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The internet and computers

Before the pandemic, the computer and the Internet were not as used as they are at the

moment, for several reasons. One of the reasons they did this is to grow this state more at home

than before. The hours have passed online, which is not a good thing, in my opinion, because some

children are not attentive to the class and are preoccupied with something else. The Internet has

exploded since the pandemic, because now everyone uses it at any time, compared to before the

pandemic when it was not as used as now, there is an increase in the use of computers because in

my opinion before the pandemic the computer was used only at urgent need, while now it is also a

source of recreation and a source of amusement or entertainment. Many began to use the computer

and the Internet much more than they used to before the pandemic, which is a good thing for those

working in this field, but a bad thing for these people


1. Did she read

2. You ever read
3. Has been lying
4. Had dug
5. He is always asking, has never followed
6. Takes
7. Was yelling, was, has been searching, hasan't been found.
8. Has always been loved, has
9. Was laid, don't know, you are waiting, don't you help
10. Have you been putting up whit, since i have got


O cariera de inginerie poate fi cu adevarat internationala. O diploma de master de la o

universitate din UK este recunoscuta la nivel mondial ca fiind o baza excelenta. Statutul profesional
de inginer autorizat cere de asemenea respect international. In UK este o lipsa de ingineri civili si in
2003 guvernul a relaxat regulile de permitere pentru inginerii din strainatate.

It is difficult to realise that diploma that has the title ”Engineer” written on it, is not enough to
create your career. There are many aspects that must be taken into consideration. However, there is
need for a lot of practice and a lot of knowledge. Attitude is also important aspect. Also the attitude
counts. But if your dream is to have a career in engineering, you can. Nothing can stop you.
Communication, motivation, self trust are mandatory, but what makes the difference between an
engineer and any other domain is the thenical affinities. Pay a lot of attention to this aspect. Give
yourself time to grow your technical skills. Good luck!

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