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Deep within the Ranvec forests, there existed a rarity very few knew about.

At least, those that haven't

'seen' such a location. And those who 'did' know about its existance...well, even fewer of them, as well.
Situated far in the forest, was a village. A tanuki village, much like the ones that reside in Lunaris.
However, this was Ranvec's 'only' tanuki village. So, unlike somewhere like, say, Lunaris, there weren't as
many tanuki that reside in Ranvec than one may expect.

This village was populated with, as you'd expect, various tanuki. They lived in the village, rather rounded
and rather happy. Mainly since they all had one thing in common. They 'loved' to eat. The village was
filled with plenty of food to go around, to which the tanuki eat with gusto. However, they didn't 'just' eat
food. Sometimes, some curious furs may wander near, or within the village. Those furs may interest the
tanuki and, well, usually ends up with the fur consumed by the tanuki. From then on, the fur is 'taken in',
so to speak. Some become food furs, living among the village. Some are just 'made' food instead. It all
depends on the tanuki that caught them.

Mind, those that do have knowledge of Denpai and a, often questionable, desire to seek it out, will often
travel towards it. Sometimes to let themselves be taken under the wing of a tanuki, assuming they don't
just turn them into food. Some, they want to learn more and leave.

There is a lot less of the latter than you may expect.

Deep within Denpai, wandering around many of the buildings, was a particuarly large tanuki. Both in size
and weight. The tanuki stood at around a good 8ft5in in height, around the tallest any tanuki in the
village would grow. He was covered in soft, brown fur, a tail swishing behind him. And, on his belly, was a
prominent pouch, waiting for someone or something to get stuffed inside it.

If one was to look at Jakai, one may assume he seemed like a friendly sort, how he gently moves, his
good attitude and such. However, he is just as tricky as any other tanuki. Jakai tended to take whatever
fur that he found, or collected, and turn them into food, storing the fur as his rolls of fat. Actually, 'any
fur' wasn't totally accruate, as Jakai had a speficic taste to him. He only prefered the most 'tastiest' of
furs to add to his portable larders.

In other words, he is picky.

As Jakai wandered down the village path, his eyes wandered to notice another tanuki sat on a bench,
carefully tending to a pouch full of furs, all of them wearing golden collars. The mark of a food fur. When
one is eaten in Ranvec, they are claimed, of sorts, as 'property' by the eater. When this happens, it
means that the prey is 'safe' from being wiped.

At least, unless the eater wants to wipe them theirselves, or turn them into food items permanently.

Jakai chuckled, seeing the tanuki hasn't noticed him yet. Slowly, he stepped towards the tanuki as silently
as he could, a tounge slipping out of the pouch and licking around the belly, almost as if one would lick
their muzzle. As he stood infront of the tanuki, the pouch 'opened'. Only, instead of a normal pouch
interior, it looked almost like the inside of a maw. While there was no teeth, everything else was present.
The tounge, the throat, stuff like that.
The large tanuki looked down, waiting as he saw the other tanuki look up from his food furs, eyes briefly
locked to within the giant pouchmaw, before he yelped and scampered behind a tree suddenly.
"Jakai...Not...funny...." the tanuki panted,

Jakai chuckled a bit, his pouchmaw seeming to join in on the chuckle as he looked to the tanuki. "Aw,
come on Rito~ I couldn't resist the opportunity there" he said, giving a small grin of sorts.

Rito huffed, looking up at Jakai and crossing his arms. "We-well, sorry. Just, I do care about my boys.
While you...Well, you tend to turn 'everyone' you eat into food. And, wel.... I like being a tanuki, thank
you very much" he grumbled.

Jakai nodded, giving one more chuckle before his pouchmaw closed up, seeming to 'turn' back into a
normal pouch. "Ya, ya. Besides, you already have your own food furs" he said. "Wouldn't want to take
them away from you as well".

The other tanuki nodded. It was almost a universal rule in Denpai that, if a tanuki was a host to food furs,
then they would be 'off the menu' so to speak. Another tanuki couldn't try to claim them theirselves.
Mind, this only counts for those tanuki that 'had' food furs. If a tanuki didn't have them, or opted to turn
whomever they ate into food instead...

Well, they were also on the menu, too.

Giving a nod, Rito looked back down at his pouch, seeing his foodfurs undisturbed. "W-well, I should be
going. Have to make sure I'm back in time to give them their lunch" he said, giving a small bow. "Good
day, Jakai" Rito said before, with a flump, the tanuki started to hop off, his legs becoming springy
kangaroo-like legs.

Jakai nodded, waiving. "Alright Rito. Eat ya later" he said, before giving a small 'snrrk'. "Sorry, couldn't
resist" the tanuki said, giving a light chuckle.

Just as the tanuki was about to wander off, to find some food, or someone to eat, Jakai blinked as he saw
time start to slow down around. The ruffling trees frozen still. Falling leaves hanging in mid-air. The total
abscense of wind.

"Woah there friend, you better s l o w d o w n"

Jakai jumped as some.....thing got right in his face, right out of nowhere. The tanuki stumbled, losing his
balance and falling on his plush rear, looking down at this figure that has appeared. As the tanuki stared
at it, it just....hurt to stare at. The figure looked feline in apperance, but.... its fur just seemed to flash.
No, strobe with different colours. And it was hard to tell how old it was, as its age rapidly shifted from
one moment to the next. The feline figure was, virtually, an eyesore to look at.

The tanuki blinked, staring at the feline. "Can you?" he asked, confusedly.

"No, you can't help me" the feline responded. "But I can help you".
Jakai blinked, tilting his head. ", I didn't know I needed help. Mr..........."

"Paradox. Paradox is my name....i think" Mad Paradox responded.

Mad Paradox was an alternate version of Paradox. Created as a result of a timeline managing to splinter
off, the feline opted to cause havoc and mayhen in the timeline. Why?

BECAUSE IT'S FUN THAT'S WHY is what he would try and justify it with.

"Okay....Paradox" Jakai answered, slowly getting up. " I need help with?"

"Your appetite, silly" Mad Paradox chimed in. "Look at you. So thin, so reedy. You need some real fat on

Jakai blinked, looking at Mad Paradox, then down at his fat, round belly. Then back at Mad Paradox. Then
back at his belly.

"I....Are, you ok?" Jakai asked in confusion. "Because.... Well, you called me thin, while...well, I am fat.
Incredibly fat" he said, almost as if he was proud of it.

Mad Paradox nodded. "No, I'm not" he said. "But how would you like some free food?"

"I......" Jakai said, before trailing off, staring at Mad Paradox. "....Where is this going?"

Mad Paradox nodded. "I will show you some most 'delicious' food. And by food, I mean what you
consider fooD" he said delightfully.

All of a sudden, Mad Paradox started to pace on the spot, mumbling to himself. "No, that's stupid
Paradox. What if you get caught and the idiot brigade decide to break my mess?" he mumbled, pacing
back and forth. "How should I do this? So I can ensure maximum fun levels?"

All of a sudden, Mad Paradox stopped, turning to Jakai with a grin. "If you could follow me?" he asked.

Jakai blinked. He was unsure about whether to follow this insane cat or not. On the one hand, he
promised food. On the other.......

"Come on, we have all day you know" Mad Paradox said, almost impatiently.

The tanuki considered the desicion, before shrugging. Eh, why not? It would make a difference to having
a normal day.

And if Paradox was crazy?

Well....He could always eat him.

"Alright Paradox" Jakai said with a grin. "Show me the way".

"Oh, perfect. This is going to go sooooooooo wellllllllll"

Razor blinked, as he saw Paradox trying to summon a portal. However, every time he tried to, the portal
fizzled out quickly, or failed to manifest. "Paradox, what's wrong?" Razorclaw asked, getting up and
walking over.

"My Overlord, please forgive me" Paradox grovelled. "I have never had problems with my powers before.
But, for some reason, I've lost control. I'm disconnected from the time stream. Any attempt to open a
portal fails. And my knowledge is restricted. My Overlord, I cannot see the pages in the book. Something
is tampering with the timestream on a major level".

"Oh, was that me?" a voice chimed out of nowhere. "Here, let me fix that"

All of a sudden, Paradox was encased in a glow of rapid lights, as the multi-hued feline was fizzled out of
existance. "Paradox?" Razor asked, a worried tone in his voice.

Instead, Mad Paradox appeared 'right' in Paradox's spot, staring down at Razorclaw with an insane grin.
"You r a n g?" he asked, in a voice that almost sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

Razor yelped, staggering back, as he approached his throne, intending to reach for his belt. Without his
own magic, the feline 'had' to rely on the power he had stolen....'borrowed' from his friends.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you" Mad Paradox said. "You're about to have a visitor. A HEUG visitor.
And he loves nothing more than a s i m p l e s n a c k".

With that, Mad Paradox flickered right out of existance. Razor froze up, staring at the empty space. First,
this...this Mad Paradox has shown up out of nowhere. The fact that there WAS a crazy version of Paradox
was news to Razor.

WHERE did this come from?

WHEN did this happen?

Before Razor could consider the answers to these questions, he was stopped as he heard a few thumps.
Slowly turning, he soon saw a large, pouched tanuki standing within the temple. Reaching the throne,
Razor kept eye-contact with the tanuki, as his hands scrabbled around desperatley, trying to find the

" did you get in?" Razor asked desperatley.

The tanuki chuckled. "Well, this cat named Paradox, he shown me a place with 'very' good food. And,
well, looking at you.....He wasn't wrong" Jakai said, walking towards Razor. "So, I think I should start my
snacking now"

Razor shuddered. He had 'no' idea on who or 'what' this tanuki was. No idea on who he is, or what
abilities he has. There was only one option left.

"Well, mr Tanuki, there's just one thing I want to point out" Razor said looking around.

Jakai stopped, looking down at Razor. "Oh, what's that?" he asked softly.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" Razor yelled, pointing in a random direction. Almost on instinct, Jakai turned
to look at where Razor was pointing. At that point, Razor got straight up and made a run for it.

All he had to do was run 'past' Jakai, get deeper into the temple and gather the apostles, his squad,
anyone else and figure out a plan to deal with this tanuki. Right now, they were at a 'major'
disadvantage. He needed help. Any help would do good.

What Razor didn't expect was to find his foot catching on something, causing the cat to trip, falling
forward and landing.

Not with a thump.

But with a squelch.

As Razor landed, his eyes shot open as he realised just 'what' he had landed on. Looking down, he saw
what looked like a giant tounge he landed on. Following it, he saw it lead to a huge maw on the tanuki's

Before the feline could react properly, though, the tounge curled up and drew back into the giant maw,
the pouchmaw shutting and sloshing the feline around a bit. Razor yelped as he was tossed and turned
within the large pouchmaw, tasted around.

Jakai turned back to his belly, giving it a soft pat and a chuckle. "Heh, yeah. Wasn't the first time
someone tried the 'what's that' trick on me. I mean, I do it a few times, myself, too" the tanuki said,
giving a chuckle. And with a rock, the pouchmaw let out a loud, bassy 'gulp'.


Jakai let out a soft sigh, patting his belly. "Mmmmhmmmmmm, you were tasty" he said. "I'd say you
would make a.....excellent cheesecake, I'd say" the tanuki said, slowly rubbing over his belly.

The tanuki scanned around the room a bit, trying to find anyone else that may've been hiding. As he did
so, Mad Paradox slowly peeked in, through a wall. Not behind, 'through' a wall. "Oh, Jakai, you may want
to prowl around a bit. There's some more food here that's hiding. And, once we're done here. Oh, the
fun you're going to have, where we're going next".

Jakai turned to Mad Paradox, tilting his head, before a small smile popped in on his muzzle. This first stop
had a tasty cheesecake. So, what else did they have instore?.

Before they could react, foodsteps were heard. Jakai turned, to see a badger standing in a doorway. The
badger just staring at the scene in question.
Jakai stared at the badger for a moment...Before squeeing. "OOh, a badger!" he cheered, walking over. "I
never had badger before. I heard they taste 'just' like chocolate" the tanuki rumbled.

Roy stared at the approaching tanuki, taking a moment to register the sight, before he let out a loud
scream, turned and ran. Nope, this was not happening.

Giant tanuki coming in and eating everyone. What else could go wrong today?

Ken let out a soft, gentle sigh as he rested his head against the soft belly of his tanuki friend....Well,
probably more than friend at this point. Hara.

The two had taken to resting in the glade after a incredibly busy day or two. It wasn't too long ago that
the gang had faced a incredibly hard task. Helping to save Hara's grandfather, as well as ridding Baku of
his inga, for good. And it ended very well. Daitaro has joined the Konosaki 'council', especially being a
former elder himself. The village has 'opened' up a bit more. At least, it's been 'less' stingy with who it
takes in or not.

And Baku had been sentenced to a century of training within Daitaro, as penance for everything he had

Needless to say, it was a looooong day.

The badger let out a soft rumble, nuzzling into that soft belly a bit. "Today's been certantly quite
relaxing" Ken said. "Nothing too bad had happened. Things have a sense, normal. And it's nice
and sunny out"

Hara gave a small nod, wrapping an arm around Ken. "Yep" Hara rumbled softly. "Nothing like sitting out,
having a nice relax in the sun. A good relax is just what we need" the tanuki said, stretching and sighing

Ken nodded in response, the badger looking up a bit. At least, until he looked to Hara, giving a small
blink. "Um, Hara... I was wondering..." the badger asked.

"Yes, Ken?" Hara said, the tanuki sitting up a bit.

"Well....Since, well, things are quiet for the moment, not a lot going on...I was wondering if....maybe, we
could....You know....go out and eat somewhere?" Ken asked, a small blush on his muzzle.

Hara blinked, considering it. Sure, things seem to be quiet. Usually, it usually means 'something' is about
to happen. However, given they've already faced a big threat not too long ago, maybe this would be an

The tanuki smiled, stroking the badger's head. "Sure, Ken. That sounds like a great idea" Hara said, giving
the badger's head a nuzzle. "We could go out somewhere and have some food. Maybe find a nice
restaurant, or maybe even one of those all you can eat places, and just go all out on eating".

Ken blushed. He knew Hara made those comments deliberatley. Ever since all was revealed, the tanuki
has made a bit of an increase in 'belly related' comments whenver Ken was around. Almost as if he knew
Ken would love it.

And he wasn't wrong.

"Yeah, that sounds good" Ken said, starting to get up. "I don't have any more classes today, and I think
you said you were good for the rest of the day too. So, no time like the present?" the badger suggested.

Hara nodded, the tanuki getting up. "Good idea. Come on, lets go. I-" the tanuki paused. "Do... you think
we should bring someone along, just in case?"

Ken paused.


This was Lunar City.

"...You make a good point" Ken said, giving a nod.

"Yeah. Someone else to keep an eye on 'us' just in case. Maybe Poko would like to come along too? I'm
sure he would appreciate some food too~" Hara said.

Ken nodded, smiling. Poko was a good panda. He'd be a good protector for them. And also....

The badger's face blushed a bit. Two big bellies.....

Shaking his head, Ken looked to Hara. "Come on, let's go find him" the badger said. "I think Poko said he
was training with Lin and Sarok in one of the free classrooms".

Before Ken and Hara could set off back into the Academy, though, a large 'thump' sounded out, the two
slowly turning around.

And seeing a large, pouched tanuki standing in the glade. Munching on a large cheescake, topped with
chocolate sauce. The tanuki casually waved to them. "Hallo" he said, still focused on eating his

Ken and Hara blinked, staring at the casually feasting tanuki. Who just so happened to show up. Right in
the Glade. In Lunar Academy.

The badger tried to restrain his blush as he looked up. "And.....who are you?" he asked slowly.

Hara shook his head. No, he didn't know about this tanuki. No, it didn't look like it came from 'any' of the
villages he knew about. Not Oraka, Naraka, Tenkai or possibly even.....Shogu........
The tanuki blinked, before nodding. He popped the rest of the cheesecake into his maw, munching away
and gulping it down, letting out a small belch, before chuckling. "Excuse me" he casually remarked. "My
name is Jakai. I come from Denpai, all the way in Ranvec. It's nice to meet you two".

Hara blinked. Denpai........ He never even HEARD of that village before. And no wonder. None of them
had ever been in Ranvec. "...I am Hara. From Konosaki. And this is my badger, Ken" Hara said slowly.

Jakai blinked, before looking down at Hara. "A Lunarian Tanuki?" he gasped. "I.....I heard so many things
about them. they're so powerful. they"

Drool dribbled down Jakai's chin, landing on the pouchrim, before drooling down further onto the
ground. "How....tasty they are" Jakai trailed off, licking his muzzle. "I....I gotta eat you. I just got to!"

Hara sighed. "Well, least he was honest about it" the tanuki said. Turning to Ken, he said "Ken, you go tell
Barton about Jakai. Chances are, he may have an idea on what we're facing. Remember, we're on
Academy ground, so all we have to....have to......"

The tanuki trailed off, his eyes starting to slowly glaze over. Ken blinked, before he realised something.
Jakai was a 'lot' closer to Hara now. Almost instinctively, Ken backed up, as if he 'knew' what he was

Jakai chuckled, looking down at Hara. "Well, well, well. Seems like Lunarian Tanuki aren't impervious to
the smells of us Denpai tanuki" the larger tanuki rumbled. Turning to face Hara, he saw the smaller
tanuki starting to plod towards him, towards that pouch.

Ken hissed. He 'knew' his gut feeling was right. This was scent magic, just like with Sanders. If he got any
closer to Jakai, then that would be it. His mind would be enthralled to his will. And, unlike Sanders, it
looked like it took effect right away.

Turning away, Ken continued walking, pulling his phone out and dialing Barton. "Come on, pick up" Ken
muttered, turning back.

He wish he didn't, as he saw Hara climbing into Jakai's pouch, the tanuki's footpaws kicking as he
squrmed in deeper and deeper, until, a tounge slipped out, curling over the paws and dragging them in.

Ken froze up. Oh god. What WAS that?

"H-hello?.....Ken, is that you? Not everyone has my direct line" Barton spoke from the other end.

Shaking his head, Ken lifted the handset to his head. "In danger. Large, large tanuki on campus. Big belly,
already eaten Hara. Looks like it has a 'mouth' on its belly" he said, tersly.

Aside, he muttered in a sotto tone, "and I thought it was a pouch".

"Oh, it IS a pouch as well" Jakai said brightly.

Ken blinked, turning to look at Jakai with a surprised look. "R...really?" he asked.
"....Nevermind, we got it" Barton said, almost casually. As if he wasn't 'not' expecting this. "I have a lock
on his magic. Don't worry, we'll save you both. And anyone else he's gotten".

Ken dropped the phone, staring at Jakai as he tried to step back. Before he could get any further, though,
Jakai tugged his pouch down, revealing the inside of a perfectly normal pouch. And a bright, glowing
light from deep within.

As Ken stared at the light, his brain was seared. All his knowledge, thoughts, wiped away. The badger
dropped to his knees, an empty look on his face, as his mind was gone.

He was food for the tanuki. Nice, motionless, thoughtless food. Good chocolate cake had to stay
perfectly still. No moving, or thinking. Just staying still, waiting for your eater to come eat you.

Jakai chuckled, clapping his paws as he walked over, letting his pouch settle back before, almost
seamlessley, his pouchmaw opened up, its tounge hanging out and panting in anticipation for the
badgersnack. "There you go. Nice mindless food, like you're supposed to be" he said, giving a delighted

His pouchlight made sure that anyone that saw it, their mind was reduced to little more than foodstuffs.
Sure, a second dose of the light can reverse the condition. But really, why would he need to do that
when he has food?

Jakai stopped right infront of Ken as the pouchmaw on his belly opened up wider, its tounge lolling out
right at Ken's knees. The badger, of course, showed little reaction to the sight infront of him.

Food didn't think, after all.

Reaching down, the tanuki gave the badger a gentle push, the tounge catching Ken and curling around
him, tasting him. And Jakai shivered, Oooh, this badger tasted great. He tasted like a divine chocolate
cake. Yes, that was it. This badger would be great cake.

Slowly, the tounge in the pouch maw drew back in, Ken's mindless stare staring out as he was drawn
right in. Just intime for Barton to arrive, to see the pouchmaw's 'lips' framed around Ken, slowly shutting
around him.

"Ken!" Barton yelled, the badger running forward and extending his arms, preparing a magic spell.
Before he could, however, Jakai smirked and carefully leapt forward. His belly crashed into Barton,
sending him flying into the air. Luckily, he knew just 'how' to catch him.

Barton yelled out, tumbling down as he tried to do 'anything' to slow his fall or catch himself. The badger
let out a loud yelp as he landed with a wet 'squelch', on something soft and squishy. Barton felt around,
as there was a slow realiastion. Slowly, the badger turned to his side...

...To see the thoughtless Ken right next to him. Barton gasped, realising that he was laying on a giant
tounge, inside what was a massive belly maw. Barton had 'heard' about them, but he never knew they
Now he did.

Imagine that.

Before the badger could do anything, however, Barton let out a loud yelp as, with a 'chomp', the
pouchmaw sealed up, giving a loud *GULP* as Ken and Barton were swallowed up. The tanuki rumbled,
slowly rubbing his round belly.

Yes, one badger would make such a delightful chocolate cake.

And as for the other badger, well...... He would make for a nice badger brew. Perfect to go along with his
tiger soda.

Giving a soft, small sight, the tanuki started to waddle onwards. Unaware of the power boost he was

Canis looked around, a concerned look on his face. "Dad's gone" he said. "Whatever that tanuki is, he got
Barton. We have to hurry, before he realises his powers as the new Dean".

Malis nodded, turning to Lin, Sarok and Poko nearby. "Any sight of tanuki out there?" he asked.

Poko scanned the hallway, keeping an eye out. "I....don't see any other tanuki" he said. "Denki had a day
off today, so I'm sure. I think we have time".

Sarok sat back, sharpening his knife with a rock he found nearby. "Whatever it is, it's going down" he
said. "They mess with you two, then they have to deal with me".

Lin give a small eye roll, before he resumed his watchout.

"We have to hurry" Canis said. "The longer we wait, the more likely he'll know what he can do".

Sarok turned to the twins. "Hold on. Why do we have to wait here?" he asked. "Why don't we just spl-"

"FINISH THAT SENTENCE SAROK! SEE WHAT HAPPENS!" Malis roared almost instinctively.

Sarok flinched a bit at Malis's reaction. It seems the twins do have an aversion to, as they call it, 'splitting
the party'.

Canis nodded. "We have to find him, befo-"

The pup was cut off as he looked around, starting to see the walls and furniture shift around them.
"Crapbaskets, he's figuring it out" he remarked quickly.

The trio looked around. "Wha.....what's happening?" Poko asked, meekly.

"The Academy reacts to the Dean's wishes. Whatever they say goes. And, I have a feeling this new Dean
isn't interested in keeping the Academy an Academy" Malis said, looking around as the room and
furniture rearranged, the classroom becoming less and less a classroom, and more and more a rec room.

Sarok growled, hopping off his seat and setting off. "That's it. We have to stop whoever it is before it's
too late" he growled. "Lin, Poko, you stay here if you want, but I am not waiting around for this to

Before Lin and Poko could protest and call out to Sarok, they felt a large, crushing presence staring at
them. Almost a physical force being pressed upon them, as Canis and Malis stared at what was going on.

"He knows what he's doing" Canis said, monotone.

"He deserves what's coming to him" Malis added.

With that, Sarok left the room, marching down the hall. Lin and Poko could only worry over what may
become of him.

But for now, they needed a plan.

Sarok marched down the corridor as the Academy shapeshifted around him. Becoming less an Academy
and more like a gigantic manor instead. All the academic features were wiped, replaced with more
homely objects. Random students found themselves becoming decoractions or art, against their will.
Those that 'didn't' get shapeshifted were just running around, having no idea what was going on.

The snake stopped as he saw the sight. A large tanuki strolling down the hall, almost cheerfully. On its
belly was a pouch...but it looked like a maw? As several legs were jammed outside, kicking as, slowly,
they were drawn inside. And occasionaly, a tounge slipped out to grab a few more students to pack
inside. "Oh, this is great" the tanuki remarked. "Sure, a bit of remodelling, here and there. But, yeah. This
will make a great giant mansion".

"Hey, fatty"

Jakai stopped, turning to see the snake staring at him. Sarok had his arms crossed, holding a blade in one
hand as he stared up at the tanuki, a determined look in his eyes. "I'm assuming you're the reason all of
this is happening?" Sarok asked.

The tanuki blinked, before nodding. "I am. And it's strange, really" he remarked. "After I ate those two
badgers, it was like I gained new power. I could feel....well, 'everything' here. All these furs, everyone
here. And its like, I have so much power here. So, I figured, why not? Make this more of a mansion,
instead of a giant school? Perfect place to live in, don't you think?".

Sarok jeered his eyes at Jakai, taking aim as he prepared to lunge at him. "Well, there's one thing you
forgot to consider" he said, preparing to strike.

"Oh? What is it...Sarok?" Jakai said. "That IS your name, right?".

Sarok froze up.

The snake tried to move. But, for some reason, his body froze up. Anything he did, his body was not
responding to. Almost as if he was frozen.

"That is a great pose" Jakai said brightly. "Just hold it".

Sarok tried to speak out. To say 'anything'. But he couldn't do it. He felt his mind starting to go hazy.

As this happened, the snake's body started to slowly dull out. His colour starting to slowly fade away, as
all of his movment was stopped, the snake frozen solid.

Sarok's mind was awash with activity, as he felt a new presence bore into him. Telling him to calm down.
To relax.

To stop thinking.

After all, a statue never thinks.

Jakai chuckled, walking around and checking the snake out. "Oh, yeah. That pose is just perfect. I just
have to have it immortalised and placed somewhere. Maybe in the garden".

Sarok felt his mind slowly blank as the crackle of stone started to run through his body. Yeah....he...he
needed to be on be seen. be admired..... be............

With that, all signs of life left Sarok. All that was left was a statue in the likeness of the snake. Nothing
left, but a statue posed dramatically, as if ready to strike.

Jakai grinned, slowly hefting up the new statue. "Come on, let's get you all set up" he said, walking

Lin gasped, catching the sight of Jakai approaching. With a statue of Sarok. Quickly, his
head flicked back to Poko and the twins. "I found the Dean. He has Sarok!" he yelled.

Canis blinked, turning to Lin. "And you know this, how?" he asked.

Lin blinked. "...Well.....Sarok may be a headed....but he's often right, so........" he trailed off

Malis nodded. "That could be valid" he said. "Also, did it not occur to you that you just yelled that out
loud there?"

"I do believe he did"

A new voice drew 'all' their attention, as Jakai stood right by the door. Setting the snake statue down, he
walked into the rec room, shutting the door behind him as he looked down at the two. "Oh, oh, look at
you all. Such wonderful furs waiting to become food".

Poko shook his head, slowly stepping back. "Umm....No, we do not want to be food" he said.

Jakai chuckled, slowly walking towards Poko. "Oh, sweet little panda. You are food... You just do-"

The sound of a door creaking drew everyone's attenion as Kugo stepped into the room, scratching his
head. "Hey, uh, so the Academy's being 'not' an Academy anOHGOD!"

The kangaroo looked up and down over the tanuki. Seeing the tounge flop out of the 'pouch' already
confirmed it for him. He 'heard' rumours about them, but....but.....

He never actually 'saw' one.

Kugo, and everyone stared in shock as this happened, staggered back a bit at the tanuki, a pleading look
on his muzzle. "N-now Dean..... I-I'm sure we can come to an understanding" Kugo said, not at all
confident and sounding worried.

Canis and Malis tilted their heads as they saw Kugo reacting in fear. "Ummm" Canis rumbled.

"What is this?" Malis asked, simply.

"I....I heard about these tanuki in Ranvec....Rumours, mind. But... I heard they are very....very powerful"
Kugo said, letting out a yelp as he saw Jakai smile and walk towards him.

"So are you" the twins deadpanned in response.

"Yeah, but you don't 'know' what these things are capable of" Kugo said, stepping back as he saw Jakai
continue to approach him. "It's said that if you enter their village, there is a strong chance, we're talking
99% here, that you may never leave. They're a clever, wily sort. And, trust me on this, are more crafty
than you expect".

The twins stared at Kugo, failing to comprehend this. Kugo. The strongest kangaroo in the Academy.

Frightened of a tanuki.

This did not compute to them.

Jakai chuckled. "Well, you're half right" he remarked. "We do have our friendly sides. But...well....we are
quite hungry, as you said" the tanuki rumbled deeply, as his pouchmaw opened once more, opening
wider than before.

Kugo stared right into the pouchmaw as, slowly, he felt a wind build up around him. Slowly, the kangaroo
felt a pull towards the pouchmaw. Realising what was about to happen, the roo turned around and tried
to leave.
He hopped.... then flew backwards, as he was pulled right into the pouchmaw, the 'lips' closing right
around the kangaroo as it proceed to aggresively swallow him down.

Kugo yelled, digging his claws into the ground as he felt the tanuki's strong pouchmaw draw him inside.
"No! No! This isn't fair! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE DOING THE EATING!!" he yelled in fustration and fear.

The twins, Lin and Poko could only watch this surreal sight in bile fascination. They believed such a thing
didn't exist.

But it did.

Kugo yelled as his arms scrabbled around the tanuki's belly, desperate to find somewhere to grab, as
Jakai closed his eyes and rumbled deeply. This kangaroo was amazing. The perfect stuffed roast dinner.
Oh, he would make such an amazing meal. He was sure of it.

"WELL!" Kugo yelled, as his arms were slurped up, leading only his head sticking out of the pouchmaw.


With that, Kugo was silenced, as Jakai's pouchmaw consumed the roo completly. The four could only
stare as they saw Kugo consumed.

"We are not worth" Canis trailed off.

"Someone stronger than Kugo" Malis responded.

Jakai rumbled deeply, paws reaching down to pull his pouch open, a bright light shining. "Mhmmmm,
time for dessert" he rumbled softly.

The moment the light hit Poko and Lin, their minds blanked out. With a soft plap, the pouchmaw's
tounge rolled out, landing right infront of Lin and Poko to catch them. And, as he predicted, the pair
landed right onto the tounge, drawing back into the pouchmaw, but the maw not shutting yet, as Jakai
walked over to the twins. "And now, think it's time you two joined as well" Jakai rumbled, looking down
at them.

The twins didn't react at all.

Jakai blinked. "Huh.......Oh, right, the light" the tanuki said, almost like he thought it was obvious, as his
tounge moved Lin and Poko around, making room for the twins to join them.

"Soo....Any chance you could teach us that whole pouch mouth thing?" Canis asked, looking up at Jakai.

The tanuki recoiled, not expecting this. "ah-AH! Wait! But, the light!" he said, stuttering a bit.

Malis chuckled. "Oh, sweet little tanuki. Had you actually looked properly, you would've 'known' this was
coming" he said, a small smirk on his muzzle.
Jakai raised an eyebrow, looking down at the twins, focusing for a moment, before a look of dawning
realisation hit him.

"Ohhh......that's .....ahhhh, I, no wonder it didn't you really need

half of these?" Jakai trailed off as he studied the wards.

The many, many wards on Canis and Malis.

"Oh, just a little protection" Canis responded.

"We have no idea what we may be facing. So, that's why we have all these wards on" Malis added.

Jakai nodded. "Right, right" he said. "Anyways.....I mean, I guess, but if I teach you, the-".

They were all cut off as a portal opened up in the rec room. Almost instinctively, Jakai's pouchmaw shut
and gulped, Lin and Poko now part of the tanuki.

A soft groan came from the portal as a blue-hued cat stepped out. "Great. Thought I would've made it in
time" he remarked.

Canis blinked. "Chrono?" he asked, turning to the feline. "What're you doing here?"

"Something is going screwy with the timelines" Chrono said. "I was talking to Firestar, until he vanished
right infront of me. So, Roy was taken out. A-"

"Wait, what were you two talking about?" Malis asked.

Chrono paused, looking to Malis. "Is now really the time to be asking?" he remarked. "And, for the
record, it was the effects of taking a certain 'someone' out of their destiny. We both decided it was worth
the risk, but I did caution him"

Canis and Malis turned to face each other for a moment. They had their reasons to be suspicious of

Especially given Chrono was the reason they 'had' Salvin in the first place.

But, well, at leas that was an open and shut case.

As the twins turn back to face Jakai, they turned to see, not Jakai, but someone else in their way.


Canis and Malis tried to flee in almost instinctive response. But, before either of them could, Mad
Paradox had reached out and gave both the twins a boop on the nose. A boop, that shattered every
single ward and protection they had on them, leaving them totally defenseless.

"There, now, muuuuch better" Mad Paradox said, before he proceeded to lift himself into the air, leaving
Jakai back in sight. The tanuki, catching on to this, quickly grabs his pouch and pulled it open, the bright
light shining over them.

Chrono quickly threw an arm up against his eyes to block the light. As for Canis and Malis, they never
even got that chance. As they stared into the light of the pouch, their minds shattered completly.
Nothing left at all.

Just a pair of twin cakes.

Jakai chuckled, letting his pouch drift shut as it changed over, a tounge slurping over as the tanuki closed
the gap. "Ohh, goody goody~ Now for the last bit of dessert" he rumbled deeply.

Chrono slowly lowered his arm, seeing the light was gone. His eyes widened, seeing the twins just
standing around, blank expressions on their faces, as Jakai approached them. The blue-hued cat moved
forward, about to try and stop the tanuki.

Only to find himself facing away in the next step. Chrono stopped, realsing that he was turned around.
Turning back, he tried to run towards Jakai again, only to be turned around the moment he made any
step towards the tanuki.

Mad Paradox floated down, looking at Chrono. "Now, do not be a party pooper" he warned him. "In fact,
why don't you just 'freeze'?"

Before Chrono could react, or move to Mad Paradox, the blue-hued cat froze up. Frozen in time, unable
to react. He couldn't move, react or speak.

He could still think. But he was incapable of doing anything else now.

Mad Paradox chuckled, grabbing the living Chrono statue. "Oh, goody" he chuckled. "Now I have you.
And I will keep you and look after you and make sure no one gets to you. Because, well, if something did
happen..... bad things would happen. Things would go back to normal, not twisty and ugh that would be

The feline gave the statue a pat, smiling insanely. "And the best part? You can still think! So you can
continued to watch and observe as everything falls apart. And there isn't a thing you can do to stop me"
Mad Paradox cackled. Opening a portal, he left Jakai to enjoy all his new food, as he went to set Chrono
in a nice little spot so he could be found later.


Jakai rumbled as he sat back on a giant armchair, munching a slice of chocolate cake, iced with the face
of a badger on it. Right next to it was a can, marked 'Badgerton Brew', with a picture of a smiling, toony
badger set on it. The tanuki was enjoying his new life in the Lunar Mansion. It was so big, so 'perfect'.
Great for a giant larder to store all his new food in.
The tanuki turned to a sweets bowl, seeing a gummy snake curled around. In the middle, was a bag of
panda-shaped marshmallows, set in a bag labeled 'Panda-mallow', alongside the image of a toony panda
on it. And to the side was a novelty bottle, filled with various gummy milk bottles. Carved into the bottle
was the shape of a leopard's face, decorating the bottle.

And near the bowl, was a packet of 'Lab Twin' cakes, a pair of mini cakes, with a rather explosive taste to
them. Jakai was sure of it, those twins had a very unique flavour to them. He wondered why, but then

They were food now, so it didn't matter at all.

Jakai rumbled softly, sitting back and relaxing. Seems like indulging that feline was a very good idea after
all. It lead him to so many delicious and tasty foods. And a incredibly big mansion as well. If only the
other tanuki in Denpai saw him now.....

Meanwhile, in the timestream, Mad Paradox cackled insanly as he sat by the statue of Chrono. With the
cat locked in place, he was at the maddening feline's mercy. And Mad Paradox loved to toy with him.
Remind him how he is trapped, how he is locked in place.

How he would never be wiped away from existance, forced to continue existing forever.

Mad Paradox chuckled. Oh, such a mess the timeline is going to be in. "This is going to be such a glorious
mess. I...I have to see" he rumbled, opening a portal and wringing his hands in sheer delight. "Oh, boy. I
can't wait to see the absolute terror, the horror, the chaos the is this?"

As Mad Paradox stepped throug the portal, he saw the Lunar Manor infront of him. That wasn't the
problem, though.

The problem, was that it was YEARS now. By now, something should've happened. The City should be a
smouldering wreck by now. Furs should be running around in utter chaos. Things should be exploding.


Mad Paradox snarled. The one time, the ONE time he succeeds in ruining a timeline. And it is NOT runed.
It is still the same.


Mad Paradox started pacing, mumbling to himself. "Why, why, why is it still standing? That tanuki got rid
of everything, so everything must be crazy? Why is this all the same? Things should be exploding by now
but nooooooooo its all the same, why is it all the same, why can things be the same, the same, the same,
the same, the same, the same, the same, the same, the same, the sa-"

Mad Paradox stopped suddenly. His eyes shot wide open. A insane grin crossing his muzzle.

Slowly, he started walking into the Manor.

Jakai rumbled as he munched away at his cheesecake once more, having generated some more. That
Razor, he made some real good cheesecake. Or, well, was some real good cheesecake. And the chocolate
sauce that badger was is a nice complement to it.

The tanuki sighed, sitting back and belching happily. Years had passed and the tanuki's size had only
doubled after all that feasting. Jakai's belly was enormous, wobbling and jiggling at even the slightest
touch. His cheeks jiggled with the slightest motion of his muzzle.

Yes, he was massive. So massive, he never noticed as Mad Paradox entered the room and walked up to

"Excuse me, mr tanuki?" Mad Paradox asked.

Jakai blinked, looking around, wobbling alot. Before, looking down to see Mad Paradox. "Oh, it's you
again" he said, a smile on his muzzle. "What brings you around?"

"This is boring. I'm taking my toys back" Mad Paradox said, walking towards Jakai and placing a paw on
the tanuki's belly. Within seconds, Jakai yelped, feeling the feline's magic lance through him, latching
onto certain furs.

"A-hold on-wait, wait, I ate them" Jakai protested. "They're mine!"

Mad Paradox was suddenly in Jakai's face, literally in a second, hissing "No. You were meant to break
things. No break make me sad"

A second later, Mad Paradox resumed his task. Latching on to the idiots, he gave a swift tug. And, in a
flash of light, several furs flew out of the belly. Barton, Roy, Ken, Hara, Lin, Poko, Sarok, the twins, all of
the gang, flew right out of the tanuki and back onto the ground.

Mad Paradox turned to the gang. Now he had them, he no longer had a use for Jakai. With a snap, a
portal opened right up, flying right at the gang and him, sending them into the timestream.

Hara groaned, rubbing his head, slowly getting up. "Uhgg....wha....what happened?" he groaned, slowly
getting. Only, snapping to attention and looking around, wondering where are they.

"Everyone" Razor said, his tone of voice in utter fear. "Weclome to the timestream" he said, his eyes
locked onto Mad Paradox. "Who.....who are you?".

Mad Paradox chuckled. "All in due time" he said, pausing for a moment, before shaking his head.
"Actually, no. I've decided. You all are my toys now. And, as my toys, I'm going to play with you".

All of a sudden, Mad Paradox turned to the statue of Chrono, pointed a finger right at it, and let out an
ear pierecing screetch. As this happened, the timelines around them started to shudder and shake.

"What......what's happening?" Barton asked, hugging Ken and Roy close.

Razor shook his head. "No....Nononono, this can't be happening. This is...this is......"

The timelines shattered, flying right towards them.

"Destruction of the timestream".

And as they collided.

Everything went dark.

"Ohhhhhh, you will all dance for me. Yes you will. Yes y o u w i l l"


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