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ELJ25 -- Programming Fundamentals WT aM Rea Engr. Dr. M. Ghazanfar Uilak® Professor ~ Department of ElectricaEngineering « Usman institute of Technology ~ Spring 2020 Course description: Theory This subject contains 2+1 crshrs. and provides basic skills dn C/C++ programming and. {software design, with no assured knowledge of prograpiming. It covers the topics of predating concepts, data flaw edntrol flow, arrays, and the basics bf object- oriented progrshnghing (OOP). The subject teaches afid illustrates a design prdtess and shows how to develop _gorrect, readable and reusbleSolution from a problem spgetigation Cal 47 Ss a coe g oo Course Learning Outcomes (aro \T aly 2 4 , _Woncepts of computer programming. é peau PLO Describe the fundamental prgithamming constructs af sequence, selection and iterati¢ yi articulate how they are used to develop the logic 4 imptment program with a desired output, ts - Design and cad caihiputer ‘programs that implements Comins a data structs fike arrays, pointers and structures. ae Desi Saha OD Functions, Classes & Objects, - iii ing ete, Gide and test computer programs in C++ to’ Sa ie the taught ye Course at a glance Complex Structures v Arrays ¥ Pointers v Structures ete. y Core Programming ¥ Selection & Itergfion etc. Y Logic develapthent Object Oriented Programyfiirig ¥ Classes and Objegts a V Inheritance etgW* <3 RG Lor | 8uular Programming ‘¥ User Defined Functions Course logistics 1. The course plan and reference books list is available at my intranet link: Se \\colo: \faliyshare\ce\mgukhan\PF 2. Watch out this links for any assignment, results, info that) eo like to share with vat Wiake it a habit to check this linkbefdre going home every i ny ot ia 3. Text and ferehice book: j - objécr Oriented Programming in Crs Edition. —y¢+ Programming, by D.S. Malik, 5! tin. a Session guidelines 4; . Students are expected to be fgéliéed during the class. . Late arrivals is stronglyalgbraged. . Use of cell phones feey prohibited during the class. “VPWwn Each topic will contain the fearing outcomes for students. se . Late cubmissiog\Sfa8signments i is strongly come Seateihs ne marks penalty: ra Aw . There may ke’ reinforcement classes to make extray eas towards so progra nming. ot Attendance in reinforcement classes will Noxsubstitute the attendance in tégular classes... oe Getting success! Why Programming???? ests) TaN) wow! Can Hearn C+ tonight ond store building APPs by ‘morning? Brew OF PROGRAMMING AND PROBLEM SOLVING Topic Learning Outcomes @— You will be able to: aa 1. understand what a a gormsuterf program is. a 2. list the basic stagéaiivotved i in writing a computa poaraln: ao” aye s a i 3. know wh § pfogramming language is. 3 on 4. describe ee success factors of a prog iratning language. oe & ot Overview of computer programming Acomputer program, orjust,a’program, is a sequence of instruetions\-written to perform a specified task,with a computer. To write a,seqtence of instructions for a computéf to’follow, we must go through two-phase process: 1)\Problem solving and, 2) Implementation and testing Two-phase process 1. Problem Solvi IEE] Se ‘ . ae Hea) esi a yl A common mistake! Problem Solving Problem Algorithm Program: Tras urees ol} Programniing Language... Programming Language... 1. A programming language is a. get of rules, symbols, and special words sgram. used to construct a computer Rd 2. A programming languag' ade i Sa formal constructed language designed to communicate instru: ctjonsst a machine, particularly a computer” se 3. Programming lagged can be used to create Programestad ontrol the behavior of a catiiputér or to express algorithms. Every progrargige language has ‘ og CCE Programming Errors... roe we Unrecognizabie' Symbols that leads to stop\Somppiiation or ieee SS. a © - Ingo iputer programming, a logic 2i7br is" bug in a program that wr ¥ auies it to operate incorrectly, but erate] dt to terminate abnormally (or crash). logic error produces unintended or undesired output or other behavior, Seer elaluliat Oia although it may not immediately be recognized as such. Factors for a successful language... Simplicity, keywords i t etc. ER Roary Syntax ‘ Reliability Deeréased frequency ef application crashing Wide range of Applications Time and space A quick review monn What is a computer Program? What are the two ghase’ of program writing? é What is a programpting language? As a) What are the uteess factors of any programm tnguage? Descrbs maein ey Os &% * ae x wo" we 2

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