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S.Y.: 2023-2024

NAME:______________________________ GRADE/SEC.: _____________ SCORE: _________

DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer before the number.

1. Which is NOT a characteristic of vocal music of Mindanao?
A. Throaty sound B. Melismatic Music C. fixed rhythm D. Uses Tremolo
2. In Islamic music, the vocal aspect must overpower the instrumental. What does the given
statement mean?
A. Same volume for instrumental and vocal parts
B. More emphasis on the vocal parts than the instrumental part.
C. Musical accompaniment is required.
D. A full band must sing the song.
3. Why is Mindanao music different from Luzon and Visayas folksongs?
A. Because the Spaniards were not able to penetrate Mindanao during their era.
B. Because Mindanao has a different set of instruments for their songs
C. Because most recording companies are situated in Luzon and Visayas.
D. Because their way of life is different.
4. Aside from rituals, which of the following is the other purpose of Islamic music?
A. sports B. Education C. Entertainment D. Birthdays
5. The Paggabang are songs accompanied by a gabbang and byula. These songs are also
said to be less serious in nature. What Islamic music tradition speaks of this practice?
A. The melismatic style of singing.
B. The vocal aspect must overpower the instrument.
C. The delicate patterns of melody and rhythm.
D. Songs for rituals must be sung in acapella while those for entertainment requires a
musical instrument.
6. Why is singing important to Islamic music?
A. Because it is a form of expression of ideas. C. Because it is like talking to Allah.
B. Because the singers can do their vocal exhibitions. D. Because they lack musical instruments.
7. Islamic vocal music requires improvisation. How must a singer apply this characteristic
when singing their native songs?
A. The singer must always sing the original tune. C. The singer’s voice must be versatile.
B. The singer must always rely on the musical piece. D. The singer can also be a composer.
8. Which of the characteristics below is present in the vocal music of Islamic Mindanao?
A. the use of tremolo in singing. C. a fixed ending for songs
B. the time signature. D. the observance of the instrumental accompaniment
9. What do you mean by Tausug?
A. Moro people C. People of Mindanao
B. Muslim people D. People of the current
10. The music of Mindanao has not changed for a very long time. What character traits does
this show?
A. The people of Mindanao are not open for changes.
B. The people of Mindanao are only patronizing what is from them.
C. The people of Mindanao value their culture and tradition.
D. The people of Mindanao are not open-minded people.
11. Which is defined as a process of dyeing the fabric where the yarns are wrapped with strings
and dyed before weaving?
A. Badjulapi Ikat C. Malong D. Pinalantupan
12. Which of the occasions involves the exchange of T’nalak?
A. giving birth B. Attending Mass C. Offering prayer D. Wedding Rituals
13. Which of the characteristics BEST describes the malong of Maranao?
A. It is woven from abaca and embellished with embroidery, buttons, and beads.
B. It is a woven fabric with complicated beadworks and beautiful brass ornaments.
C. It is woven using deep brown abaca treated in the ikat process to achieve an intricate design.
D. It is a hand-made or machine made multi colored cotton cloth, bearing a variety of
geometric or floral design.
14. How is the Ikat process of the B’laan done?
A. The B’laan first cuts the fabric s into different sizes before dyeing it.
B. The B’laan ikat process is done by tying the fabric using a string of abaca and dipping it
in dye after the actual weaving.
C. This ikat process is done by combining different strings and then dipping the tips of the
strings in colored paint.
D. The B’laan’s process is done by dyeing the fabric where the yarns are tightly wrapped
with strings before weaving.
15. Which of statement shows the MOST unique characteristics of the Sarimanok?
A. It has sharp claws covered with yellow-gold skin.
B. It has tiny pieces of artificial feathers in different colors.
C. It has a long and sharp beak holding a fish or a golden coin.
D. It has colorful wings, a feathered tail, and its head is decorated with scroll, leaf, and spiral motifs.
16. In what way do Maranao people use malong?
A. They use malong to cover their crafts. B. They use malong to wrap a newborn
C. They use malong to create a bag or a sack. D. They use malong to make a cowl or a raincoat.
17. Where do the Yakan people get their inspiration to weave symmetrical patterns?
A. Their ancestors send design inspirations through their dreams.
B. Their inspiration for design comes from their loved ones who support them.
C. Their design inspiration comes from other groups that use the same geometrical pattern.
D. Their inspiration for designs comes from their environment and the influence of Islamic
sacred geometry.
18. How is the B’laan textile design related to that of T’boli's?
A. Both use T’nalak as a fabric in making clothes. B. Both use symmetrical patterns.
C. Both textile designs exhibit a cosmological color scheme D. Both use resist-dyeing to
produce a good textile design.
19. What okir pattern depicts a leaf?
A. Dapal B. Pako C. Poyok D. Todi
20. Which design is visible and widely used in malong?
A. Geometric Design B. Floral Design
C. Both A and B D. Geometri/Floral and Latin symbol


21. What do you call the traditional dances that reflects the customs and traditional of a
particular community?
A. Folk Dance B. Ethnic Dance C. Pop Dance D. Hip-hop Dance
22. What is the difference of folk dance and ethnic dance?
A. A folk dance is a form of social dance that become part of a tradition or custom. Ethnic
dances are dances of the region of a specific community.
B. A folk dance is a social dance while ethnic dance refers to the dances of the folks.
C. A folk dance refers to the dances of the Filipino folks while ethnic dance may refer to the
dances of a specific area or region.
D. A folk dance may refer to the dances of the collective people of the community while
ethnic dance refers to the dances of the western country.
23. What do you call a dance that can be found only in a specific area, region or community?
A. Regional Dance B. National Dance C. International Dance D. Pop Dance
24. Which of the dances below is considered as regional dance?
A. Pangalay B. Tinikling C. Pandanggo sa Ilaw D. Carinosa
25. Which Traditional Philippine folkdance imitates the movement of the “Tikling” bird?
A. Carinosa B. Polka sa Nayon C. Binislakan D. Tinikling
26. Which of the Traditional Philippine Folk dance simulates the lights of a fireflies?
A. Pangalay B. Tinikling C. Pandanggo sa Ilaw D. Carinosa
27. Which fundamental position of folkdance where both hands raised overhead and heel of
front foot close to the big toe of the rear foot?
A. 1ST Position B.3rd Position C.4th Position D. 5th Position
28. Which fundamental position of folkdance where heels together toe apart with an angle of 45
A. 1ST Position B.3rd Position C.4th Position D. 5th Position
29. One of your classmates accidentally slip her foot while practicing. She can not move her
leg due to the pain that she feels. What will you do to help your classmate?
A. Massage the affected area and apply force to realign the injured part.
B. Do not move the injured part and call for help immediately.
C. Apply first aid immediately to the injured part.
D. Let your classmate suffer because she deserves it.
30. Mindanao is a home of diverse culture and religion. Each culture embodies their own
unique practices, tradition, arts and culture. Which of the following tribes below does not
belong to the group?
A. Maranao B. Tausug C. Bajao D. Cebuano
31. Which dimension of health represents one’s ability to think and solve problems?
A. Physical Health B. Emotional Health
C. Intellectual Health D. Spiritual Health
32. Mila is a grade 7 student. She likes to socialize and talk with her classmates during her free
time. She often shares what she has learned and realize in her life. Her classmates like her
too because she is approachable and often help her classmates when in need.
What dimensions of health does Mila possess?
A. Physical Health B. Emotional Health
C. Intellectual Health D. Social Health
33. What are the possible signs if a person is emotionally depressed?
A. Lack of motivation & loss of appetite
B. Rapid speech and racing thoughts, extreme irritability
C. Hallucination and lose functions of the sense organs
D. All of the options above are correct.
34. What happen when a person is in the Alarm stage?
A. He/she lifts an object that he/she does not normally do.
B. He/she is sad and depressed and unable to talk.
C. He/she is experiencing sadness and grief.
D. All of the above.

35. Stress can sometimes good for a teenagers to manage how to handle problems. Which
stressors are positive and has healthy response of the body?
A. Eustress B. Distress C. Stresses D.
36. When can you say that stress is good for you?
A. If you have failed to try to surpassed your problems
B. If you did nothing to solve your problem
C. If you did everything to solve the problems
D. Sit and relax, never mind the problems
37. What stage of GAS when a person was not able to move on from the accident?
A. Alarm Stage B. Exhaustion Stage C. Resistance Stage
38. Why should you develop and practice stress management skills?
A. To effectively cope up or deal with problems easily. B. To manage one’s life.
C. To create a healthier society. D. To have a peaceful life.
39. What can you suggest to someone who is experiencing problems?
A. Learn to manage and solve the problem. B. Ask for help to solve your problems.
C. Let others solve your problems. D. Do not think of your problem.
40. Which of the situation below best describe a healthy person?
A. Happy and positive in life. C. Easily gets angry
B. Experiences emotional breakdown D. Has a lot of bashers

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