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COURSE: The Contemporary World
CODE: GE 3387


I. Opening Statement

Regional projects have become a popular strategy implemented by many countries to stimulate
economic growth and regional development. However, it is important to understand the fundamental
factors that trigger such projects.

II. 1st Review Related Literature

According to a study conducted by Marcella Corsi and Carlo Vezzoli in 2010, regional projects are
primarily triggered by two main factors: I ) the need for improved infrastructure, and ii) the desire for
increased regional cooperation. The study highlights that improving infrastructure is an essential
factor in promoting regional growth, as it enhances connectivity, accessibility, and reduces
transaction costs. Furthermore, increased regional cooperation can enhance economies of scale,
pool resources, and improve market access, leading to greater regional integration.

III. Analysis/ Interpretation of the 1st RRL

According to the study, regional projects are primarily motivated by pragmatic economic factors. Such
initiatives are frequently taken by governments as a way to boost economic activity and encourage long-term
growth. Recognizing the influence of politics and regional ties on project decision-making is crucial, though.
The ability of participating governments to effectively collaborate and cooperate is frequently essential to the
success of regional projects. On the other hand, political strife or a lack of cooperation can obstruct
development and diminish the potential advantages of regional projects.

IV. General Conclusion:

In conclusion, a confluence of political and economic elements leads to regional projects. Key
motivators include the requirement for better regional infrastructure and enhanced regional
collaboration. But good collaboration and cooperation amongst the participating countries are also
necessary for the project's successful implementation.

V. Closing Statement:

Policymakers can create efficient development strategies that take advantage of regional economic
potentials by understanding the underlying variables that lead to regional projects. As a result,
ongoing investigation and analysis are required to support regional project decision-making

VI. ARTICLE Reference:

Corsi, M., & Vezzoli, C. (2010). Regional projects as ana alterternative to the metropolitan
model [Paper presentation]. 49th European Congress of the Regional Science Association

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