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“A Lost Woman”

Once upon a time, there was a young girl

named Kashvi, who lived in a small village.
She was a kind and curious girl, and she
loved to explore the forest near her house.
One day, Kashvi was exploring the forest
when she came across a strange old woman.
The woman was sitting on the wood piece
that was about to break at any moment.
Kashvi made her stand up and wood broke.
Woman started crying.
“What’s Wrong!” Kashvi asked.
“I’m Lost!” Woman said “I cannot find my
Kashvi felt sorry for her and offered help. She
held her hand and started walking.
They walked for a long while, Kashvi started
getting worried and was about to give up!
“Maybe, we shall give up” Kashvi said but
the Old Woman refused.
They did not walk much after but saw a
Small House.
“That’s my House,” said old woman
Old woman was grateful to Kashvi and She
Never came Back .......
Kashvi learnt a valuable lesson; Always help
strangers, you might need their help in

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