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Bell's voice sounded during the day, which signaled that the time to get home from school

arrived. They were talking about group study at Dafi house.

Mom teacher: okay student, I will give you a task to gather next week.

Student : okey miss

(they're getting ready to go home)

Ana : good afternoon def

Dafi : good afternoon ana

Ana : Def... Can I later study a group at your house?

Dafi : Of course you can... Why not? Aren't we best friends?
Ana : oohiya def ... introduce this his name Hilman,
Ana : hilman. Please introduce yourself
Hlman : my name is Hilman .i am a new students in this class, nice to meet you
dafi : it's also nice to meet you
ana : may he come too?
Dafi : of course, many people are more rame
Siska : I can come?
Dafi : Of course you can... But then around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, ya come to my house
Ana : Okay Def...
Siska : An, I'll pick you up with Hilman later, so we won't be long.
Ana and Hilman : Okay Sis....
Ana : but you still remind me of my house sis?
Siska: remember, your house is behind the clothing store next to the musola?
Ana : yes sis

(In the afternoon Siska picks up Ana and Hilman, suddenly Siska falls off the bike).

Ana: Loh... Hilman... that's right, Siska... looks like he needs help
Hilman: I think... Let's get to the table

(Ana and Hilman immediately nyamperin Siska)

Hilman : Sis... You're not papa?

Siska : My feet hurt... It seems that this lukaku just needs a little treatment...
Ana : How about we send you to your house? Just so your father and mother know
Siska : May²

(Ana and Hilman go to Siska's house and talk to Siska's parents that Siska fell off the bike).

Hilman : Mom... This is Siska falling off the bike, even though Siska's intention was just to pick
me up with Ana working in a group at Dafi's house...
Siska's Mother : Lohhh... Yes, already... If so, Siska can't join the group work first... Because his
legs hurt...
Ana: Yes, ma'am...

(Hilman and Ana go to Dafi's house for group work)

Hilman : Assalamualaikum Daf...

Dafi : Waalaikumsalam... Ehh you guys how long is it sihh... at 1:20 p.m. just arrived, it was 20
minutes over...
Ana : Yes... I'm really sorry, Daf... We told Siska about falling off the bike.
Dafi : Huh... So Siska, what is the condition?
Hilman : He just needs a little treatment... The injury was not too severe.
Dafi : Oh... I wish Siska a speedy recovery
Ana and Dafi : Amen

After that, they immediately discussed the group study, and Hilman forgot to bring a pen to the

Hilman : daf, how many pens do you have?

Dafi : I have 3 pens
Hilman : can I borrow 1 piece of your pen?
Dafi : of course

(To the next day in class)

Dafi : when studying in the group yesterday there was 1 pen left behind, who is this?
Ana : the pen is mine. daf, thank ya daf
Dafi : you’re welcome
Siska: next week we will study the group again let's
Dafi, Ana, Siska : ayoo

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