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Response Questions on Act 4 of Shakespeare’s Othello

1. What happens to Othello when Iago continues to bait him with Desdemona’s perfidy?

2. Who is Bianca and what role does he play in the ruse to make Othello more jealous?

3. What is the real significance of the bawdy conversation between Cassio and Bianca?

4. Who is Lodovico and why should Othello be concerned about his personal opinions?

5. What does Othello ask Emilia? Why does he use such vile language about his wife?

6. List at least three words in the play meaning a woman who has sex outside marriage.

7. Roderigo is upset again. What did he ask Cassio to do? What became of this deal?

8. Iago tells Roderigo that Othello and his wife are leaving. What is their destination?

9. Why is Lodovico so surprised about Othello’s behavior? What has he done?

10. Why does Othello refuse to believe Emilia regarding Desdemona’s actions?

11. What does Desdemona suggest about married women engaging in perfidy?

12. What is Emilia’s response to Desdemona’s assumptions about marital behavior?

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