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1. What is a Database model?

List out various database models and explain their

characteristics in brief.

2. Explain the difference between external, logical and physical level schemas. How
are these different schema layers related to the concepts of logical and physical
data independence?

3. Explain the architecture of DBMS with a neat sketch.

4. Define Instance and Schema. Explain the three tier schema architecture and

database system structure and its components

5. Give an overview on Centralized and Client Server architecture for the
database. Distinguish.
8. Consider the following schema and give SQL statements for the following


EMP((empno number(4,0), ename varchar2(10), job varchar2(9),

mgr number(4,0) references emp(empno),

hiredate date, sal number(7,2), comm number(7,2).

deptno number(2,0),

constraint pk_emp primary key (empno),

constraint fk_deptno foreign key (deptno) references dept (deptno)); a) Display the
empno, ename and deptno of employees who joined between 05-

MAR-2022 and 20-DEC-2023.

b) Display the empno, ename and annual salary(sal X 12) of those employees who are
working in deptno 20 or whose job is 'MANAGER

c) Display the employee details whose ename starts with 'S' and end with 'H' d)
Display the count of employees whose commission(comm) is NULL

e) Display the employee details who are working in the same department as *JONES'
f) Display the distinct jobs of those employees who are working in deptno 20.

g) Display the employee who are working with a designation (job) is other than
those designations(job) of employees in deptno 10. h) Display the employee details
whose manager(mgr) is "JONES'
10. Explore the purpose and importance of NULL. How NVL and NVL2 functions will

help in handling NULL values.
12. Explore symbolic representation of entity, entities, attributes,

multivalued attributes, Derived attributes, relationship, relationship set. Explain

them with suitable example ER diagram.

i) Display employees who are joined in years 1980, 1982, 1987 i) Display employees
who joined in Feb 1981

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