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The Impact of Technology.

1 Let's Learn Some New Vocabulary!

social media
to access information
online shopping
technological advancements
a digital footprint
to go viral

2 Can You Match These Words to Their Definitions?

1 online shopping a the trail of data left behind by a person's online activity.

2 to access b the act of purchasing goods or services over the internet.

3 social media c to obtain or retrieve knowledge or data from a source.

4 to go viral d improvements or developments in technology.

5 cybersecurity e measures taken to protect computer systems and networks

from unauthorized access or attacks.
6 devices f a global network of computers and servers that allows for
communication and access to information.
7 communication g to become extremely popular or widely shared on the
8 technological h the act of exchanging information or ideas with others.
9 internet i objects or machines that are used to perform specific tasks.

10 a digital footprint j websites and applications that allow users to create and
share content, as well as connect with others.

3 Let's Discuss There Interesting Questions!

1 How has technology become a part of your daily life?
daily life: phone, computer also for work
2 Have you ever met someone important to you through technology?

3 Do you feel like technology controls you or do you control it?

4 How do you set limits on your technology usage?

5 What are your thoughts on the impact of technology on society?

4 Answer the Questions!

00:00 - 01:36

1 What is the first thing the speaker does when they wake up?
a Check their phone
b Brush their teeth
c Eat breakfast
d Take a shower

2 According to the speaker, why is their phone in control of them?

a Because it takes up a lot of their time
b Because it makes them go crazy
c Because their math grade is affected by it
d Because their eyes get tired from using it
3 What does the speaker suggest about setting limits with technology?
a It is unnecessary
b It is important for self-control
c It is impossible to do
d It is only for certain people

4 How does the speaker feel about technology when it is used for good things?
a They think it is helpful
b They think it is unnecessary
c They think it is harmful
d They think it is overrated
5 What does the speaker believe about technology?
a It is a necessary evil
b It is a necessary good
c It is completely unnecessary
d It is harmful to society

5 Let's Dive into a Dialogue!

Oliver Hi, Freddie. Did you get a new phone again?
Freddie Yeah, I did. It's got loads of cool features. Check out the camera.
Oliver Wow! That's amazing quality.
Freddie And it's waterproof too. Perfect for when we go to the beach this weekend.
Oliver Speaking of which, have you booked our train tickets yet? We don't want to miss
the concert.
Freddie Oh no, I totally forgot. Can you do it on your phone? Mine's running low on
Olivier Sure, let me just...oh wait. My service provider is having issues with their app.
Guess I'll have to call them.
Freddie Ugh, that's so annoying. Technology was supposed to make things easier and
faster, not more complicated.
Oliver I know, right? And don't even get me started on social media. Everyone is
constantly comparing themselves to others and getting into arguments online.
Freddie Yeah, but at least we can stay connected with friends who live far away.
Oliver That's true. But sometimes I feel like technology is taking over our lives.
Remember when we used to play outside all day without phones or tablets?
Freddie Yeah, those were the good old days. Maybe we should have a technology-free
day once in a while.
Oliver Good idea. Let's plan one soon.
Freddie Definitely. Now, let's focus on booking those tickets before they sell out!
Oliver Right, here goes my call to customer service. Wish me luck...

6 Let's Discuss These Interesting Questions!

1 How has technology changed the way we communicate with others?

2 What are some examples of everyday tasks that have been made easier by technology?

3 In what ways has technology improved our access to information?

4 Can you think of any negative effects of technology on our daily lives?

5 How has technology affected the job market and employment opportunities?

6 Do you believe that technology has made us more or less connected as a society?

7 What role does technology play in education and learning?

8 Have you noticed any changes in your own behaviour due to technology?

9 How can we use technology to make our lives healthier and more sustainable?

10 What do you think the future holds for technology and its impact on our lives?

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