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18 Gland type that releases its

hormones directly into the blood.
2 3

4 5
6 1 Gland that secretes melatonin
2 Glands located on the posterior

side of the thyroid.
3 Excessive release of a hormone is
8 9 10 called ______.
5 Endocrine glands are also ______
6 Master Gland
8 Secretion of Testes
13 10 Medulla hormones help one to
cope with ______.
11 Adrenal hormone
13 Lack of insulin can lead to
14 15 ______.
ACROSS 9 Gland located posterior to the 15 Carries hormones to target
sternum that shrinks as we age. sites/organs.
4 The adrenal glands are located on 12 Male sex hormones are called 16 Hormone involved in milk
top of the ______. ______. letdown during after labor
7 Mineral regulated by the thyroid 14 Regulates the function of the 17 Secretes insulin AND digestive
and parathyroid glands. pituitary gland enzymes.

The Human Reproductive Systems

19 11
8 7
9 18

16 15 12

2 10
6 4


seminalvesicles vulva vagina uterus cervix ovaries fallopiantubes oocytes penis

urethra scrotum testicles sperm vasdeferens menstruation erection ejaculation

semen fertilization

Across: Down:

1. A passage made of muscle. It is also 2. Tiny tubes inside the testicles move
called the birth canal. ______________ sperm cells along into special storage areas.
3. The fluid produced by males that nourish These tubes lead to two larger tubes called
and protect sperm cells. ______________ ____ _______________.
5. This occurs when blood flows into the soft 4. This is located behind the penis. It is a
tissues of the penis causing it to become sac of skin. ______________
firm and larger. ______________ 7. The process of shedding the lining of the
6. The organ part of the male reproductive uterus is called ______________
system that is made of soft tissue. 8. Located at the end of the vas deferens,
______________ produce some of the seminal fluids.
9. Males have two of these located inside ___________ ___________
the scrotum. These oval shaped organs 11. In males, there is a small opening at the
produce sperm cells. ______________ end of the penis that allows both urine and
10. The opening at the bottom of the semen to leave a male's body.
uterus. ______________ ______________
12. Women have two of these organs, one 13. Male reproductive cells. They are so
on either side of the uterus. They produce small they can only be seen with a
oocytes. microscope. ______________
14. A small muscular organ inside of a 15. This is what happens when semen
woman. Where a baby grows. leaves the man's body through the urethra.
______________ ______________
16. Egg cells 17. Women have two of these tubes that are
19. The outside part of the female attached to either side of the uterus.
reproductive system that can be seen. ____________ _______
______________ 18. When a sperm cell penetrates an ovum.
The sperm cell and the ovum fuse together
and become one cell. ______________

WORKSHEET: Human Reproductive System

Lable the diagrams below with the correct reproductive organs __ / 13

Multiple Choice Questions: ENCIRCLE the word(s) that corresponds to your answer. NO ERASURES. ____/ 12

1. The male hormone testesterone is produced by _________.

1. Testicles 2. Seminiferous tubules 3. Epididymis 4. Vas deferens
2. The fertilized egg is called ______________.
1. ovum 2. blastocyst 3. diploid cell 4. zygote
3. The tube that carries the sperms out of the testes is the __________________.
1. vasa efferentia 2. vas deferens 3. ovaries 4. epididymis
4. The fertilization of human egg by the sperms takes place in __________________.
1. ovary 2. fallopian tube 3. vagina 4. uterus
5. The onset of the reproductive age is called _____________.
1. menstruation 2. menarche 3. menopause 4. puberty
6. Sperms are produced at a temperature that is ________the body temperature.
1. same as 2. lower than 3. higher than 4. immaterial to
7. The sperms are temporarily stored in ___________.
1. vas deferens 2. vas eferens 3. epididymis 4. bladder
8. A hollow, pear shaped organ. A zygote develops in the uterus if the ovum is fertilized by a spermatozoon.
1. Uterus 2. Ovaries 3. Cervix 4. Vagina
9. A woman has two of these. They take turns releasing one ovum about every 28 days. This is called ovulation.
1. Uterus 2. Ovaries 3. Cervix 4. Vagina
10. The neck or opening of the uterus. It dips down about half an inch into the vagina. It is normally plugged by
mucus. It stays tightly closed during pregnancy, but thins and opens for the delivery of the baby
1. Uterus 2. Ovaries 3. Cervix 4. Vagina
11. The passage which the penis penetrates to release its sperm. The baby also leaves the uterus through the
vagina during birth.
1. Uterus 2. Ovaries 3. Cervix 4. Vagina
12. The ovum released by the follicle travels through the fallopian tubes to reach the uterus. An ovum survives
between 24 and 48 hours in the fallopian tubes, where it can be fertilized.
1. Labia 2. Fallopian Tubes 3. Cervix 4. Follicle
Menstrual Cycle: Use the chart below to “read” the

13. Progesterone is secreted by ____________.

1. Ovarian Follicle 2. Graffian Follicle
3. Corpus Luteum 4. Corpus Follicle
14. Ovulation occurs between which day(s)?
1. Seventh to 13th 2. 13th to 15th
th th
3. 10 to 12 4. 23rd to 27th
15. The uterine lining is least thick on which day(s)?
1. Day 11 2. Day 8 3 Day 24 4. Day 1
16. Which hormone STARTS the ovulation cycle?
1. Luteinizing Hormone 2. Estrogen
3. Progesterone 4. FSH
17. Which Phase is Progesterone released?
1. Follicular Phase 2. Ovulation
3. Luteal Phase 4. Menstruation

Pregnancy: Use the chart provided for your answers

1. This organ is first developed in the 1st Trimester around the 3rd week; it ends development at the
end of the 8th week? ________________

2. This organ system starts to develop in the 1st Trimester around the 3rd week; it ends at the 38th
week. (But you will develop it throughout your life) _________________

3. Which weeks do the embryo risk major congenital anomalies? __________________

4. Which weeks does the fetus risk functional defects and minor congenital anomalies?

5. Which week does is the zygote created? __________________

6. Which weeks do the external genitalia become noticeable? _______________

7. Make a hypothesis: A woman was given a “morning sickness pill’ to combat the feeling of being
ill. Her son was born with no feet; a major congenital anomaly. Which weeks would you suspect
she took the pills in her pregnancy? _______________

8 – 10. Label the organs below.



MATCHING: Write the letter on the space provided. No Erasures!
1. _____Adrenal cortex
Matching section: Choices can be used more than once
2. _____Adrenal medulla A. Decreases blood calcium
3. _____Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) B. Endocrine gland important in blood glucose control
C. Four small glands which help regulate calcium in the blood
4. _____Aldosterone D. Gland found in neck responsible for metabolism, resembles a
5. _____Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) butterfly
6. _____Calcitonin
E. Gland found in the inferior, anterior region of the brain, also
referred to as the “master gland”
7. _____Cortisol F. Hormone which increases blood calcium
8. _____Epinephrine G. Hormone which increases blood glucose level in times of
prolonged stress
9. _____Estrogen
H. Hormone which increases heart rate, blood pressure,
10. _____Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) glucose, and respiratory rate
11. _____Glucagon I. Hormone which increases protein synthesis in somatic (body)
12. _____Growth hormone (GH)
J. Hormone which increases cellular mitosis, bone size, glucose,
13. _____Insulin organ size
14. _____Luteinizing hormone (LH) K. Hormone secreted by the pituitary which increases water
reabsorption in the kidneys to prevent dehydration
15. _____Ovaries L. Hormone which produces female secondary sex
16. _____Pancreas characteristics
17. _____Parathyroid M. Hormone which produces male secondary sex characteristics
N. Hormone which regulates salt (sodium) and water balance in
18. _____Parathyroid hormone (PTH) the kidneys
19. _____Pituitary O. Hormone which regulates the immune system
P. Hormone which stimulates adrenal cortex to make cortisol
20. _____Progesterone
Q. Hormone which stimulates glucose uptake in somatic cells,
21. _____Prolactin thereby lowering blood glucose
22. _____Testes R. Hormone which stimulates liver to hydrolyze glycogen,
thereby increasing blood glucose
23. _____Testosterone
S. Hormone which stimulates ovaries to make estrogen and
24. _____Thymosin testes to make sperm
25. _____Thyroid T. Hormone which stimulates ovaries to make progesterone
and testes to make testosterone
26. _____Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
U. Hormone which stimulates the breasts to lactate
27. _____Thyroxin (T4) V. Hormone which stimulates thyroid to make T3 and T4
28. _____Triiodothyronine (T3) W. Hormone which stimulates uterus lining growth
X. Glands which make cortisol and aldosterone
29. Y. Glands which make epinephrine and norepinephrine
Z. Glands responsible for female secondary sex characteristics
AA. Glands responsible for male secondary sex characteristics


You are taking a test, a really big test, and you have been stressed about the

32. test since the weekend. This prolonged stress causes the 29 gland to release
30 which goes to the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands release 31, which
33. increases blood glucose under stressful but not life threatening situations. This
increase in blood glucose causes the 32 to make 33 which allows the cells to
34. use the glucose and decreases blood glucose. Some people have a disorder
called 34 which prevents the 32 from making 33.
If too much 33 is released, blood glucose will decrease until the 32 releases 35
which will increase blood glucose by having the 36 create glucose from

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Place the letter of the correct A. Calcitriol

B. Estradiol
response in the blank provided. NO ERASURES!
C. Dehydroepiandrosterone
37. _____ Too little of this hormone causes D. Erythropoetin
pituitary dwarfism. E. Renin
A. Growth hormone
B. Luteinizing hormone 45. _____ Which of the following statements about
C. Thyroxin atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is true?
D. Antidiuretic hormone A. It decreases urinary output
E. Triiodothyronine B. It works in a negative feedback
mechanism with aldosterone
38. _____ Which element is required to control C. It increases blood volume
metabolism? D. It increases blood pressure
A. Carbon E. It increases calcium in the blood
B. Hydrogen
C. Iodine 46. _____ An abnormal secretion of aldosterone
D. Oxygen caused by stress may result in__.
E. Phosphorus A. High blood pressure
B. High blood volume
39. _____ What are the two main groups of C. Imbalance of ions
hormones? D. A & B
A. Amino acid & protein E. A & C
B. Lipid-based & prostaglandin
C. Steroid & lipid-based 47. _____ An abnormal secretion of glucocorticoids
D. Protein & Lipid caused by stress may result in __.
E. None of the above A. Excessively high levels of glucose in the
40. _____ The target organ of a hormone is __. B. Excessively low levels of glucose in the
A. Where the hormone is going blood
B. Where the hormone is produced C. Sluggish blood flow
C. Where the hormone is coming from D. A & B
D. The stimulus that has caused the release of the E. A & C
48. _____ If someone says that stress caused a
41. _____ Which of the following pairs of hormones patients heart to fail, what probably caused the
produce opposite effects? heart failure?
A. Oxytocin & Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) A. Ion (electrolyte) imbalance
B. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) & calcitonin B. High blood pressure
C. Insulin & glucose C. Low blood calcium
D. B & C D. A & B
E. None of the above E. B & C

42. _____ Which of the following is not produced by 49. _____ The hormone secreted by the placenta
the pituitary gland? during pregnancy is called__.
A. Adrenocorticotropic hormone A. Renin
B. Antidiuretic hormone B. Angiotensin
C. Prolactin C. Progesterone
D. Aldosterone D. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
E. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) E. None of the above

43. _____ Glucocorticoids are a group of hormones 50. _____ Which hormone stimulates osteoclast
produced by the ___ that speed up glucose activity?
formation. A. Calcitonin
A. Adrenal cortex B. Parathyroid hormone
B. Adrenal medulla C. Aldosterone
C. Anterior pituitary D. Cortisol
D. Pancreas E. None of the above
E. Liver

44. _____ Which of the following hormones is

secreted by the kidneys and is involved in
erythrocyte production?

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