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Ans 1) Characteristics of Rajat Mukherjee:

• High Sales Performance: Rajat routinely outperforms the other sales representatives, demonstrating excellent
customer service and sales abilities.

• Individualistic: Rajat is not a team player, even though he is an excellent salesman. He puts his own objectives
ahead of teamwork and organizational guidelines.

• Egoistic: Given that he earns more than Chandrika and doesn't respect her authority, Rajat's attitude toward
her is blatantly egoistic.

• Competitive Spirit: Rajat's high earnings and steady performance demonstrate his ambition for achievement,
yet his individualistic tendencies could cause friction in the team.

• Customer Relationship Skills: His excellent sales numbers are a result of his exceptional ability to establish
and sustain relationships with customers.

Ans 2) Methods to Motivate Rajat:

• Acknowledgment and Incentives: Establish a program for public recognition of Rajat's outstanding sales
achievements, along with incentives or bonuses.

• Exercises for Team Building: Arrange workshops or team-building exercises to help the sales team become
closer and inspire Rajat to work with his teammates.

• Leadership Opportunities: Provide Rajat with leadership responsibilities in the team so he may mentor his
colleagues and set an example for others, instilling in them a feeling of accountability for the group's

• Challenges Based on Performance: Rajat has a competitive temperament, so set hard sales targets for him and
give him extra rewards or recognition when he meets or exceeds them.

• Feedback and Communication: Stress the value of teamwork while giving Rajat helpful criticism about his
actions and how they affect the dynamics of the team.

Ans 3) Characteristics of Ravi Vasudev:

• ability for Growth: Given his knowledge and people abilities, Ravi has the ability to advance within the

• Lack of Motivation: Despite having potential, Ravi performs poorly since he is lazy and doesn't put much
effort into his work.

• Social Nature: Ravi is characterized as a "party animal" who takes pleasure in mingling with people and
engaging in recreational pursuits.

• Indifference to Performance Reviews: Ravi doesn't seem to be bothered by his poor performance reviews,
which suggests that he lacks accountability or motivation for his work.

• Underachievement: Ravi has not improved since he last met his sales goals, which raises questions about his
involvement and commitment to the position.

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