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Julian Felipe Gutiérrez Chisaba

SENA – Centro de Servicios Financieros

FICHA: 2468018


1. Work in small groups and discuss:

● What does negotiation mean to you?

RTA/ Negotiation is a process of exchanging information and commitments in which two or

more parties, who have common and other divergent interests, try to reach an agreement.

● How can you illustrate a negotiation situation you have experienced?

RTA/ when I go to buy clothes or shoes that I have asked for a discount to a certain point
where a negotiation is reached.

● Give some examples of famous negotiations in history. Draw a picture.



● What skills do you think are important or necessary for negotiation processes?

RTA/ To reach an agreement it is important to have skills and abilities for

negotiation such as: flexibility, tolerance, listening, persuasion, observation,
honesty, respect, communication, assertiveness and empathy; qualities that both
models share in any case.

● How can you improve your negotiation skills?


1. Self-knowledge. As we already anticipated, learning about our weaknesses and

strengths comes first.

2. Empathy.

3.Active listening.

4. Assertiveness.

5. Argumentative and persuasive capacity.

6. Patience.


8. Confidence in oneself.

Now, look for the definition in English of the following vocabulary, then write it down

in your notebook, and use it in some examples.

❖ Communication: Communication is the exchange of information that occurs between two

or more individuals with the aim of providing information and receiving it.
❖ Negotiation: Negotiation is a process of exchanging information and commitments in which
two or more parties, who have common and other divergent interests, try to reach an
❖ Agree: An agreement is a decision made between two or more persons, associations or
❖ Disagree: Discord or disagreement in the opinions or actions.
❖ Deal: Treatment is the action and effect of treating.
❖ Close A Deal: Get to establish the conditions that satisfy the parties of an agreement or
❖ Sell: Give something to someone in exchange for a certain amount of money.
❖ Buy: Acquire something in exchange for money.
❖ Approach: Closeness, proximity. Action and effect of approaching or approaching.
❖ Negotiate: Dealing with an issue to reach an agreement or solution.
❖ Empathy: Affective participation of a person in a reality foreign to him, generally in the
feelings of another person.
❖ Decline An Offer: Contradict what another expresses or not admit what he proposes or
❖ Calm: Tranquility, absence of agitation and nerves in the way of acting.
❖ Resolution: to the act and consequence of resolving or resolving.
❖ Cheap: That has a low price or costs little money.
❖ Expensive: That has a high price or costs a lot of money.
❖ Price: Amount of money that allows the acquisition or use of a good or service.
❖ High: Entry or registration of a person in a body, association or company, or return to it after
being discharged.
❖ Low: Decrease in magnitude, level, amount, value or price of something.
❖ Down: In the direction of a place that is in a lower position than another that is taken as a
❖ Up: In the direction of a place that is in a higher position than another that is taken as a
Identify the 3 Tips for improving your negotiation skills


Empathy self knowledge Active listening
Exercising empathy will allow As we already anticipated, To complement our sales
us to recognize aspects of the learning about our skills, active listening is a
message that are not found in weaknesses and strengths loyalty technique that can help
verbality comes first. us collect information and
opinions from our customers.

● Ask for more than what you really want - tip 1

● Never take responsibility for saying no - tip 2
● Ask yourself why is this person looking for the deal - tip 1
● Give yourself the opportunity to make sacrifices while negotiating - tip 2
● Take a different role and be the good guy - tip 3

reading about the incoterms 2020

● What do you think is being carried by the ship?

RTA/ commodity
● Where do you think the load was taken from?
RTA/ of the bustle.
● Where do you think it will be taken to?
RTA/ to the agreed place.
● What do you know about incoterms?
RTA/ It is a set of business rules that are widely used in international business transactions
and provide specific guidance to individuals involved in the import and export of global

Before reading the text, look for the vocabulary below. Work with a partner and try to identify
the equivalent technical word in your language.

Word/ Expression Definition in English

Buyer: One who wants the good or service. This is the one who pays
Buyer/Seller the consideration in exchange for said good or service
endor: One who owns the good or service that the other person

Trade Activity that consists of trading products.

Containerised goods It is called like that, since it is a large-sized package used to transport
bulky or heavy objects.

Shipment Shipping is the physical movement of a good from one point to

another, such as the movement of goods from the warehouse to the
Customs fees It contains the information related to the commercial transaction and
the details of the factual elements and commercial circumstances of
the negotiation.

seller-appointed party Which of the parties to the sales contract has the obligation to
arrange the shipment,When does the seller deliver the goods to the
buyer,What costs is each party responsible for

consignee-appointed Ship agents maintain all contacts during the journey of the goods to
broker their destination, contract the transport and contact the freight
forwarders or stevedores who will deal with the unloading to ensure
that the entire process flows.

Complete the following chart with the complete Incoterms and find the equivalent to


EXW in factory en fábrica

FCA Financial Conduct Autoridad de conducta financiera


DAT Delivered at Terminal Entregado en la terminal

CIP Carriage and Transporte y seguro pagado para

Insurance Paid To

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