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by Dan Newton

An Artificer Subclass: The Arcanist

A Cardboard Box of Many Things Subclass
Arcanist Artificer
Arcanist’s Knowledge
3rd-level Arcanist Feature

You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill, or another skill of your choice if you are already proficient in Arcana.
Additional Spells
Level Spells
3rd Detect Magic, Magic Missile
5th Locate Object, See Invisibility
9th Counterspell, Intellect Fortress
13th Dimension Door, Polymorph
17th Mislead, Geas

Magical Imbuement
3rd-level Arcanist Feature

You gain the ability to infuse one more item above your maximum for the Infuse Item ability, and once per day, can
remove the magical properties of one magic item and transfer them to another magic or non-magical item. The
transferred effects last until you finish a long rest. If the transferred properties require attunement, the transferred
item will also require attunement.
Wands of the Arcanists
5th-level Arcanist Feature

You can activate magic items, such as wands and foci, as a bonus action. If this involves casting a spell, this does not
count towards casting two levelled spells in a turn.
Improved Magical Imbuement
9th-level Arcanist Feature

You gain a second charge of your Magical Imbuement ability to transfer properties of one magic item to another item
Secrets of the Arcane
15th-level Arcanist Feature

At the end of a long rest, you can duplicate the properties of one magical item, once per day, in addition to your
Magical Imbuement ability. You cannot duplicate the properties of an item that has had magical effects added to it via
Magical Imbuement. This effect lasts until you take a long rest, and one item can only have one effect of this kind
affecting it at any one time.
The Cardboard Box of Many Things:
Produced by Dan Newton
Artwork by Andrada Florea (
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
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All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by The Cardboard Box of Many Things and published under
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