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The Weather

Thunder and lightning Sunny Snowing

Windy Foggy (you can’t see well) windy

Humid Drought
(The weather is hot and foggy. (It’s a dry weather. There is
It’s sticky. You need to drink cold no water or no rains to grow
drinks. You feel tired. ) trees, so animals and
plants will die.)
1-Read the following text:
Warm weather is good for farming. We need sun and
rain to grow plants. When there is no water and the
weather is too hot, we can’t grow plants. In the Nile Delta,
it is partly sunny and partly rainy. We can grow different
kinds of crops.
Write true or false:
1. We need sun only to grow plants. …………
2. Warm weather is good for farming. ………….
3. When there is no water, we can grow plants. …………
4. In the Nile Delta, it is partly sunny and partly rainy. ………….

2-Complete the following Sentences:

1. It’s ……………. in the summer. (cloudy - sunny - drought)
2. I can hear the ……………. (foggy - windy - thunder)
and see the ……………… (humid - sunny - lightning) in the sky.
3. Take your umbrella sue! It’s ………………… .
(rainy - drought - snowy)
4. I can’t see very well because it is ………………… .
(windy - sunny - foggy)
5. Let’s make snow man. It’s ………………………. .
(rainy - snowy - humid)
6. ………………. is a dry weather .
(cloudy - sunny - drought)
7. I am thirsty. I need water. The weather is …………………. .
( (humid - rainy - windy)

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