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To assess the prior vocabulary level of the subjects before administering the intervention, the
researchers began by conducting a pretest. This pretest consisted of 30 items that have been validated
by language experts. The 62 subjects from NL 4 and NL 6 participate in this pretest.

The pretest involved using the 30 words in sentences or their respective contexts. The subjects were
required to choose the correct definition of each word based on the sentences provided. The purpose of
this pretest was to measure the subjects' vocabulary levels before they start their discussions in their
World Literature subjects.

The pretest was administered using a pen and paper format. This approach ensured that the subjects
had a tangible and standardized method of responding to the test items.

By connecting these ideas, the researchers established a clear sequence of steps, starting with the
pretest, its purpose, the involvement of the subjects, the format of the test, and its relevance to the
subsequent discussions in the World Literature subjects.


The intervention tool, named by the researchers as "LingoLympics," was utilized to measure the
vocabulary level of ESL learners from the website Educaplay. This measurement was achieved through
the Froggy Jump game in the program.

The researchers incorporated the same 30 words used in the pretest. However, this time, the game
format presented the words as choices, while the questions focused on providing the definitions of these
words as found in the dictionary.

Similar to the pretest, this intervention game was administered in a single session, before the learners'
discussions in World Literature. The Froggy Jump game, available on Educaplay, served as the
intervention platform.

A notable feature of this game was that learners had unlimited retries that enabled them to play
repeatedly and attempted to select the correct answer. Through this iterative process, they were able to
reinforce their knowledge and understanding of each word and its meaning. It is important to note that
the questions and answers in the game remained consistent throughout.

Ultimately, learners continued playing until the frog successfully jumped off and achieved victory in the
game. This interactive approach aimed to engage learners while promoting vocabulary retention and


In addition to the aforementioned methods, the Vocabulary Learning Test (VLT) was also employed as
part of the research. Similar to the pretest, the VLT utilized a pen-and-paper format.
However, the VLT presented a different approach. In this test, the questions focused on determining the
literal meanings of the words, drawing from their definitions in the dictionary. The choices provided to
the participants were the words themselves.

It is worth noting that the VLT utilized the same 30 items that were used in both the pretest and the
intervention. This consistency allowed for a comparative analysis of the participants' vocabulary
development throughout the study.

By incorporating the VLT, researchers aimed to assess the learners' understanding of the literal meanings
of the words and their ability to match the correct words with their respective definitions. This approach
provided an additional measure of vocabulary learning and comprehension.

Hence, researchers used the instrument as it was proven to be a valid and reliable pedagogical tool to
measure the vocabulary level with regards to the receptive vocabulary knowledge of the subjects at
Philippine Normal University North Luzon. Additionally, it adds up to the target information of the study
towards vocabulary enhancement.

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