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Fun with Logic: Identify the Rule!

This activity will test your understanding of common rules of inference. For each
scenario, analyze the statements (premises) and the conclusion, then identify the rule of
inference used.

Scenario 1

 Premise 1: If it rains today, the park will be flooded.

 Premise 2: It is raining today.
 Conclusion: Therefore, the park will be flooded.

Scenario 2

 Premise 1: All cats are mammals.

 Premise 2: Whiskers is a cat.
 Conclusion: Therefore, Whiskers is a mammal.

Scenario 3

 Premise 1: The library is closed only if it is snowing or there is a power outage.

 Statement: The library is not closed.
 Conclusion: Therefore, it is not snowing and there is no power outage.

Scenario 4

 Premise 1: Either it will rain today or the sun will shine.

 Statement: It is not raining today.
 Conclusion: Therefore, the sun must be shining.

Bonus Scenario

 Premise 1: If I study hard, I will pass the exam.

 Statement: I did not pass the exam.
 Conclusion: Therefore, I must not have studied hard.


Scenario 1: Modus Ponens (If P, then Q. P. Therefore, Q)

Scenario 2: Specialization (All A are B. C is an A. Therefore, C is B)

Scenario 3: Modus Tollens (If P, then Q. Not Q. Therefore, not P)

Scenario 4: Disjunctive Syllogism (Either P or Q. Not P. Therefore, Q)

Bonus Scenario: This is not a valid argument. It demonstrates the fallacy of denying
the consequent (If P, then Q. Not Q. Therefore, not P). Just because you didn't pass the
exam doesn't necessarily mean you didn't study hard, there could be other reasons.

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