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Name: Andrea Gomez_______

Lab Partner: Emilio_________

Meiosis Gummy Worm Lab

● The student will understand that meiosis occurs only in the sex cells and involves
two divisions, as compared to one division in mitosis.
● The student will know the stages of meiosis and understand what is occurring in
each step.
● The student will understand the purpose of chromosomes in the process of meiosis.
● The student will understand that meiosis is essential for the process of reproduction.

Materials: 4 different colored Gummy Worms, 1 paper plate, and scissors

You will need to take a picture of each phase of Meiosis after it is set up and upload the
image to your data table below!

1. Interphase 1:
a. Obtain 4 gummy worms and cut them in half vertically (cut down the entire
length) and place them on a clean paper plate. Note- each half of a gummy
worm will count as 1 chromatid.
2. Prophase 1:
a. Create 2 pairs of sister chromatids with the 8 pieces of gummy worms. Note-
make sure you put the matching colors together
b. Cut off 1 cm from the
bottom of one
chromatid from each
pair and switch them
to indicate crossing
over (see image).
3. Metaphase 1:
a. Line Homologous Chromosomes down the middle of the cell (paper plate)
4. Anaphase 1:
a. Take each of the Homologous chromosomes and move them to opposite
ends of the cell.
i. Note: have 2 students act as the mitotic Spindles that pull the
chromosomes apart.
5. Telophase 1 & Cytokinesis
a. As the cell starts to divide into two cells it starts to form a
cleavage furrow. Cut the “cell” partway to represent this.
b. Eventually, cut the “cell all the way across to show that
cytokinesis has occurred.
6. Prophase 2:
a. You should now have 2 separate plates “cells” with two
pairs/sets of sister chromatids each
7. Metaphase 2:
a. Line the chromosomes along the middle of each cell
8. Anaphase 2:
a. Split the two chromosomes apart and move them to opposite ends of the
9. Telophase 2/Cytokinesis:
a. Both cells split in half, creating 4 daughter cells (4 plates)
b. Each should have 2 single-stranded chromatids (gummy worms) each
Data Table:

Phase Picture Key Points- What


Interphase 1 In Interphase I
duplicate, mom
chromosomes get
together and dad
chromosomes get
together too.

Prophase 1 In Prophase 1
chromosomes pair
up, they cross over
between nonsister
Metaphase 1 In Metaphase I
homologous pairs
line up in the middle
of the cell together

Anaphase 1 In anaphase I
chromosomes are
pulled apart to
opposite sides of the

Telophase 1 In telophase I the cell

slips and two
daughters cell form.
Both cells contain
one chromosome
from each
homologous pair.
Cytokinesis 1 In Cytokinesis the
cell slips and two
daughters cell form.
Both cells contain
one chromosomes
from each
homologous pair.

Prophase 2 In prophase II Cell

prepare for second
round of cell division

Metaphase 2 In metaphase II
chromosomes line
up individually in the
middle of the cell,
not with their
homologous pair
Anaphase 2 In Anaphase II sisters
chromatids are
pulled apart to
opposite sides of the

Telophase 2 In telophase II both

cells split, producing
four final daughter
cells. All genetically
Cytokinesis 2 In cytokinesis II both
cells split, producing
four final daughter
cells. All genetically

Conclusion Questions: Answer all questions below, make sure to highlight your answer for
each question
1. What is the purpose of Meiosis? ANSWER
2. What are homologous chromosomes?
3. At Which stage are there homologous chromosomes lined up down the middle of
the cell?
4. At Which stage are their sister chromatids lined up down the middle of the cell?
5. What does it mean to be diploid?
6. What does it mean to be haploid?
7. At the end of Meiosis I
a. How many cells are there?
b. Are they haploid or diploid?
8. At the end of Meiosis II
a. How many cells are there?
b. Are they haploid or diploid?
9. What would the 4 final cells look like if crossing over did not occur?
10. Drawing Conclusions: Look at your four gametes. How does meiosis lead to
increased genetic variation?
11. Understanding: What is meant by the statement that Meiosis results in gene
12. Predicting: How would the gametes be affected if a pair of chromatids failed to
separate in the second meiotic division?

Name of Phase Description

Homologous chromosomes pair up and form tetrad

Spindle fibers move homologous chromosomes to opposite


Nuclear membrane reforms, the cytoplasm divides, 4 daughter

cells formed

Chromosomes line up along equator, not in homologous pairs

Crossing-over occurs

Chromatids separate

Homologs line up along equator

Cytoplasm divides, 2 daughter cells are formed

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