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EC 3

Application of LLM Agents in Recruitment: A Novel Framework for Resume Screening

The article explored the viability of automated resume screening by leveraging large language
models. Since resume screening is a laborious process, the use of natural language processing
techniques could save time and cost for organizations. It has focused on a framework with three
components. The first one is Sentence Classification, where resumes will be classified in a
structured way and information will be extracted by categorizing aspects such as work
experiences and education. The second component is Grading and Summarization for assessment,
where an LLM agent would emulate an HR professional, grading and summarizing every resume
to rank the candidate and condense the information on the resume. The last component is for
decision-making, where candidates will be selected either through an automated selection process
or manually, based on the assigned grades and summaries from the previous step. This framework
was implemented on a real resume dataset from the IT industry. The results of this experiment
aligned with the choices of human experts, and automated screening tended to be 9 to 11 times
faster than the manual one. Finally, the article calls for more research on manually labeling the
data to validate this approach further.

* Used Chatgpt for grammar and sentence correction

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