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DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call the statement that are assumed to be true and do not need proof?
a. Axioms b. Defined terms c. theorems d. undefined terms

2. Which undefined term has a specific position but has no dimension or direction?
a. Point b. Line c. plane d. angle

3. What theorem states that the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of two remote interior
angles of the triangle?
a. isosceles triangle theorem c.exterior angle theorem
b. linear pair theorem d.vertical angles theorem

4. Which of the following statements is true about axioms or postulates?

a. These are concepts that need to be defined.
b. These are the statements accepted after it is proved deductively.
c. These are the concepts that can be defined using the undefined terms.
d. These are the statements assumed to be true and need no further proof.

5. What do you call the lines that intersect at a point forming a right angle?
a. Diagonals c. parallel lines
b. Line segments d. perpendicular lines

6. What do you the two angles with a sum equal to 180 ͦ?

a. Acute angles c. non adjacent angles
b. Vertical angles d. supplementary angles

7. What undefined term is a one-dimensional figure that has infinite points and extends indefinitely in
opposite direction?
a. Point b. Plane c. Line d. Angle

8. What do you call a triangle whose one of its interior angle is an obtuse angle?
a. Acute triangle b. obtuse triangle c. right triangle d. Isosceles Triangle

9. What do you call the subset of a line that has two common endpoints?
a. Line b. line segments d. rays d. angles

10. What kind of a triangle when the sides and angles are all equal?
a. Scalene Triangle b. Isosceles Triangle c. Equilateral Triangle

11. What kind of polygon when it has 12 sides?

a. Quadrilateral b. pentagon c. decagon d. dodecagon

12. How many line segments are there in the figure?

a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 13 A B C D E

13. How many rays are there in the figure?

a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 10

14. Which of the following rays CANNOT found in the figure?

a. BA b. CA c. BE d. BT

15. Which of following is a line segment found in the figure?

a. BR b. BQ c. EA d. BS
9 15
16. What is the measure of AC in the figure?
a. 8 b. 10 c. 15 d. 24A B C
2x + 3 3x + 2
17. What is the value of x in the figure if AC=30?
a. 2 b. 5 c. 15 d. 25 A R C

18. What is the measure of AR in the figure?

a. 10 b. 13 c. 15 d. 17

19. What is the measure of RC in the figure?

a. 10 b. 13 c. 15 d. 17
20. What is the value of x in the figure if B
2x + 23 D
a. 11 b. 11.8 c. 12 d. 12.8
21. What is the measure of angle ABD?
a. 42 b. 42.4 c. 43 d. 45

22. Which of the following statements represents the Segment Addition Postulate?
a. Points A, B, C are collinear and B is between A and B, then AB + BC =AC
b. Points A, B, C are collinear and B is between A and B, then AB + AC =BC
c. Points A, B, C are collinear and B is between A and B, then AB = AC =BC
d. Points A, B, C are collinear and B is between A and B, then AB - BC =AC

23. .A triangular kite LMC has the following interior angles, 50°, 50°, 80°. Liza concluded that the kite is
an isosceles triangle. What theorem would support her conclusion?
a. isosceles triangle theorem c. linear pair theorem
b. exterior angle theorem d. vertical angles theorem

24. You are tasked to make a triangular picture frame and your teacher gives you two sticks of the same
length and one shorter length. What type of triangle can you make out of the materials given if you are
not allowed to cut the stick?
a. scalene triangle c. isosceles triangle
b. equilateral triangles d. the materials cannot form a triangle

25. Which of the following is a symbol used for congruence?

a. = b. ≈ c. ≠ d. ≅

26. Which of the symbols below is used to indicate correspondence?

a. ≅ b. ┴ c. ≈ d. ↔

27. How many pairs of corresponding congruent angles are there in two congruent triangles? a.1
b. 3 c. 2 d. 4 M

28. Which segment corresponds to NT? A N

a. AT b. AC c. MA d. MC
29. What conclusion can you make in the figure?

30. Which of the following statements best describe the corresponding parts of congruent triangles?
a. They are not equal. c. They are congruent.
b. They are supplementary. d. They are complementary.

31. Which triangle congruence postulate states that “If the two sides and an included angle of one triangle
are congruent to the corresponding two sides and the included angle of another triangle, then the
triangles are congruent”?
a. SSS b. SAS c. ASA d. AAS

32. What triangle congruence postulate states that “If the two angles and the included side of one triangle
are congruent to the corresponding two angles and an included side of another triangle, then the triangles
are congruent”?
a. SSS b. SAS c. ASA d. AAS

33. What triangle congruence postulate states that “If the three sides of one triangle are congruent to the
three sides of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent”?
a. SSS b. SAS c. ASA d. AAS

34.Which of the following illustrations represents the ASA congruence postulate?

35. Corresponding congruent parts are marked. How can you prove that ∆RAY ≅ ∆REY?
a. ASA congruence postulate
b. SAA congruence postulate
c. SAS congruence postulate
d. SSS congruence postulate

36. What other pair of corresponding congruent parts is needed to prove that the two triangles are
congruent by ASA Congruence Postulate?

37. Beatriz makes a ribbon pattern for her art class. Figure shows the pattern with marks indicating
which lengths are equal. If CE = 7 cm and EG = 4 cm, find EF.
a. 3 cm b. 7 cm c. 4 cm d. 11 cm

38. Mr. Baguhin owns a residential lot in the province. Figure shows the
measurements of the lot. Which of the following is true?
a. EV = 13 m, RV = 14 m, SV = 12 m
b. EV = 14 m, RV = 15 m, SV = 13 m
c. EV = 20 m, RV = 17 m, SV = 14 m
d. EV = 16 m, RV = 18 m, SV = 15 m

39. ∆BEL is congruent to ∆DON. Find the value of x in Figure below.

a. 5 b. 14 c. 6 d. 30

40. If ∆LRT ≅ ∆CAN, which of the following congruent statements is/are true?
a. I and II b. II and III c. I and III d. I, II, and III

41. “If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding two angles and
an included side of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent”. Which postulate proves this
a. AAS Congruence c. ASA Congruence
b. SAS Congruence d. SSS Congruence

42. Which statement is NOT sufficient to prove the congruence of two triangles?
a. Three angles of one triangle are congruent respectively to three angles of another triangle.
b. Three sides of one triangle are congruent respectively to the three sides of another triangle.
c. Two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent respectively to the two angles and the
included side of another triangle.
d. Two angles and the non-included side of one triangle are congruent respectively to the two angles and
the non-included side of another triangle.




47. Which of the following theorems states that, “if two sides of a triangle are congruent, then the angles
opposite them are congruent.”?
a. Right Angle Theorem c. Interior Angles of a Triangle Theorem
b. Isosceles Triangle Theorem d. Exterior Angles of a Triangle Theorem



Third Angle Theorem

50. In the figure, . Which of the following can justify the statement ?
a. Reflexive Property
b. Symmetric Property
c. Definition of a Bisector
d. Alternate Interior Angle Theorem
Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:


JHS Chairperson

Noted by:

Principal II

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