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DMA CT-I Question Bank

1. Define : table,relation,attribute,domain,cardinality,primary key,candidate key

2. State use of range searching operator, pattern matching operators and set operators with
3. Explain commands with syntax and example : DDL ,DML,DCL,TCL
4. Explain synonym ,view with syntax
5. Explain relational algebra operators with example.
6. Explain string functions with examples
7. Give need of sequences,view and synonym
8. Consider the following database Employee (emp id, emp_name, emp_city, emp_ addr, emp
dept, join data,sal).
a. Display the emp_id of employee who live in city ‘Mumbai' or Delhi'.
b. Change employee name, 'Aakash' to Jayesh'.
c. Display the total number of employee whose dept number is 17.
d. Display address of employee id 20
e. Display employee id and employee city
f. Display employees who stay at Bangalore
g. Display employees whose salary is in the range 10000 to 20000
h. Display employees whose name contains “an”
9. Differentiate between :
• primary key constraint and Not Null constraint, (Any four points)
• Primary Key and Foreign key
• Not Null and Unique
10. Create a sequence
a. Sequence name is seq 1, start with 1, increment by 1, minimum value 1, maximum
value 20.
b. Use a seq 1 to insert the values into table student( ID Number (10) , Name char(20));
c. Change the seq 1 max value 20 to 50.
d. Drop the sequence.
11. Explain aggregate function with examples
12. Write SQL Queries for following schema Student_info (sno, sname, per, place)
a. List students whose percentage are in 70 to 80
b. List Students who stay at Worli and Andheri.

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