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 HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is a type of

interval training exercise. It incorporates several rounds
that alternate between several minutes of high intensity
movements to significantly increase the heart rate to at
least 80% of one's maximum heart rate, followed by short
periods of lower intensity movements.
 HIIT can help to decrease body fat, increase strength and
endurance, and improve health outcomes, but it is not
necessarily better than other exercise formats. Its main
appeal is that it can achieve similar fitness and health
benefits in a shorter duration, and that it includes periods
of rest.
Pros and Cons of HIIT
The Pros of High Intensity Exercise

1. It’s efficient and effective

Due to the short duration of HIIT exercises, it’s great
for busy individuals. While you may not have time in
your day to make it to the gym, everyone has a few
spare minutes they can dedicate for a quick HIIT
You can take the workout anywhere.

 HIIT can involve weights and machinery, though

it’s not necessary. You can easily do HIIT at home
with exercises like burpees, lunges, push-ups,
high-knees, and more.
You burn more fat.

 Yourbody is fully exerted in HIIT, which means

your repair cycle ramps up to match this, which
means you can burn more fat more quickly.
The cons of high-intensity exercise

High-intensity exercise is not

suitable for everyone.
You should already have a basic level of fitness to
take part in HIIT training due to its intensity. If not,
you could cause undue stress on your heart and
It can make you dizzy.

 HIIT often involves alternating between sitting

and standing at a speed that causes your blood
pressure to drop quickly, sometimes making you
feel dizzy. If you experience this, you should take
a break until you are ready to continue or shift to
a low-intensity workout instead.
It will make your muscles sore.

 Most exercises will make you sore, especially if

you have not worked out recently or did not
stretch properly. However, due to the high
intensity of this training, you often exert different
muscles than you do with low-intensity exercises.
You also can overexert yourself and run the risk
of damaging your muscles.
You have a higher risk of injury.

 With HIIT, you move at a much faster pace which

often causes you to lose the proper form for
some exercises. It’s critical to ensure you hold the
proper form, stretch before and after the
workout, and listen to your body because you can
easily perform an exercise improperly and cause
an injury.
HIIT Exercises
Plyometric movements

 These are powerful, explosive movements that require us

to use our body to create the maximum amount of force in
the shortest amount of time, for example, jumping or
sprinting. So you can imagine how these movements burn
a large amount of energy and are super efficient for your
Compound Exercises

 This term defines exercise that requires multiple muscles

or muscle groups to complete (goodbye bicep curls &
helloooo burpees). The more muscles you recruit for the
exercise, the harder you are working every single rep.
Allocated Rest

 Take a moment to recover and let your body regain its

composure. Use this time to focus on opening your
airway and getting your breathing under control (aka
stand up & just breathe). This is the real trick to being
able to push yourself at the right intensity each time.
 Try out this HIIT workout that requires nothing but your
beautiful self and your iron-strong mentality.
LISS (low-intensity, steady-
 Low-intensity steady-state, or LISS, is a method
of cardiovascular exercise in which you do aerobic
activity at a low-to-moderate intensity for a continuous,
and often extended, period.
What are the benefits?

It aids in fat burning and fat loss.

Steady-state training improves your body’s ability to use fat
as fuel instead of using glycogen stored in your muscles.
It’s appropriate for all levels

 Since LISS is easier to do and gentler on the body, it’s

appropriate for beginners. Intermediate to advanced
fitness levels often use it as part of an endurance training
It allows for easier recovery

 Becauseyou’re putting less stress on your heart and body,

you may find you recover more quickly and easily from
It’s an effective way to train for endurance

 Exercising at a lower intensity for a long period of time

puts less stress on your heart and lungs than a more-
intense workout. This can be an effective way to prepare
for an endurance event. It’s also great for recovery after
a difficult workout.
Cons of LISS

 Itrequires longer cardio sessions, typically at least 45 to

60 minutes long.
 You may get bored doing the same exercise at the same
intensity for a long time.
 You may increase your risk of overuse injuries if you
do the same type of workout too often.
Muscle Groups
Shoulder and Back

 Yourshoulder and back muscles help improve posture,

balance, and vital functions like breathing.
 Yourshoulders and back muscles also feed into your
abdominal muscles. Keeping your back and shoulders
strong and mobile helps support your spine and core.
Chest and Arms

 It’simportant to have strong arms and chest muscles

because we use them for so many different things: when
we reach for things, carry groceries, lift heavy objects.
Chest and arm strength improves posture, balance,
stability and stamina for tasks we carry out everyday.
Abdominal Muscles

 Your abdominal muscles are always working because

they are the muscles of your breath. That being said, it’s
important to strengthen your abdominal muscles because
your abs help support your spine and keep you upright
while you work or sit. Your abdominal muscles support
all the movements you do including rotation, side
bending, arching and curling.
Leg Muscles

 Having strong muscles in your legs is important for

stability, balance, and for any sport you’re doing. Leg
strength also improves mobility and stamina for
movements like walking, jogging or running.
Calves Muscles

 Calves are so underrated but very important to keeping

your lower body stable. Strengthening your calves is
important for balance, control, and ankle stability.
Types of Muscle
Skeletal Muscles

 Specialisedtissue that is attached to bones and

allows movement. Together, skeletal muscles and
bones are called the musculoskeletal system (also
known as the locomotor system).
Smooth Muscle

 Located in various internal structures including

the digestive tract, uterus and blood vessels such
as arteries. Smooth muscle is arranged in layered
sheets that contract in waves along the length of
the structure. Another common term is
involuntary muscle, since the motion of smooth
muscle happens without our conscious
Cardiac Muscle

 Themuscle specific to the heart. The heart

contracts and relaxes without our conscious
 HIIT Definition -

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