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Write a short tale or poem exploring resilience in the face of hardship.

Unconstrained Grace: A Journey of Resilience.

Like a tree in the wind, she sways,

The rage grew and shook her in many ways.

Her pretty face twisted in pain,

Her head hung down in shame.

Hardship they say will come and go,

Yet hers lingers, freezing her soul in woe.

With a racing heart and frantic mind, she stays,

Hands entwined and faith aligned, she prays.

A silent plea for strength and resilience from thee,

And for once she felt free, like she could flee!

She fell but no one could tell,

For her eyes shone like a lover's on spell

Would you believe it was again and again?

Kept kissing the ground like they made a bargain,

But now she dances through the storms, unconstrained.

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