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SCENARIO 79: STRONGER THAN BEFORE Zeo Team Pack Master Vile has enacted his mast devastating scheme yet! You arrive at the Command Center to find it almost entirely destroyed. All that remains is a message from Zordon, "I've scattered the Zeo Crystal so that it could nat be captured by the forces of evil Find the crystals and the Zeo Zords to unlock their true power. I believe in you." You hear the sounds of chaos as Master Vile's forces attack Angel Grove in search ofthe crystals. Without the Command Center to recharge, this is going to be a dificult battle. I's up o you Co hind the Zeo Crystals and hape that they! be enough to turn the tide! Note: this game mode isnot playable in modes where a player controls 2 Rangers. SETUP Follow the normal Setup using any combination of Monsters, Bosses, Foot Soldiers and the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. [ter Step 5 of Setup, set aside the Command Center board and all energy tokens om it. Each Ranger then places their ‘igure in an outer location oftheir choice. Set all Zeo Ranger figures, character cards, and combat cards within easy reach. During Step 10 of Setup, shuffle the 5 Zeo Zord cards to form the Zord deck (instead of the normal Zords). Ad the Zeo Megazord card to the bottom of this deck (instead ofthe Dine Megazard), then place the deck face down on the power boar PLAY During Round 1 Deployment Step ‘The frst time a Foot Soldier is deployed toa location, place 1 Zeo Crystal token on that location. _1*® Rangers cannot move to the Command Center and cannot power up. Ifa Ranger is defeated while the Command Center is set aside the Power Rangers lose. If there are no enemy figures remaining in location with a Zee Crystal on it, any Ranger in that location that does not already have a Zeo Crystal can claim that Zeo Crystal When a Ranger claims a Zeo Crystal [As you grab hold of the Zeo Crystal you feel its energy course through you as you reignite your connection to the Morphin Grid. You feel a surge of energy enhancing your powers and granting you new abilities. You truly feel Stronger Than Before! ‘The player returns all combat cards in their hand, deck, and discard pile © supply. The following steps occur: 1. The player immediately gains the combat deck and character card of one reserved Zeo Ranger. 2. Then, they place the character card underneath their original card and has access to bath character abilties nti the end of the game. 3. Add 1 energy token to the player's personal storage. 4 The player may then draw up to 5 cards. During the Second and Third Deployment Steps Bly bas managed to track down two more Zeo Crystals! But It looks like the bad guys are looking for itt! Wha knows what could happen if it were to fall ito ther clutches? Each time a Monster is deployed toa location, place 1 Ze0 Crystal token on the opposite outer location, location and 1 Zeo Crystal token on When all 5 Zeo Crystal tokens are Claimed With the power ofthe Zeo Crystals you manage to reactivate the dormant Command Center! Now i Up and fish the ght! time to power Return the Command Center ta the center ofthe board. The Rangers may perform a MOVE action te move their igure tothe Command Center and power up. GAME END IW the Rangers Lose: ‘As you struggle to control the immense energy ofthe Zeo Crystals, the villains have used this opportunity to launch ‘a devastating attack on Earth. You take refuge in the ruins ofthe Command Center, hoping to nd something that can help. You ind a hidden chamber with an emergency pratacol Zordon had prepared earlier. You manage to activate it using your Morphin’ signatures. Itreaches out, communicating acrass dimensians. You're nat the only Ranger team who's in trouble, and there's worse on the way. It the Rangers Win: You defeat the villains and fight off te invasion using your new powers and Zords. They feet familiar and yet strange. ‘As you reactivate the Command Center, Zordan thanks you fr your hard werk in is absence. You't need these Powers now more than ever, as an even greater threat to the Morphin’ Gridis coming soon.. Far sdaons infrmstion or support, peste vei us onine Eiigees Carine Ermamngt = eres

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