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CSBP 315 – Operating System Fundamentals

Lab 1 – User Account Creation

Create user accounts (normal vs. administrator type).


1. VirtualBox interface – once virtual OSs created, you can manage them in a
list. You can start any (multiple) OS at any time. The only limitation is by
how much memory is available in your host system. Usually each virtual OS
requires at least 1GB of memory to run (Windows will need more).

2. Start lab virtual OS first time – when start the lab virtual OS the first time,
you can only login with the default user (normal) account, lubuntu, with the
same password, lubuntu.

3. Once login, you need to create a new (administrator) user.

System Tools -> Users and Groups

4. By clicking Add to create new user account. Enter Real-Name and
Username. Then set new password (enter twice).

5. Once new user account created, you can change the user type to

6. For the rest of the semester, you will be using this administrator account for
many exercises. And you can also create other accounts as needed.

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