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Q1: Some travellers get a gamma shot as protection against the "A" type of this liver


The crrect Answer is: hepatitis

Q2: You're a powerful force! Like this machine that flattens roads?

The crrect Answer is: a steamroller

Q3: Jg--your ruling, please?

The crrect Answer is: Judges

Q4: This "colorful tool" is Alabama's state bird?

The crrect Answer is: the yellow hammer

Q5: In his Biblical book, he's tossed overboard at his own request?

The crrect Answer is: Jonah

Q6: This region of Nigeria declared its independence in May 1967, civil war & starvation

The crrect Answer is: Biafra

Q7: You can get a tube for priority or express mail from the organization with this 4-letter

The crrect Answer is: USPS

Q8: Under the first amendment, you have the right to do this, as long as it's "peaceably"?

The crrect Answer is: assemble

Q9: NPR's Planet Money reported $875 buys 2.5 million of these automated annoyances,
maybe to sell you on renewing an auto warranty?

The crrect Answer is: robocalls

Q10: Creepy sightings in the autumn of 2016 increased the national level of coulrophobia, a
fear of these performers?

The crrect Answer is: clowns

Q11: Drop a shot of whiskey, glass & all, into a mug to make a "depth charge", one variation
of this?

The crrect Answer is: a boilermaker

Q12: The "pump" from this company was a shoe you pumped up with air for a snugger fit?

The crrect Answer is: Reebok

Q13: This 2-word term for 8 specific colleges in the east refers to the vegetation covering
their older buildings?

The crrect Answer is: the Ivy League

Q14: In 1828 future president Van Buren quit the Senate, won the race to be gov. of this
state, then quit that job within 12 weeks?

The crrect Answer is: New York

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