Tugas Bahasa Inggris SMA - Pros and Cons

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a. Computer's benefit and our dependency on it.

b. Is hacking fine/OK to do?

c. Nuclear energy as an alternative energy

d. Medical uses of X-ray

e. Abortion


-make everyday life easier

-make communication anywhere anytime possible

-make it easier to get information around the world


- probability of making you waste your time on unnecessary things

- high probability of getting misused

- addictive


-Hackers actually are needed by technological companies to spot weaknesses in their system. Many
companies are even hired this kind of hackers to sneak in their system as a part of penetration testing
and vulnerability assessments. These persons are called ethical hackers or white hat hackers, who have
hacking as their legal job.

-Some hackers often reporting bugs and stuff like that but the companies sometimes ignore them so
they just hack the system just to warn the companies that there is a gap

-Massive security breach.

-Unauthorized system access on private information.

-Privacy violation.

-Hampering system operation.

-Denial of service attacks.

-Malicious attack on the system.


- Although building nuclear power plants has a high initial cost, it’s relatively cheap to produce energy
from them and they have low operating costs.

- Nuclear power can be generated at any time throughout the day.

- Zero-carbon emissions

- Promising future energy supply. If we can learn to control atomic fusion (the same reactions as those
that fuel the sun), we could practically have unlimited energy.

- High energy density


- Environmental impact, mainly through mining and water discharge

(Uranium mining in particular is known for releasing arsenic and radon).

- Water intensive (require a lot of water to produce energy)

- Risk of nuclear accidents

- Radioactive waste
- Non-renewable


- Mammography is a type of X-ray radiograph that is used to detect breast cancer.

- Computed tomography (CT) scans combine X-ray with computer processing to create detailed pictures
(scans) of cross sections of the body that are combined to form a three-dimensional X-ray image.

- Fluoroscopy uses X-rays and a fluorescent screen to study moving or real-time structures in the body. It
can also be used in combination with swallowed or injected contrast agents to view the digestive
processes or blood flow.

- Cancer treatment. High-energy radiation in much higher doses than what is used for X-ray imaging may
be utilized to help destroy cancerous cells and tumors by damaging their DNA.

- X-ray help to knowing for sure if you have fractures, infections, osteoporosis, tooth decay, and many
others disease.


- the radiation can harm living tissues. This risk is relatively small, but it increases with cumulative

- There is a slight increased risk of developing cancer later in life after X-ray exposure.

- X-rays have also been linked to cataracts in the eyes and skin burns, but only at extremely high levels of


- abortion is allowed when two or one of them (the mom and the fetus) could die if abortion is not done

- Indonesian law allows it if the baby is caused by rape

- Some people think that it is better done when the mom is suffering mental illness or financially not


- it kills innocent human being

- the baby have the right of living

- If women become pregnant, they should accept their responsibility

- illegal abortion has other health issues such as infertility and even the mother's death

- against the God's will

- can cause psychological damage for the mom

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