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HIIT For Fitness – HIIT Isn’t Always Running Based

High Intensity Interval Training is currently one of the most popular forms of physical fitness being
utilized by gym-goers and health enthusiasts all over the globe. When you stop and dissect HIIT, you
can also easily see why. HIIT is useful because it is over much quicker than a typical, endurance-
based workout. Not only that, but if you really give it your all, HIIT will help you to burn off even
more calories than you’d burn with around an hour of steady state cardio. The basic idea behind HIIT
is that practitioners will alternate between rounds of slow and steady cardio, and fast-paced, high
intensity cardio. A very basic example of HIIT would be to walk for 30 seconds, sprint as quickly as
you can for 30 seconds, and to repeat this process for a number of rounds. Some people may also
remain stationary during HIIT, so they’ll sprint for 30 seconds and will use the next 30 seconds to
stand still and catch their breath. But does HIIT have to be running-based all of the time? Absolutely
not. Here are some non-running-based examples of HIIT you could try.


Believe it or not, but swimming can actually be adapted to give you a very effective HIIT-based
workout indeed. People often think of swimming as a low-impact endurance-based form of
cardiovascular exercise, and while this is true, it can always be adapted to meet your HIIT needs.
Swimming is great for the body because it helps to tone the muscles as it is resistance-based. This is
due to the fact that you are fighting the water when you swim, so resistance is coming from the
water. To perform a simple HIIT workout while swimming, simply perform some basic low-intensity
swimming strokes that you’re comfortable with for around 30 seconds. Next, switch to a higher gear
and swim as quickly and as intensely as you possibly can for the next 30 seconds. Repeat this process
for around 8 – 10 rounds, making sure to really push yourself during the high intensity part of the


Cycling is another form of cardiovascular exercise that is hugely beneficial, and highly underrated.
When we cycle, not only are we burning calories and helping to increase our endurance, we are also
toning the muscles, especially those in our legs as we pedal. If you’re looking for a way of
incorporating HIIT into your cycling however, you can do so in a variety of ways. One of the simplest
methods is to head out on your bike somewhere relatively flat and quiet, where you know you can
pick up some speed and maintain a consistent speed with no interruptions. Then, simply cycle slowly
and carefully for 30 seconds, and then get your head down, get those legs pedalling, and pedal as
quickly as you can, and try to generate as much speed as possible for the next 30 seconds. Repeat
this for another 8 – 10 rounds

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