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After these 3 articles that I’ve read (Nimblywise article, Forbes article and Yuval Harari’s article), I got so

much information about ambiguity, and embracing it. As Nimblywise says that ambiguity defines a
situation that isn’t 100% clear. During our journey of life, we start from schools to acquire knowledge
and skills that will help us in our life. But when you go from school life to work life, you see that the two
categories are totally different. In school, everything was structured for us. We were given a syllabus
with explicit directions, a successful project outcome was an A and we were given a guideline on how to
achieve that mark and every word problem had an exclusive fixed way of being solved with a correct
response. And after you enter in a work life, you discover quickly that job life doesn’t go the same way
as school life does. At work, you have to solve any problem according to your own way and based on
what would be good on the work or what outcome it will bring on your work. There is no fixed way to
solve a problem at work. The world of work is ever ambiguous than ever before. Between technological
advances that are changing the landscape of companies daily, a global pandemic that has shifted the
way teams work together, and a Google search bar filled with the promise of a million and one solutions
for one simple problem, how could it not be?. So there are so many solutions and so many ways to solve
those solutions which is so different from school world. Either employers or employees have to navigate
ambiguity during their work life. So for all these successful problem solving to occur, it is very important
for everyone at work to be ambiguity absorbers and not ambiguity amplifiers. As the covid19 pandemic
occurred in china and spread all over the world, it has been really difficult at work places, schools and in
other areas continue work smoothly. For the leaders or other employees who waited all along for the
decisions from higher positions were not doing really well in this pandemic cause they were ambiguity
amplifiers they were not able to look for other ways that can help them through their work to work
smoothly. But to those who were ambiguity absorbers really helped them to look for other ways or
other possibilities that could help in the middle of that pandemic. So each and every article in this had
different information about ambiguity like the first one was all about differentiating the school world
from the work world and seeing how work world is more ambitious than the school world, the second
article was about differentiating ambiguity absorbers from ambiguity amplifiers and the third one was
like foreseeing the world of 2050 or the 22nd century.

Learning from this content really helped me a lot because I was able to see or examine myself how I can
be an ambiguity absorber in the world that I’m entering. As I will not be a student at ALU only but also
an intern in different organizations this will help me to be a person with confidence in everything that I
do and know that my ideas matter.

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