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Response Questions on Act 1 of Shakespeare’s Othello

1. Name the two geographic locations where the action of this play takes place.
Venice and

2. Why is Iago so angry at Othello as the action begins? What has Othello done?

3. Why is Roderigo so forlorn as the action begins? What does he threaten to do?

4. Who is Brabantino and what disturbing news does he learn from the others?

5. What does Barbantino accuse Othello of when he learns about the marriage?

6. What political event transpires that requires Othello to go to another place?

7. Which person is called to question Othello and settle the case of Brabantino?

8. List in order of hierarchy the four most powerful individuals in this tragedy.

9. What does Desdemona say when she is called before her father and others?

10. List 3 differences between Othello and Desdemona that portend conflict.

11. What does Iago decide to do at this point in his effort to seek vengeance?

12. What does Iago mean when he tells Roderigo, “put money in thy purse”?

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