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ISB Simplified Staff IT Skills Scale-Based Survey

ISB Simplified Staff IT Skills Scale-Based Survey

Windows 10/11 Proficiency

Rate your comfort level with navigating the Windows 10/11 interface. (1-5):

Rate your ability to manage files and folders efficiently. (1-5):

Rate your proficiency in using Windows 10/11 security features. (1-5):

Rate your skill in performing basic troubleshooting for common Windows issues. (1-5):

Rate your experience in customizing Windows settings for personal or educational use. (1-5):

Cyber Security and Data Protection

Rate your understanding of basic cyber security principles. (1-5):

Rate your ability to recognize and avoid phishing attempts. (1-5):

Rate your familiarity with secure password practices. (1-5):

Rate your knowledge of data protection laws relevant to your role. (1-5):

Rate your confidence in using encryption tools for data privacy. (1-5):

Classroom Technology

Rate your proficiency with using smart boards or interactive whiteboards. (1-5):

Rate your comfort level with integrating multimedia resources into lessons. (1-5):

Rate your ability to troubleshoot common issues with classroom AV equipment. (1-5):

Rate your experience with classroom management platforms. (1-5):

Rate your effectiveness in using technology to enhance student engagement. (1-5):

ISB Simplified Staff IT Skills Scale-Based Survey

Software and Platform Usage

Rate your skill level in using Google Suite for education. (1-5):

Rate your proficiency with educational platforms specific to your teaching area. (1-5):

Rate your comfort level with adopting new software tools for classroom use. (1-5):

Rate your experience in using online assessment tools. (1-5):

Rate your familiarity with cloud-based collaboration platforms. (1-5):

Hardware Proficiency

Rate your confidence in setting up and connecting devices. (1-5):

Rate your ability to perform basic maintenance on classroom technology devices. (1-5):

Rate your experience with using tablets or iPads for educational purposes. (1-5):

Rate your skill in troubleshooting hardware issues. (1-5):

Rate your willingness to learn and adapt to new hardware technologies. (1-5):

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