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Wayward WickHead

Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult
Wayward Wickhead is an independent production by Hekate V. Lunasri and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare

A Class For What

Heap did you
crawl out of?
By Hekate V. Lunasri
Wick-Head, a-Wick-Head, grow your hair, blink and stare. Little Nancy Roll d6
Etteredcoat, I know you’re standing out there. Wick-Head, Wick-Head,
1. You were once a human, but
with your gunny-sack tattered coat, and your brilliant blazing nose,
you’ve grown mandrake feet and a claw-like hand. Wick-Head, a-Wick-Head
then you saw THE SUN.
the longer you stand, the shorter our life grows!
TWO: You were once a candle,
Begins with 1d6×10s and d3 Omens.
HP: Toughness + d8
extinguished by love-filled

Abilities III - You were summoned in

Nimble and Quick: Roll 3d6+2 for Presence and Agility. Galgenbeck to uphold the One
Mockery of Life: Roll 3d6-2 for Strength and Toughness. Trve Faith.
Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

Roll d6 on the weapon table and d2 on the armor table.

Start with an extra Sack.
**** You were birthed directly
Walking Lantern: Your face naturally sheds light. You from SHE, mother of monsters.
can douse and reignite this light with but a thought.

Light Bringer: With the use of a daily Power you can

;You were spoken into being
douse all nearby light sources, you may re-ignite these by HE as part of the eternal
light sources again with a thought. In addition begin truth.

Roll d8
with one (1) of the following gifts.
(7-1) = You were a lantern held up
by a Forlorn Philosopher to
find an honest man.
1. Fiery Gaze: Fire can burst from your face, great for
lighting up torches, campfires, and enemies. This is a melee
attack that uses Presence and deals d8 damage.

2. Fightal Organs: You have an odd anatomy. You have a

shield organ that regrows every night. This organ is inside 6. Moment of Brilliance: Suddenly inspired, once per day you may
of you and behaves as a shield for you. treat any Presence roll as a total result of 19 instead of what was
3. Flash of Fright: When in darkness, you can use a daily Power to flash bright your
light, disorienting all who see, they must roll Agility DR 14 or cannot see or act for 7. Sack of Nightmares: Your extra Sack is as hungry as your soul.
one turn. There is no limit to how many things you can carry in this Sack.
Retrieving items from it takes a full minute.
4. Flicker of Fate: You have seen the truth. Roll a d20 every morning. At any one time,
change a d20 roll with your result. 8. Strained Soul, Stained Glass: You were made with alchemical and
sacred glass. You may read any scrolls with a DR 8 Presence test.
5. Gleaming Knife: If murder is wrong, why did the gods give you such a pretty knife? Your natural light source can be any color you like, and you can
This knife is special to you, when you wield it, it deals 1d4+3 damage. change it with a thought.

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