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Unit 1

1. tormenting

2. frustration

3. avoids

4. haughtily

5. incident

6. obstinate

7. sabotage

8. impassive

9. soft-spoken

10. solemn

1. p.8 Mama told the girls to walk another way because she did not want the
soldiers to know their faces.

2. p.14-15 Denmark surrendered because they did not have an army and King
Christian X knew Denmark could not win a battle-tiny country.

3. p.32 The King had all the Danish ships burned so the Nazis could not use

4. p.20,23-24 Mrs. Hirsch’s shop was closed and had a sign on it. Mrs. Hirsch
was Jewish.

5. p.24 Annemarie is afraid something will happen to her Jewish friend, Ellen.

1. It was important because the newspaper gave an update of what was

happening in the country. P.7-8

2. I think ordinary people do/do not have to be brave because…

3. I think the Jews were/were not being treated fairly by the Germans

Unit 2

1. cut-out dolls

2. exasperated

3. chatterbox
4. helpings

5. congregation

6. teething ring

7. probed

8. skirted

9. dubiously

10. abruptly

1. The Germans controlled the importing of goods. It was hard to find shoes.
The people could not get coffee or sugar. P. 53

2. The Rabbi told the people that they would be relocated soon. The Rosens
were making plans to escape. P.36

3. Soldiers knocked on the door and wanted to know the location of the
Rosen family. The soldiers questioned that the girls were sisters since one
had hard hair. Papa pulled out a photo of Lise and Annemarie when they
were young convincing the soldiers. P.43-48

4. Sweden p.62

5. It would have proved that Ellen was Jewish. P.45

6. To make Kristie feel happy and good. P.29

7. Ellen would have been arrested and taken away by the German soldiers.

8. P.66

Unit 3

1. urgency

2. casket

3. dismayed

4. deftly

5. nursing

6. linger

7. extinguished
8. protruding

9. by heart

10. caked

1. p.72 Mama prepared the room to make room for Great-aunt Birte’s casket.

2. p.76-77 He explained that it’s easier to be brave when we only know what
we need to know.

3. p.85 The soldiers come to inspect the house. Mama saves the day by lying
that Aunt Birte died of typhus and the germs might still be there.

4. p.88 There were blankets and clothes in the casket. Peter was there in
change of smuggling out the Jews.

5. p.92 Mama was taking the Rosens to Uncle Henrik’s boat so that they can
escape to Sweden. She knew the back way very well.

6. p.88 They were the Jewish Danes trying to escape to Sweden.

7. p.91 He might be danger if he knew.

8. p.102 She tripped over a tree root and broke her ankle.

Unit 4

1. faltered

2. hobbled

3. donned

4. brusque

5. tantalizing

6. conceal

7. seasick

8. taut

9. cramped

10. bleak

1. p.104 Annemarie found a packet that Peter had given Mr. Rosen. Peter said
it was very important.

2. p.113,117-118
She acted like her silly little sister, Kirsti. The soldier tore open to look inside
only to be disappointed that it was just a handkerchief.

3. p.122-123

She only focused on what she must do, even risking her life.

4. p.125

The handkerchief had a special drug that numbed the dog’s sense of smell.

1. Denmark surrendered to Germany in 1940.

2. King Christian rode on his horse every day.

3. The Danes sank their own entire navy in 1943.

4. On the Jewish New Year in 1943, German high official told the Danes
Germany would “relocate” the Jews.

5. About 7,000 Danish Jews were smuggled to Sweden.

6. They felt suspicious of her.

7. Answer will vary.

8. Maybe they will return to Denmark or stay in Sweden and start a new
beautiful, happy life.

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