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Read the text and mark the sentences true (T) or false (F).

Hi Joyce! Hope you’re fine.

I’m sorry, but I can’t play volleyball with you and the girls this afternoon, because I twisted my ankle. It was
yesterday at school, in Physical Education class while I was doing gymnastics. Mr. Stevens, the PE teacher
called an ambulance and took me to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital my parents were already
there. The doctor asked me to take an X – ray and the exam showed that my ankle was broken. Now, I
need to wear plaster for 15 days. Many of my friends have already signed it. Do you want to sign my
a) ( ) Susan played volleyball with her friends at school.
b) ( ) She hurt her ankle when she was playing volleyball.
c) ( ) She does gymnastics in Physical Education.
d) ( ) Her parents took her to the hospital.
e) ( ) The doctor asked her to take an X-ray.
f) ( ) Susan needed to wear plaster for 15 days.
6- Read the story and answer the questions.
Last Saturday, the FBI arrested two criminals involved in a robbery at the Art Museum. The crime
happened on December the seventh. The criminals stole “The sunflowers”, one of the most famous
paintings by Van Gogh. Special agent Sara Dunts told that with the help of a ladder, the criminals got into
the museum through a window and disconnected the museum alarm. The criminals made two copies of this
painting in order to sell them as a real Van Gogh. According to an art expert, this painting values almost U$
40 million. The art expert also informed that the copies are pretty good and it is difficult to identify the
original one. Now, the criminals are in jail and the painting is back in the museum. The police are going to
destroy the copies.
a) When did the crime happen?
b) Where did the crime happen?
c) What was stolen?
d) Did the criminals sell the object?
e) How did the criminals get into the building?
f) Did the criminals make copies of the object?
g) Did the FBI agents catch the criminals?
h) Were there any victims?

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