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The Booth


In a super secret interrogation camp run by a coalition of Intelligence groups, we sit in on

an unforgettable interview. A duel of the minds, a moral battle will wage between the


The room is empty, cold and sterile. Bright florescent lights dissolve every shadow in the
room. Two old metal chairs are in the center of the room facing each other with a small
table off to the side.

Mounted high in the corner of the room, there is a small video camera. It pans back and
forth then zooms in focusing on the far chair.


In an adjoining dark lit room, we see a man’s hand directing the camera’s motion with a
small joystick. The dark man looks up at the video monitor then over at the one-way glass
separating the two rooms.

Special Agent
Its show time…


Off camera we hear chain links swaying and jingling. Background chirps and beeps are
heard coming from one of the MP’s Motorola radio.

A middle-aged man in orange clothing is escorted into the room and sits in the chair, his
prison shackles remain on his wrists and ankles. His graying facial hair is curly and long
describing the man’s devotion to the Muslim faith. The two military guards leave the
room locking the door behind them.


Through the window, a blurry orange image could be seen. The special agent begins
moving the video control joystick again.

Special Agent

Off camera, we hear a voice.


Written by Jeffrey F. Fukushima, Hollywood Underground

Let him wait for a while…

Camera Fade Out


The camera fades in then cuts back and forth with the detainee’s eyes and the monitor
high in the corner of the room. The detainee’s breath becomes mores shaken with each
moment that passes in that ultra-white room. The room temperature is 68 degrees but it
feels much colder to the Arab man. The detainee slowly looks up at the camera and

Camera Fade Out

Several hours pass.


Camera Fade In

The interrogator gets out of his chair and tucks a thick binder under his arm. He heads out
the door closing it behind him. The special agent quickly sits up in his chair, grabs a
pencil and prepares for the interrogation of a lifetime.


The detainee startles by the opening door and begins to sit up himself. The interrogator
walks in and is void of emotion. No hate, no love, no ego, and no emotion can be
interpreted by the detainee who is studying the interrogator’s body language and facial

The interrogator drops the binder on the table, pauses…then takes a seat across from the
detainee. Like soldiers from opposing armies, the two men look into each other’s eyes.

Each man waiting for an intellectual first move…


The special agent looks at the video monitor tapping his pencil on the paper in
anticipation. They both have been researching the detainee for almost ten years.

Following his trail throughout Asia and the Middle East, the agent and interrogator
gathered Human Intelligence or HUMINT along the way. Hunting this man relentlessly
and following a gruesome path murder.

Written by Jeffrey F. Fukushima, Hollywood Underground

Operation THOR has captured the highest ranking member of the HUM (Harakat ul-
Mujahideen). A Non Government Organization sworn to wage war against all non-
believers and infidels to Islam. Both of the Intelligence men had narrowly escaped an
attack in Tora Bora along the Afghanistan mountainous Eastern border. Many people did
not escape this man’s blood feast…many friends…

Both of the men remember the horror of seeing their comrades beheaded and bodies
mutilated. They will never forget…and they will never forgive the man now sitting
chained to the floor today.

With nervous energy getting the better of him, the special agent begins clicking hyper-
links on an intra-network refreshing the classified information on his PC. At that moment,
a well dressed couple walks into the monitoring room. Both show their badges to the
special agent. They were a Joint Intelligence Center Task Force out of McDill Air Force
Base but to the interrogator and his assistant, they were a couple of empty-handed
Washington-spooks with nothing to bring to the party. They all look into the interrogation


The interrogator is wearing khaki trousers with large cargo pockets on each side, a black
under-armor t-shirt. He is far from polished despite his education and accomplishments
within the Department of Defense. The desert boots on his feet were dusty from the dry
Guantanamo soil. He was a big game hunter, a patriot of Western values living for only
one purpose. Hunt down and eradicate all Islamic militants sworn to kill non-Muslims.

He is a product of September 11th with years specialized training. He was diagnosed with
Autism in grade school but what he lacked in social development, he overcame any
challenge with his photographic memory and lion’s share of intellectual prowess. Today,
he will confront the world’s most notorious terrorist.

YOU…make me wait…why?

Mr. Ibraheem Mohammed Al-Qosir, my name is James.

The detainee leans back in his chair and cuts his eyes at the interrogator.

James…why do I wait here for hours? (Raising his hand)

The interrogator continues his line of questioning.

My purpose today is to ask you a few questions.

Written by Jeffrey F. Fukushima, Hollywood Underground

The interrogator’s confidence infuriates and humors the detainee.

You think that I am going to give information to you?...You? (he laughs)


You fucking cowboy! Fuck you. I’ve met your kind before on the battle field. You are a
sheep who follows your infidel President blindly. You Americans are fat and arrogant.
You watch Opra, infomercials and CNN. You are all fucking Jewish pig lovers.

The audience behind the glass look at each other as if utter failure had just been served up
to the interrogator. The couple looks at the special agent of Egyptian descent for
clarification. The special agent is unmoved by the outburst, looks at the NSA spooks and
winks an eye in confidence. Silence fills the air as they all await the interrogator’s

We found your dirty little bomb…

The detainee looked at the interrogator like a child who’s ice cream cone had just hit the


The special agent stood up and karate punched the air in front of him making Bruce Lee
noises in the sound-proof room. The NSA spooks looked at each other puzzled.

Special Agent
Jimmy never pulls his punches.

The Special Agent begins yelling into the glass window. He adjusts the camera motion in
three short movements signaling to the interrogator that he was laughing.

Special Agent
What’s up! Mother Fucking Mohammed? I lost my jihad, has any one seen my jihad?


The Special Agent’s jumping karate moves were vibrating the glass. The interrogator
heard the camera movements and noticed the glass which briefly distracted him. He cut
his eyes into the glass signally for the special agent to settle down.

Written by Jeffrey F. Fukushima, Hollywood Underground

Written by Jeffrey F. Fukushima, Hollywood Underground

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