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MCQ on The Living Organisms Characteristics and


December 15, 2023

21………….. have webbed feet which help them to swim in water?

(A) Frogs

(B) Snake

(C) Fish

(D) All of the above

22. When we breathe out, the air moves from inside our body to outside. This
process is called

(A) Stimuli

(B) Respiration

(C) Excretion

(D) Ingestion

23. Changes in surrounding that makes us respond to them, are called ……

(A) Respire

(B) Reproduce

(C) Stimuli

(D) Excrete

24. Which of the following is/are an example of stimuli?

(A) Cockroaches begin to move to their hiding places when lights switched on

(B) Plant like mimosa closes their leaves when touched

(C) Both (A) and (B) are correct

(D) None of the above

25. The process of getting rid of wastes by organisms is known as ……………

(A) Excretion

(B) Respire

(C) Ingestion

(D) Reproduce

26. The process of producing their own babies or young owns……………..

(A) Respiration

(B) Reproduction

(C) Duplication

(D) Offspring

27. Plants, animals and microorganism together constitute …………..

(A) Abiotic component

(B) Biotic component

(C) Terrestrial components

(D) Habitat components

28. ……………… need food, respire, respond to stimuli, reproduce, show movement
growth and die.

(A) All living organism

(B) all non-living organisms

(C) for all living and non-living organisms

(D) Microorganism


21.(A) 22. (B) 23.(C) 24. (C) 25.(B) 26.(B) 27. (B) 28.(A)


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