeps her hair away from her face. His hand is sticky with blood.
Looking down he sees her shirt is now soaked in it. The metallic scent
hitting him, causing bile to rise in his throat. Fuck! Did they kill her when
the grenades went off?
“Straw! Wallace!” Tank bellows as loud as he can, knowing there’s still
fighting going on around him. He heard a couple of shots go off besides his
own when he first entered the room. Now, however, all he can hear is the
impact of flesh and bones hitting together with the occasional grunt. He
looks down once more. “Beautiful, speak to me!” Tank pulls her to his
chest, needing to feel her body against his own. He wishes like hell there
wasn’t so much gear between them. Suddenly, brown eyes are staring up at
him in confusion. Movement to his left causes him to shift his body to
protect Ruby from whatever danger is coming at them. He holds Ruby with
his left arm while grabbing his rifle with his right.
Russo, Jr. emerges from the swirling smoke. His face twisted into a
scowl of rage. He rushes at Tank. Tank lifts his rifle but doesn’t have to fire.
Russo suddenly jerks his shoulders back just as a gush of blood and tissue
erupt from his chest. Tank manages to skirt him and Ruby out of the way as
Russo’s body lands with a thud next to them. Tank looks to where Russo
just came from seeing, Hawk standing there with his rifle still at the ready a
faint whiff of smoke trails from the tip. Tank dips his head in
acknowledgement of Hawk’s save.
Then Straw and Wallace both appear at Tank’s side. He looks back
down at Ruby. She still staring at him with wonder in her eyes. Her hand
comes up shakily to touch the side of his face.
“You’re really here,” she whispers. “I knew you’d come for me,
Tucker.” Seeing the blood flowing from a long cut along her left jaw tears
him up. A second later, and large male hand slaps an equally large white
bandage over her wound, holding pressure.
“I’ll always come for you, beautiful.” Tank’s voice thick with emotion.
He places a kiss to her forehead as he clears his throat before continuing, “I
told you from day one, you’re mine. I take care of what’s mine.” She nods,
and despite her injuries, a sweet smile crosses her face. Another hand
comes into view with more gauze, a stethoscope, and other medical
equipment, but Tank doesn’t look to see who is doing what. He just holds
his woman while his teammates cover her wounds, check her vitals, and
give her a quick once over.
Hawk is barking orders into the comms. More of the team enters the
room, they secure any of the tangos who aren’t already dead. The informant
approaches Hawk with a rather uncooperative woman in his grasp. Hawk
turns to greet the man.
“You agent, Monroe?” Hawk asks. The man nods. He looks over at
Tank and Ruby, and his face pinches into a frown.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t prevent her being injured.” The young man blows
out a breath. “I…I tried, but everything at the end happened so fast.” Hawk
holds his hand out to shake the young man’s hand.
“We appreciate everything you did,” Hawk tells him. “I’m sure things
could have been much worse had you not been here.” The man nods again.
The woman tries to pull her arm free. She steps toward Hawk, her gaze
landing on Russo, Jr.’s body still sprawled on the floor. No one has bothered
to cover him. She shrieks, and all eyes turn to her, even Russo, Sr. who’s
attempting to argue with Mercury and Worm who are zip tying his hands
behind his back.
“No! No! No!” the woman screams over and over as she stares down at
the bloody scene.
“Julianna, shut up!” Russo, Sr. yells at her. “You’re being ridiculous. He
wasn’t your son.” Tank is surprised to hear sadness in the man’s voice.
Even when they are hard on them, hardened criminals love their children.
The woman turns her head and glares at him. S.r raises his eyebrows in
shock that she would dare look at him in such a way.
“I loved him,” she declares. “He loved me, too.” She looks around the
room as if noticing everyone else for the first time. Her gaze lands on Ruby
laying in Tank’s arms. “You!” she shouts and points at them. “It’s all her
fault. She got him killed.” Julianna’s voice breaks as she continues, “She
killed the father of my child. Oh God!” She wails. “What am I going to
Tank looks over to see Sr.’s face pale at the woman’s admission, then
flood deep red. He attempts to break loose from the men holding him. “You
whore!” He yells. “My wife fucking my own son?” Agent Monroe shakes
his head. Poor man has been front and center to all the family dysfunction.
Spock and Merlin appear at Tank’s side and begin assembling a
stretcher. Tank shakes his head. Ruby won’t be laying on that stretcher
unless her injuries are worse than he saw when he first looked her over.
He’ll be carrying her in his arms back to the aircraft.
“Talk to me.” Tank looks up to meet Straw’s gaze. “How bad?” He
forces his fear down as he waits for the answer. There’s so much blood.
Tank has seen plenty of wounds in the field, knowing some areas bleed
worse than others and still not be fatal. If she was one of his brothers on the
team, he’d tell them to suck it up, they’re going to be fine, but she isn’t one
of them. This is Ruby. She is his world, the air he breathes. She is sunshine,
happiness, and calms his soul.
“She has a couple long, nasty cuts, but they don’t appear to be too
deep,” Straw answers. “Her lungs and heart sound good. Blood pressure is a
little low, but that can be from dehydration and shock. We’ll need to stitch
her up to quell the bleeding. I’ll start and IV, give her some fluids, and
something for pain.” Tank blows out a breath. She’ll need to be assessed at
the Naval hospital once they return, but she’s alive.
Tank turns to Spock and Merlin. “Check on her father and brother.”
Tank motions with his head toward the two men in the chairs. “I’m sure
they are going to need patching up, too.” The two men step over to the men
in the chairs, pulling their supplies from the packs on their backs.
Hawk kneels down next to him. “How’s your woman?” His face
contorted in concern.
“Alive.” It’s all Tank can manage to say. Hawk looks over at her. He
quirks an eyebrow at Straw, who gives a run-down of Ruby’s injuries.
Hawk pulls his phone to his ear.
“Hey, yeah we got her,” Hawk says into the phone. “Could be worse.
Let Abigail know? Yeah, I figured you are all over there. How’s Abi
holding up?” He listens a moment. Straw’s ears perking up at the mention
of his woman’s name. “I’ll pass it on. Be safe, love. We’ll be home soon. I
love you, too.” Hawk looks up at them.
“Charlotte and all the women are together,” Hawk informs them.
“They’re waiting anxiously to take care of Ruby. They all want you and
Ruby to know whatever you need, we, the team will take care of it.” Tank
nods. He isn’t sure how much longer he can keep the tears from falling.
He’s tried for so long to keep everyone at a safe distance, but even before
Ellie cracked the hard shell around his heart and Ruby blew it to
smithereens, he cared for his team and the women they’ve come to love.
Ruby is battered and bruised. Her cuts will heal, and with his love and the
support of their team family around them, the rest of her emotional injuries
will heal, too.
R uby knew all along Tucker would come for her. She’s just thankful she’s
managed to stay alive until he’d arrived. She relaxes into his embrace. She
can feel hands on her applying dressings and checking her over. A sharp
sting in her left arm draws her attention. Straw is at her side, placing an IV
into her arm.
“Hey Ruby,” Straw says when he sees her watching him. “Fancy
meeting you here.” He winks at here, and Ruby gives him a weak smile.
Tank growls, seemingly not seeing the humor in Straw’s attempt to lighten
the mood. Wallace hands a syringe to Straw, who looks up at her. “Any
drug allergies, Ruby?” She shakes her head. Straw injects the medication
into her line. Within seconds, her vision begins to blur. Weakly she grips
Tank’s flak vest. She doesn’t want to be knocked out. She’s just gotten back
with Tucker. Their eyes meet. As if he can read her fear or maybe he can
read her mind. He calms her fears.
“I’ll be right here, beautiful.” Tucker’s deep rumbling voice eases her
some of her fear. “I’m not letting you go, so rest. I’ll be here when you
wake.” With a smile, her eyes drift close.

Two weeks later…

Tank wakes with Ruby wrapped around him like a blanket. He smiles
and breathes deeply taking in the coconut smell of her hair. Her breath fans
over his bare chest. Desire curls in his lower half. His morning wood
growing even harder. It doesn’t matter how many times he makes love to
her; he wants her again within minutes. Ruby’s stitches came out a few days
ago, and she’s healing well. They’ve spent many hours exploring one
another’s bodies over the last week. He’s thankful every day destiny blessed
him with the woman in his arms.
Ruby stirs. Her eyes flutter open. When their eyes meet, a sleepy, lazy
grin spreads over her face. “Good morning,” she murmurs before stretching,
arching her breasts into him. Not one to miss an opportunity, he rolls her
onto her back, sucking one of her perky nipples into his mouth, flicking it
with his tongue until it’s impossibly hard. Ruby moans, running her hands
in his hair. “Mmm, so good.” Ruby purrs as he moves to the other side. He
kisses the swells of her breast, sucking the flesh, nibbling leaving his mark
on her perfect skin.
“You like this, beautiful?” Ruby smiles up at him. Her auburn hair
spread out around her head. She’s perfection and all his.
“Yes,” she breaths out. “I like everything you do to me, Tucker.” Oh
yeah! He loves hearing her say his name when she’s aroused and needy. He
inches his way down her body, leaving a trail of kisses along her torso, until
he reaches the mound between her thighs. He looks up to meet her gaze.
The love he sees in her eyes takes his breath away. “I love you, Tucker.”
His heart swells like it does every time he hears her say those words.
“I love you, beautiful.” Tank kisses her course curls before kissing both
thighs, then pushing them farther apart. She’s already made room for him as
he moved. He licks up slick folds. She whimpers loudly. He sets to work
flicking her clit with his tongue before sucking on it gently. Another moan
escapes her. His beautiful Ruby is a siren in bed. So eager for his touch. He
reaches up to cup a breast as he continues to attend to her clit, then driving
his tongue deep, lapping her juices up. He loves the taste of her, like manna
from the gods. Life giving sustenance that feeds his soul. He can tell by her
whimpers and the trembling of her thighs she is getting close. He slides a
finger in her heat, pumping a few times, before adding a second, readying
her for his cock. As her cries grow in pitch, he sucks on her clit with more
pressure. Her hips are bucking against his face. Her hands grip the sheets
beside her.
“Tucker!” she cries as her release hits her. The lifting of her hips has
become wild and erratic. He continues to ride her through her orgasm,
lapping up the flood of moisture weeping from her folds. As she slows her
motions, he releases her clit and draws his fingers from her depths. Her eyes
hit his once more. He sucks his fingers, her eyes flaring with desire. “I need
you inside me, Tucker.”
He needs to be in her, too. So damn bad. His cock is throbbing, and
precum is dripping onto the sheets. He crawls up her body before notching
his cock at her entrance. “You want my cock, beautiful?”
“Yes, Tucker. I want your cock.” Damn he loves it when she talks dirty
with him. She still blushes a beautiful shade of red every time.
“I can’t deny you, beautiful,” Tank says as he eases inside. “You know
that you own me, right?” She smiles up at him with hooded eyes, lost in her
pleasure as he slides in and out of her depths.
“You own me too, Tucker. Body and soul.” Ruby’s voice gets higher
and breathy. Her words heightening his desire. He’d intended to take her
slow and sweet this morning, but all bets are off now. He picks up the pace,
drilling into her, loving the feel of her walls clutching around him, still
fluttering from her orgasm just moments ago. She matches him thrust for
thrust, lifting and tilting her hips, taking him impossibly deep. Her hands
are roaming over his muscled back. Her heels are digging into his ass,
urging him on with every thrust. God! He loves this, loves her. He’s so
thankful destiny has blessed him with this woman and kept her alive for
him to bring home.
Tank feels her walls beginning to grip him and flutter, indicating she’s
getting close once more. He powers on enjoying the feel of their bodies
connecting in this carnal way. He doesn’t want it to end, not yet. Ruby,
however, has other plans. Her hand drifts down his arm and slides between
their bodies. She’s soaking wet and sucking noises can be heard with every
thrust. Tank looks down between them watching her wet her fingers before
beginning to rub her clit. Fucking beautiful watching his woman take what
she needs, but he wants to be the one to give it to her. Call him a caveman if
you want, but he’s the only one who gets to push her over the edge.
Tank shifts his weight onto his left arm, dropping down onto his
forearm. Their bodies touching even more pinning her hand between them.
She whimpers, being unable to move her fingers like she wants. Using his
right hand, he pulls her hand away.
“My turn, beautiful.” Tank looks deep into her eyes. “Let me get you
“Yes, Tucker, yes!” Ruby’s happy agreement warms his heart. From the
first time he had her, it’s been good, but it seems the sex is only getting
better and better between them. He wets his thumb in her juices between
swirling over her clit. “Mmmm, don’t stop!”
Tank continues to rub her just how he knows she likes it. He can feel his
own release pending, building. His balls drawing up, readying to spill into
her wet heat. Her cries are getting more frantic. She’s so damn close, which
is a very good thing because he’s ready to blow. Pressing down on her clit
with his thumb, she denotates.
“Tucker! Oh God! Ohhh,” Ruby’s cries have him driving harder and
deeper until, at last, his seed spills from him, filling her depths. He
collapses onto her shifting his weight to the left to keep from crushing her.
He rests his forehead on hers. Their breaths blend as they’re both breathing
hard, trying to recover.
“I swear, beautiful, being inside you, watching you come apart, never
gets old.” Tank lifts his head to look into her eyes. He wants her to see his
meaning. She’s smiling, looking sated and relaxed. “I want to make love to
you until I’m old and gray, but even then, I’ll still want you.” Her smile
widens her face lighting up.
“I feel the same way, Tucker.” Ruby lifts her head kissing him sweetly.
“You are my everything. I love you, and I love that you refused to let me
keep hiding, keep being afraid.”
“I never want you to be afraid,” Tank tells her honestly. “I knew the
moment you crashed into me you were it for me. I had to make you mine or
die trying. Thank you for trusting me.” He kisses her long and deep until a
faint knock comes to their door.
“Uncle Tank! Aunt Ruby!” Ellie calls from the other side of the door.
“Get up! Momma has breakfast cooked, and Daddy says sexy time is over.”
A pause then, “Whatever that means.”
“We’ll be down in a bit,” Tank calls to her. Ruby giggling under him.
They can hear her little footsteps retreating. “I guess we better get out of
bed,” Tank tells Ruby reluctantly.
“Yes,” her simple reply. She raises up to kiss him, pressing her breasts
against his bare chest. “I’m still recovering so after breakfast, you can tell
them I need a nap, you know, to get my strength back?” Tank nods, seeing
desire in her eyes. “I’ll ride you before we nap.” She gives him a sultry
smile and nip on his jaw before wiggling out from under him and out of
bed. Tank flops over on his back. His cock is hard again. He’s going to need
a minute or maybe ten to get it calmed back down before he can be in the
presence of others without embarrassing himself. Ruby pokes her head out
of the bathroom, crooking her finger and motioning for him to join her.
“Come on Tucker, let me take care of your problem in the shower.”
With a scissor kick, he’s up and out of bed, heading into the shower
with his woman for some amazing shower sex before breakfast.


Ruby smiles to herself as she takes another bite of the fluffy pancakes
Abigail has made them for breakfast. She’s still reeling from how much her
life has changed since meeting Tucker and his friends. Not only her life, but
her as well. She’s never been a bold, brave, or confident person, but Tucker
has brought out so much in her she never knew existed before. She never
would have imagined doing the things she’d just done moments ago in the
shower with Tucker. She was bold and took what she wanted while giving
him what he needed.
She’d sucked his big cock, driving him wild with her mouth and tongue.
He’d shot ropes and ropes of cum down her throat. It made her feel
powerful, not used like she’d always imagined giving a blow job might feel.
She drives him crazy with her mouth. She does that to him, and she loves it.
He’d been more than happy to return the favor. Kneeling in front of her as
water cascaded around them from all the shower heads going at once, he
placed one of her thighs on his shoulder then proceeded to work her body
with his expert tongue and fingers before fucking her against the wall of the
shower. Her legs and arms still weak from all the pleasure he’s given her.
Ellie is chattering away while Abigail shoots Ruby a knowing grin.
Ruby blushes. Feeling a little embarrassed Abigail and apparently Straw,
know what they’ve been up to this morning. Straw keeps giving Tank little
smirks when their eyes met. While she might feel a little embarrassed, she’s
also incredibly happy. She has a man she loves who adores her beyond
reason. She has good friends who have shown they will do anything for her.
When they’d returned from the cabin in western New York, the house
was overflowing with friends, food, and love. The women had all rallied
around her and Tucker ensuring they had everything they needed for her to
settle in and heal. The women had cooked, lent a sympathetic ear to her
harrowing tale of abduction and rescue, and even shared their stories with
her. They all seem to have a kindred spirit and can understand her fears and
Tucker’s teammates have been supportive of him too. A band of
brothers so tight even sharing blood wouldn’t make them any closer. Ruby
overhears Hawk giving Tucker advice on how to help her through the days
ahead. Hawk has helped Charlotte overcome her nightmares and flashbacks
after being abducted and held for months by a drug cartel. Ruby can’t be
offended that Hawk would think she’d have issues, because his intentions
are good. It isn’t about saying Ruby is weak, but more about making sure
Tucker has the resources to help her through a difficult time. Ruby has to
admit the man is scary until you get to know him. Underneath the
commanding officer is a warm, lovable teddy bear who only comes out for
those who matter to him. His wife, his children, and his teammates and their
families. She smiles, remembering the men’s conversation. Hawk had been
“Tank, you need to be prepared,” Hawk begins. Tucker had given such
a hard look at Hawk. “She’s going to say she’s fine, when more than likely
she isn’t. They’re will be nightmares, maybe flashbacks. I know you
remember how Charlotte was for weeks and months after we pulled her
from the jungle. Thankfully your woman didn’t have months of being held,
but she’s had years on the run, in fear. She’s going to need you to be the
calm when the storms come. It’s going to hurt you seeing her scared,
knowing her mind is back in that godforsaken cabin, but you have to keep it
together for her, just like you did that day. I could see how much restraint it
took you to keep from going in hot, blowing shit up, and being judge, jury,
and executioner all rolled in to one to those assholes who’d dared touch
her. You deserve a fucking gold medal. But that’s going to be tough on you,
too. Don’t forget you have to take care of yourself, too. We are all here if
you need a sounding board or just someone to vent your frustrations to.”
Tucker had had such a solemn look on his face before he shook Hawk’s
hand and slapped him on the back, all the while some knowing look passes
between them.
Now, weeks later, life is on the mend. Her stitches are gone. Her skin is
healing nicely. She got word yesterday her brother will be discharged from
the hospital soon. Her father got out a few days ago and is doing well. Life
is slowing returning to normal. A pre-finding-out-your-family-is-the-mob
kind of normal. They’ll still have to endure the trial of Russo, Sr. and his
goons, but that’ll be months down the road. The feds have assured them
they have an air tight case. They’ve dismantled the families, and Ruby is
safe at last.
“You about finished, beautiful?” Ruby looks over at Tucker. He’s
looking at her near empty plate.
“Yes, I’m finished.” Tucker takes her plate and his into the kitchen.
Straw and Ellie are on kitchen duty. Tucker returns in a few moments,
taking her hand and leading her out the front door and down to the side
walk. “Where are we going?”
“I thought we’d take a walk,” Tucker says casually, but Ruby has the
feeling there’s more to it than a walk. They stroll down the street toward the
cul de sac at the end. The air is cool, but not as cold as it should be for this
time of year. The warm sunshine helps to keep the chill at bay. When they
reach the end Tucker stops in front of the vacant lot. He turns toward it
holding her hand. “This is a nice piece of property, don’t you think?” Ruby
looks over the very large lot. It is a really nice space. It’s larger than some
of the other ones in the neighborhood. A realtor’s sign is in the yard. It
boasts three and a half acres, but a sold tag has been added to the sign.
“Yes, someone is going to be happy living here,” Ruby muses. She
figures some rich developer bought the property and is going to divide it up
into half acre lots, tripling the size of the neighborhood. “Probably a lot of
someones,” she adds, voicing her thoughts.
“I hope we’ll be happy here,” Tucker says turning to her. She frowns at
his statement. He grins his sexy grin. “I placed an offer on this place last
week, and the owners accepted.” Ruby’s eyes bug out. “I’m going to build
us our dream home. There’s plenty of acreage so we can have a small pond
for fishing, maybe some chickens and ducks. What do you think?”
Ruby is overwhelmed. She can’t believe he’s bought this property, and
he’s planning their future there together. “I don’t know what to say, Tucker,
except I think it’s a gorgeous place, and I know I’ll be happy here as long
has you are with me.” He takes her in his arms kissing her silly.
“I know things have happened fast, but I love you. I don’t want to waste
any of the time we have together.” Tucker sounds so excited. “I want you to
be my wife, have our babies, as many as you want, and to grow gray with
me. We don’t have to get married tomorrow or even in the next year. I’ll
wait as long as you want, but I need to know.” Tucker drops to one knee,
pulling a small black box from his pocket. “Will you marry me?” Tears fill
Ruby’s eyes, causing Tucker’s handsome face to blur.
“Yes, of course I’ll marry you!” Ruby exclaims, throwing her arms
around his neck. He lifts her off his feet and kisses her for a long time. Cat
calls, whistles, and cheers bring them out of the moment. Ruby looks
around to see Tucker’s teammates and their women have gathered around
them, sharing in their special moment. “How did you plan all this without
me knowing? Tucker has that boyish grin on his face.
“I’m just that good, beautiful.” Ruby roars with laughter as do all their
“What if I’d said no?” She cocks an eyebrow at him. He jerks her to
him once more.
“I’d have just had to persuade you to change your mind.” He growled
playfully, knowing she’s teasing him. “But you said yes. Instead of
persuading, we’ll be celebrating.” Ruby laughs as he spins her around. Yes,
they’ll be doing some serious celebrating tonight and hopefully for many
long years to come.

Ruby’s nerves are a flutter. She can’t keep from fidgeting. She lets out a
sigh in an attempt to calm herself down, but it’s not helping in the least. She
stares out the window at the passing scenery, knowing her time is getting
“Stop worrying, beautiful.” Tank takes her hand, glancing at her briefly
before focusing back on the road. “They’re going to love you, just as much
as I do.” Ruby squeezes his hand. She hopes they do. She’s meeting
Grammy and Pa for the first time in a few short minutes. She really wants
them to like her. Grammy had called this morning just before they’d left
home. Serena is going to be there, too. These are Tucker’s closest remaining
blood relatives. She wants to make a good impression.
“Are you sure I look okay?” Ruby asks for the tenth time since she’d
gotten dressed this morning. She’d chosen a red sweater and blue jeans.
Tucker insisted she didn’t need to dress up. They’re just going to have
lunch and spend the afternoon with them. She can’t keep from worrying.
Abigail has assured her they’re all very nice, but Ruby’s anxiety isn’t letting
her believe it. Tucker is like their son. They’ll only want the best for him.
She doesn’t think they’re going to approve of her. She doesn’t have a
college degree, and her only work experience is waitressing in bars and
diners. She was on the run from the mob for six years. What does that say
about her? She has convinced herself, they’d rather Tucker have someone
with a much better background, not the sorted one she has.
“Yes, babe.” Tucker winks at her. “You look gorgeous. Please, stop
fretting. It’s going to be a good day.”
“This is important, Tucker,” Ruby complains. She knows she’s being a
little whiny, but she can’t help but worry. This is a major milestone for her.
While she knows, whether they like her or not it won’t change a thing
between her and Tucker, she still wants them to like her. “I need to make a
good first impression. If they don’t like me, it’s going to make holidays
uncomfortable.” Tucker laughs which only annoys her. “I don’t see
anything funny, Tucker.”
“You’re worrying for nothing, beautiful.” Tucker sobers turning serious.
“Look, I know this is important to you. It’s important to me, too. I know
Grammy and Pa. I promise they’re going to love you and as for Serena,
she’ll love you, too. She’s always wanted a sister. She talked about it a lot
when we were growing up, how much she missed out on by not having
Jillian around.”
“You’re going to make me cry and I’ll smear my makeup.” Tucker gives
her an exasperated look. “I’m sorry. I’ll try to stop worrying.”
“You’re not alone, you know?” Ruby looks over at Tucker. He’s so
handsome and confident when he drives. He’s been teaching her to drive
over the last week. He’s been so patient with her. “Abigail, Straw, and Ellie
are right behind us.”
“I know.” Ruby smiles over at him. She takes a deep, calming breath. “I
can do this.”
“Absolutely you can,” Tucker tells her. “You survived being hunted and
kidnapped by a mob boss. Meeting Grammy will be a piece of cake.” Ruby
nods her agreement, but she isn’t so sure. “You can stop worrying now.
We’re here.” Ruby looks out the windshield to see a brick home, at the end
of a long drive, coming into view. Several large trees are scattered around
the yard. She sees a couple of outbuildings to the left of the house along
with a detached garage. The house has a carport on one end with a blue
sedan parked inside. A very nice-looking BMW is parked behind the sedan.
Tucker pulls his truck up beside the BMW and puts it in park.
Tucker opens his door and slides out of his seat. He rounds the hood of
the truck and opens her door. Ruby holds on to his shoulders as he lowers
her down from the high seat. He presses a kiss to her forehead before
throwing his arm around her shoulders. The crunching of gravel lets her
know Abigail and Straw have arrived.
Before they make it to the door in the carport, it flies open. A petite
gray-haired woman hurries down the two steps from the house to the
“Tucker, my boy!” the woman calls. “Come here and give your
Grammy some love.” Tucker releases Ruby to hug the woman, lifting her
off her feet. The woman laughs as she pats rather forcefully on his back. He
places a big kiss on her weathered cheek before setting her back on her feet.
“Hey, Grammy. You’re looking good today.” Tucker has his hand on the
back of her neck, and she’s still holding on to his arms.
“You are, too, my boy,” Grammy says. “I sure have missed you. I’m so
glad you and Robert could come bring your women today.” She peeks
around Tucker. “Oh! This must be Ruby!” Grammy proceeds to shove
Tucker out of the way as she descends on Ruby, grabbing her up and
hugging her tightly. “I’m so happy to meet you, sweet girl. Tucker has told
me all about you. Now do you want to be called Ruby or Mary Catherine?
He said you were beautiful, and he sure wasn’t lying about that, but you’re
a little too thin, child. We need to fatten you up. I just don’t know about
these young girls worrying about getting fat. When you get to be my age
and you have one health problem after another, you’ll be thankful to have a
few extra pounds on you.” She leans closer to Ruby as if sharing some
super important secret. “You won’t show your wrinkles as bad if you’ve got
plenty of meat on your bones.” She winks and laughs. Ruby is smiling and
laughing right along with her.
“Good grief, Momma, let the poor girl catch up. You’re talking her ear
off, and she ain’t even stepped in the house, yet.” Ruby looks up to see an
elderly gentleman who’s nearly as tall as Tucker walking from one of the
outbuildings wiping his hands on a cloth. He’s grinning from ear to ear.
Tucker walks over to greet him.
“Hi Pa! How are you doing?” Tucker asks as the men hug. Pa pats
Tucker’s back.
“I’m pretty good for an old man,” Pa answers. “You’re looking really
good, son.” He pauses a minute. Wipes at his eyes with his cloth. “You look
so happy.” The man’s voice breaks a little. He clears his throat. “I was
beginning to think I wouldn’t live to see the day.” Tucker hugs the man
again. They seem to share a few whispered words before pulling apart.
Tucker and Pa walk closer to the women.
“Pa. Grammy.” Tucker puts his arm around Ruby pulling her close to
his side. “I’d like to introduce you to Ruby, my soon to be wife.” Grammy
and Pa’s faces light up. Tucker looks down at Ruby. “Ruby, this is Grammy
and Pa.”
“I’m so happy to finally meet you both,” Ruby tells them. Grammy has
to hug them both again.
“Let me see the ring,” Grammy takes Ruby’s left hand. Ruby holds up
her hand, the diamond sparkling in the sunlight. “Oh Tucker, it’s beautiful.
Just like your girl.” Grammy hugs Ruby again, then she notices Straw and
Abigail behind them. “Oh there’s my other boy and girl. Where’s the little
one?” Ellie jumps out from behind Abigail.
“Grammy!” Ellie screams, running to hug the older woman. “I’ve
missed you so much!”
“I’ve missed you too, little girl,” Grammy hugs the child up. “Now
everyone into the house, Serena should have lunch just about ready.”
Grammy and Pa herd them all into the house.
They enter to house through a laundry room and into a breakfast nook
off the kitchen. Grammy leads them on into the kitchen where a tall, brown-
headed woman is standing at the stove. She turns to look over her shoulder
as they enter. A smile breaks over her face when she sees them entering.
“Tucker! Robert!” Serena exclaims. She puts down the potholders she
has in her hands. She hurries around the island and comes over to hug both
men. “It’s been too long since I’ve seen you guys. Grammy tells me you’ve
both found women. I thought she was beginning to slip in her old age, but I
see you’ve brought them with you.” Serena is grinning at the group in front
of her.
“Quit thinking I’m too old to know if I’m washing or hanging out,”
Grammy complains. “You’ll be old, too, one of these days. I ain’t lost my
mind yet, young lady.” Serena kisses her grandmother’s cheek.
“I’m sorry, Grammy,” Serena replies in a chastised voice. “I just
couldn’t believe these two ogres could have possibly found women to put
up with them.” Grammy huffs, while Pa is laughing. Tucker and Straw are
looking like they want to strangle Serena.
“Serena, I’d like you to meet Ruby.” Tucker places his arm around her.
“We’re getting married next month. I know you don’t get home very often,
but I’d love for you to come.” Serena looks Ruby over, a serious expression
on her face. Ruby bites her lip, nervously, but remembers Tucker has told
her she has nothing to worry about. Despite the scrutiny his sister is giving
her, Ruby lifts her chin. She isn’t going to cower in front of Tucker’s sister.
Serena grins and steps forward, drawing Ruby into a hug.
“I’m happy to meet you, Ruby,” Serena says sincerely. “I’ve always
wanted Tucker to be happy and I can see you make him happy. Welcome to
the family.” Ruby has tears in her eyes. She hugs the woman back as relief
floods her. She’d been so nervous all week, but they’ve welcomed her with
open arms.
Straw then introduces Abigail and Ellie to Serena before they all sit
down to a delicious meal. The conversation flows easily. After the meal, the
men head outside while the women clean up the dishes. Grammy shows
them her latest quilt she’s been working on and promises to teach Serena,
Abigail and Ruby how to quilt. Serena confides she’s moving back to North
Carolina to be closer to her grandparents and her brothers. As she’d grown
up with Straw, he’s like a brother to her, too. She’d realized she didn’t want
to miss out on seeing her future nieces and nephews grow up.
Hours later, Tucker helps Ruby into his truck after they’ve said their
good-byes. “I told you everything would be fine, beautiful.” Ruby grins at
him. With her in his truck seat, she’s practically eye level with him.
“You did,” Ruby agrees. “I love Grammy, Pa, and Serena. I’m so happy
you brought me here. I love you, Tucker.” He leans in to kiss her. It’s a deep
passionate kiss that goes on a little too long. Serena leans out the carport
door to yell.
“Get a room!” Tucker breaks the kiss and grins at his sister.
“Let’s go home, beautiful.” Ruby nods her agreement as he closes the
truck door. She can’t wait to get him home and show him just how much
she loves him and the life they’re building together.

Thank you for reading Tank and Ruby’s story. I really hope you enjoyed it.
Keep reading for a sneak peek at the next man to find his destiny. Several
readers have been asking for it so Hack and Lisa are up next.

Lisa: Finding His Destiny book 7 Sneak Peek

Lisa Winters is having a hard time believing she’s in San Diego California
with her best friend and two other colleagues. But she is here and she’s
going to enjoy herself. She’s so happy Charlotte Williams her life-long best
friend has convinced her to go a medical mission trip with “Doctors without
Borders”. They will be spending a month in Guatemala providing medical
care to those who couldn’t normally afford it. They’ve enjoyed an overnight
layover before heading south.
Lisa and Charlotte had sung karaoke at a bar full of hot badass military
men last night. The eye candy was nice, but Lisa has no interest in looking
for a man. It took her twenty years to rid herself of her abusive husband.
Not going down that road again. No way! If her husband taught her
anything, it’s people lie, put on a show when in public, but behind closed
doors…totally different story. Blowing out a breath, she refuses to dwell on
the past. Instead she follows her companions to the gate where they’ll be
boarding their plane.
Days later, Lisa wakes on the small cot in her tent. The scent of smoke
hits her, first. The village where they’re staying has no electricity, so there’s
always a fire burning, well, several of them. The local women use them to
cook over, heat water for washing and sterilizing their homemade bandages,
and instruments. They could only carry so many prepackaged kits, so
they’ve had to resort to reusing. Boiling the instruments is the best option
they have in this primitive area.
Stretching she rises from the cot. She gathers her clean clothes and
walks the few feet to Charlotte’s tent. The women usually walk to the
stream together to bathe and prepare for their day. “Hey, Char are you up?”
Lisa waits a beat, but there’s no reply. She pulls the flap back to see an
empty cot. Charlotte’s blanket hanging half off the cot. Lisa frowns. She
must have been in a hurry to leave this morning, Lisa thinks as she turns to
scan the small village. Not seeing her friend anywhere, Lisa heads on down
to the stream certain Charlotte has just gotten an early start.
Charlotte has trouble sleeping sometimes. Lisa can sympathize. While
both women’s experiences are different, they both suffer from nightmares.
Charlotte’s husband, David had died unexpectedly from an unknown heart
condition. She had woken to find him lying in their downstairs hallway.
Despite her best efforts, he couldn’t be revived. Charlotte had confessed she
sometimes has nightmares about the night he died.
Lisa’s insomnia stems from the years she was married to the devil
himself. Lisa has post-traumatic stress disorder a.k.a. PTSD, anxiety, and
depression. Anyone of which can cause her to have a meltdown. Those
meltdowns had been getting fewer and further between until said devil had
shown up on her door step, again. She has an order of protection against
him. A useless piece of paper. The devil doesn’t play by the rules, and he
cares not he isn’t supposed to be within 500 feet of her.
Reaching the stream, Lisa looks around, but there’s no sign of Charlotte,
just several of the local villagers. Concern is forming in Lisa’s gut.
Charlotte can get overwhelmed sometimes and just needs break from
everyone, but she’s smart enough to not to go wandering around the
surrounding jungle. It’s entirely too dangerous. Not only from the animals,
snakes, spiders, and poisonous plant life in the area, but even worse the
drug cartels and rebel groups who patrol the area, looking for women to
snatch for the sex-slave trade. The group they’re traveling with gave them a
very explicit view of what could happen to anyone, most especially a
female caught out along in the jungle.
Lisa quickly takes care of washing and changing her clothes, eager to
get back to camp and find her friend so she can calm the fear that’s forming
in her gut. Maybe Charlotte is in JoAnn’s tent. Lisa cringes. No, she
seriously doubts the two women would be hanging out. JoAnn is difficult to
get along with on a good day. She’s been horrible on this trip. She is terribly
jealous of Charlotte, though she has no reason to be. It’s true Dr. Jones, one
of their traveling companions, is highly interested in Charlotte, and JoAnn
is interested in Dr. Jones. However, Charlotte has no interest in dating the
doctor. It doesn’t keep JoAnn from being jealous, though, and making
snarky comments every chance she gets.
Reaching the compound, Lisa searches for her friend, but comes up
empty. Spying Dr. Jones across the compound, Lisa hurries toward him.
JoAnn emerges from the good doctor’s tent just as Lisa reaches them.
“Have either of you seen Charlotte?” Lisa asks, unable to keep the
growing fear out of her voice. Dr. Jones’ face is immediately filled with
concern. JoAnn looks like she couldn’t care less.
“No, why?” the doctor asks. “I haven’t seen her since I escorted her to
her tent last night.”
“Well, she wasn’t in her tent this morning, nor at the stream, and I’ve
looked everywhere, but there’s no sign of her.” Lisa’s fear growing worse,
voicing all of this out loud. “Where could she be?” Dr. Jones is looking
very worried now, too.
“Come on, I’ll help you look again,” he says. “Perhaps you just missed
her somewhere along the way.” Lisa nods and follows him toward
Charlotte’s tent.
“Good grief,” JoAnn complains. “Seriously? You guys are making a big
deal out of nothing. She’s likely hiding, looking for attention.”
“Shut up, JoAnn,” Lisa snaps. “Charlotte isn’t like that, and you know
it. Stop being a bitch for one minute and help us look for her.” JoAnn
throws up her hands in surrender and makes no further comment. Despite
searching for hours, in the camp, the surrounding jungle, and eventually
alerting local authorities, Charlotte is nowhere to be found. Lisa is
heartbroken over the disappearance of her only true friend.
Months later…
“Lisa, they’ve found her!” Dr. Jones’ frantic voice comes over the line
when Lisa answers her ringing phone in the early morning hours. Lisa fills
with hope but then dread. She’s been missing for months. Is she alive? If so,
will she ever be the same, happy, loving person she was before? “I’ve
booked us all a flight out to see her and bring her home.”
“Booked us a flight?” Lisa is confused. “Where is she?”
“On a military base in San Diego,” Dr. Jones replies. “It seems some
secret special forces teams were in Columbia on other matters but found her
and rescued her. We need to hurry. Our flight leaves in a few hours. It’s a
three-hour drive to the airport, so pack fast.” Dr. Jones hangs up without so
much as a good-bye.
Many long hours later, Lisa, Dr. Jones, and JoAnn arrive at the Naval
base where Charlotte is being kept. Lisa is still wondering why she hadn’t
been taken directly home. Dr. Jones says it’s because the military wants to
“debrief” her after her ordeal, but why not do it at Fort Campbell or Fort
Knox? Close to her home, in her state, not on the other side of the damn
Dr. Jones has been arguing with a man at the gate for several minutes,
demanding they be allowed to see Charlotte. After a call to Dr. Jones’
senator friend, who he happens to play golf with at least once a month, they
are allowed on base. They are taken to a tall building full of military
personnel. A female soldier leads them to a large conference room. She
instructs them to have a seat at the long table dominating the room.
Moments later, another man enters the room. “Welcome, I’m Captain Mark
Olson with the U.S. Marines Corps. I understand you know Charlotte
“Yes, where is she?” Dr. Jones demands. The man pinches his lips
together. He doesn’t look very happy.
“Ms. Williams is fine,” the man answers. “She’s being well cared for,
but at this time we are not at liberty to disclose her exact location.” This
isn’t what Dr. Jones wants to hear.
“I demand to see her,” Dr. Jones raises his voice. “Don’t make me call
the senator again. He will make your life hell.” Capt. Olson’s jaw is ticking.
He gives a curt nod and leaves the room.
Over an hour later, three large men enter the room to stand along the
wall behind where Lisa, JoAnn, and Dr. Jones have been seated. Lisa is
nervous around all these hulking men in uniform. Seeing them brings back
too many memories. She utilizes the self-calming techniques her therapist
has taught her, but they do little to calm her growing panic. Hopefully
seeing Charlotte will help to calm her raging fear.
A few minutes later, Charlotte enters the room with more of the
overgrown GI Joes. Dr. Jones jumps to his feet and rounds the table.
Heading for straight for Charlotte, but one of the men shoves Charlotte
behind him as two other large men grab Dr Jones to restrain him.
“What the hell is going on?” Dr Jones demands, fighting against the
men. “Why are you keeping her away from us?”
“Calm down, Dr. Jones. We aren’t trying to keep her away from
anyone,” Captain Olson says as he enters the room behind the men.
“Charlotte has been through quiet an ordeal. She is still healing. The guys
are just trying to keep you from causing her pain by your over zealousness.”
Dr. Jones stops his struggling. He peers around one of the men who’s
holding him. “Charlotte? Are you all right?” he asks concern evident in his
“Yes, I’m fine Dr. Jones,” Charlotte answers softly. She begins to walk
around one of the large men, but his arm comes out, keeping her behind
him. She glances at him but doesn’t protest his actions. “I’m still healing. I
had some broken ribs. It’s still difficult to get around. The guys are afraid
you will try to hug me or something, and it will hurt me. They are just
protecting me.”
“How about we sit down? We can let you all visit a few minutes.”
Captain Olson says in a soothing but commanding tone. Lisa is so relieved
to see Charlotte upright and alive. She moves toward her friend slowly, not
wanting to trigger the men into moving her away again. Charlottes reaches
out for Lisa’s hand, gripping it tightly. Tears fill both women’s eyes. Lisa
begins to cry softly. Charlotte wraps her arms around Lisa, and the women
“I was so worried. I thought I would never see you again,” Lisa
whispers to her dearest friend. She’s weak from the relief she feels at seeing
and touching her friend who she’d resigned herself to believing was dead.
“I know.” The only reply Charlotte manages. The man who’s been
keeping Charlotte behind him urges her to sit. Everyone takes a seat. Lisa
sinks into her chair. JoAnn has remained sitting with disdain on her face,
and Dr. Jones looks concerned, but a bit pissed off. Lisa wonders what the
man was expecting at this reunion. Did he think Charlotte would run to him,
throw her arms around him and declare her undying love? Not going to
happen. While Charlotte respects the man as a doctor, she’s never once
voiced any interest in seeking a romantic relationship with him.
“Charlotte, tell me what is going on here. Why didn’t you come home
once you were back?” Dr. Jones asks, irritation easy to hear in his tone. Lisa
flinches instinctively at his harsh tone. She just can’t seem to stop the old
reactions from surfacing. They are worse in times of stress, such as the
situation before them. Lisa tunes out the conversations flowing around her
as her panic rises. Her pulse rate spikes, her breaths short and fast. A heavy
weight settles in her chest, making all the more difficult to take a breath.
Her vision begins to narrow as her hands tingle. Fuck! Full on panic attack.
Slow your breathing. Lisa counsels herself, recalling the calming
techniques her therapist has taught her. She can’t have a freak out today.
She inhales slowly, holds it for a moment before exhaling slowly as well.
She does this several times. Her pulse slows; the roar in her ears fades
away, and she can focus on what is happening around her. As her panic
recedes, she lifts her eyes to meet the gaze of one of the men standing on
the other side of the room next to the wall. He’s studying her intently. His
light green eyes are boring a hole into her as if he can see down to her very
soul. She swallows and pinches her lips together as a tingling awareness
comes over her. She closes her eyes with great effort. She can’t be having
any sort of physical reaction to a man. Not after what she’s been through.
“She is not going anywhere!” A man growls almost shouting. It’s the
man sitting next to Charlotte. He is definitely pissed. Charlotte surprises all
of her friends when she cups the man’s face gently.
“It’s okay, Hawk. I am not going anywhere,” Charlotte whispers to him.
The man’s harsh features soften. The look he gives her makes Lisa feel like
swooning, if she didn’t know men can fake the tenderness, kindness, and
love, but they can, and they do. She is now worried for her friend, for a
different reason. The man may not be a police officer. He’s worse. Military.
He likely knows thousands of ways to torture someone: mentally and
physically. Lisa shudders, remembering some of her past. She looks up to
see the man across the room is still staring at her. There’s more arguing
going on in the room, but Lisa keeps looking at the man with the light green
eyes. His gaze is steadying for some reason, keeping her from freaking out
“A psychiatrist?” Dr. Jones in practically yelling again. Lisa focuses
back on the conversation in the room. “What the hell happened down there?
Where did you go? We got up, and you were just gone. We looked
everywhere and couldn’t find any trace of you,” Dr Jones states. “Why did
you wander off and get yourself kidnapped?” Um, wrong thing to say as the
man next to Charlotte explodes.
“Are you fucking serious? You are blaming her for being kidnapped and
tortured for months?” Hawk yells. “Some friends you are.”
“What were we supposed to think? You disappeared in the middle of the
night. Nothing was out of place. We all know how you have trouble
sleeping. What did you do, decide to go for a walk and get lost? You have
always thrived on attention,” JoAnn speaks up. She had been unusually
quite while the drama was unfolding. Lisa can’t believe the bitch would say
such things about her friend.
“What the hell JoAnn?” Lisa yells at her. “You can’t be serious.
Charlotte wouldn’t purposefully put herself in harm’s way, and you damn
well know it.” Lisa’s panic gone now that anger that this woman, who is
supposed to be their friend, would say such vile things.
“Oh, come on, Lisa. Charlotte is always doing something to get
attention.” JoAnn sneers. Before Lisa can respond, the man Charlotte called
Hawk, jumps to his feet and takes Charlotte with him.
“We are done here. You have seen she’s alive, so we are leaving. You
will go back to Hicksville, USA and live your lives. You will not tell
anyone where Charlotte is, or there will be serious consequences. Are we
clear?” Hawk and several of the other men surround Charlotte and take her
from the room. Dr. Jones is on his feet, arguing with Capt. Olson. JoAnn is
at his side, begging him to drop it. Lisa remains in her seat. All the males
yelling, arguing has sent her back in time. She’s shaking all over. As the
arguing continues, her shaking becomes violent. Bile rises in her throat.
Logically she knows Donald isn’t here, but her panic has her seeing him in
every male in this room. All, but one, that is.

Angela Rush is a wife, mother, grandmother and full time nurse practitioner. She lives in southern
rural Kentucky with her husband.

Other books by Angela Rush:

Finding His Destiny Series

There are many more books in this fan fiction world than listed here, for an
up-to-date list go to

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha World

Christie Adams: Charity’s Heart
Linzi Baxter: Dangerous Rescue
Misha Blake: Flash
Anna Blakely: Rescuing Gracelynn
Julia Bright: Saving Lorelei
Cara Carnes: Protecting Mari
Kendra Mei Chailyn: Beast
Melissa Kay Clarke: Rescuing Annabeth
Samantha A. Cole: Handling Haven
Lorelei Confer: Protecting Sara
KaLyn Cooper: Spring Unveiled
Janie Crouch: Storm
Jordan Dane: Redemption for Avery
Tarina Deaton: Found in the Lost
Riley Edwards: Protecting Olivia
Dorothy Ewels: Knight’s Queen
Lila Ferrari: Protecting Joy
Nicole Flockton: Protecting Maria
Hope Ford: Rescuing Karina
Amy Gamet: Guarded by the SEAL
Desiree Holt: Protecting Maddie
Danielle Haas: Crossroads of Betrayal
Jesse Jacobson: Protecting Honor
Rayne Lewis: Justice for Mary
Ireland Lorelei: The Detective
Kristin Lynn: Worth the Risk
Callie Love & Ann Omasta: Hawaii Hottie
JM Madden: Rescuing Olivia
A.M. Mahler: Griffin
Ellie Masters: Sybil’s Protector
Trish McCallan: Hero Under Fire
Naomi McKay: Twist
Rachel McNeely: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby
KD Michaels: Saving Laura
Olivia Michaels: Protecting Harper
Annie Miller: Securing Willow
Keira Montclair: Wolf and the Wild Scots
MJ Nightingale: Protecting Beauty
Melinda Owens: Betraying Katie
Victoria Paige: Reclaiming Izabel
Danielle Pays: Defending Sarina
Lainey Reese: Protecting New York
KeKe Renée: Protecting Bria
TL Reeve and Michele Ryan: Extracting Mateo
Ariana Rose: Chasing Paige
Deanna L. Rowley: Saving Veronica
Angela Rush: Charlotte
Rose Smith: Saving Satin
Tyler Anne Snell: Cowboy Heat
Lynne St. James: SEAL’s Spitfire
E.M. Shue: Discovering Tyler
Sarah Stone: Shielding Grace
Jen Talty: Burning Desire
Reina Torres, Rescuing Hi’ilani
LJ Vickery: Circus Comes to Town
R. C. Wynne: Shadows Renewed

Delta Team Three Series

Lori Ryan: Nori’s Delta
Becca Jameson: Destiny’s Delta
Lynne St James, Gwen’s Delta
Elle James: Ivy’s Delta
Riley Edwards: Hope’s Delta

Police and Fire: Operation Alpha World

Freya Barker: Burning for Autumn
B.P. Beth: Scott
Jane Blythe: Salvaging Marigold
Julia Bright, Justice for Amber
Hadley Finn: Exton
Emily Gray: Shelter for Allegra
Danielle M. Haas: Crossroads of Betrayal
Deanndra Hall: Shelter for Sharla
Jenna Harte: Dead But Not Forgotten
India Kells: Shadow Killer
Amber Kuhlman: Protecting Paisley
Reina Torres: Justice for Sloane
Aubree Valentine, Justice for Danielle
Maddie Wade: Finding English

Tarpley VFD Series

Silver James, Fighting for Elena
Deanndra Hall, Fighting for Carly
Haven Rose, Fighting for Calliope
MJ Nightingale, Fighting for Jemma
TL Reeve, Fighting for Brittney
Nicole Flockton, Fighting for Nadia
As you know, this book included at least one character from Susan
Stoker’s books. To check out more, see below.

SEAL Team Hawaii Series

Finding Elodie
Finding Lexie
Finding Kenna
Finding Monica
Finding Carly
Finding Ashlyn
Finding Jodelle (July 2023)

Eagle Point Search & Rescue

Searching for Lilly
Searching for Elsie
Searching for Bristol
Searching for Caryn (April 2023)
Searching for Finley (Sept 2023)
Searching for Heather (Jan 2024)
Searching for Khloe (TBA)

The Refuge Series

Deserving Alaska
Deserving Henley
Deserving Reese (May 2023)
Deserving Cora (Nov 2023)
Deserving Lara (Feb 2024)
Deserving Maisy (TBA)
Deserving Ryleigh (TBA)

Delta Team Two Series

Shielding Gillian
Shielding Kinley
Shielding Aspen
Shielding Jayme (novella)
Shielding Riley
Shielding Devyn
Shielding Ember
Shielding Sierra

SEAL of Protection: Legacy Series

Securing Caite (FREE!)
Securing Brenae (novella)
Securing Sidney
Securing Piper
Securing Zoey
Securing Avery
Securing Kalee
Securing Jane

Delta Force Heroes Series

Rescuing Rayne (FREE!)
Rescuing Aimee (novella)
Rescuing Emily
Rescuing Harley
Marrying Emily (novella)
Rescuing Kassie
Rescuing Bryn
Rescuing Casey
Rescuing Sadie (novella)
Rescuing Wendy
Rescuing Mary
Rescuing Macie (novella)
Rescuing Annie

Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Series

Justice for Mackenzie (FREE!)
Justice for Mickie
Justice for Corrie
Justice for Laine (novella)
Shelter for Elizabeth
Justice for Boone
Shelter for Adeline
Shelter for Sophie
Justice for Erin
Justice for Milena
Shelter for Blythe
Justice for Hope
Shelter for Quinn
Shelter for Koren
Shelter for Penelope

SEAL of Protection Series

Protecting Caroline (FREE!)
Protecting Alabama
Protecting Fiona
Marrying Caroline (novella)
Protecting Summer
Protecting Cheyenne
Protecting Jessyka
Protecting Julie (novella)
Protecting Melody
Protecting the Future
Protecting Kiera (novella)
Protecting Alabama’s Kids (novella)
Protecting Dakota

New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author
Susan Stoker has a heart as big as the state of Tennessee where she lives,
but this all American girl has also spent the last fourteen years living in
Missouri, California, Colorado, Indiana, and Texas. She’s married to a
retired Army man who now gets to follow her around the country.

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