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Becoming His

Copyright © [2023] by [Brooke Sobjakken]

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any

form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or
mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except
in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to
real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Proofreading by Justine

Author’s Note




Hired Universe
About the Author
Other Works
Author’s Note

Hello my lovely friends,

I’m hoping we all know the drill.

Plot:Minimum Porn:Maximum

But on a more serious note, this novella contains elements of

BDSM. It should not be used as a reference or guide for those
who seek to practice BDSM.

It also contains forced breeding, so for readers who struggle

with circumstances where consent is not given, reader
discretion is advised.

Enjoy xoxo

“You know, you’ve got that kind of mysterious vibe,” she

teases, clutching the champagne flute closer before she downs
the rest of the beverage.

My eyes narrow as I take in the shaking of her hands and her

constant shifting on the seat. I regret reaching out for this date
for the second time this evening. I’ve had an uncomfortably
long stretch of no sex and hopped on the first girl to flash
interest, led astray like a red flag and bull.

Jasmine giggles and then grimaces at the tense silence. She

waves to the server for another glass, and I sigh. Her dark eyes
squint, her lips thinning as if trying to restrain from

“You seem nervous?” I ask, moving the fork on the table

slightly over an inch. “You don’t seem like the type to get

She sips and nods. “You’re right. I guess I was trying

something new.”
I grin maliciously. “I think we can both see through the
bullshit.” She’s failing miserably at trying to appear meek.

Her ebony locks shine as she moves them over her shoulder,
the glow of her tawny skin bright under the soft light. “I’ve
been told I’m… abrasive.”

“Hmm,” I touch the knife, moving it away from the fork and
wishing desperately for the server to drop off the check. Then I
ask her, “And you care what this person thinks?”

Jasmine blinks, setting the bubbly drink down. “I- I guess I

do. He’s someone important.”

“To who? You?” I tilt my head, bored with how this evening
is going, but I would never disrespect Sammie’s friends. My
sister has so few of them I wouldn’t want to isolate her further.

“Wow,” she says and then huffs out a laugh. “Sammie

warned me you were good with self-reflection, but I never
thought it would turn towards me.”

I sit up straight, pulling at the lapels of my jacket. “Sammie

has always required a different guidance than what was
offered by her mother and our father.”

Jasmine sighs, gathering her purse and standing. “I’m well

aware of what Sammie requires. Being her publicist is a
nightmare. Can we keep this… date to ourselves? Not that I
think she’ll pry.”

Giving her the first genuine smile of the evening, I stand and
hold my hand out. When she grasps it, I stroke the back of her
hand with my thumb. “Find someone who loves your
abrasiveness. Someone who eggs it on and meets you head to
head. Don’t change yourself, Jasmine. You’re too beautiful to
settle for a guy who isn’t worthy.”

Her cheeks flush, and she pulls her hand away. “You too,
Aiden. I know Sammie doesn’t believe in love, but I’m rooting
for her and you, anyway.”

I settle back into my seat, the loneliness weighing on my

mind again. It’s been weeks since I touched or saw a woman
since Caitlin left because I didn’t return her affection. It’s
always hard to start over. Though my sexual partnerships
differ from regular relationships, they require a level of trust
and intimacy that some normal relationships never reach.

“Do you require anything else, sir?” The server I’ve been
wishing would appear emerges, and I flex my hand to shake
off the urge to throttle him.

I shake my head and hold out my black card. This isn’t a

dining establishment I visit often. Jasmine chose it, which I
can assume means it’s close to her work or apartment. The
server leaves to process my payment without another word,
and I lean back, glancing around at the neighboring tables.

Most are littered with couples twice my age, which tells me

that Jasmine strives to fit into a crowd that reeks of old money.
They aren’t my favorite, considering they tended to blame the
son for the sins of his father. My eyes catch on a younger
couple sitting at the bar. The less reserved attire of the woman
and the non-tailored suit of her companion tells me they are
displaced as well.
Something is alluring about her. I’m unable to tear my gaze
away, even if she’s clearly on a date. Her blonde hair is curled
down her back, the black form-fitting dress sparkling with
each movement. And the red-bottom heels that flashed as she
crossed her ankles made my cock hard. A temptress through
and through, one I very much want to play with.

She trails a slender finger down the man’s chest, a seductive

smile painted on her face as she reaches for her martini glass.
His cheeks flush as he nods at something. Her plump lips pull
into a pout, and she leans closer. My chest fills with rage, an
unbridled jealousy. I don’t want her touching him, flirting with
him, giving him her fucking smiles.

I scrub my palm down my face, looking away from the

couple and taking a deep breath. What the fuck was wrong
with me? I never react strongly to anyone, especially women I
don’t know.

Her laugh floats over the dull noise of the crowd, and my
skin prickles. I know it was her when I look back, and her
head is thrown back as the man laughs with her.

“Here you are, sir.” The server moves in front of me,

blocking my vision, and a growl starts in my throat. The young
man startles and steps to the side so the blonde goddess is
back. I snatch my card and nod towards them.

“Who is that? At the bar.”

The poor server, just trying to do his job, looks behind and
back at me. “I’m not sure. Would you like me to find out?”
I shake my head. “No. Thanks for everything. I’ll be up in a

He swallows and dips his chin. “No problem. Have a good

evening, Mr. Blackwell.”

Ignoring him as he walks away, I pull my phone out and take

photos of the unsuspecting blonde. I don’t care how that looks
to the patrons surrounding me. No one will dare ask me.
Sending the images to my assistant, I know I will have my
answer within the week. My cock weeps with joy because my
dry spell is ending. It doesn’t matter who she is. All that
matters is that she becomes mine.

I regret not checking the peephole when I see the bubbly

blonde on the other side of my door. I let the wood go before
she can open her loud mouth, hoping it shuts right in her face.
Something deep inside me tells me I should be more respectful
to someone, technically my boss, but it isn’t loud enough for
me to listen.

Emery huffs as she catches the door and steps inside.

“Really, Brina?”

“By law, I require 24-hour notice for a landlord visit,” I draw

out, moving to the side so she can walk in.

She rolls her eyes and heads towards the living room,
glancing around. “I don’t care what you do to the apartment,
honestly. But something tells me you take care of things that
belong to you.”

I narrow my eyes as she smiles. “Is there an actual reason for

you disrupting my day off?”
“Two reasons,” she states, holding up her glittery pink nails
as if I need a physical representation of the number. It’s also
her obsession with everything pink that utterly disgusts me.

Scowling at her hand, I drop onto my couch, tucking my foot

under my leg as she sits across from me. When she doesn’t
elaborate, I crook my head at her. “Yes, please. Let’s not get to
the point. I love this.”

Emery smiles smugly. “You’re so prickly. It’s perfect.”

Before I can tell her what I think about her, she continues.
“We have a new girl starting, and I was wondering if she can
use your spare bedroom till her apartment is ready.”

“Another stray?”

Emery habitually picks random people off the street and

offers them a job. The problem is that not everyone is cut out
for this type of work. Too many people connect sex with
emotions and feelings.

“She’s sweet. The ying to your yang.”

“It’s yin,” I correct her.

She frowns, tilting her head. “No, like the Ying Yang

Blinking, I stare at her, unsure if she’s fucking with me. I

know Emery isn’t the ditzy blonde she projects. A ditzy
blonde wouldn’t have been able to buy out Gisele for half of
the escort company and then double our profits within a year.
Her husband proudly boasted about her at the last company
party, ensuring we knew it was all her due to her investment
and financial decisions.

Rubbing my forehead, I sigh. “Emery… She can stay. I’m

barely here as it is.”

“Right, about that…” she says with a grimace. “Your last

two clients failed the health check.”

“WHAT!” I exclaim, standing up. My skin feels like it’s

crawling, and I want to peel it off my bones.

She stands with me, reaching out before dropping her hand.
“You cleared, but obviously, we had to end our contracts with

“I want to test again,” I swallow down the saliva gathering in

my throat. My tongue stings like it’s too heavy for my mouth.
I don’t even care about the loss of regular clients. If they were
irresponsible enough to get something, I don’t want to deal
with them again.

“Of course,” she nods as if she already expected that. Then

she sighs. “I am sorry, Brina.”

I’m sure the apology comes from a place of some

responsibility from being the owner, but we both know this
has never happened in the years we’ve worked here. Emery
may be married and out of the game, but she put in a lot of
hours before that. The rigorous testing is for our safety, and
while some clients find it exasperating, I’ve never been more
thankful for it.

“Which clients?”
She tells me, and I slump down onto the couch. They were
two of my most loyal and frequent clients. The skin between
my eyebrows wrinkles as I frown. There will be a tremendous
loss of income, but there’s also a small sense of betrayal. One
of them liked to fuck my ass without a condom, but that was
because of a long build of trust between us. It hurt that he
might have put me in danger without a care in the world.

I glance at Emery, and the pity on her face angers me.

Scowling, I tuck my legs under myself again. “When is the
new girl coming? Just send me her number, no need for you to
drop again.”

Her lips twitch at the corner before she sits across from me
again. “Over the weekend, she has nowhere else to go. But I
actually have something else to ask.”

“Of course you do,” I grumble.

“A new client—“

I groan, dropping my head back. “Emery, I just—“

“No, listen,” she snaps and then smiles as she fixes her hair.
“He’s… very influential. An acquaintance of my husband-

That meant he was richer than God, but it also meant that
there would be confidentiality up the ass. Most of those
entitled fuckers had wives at home or careers they couldn’t
risk finding out they paid for sex.

Emery continues. “He requested a submissive, but one with a

bit of backbone.”
“A brat.” I narrow my eyes.

She shrugs. “Sure, but he was very clear that he didn’t want
a girl who is simply playing submissive. He wants to build a
full-time partnership and requests your schedule completely
blacked out.”

A blackout would mean I couldn’t accept any more clients,

and I have to pause any clients I’m currently with. “Does he
know I don’t do blowjobs? How much?”

“He does. He assured me that wouldn’t be a problem,”

Emery pauses, shifting her leg over her knee. “He offered a
two million contract, but with some stipulations.”

I blink, convinced I hadn’t heard her right. “Two million?”

“Yes, but paid in installments. You get a quarter of it every

three months you stay with him. The first night would be one
hundred, even if either of you choose to part ways.”

“He wants a trial before committing?” I frown. It isn’t an

unfamiliar concept, but it’s a little unheard of when you’re
paying for your pleasure.

Emery’s lips thin, and she doesn’t answer for a moment. “If
I’m going to be honest, I think he’s looking for a little more
but hasn’t figured out what.”

If he runs in Tyler’s circle, then I can assume he has heard of

how Emery and him met. I hope he isn’t hoping for the same,
I’m happy with the way my life is. I don’t need a relationship
of feelings to fuck that up. “But standard contract rules? I can
pull out anytime.”
“Yes, but he won’t be obligated to pay the full amount.” She
nods and then sighs before standing and straightening her
skirt. “I need to go pick up Melody. Text me questions, and
we’ll review them when I bring over the contract. I think
Melody is staying the night at the company’s suite. Tomorrow
is okay to come by?”

I shrug with a roll of my eyes. “It’s your apartment, Boss.”

Emery smirks. “Excellent. See you then, my oh-so-favorite


Strip to only lingerie. Don the blindfold and then get into
a comfortable position in the center of the bed.

I read the text again, swallowing down my nerves as I peer

around the hotel room. It’s an expensive suite close to Wall
Street. Something one of the finance bros would rent out for a
quickie at lunch so their wife never catches on. I can’t help but
grimace since I’m not always a fan of the fact that I might be
contributing to cheating, but money is money.

If I didn’t have an abundance of trust that Emery would screen

the hell out of him, I would have said fuck this guy. And there
was also the fact that he was offering a lot of money. It’s been
months since the initial discussion, and I’ve been stuck in limbo
since then. I wasn’t impatient at first since I needed to wait for
the second round of my health screening results from my
previous clients.
But, there had been a slight disappointment as the weeks
passed that the potential client had retracted his year-long offer.
I had been an idiot to walk away from the deal Tyler Hastings
had offered, but I knew I could not handle a job that purely
involved oral sex.

I take off my black jeans and oversized Nirvana T-shirt. I had

gone with comfort to conceal the sheer black teddy underneath.
The intricate lace adds an element of seduction. The halter
straps are tied at the base of my neck. And it snaps closed over
my pussy. Folding my clothes, I set them on the chair next to the
bed, stripping off my socks and Converse. I wiggle my painted
black toes, smiling as they dig into the soft rug.

I move to the front of the bed, my smile widening when I see

the black silk blindfold waiting near the edge. Points to him for
matching my theme unknowingly. I crawl onto the mattress and
wrap the fabric around my face. Folding my legs under my
knees, I sit on my feet and straighten my back. I rest my palms
on my thighs.

Time moves differently when you cannot track it. I try to

count to sixty, but after the third time, I give up. I let my
thoughts drift to what shoes I can get with this money and how
to rearrange my closet when the door finally opens. Barely
audible footsteps pad across the floor, and my stomach turns.

“Brina?” The deep timbre of the voice has shivers dancing

across my skin. My nipples harden in anticipation.

I nod slowly. I wasn’t given his name to confirm, but the

readily available supplies on the bed were enough. The
blindfold and concealed identity quieted his apprehension since
it’s his first time hiring an escort, according to Emery.

He doesn’t respond, and I don’t feel him move closer. I shift,

trying to ease the stiffness in my shoulders and back. My skin
prickles in the middle of my forehead, above my nose, and
between my eyes. The air thickens, and I can smell a very
expensive cologne with a hint of oranges.

“Remind me of your hard stops.” His breath brushes against

my collarbone, and I inhale sharply. My nipples harden to a
point of pleasurable pain, and I try to calm my racing heart. This
isn’t the first time I’ve been blinded, but god, his presence alone
makes him sound and feel sexy. And I am desperate for a peek.
Emery had me prepare a list of what I wouldn’t agree to while
we signed the preliminary contract for our audition night.

“Absolutely no blowjobs.”

He hums. A stroke of something soft caresses the valley

between my breasts, and my fingers curl into my legs. I wasn’t
sure what he was using on me, but it was like a riding crop, if I
had to guess. “What else?”

I lick my drying lips as he drags the teasing touch up to the

dip in my throat. “No knife or blood play. You don’t break my
skin ever.”

“Such pretty skin too. I’m sure it tempted them.” He continues

a path to my cheek, the smell of leather confirming my
suspicions. “What else?”

“You can tie me up, but any asphyxiation is by hand only. If

you are unaware of how to hold, I will instruct you, or we will
stop the scene.”

His chuckle is low as he pulls away, depriving me of the small

connection and leaving me alone in the darkness. “I can see why
they chose you. You’re used to a stronger hand.”

I don’t reply since he didn’t ask a question, and also to stop

my urge of snapping back. I don’t like his condescending tone.

“Will you be unsatisfied if I reserve impact play for

punishments only?” This time, the words are whispered in my
ear, his lips brushing against me.

I barely control my head from drifting to face him. “No, sir.”

“Did I tell you to address me as such?” he asks, the space

around me dropping to a chill.

Shaking my head, I straighten my back. His hand grips my

jaw, the warmth startling a gasp out of me. His thumb presses
down on my lip. “No titles. Just our names.”

My heart skips a beat. Titles make it easy to separate myself

from the scene. To place Brina in a box and become what he
desires. He must sense my hesitation because then he asks if
that’s okay.

His hand pulls away so I can answer. “Whatever you



I lower my chin, a strange nervous flutter ricocheting inside

me. “Aiden.”

A small smack of the leather strap on my thigh has me

sucking in a small breath. It isn’t painful, just a quick sting that
has my pussy leaking. It heightened everything when one of
your senses is stripped away.

“Open.” His curt command sends a warm shot of arousal

through me.

I shift my legs apart, clasping my hands together behind my

back. A hum of approval rings through the air, and the soft
caress of his tool slides under my breasts as they jut out from
the position change. It trails back down till I feel the soft
pressure rubbing against the thin material of the lingerie over
my core.

Brina is perfect. I saw how her jaw tightened earlier, wanting

to strike out against my slight at her previous partners. But she
refrained, and it hardened my cock further. It meant her temper
stayed on the surface, but she could wrestle control when

“Lie back,” I instruct her. She only hesitates for a heartbeat

before carefully unfolding her legs to do what I asked. Her
hands rest to her sides, her chin tilted up. “Anything else to
add to the list?”

Her breasts jiggle as she breathes, and I glue my eyes to the

swells of them struggling to stay within her stunning lingerie.
She exhales. “I–uhm,” her throat bobs, and my eyebrows
furrow as I watch her. “I would prefer we use condoms for this
time till we commit together.”

My jaw tightens. I don’t like the idea of condoms; I want

nothing between us. It’s why I did the thorough medical exam
at Emery’s request. But I can understand her hesitation, so I
count to ten and shove my annoyance away. I toss the crop to
the side of the bed, desperate to touch her again with my own
hands. “As you wish. What’s your safe word?”


I blink. What a strange word, especially for someone dressed

and wearing a scowl like a dark thundercloud. “Daffodile?” I
repeat, ensuring I heard her right.

She nods. I move to kneel over her, ignoring the pressure of

my slacks digging into my painfully hard cock. My hands
skim up her bare legs, watching as her breathing shallows. I
trace the inside of her thigh to her hip, lingering near the edge
of the black teddy. Slipping my finger under it, I glide over to
the snaps resting on her pussy. She’s so little up close my
frame engulfs her entirely. Brina shudders, her hands curling
into fists.

I laugh softly. “Sensitive, huh?”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been blindfolded. I


“Forgot how it heightens everything. How you’re unable to

anticipate my next move.” I bend my fingers in, popping open
her teddy and revealing her bare flesh to me. Her smooth
waxed skin makes me angry as I swipe through her warm
center, teasing the wet entrance.

“I’m not one to demand how you dress or how you get ready
for me, but I would prefer to see your natural pussy exactly
how it was made for me.”

Brina nods. “It will take a few weeks.”

I want to tease her for agreeing so easily, but I don’t want her
to wax it again to spite me. Placing a small kiss on her pussy, I
gather the sides of the teddy and move it up, exposing more of
her soft skin. I leave a trail of kisses till I bunch the material
up under her breasts. She has a faint script tattoo that curves
under her breasts, but I can’t make out what it says. I sit up,
tracing her collarbone till I reach one of her straps and push it
off her shoulder.

I do the same on the other side, the breast inserts of her

lingerie hanging loosely till I shift them and grin at the
pebbled skin at the base of her hardened nipples.

“You’re a pretty thing,” I whisper, kissing down till I suck a

taut bud into my mouth. Brina jerks and I feel the brush of her
hand on my thigh.

Pulling away, I tsk at her. “Hands on the bed.”

She nods, tilting her face away from me as her jaw tightens.
I return to her breast, suckling on it till it’s all puffy and red. I
skim my hand down, teasing my fingers in her pussy again.
Brina jolts, and an apology mutters out of her mouth as I
smile. I thoroughly enjoy how responsive she is. Often when
unfamiliar people play, there’s an unnatural stiffness because
of a lack of trust.

I play with her clit slowly, barely applying pressure and

swirling the small button as I switch my attention to her other
nipple. Not every woman is sensitive there, but I need to test
her because I’m a breast man.
Brina’s breathing shallows, and my cock throbs, begging to
be used. I time each flick of my tongue with a swirl of her clit,
and I feel her body tensing as it crashes toward a release. I
don’t let up, curious if she’ll ask me for permission to come or
if she’ll just assume it’s okay to tumble over the edge.

I shift down, tipping my fingers inside her, and bite down

softly on her tip. She jolts, her pussy clenching down on the
fingers, trying to pull them in further.

“Ahhh,” her whispered moan causes my balls to draw up. It’s

such a soft sound, drowned in arousal. I want to hear it again.
Twisting my hand, I curl my fingers, sucking her nipple hard
into my mouth.

Brina gasps sharply, her pussy fluttering as she comes. Her

knees tilt towards me as her body convulses, and I lean back to
watch till she stops. My touches slow till her legs are straight

“Y-you didn’t say if I should ask.”

I hum. “So you assumed?”

She nods, and I preen with satisfaction. One thing I’ve liked
in the few interactions with Brina is her inability to lie. She’s
so open and honest, consequences be damned.

“Then I guess I’ll have to make you come till you’re begging
me to stop.”

Her lips pull in, but her chest’s increased rising and falling
gives her away.
I pull out the small packet of lube, tear off the corner, and
smear it all over my already wet fingers. Settling my face
closer to her pussy, I tap her thighs to open further, and they
do. I press my middle finger to the tight hole between her
cheeks, and she gasps, her hips jerking up. I don’t wait for her
to calm down before pushing past the ring of muscle and
sliding into the warmth of her ass.

“Oh god,” she moans and her pussy clenches. My dick

throbs as I watch her muscles contract, and her juices drip out
of her. I want to bury myself in it, force my cock so far into
her tight cunt that her wombs opened for me. I hadn’t planned
to have kids so soon, but I have an irrational need to plant a
piece of myself inside her. My attraction to Brina could be a
problem, but I don’t care to think about it now.

I pump my fingers a few times, trying to stretch her as much

as possible. She pants as I continue to play before a guttural
shriek erupts when I push a second finger in. Her ass clamps
down on me, unrelenting as I try to move my hand.

“Have you been fucked here before?”

Brina’s stomach dips as she tries to calm her breathing.


I grin devilishly. “Hmm. You seem to really like it.”

She shakes her head, and I push further till my palm touches
her pussy. I stick my thumb into the sloppy, soaking mess of
her sex and I’m rewarded as she comes. Her pussy flutters
around my thumb, her legs trembling as a flush spreads over
her body.
“Beautiful,” I whisper, my breath fanning across her
spasming core before I suck her clit in my mouth.

“Oh shit!” She shifts, her hands coming to tangle in my hair.

I shake them off with a growl. “On the bed, Brina.”

She lets go, her fingers twisting into the sheets instead. Her
hips arch up as I lower my head to taste her again. I move my
hand in and out slowly, each flick of my tongue causes a jerk
of her body. I watch her breasts jostle with each movement,
the rosy peaks of her nipples begging for attention again.

When I feel the tightening of another orgasm she is quickly

building to, I lift my head. “Push the blindfold off and watch

Brina only hesitates for a second before she reaches up, and
rips the fabric off. Her bright blue eyes blink down at me, and
her mouth opens in shock. I know I am a good-looking man,
I’ve got a lifetime of compliments to back it up. I’m sure my
appearance takes her by surprise, so I lower my face and go
back to devouring her cunt, pumping my fingers faster.

She comes in seconds, her fingers twisting into the sheets as

she fights the urge to look away from me. Our gazes stay
locked as I ride out her release with my tongue and fingers.
When her trembling reduces to small shakes, I finally relent.

“That’s two. How many more can I ring out of you?”

Brina’s head drops onto the pillow. “Oh god.”


My whole body feels limp, my muscles are so relaxed, and my

head is clear. I want to move but can’t, so I just lay there.

“Let’s get you cleaned up, little one.” He lifts me, and I hang
loosely in his arms as he carries me to the bathroom.

Aiden sets me on my feet, and I watch as he turns the shower

on and grabs some bottles that are sitting on the counter.

“You brought your own stuff?” I ask, my throat hoarse.

He hums. “Yeah, I’ve discovered what I like best and the

smells I prefer.”

An unfamiliar ache jolts in my chest. “I thought you hadn’t

hired before.”

“I haven’t.”

“But you’ve had multiple partners?”

He moves me gently into the shower, letting the warm water

beat along my back as he stands before me. Everything about
Aiden Blackwell is dark: his midnight-colored hair, his onyx
eyes, and his stoic expression. His hands cup my face and tilt
my head back enough to wet my hair but keep the streams of
water from reaching my eyes.

“A few. Most have been relationships that developed


A small moan escapes as he massages my scalp, a faint

tropical scent relaxing my body. My breasts rub against his
hard chest as he steps closer. My hands rest on his waist as he
washes my hair.

“Have you had a Dom outside of when one is paying for

your time?”

I stiffen, and his hands pause where they are buried near the
back of my neck. Squeezing my eyes, I exhale.

“Yeah, a long time ago.” But none of my Doms have put in

the much effort he has in the short time we’ve had together.

Aiden hums. When he moves on to soaping up my body

without a word, I realize he will not push me for an answer.
His thick fingers move gently, squeezing the sore muscles as
he washes away our misdeeds, and I stand there silently.

“Do you always take care of your subs after?” I ask quietly.

He sighs, grabbing the detachable shower head and washing

the soap from my slick body. We both watch as the suds
slowly glide down the curves of my breasts and hips. It’s
almost like he dreads saying something.

“No. If I had decided we weren’t compatible, I wouldn’t

have removed your blindfold, nor would I have stayed.”
I blink, my nose scrunching up. “That’s why you removed
the blindfold? Because you decided we were… compatible.”

A soft tap of my ass has me looking up at the smug look on

his face. “That and I wanted to see all of you when you came
on my fingers and tongue.”

Huffing, I turn and rub my face in the warm water, scrubbing

off whatever mascara has smeared. A muscular arm pulls me
into a hard chest, his erection digging into the small of my
back. I swallow, knowing if he had fucked me and fucked me
hard, I would have been limping home. His lips touch my ear.
“Say thank you, Mr. Blackwell.”

My heart skips a beat, pounding so loudly I’m sure he can

hear it. I want to tell him where he could shove his thank you
now that our scene is over, but I also don’t have the energy to
fight him. I turn towards him, my mouth less than an inch
from his.

“Thank you, Mr. Blackwell.” The whisper is low and sultry.

His dick twitches against me, and I inhale sharply. His tongue
peeks out, touching his top lip, and I almost feel the warmth of
it before he pulls away.

“You still okay that I don’t have a rougher hand? I’m not that
type of Dom.” The uncertainty in his eyes makes my heart
beat a little wonky.

I nod. “I don’t mind it if my partner needs to inflict a little

pain, but it’s not my preference.”
His grin turns wicked. “Don’t lie to me now, Brina. You
were doing so well.”

I startle, taking a step back into the water. No one has ever
seen through my mask. I particularly got away with murder
when I was a teen, and the police didn’t even blink when they
questioned me. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Why don’t you do blowjobs?” He sidetracks instead of


My chest hollows. “That’s more of a third date question.”

Aiden laughs softly. “Okay, do you want children?”

I raise my eyebrows. “I don’t think that’s an appropriate first

date question either.”

“Who says this is a date?” he purrs, his arm snaking out to

pull me closer. Our wet, naked bodies slip against each other
as if to prove his point. He pushes a strand of wet hair out of
my face and grins down at me. “It’s a question I want
answered, regardless.”

“Yes, I think I do,” I tell him honestly. I haven’t given kids

much thought. Not since my naive fairytales of love were

A grumble of approval echoes around us, and his hand cups

my ass. “Now tell me about the boyfriend.”

My nails dig into his arm. I guess it is pretty obvious that my

only partner outside of the escort company would be from a
romantic relationship. I exhale to control the shaking in my
voice as I speak. “We were kids. Dumb and doing shit we
didn’t comprehend. He… he was the example you give to girls
of what to not look for in a dom. He rarely respected my

Aiden’s hold tightens. “What happened, Brina?”

I touch my throat and remember the ache of the past. “He

liked to fuck my mouth. Like to push in deep till he cut off my
air.” Licking my lips, I don’t notice I’m trembling till Aiden
wraps me in his arms completely.

“One night, he did it so long I passed out. He came anyway,

it triggered my gag reflex, and I aspirated on a mixture of his
cum and vomit,” I admit, almost whispering by the end. I
thought about that night a lot and how wary it made me to
relinquish control for a long time, though I craved it.

I wipe away the tears burning down my cheeks, knowing

Aiden won’t be able to differentiate between them and the
droplets of water from the shower. I laugh humorlessly. “It
was actually his brother that rolled me over onto my side and
called 911. My stupid boyfriend found it funny and couldn’t
wait to do it again.”

“Tell me that fucker is in jail or dead,” Aiden demands.

Shrugging, I turn to face the water again, and he pulls me

against his chest.

“I don’t know. I was sixteen, and he was eighteen. My

parents cut off all communication,” I say. I want to smile at
how mad I was at them for that moment. Years later, I can
fully appreciate how they probably saved my life. My ex
would have kept testing how far he could push me till he
eventually killed me.

Aiden says nothing else as we finish our shower, and he

slowly dries me and then himself off. He hands me my clothes
and leaves to give me privacy to put them on in the bathroom.

As soon as I step into the bedroom, I’m not surprised to find

it empty. But there is a tinge of disappointment. With a sigh, I
flop onto the chair and slip on my shoes, each ache in my
pussy and brush of my sore nipples bringing a smile to my

I open the brown box, smiling at the red dust bag as I pull the
shoes out. It’s been a week since the night with Aiden, and the
money cleared my account the next morning. I had waited a
few days, expecting him to schedule another day after since
we didn’t fuck. But the communication never came, only the
year long contract couriered over.

So today, I stopped waiting, especially considering it was

becoming a pattern for him to disappear for stretches of time. I
went straight to Madison Ave when I woke up and could
barely contain myself to only buy a singular pair, but it was

One new client, one new pair of Louboutins. My favorite

style is the Daffodile heel. I own multiple pairs in black, red
and one bejeweled Strass. It was the only type of heel I wore,
especially out with clients. Otherwise, the other shoes that
donned my feet were my Converse and my UGG slippers in
“Wow. Red-bottoms. That’s cool, I’ve always liked them,”
Melody’s soft voice floats in from behind. She moves into the
kitchen, grabbing a glass of water. She reminds me of a scared
little mouse, a little too-sweet for this type of life.

I squint my eyes. “But?”

She turns to face me. “But?”

“It sounded like you had more to say.” I remove my black

pumps from the box, smiling at the smell of the leather.

“Oh. Uhm– no,” Melody bites her lip, and then she shakes
her head. Her dark hair swings in her high ponytail. “I was just
thinking about something my old boss had said.”

“The family that booted you?”

“Yeah, them,” she admits, sadness dripping in her tone.

I raise an eyebrow. “Well? What did the snobby brats have to


Her lips twitch as she blinks at me. “Uhm. She said it was a
whore’s shoe.”

I give her a stiff smile and then sit on the stool, slipping one
heel onto my foot. “How right she was, but I would rather be a
whore than a trophy wife. Her husband would probably hire
one of us before taking her to bed.”

Melody’s chuckle is humorless, and I slip on the other shoe

and stand. I twist and peer down at them. I fucking love new
heels. Then I pause, remembering why she got axed from her
nanny job.
“Wait, did you actually sleep with the husband?”

Her eyes go round. “NO!”

I shrug. “I don’t care either way. One of my best clients is

married. He takes off his ring, as if that makes it better. But
you can’t hide a tan line, buddy. Money is money.”

“You don’t care that they’re using you to cheat?”

I sit, taking off the shoes and putting them safely back in the
bag and box. I take a moment to answer. “I do, and I don’t.
I’m not the one who made the commitment to someone. I’m
simply doing my job, I have a right to make a living.”

“I have a potential new client. He wants me to call him

Daddy, and now I’m just wondering if…” She sips her water,
watching the ripples as she fidgets with the cup in her hand.

Sighing, I clutch my prize to my chest and grimace when I

try to offer some encouragement. I’m sure she won’t last long
either way. “Ignorance is bliss. The less you know, the less
you wonder.”

I walk a few steps before pausing again and glancing over

my shoulder. “I know Emery states in our contract that an
orgasm is required by the men, but it’s your body and your
time. If you just want it over with, don’t force it. Some men…
they wouldn’t know what to do even with instructions.”
The echoing of my heels down the hallway makes me regret
my outfit. Aiden requested me to visit his office tonight.
Though the building is fairly empty when I arrive, I feel a
flicker of insecurity in my tight navy pencil skirt and white
blouse. I chose one of my thinner black Louboutins to pair

A faint glow at the long stretch of windowed walls is like a

beacon of light, leading me straight to my wicked savior. I’ve
never worked with a man like him before, most prefer impact
play and focusing on their preferences to get themselves off.
Sometimes they make sure I come before they fuck me, but
generally, it’s a quick release with a vibrator while their dick is
still lodged inside.

When I reach the open door, Aiden works at a large desk.

His face is twisted in annoyance as he flips through the papers
in front of him. His dark hair is tousled as if his hands have
been pulling through it. I knock softly on the doorframe. His
head snaps up to me, and whatever grievances of the day he’s
been holding onto melt away.

His heated eyes roam down my outfit, his appreciation clear

as his thumb swipes along his bottom lip. He pats the desk in
front of him. “Take a seat, little one.”

I walk into the room, sliding into the spot he specified, and
cross my legs.

Aiden tsks, his hand pushing my legs apart. His fingers

caress down the skin of my thigh before he finds my wet,
warm center. He hums. “Look at you, so perfect. I didn’t even
have to tell you not to wear panties.”

Placing a heel on each armrest of his chair, I widen my legs

further and scoot to the edge, drawing my skirt to my hips. He
pushes two fingers inside me, and I drop onto my elbows
across the entire desk with a moan.

“Did you buy your new shoes for me or someone else?” he

asks, pumping his fingers as his thumb rubs at my clit.

My eyebrows pinch together as I try to focus on what he said

as he works my body as skillfully as he did last time. “How
did you know I bought new shoes?”

Aiden is silent, moving his hand leisurely, and I lift my head

to look at him. His gaze is on my pussy before it rises to meet

My mouth drops open. “Are you having me followed?” I

move to pull away from him.

His jaw ticks, and his hands grab my thighs, pressing them
down and holding me in place. “You do not get to be someone
of my stature without making enemies. I can guarantee you if
you ask Emery, her husband has people on her at all times,

I frown, still trying to get away from his hold till a sharp
smack on my pussy has me arching in an unfamiliar ache of
pain and exhilaration.

“If you think I’m letting you go, you’re severely mistaken.”
His voice is cold, his face an expressionless mask. “Tell me
you understand.”

My stomach twists with eagerness, but I push it down and

level him with a glare. I don’t exactly enjoy hearing that I was
being followed without my consent. He could have just let me
know, and I would have been cool with it.

His gleam makes my heart skip as he pulls me further off the

desk. My ass is hanging off, and he throws my legs over his
shoulders. I grip the edges to balance myself as his fingers dig
into my thighs, and he devours my pussy. My head drops back
as I rock my hips into his sinful tongue, knowing he won’t
continue this conversation till he pulls one release from me.

Neither of us have to wait long before I’m shaking, my

pussy clenching as I come. The ache of emptiness is a
reminder he has yet to fuck me. He knocks my legs off, his
hands slide to my ass as he lifts and settles me in his lap. I
straddle him further, pressing us closer, and drop my face into
his neck as his fingers drift back to their favorite spots
between my legs.

The familiarity of his scent with the faint twist of oranges

relaxes me. Something in the back of my head sends alarm
bells at that, but I focus on him gathering the wetness leaking
from my pussy before pushing a finger into the tight hole
between my cheeks. My teeth graze the skin in front of me,
and I feel his cock twitch under me.

“Now answer my question.” His deep voice rumbles in his

“Which one?” I answer breathlessly as he pushes another
finger in. His other hand comes and pulls at the buttons of my
blouse. I lean back, shrugging off the shirt and bra for him. He
cups my breasts, squeezing affectionately, and tugs a nipple
into his mouth.

“The shoes? For me?”

“I bought them for myself,” I tell him, rocking my ass into

his hand. He’s truly turning me into a fan. I would have never

Aiden growls. “Then you’ll wear them only for me.”

Rolling my eyes, I tangle my fingers in his hair, jutting my

breasts into his face so he can stop talking. The look he gives
me tells me he knows exactly what I am doing, but he turns his
attention back to my taut bud.

“Only for you,” I say half-heartedly as he fucks my ass

faster. He switches to my other breast, grazing the hard tip
with his teeth, and my pussy flutters.

Aiden’s breath fans across my chest as he huffs out a laugh.

“Never did I imagine you would be so responsive. So fucking

“Aiden…” I need more, but I can’t determine what. I want

him to fill me in both holes. I want to taste him but couldn’t
even think to ask that. He sucks my nipple into his mouth
harder as he thrusts his bulge against my weeping core.

I pull his hair harder as I come. “Fuck. Please.”

I’m still quivering as he pulls his fingers out, wipes them on
my skirt, and stands.

He sets me back on the desk, unzips his pants, and pulls out
his thick cock, stroking it as he stares down at my pussy.

“Hold your legs,” he says, and I grab onto my knees as he

steps into me further. The heat of his tip sliding across my wet
center has me moaning. He presses down my thighs further,
thrusting his cock between my folds repeatedly. Every bump
of my clit and tease of pressure near my entrance made me
writhe under him.

“Let me fuck you,” he grunts, guiding his head to my hole,

the tip barely pressing in.

Yes is about to fall from my lips when a wave of anxiety hits


“Condom,” I croak as his tip slides in before he pulls it out.

The small stretch of him inside me makes it painful to say no,
I’m desperate to feel him buried deep.

He growls, sliding his cock up against my core again before

returning to press the head inside me and repeating the process
again. My pussy clamps when his tip pushes into me a third
time, nearly sucking him inside completely. Aiden grunts,
pausing before shifting his hand to thumb at my swollen clit.

He rocks slowly, never going in further. I know he is bending

my rules, and I should call him out on it, but I don’t care. Not
when it feels so good, even with only a small part lodged
inside to fill the aching emptiness.
“Imagine how it will feel when you’re full of me,” he
whispers, putting more pressure on my bundle of nerves as he
speeds up the teasing of his cock.

My fingers dig into my shaking legs, tumbling into a third

orgasm of the night. Aiden pulls out, groaning as he strokes
his thick length, and I feel the heat of his cum as it splashes
over my pussy. Without hesitation, he scoops up the mess he
made and pushes it all into me. My mouth falls open as he
does it again, making sure not to miss a drop.

“That’s where my cum belongs. Not inside a thin layer of

latex,” he says, leveling me with an annoyed glance.

This man is going to barrel through all my boundaries, and

the worst part is I think I want him too. And that’s more
dangerous than any game we play.

Adjusting the weight on the bar, I move to spot her as my

sister lies on the bench. As we work out, the permanent scowl
on her face reminds me of Brina today. I have given her space
to miss and think about me. It’s been painful, considering I
didn’t even get the pleasure of feeling her pussy wrapped
around my cock.

“Only a few today. I can’t get wide shoulders. I have a photo

shoot soon,” Sammie huffs.

I roll my eyes. “It would take more than some weight

training twice every few weeks to change your shoulders.”

“I’m just saying.” She sticks out her tongue and lifts the bar
before slowly bringing it to her chest. I watch her do this till
we get to five, and her arms tremble as we set the bar back
onto the rack.

Shaking my head, I move around the bench, grab the jump

rope, and nod for her to follow me to the mat. Her phone
dings, and she glances at it. I can see the temptation to answer
it, and my irritation spikes.

“I think Tanner can go half an hour without speaking to

you.” Her long-time friend turned recent boyfriend is obsessed
with her, and while I’m happy my sister found someone to
love her like that, there’s also an irrational jealousy,
considering the type of person she is. Anyone would have to
be insanely trusting to commit to a serial cheater.

She flips me off, standing and grabbing the second rope.

“Actually, I think… Have you spoken to Jasmine?”

Frowning, I shake my head and pause my jumps. “Your best

friend, Jasmine?”

Sammie gives me a pointed look like I’m dumb. “Do you

know another Jasmine?”

I narrow my eyes. Her temper is one reason we limit our

time together. No one tests my patience like her. “I was just
confirming. I haven’t spoken to Jasmine since the one time we
went to dinner.”

My sister stills, her face blanching. “What? When was this?”

“About a week after I messaged you for her number. I know

the only two people in your close friend’s story are Tanner and
me. It was clear she was fishing.”

She tilts her head, a cloudy gaze taking over her face. I know
a mental spiral better than most, especially within our family. I
move to her and snap my fingers. “Hey, Sam. What’s going
“She’s been telling me you two have been dating for

My chest aches at the betrayal in her tone. My sister has

many flaws, but her trust issues are no fault of her own. I
squeeze her arm, knowing she won’t want a hug.

“We went on one date. I thanked her for her time and then
kindly blocked her number. Your friend is a very strong-
minded woman, and we wouldn’t… mesh well.”

Sammie nods slowly. “She lied.”

“Many people do, Sam. For a variety of reasons, why don’t

you find out why before cutting her off? It might have nothing
to do with you.”

Her head snaps back, and she throws the rope onto the floor.
I sigh, knowing she’s going to storm off. She is a runner at any
type of emotion, but mostly when she is angry or hurt. I catch
her wrist when she turns to leave. She blinks up at me.

“If I wanted to send a gift, simply… to thank someone for

their presence. What would you recommend?” I throw her the
bone to pacify her current state of whatever she mixed up in
that fucked up little head of hers.

Her eyes widen. “Did you fuck her?”

I grind my teeth and let go. “Never mind.”

Sammie laughs, following behind me as I grab my gym bag.

“I didn’t know you cared enough to send a thank you after you
fucked someone.”
Exhaling a long breath, I glare at her. “Forget I asked.”

I regret the words as soon as I say them because her gaze

turns calculating.

She tilts her head. “Interesting. Who is she?”

“Nobody,” I grit out, leaving her standing there on the mat.

Uncertainty curls in my stomach. I need more time for Brina
to commit before the inevitable introduction of my world and
everyone who goes with it. While Emery’s husband is well
known with an honorable reputation, Sammie and I come from
a lineage that is more feared than respected.

“Don’t you have someone to confront?” I try to distract her

back to the original topic.

“Don’t I always? Did I tell you I ran into Tanner’s ex?

Threatened to fuck her husband if she didn’t leave us alone.”
My head snaps to her as she smirks.

“Of course you did,” I mumble back as she grabs her own
stuff, and we head out of the private gym in my building. It’s
only a floor down from my penthouse. As I push the button to
call the elevator, I remember what I wanted to ask her.

“Speaking of Tanner, is he still asking to move in together?

The other penthouse is available. I have no plans to lease it
soon if that option makes you more comfortable.”

Sammie bites her lip, shifting on her feet. “I think he’s gonna
ask me to marry him.”

My eyebrows raise, withholding my grimace. “Hmmm.”

She nods, understanding exactly where my thoughts went.
Marriage means nothing. Knocking them up is the only way to
stay forever connected to a person.

“I might consider it, and I don’t know why. It’s always been
me and him. It’s hard to explain.” I follow her sentiments
easily. She and Tanner have been dancing around each other
for a while. I think the only people who didn’t know were
them. And I guess Tanner’s girlfriend at the time.

“So, you’ll be saying yes. Huh, I never really saw that from
you,” I smile, nudging her with my shoulder. “It makes me
happy, though. Congrats, Sam.”

She’s silent the rest of the way to the lobby, only once the
doors slide open does she admit, “I’m still scared I’ll end up
like my mom.”

Swallowing to coat my suddenly parched throat, I level her

with an equally devastated stare. “I’m still scared I’ll end up
like him.”

And damned if I’m not already there.


Mr. Blackwell

What’s your address?


Mr. Blackwell

Wrong answer

Butterflies flutter in my belly, my face flushing. There’s a

delicate line of flirting when you’re first discovering the
boundaries with your partner. How they respond to things and
what they like. I drag my tongue across the back of my teeth
and then grab a piece of my favorite piece of fruit gum, debating
how to answer him. The tone of brat versus disrespectful is hard
to convey over text.
Mr. Blackwell

Address Brina. Leaving me on read for over one minute is


My mouth drops open, and then I curse the stupid phone for
automatically turning on read receipts. I’m tempted to turn them
off, but that might anger him more.

Just leave them at the front desk. They’ll bring them


I message him the building address and set the phone on the
bed next to me. Technically, I have given him the address, just
not my apartment number. The banging of drawers through the
wall draws my attention, and I hop off the bed. Walking over to
the second bedroom, I see Melody in a flurry, stuffing things in
her bag.

“Overnight client?”

She looks at me frantically. “Have you slept with Jackson?”

Jackson is Tyler Hastings’ partner, and I know he is super

close to Emery as well. It isn’t unusual for him to turn to some
girls for a quick night. “Nah, I heard he likes the old timers who
have their set clients.”

She frowns. “Why would that matter?”

The poor thing looks almost disappointed, and I sigh, hoping
she doesn’t have feelings for him. “Because with set clients,
there are no surprises. You have your days that they never
change from, so you can schedule around it. They’re not
sleeping with anyone else, so tests are basically unnecessary.
And usually, set clients are on the tamer side with kinks, so very
little recovery time is needed.”

Melody nods as if absorbing all the information seriously.

“That makes sense. Basically, he pencils in his pussy
appointments around their schedules.”

A laugh catches in my throat, and I move further into the

room, dropping onto the bed as curiosity gets the best of me.
“Why? He ask for you?”

“Uh, no. I don’t think he knows who I am. Emery asked me to

help him with something else, like, not dick related.” The little
triangle between her eyes crinkles.

I refrain from rolling my eyes at Emery and her favors.

“Bummer. I hear his dick is legendary.”

Glancing at her bag, I almost balk at the black and tans that
fill it. I push off the bed to rummage through the lacy underwear
provided to us under the company expenses. “Go with the
whole innocent vibe. Men like him can’t help but want to
corrupt you.”

Her face flushes. “I fuck people for a living. I’m not


This time I roll my eyes, knowing she’s only taken one client.
“No, but you look like Snow White if she had long hair. And
you’re literally as short as a dwarf; it’s adorable. And innocent.”

She stomps her little foot and releases a kitten-like hiss. “Shut
up! I am not that short!”

Laughing, I pat her head and leave her to finish packing. I

drag my feet to my room, nervous to check my phone. I
shouldn’t have ignored him, but the temptation to see how he
would act was too much.

Mr. Blackwell

Clever, but not appreciated. Clear your schedule. You’ll

be going to dinner with me.

Mr. Blackwell

When I said not to leave me on read, that was not

permission to ignore me.

Mr. Blackwell

8 p.m. Don’t expect to return to your apartment for the


I huff out a breath, half with fear and half with arousal. My
heart skips a beat, and my fingers tremble as I struggle to type
out a response fast.
I’m so sorry, Aiden. Roommate trouble! I wasn’t
ignoring you.

Mr. Blackwell

8 p.m.

His reply is immediate, and I lick my drying lips at the curt

text. I glance at the time, I have a little over three hours to
prepare. It would cut it close, but I know how to style myself to
be the biggest of temptations. Enough to get myself out of any
punishment that he has planned.

I stare at the thin black box, nerves drying my mouth. “What is


“Open it and find out.” His indifferent tone makes my heart

sink before I square my shoulders. Even if it is a frivolous gift
with no meaning, I should still be thankful. In our short
amount of time together, Aiden has shown more post-care than
any of my other clients. I’m not naïve enough to think he has
feelings for me, but there’s a unique type of connection you
build with someone when you allow them complete control of
your body.

Picking it up, I shake it gently while Aiden’s eyebrows rise

in amusement. A smile teases my lips, and I pull the top off.
Nestled inside is a thin necklace of diamonds, the bold square
setting making it seem more like a solid rope. I pull it out of
the satin cushions and my lungs tighten when I can tell that
this is a very short length…A collar length.

Aiden pulls another small box from his pocket, placing it on

the table. “The piece to make it unremovable is in there.”
I stare at it warily and then back to the diamonds in my hand.
“But this one I can remove?”

“Yes,” he grabs his whiskey, taking a sip. “For now.”

He’s still giving me the choice until we reach that

commitment level. I honestly hadn’t expected something like
this from him, at least not so soon. But some men pride
themselves in the sense of ownership. I appreciate that he’ll
allow me to remove it when I see fit. I’ve broken contracts
with others who wanted more without trust. The thing a lot of
men forget is that being a Dom gives them a sense of control,
but not absolute control. The power rests with me, and I can
retract it at any time.

“Thank you,” I say softly, handing him the box and giving
him my back to put it on. I touch the diamonds where they line
the bottom of my throat, and his fingers linger on the back of
my neck after he clasps them together.

We move apart when a server approaches the table, offering

me a glass of wine, and I eagerly accept. I need something to
drown whatever foreign feeling is burning into my skin with
every second I wear the jewelry.

Sipping the wine, I face Aiden again, and he’s watching me

with an arrogant grin. I roll my eyes as a flush works through
my cheeks. I hate it. A client has never affected me like this.
Most of my clients were not kind men. They were men who
used me for their needs and rarely offered the amount of care I
wanted. I didn’t mind since they usually only reached out
when they’d reached a pinnacle in their life and needed a
quick thrill. It’s why I met them on the weekends and took the
entire week to rest.

“How long have you worked for Emery?” he asks, stretching

his arms across the booth.

I scowl, wondering why he’s trying to chit-chat instead of

leading with the real reason we’re here tonight. “Emery just
bought into the company recently. I had worked with Giselle
for a while before that.”

His lips twitch. “Not a fan of Emery?”

Shrugging, I take a sip of my wine. “She’s just a bit much.

Not my style.”

“Hmm.” Aiden’s face breaks the casual indifference, clearly

understanding I don’t want to talk about her. His heated eyes
drag the length of my body, finally taking in my carefully laid
outfit. “You dress up for me, little one?”

A sweat breaks out down my neck, and I bite the inside of

my lip before slowly nodding. Excitement hums through my
veins as I clutch the glass closer.

“Did you hope it would get you out of punishment?”

My breath catches, and he laughs softly, his hand reaching

out to curl some of my hair around his finger. “You are
beautiful. There is no doubt about that, but it is your mind that
I crave. That defiant mind that I want to bend and mold to be
mine.” His onyx eyes darken.

“Is that why you put on this devour me dress and those fuck
me heels?” His finger traces under my jaw to my red-painted

“I–yes.” I swallow down my nerves, opting to not lie to him.

“And you said you weren’t ignoring me earlier? That you

had a roommate emergency?” he asks.

Nerves ping in my chest. I don’t want to lie, but I feel like

telling him the truth would be the worst.

Aiden sighs. “The hesitation tells me enough. You had

humiliation listed as no for the contract. I won’t humiliate you,
but I think we’ll toe the line tonight. Something that will bring
me pleasure but make you uncomfortable.”

“What?” I say softly, fear lacing my tone.

His hand tilts my face towards him, and he’s smirking.

“Climb onto me, little one. I need to watch you come.”

I straddle his thigh, glancing around as my cheeks flush. I’ve

never been one for exhibition, and we’re in the middle of the
restaurant, regardless of the secluded booth.

He pushes my dress up, and I’m resting on his pants directly.

His finger brushes over my skin, where my hair is growing

“Hmm. Such a pretty pussy.” His rumble is low, and I clench

in response.

His hand moves to cup my ass, rocking me forward slightly.

I gasp when I feel my wetness leaking onto him.

“Here’s how it’s going to go, Brina. You’re going to come on

my leg, and then we’re going to turn your little ass to the side,
and I’m going to fuck your thighs.” He pushes me faster, the
material of his pants rough as it rubs against my clit.

My face burns hotter, and I glance around again,

embarrassment and arousal making my blood run warm.

Aiden clicks his tongue, his command low and husky. “Eyes
on me. Eyes only ever on me.”

My breathing is ragged as Aiden’s unrelenting pace on my

hips has me tumbling towards my orgasm. The anticipation of
what he has planned after making it hard to hold it off longer.

“Come for me, Brina. I can see you trying to stop it like the
perfect little brat you are.”

I clamp down on his arms, digging my nails into his suit as I

reach my peak. I bite down my lip to swallow any noise that
could possibly escape.

He lifts me and turns me so my legs are draped over his lap,

my heels resting on the booth’s cushions. Aiden’s hips rise as
he unzips his pants, pulling out his thick cock and stroking it.

“Open your legs,” he commands. When I do, he lifts me

again. The velvet shaft of his erection is soft against my skin
as he settles me over his cock. “Squeeze them shut now.”

His red, swollen tip is visible between my thighs. One of his

hands rests on my ass while the other comes up to cup my
breasts to anchor me. I grip on his forearm as he thrusts up, his
cock sliding easily between my pressed legs.

I bounce, trying to stay upfront and restrain my urge to look

“I was going to take this sweet pussy tonight, then you had
to ignore me,” Aiden tells me, the hoarse rumble of his voice
alluding to his pleasure. His dick is throbbing as he keeps
thrusting. His tip disappears between my thighs for a second
before emerging up again. I watch it in an odd state of arousal.
I’ve experienced nothing like this as he uses my body to get
off without actually touching my pussy or ass.

“Spit on it.”

My head snaps up to look at him in shock. His heated eyes

watch me back, his cock throbbing as he pauses. “Get it nice
and wet for me, baby.”

I tilt my head down, my core clenching as I gather saliva in

my mouth and then slowly push it between my lips. It dangles
for a second before dropping on his tip, and Aiden grunts.

“More. Rub it in.”

Reaching down, I smear my spit over the exposed part of his

cock, and he thrusts up as I do. I lean forward, spitting more,
and Aiden picks up his pace. My mouth opens,and that
fleeting thought of wanting to taste him returns.

“Fuck,” he hisses as he comes. The heat of his release is

almost overwhelming as his cum splashes all over my thighs.
He relaxes into his seat, his cock semi-hard, slowly
disappearing under my legs.

I blink down at the mess on my lap. His hand squeezes my

breast, and I look up at him.
“Gather it up and shove it into your pussy,” he says.
Satisfaction evident in his dark eyes and flushed cheeks. I shift
my legs up, and Aiden adjusts himself as I scoop up his cum
with a shaky hand and push it inside me. His fingers drag
along my thighs, and then he’s in my pussy with me. I groan at
the stretch of both of us.

His lips press a faint kiss on my neck before he grabs the

cloth napkin on the table and cleans the combined mess off.
He hands it to me before lifting me up to straddle him again as
he tugs my dress down to cover everything.

Aiden smirks mischievously. “Shall we take that home so no

one knows what we did.”

My nose scrunches. “You want to steal the napkin?”

“You’re right, that would be nefarious of us.”

I laugh and shake my head at him. He taps my ass.

“Alright, let’s get some food in your belly. So I can take you
home and fuck you for real.”

He waves over the server, who tops off my wine and drops
off the small plate of bread he had ordered for me to nibble on.

I take a large sip, only taking a bite when he holds up the

food for me with a stern look.

Aiden smiles. “Good girl.”

I roll my eyes. “Please, don’t. I’ve been good girl’d out.”

“Not a fan of praise?”

I shrug, downing more of my wine and setting the glass
down. Shifting on my leg, I try to relax, but the position is a
little awkward. “I enjoy praise, but when you have a long-time
partner and that’s the only form of praise they give, you get
over it real fast.”

“That’s fair. What would you like to hear from me?” He

brushes his knuckles against my cheek as he stares down at

My vision blurs, and I shake my head as if to clear it,

blinking rapidly. “I–uhm.”

Aiden’s hands rest on my waist, his thumb stroking my

sides. “You okay?”

My forehead touches his shoulders, too exhausted to keep

myself upright. “A-aiden?” I slur, my eyes dropping.

“Clear the table and grab the medical bag.”

I barely understand the words spoken above me before my

world disappears into pure blackness and silence.

A groan from the bed has me setting the newspaper down. I

settle back into the chair and fold my hands in my lap. Brina
groans again, twisting in the sheets before slowly sitting up
and rubbing at her head.

“Ow.” Her little whimper calls to my cock, making it harden

faster than I can blink.

I clear my throat. “There’s water to your side.”

Her turn to look at it is lethargic before she grabs the drink

and gulps it down. The glass clinks loudly when she slams the
cup down onto the nightstand. She winces and rubs at her head

“What happened?” Brina asks, squinting at me with

unfocused eyes.

I shift, moving my foot to my knee. “It seems you had a little

too much wine.”

She blinks. I could hear the cogs working in her head to

recant the events. “I don’t remember.”

I continue to watch her as she throws the sheet off and

stumbles from the bed. Besides a small flicker of pain that
flashes across her face, she wobbles to the bathroom. I wait for
her to come out a few minutes later, expecting her to complain
about cramps or anything to realize what I had done.

When she pauses at the bed and her hand cups her pussy, my
breath catches. She frowns and then looks at me.

“We didn’t fuck?”

A laugh escapes before I can stop it. “No, Brina. I hope the
first time we fuck, you won’t have to ask after.”

Her eyes narrow, anger flickering through them. “If we ever


I shrug. “It’s my money, you’re here for my pleasure.”

She stands straight and gives me a saccharine smile. “Of

course. How can I please you this morning, sir?”

Adjusting the cuff of my shirt with a sigh, I stand slowly.

Brina’s pupils dilate, and she takes a step back.“I meant to say

I tilt my head. “But you didn’t say that. Did you?”

She stands silently still, the pulse at the small skin exposed
at the bottom of her neck beating faster is the only indicator of
her nerves.

Unbuttoning my shirt, I slip it off and toss it on the chair

behind me. I nod toward her as I unzip my pants. “Strip.”
Brina pulls my oversized t-shirt off her tiny body before
bending slightly to remove her panties. Her hands rest on her
sides as I push my pants and boxers off. I grip my hard length
as I indicate for her to get on the bed with my chin. She
hesitates, the quivering of her breasts and taut nipples making
my cock like stone.

“You want to get fucked? You’ll get fucked, Brina. Get. On.
The. Goddamn. Bed.” She yelps at the raise of my voice,
scrambling onto the mattress and laying back with her legs

Following her up, I kneel between them, staring down at her

exposed pussy. I push her knees to her chest, her hands linking
to hold on to them. I stroke my thick cock, rubbing my head
against her pink, glistening folds. She cries out, always my
sensitive little brat.

“Give me permission to fuck you bare,” I growl, my thick tip

bumping into her clit.

Her nails dig into the flesh of her legs as she shakes her
head. I’m not sure if she’s denying me because of nerves or if
she doesn’t trust me.

I grind my teeth but reach beside us and slip a condom on.

The second it’s secured at my base, I plunge into her and wrap
an arm around her thighs to pull her to me, impaling her
further on my cock.

“Ahhhhhhhhh. FUCK!” she screeches, her hands reaching to

my stomach and trying to push me away. I pause, letting her
adjust to my size.
Smirking, I circle patterns on her skin with my thumb. “It’s
not as big as you think it is. You just can’t see it, so it feels like
a lot.”

She breathes out a laugh. “It feels like you’re ripping me

apart. Fuck.”

Her hot pussy is strangling me. Even if I wanted to pull out

and work my way in deeper, I’m not sure I could. She’s tighter
than I expected.

“Relax, baby. You can take it,” I tell her gently, pumping in
and out till she’s almost taking my entire cock. She gasps,
gripping onto her legs so hard her nails are leaving indents.

“Please. I need you,” she begs. The absolute desperation in

her voice almost undoes me. I pause, trying to stop the release
from climbing in my balls and to clarify what she wants.

“What do you need?”

Her hands fist on the sheets. “I need to feel all of you.”

I pull out, rip off the condom, and thrust back into her. We
both release guttural groans as we feel one another bare. Her
legs wrap around my waist, and my palms are on both sides of
her head as I pump deep strokes into her tight, raw pussy.

“Yes, yes, yes. Aiden,” she moans, her nails digging into my
back as I pound harder. Her bright blue eyes blink as she
focuses on me while I slide all the way in. My thighs are flush
with her ass as she stretches around my entire thick cock. Her
plump lips fall open, and I glance at them, tempted for the first
time in my life to kiss someone.
“Fuck,” she hisses, her body tensing as she comes. Her cunt
clamps down and milks me before I can stop it. I flood her
pussy with my release, and I can’t withhold my echoing grunt
of pleasure. When I think about how my seed can find its way
into her unprotected womb, my cock spurts more, desperate
for my cum to bury inside her.

His hands pull the silk tight, and my wrists are bound, resting
on the highest groove of the headboard. His touch slides down
to my throat, tracing where the necklace he gave me and I’ve
never taken off rests. A soft reminder of how much he owns

“How’s that feel, little one?” he asks softly.

I arch my back, pushing my ass into him as he settles behind

me. We’ve gotten into a quick routine the past couple of
months. My first quarterly payment is coming up, and I don’t
even care. I crave the weekends I spend with him and wish he
would ask for me during the week.

His fingers dig into my cheeks, pulling them apart, and his
tongue swirls immediately in between. The erotic sensation of
the wet heat in such a sensitive spot is one I have not gotten
used to. My head drops forward as I succumb to the pleasure.
If someone told me a few weeks ago that I would get my ass
eaten on the regular and I would grow to love it, I would have
called them a liar.
His thumb pushes into me, and I groan as he stretches the
tight hole. “God, I want to fuck your ass so bad.”

I whimper. “Please.”

“Not yet. I gotta save all my cum for your pussy.”

His thick cock slides against my wet folds as if in warning of

what’s coming. After the first night, Aiden has not wasted an
opportunity to fuck me. It’s usually after he’s pulled a few
orgasms from me, but we always end with him lodged deep
inside and stuffing me full of his cum.

I open my legs wider, tilting my ass up for him as his tip

teased at my entrance. I try to impale myself on him, but his
hands hold my hips tight.

“Impatient, little brat.” He smacks my ass cheek. The sting is

fleeting as soon as his hand pulls away. He never hits hard
enough even to leave a streak of red. My Dom controls my
pleasure, but he is a giant softie underneath.

My head hangs between my arms. “Please,” I whimper.

His fingers dig into the flesh of my hips. “Please, what? Tell
me what you want, Brina.”

“Fuck me,” I snap out.

Aiden sighs, pulling away from me with a sigh, and a whine

builds in my throat.

“No, no. I’m sorry,” I plead, wanting him behind me again.

Wanting him a breath away from mounting me and pushing his
giant cock inside me.
His tongue swipes through my pussy, and I moan. His mouth
moves to suck on my swollen clit, and my legs tremble. I don’t
want to come again; I want him to stretch me full.

Aiden’s laugh fans across my wet folds, the coolness of it

making me clench. “I can practically feel your annoyance,
little one.”

“Please fuck me. I need it, I need to feel you inside me.” I
beg him.

He moves quickly, pulling onto my hips, and he surges

forward. The immediate pinch of pain as he pushes in has me
jolting before I wiggle to accommodate his size. Aiden pumps
into me, sliding deeper with each stroke. We both moan when
he’s flush with my cheeks, his cock throbbing from being
buried to the hilt.

His thumbs rub slow caresses over my spine where they’re

nearly touching from holding onto my waist.

“I could live inside your pussy. Live and die,” he says, mirth
lacing his tone. He doesn’t wait for a response before pulling
out and slamming back in.

My fingers curl around the straps of silk, my eyes squeezing

close as my mouth opens in a silent scream as I take his deep
and relentless pounding. The flicker of pain each time he
reaches the end of me has me clenching down to keep him

Aiden grunts and doesn’t stop his pace, and I know he will
not draw this out. Some days he plays with me for hours,
teasing me with his fingers and cock. And other days, he takes
and fills me quickly, only to fuck me repeatedly after.

“Beg for my cum,” he moans.

I clamp down on his cock, wanting to milk him for it before

I say a word. It throbs with his release as I glance over my
shoulder at him.

“Give me your cum. Fill my pussy with it. Please, Aiden,

come inside me.”

His grip tightens, I know I’ll be littered with finger-sized

bruises tomorrow. He grunts, his cock swells and the heat of
his cum scorches my insides. My favorite thing about fucking
a well-endowed man is that you can physically feel each jerk
of their cock as they come.

Aiden pulls out, and I shiver, knowing he’s watching my

pussy leak his cum. This is another thing I’ve grown to love
over the weeks. His fingers drag down my thigh, gathering the
mess that had spilled and pushing it back into my sensitive

“Thank you,” I whisper. My cheeks burn with slight

embarrassment, but I know Aiden loves it when I appreciate
how he saves his cum for my pussy. It’s apparently his thing.

He hums. “You didn’t come on my cock, little one. I guess

I’ll just have to use my mouth again.”

I shudder, knowing I’m in for another long night. And I

don’t want to be anywhere else.

Wiping my mouth, I flush the toilet and stand. I’ll need to text
Aiden that I think I have the flu or something. I haven’t been
able to keep anything down for the past two days. I brush my
teeth and grab my giant insulated cup of water. I was
particularly in love with it at this point, the only good thing in
my life the past forty-eight hours.

With a groan, I slump back into my bed and turn onto my

side. I don’t know how long I’ve slept until a soft touch rocks
my shoulder.

“Brina?” Melody’s voice pierces the air.

“Hmm,” I complain, shrugging off her hand.

The bed dips as she sits next to me. The warmth of her palm
as she checks my forehead has me frowning.

“You don’t have a fever.” She says what I’m thinking.

I look over my shoulder, squinting in annoyance. “Then

probably food poisoning. Why are you here?”
She gives me a guilty look. “Uhm. I guess Mr. Blackwell
grew really concerned when he didn’t hear back from you. He
demanded access to your apartment. Jackson only agreed if we
came with.”

Grabbing my phone, I click on one of the multiple texts that

Aiden sent me and realize I never told him I didn’t feel well. I
groan and turn on my back. “Sorry, I thought I had told him.”

Melody pats my arm awkwardly. “Is it okay if I send him


I nod, grab my water and sit up in bed. I usually care about

my appearance, but I can’t gather the energy to change. Plus,
he’s the one showing up unannounced. He can’t possibly
expect me to be done up at all times.

“Do you want Jackson and I to stay?” she asks, hovering

before leaving the room.

“No, we’ll be okay. Thanks for checking in,” I whisper


She smiles. “Of course. I consider you one of my closest

friends, even if you don’t feel the same. Feel better, Brina.”

My heart twists at her confession, wanting to return the

sentiment but staying quiet.

The crinkle of plastic announces Aiden’s presence as he

stands next to me. His dark eyes roam over my face, and then
take in the million pillows and blankets surrounding me. His
lips twitch in amusement, and I huff.

“I like comfort. Sue me.”

He sits, placing the bag he was carrying onto my lap. “I
wasn’t sure what was wrong. I grabbed a few things.”

Rummaging through the multiple cold and nausea products, I

pause on the long pink box with a laugh. “A pregnancy test,

Aiden opens the box, holding out the plastic white stick.
“Take it.”

I glare. “No, it’s ridiculous. I have an IUD. It’s just food


“No birth control is foolproof. IUDs can get displaced.” He

states matter of fact. My mouth dries at the multiple thoughts
running through my mind. That doesn’t actually happen, does
it? How does he know that? I would know if my IUD got
dislodged, wouldn’t I?

Wouldn’t I?

I reach out and grab the test. “I’m not pregnant.”

Aiden shrugs. “Then it’s food poisoning.” He holds out his

hand to help me up, and I stroll to the bathroom, nerves
fluttering into my stomach. I have the urge to vomit for an
entirely different reason.

He doesn’t give me the option of privacy as he follows me

in, and I glare at him. He beams with arrogance, leaning
against the doorframe with crossed arms. Considering the man
has his tongue buried in my ass in the regular, I decide it’s not
a fight worth having and sit down to pee on the stick.
“Have you taken one before?” he asks as I set the test on the
counter and wash my hands.

I nod. “Yeah. Before I joined Giselle’s company, I had a

string of one-night stands.”

A grunt of disapproval echoes in the tiled room, and I smirk,

catching his gaze in the mirror. “Jealous?”

His eyebrow raises. “Don’t taunt me, Brina. You should pray
I never find out the names of the men who did not value what
they had.”

I drop my eyes, my cheeks flushing. Aiden has been getting

bolder over the weeks, saying things that hint at us being more
than just the contract.

My breath stalls in my throat, the two lines confirming what

I didn’t think was possible. Aiden steps behind me, his arm
wrapping around my waist as he reaches over and grabs the
test. I watch as a sick satisfaction spreads across his face. His
fingers dig into my waist as his eyes gleam at the plastic stick
in his hand. Dread creeps across my skin and settles in my
chest. My mouth waters, my tongue stinging as it grows heavy.

“You don’t seem surprised. Why aren’t you surprised?” I ask

quietly, confused if I read his face right. The question fills the
room with tension.

I stand there silently. Not confirming or denying her

accusation. Clutching the test tighter in my hand, I watch a
few different emotions flicker over her face. I let go and step
back, watching her body tremble and not in the way I enjoy.

“Why aren’t you surprised?” she asks again, looking down at

the floor as if it has her answers.

Dragging my tongue across the back of my teeth, I clear my

throat. “You said you wanted children.”

Her blue eyes snap up to me, her eyebrows twisting in

confusion. “What?”

“The first day, I asked if you wanted children, and you said

“What does…” Her jaw slackens. The pieces click into place
almost visibly as her breathing picks up. “The night I blacked
out drunk.”

Staying silent, I stuff the test into my pocket. She spins and
stalks forward, pushing at my chest.
“Tell me you didn’t!” Brina shouts, pushing me again. I only
stumble a step before widening my stance. “Tell me you didn’t
remove my IUD and you’ve been fucking me without

My mouth tightens as I stare down at her. I catch her wrists

when she goes to push me again, and I pull her closer. I
whisper forcefully, leaning forward till our lips are only a
heartbeat away. “You need to calm down. The hysteria you’re
going to put yourself into is not good for the baby.”

Brina tries to pull out of my grip, but I hold her

unrelentingly. Her eyes sparkle with unshed tears. “Tell me
you didn’t.”

“Little one…”

A sob hiccups out of her throat. I drop her wrists and grab
her face, tilting it towards me.

“Tell me you do not feel what is between us. Tell me that a

small part of you is not ecstatic that I took the choice from
you. My sweet Brina, you are so afraid to open your heart
again. I knew the moment I saw you I had to have you. That
you were mine. I would not leave that up to fate, I will not
wait for you to catch up to what I know.”

Her breath is ragged as she stares at me. Her bright blue eyes
glow with anguish. I crash my mouth to hers, devouring her
pain and pushing how I feel about our baby into her. She
moans, her hands twisting into my shirt and pulling me closer.
Our lips move together as seamlessly as our passion in bed, a
perfect dance of lovers. It’s everything I dreamed of and
wanted from someone I started a future with before her head
snaps back and she pushes me away.

“No. You don’t get to kiss me like that when you just
purposely knocked me up,” she says through gritted teeth. I
stare at her swollen lips, delighted that she didn’t wipe off her

“Why not? I only kiss women I love.”

Brina flinches as if I’ve hurt her and backs into the bedroom,
reaching for her phone. I move around her and snatch the
device. “Ask me how many women I’ve loved.”

She screeches, trying to grab her phone. “I don’t care!”

I toss it over my shoulder and grab her around her waist,

dropping her onto her bed and crawling over her. Grabbing her
wrists, I press them above her head and settle between her
hips. “Ask me, Brina.”

“How many women have you loved, Aiden?” she says with a
sneer, her chin tilted up. I move her wrists to one hand and
reach between us, shoving her underwear to the side and push
my fingers into her. She arches up, her breasts flaunting in
front of my face through her thin t-shirt. I pump my fingers till
she’s dripping all over my hand, then pull out. I unbutton my
pants and stroke my cock harder, line up to her entrance, and

Her eyes roll back as I roll my hips in quick jabs till I’m
seated to the hilt in her hot, tight pussy. I let go of her wrists to
cup her face and kiss her again, moving our flush hips
together. Brina responds just as enthusiastic as before, and my
cock throbs, leaking inside her.

“One, baby,” I whisper against her lips. I pound into her,

kissing down her jaw. Her nails rake down my back as I fuck

“You get what I’m saying? I’m in love with you, Brina,” I
rasp into her skin. Her pussy flutters around me as she comes,
milking my cock as I ride her orgasm out. I don’t stop rutting
against her, wanting to imprint the shape of my dick inside her.

“Aiden, please,” she whimpers, and I know what she’s

begging for.

I kiss her mouth again, breathing in her gasps. “You want my

cum? You want me to come inside you? I already put my baby
in your belly.”

Her head drops back with a groan. “Yes.”

Burying myself as deep as I can go, I unload into her. My

cum pours inside her pussy with each jerk of my cock. Brina
trembles as we stay lodged together till my dick stops

I lay down next to her, pulling her onto my chest when she
tries to spin away. She sighs, lying down, but her body is
tenser than it usually is after we fuck. We rest silently for a
moment, lost in our thoughts before her quiet voice pierces the

“Why, Aiden? We could have gone about this differently.”

Swallowing to coat my dry throat, I know I’ll have to open
up to her so she could understand me the way I’ve come to
understand her. I squeeze her closer.

“My father was not a good man. He knocked up my mother

when they were young and then abandoned her to raise me
alone. He went and found a suitable wife with money and
started a family with her. He built his company from the
ground up and made a name for himself. It was hard work and
required a lot of travel. The problem was my father wasn’t a
faithful man. I have a dozen brothers and sisters scattered
across the country.”

“Even after he got married?” she asks, frowning.

I nod, tracing circles on her arm with my thumb. “As he got

older, he realized Sammie, the only child he has with his wife,
wasn’t interested in following in his footsteps. He turned to me
when I was in college. Offered me a job at his company. I
accepted, at first, to spite him, determined to learn all I could
to run it into the ground.”

I can feel Brina’s swallow from where she’s laying on my


“I looked up Blackwell Enterprises, it states they passed it

down to the next generation. So you didn’t destroy it.”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Why?” she asks quietly.

“Money, power. It’s addicting, and consuming. As I

connected with more of my siblings, the less I wanted to
destroy the company and instead create a legacy for us all.
Some are more receptive than others. Majority of them were
not written in his will, and they severed any association with
his name after his death.”

“You tried to create a family? What about your mom?”

I tense. I haven’t thought about my mother in a long time.

The familiar ache of betrayal and grief echoing in my heart.
“She did not appreciate my father coming back into my life.
She gave me an ultimatum, and I didn’t choose her. She…
died before we could reconcile.”

Brina presses a kiss into my chest. “I’m sorry.”

“I guess you could say that’s why I was more determined to

unite my siblings. I’ve always desired a family of my own. I
just never found a woman who I wanted to be irrevocably tied
to. If there’s one thing my father taught me it was that the tie
of blood was one of a lifetime, whether or not we want it to

I turn onto my side, pull her closer, and breathe in her scent.
“I needed you, Brina. The night I spotted you, I had my
assistant track down who you are, and after I got over the
uncontrollable jealousy that you shared your body with others.
I purposely created a contract to specifically target you.”

She shakes her head, cuddling into my chest. “I’m not saying
it’s okay. It’s not, but I can see where you were coming from. I
just… need time. Please give me time.”

I kiss her forehead. “Whatever you need, I’m not leaving.”

She huffs, then yawns. “Don’t be here when I wake up.”

My stomach twists, but I can grant her this request. She’ll

come around, I know it. I’ll just have to remind her why being
shackled to me isn’t a prison sentence.

Emery pulls another box in with an amused snort. “Stella

McCartney. Do you think he knows you can go to like the
GAP and probably get cuter baby clothes?”

I snatch the box from her and move it to the second

bedroom, placing it among the ever-growing pile of other
gifts. Turning to look at the door, Emery whistles as she takes
in the abundance he’s sent me.

My cheeks flush, my hand dropping to my still-flat stomach.

It’s been two weeks since I forced Aiden out of my apartment,
and I have yet to visit an OBGYN to see how far along I am. I
know I need to go soon, but something is holding me back.

“He knows what I like, Emery.” I tell her softly.

Emery’s eyebrow rises. “Don’t they always? You should see

the gifts my husband gives me.”

Shrugging, I move around her and go back to the kitchen to

review the contract again. She follows me silently.
“You know you can just shove it, right? He violated the
previous one. We should sue his motherfucking ass.”

I blink up at her. “How would you present that to a judge?

Your honor, he paid me for sex and got me pregnant without
my consent. Please tell him to pay the two million dollars he
owes for said sex.”

Emery twirls her glittery pink pen. “Something like that.

Your honor, I run a very successful business that deals with the
services of a personal matter. This man broke my rules, and
that’s a big no-no, now gimme my money, bitch.”

I thin my lips to keep from laughing, and shake my head. “I

don’t want to sue him. I just… I don’t know what I want
exactly. But this new contract isn’t it.”

“That’s because men are stupid. He thinks he’s giving you

freedom by paying for all your time so you don’t have to
work, but really, he just needs to reach out and apologize.”

Her phone vibrates next to me, and she grins when she picks
it up, turning to it to show me Jackson’s baby. “Isn’t she the

“Not really,” I say dryly.

Emery blinks at me, her smile dropping.

I gasp, my hand dropping to my stomach. “What if I have an

ugly baby?”

“There’s no such thing as an ugly baby. There’s just faces

only a mother could love. So you don’t have to worry because,
well, you’re its mother.” She snickers.
Rolling my eyes, I tilt my head back to the phone. “Did
Melody send you that?”

She nods and then taps the pen to her lips. “You know,
maybe I should think about turning this whole shin-dig into a
matchmaking service. I mean, my girls are dropping like flies
attracted to the biggest cocks around.”

I snort, clapping my hand over my mouth as it escapes.

Emery stands, pointing at my face. “Fucking finally. I knew

you secretly liked me. Okay, that’s it. I’m done for the day. I
gotta take my wins before I gamble it away.”

She grabs the contract from my hands and folds it, tucking it
away in her back pocket. When I expect her to turn to the
door, she pauses.

“Do you want this baby?”

I nod. “Yes.”

“So, are you mad he knocked you up in the first place? Or

that he did it without asking? You have to figure out which one
hurts more and why. Then decide if you can forgive it.”

Emery swallows, and then looks at me seriously. “I fought

tooth and nail to not love my husband. But he still dragged me
down the aisle. While he did nothing to the extent of what
Aiden did, we all deal with our trauma differently. Any other
man would have left my ass ages ago. And I’m sure I test his
patience daily. But I can’t imagine my life without him. Can
you imagine yours without Aiden?”

She shrugs. “Think about it. And maybe think about the fact
that we live crazy fucking lives. Some circumstances may not
be normal to others, but we gotta roll with the punches, baby.
We were built differently.”

She gives a two-finger salute and turns to the front door,

leaving me in silence.

I spend the next few hours opening and organizing the gifts
that Aiden had sent as I think over what she said. Honestly, as
the days go on, the more my anger fades. The more I think
about what’s coming with the baby, the more I think about
Aiden as a father.

With a sigh, I grab my phone and text him to come over. I

throw it to the side before I can read his response and sit back
down onto the carpeted floor of my guest bedroom. I’ve
already imagined decorating the nursery in the room next to
the primary suite in his penthouse. It’s the perfect distance for
some space for us, but close enough to reach her quickly. I rub
my stomach. I have a weird inkling that I’m carrying his

I hear the click of my front door opening, and I suck in a

deep breath, moving to my feet as he reaches the doorway of
the room. He’s as handsome as ever, standing there in his
black tailored suit and onyx eyes roaming over every inch of
me. I cross my arms and glare at him.

“I don’t forgive you yet.”

Aiden nods, observing me.

I lick my lips. “But… I miss you. And I need to see a doctor,
and I don’t want to go without you.”

Victory gleams in his eyes, and I resist the urge to snap at

him. He steps forward, pausing when I don’t move back
before stalking towards me. He cups my face and kisses me. I
moan into his mouth and pull him to me.

“I’ve missed you too, my sweet Brina.”



Shaking my hands out, I exhale and lower to my knees.

There’s nothing to be nervous about, I know Aiden will be
gentle with me. But it doesn’t stop the twisting in my stomach
as I wait for him to come through the door.

The cold floor bites into my joints as I kneel in the hallway.

I’ll be the first thing he sees when he comes through the door.

“Brina?” He shrugs off his jacket, tossing the garment

toward the closet to my right.

I raise my head and look up at him. He steps forward,

cupping my jaw with softened eyes.

“Little one, what are you doing?”

Turning my face, I suck the thumb that had been resting on

my cheek into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it. “I
want to try something.”

Aiden freezes, watching my tongue continue its caress.

“I’m really horny, and the only thing I’ve thought about all
day is your dick in my mouth.”

A wide grin breaks out across his face. “Are you saying your
pregnancy craving is my cock?”

I squint, leaning back on my heels and dropping my hands

from reaching for his pants. “Well, when you put it that way.

Aiden throws his head back, laughing, and my chest warms.

He’s been doing that a lot lately, ever since I moved in with
him full-time. While he was never a grump when we were
together before, there was a guarded expression I wasn’t aware
of till I watched it fall.

He undoes his pants, pulling out his cock and stroking it.
“Please, baby. It would make me the happiest man if you
swallow my cock.”

My mouth waters, glancing at the beautiful, thick, velvet

shaft. I did really want to try it, try for him. I reach out and
wrap my hand around him as his own hand falls away. Aiden
pushes his shirt up, giving me an obstructed view of his
spectacular abdomen and him a clear view of me.

I lean forward and tentatively lick around the leaking tip, the
salt of his pre-cum making me moan. It’s not like I’m afraid of
the actual blowjob, I’m more afraid of the loss of control. But
looking up at Aiden’s dark eyes filled with affection, my
uncertainty melts away.
Sucking him further into my mouth, I scoot closer, my hand
moving to cup his balls. He inhales sharply, his fingers
tangling to my hair. He doesn’t move to control my head, he’s
just simply using it to hold.

Curling my tongue around him as I bob, my jaw aches at

being stretched wide, unused to being open like this and for so
long. He slides further in, bumping into my throat and I pull
back. The initial panic rising again, I stroke him with my hand
as I pant.

“Baby. I love you wanted to do this for me, but I don’t need
it,” Aiden tells me softly.

I nod, but I don’t glance up at him. “I know.”

“Then get up. I need my daily dose of that pregnant pussy.”

His hand wraps around my arm to pull me up, and tears blur
my vision.

A small sob hiccups in my throat, and Aiden pauses before

tilting my chin up to him. I blink, sending the gathered water
in streams down my cheeks.

“Brina, what the fuck?”

“I just wanted to show you. I wanted you to know–”

Aiden bends over, picking me up, and my legs wrap around

his waist. He walks us into the living room, uncaring that his
pants are undone, and his semi-erect cock is out and about. He
sits on the couch, his hands gripping my ass and pushing me to
straddle his lap further. He wipes the tears off my face and
turns my head to face him.
“Baby, I know, okay? I knew the minute you forgave me. I
knew the moment you beamed at me at our ultrasound when
we saw our peanut for the first time,” he breathes, his hand
moving to the slight bump forming in my belly.

I sniffle, nodding. “I just wanted to prove–”

“Shhh.” He tucks my face into his neck. “I know, little one.”

He rubs along my back for a few moments till I shift, vividly

aware of the hard length under my pantie-clad pussy. His
fingers slide into my hair, pulling my head back.

“I have a better idea than a blowjob. And something I would

enjoy immensely more,” he teases, massaging my scalp before
moving down to my neck where the thin row of diamonds
rests. I inhale, my heart skipping a beat. I had completely
forgotten what he offered me that night in the restaurant. The
aftermath of what he did in the dark had overshadowed it.

His heated eyes turn to me with a wicked promise of a grin.

“Can I?”

“Please,” I beg quickly.

Aiden stands, carrying me to our bedroom, and attaches the

piece to collar me to him permanently.
Hired Universe

Curious about Emery and her husband? Read here…

Curious about Melody and Jackson? Read here….

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About the Author

Brooke is obsessed with caffeine, sleep, and creating erotic

novellas that push the socially acceptable norm.
Instagram Website
Other Works



Be my Daddy



The Club Princess

Birthday Boy

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