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How we avoid the injuries? All the people can injury but the atletes have
more possibilities than the other people who can’t practise sport. I’m a
physical coach training and i help you with some tips for to prevent any

Firstly it’s important prepare the body for the sport that you do; for this you
can go to the gym or progress step by step with your objectives, don’t want
to go fast, is better achieve your goals slowly.

The break has a very important role, the break of the training days for
recuperate the energy and your muscles. I had a teacher that always he
said: “the training untrains.”. Parallel that, the hours of sleep, the OMS
recomend 8 hours of sleep minimum.

The nutrition and hidratation has been good, before training or match,
during this and after that. When you exercise you can lose a lot of fluid ,
making sure you replenish the fluids you have lot during exercise, is an
essential part of recovery. Eat the right food after and before the workout
will help you recover and provide protein to help rebuild and repair any
damaged muscle tissue. If you don’t eat enough carbohydrates your body
won’t get energy from fats and proteins when you exercise and you will feel
fatigued, this can lead in injury.

Warming up before you start the training prepares your body not only
physically but also mentally; it’s very important to stretch the muscles that
you are going to use during the exercise. The duration of your warm up and
intensity will depend of the level of exercise that you will do.

When the sesion is over, we come back home and take a shower; after
shower or before we go to sleep we must stretch.

I hope you enjoy these tips and learn the importance of prevent injuries.

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